The Waycross journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1895-1914, May 29, 1914, Image 7
THE WAYCrOES JOURNAL. FRIDAY, MAY 29, 1914. LE6AL ADVERTISEMENT!} COMMISSIONER’S SALE. GEORGIA—Ware County: Under and by virtue ol a de cree rendered in the Superior Court of Ware County, Georgia, on May 16, 1913, at the May term 1913 of aaid court, and of a sup plemental decree rendered on Jan. 21, 1914 at the December term 1913 of said court, in the cause of Alex K. Sessoms and H. * D. Bunn, aa Trustees under the Trust Mortgage hereinafter men tioned and Alex K. Sessoms and John G. Sessoms as Executors of the Estate of Alexander Sessoms, deceased, and J. R. & T. Bunn and the Beach Investment Com pany, as plaintiffs, agains G. W. Deen and Deen Realty and Im provement Company, as defend ants, being a proceeding in equi ty to foreclose that certain trust mortgage executed by said de fendants to said Alex K. Sessoms and H. D. Bunn as Trustees, dat ed Nov. 5, 1909 and recorded in Booh of Mortgages No. 8 pages 533 to 542 inclusive, of the re cords in the office of the Clerk of the Superior Court of said county, I Herbert IV. Wilson, as Commissioner appointed in and by said decree, in pursuance of the order and direction contain ed therein, will sell at public out cry before the court house door of Ware County, Georgia to the highest bidder for cash, on the First Tuesday in June, 1914, within the legal hours of sale and from day to day thereafter, always within the legal hours of sale, until all of the property hereinafter described is fully sold: All of the following lots, trncts and parcels of land, situ ate, lying and being in the 8th district of Ware county, Georgia, to-wit: Lots 6, 7, 8, JO 12, 13, 54, 55, 97, 98, 99, 100, 126, 127, 128, 131 132, 133, 134, 136, 142, 143, 144, - 1.45, 146, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, •‘tlO, 171, 173, 174, 175, 177, 178, 180. 181, 182, 187, 188,- 193, 195, 196, 198, 217, 219, 220, 221, 222, 228, 229, 230, 236, 237, 238, 239, 240, 241, 242, 243, and 267, each lot containing 490 acres, more or less. Also 368 acres of Lot 37 bounded north by Lot, 10, south by lands of W. II. & T. H. King, west by lands formerly owned by T. T. Thigpen and east by lands of D. C. Kirkland; also 20 acres of Lot 40, being in the northwest corner thereof, bounded on the north by lands formerly owned by Southern Pine Company of Georgia, west by land of J. J. Davis, south by land formerly owned by John McDaniel, and east by land' of John AIcDaniel also 225 acres on the south side of Lot 104 described particularly in deeds from E. M. & M. L, Cribb to J. M. Spence, and J. Z. L. Spence to J. M. Spence; also 400 acres of Lot 129 being all of said lot except 90 acres in the northeast corner thereof; also a traet containing 122 1-2 acres In Lot 141, bounded on the north by lands of J. S. Davis, on the south by lands of Millie M. Davis, on the cast by Lot 142, and west by lands of B. & C. Bennett, same being the north half of the south half of said Lot, as per deed made to G. W. Deen by W. C. Da vis recorded in Deed Book Z. page 438 of said county;—also the south half of Lot 147, con taining 245 acres, more or less;— also a certain other tract in Land ip» 172, commencing at the > mthwest comer of said lot and running thence north along ori ginal land line to public road known as the Old Stage Road, thence east along said public road 300 yards, more or less, to a lightwood tree for a comer, thence northeasterly along the strand of ponds as per line estab lished and marked out to the ori ginal land line along the north side of said Lot, thence east along said line 1500 feet, more or less, to the northeast comer of said lot, thence south along the origin al line to the southeast comer of said lot, thenee west along the or iginal south line of said lot to the' southwest comer ef said lot at Peeples to Deen Realty and Im provement Company dated Oct. 2, 1909 as to 218 acres thereof, and in deed- of W. W. Patterson to said Improvement Company dated March 7, 1910 as to 55 acres thereof, said two deeds be ing recorded respectively in Deed Books CC, page 238, and FF, page 411 of Ware County re cords;—also a certain other tract containing 245 acres, more or less, and being the south half of Lot 194, being all of said lot on the south sire of Kettle Creek and al so any and all land owned by said Deen in said -Land Lot on Nov. 4, 1909;—also a certain tract of land containing 390 acres, more or less, in Lot 197 as conveyed by South ern Pine Company to G. W. Deen on Sept. 30, 1904, by deed record ed in Deed Book Y, pages 65 and 66 of said county;—also a certain tract of 50 acres of land lying in the southeast comer of Lot 223, as per deed made by C. H. Red ding to said Deen on Sept. 20, 1906, recorded in Deed Book AA, page 78;—also a certain tract in Lot 223 being the south half of said lot except 80 acres in the southeast comer thereof, the tract containing 165 acres, more or less;—also a certain tract of 30 acres in L6t 223, same being des cribed as being in the southwest comer of said lot west of, and ad joining, other lands heretofore owned by said Deen;—also 465 acres, being all of Lot 233 except 25 acres in the southeast part of said lot;—also 400 acres of Lot 265, being all of said lot except 90 acres sold by J. S. Bailey to one Chambers before he conveyed said 400 acres to said Deen. Excepting any and all parcels Block 1 lying north of Albany Avenue Lot 128; Tract 8 Block 3 and Tracts 11 and 12 Block 4, Lot 128; 11 acres of lot 128, be ginning at the northeast corner of I’ineacres Subdivision, thence running east to the run of Cox’s Creek, thence running southwest along the run of Cox’s Creek to the intersection of said Creek with the cast boundary of said Pineacrcs Subdivision, thence north along said east boundary to the point of beginning;—2 acres of Lot 128 beginning at a point where a ditch crosses Albany Avenuo 1180 feet east from Pine Street, thence running east on Al bany Avenue 465 feet, thence south 200 feet to the A. C. L. right-of-way, thence west on said right-of-way 465 feet, thence north along a ditch to the point of beginning;—one tract of 4 1 acres and one tract of 3 acres in Lot 128 as described in release from Sessoms & Bunn, Trustees, recorded in Deed Book FF, page 186, Ware Countw records, sold to Mrs. H. F. Jeffords, 1 28-100 acres on Main Street in the Town of Waresboro, and also in Lot 128, as described in release from Sessoms and Bunn, Trustees, re corded in Mortgage Book No. 11, page 502, Ware County Records, eonveyed to the Tow'n of Wares boro to be used as a park; Ex cepting also from said Lot 128 of said described lands sold off any ami all of the ttracts and par- 'urchascr Christian Durig, block 3, lot 150, 10 acres, Lot 104; Tracts 9, 10, 11 and 12led in release of Sessoms and ^Pureh^er'Mr. N S Cook Block 1, Tract 4 Block 2, Tracts 1,1 Bunn, Trustees, recorded in Mort- tract 11, block 4, lot 150 10 acres' 2, 3, 7, 8, 9 and 10 Block 3 and 1 gage Book 13 page 341, Ware - Tract 6 Block 4 and that portion j County records, of Tracts 11 and 12 Block 4 ly.l Also excepting certain tracts ing north of Albany Avenue, Lot | and parcels of land which are 126; Tracts 5, 6 and 10 Block 1, | covered by certain contracts, Tract 5 Block 2, and Track 31 agreements and bonds for Title Block 3, Lot 127; all that part of (made by Deen Realty & Improve ment Company to various pur chasers which contracts and bonds for title, and the purchase money due thereunder, have been assigned to A. K. Sessoms & II. D. balance (40.00. Purchaser Ed J. Cook, tract 12, block 4, lot 150, 10 acres, balance (40.00. Purchaser Joseph Madlingcr, tracts 1, 2, 3, block 2, lot 150, 30 acres, balance $90.00. Purchaser T. F. Beaty, tract 1, block 1, lot 152, 10 acres, balance $55.00. Purchaser Geo. Stobbs, tract 8, block 1, lot 152, 10 acres, balance $95.00. Purchaser Bertram V. Myers Bunn, Trustees, said contracts, ct al, tracts 1, 2. block 2, lot 152, agreements and bonds for Title 15 -J_'“ balance $155 00. ... i i , , , I Purchaser Mrs. L. M. Wold, and tracts and parcels of land , ract 3> block ,, fo , 15 , ]0 a( , res ’ and conveyed by G. W. Deen or iJeen Realty and Improvement Company prior to Nov. 5th, 1909 and not since re-acquired by them or cither of them, reference being hereby made to the records In the office of the Clerk of Superior Court of Wnrc County, Georgia, for full dcseription and particu lars of such parcels so sold off and conveyed and such parcels that may have been so rc-acquired;— excepting also any and all tracts and parcels of land which have been released by A. K. Sessoms and.II. D. Bunn, Trustees, from the said- Trust mortgage, refer ence being hereby made to the plat or map of Dcenwood Farms which map or plat ia of record in the office of the Clerk of the Su perior Court of Ware County, Georgia, and to the surveys and plats of individual land lots of said Dcenwood Farms as said sur veys and plats have been made by and for the Deen Realty and Im provement Company for a full de scription of the Tracts and Blocks included in such exceptions; to- Tracts 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Block 4,'Lot 55;—6 acres, being part of Tract 10 and 11 Block 1, Lot 98, beginning at the intersection of the north side of the A. C. L. right of way with the rvn of Fullards Creek, thence running easterly along the north side of said right-of-way 540 feet, more of less, thence north along the east side of said Traet 11 Block 1, 500 feet, more or less, thence west to the run of Fullards Creek thence southwardly with the run of Fullards Creek the place of beginning; Tracts 1 and 2 Block 3, and Tract 6 Block 4, Lot, 98, 28 acres; Frac tional Tracts 4, 5, and 6 Block 3, Lot, 98,, being all of said tracts not already owned by Lizzie A. Douglas; two tracts in said lot 98, each containing 2 acres, more or lets, one tract beginning at a point on the north side of the A. C. L. right-of-way and at the southwest corner of Tract 7 Block 1 and running east along north tide of right-of-way 555 feet, thence north 157 feet, thence west parallel to the right-of-way 555 feet, thence south 157 feet to point of beginning, and the other traet beginning at a point on the south side of the A. C. L. right-of- way at northwest corner of Tract Bloek 4, pnd running south 420 feet, thence east 210 feet, thence north 420 feet to a stake on said cels of land hereinafter advertis ed ns being in tile Town of Wares boro, some of which may lie whol ly or partly in said lot 128; Ex cepting also Tracts 5 and 6 Block 1, Tracts 9 and 10 Block 2 and Tracts 6 and 12 Block 4, Lot 129; Tracts 16, 17 and 18 Bloek 1, Lot 149, Tracts 4, 5 and 6 Block 2 and Tract 9 Block 3, Lot 150; that part of Tract 4 lying south of the A. C. L. R. It., (3 1-2 acres), Block 1, and Tracts 9, 10, 11 and 12 Block 1, Tracts 10, 11 and 12 Block 2, Tracts 8 and 9 Block 3 and Tracts 5 and 8 Block 4, Lot 152;—Trncts 1, 2, 3, 4, 7 and 8 Block 1, Tracts 1, 5, 6, 11 and 12 Block 2, Tracts 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 9, 11 and 13 Block 3, and Tracts 5, 6, 14 and 16 Block 4, Lot 171;— Tracts 2, 11 and 12 Block 3, Lot 172;—Tract 8 Block 2, Tracts 8 and 10 Block 3 and Tract 1 Block 4 Lot 173;—Tract 7 Block 1, all of Block 3, and Tracts 1, 2, and 6 Block 4, Lot 175;—Tracts 1, 2, 3, 10, 11 and 12 Block 1, Lot 1761—20 acres in southwest corner of Lot 180 and 200 acres in southeast corner of Lot 181 as described in release from Sessoms & Bunn, Trustees, recorded in Deed Book FF, page 386, Ware County Records, sold to W. W. Griffin;—Tracts 1 and 2 Block 4, Lot 194;—Tracts 1, 2 and 3 Block 1, and Tracts 4, 5 and 12 Block 2, Lot 196;—Tracts 5, 6, 7 and 8 Block 1, Tracts 11 anil 12 Block 3, and Tract 7 Block 4, Lot 197;—Tracts 3, 5 and 10 Bloek 1, Truct 3 Block 2, Tracts 3, 9 and 10 Bloek 3, and Tracts 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 and 12 Block 4, Lot 198;— Tracts 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 Block 1, Tracts 1, 2 and 3 Block 2, Tracts 3, 4, 5, 6 and 10 Block 3, and Tracts 1, 3, 4, 5, 9 and 10 Block 4, Lot 217; Tracts 6 1-2 and 7 Block 3, Lot 223, as dcscrilied in releases made by Sessoms and Bunn, Trustees, recorded respec tively in Deed Books FF page 307, and HH page 274, Ware County Records;—Tract 6 Block 1, Lot 238;—all of Block 1 and Tracts 1, 2, 3 and 4 Block 4, Lot 240;—Tracts 5, 6, 7 and 8 Block 2, and Tracts 5 and 6 Block 3, Lot 241;—and Tracts 11 and 12 Block 2, Lot 243. Excepting also turpentine rights and rivileges on lots 131,132,133,134,143,144, 146,180 and 181, ani( south half of Lot, 147 and west half of Lot 221 in said 8th district as described in release of Sessoms and Bunn, Trustees, recorded in Book HII, page 452, of Ware County Re covered thereby, respectively, re ference being had to the map of Dcenwood Farms hereinbefore mentioned, being as follows: Purchaser, M. E. Lyon; tracts 9, block 3, lot 104, 10 acres, bal ance $35.00. Purchaser. Adra S. tracts 11, block 3, lot acres, balance $25.00. Purchaser John C. tracts 12, block 3, lot acres, balance $165.00. Purchaser Robert Crofts, tracts 3, block 4, lot 104, 10 acres, bal ance $25.00. Purchaser Mias Maude Mc- Gaughey, tracts 7, block 4, lot 104, 10 acres, balance $70.00. Purchaser Sam McCleish, tracts 11, block 4, lot 104, 10 acres, bal ance $10.00. Rcudall, 104, 10 Weaver, 104, 10 balance $45.00. Purchaser Mrs. Johanna lies chcle, tracts 1, 2, block 3, lot 152, 20 acres, balance $340.00. Purchaser L. K. Reynolds, tract 3, bloek 3, lot 152, 10 acres, bal ance $50.00. Purchaser Adam Cruiskshank, tract 4, block 3, lot 152, 10 acres, balance $9.00, Purchaser, Mrs. Carrie Ladd, tract 6, block 3, lot 152, 10 acres, halnnce $45.00. Purchaser T. J. Clnrk, tract 7, block 3, lot 152, 10 acres, balance $50.00. Purchaser Emil Barido, tract 12, block 3, lot 152, 10 acres, bal ance $50.00. Purchaser Mrs. Blanche M. Mottcr, tract 6, block 4, lot 152, 10 acres, balance $130.00. Purchaser James Singer, tracts [ i 1 i n !!{, lr ?* 1 ?"f r i ? 1 tt,, ].5 Ialer ’ 1< *’ 12, block 4, lot 104, 10 acres, bal- *1°™ ’’ lot 171 > 10 aPrcs - ,lnlnnec mice $55.00. Purchaser Rev. Herbert Agate, tracts 5, block 2, lot 126, 10 ncres, balance $80.00. Purchaser Mrs. L. G. Mallon, tract 1, bloek 1, lot 127, 10 acres, balance $295.00. Purchaser John Jackson, tracts 3,4, block 1, lot 127, 20 acres, bal ance $225.00. Purchaser Peter Howe, traet 8, block 1, lot 127, 10 ncrcs, balance $115.00. Purchaser A. S. Mashburn, tract 9, block 1, lot 127, 10 acres, balance $105.00. Purchaser L. B. and Mary Siler, tracts 1, 12, block 2, lot 127, 19 1-2 acres, balance $112.50. Purchaser Jas. A. Weaver, tract 6, block 2, lot 127, 12 1-2 acres, balance $222.99. Purchaser Norman A. Midden, tract 8, block 3, lot 127, 10 acres, balance $$110.00. $5.00. Purchaser Joseph C. Raker, tract 2, block 2, lot 171, 10 acres, balance $45. Purchaser R. M. Foster, tract 16, block 3 and 1, 2, 3, block 4, lot 171, 18 acres, balance $18.00. Purchaser Mrs. R. II. Kasten- huber, traet 15, block 4, lot 171, II acres, balance $34.00. Purchaser M. J. Carswell, tracts 17, 18, block 4, lot 171, 20 acres, balance $65.00 Purchaser Henry C. Davies 5, one-third or tracts 7, 8 and 9, block 1, lot 172,'10 ncres, balmier $30.00. Purchaser E. D. Harris, tract 6, block 4, lot 172, 11.8 acres, halnnce $125.00. Purchaser E. D. Harris, tract 7, block 4, lot 172, 10.7,acrcs, bal ance $237.50, Purchaser D. L. Burns, tract i. block_2, lot 173, 10 acres, bal Purchaser Lula A. Hudson, tract 4, block 2, lot 198, 10 acres, balance $30.00. Purchaser II. W. Hampshire, tracts 1, 2, block 4, lot 198, 20 acres, balance $75.00. Purchaser W. J. Jarrett, tract 9, block 4, lot 198, 10 acres, bal ance $65.00. Purchaser W. J. Jarrett, tract 9, block 4, lot 798, 10 acres, bal ance $60.00. Purchaser Dr. P. L. Schuyler, tract 8, block 1, lot 217, 1 Oacres, balance $43.00. Purchaser Edward AV. Dalcn, tract 9, block 3, lot 217, 10 acres, balance $100.00. Purchaser G. E. Strouse, tract 8, block 4, lot 217, 10 acres, bal ance $25.00. Purchaser Win. F. Recti, tracts 11, 12, block 4, lot 217, 16 acres, balance $105.00. Purchaser Fred Munson, tracts 6, block 1, lot 220, 20 acres, balance $100.00. Purchaser Anna L. Stellar, trncts 5, 6, block 2, lot 220, 20 acres, balance $310.00. Purchaser W. F. Sherman, tracts 1, 2, block 1, lot 221, 20 acres, balance $80.00. Purchaser AV. F. Sherman, tract 3, block 1, lot 221, 10 acres# balance $45.00. Purchaser, J. It. Griffin, tracts 9, 10, 11, 12, block 1, and tract 3, block 4. lot 236, 50 acres, balance $1074.00. Purchaser I. A. Neely, tracts 5, 6, block 1, lot 243, 20 acres, balance $50.00. Purchaser II. R. Tate, tracts 5, 6, block 4, lot 243, 20 ncres, balance $160.00. Purchaser J. AV. Yoder, tracts, 4, 5, 6, block 3, lot 128, 17 acres, j 1n 1 J . ol i*L W ji ,iam, i tract balance $42.00. Purchaser John G. Percy, tract 7, block 3, lot 128, 10 acres, bal ance $40.00. Purchaser Henry Jurhrend, tract 9, block 3, lot 128, 10 ncres, balance $10,00. lAirchascr J. AV. Yoder, tract 12, block 3, lot 128, 10 acres, bal ance $75.00. Purchaser Alisa Arabel Martin, tract 3, block 4, lot 128, 10 acres, balance $50.00. Purchaser Dr. Jay MoClintock, tracts 7, 8, 9, block 4, lot 128, 15 acres, balance $200.94. Purchaser AV. J. McClintock, tract 10, block 4, lot 128,10 acres, balance $120.00, Purchaser Henry Ilappc, tracts 1, 2, bloek 2, lot 129, 20 acres, bal ance $30.00. Purchaser E. L. Hindman, tracts 3, 11, block 2, lot 129, 20 acres, balance $30.00. Purchaser Clias J. McConnell, tracts 2 and part 1, block 4, lot 129, 13 1-2 acres, balance $33.75. Purchaser Madeline Downing, tracts 7, 8, block 4, lot 129, 20 acres, balance $220.00, Purchaser Reynolds AVagner, tract 11, block 4, lot 129,10 acres, balance $10.00. Purchaser S. C. Avery, tract 6, block 2, lot 148, 10 ncrcs, balance $65.00. Purchaser Albert A. L'oppock, tracts Frae. 7, 8, Jl, 10, block 3, lot 148, 20 acres, balance $10.00. Purchaser J. AV. Sumner, tract 2, block 1, lot 149, 10 acres, hoi mice $50.00. Purchaser Allen B. Buck tract 5, block 1, lot 149, 10 acres, bal ance $56.00. Purchaser A. N. McCansland, tracts 13 and E. half 14, block 1, lot 149, 10 acres, balance $25.00. Purchaser Clias H. Berry, tracts 15 and W. half 14, block 1, lot 149, 10 acres, balance $130.00. Purchaser John Stoesser, Jr., tract 5, block 2, lot 149, 10 acres, balance $60.00. Purchaser Airs. Anna AValter- man, traet 6, block 2, lot 149, 10 acres, balance $70.00. Purchaser Julius Johnson, tracts 17, 18, block 2, lot 149, 15 acres, balance $45.00. Purchaser Edward Gunderson, tract 12, block 3, lot 149,10 acres, balance $65.00. Purchaser Chas. D. Mcider, tracts 9, 10, 11, 12, block 4, lot 149, 40 acres, balance $130.00. 10, block 2, lot 173, 10 acres, bal- ance $115.00, Purchaser John Williams, tract 11, block 2, lot 173, 10 acres, bal- an«e $20.00. ’ PurHiawr J. It, I Journo, Frae, rae s7,8,9.10, and all 11 and 12, $2°o6m ’ 35 a, ‘ rc ’ , • i A - *’• D « vi ». tracts 1, 2, & El-2 3, block 2 lot 182 25 acres, balance $237 33 Purchaser A. F. Davis, tracts 1°, 11, block 2, lot 182, 20 acres, balance $178.00. Purchaser Ben Lala, tract 7, $6500*’ l0 ' ,9:l ’ 10 * Qre '' ,wlanc » Purchaser J. If. Itlo, tract 1 ♦K^OO* ^ balntict Purchaser J. H. Itlo, tract 2, $13000 l0 ‘ m ’ 10 * CrC "’ l,a,an,!n Purchaser Mrs. L. A. Hester traet 4, lot 3. block 193, 10 acres’ balance $70.00. ’ Purchaser Henry L. Knox, tract 12, block 3, lot 191, 10 acres, bal ance $75.00. Purchaser Richard Orr, tract 4, bloek 4, lot 194, 10 acres, bal ance $30.00. Purchaser F. It. Camper, tracts 1. 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, block 3, lot 195, 60 acres, balance $380.00. Purchaser Mrs. E. V. AVhUc, tract 4, block 1 lot 196, 10 ncrcs, balance $30.00. Purchaser Geo. AVhitinorc, tract 5, bloek I, lot 196, 8 acres, balance $96.00. Purchaser M. E. Washburn, tract 12, block 1, lot 196, 10 acres, balance $30.00. Purchaser R. I). Fairman, tract I, block 3, lot 196, 10 acres, bal ance $85.00. Purchaser II. S. AValkcr, Trus tee, tract 3, block 2, lot 197, 10 acres, balance $90.00. Purchaser W. AVallaee Stevens, tract 4, block 2, lot 197, 10 acres, balance $65.00. Purchaser T. L. Gilbert, tract 5, bloek fi, lot 197, 10 acres, bal ance $24.90. Purchaser John DeVore, tract 10, block 2, lot 197, 10 acres, bal ance $50.00. Purchaser Oscar Johnson, tract II, bloek 2. lot 197, 10 acres, bal ance $20.00. Purchaser J. J. Hoffman, tracts 4, 5, 6, block 3, lot 197, 30 acres, balance $30.00. Purchaser N. C. Hansen, tracts All said lots being in the 8th district AVare county, Georgia. And pursuant to the direction and order of the Court as set forth in the supplemental decree of Jan, 21, 1914 hereinbefore mentioned, the undersigned Cim- missioncr will sell at the time and place aforesaid all the aforesaid lontracts, Agreements and Bonds for Title ami in connection there with will also sell the tracts mid parcels of land covered by said several contracts, etc., respective ly, so that the purchaser of said contracts, etc. at said Bale will not only purchase the contracts, etc., Iibut also the tracts and parcels of lnnd covered by said several contracts, agreements, bonds for title, etc., respectively, and thus will not only hold said contracts, agreements ami bonds for title, but also the legal titles the trncts and parcels of land covered by the same respectively and be vested with all the rights and powers originnlly held by said George W. Deen and the Deen Realty and Improvement Company, or cither of them, with reference to the said several con tracts, agreements, bonds for title, etc. Said contracts, etc., and the tracts and parcels of land cover ed thereby, will be sold separate ly or in blocks as to the Commis- eioner shall deem wise and prop er and to the best interest of all parties, provide dhowever that in all such sales the Contract and land therein described shall go to gether, and that If the Commis sioner deems it wise and proper in that connection, ho may sell any of the lands adjoining the lands covered by any of said con tracts and which have not been contracted to be sold together with the said contract or con tracts ami the Tract or Trncts therein described. Any and all payments that may bo made by the holders of said contracts, etc., beforu the day of sale, will be de ducted from the respective bal ances due as above stated, and said contracts, etc., will be sold according t the respective bal ances due at the time of the sale herein advertised, a corrected list same lot 103 and in said town of Waresboro, containing 17 1-2 acres, more or less, bounded on the north by J. C. Rouse, on the east by Pine street, on the south by public road and on the wsst by the S. A. Spence land and the run of Coxa’ Creek;—also 1 acre, more or less, in lot 102 of said dis trict, in the town of AVaresboro, same being known as the Maug ham Hotel property and being located on the corner of Church and Railroad streets on the north side of the A. C. L. R. R. Compa ny’s right of way in said town, as per deed from T. J. McClellan to Deen nnd Sessoms, dated May 31st, 1905, and recorded in deed hook Z r page 552 of said county; —also a certain tract in lot 103 of snid district in the town of AVaresboro, beginning on the southwardly side of Brickyard street where it crosses CoXs’ creek, thence easterly along the southwardly side of said street 1,400 feet, more or less, to the wcstwardly side of I’iue street, thenee southerly along said side of Pine street 636 feet to fence on north side of land bought by Deen & Sessoms from Sweat, nee westerly along said fence to the run of Coxs’ creek, thence along said creek to the place of beginning, containing 20 acres, more or less;—also a house and lot on the northwardly side of said Brickyard street in AVarcs- horo, Georgia, beginning on the northwardly sido of said street 867'feet west from the northwest corner of Brickyard and Pine streets, thence westerly along Brickyard street 100 feet, more or less, thenee northerly at right an gles to snid street 217 feet, more or less, to n ditch, thence easterly nlong snid ditch 100 foot, thence southerly 217 feet to beginning point:—also 6 acres more or less, of said land lot 103 in said dis trict, hounded on the enst by land of Bennett’s row of shanties, west by l’inc street, north by lands of S. A. Spenco nnd Bennett Btroet, south by Ponce do Leon street and known as a lot lying between the late residence of J. Af. Spence, Jr., and William Boyctt;—also 1 acre of land more or less, in same land lot, bounded north and cast by lands of Alitehdll Rlackstone, south by land of Millie Blackk stone anil west by lano running in front of Bennett’s row of shan ties, in said town of Waresboro;; —also one towu lot in said town of AVaresboro, fronting Main street on the cast, and bounded on the south, west and north by lands of Jesse W. Carter, being described in deed from Elizabeth Carter to Eliza Carter, recorded in deed book “K”’ page 344 of ■aid county; also another town lot in Waresboro, fronting Main street, on the east and bounded on south by lands of Jesse W. Carter, west by lands of O. A. Murray, north by old parsonage lot and land of Jesse AV. Carter, containing 3 acres, more or less, and described in deed from La- vinia Spence to J. Af. Spence;— also one store-house lot fronting Alain street on the west and bounded on the north and east by lands of A. P. Brantley Company, south by public road from Wares boro to AVayeross, said lot being iu said town of AVaresboro;; also another town lot in said town, fronting west on Afain street apd bounded north by the A. C. L. right of way, south and cast by J. Af. Spence lands, anil being the property whereon J. Af. Spence formerly resided, as described in of balances due to lie announced deed from D. If. Bennett, receiver, non;. ie« o a on sam page so,, o. ware Purehaser.Tohn Durig, tract 1. 11, 12, block 4, lot 197, 20 sere A. C. L. right-of-way, thenee west eords, leased to Aturray and Kirk- block 3, lot 150, 10 seres, balance balance $10.00. at the time of sale. Also will be sold at the same time and place: The following described other tracts and parcels of land, all lying in the 8th dis trict of Ware County, Georgia, to- wit:— A tract of land in land lot 103 in said district, containing 12 acres, more or less, lying in the town of Waresboro, and begin ning at the corner of Pine and Bennett streets, running west down Bennett street to Coxa’ creek, thence north down Cox’s creek to the S. A. Spence land, thence cast along said land to Pine street, thenee down Pine street sonth to beginning point;— also a certain other traet in the recorded in deed book “L”, page 354 of said county; also another town lot in said town, fronting north on Ponce de. Leon street, and bounded cast and south by S. A. Spence lands and west by Cox’s Creek, containing 1 acre, more or less; excepting, however, any and all parcels of land in or near AVaresboro, being part of Lot 128 in said 8th distriot, that may bare been released by A. K. Sessoms and II. D. Bonn, Trus tees, such exceptions being here inbefore fully stated in connec tion with the exceptions to Lot 128 in said district. (Continued on Page 3.)