The Waycross weekly journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1914-19??, September 11, 1914, Image 2

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K T.U1IUB,B1, Okw John- Mir U, mi. part of Laad Lot 1C4 ta the tth dtctrictj tract tad agreement of tkt said O. W. «. $1*. T 1-1 acno la Northwest coraor of ult eoatr. 'Decs aad Deca Realty aad Improre- T. 11 * II a 1 L. Ml. U A, Julius Black 44. Mouth Deenwood, tagWuIug Also Dio following MW Mb Boat Company with the Anderson <*««. W- at Mi all ml coraor at Jackaoa aad tstot aad parcels at laad in North; Lumber Company. together with aU T.IEILIRBi,*.! Jama. McKinley Streets. thence running Dora wood Subdivision, aa per may of'the rlcbu. ta terra, properties, claim •I | Boat aa Jackaoa afreet 117 feet, said Sekdtrfiloa recorded la the office and demands tkercia tod thereaader T * HI* lit. 11 A.. W. J. Jar- thence Soatherlr <71 feet to W. * W. of the Clerk of Superior Coart of said of the laid Gtorgo W. Deea tad Deeo ■" “ ■*-“ — — — “ r r : - it company. to McKinley las pant of Laad Lou IK aad 164 la who, oa the 7th dap of Mar. 1111 traaa- Mreet, thence Northerly along Me- the tth district of said coaatr. to-wlt: feet went from Plant arcane. Said property belap letted oa aa the prop erty of J. L. Crawley, hy rlrtue or an execution leased on the 1th day of August, IS 12, by J. W. Strickland. Clerk cf Council, la faror of the City of Waycroea, apainet J. U Crawl*, atnouatlnp to 1207. principal, t: V| Interest, and fifty eeau coau, which* ■aid execution was leased COT, r :.. it for eeoten: L. VOLNEY WILLIAMS Editor and Manager *** right at way. thence West aa aaid cosaty ta Plat Book "A" Papa 45. he- Realty aad Iatproretnent 7. I * I B. 1 U 1H, It A, John ripht of way CM feet - — 1 _ ferred the aaid contract and apree- T. 12 B. 1 L 1P4,10 A., H. L. Kaos, Kin ley etreec 170 feet to bepiaatap All that trianpalar tract of land ment topetber with aaid riphu, inter- . "* _ ' ' " . . Aresse eat. properties, claims and demands T. f B. 2 L. 152, 10 A., Mrs. Carrie cent frota July 1, 1114. i south by south line of said Land Lot and also mortpaped and conreyed the add, 145. . L. 1 1-2 B. 42 and L. 52 A 04 B. If IK aad west by Georpe street, being timber hereinbefore described to Alex T. 7 B. 1 L. 112.10 A, Bea Lain. IK. North Deenwood. G. P. Pollard. 510-25 parte of Lou 0, 7 aad I Block 5 North K. Beseems and H. “ T. 1 B. 2 L. 104,10 A-, M. E. Lyoa. with i per cent from Sept. 24. 1111. I IS. I A tract of 11 acres is Block E of ed north by Albany Areni T • B l I* IK. 10 A, Miss Blache Land Lot 154. bounded north by Joes-. Wmahinptoa street, south by A. C. L. of the records io the office of the Clerk jphine street, east hy ran of Kettle ripht of way and west hy land aold by of Superior Court of aaid county, to i Creek, aoath by Lamar Arcane ex- Deea Beatty aad Improvement Com- which indenture and the record .tended tad went by land of N. R WU- psay to L J Murray by deed record- thereof reference is hereby made for I cox; H. W. Powers. OteeiT with I ed Book G. G. Pape 210 Ware county fall particulars, said contract and .per cent from Oct. 25. 1112. I records, belap the eastern part of the apreement. however, will be aold sub- ., L. 17. 15. 11 and 20 B. 41 North east half of Block 1 North Deenwood: Jert to the prior payment to Alex K. f Dees wood. A E Smith. <17215 with also a triangular tract boarded north Sessoma and John G. Seasons. Exe- • 0 per cent from Sept. 24. 1112. by Franklin Avenue, sooth by south enters, oot of all moneys to be receiv- I L. 4 1-2 B 42 North Deenwood. L. G. line of Laad Lot IK aad west by Lot ed or collected from Anderson Lnm- .. Smith. 515 with 5 per cent from Sept, j 10 1-2 Block 15. being parts of Lou 11 her Company or assigns under said 1 24, 1112. j to 15 inclusive Block 15 North Deeo- Contract, of all amounts owing by L. 2 and 2 li t IdylwHde, H. S. Red- ( wood; also Lot 10 Block 15. ail of said Georpe W. Deea and Deen Realty diag. 5225. j Block 44 and Lou 1. n. il 12. 12.14. and Improvement Company to said . 5 acres in soothers part of Block 15 and 10 Block 40 in said North Deen- Executor! under a certain contract or jl»0 South Deenwood. being all of aaid, word Subdivision; also all that tract apreement of aaid Executors with The Only Weekly Paper Pabiioh- ed at the Comity Seat. thb 0 per bounded north by Albany Avenue eel. properties, claims and demands juovtb by aoath line of said Laad Lot and alao mortgaged aad conveyed the -w W mmmm . aivu. . .wwau* aa.. ... aaasu pa. D. BO&O. Trus- . Deesvood; alao a tract of laad booed- tecs, bj a certain indenture recorded *— *" iae, east by in Deed Book LL folios 573 et sequitur the unpaid sidewalk in front of said property ALSO at the same time and plarp it certain tract or parcel of land m the City of Waycrosa. Ware Count). Georgia, said tract being described as follows: Lot 100x19$ feet, mor- or less, at the southwest corner of Thomas street and Plant •venue. • Luo uoi m. oounuea norm aj woee-, n asning Jphine street, east by ran of Kettle richt of pointed in aad by said decrees in pur-1 T. 5 A C B. 1 L. 229. 2d A, Pred •usnce of the order and direction cob- Munson, 145. lained therein, will sell at public out- ,' T. 1 B. 1 L. 127, 19 A. Mrs. L. G. cry before the door of the court Mai loo. $295. bouse of Ware County. Georgia, to the 1 TIBI L. 127, 19 A., A. 8. Marsh- highest bidder for cash, on the First burn, $195. Tuesday in October, 1914, within T. 7, U 9 B. 4 L 12$, 15 jL, Dr. the legal boors of sale aad from day Jay Media lock, $200.94. to day thereafter, always within tfaej T. 19 B. 4 L. 129. 19 A, W. J. Mc-j legal hours of sale, until ail of the t'Untock, $129. • property hereinafter described is ful-’ T. t. 19, 11 ft 12 B. 4 L. 149, 49 aJ ly acid: Ail the following described Chas. D. Meider, $99. property situate. lying aad being in; T. 1 B. 4 L 12$. 19 A., Mias A. R Ware county. Georgia, lo-wit: Martin, $25. All the tracts, lots and parcels of T. S B 2 L. 127, 19 A.. Norman A. land hereinafter described, being part Middea, $95- of the lands described In said trust T. 2 aad all of T. 1 West of Yucca Deenwood. mortgage and decree, subject to the Street B. 4 L 129. 12 1-2 A.. Chas. J. with t per Uncle Sam only wants to raise, a paltry |JWjWjJM. That* a small sum for the uncle to raise when you conMder the immense resources of the United Btatea. Waycrosa aa usual la on the job when it comes to doing the right thing. That cotton warehouse is something that Waycrosa sbftuld have had years ago. It la never too late to make up for what you have not aUtsUoa, editorially, recently aaid: Georgia mast have dear aad i sad tahd Kail go together; said lots.. T. 4 R 1 L. 1*4. It A, Mrs. R V. tract* sad parcels of laad. aad the wiittw. 55 aaaus of parchasm aad halaavs ofl Fractional T. 0 aad 0 B. 1. L. 152. psrebaa, moor, das bp them res pec Mn L- M. Wold, 52500 tiv.lj briap aa tallows. «o-wtt; 41m | T. I B. 2 L. 14*. 10 A. Mn. Anna Ibis list. T. stands for Tract or WaHermaa. 5K Tracts, B. stands for Block, L. stands | T. 12 B. 1 L. 104. 10 A., Maaford E (or Laad La*. A staods for Acres, sad i Wsshbara. 115. tha oame of parckascr aad balaacs| T. 10 B. 2 L. 172. 10 A.. John WU- day until said lands and other proper- tj are fally aold. the sslee, however, belap always within the legal hoars of sale. Immediately any of said property is knocked off to the highest bidder at say of said sales, such bid der shall at once depoelt with the un dersigned Commissioner la cash or In certified check 10 per cent of the amount of his bid, as aa evidence of pood faith, aad If he does not make said depoelt at once, the property so bid off by him will be Immediately resold by said CommlsaioBer oa the same date If possible, or as soon there after as possible, at the risk of such bidder. Shonld each sale he confirm ed aad sack debtor not comply with bin bid, the amount so deposited shall be forfeited and the undersigned Com missioner shall resell the property at the further risk of the bidder as abdve provided; bat should said bid not be confirmed, then said deposit Is to be retained to the bidder. Said property to be sold to satisfy the decrees afore said aad the lodgments therein ren dered In faror of the said plaintiffs aad against the said George W. Deea aad the Deea Realty aad Improvement Company. This Sth day of September, 1*14. HERBERT W. WILSON. Comm las loner. * 11 4th why. XYSTEKV IN GIRL’S Anderson. S. C., SepL 5.—Eula Smith, aped IS, one of tho belles of her neighborhood, lulled herself this afternoon at 2 o'clock with a shotgun, haring tied a rope to the tripper aad fired the pun hy pressing with her foot against the rope. She- left a note which explained nothing, merely saying: “I know It la better for me to die than lire. I mean cease breathing, for 1 base never tired." Tract or Parcel!: T. « B. 2 L. 145, Id A.. 8. C. Avery. rdwtek himself ropu- T il A W 1-2 14 B. 1 U 14». Id A. hick comprise the ^ ^■ Kerry. |5d. 4 th. written record *• »« B. 4 L ltd. Id A. Mrs. N. 8. opponent, Goreraor f ' OQ *' ***• er from thte that the T. 12 B. 4 L. 15d, Id A., E. J. Cook, not wholly without **5 yi to come It can at "** 1? A 1* B. 4 L 171. 2d A.. M. J. h pride" to the fact C*rs w *H. IB. . II not It. esndldati T. > B. 4 L 144. Id A, Robert t the State Democrat- Cro,,, • * 5 But are w. to taler T ’• »• »• 11 * »* B. 2. L. ldt. itloa confesses belap w *"* B Camper, 524d.dd. that platform? That T 1» A II B. 2 L lit. 2d A., A. F. iiy could not hav. B* 1 **- * IS * »<th 5 per root liters.! r the -pfwsfvsoise" frr '~ '■ *'*" >ml Dated the conven- T *• *• * E » » T. 1 B. I L Ut. 25 hit curious to know I ■ Duels, I40d, with 5 pur tint about the paternity '»<««'• from Feb. 2. 1*12. .riron" structure.— T- • B. 1 L. 217. Id A. R W. Dale*. 5100 dae Nov. I, 1514. T. i B. 2 L. 160. 10 A, John Durtg. u-U IZT- - .. — —e ». voe x. I B. 1 I. 150. Id A.. Christian rcl. ran mak. . pho- |iu Jr “** and a par- g. j.j ol T . 7. 4 A d R I L. 172. Id 1 in shame A h C. Davies. 515 , - J, t T. 7 A 4 B. 4 L. lit, 2d A, Madellas if Indigestion » a. John d.v«.j iffft'ISSrcwL *** t * ® *«- ***• »* *■ ^ d •*1 Md [**"■ in nv ***• W5- •tomtoll to tod I I T. IS B J L 149. 19 A.. E. Gundor- thought I could not wgwoa fecit frwmmSmt! I T4B2L1M. 10A, Lola A Hod- ttoutomtefc. I would *°*s goto brdprrfretiywvil { T- l ft 2 B l L. 152, 90 A., Mr* ®P !• Johanna lleochele. |2dd. ffluolt*? I T. 4 B I L 111. 14 A, Mrs Laura tor said ft would do A Heater, ltd ■o pood to give modi , T, t B. 1 L. 127. Id A . Peter Howe. timber; belap the following land lota GEORGIA—Ware county la the to dlatrict of Ware eeunty.j On Tuesday. Ovtober tth. ltlt will Georgia, to-wlt: 751. 255 254. Went be mild at the court booL *1 i half of ltd. Ml. 242. Ml, 244. 2*7. 2d».' MU1 county, bo.oen the leg»Tte„ra 2dd, ltd. 541. 242. 244. ltd. JJd. 227.'of Dale, th, following demXd ^ 221. 244. 241. 242. 244, 245. 344. 247, MUlt , i m-.jg ** ’!!• “J «*• *«’ -*5 £ A Certain tract or p.^, taJ * 1 ’ £?• !£' 2M * C “* ^ w * Tcnm - Ware Conn- 2$$, 28$, 217, 299, 291, 292, 292, 294,. ^ Georgia, —ia tn*-t hain. , .. 247. 244. 244. 444. 441. 402, Norik Irnlf ^ of 444. East half of 447. 425. 424. 427.' locmtrt „t^e 424. 421, 425. 417. 444. 441, 441. *44.' know. „ Briefc raw . 447.445 454,451.471,472,475 474, 475 lag a frontage on AlL!^ ^ h * V ' 4“. 271. 452. 424. «... 454. 4K. Z 441. 442. 442,444, 515. 517. 514. «4. ^ „„„ *h«2eT^ *3 622. 524, 525 aad 524; alao the follow- b Alhenr sVe^ .T tat lota la the 4th district of said b - , . 7 * on “>e east county: 15 15 17. 11. 14. 24. 24. 22. a c. ““e' 1 ' ° n 51;—alao foUowlag land lots ln the ^ 9 \ <* **r Otk district of Warn county:—27. 25 Hopklna. s>u n bT ‘A'** 07 J - T - 444. 444. 471. 475 475 477. 622. 524. 544. 447. 414; also following land lots Strickland. °* c » rt » la tht 12th dUtrlrf of alack county: — °* “ ' I * r ' ,k>11 114.245 242; alao following laad lota “A"" 1 la 14th district of Charltoo county 1. C ^"ttdfcClerk of 2 aad 22; alao M4 acres of lot 24 In " <T th« Clty of Way- tho 14th district of cite-p county; alao ""‘f*™ 1 *°** Carrie Strickland 1 lot 24 In llth dJricrcfW^^,.,; I nil of aaid whole lard lota cMtaialnp it]”’'*' 10 f* 7 * 1 >*t, I»ll, aad: 454 aerua eueh. mor.-or levs; exccp;. cwts. tpon which execn-l leg nay portions of said land lots lv- ^ ..f 11 ,fl51 been paid.' log north or east of the Jacksonville d w blch said t-j-cntlon was Istuedl bunch of the A. C. 5 L. K. H- to 'f r “ 1 * th *’ mpiid s*-cs--ucni loti aad topetlwr with aaid thahar. nsOtaH biock pawmeat la front ofl alrsudy convoyed to said Callahan. 5. 14 R 41 North Deenwood, R N. Dulrymple. |27 M with 4 per cent Iran Sept 25 1M*- L 12 A II B. 124 Went Carswell Park. R C. Crowley. (444 Wttk I per cent from Mar 1, 1412. L. 14 A 14 1-2 B. 14 North Deen wood, J. R Klklas. 534 27 with 5 pet rent from W **■ '*12 5 2 R 42 North Deenwood. H. II lug part at Load Lot 144 in said dis trict. bounded North by the Waycross aad West era right of way. sort by Mc Kinley street south hy south line of said Lot 145 aad want Iff west line of said Lot 144- Alto all of Blocks 44. *5 aad 44 aad