Newspaper Page Text
Court of Ware County, Oeorgia,
on May 16, 1913, at the May terra
1913 of said court, and of a aup-
plemental decree rendered on
dune 10th, 1914 at the June' Spe
cial term 1914 of aald court, in
the caute of Alex K. Seasoraa and
H. D. Bunn, aa Trustees, and oth
er*, ae plaintiff*, again* 0. W.
Deen and Deen Realty and Im
provement Company, aa defend-
ante, being a proceeding in equi
ty to foreclose that certain trust
mortgage executed by said de
fendants to said Alex K. Seasoms
and H. D. Bunn, as Trustees, dat
ed November 6th, 1909 and re
corded in Book of Mortgages No.
8, page* 633 to 542 inclusive, of
the records in the office of the
by said Otis A. Miller to
Realty and Improvement
any by deed recorded Book
', page 144, the intention being
that the lands so conveyed back
are not excepted from this sale;
except also thirty acres, more or
less, conveyed by Deen and Ses-
soms to Mrs. Eliza Spence by deed
recorded Book 27, page 601. ten
acres, more or less, conveyed by
Been and Sesaoms to Mrs. Mary
Addie McDonald by deed record
ed Book BB, page 79 and twelve
acres of said lot conveydd by
Deen and Scssoms to Mrs. 1.
Thomas by deed recorded Book
BB page 540; also except all that
part of Block 1 lying nortli of
Albany Avenue, Tracts 4, 5, 6, 7,
8, 9 and 12 Block 3, anil Tracts 3,
10, 11 and 12 Block 4, and frac
tional Tracts 7, 8 and 9 Block 4
except also 11 acres of said lot
Clerk of the Superior Court of as described in release recorded in
said county, I, Herbert W. Wil- Book of Mortgages 14, page 234,
son, a* Commissioner appointed 2 acres of said lot as described in
in and by said decree, in pursu- release recorded Book 00,page
ance of the order and direction 140, and 7 1-2 acres of said lot as
contained therein, will sell at pub- ’ described in release recorded
lie outcry before the court house Book FF page 186; excepting also
door of Ware county, Georgia, the from said lot 128 any and all lots
following described property (ex-1 in I’ineacres Subdivision hcreto-
cept that certain property in City I fore sold off by Deen and Ses-
of Waycross and North Decnwood soins, G. W. Deen and Deen lleol-
lnay be sold on the premises as ty and Improvement Company,
hereinafter set forth) to the liigb-j and also any and all the tracts
est bidder for cash, on the First and parcels of land hereinafter
Tuesday in July, 1914, within advertised as being in the town of
the legal hours of sale, and from J Warcsboro. some of which may lie
day to day thereafter, always wholly or partly in said lot.
within the legal hours of sale, un- 400 acres of Dot 129, being a
til all of the property hereinafter 0 f M jd lot except 90 acres in the
described is fully sold, to-wit: I northeast corner thereof • except
All of the following lots, tracts Tracts 5 anil 6 Block 1, Tracts 1,
and parcels of land, situate,.ly
ing and being in the 8th district
of Ware county, Georgia, to-vvit;
(Throughout this advertise
ment, wherever Books and Pages
are mentioned, reference is here
by made to said Books and Pages,
respectively, of the records in the
office of the Clerk of Superior
Court of Ware county, Georgia,
for full description and particn
lars; and whenever the word ‘'re
lease" is used, the same refers to
release made by A. K. Scssoms
and II, 1). Bunn, Trustees, from
the Trust Mortgage aforesaid;
and wherever Tracts and Block
are mentioned, reference is here
by made to the map of Deen-
wooil Farms recorded in Plat
Book “A" page 24 of Ware
County Records, and also to the
surveys anil plat* of separate
laud lot* of said Decnwood Farms,
a* said surveys aud plats have
been made by and for the Deen
Realty & Improvement Company,
for n more particular description
of such Tracts and Blocks.)
Dots 6, 7, 8, 10, 12, 13, 54, 97,
131, 132, 133, 134,-136, 142, 143,
144, 145, 146, 174. 177, 178, 188,
219, 222, 224 and 267.
368 acres of Dot 37. bounded
north by Dot 10, soutn Ay lands
of W. ID King and T. II. King,
west by land* formerly owned by
T. T. Thigpen, and east by lands
of D. 0. Kirkland, except 144
acres in northeast corner of said
lot, conveyed by Deep and So*,
soins to H. A. Spence, deed re
corded Book BB, page 351.
Twenty acres of Dot 40, being
in the northwest corner thereof,
bounded north by lands formerly
of Southern Pine Company of
Georgia, west by lands of J. >1.
Davis, south by lands formerly
owned by .lolin McDaniel, and
east by land of John McDaniel.
Dot 55, except Tract* 1, 2. 3, 4.
t, 10, 11 and 12 Block 4.
Dot 98, except twenty acre*
owned or formerly owned by H.
D. Huggins; also except 6 acres,
lieivg part of Tract* 10 and 11
Block 1, release recorded Book
FF page 295, Tracts 1 and 2
Block 3, slid Tract 6 Block 4. 28
acres, release recorded Book 1111,
page 288. Fractional Tracts 4. 5
and 6 Block 3, 6 acres, release
recorded Book MM, page 495,
and 2 acres in the southern part
of Trc-t* 7 and 8 Block 1, and 2
acres in the northern part of
Tract 5 Block 4, release recorded
Book OO, page 316.
Dot 99, except portions owned
or formerly ow ned by Duke Siti-
gleterry, Sant Ellis and Sam Wil
Dot 100, except almut fifty
acre* owned or formerly owned
by Joe Dyal and John Butler.
225 acres on the south aide of
Imt 104, described particularly in
deeds from K. M. and M. D. Crilib,
to J. M. Spence, and .1, D.
Spence to J. M. Spence, except
Tracts 1, 9, 10, 11 and 12 Block
3, and Tracts 3, 6, 7, 9,10, 11 and
12 Block 4.
Dot 126. except Tracts 9. 10.
11 and 12 Block I, Tracts 4. 5,
and 6 Block 2 Tracts 1, 2, 3, 7, 8,
9 and 10 Block 3, Traet* 1. 4 aud
6 Block 4 and all of Tracts 11 and
It lying north of Albany Avenue.
Block 4.
Tot 127, except Tracts 1. 3, 4,
5, 6, 8, 9 and 10 Block 1. Tract*
1. 5, 6 and 12 Rlork 2 and Tract.
3 and 8 Block 3.
Dot 128. except all of 223 acres,
more or less, conveyed by Deen
and Sesspas to Otis A Miller, by
deed recorded Book 27 page 54*1,
which was not Iyer convoyed
2, 3, 9, 10 and 11 Block 2, Tracts
3 and 4 Block 3, Traeta 6, 7, 8, 11
and 12 Block 4. and fractional
Tracts 1 and 2 Block 4.
A tract containing 122 1-2 acres
in Dot 141, hounded on the north
by lands of J. 8. Davis, on the
south by lands of Millie M. Davis,
on tlte cast by Dot 142, and west
by lamia of B. & 0. Bennett, sninc
being the nortli half of the south
half of said lot, as per deed made
to G. W. Deen by W. C. Davis, re
corded in Deed Book V., page 438
of said county.
The south half of Dot 147, con
taining 245 acres, more or less.
Dot 148, except Tract 6 Block
2 ami fractional Tracts 7, 8 and 9
and nil of Tract 10 Block 3; ex
cept nlno twenty acrea of said lot
conveyed by Deen and Seasoms to
J. B. and Sarali Higdon by deed
recorded Book Y page 646, and
Book FF page 490.
Dot 149, except Traeta 2, 5, 13,
14. 15, 16, 17, and 18 Block 1.
Tracts 5. 6, 17 and 18 Block 2,
Tract 12 Block-3 nnd Tracts 9, 10,
11 aud 12 Block 4.
Dot 150, except Tracts 4, 5 and
6 Block 2, Tracts 1, 2 nnd 9 Block
3 nnd Tracts 11 and 12 Block 4.
Dot 151, except Tracts 1, 2 ami
3 Block 2.
Dot 152, except Tracts 1, 8, 9,
10, 11 and 12 Block 1, nnd that
part of Tract 4, lying south of the
A. C. D. right of way Block 1.
Traeta 1, 2, 3. 4, 6, 10, 11 and 12
Block 2. Tracts 1, 2, 3, 4, 0, 7, 8,
9 and 12 Block 3 and Tracts 1,
3, 5, 6 and 8 Block 4.
Dot 171, except Traeta 1, 2, 3,
4, 5, 6, 7. 8 ami 10 Block 1, Tracts
5, 6. 11 nnd 12 Block 2,
Traeta 2. it, 4. 5, 8. 9, 11. 13 and
16 Block 3 and Tracts 1, 2. 3, 5, 6,
7, 8. 14, 15, 10, 17 and 18 Block 4.
A certain other traet in land
lot 172 commencing at southwest
corner of said lot and miming
thence north along original land
line to public road known as the
Old Stage Rond, thence cant along
public void 300 yards, more
or less, to s lightwood tree for a
comer, thence northeaaterly along
the ntrnnd of pond* as per line
established nnd marked out to or
iginal land line along the north
aide of sniil let ttieoee east ntime
said Hue 1500 feet, more or less,
to northeast eoruer of said lot.
then south along original line to
southeast eoruer of said lot,
thence west along original smph
line of saiii lot to southwest eor-
iter of said lot at point of begin-
niug; except southern one-third
of Tracts 7. 8 and 9 Block 1. nnd
all of Tracts 2, 11 and 12 Block
3. aud Tracts 6 and 7 Block 4.
Dot 173, except Trnets 7, 10
ami 11 Block 2, and Tracts 7, 8.
9 and 10 Block 3, and Tract 1
Block 4.
Dot 175, except 40 acres in the
northwest corner and 50 sere* in
the soutliesst corner of said lot,
the first exception being owned
by John Bourn aud the second ex
ception being owned or formerly
owned by A. Scssoms; also except
Trset T Block 1. Tracts 11 and 12
and fractional 1‘raeta 7, 8, 9 and
10 Block 2, all of Block 3 and
Tracts 1, 2 and 6 Block 4.
273 acre*, more or less, of Dot
176. as described in deed from J.
E. I’eeples to Deen Realty and Im
provement Company dated Oet.
2, 1909, at to 218 acre* thereof,
and in tired of IV. W. Patterson
to aaid Improvement Company
dated Mar. 7, 1910, as to 55 acrea
thereof; said two deeds being re
corded respectively in Deed
Rooks CC page 238 and FF, page
411 -of Ware county record*; ex-
' cept Tracts 1, 2, 3, 4, 9, 10 11 and
12 Block 1.
Dots 180 and 181, except 220
acres of said two lots, release re
corded Book FF, page 386.
Dot 182, except thirty aeres in
the northwest corner owned by
Miller N. Davis; except also
Tracts I. 2, 10 and 11 and the east
half of Tract 3 in Block 2.
Dot 187, except 100 acre* ill
the southwest corner thereof con
veyed by G. W. Deen to D. C.
Crews by deed recorded in Book
Y page 732.
Dot 193, except 8 aeres in the
northeast eoruer owned by Bourn
exeept also Traet 7 Bloek 1, Tracts
i sod 2 Bloek 2, and Traet 4
Block 3.
A certain other traet contain
ing 245 aeres, more or hew, and
being the south half of Dot 194,
being all of said lot on the south
side of Kettle Creek, except
Tracts I, 2, aud 12 Block 3 and
Tracts 1, 2 and 4 Block 4.
Dot 195, exeept Tracts 7, 8, 9,
10, 11 and 12 Block 3.
Dot 196, except Traet* 1, 2, 3,
4, 5 and 12 Block 1. Tracts 4 and
5 (shown on the map of Deen-
ivood Farms as Traet 2) Bloek 2,
Traet 12 Block 2 and Tract 1
Block 3.
A certain traet of land con
taining 390 acres, more or less, in
Dot 197, ns conveyed by South
ern Pine Company, to G. W. Deen
oil Sept. 30, 1914 by deed reeord-
I in Deed Book Y pages 65 and
66 of said county; exeept Tracts
5, 6, 7 ami 8 Bloek 1, Tracts 1, 2,
3, 4, 5, 10, 11 and 12 Block 2,
Tracts 4, 5, 6, 11 and 12 Block 3
and Tracts 1, 2, 7,11 and 12 Bloek
Dot 198, exeept Tracts 3, 4, 5,
6 and 10 Block 1, Tracts 3 and 4
Block 2. Tracts 3, 4, 6, 9 and 10
Bloek 3 and Tracts 4, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8,
9, 10, 11 and 12 Block 4.
Dot 217, exeept Tracts 1, 2, 3,
4. 5, 6. 8 and 10 Block 1, Tracts 1,
2 and 3 Block 2, Tracts 3, 4, 5, 6,
9, nnd 10 Block 3 and Tracts 1, 3,
4, 5, 8. 9, 10. 11 and 12 Block 4.
Dot 220, except Traeta 5 and 6
Block 1 and Tracts 5 and fi Block
Dot 221, except Trnets 1, 2 and
3 Block 1.
A certain tract of 50 aeres of
land lying in the southeast corner
of Dot 223 ns per deed made by
C. ID Redding to said Deen on
Sept. 20, 1906, recorded in Deed
Book AA, page 78; also a certain
traet in Rot 223, being the south
half of said lot except 80 acres in
the southeast corner thereof, the
traet containing 165 aeres, more
or less; also a eortain tenet of 30
acres in Rot 223, same being de
scribed ns being in the southwest
c(truer of said lot west of and nil-
joining other lands heretofore
owned by said Deen: exeept
Tracts 6 1-2 and 7 Block 3, Dot
3, as described in releases re
corded respectively in Books FF
page 307 anil III! page 274; also
except 10 acres of said Dot 223
conveyed by Deen Realty nnd Im
provement Company to -Insper D.
Cox by deed recorded Book FP
page 95,
Dots 228, 229 nnd 230, except
one hundred acres of Dots 228
nnd 229, conveyed by G. W. Deen
to Mrs. R. McQnaig, deed record
ed Hook DD page 201; exeept
also 50 aeres of Dot 229, convey
ed by G. W. Deen to B. M. James,
h.v deed recorded Book DD page
210. 5 acres of Dot 229 conveyed
by O. W. Deen to D. C. Crews by
deed recorded Book FF page 46
and twenty aeres of Dots 229 and
130 conveyed by O. W. Deen to
Henry Crews hv deed recorded
Book FF page 2:15.
465 aeres, being nil of Rot 2:13
exeept 25 acres in tile southeast
part of said lot; also exeept 4
acres of said lot conveyed by G.
W. Deen to 1). C. Crewn by deed
recorded Book FF page 46.
Dot 238. except Traet 6 Bloek
Dot 239, exrrpt Tracts 7, 8
and 9 Block 1. Tracts 8, 9, 10. 11
and 12 Block 2, Tracts 1, 2, 3. 4
and 5 Block 3 and Tracts 5 and 0
Block 4.
Dot 240, except all of Bloek 1
and Tracts 1, 2, 3 and 4 Block 4.
Dot 241, except Traeta 5, 6. 7
and 8 Bloek 2 and Tracts 5 and 6
Block 3.
Dot 243, except Tracts 5 and 6
Block 1, Tracts 11 and 12 Block
nnd Tracts 5 and 6 Block 4.
400 acres of Dot 265. being all
of said lot exeept 90 acres sold by
J. 8. Bailey to one Chambers be
fore be conveyed said 400 acres to
said Deqp.
Each of the wool* lots herein-
liefore described containing 490
acres, more or less.
Raid lands will be sold subject
to that certain timber lease made
by O. W. Deen to the Bailey
Manufacturing Company, dated
Jnne 22, 1907, and recorded Book
DD page 60, also to that certain
turpentine lease made by G. W.
Deen to A. Gill and Company, dat
ed March 9, 1908, and recorded
in Rook of Deeds DD page 202,
and also the turpentine rights and
as fully described and set forth
in release recorded in Book HH,
page 452, leased to Murray &
Kirkland, and also the rights of
way of the Waycross & Wastem
Railroad Company as described in
release recorded in Mortgage
Book 13, page 341.
to beginning point; and also a
traet in said city beginning at a
point on the east side of Nichoils
street 230 feet south of southeast
corner of Nichoils and Bruns
wick streets in said city and run
uing thence south along east side
of Nichoils street 250 feet, thence
Also will lie sold at the same east and parallel to Carswell
time and place: The following. street 220 feet to west side of
described other tracts and par- Ware street (formerly Canal
eels of land, all lying in the 8th|street), thence north along west
district of Witre county. Georgia,, side of Ware street 250 feet,
to-wit - -thence west parallel to Carswell
A tract of land in land lot 103 street 220 feet to the point of be-
ginning; the two tracts of land
described in this paragraph being
in said district containing 12
acres, more or less, lying in the
town of Waresboro, and begin
ning at the corner of Pine and
Bennett *Strcets, running west
down Bennett street to Coxa’
creek, thence north down Coxa’
Creek to the S. A. Spence land,
thence east along said land to
Pine street, thence down . Pine
street south to beginning point.
Also 1 acre, more or less, in
Lot 102 of said district, in the
town of Warcsboro, same being
known as the Mangham Hotel
property anil being located on the
corner of Church and Railroad
streets on the north side of the
A. C. L. R. R. Company’s right of
way in said town, as per deed
from T. J. McClellan to Deen and
Sessoius, dated May 31st, 1905,
and recorded in Deed Book Z,
page 552 of said county.
Also a certain tract in lot 103
of said district in the town of
Waresboro. beginning on the
southwardly side of Brickyard
street where it crosses Coxs’
reek, thence easterly ajong the
southwardly side of said street
1,400 feet, more or less, to the
westerly side of Pino street,
thence southerly along said side
of Pine street 036 feet to fence on
north side of land bought by
Deen and Sessoms from Sweat,
thence westerly along said fence
to the run of Coxs’ cceek, thence
along said creek to the place of
beginning, containing 20 acres,
more or less.
Also one town lot in said town
of Warcsboro, fronting Main
street on the east and bounded on
the south, west and north by lands
of Jesse W. Carter, being describ
ed in deed from Elizabeth Carter
to Eliza Carter, recorded in Deed
Book K, page 344 of said county.
Also one store-house lot front
ing Main street on the west and
bounded on the north and east by
lands of A. P. Brantley Company,
south by public road from Wares
boro to Waycross, said lot being
in said town of Waresboro.
Also will be sold at said time
and place (or else on the prem
ises where said property is situat
ed ns hereinafter set forth) the
following described lots, tracts
and parcels of land in the City of
Waycross, and in the 8th district
of Ware county, Georgia, to-wit:
A traet in said city of Wav-
cross commencing at the comer
of Pendleton and Carswell streets
nnd running enst 200 feet on Cars
well street to Lott street, thence
south along Lott street 250 feet
to Tsot 3 of Bloek 30, thence west
along said Lot 3 and Tebeau
Canal 200 feet to Pendleton street,
thence north along Pendleton
street 250 feet to point of begin
ning. being lots 1 and 2 of Block
30 as platted in the map of said
city in December, 1880, by IT. W.
Reed, Assistant Engineer; ex-
cepting, however, from said tract,
a lot on the southeast corner of
Carswell nnd Pendleton streets,
fronting west 75 feet on Pendle
ton street and with this front ex
tending back east of snme width
100 feet along the south sule of
Carswell street.
Also a tract in said city begin
ning on the east side of Pendle
ton street at a point 130 feet north
jo northeast comer of Pendle
ton and Isabella streets nnd run-
thence north along the enst
side of Pendleton street 47 feet,
m l with this front extending
>nt*k east same width 100 feet.
«nme being a part of the west half
of T.ot 3 of Bloek 30 of that part
of said eit.v known as New Wav-
eross. Also a traet iu said city
beginning on the east side of Pen
dleton street at a, point 177 feet
north from the northeast corner
of Isabella and Pendleton streets,
and running thence north along
Pendleton street 72 feet, and with
this front extending hack east
saim* width 100 feet.
Also a traet in said city de
scribed as being the east half of
Lot 3 of Block 30 of New Way-
cross. same fronting on Lott
street 125 feet and with this
front extending hack west of same
width towards Pendleton street
100 feet, being the lot conveyed
to G. W. Deen by S. T. Wright by
deed recorded in Deed Book 27„
page 21 of said county.
Also a traet in said city begin
ning at southeast corner of Nieh-
now known as part of Carswell
Park Subdivision in said city, and
the lots in said Carswell Park
Subdivision which will be sold at
this sale are Lots numbered from
15 to 26, both inclusive, of Block
186 West.
Also a tract ‘in said city com
mencing at the corner of Nichoils
street and Young Canal, and run
ning west along said canal 810
feet to the B. & W. Railroad (now
the A. C. L. Railroad), thence
northerly along said railroad 500
feet to the Frank C. Owens land,
thence east along said land 870
feet to Nichoils street, thence
south on Nichoils street 493 feet
to beginning point, same contain
ing 9 1-2 acres, more or less, and
known as Idylwilde, save and ex
cepting the lots sold out of said
tract before the making of said
mortgage; also the following city
lots in Block 206 in said city, laid
off and platted by C. J. Thomas,
C. E.. viz. Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and
12 fronting the north side of Ma
ry street, and Lots 13, 14. 15, 16,
17, 18 and T9 fronting the south
side of Isabella street, and Lots 1,
2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and
13 fronting the north side of Isa
bella street as per deed with plat
attached from the Bank of Way-
cross to Geo. W. Deen, dated
March 7th, 1906, and recorded in
Deed Book Y page 429 of said
county, said lots now comprising
a part of Idylwide; after deduct
ing all exceptions, the lots in said
Idylwilde Subdivision which wilj
he sold at this sale are: Lot 15
in Block 2, all of Block 3 (ex
cepting and reserving the build
ings and equipment of the Federal
government’s cane experimental
plant), Lots 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9
Block 4, and Lots 16, 17, 18 and
19 in Block 6 of said Idylwilde
Also a tract in said city, being
Lot 6 in Block 208 of that portion
of said city known as Folks Sub
division in the western part of
said city, being 100 feet by 115
feet; also a tract in said city de
scribed as being Lots 2, 3, and 4,
in Block 214 in said Folks Sub
division, each of said lots front
ing on north side of Pine street
100 feet and with this front run
ning hack north of same width
115 feet to an alley; also a tract
in said city described as Lot 7 in
Block 214 in said Folks Subdi
vision in the western part of said
city; also Lots numbers 2, 3 and
4 in Block 218 and Lots 5 and 6
in Block 214 in said Folks Subdi
vision, ns surveyed by J. A. Aus
tin, O. E.
Also an iftidivided half inter
est in a certain tract of land in
said city, being a portion of land
lot 167 of the 8th district of said
county, same being known as Cen-
tral Park Subdivision, commenc
ing at northeast corner of Craw
ford and Carswell streets, and
running 1,200 feet north to prop
erty of the A. C. L. Railroad Com
pany, thenee southeasterly 442
feet to an angle, thence northerly
200 feet to a corner, thence east
erly 75 feet to a street running
along the west side of the right of
way of the Albany branch of the
A. C. L. Railroad, thence south
easterly along west side ot‘ said
street, which runs along west side
of said right of way, a distance of
2.150 feet to Mary street lane,
thenee west along north side of
Mary street lane 400 feet to Clin
ton street, thence north along east
side of said Clinton street 725 feet
to the north side of Carswell
street, thence west along north
side of Carswell street 700 feet to
beginning point; after deducting
all exceptions, the lots in said
subdivision which are to be sold
at this sale arc as follows, to wit:
An undivided one-half interest in
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5. 6, 7, 8. 13, 14 and
15 in Bloek 208, in said Central
Park Subdivision (south of Cara-
well street), and an undivided one
half interest in Lota 4, 5, 8, 9. 10,
11, 12. 13, 14, 15, 16, 34 and .35 in
Block 1, Lots 16 17, 18, 19, 20. 24
and 25 in Bloek 2, Lots 14 and 15
in Bloek 3. and Lots numbered
from 2 to 25 inclusive in Bloek 4,
aud all of the 12 lota iu Block 5,
in aaid Central Park Subdivision
(north of Carswell atreet.)
Also Lota 11. 12, 13, 14. 15, 16.
line of Albany Avenue intersects
the land line between Lots 167
and 168 of the 8th district of said
county, and running thence south
along said land line 209 1-2 feet
to north side of right of way of
the A. C. L. Railroad, thence east
erly along said right of way 117
feet to land of said A. C. L. Rail
road, thence northerly along the
west line of said land 195 feet to
south side of Albany Avenue,
thence westerly along south side
of Albany Avenue 193 1-2 feet to
beginning point, containing 3-4 of
an acre, more or less.
Also an undivided one-half in
terest (J. M. Beil owner of the
other half interest) in a traet in
said city beginuiug at the south
west corner of Chandler and Eads
streets, and thenee running west
on Chandler street 142 1-2 feet to
an alley, thence south along said
alley 120 feet to land of Lula
Johnson, thence east along said
land 142 1-2 feet to Eads street,
thence north along Eads street to
beginning point; excepting, how-
ever, a lot on the southwest cor
ner of Chandler street with a
lepth of 120 feet along Eads
street, release recorded Book II1I,
page 480.
Also an undivided half inter
est in a tract in said city com
mencing at the northivest corner
of Albany Avenue and Mulberry
Lane, and running thence west
along Albany Avenue 480 feet to
B. street, thence north along B
street 275 feet to the F. M. Young
lajid, thence east 480 feet to Mul
berry Laue, thenee south along
said lane 275 feet to point of be
ginning, excepting the lot sold to
Mr. Seckinger, the other half in
terest in said land being owned
by T. J. .McClellan; said tract of
land having been subdivided into
what is known as Deen & Mc
Clellan’s Subdivision of Block 292
of said city; after deducting all
exceptions, there remain the fol
lowing lets in said Deen & Mc
Clellan’s Subdivision, which are
to he sold at this sale, to-wit: The
undivided one-half interest of said
Deen Realty and Improvement
Company in Lots 1, 5, 6, and 7
Block 1, and Lots 8, 9, and 10
Bloek 2.
Also will be sold at said time
and place (or else, as to North
Deenwood property, on the prem
ises, as hereinafter set forth) all
that tract of land in the 8th dis
trict of said county of Ware
which has been platted and sur
veyed by said Deen and which is
known as Deenwood, same con
sisting of land lots 154, 155, 169
and 170, in the 8th district of
said county (Lot 168, however,
not being included), except such
portions thereof as were sold and
conveyed out of said property
prior to Nov. 5th, 1909; after de
ducting all exceptions, the lots
and parcels of land included in
said Deenwood Subdivision which
will be sold at this sale arc as fol
low’s :
The following lots and parcels
in North Deenwood: :
Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5 and 6 Block 6.
Lots 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 Block 7.
All of original Lot 1, being the
east half of Block 8 nnd also the
west half of Lot 2 Block 8, being
the west half of the west half of
the block.
All of Block 8 1-2.
The eastern half of Block 9,
said eastern half being known as
Lot 1 of said Block, excepting the
western 100 feet of said lot.
That part of Block 12 lying
east of Kettle Creek and north of
property sold to Sevmofir Phelps.
The east half of Block 14.
All of Blocks 15 and 15 1-2,
excepting Lot 9 Block 15 and Lot
6 Block 15 1-2.
All of B!rt**k to, *»voppt Lot* 1,
2. 3, 30, 31 and 32.'
All of Block 16 1-2. except
Dot 16.
Dots 9. 10. 11, 12, 15, 16, 17, 18
and 19 of Block 17.
Dots 1, 2. 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8
Block 17 1-2.
Tile western 201 feet of Dot 4,
Block 23, being all of said lot ex-
ept that portion conveyed to Mrs.
A. D. Martin by deed recorded in
Book BB, page 50, Ware county
Dots 1, 1 1-2, 7 and 8 Bloek 25.
Dots 5, 6, 7 and 8 Bloek 26.
Dota 3, 5 and 9 Bloek 27.
Dots 10, 12, 14 and 15 in Block
T 1-2.
All of Blocks 28 and 29.
on Damar Avenue 620 feet to
point of beginning.
All of Bloek 33, except the
eastern 111 1-2 feet of Dot 10.
All of Bloek 34, except Dots 7
and 8.
All of Blocks 34 1-2, 35 and
35 1-2.
AH of Block 36, except Dots 63
and 64.
All of Bloek 37, except Lots 39
and 40; except also the southeast
quarter of said block.
of Dots 10, 13, 14. 17 is
36, 62, 63 and 64 Block 38. ’ '
B.„ L ck3., 5 ’ * 7 ’ 8 ’ 9 ‘ 10 ”
AH of Block 40. fr*
4 , r ‘ ots 1. 21, 22, 23 and 24 Block
f ‘? ts 3 1-2 and 13, and Dots
Block e 42 ° '°- 8 ' ' ,0th incl " !iv '-
44 of Blo( ‘ ks 42 I- 2 and
7 A1 i Block 45 > except Lots 5,
i and 8.
5 and 8^ ^ 0ck 4 "2, e -xcept Dots
All of Bloek 46, except Dots 1,
4, 17. and 18.
. ‘ni at i tr ?e t of ,an,i 1>in * we »t
of Block 46, bounded nortli by
Clark street, east by Cleveland
Street, south by Hilliard Avenue
and west by Kettle Creek, and lie-
mg part of Block 47.
All of Bloek 50 East except
Dot., 29 30, 33, 35, 37, 38, 43, 43
47 and 48.
All of Block 50 West, and all
of Blocks 52. 52 1-2, and 53.
Also the following tracts and
parcels m South Deemvood:
aQ A j*® f * kosc Parts of Blocks 89,
??’i J 1 ?’ 1 . 15 * I 114 > 113 - 112, and
111 lying in Land Dot 169, exeept
1 acre of Block 89 sold to Ketter-
er and Lott, by deed recorded
Book DD, page 358, and Dots 1
and 2 Block 116, sold to Marsh
Cypress Company, release record
ed Book FF, page 25ft, Ware
county records.
All of Bloek 90.
AH of Bloek 91, exeept 2 acrea
sold to Dyaon. deed recorded
Book AA, page 135; 1 acre sold
to Dightse.v, deed recorded Book
re, page 454; 1 acre sold to
Blanton, release recorded Book
re. page 413, 2 aeres sold to
Dightsey release recorded Book
IIII, page 141; 1 1-2 acres sold to
Dightsey, release recorded Mort
gage Book 11, page 206; 1 acre
sold to Lightsey, release record
ed Mortgage Book 4, page 122; 1
acre sold to Weber, release re
corded Book FF, page 305; 1
aero sold to Herrin, release re-^
corded Book DD, page 275; and 3
acres sold to M. J. Weber under
agreement for title, said 3 acres
beginning at the corner of Beau
regard and Beil streets and run
ning south on Beauregard street
550 feet, thence east 325 feet,
thence north 255 feet, thence west
148 feet, thence north 295 feet to
Bell street, thence west 177 feet
to point of beginning ; except also
1 1-5 acres sold to D. A. Wigging
All of Block 92, except 1 acre
sold Waycross & Western Rail
road, release recorded Book LD.
page 115, and 4 acres sold to J.
G. Scssoms, release recorded Book
LL, page 113.
All of Block 93.
portions heretofore sold to Dang,
The east half of Block 99, be-
itig all of said block except those
oy deed and agreement for title.
That part of Bloek 100 bound
ed north by Bell street, east by
Beauregard street, west by Mc
Kinley street, and south by a
tract of 8 acres sold to Kinzie,‘de
scribed in Deed Book JJ, page
Said Deenwood Subdivision as
to Block Numbers 6 to 53 lies in
Land Dots 154 and 155, north of
the Albany Branch of the A. C.
L- Railroad, and ix known as
North Deenwood and as to
Blocks Numbered 88 to 116 lies in
Land Dots 154 and 169, south of
the Albany Branch of tile A. C.
D. Railroad, and is known as part
of South Deenwood. Reference
is hereby made to the maps of said
Deenwood Subdivision made by
and for Deen Realty anil Improve
ment Company for full descrip
tion of all lots and blocks. There
is also excepted from this sale the
rtghtof way of the Waycross &
Southern Railroad through Rand.
Lot 155, and the right of wav of
the Waycross & Western Rail-*
road through Laud Dot 169.
The Commissioner, in his dis-
«..« nines. 10 auu , wiH , * ha above de-
All of Bloek 30, exeept Dot 5-llf n.fjl C V^T’’’ "i"' 1 piec f*
All of Block 30 1-2. ib/rSt' , h «- h ,Pe locate4 “
the Cit> of Waycross and in
North Deenwood Subdivision ad
jacent to said city, on the premises
The easteni 284 feet of Block
31, being all of said block except
that portion conveyed to B. J.
mm portion roiiie.vpu to i>. o. _ ' ' r , —;
Collins by deed recorded in Book I * re respectively situ-
MM. page 556, of Ware county | h ® wev "* ‘ hat one
reenrj* “ 0Ur * P nbllC n0tlce °f the COm-
olls and Brunswick streets, run->17, 18. and 19 of Bloek 461 of the
ning south along east tide of Booker Washington Heights Sub-
Nicholls atreet 230 feet, thence division in aaid city, as per plat
east 220 feet to west side of Wore recorded in Book Y, page 795. in
street, thenee north along Ware the office of the clerk of Superior
stre-t 220 feet to Brunswick Court of aaid county,
street, thence west along tooth Alto a traet in aaid city begin-
privileges on certain of said lots'tide of Brunswick street 220 feet ning at a point where the south
Ail of Block 32. except 5 acre*
sold to N. R. Wilcox under agree
ment for title, said 5 acrea being
described aa follows: Beginning
at a point on north tide of Lamar
Avenue 870 feet west of Cleve-
mencement of the sale or sales
on the premises of the different
pieces of said property shall be
given at the eourt house, and
provided further that after auch
notice is given, the sale of aaid
Avenue oiu leei wesi in i levp- - ,
land street, thence running north Vi T , “ d „ "“ rth J?'™'™* P™P-
360 feet, thenee west 555 feet to tm “!? from
ran of Kettle Creek, thenee south- ?“ the 5”^
erly along aaid creek to north j nntl1 alt “ ld «»»F and North
line of Lamar Avenue, thence eist (Continue on Page 3.)