The Waycross weekly journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1914-19??, September 11, 1914, Image 3

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WATCB0S8 JOCBJAL. Burnt Food-Drink Lunch at liii NEXT CITY PRIMARY WILL NOMINATE THREE MEMBERS QTY BOARD IWALKER TO NAME VALDOSTA P. M.? Tho Fountains Terms of Stanton, Bennett,Walker r, Expireln 1915 OBREGON FAVORS Washington, D. C.. Sept. 10.—In dications are that Representative Walker will name the postmaster ati Valdosta, subject to the approval of! Senator-elect Thomas W. Hardwick. I The nomination of Major J. O. Varna- J VILLA’S PROPOSALS I doe to ■ u < Jcecd Himself in the office v VI V hU i )g re8tlng In tho genate committee on 1stofflce at. J post roa«U where It Washington, D. C., Sept 10—'The ba-1^:11 probably nmaln until Mr. Hard- sls for President Wilson’s recent as-1 Mick takes nts ecat In I'u. Senate, sertlon that he believed Carranza andlublch will \.e right .* the Njvem- Villa would cooperate In restoring I ber elections if Congress I* In bersicn constitutional government In Mexico, I a that time, c. early in lK*com»«*r at was revealed today when It became the latest. Besides nominating three aldermen known that Gen. Obregon, personal! The protest against tho confirma- and a city recorder, the next city friend of Gen. Carranza, bad signed tlon of Major Varacdoe together with primary will nominate three members Gen. Villa's proposals for an electoral I a great many letters approving Mm programme. I arc in the hands of Senator Hoke Gen. Villa's proposals were laid be- Smith. Senator Smith ansvers que tore Paul Puller, representative oflries about the case by referring in President Wilson, at a recent confer- quirles to Mr. Hardwick. Mr Hard i in Chihuahua. The President la-1 wick, being still a member of Con or the city board of education. The members whose term of office expiree In 1915 are V. L. Stanton, who is president of the board; Dr. J. L. Walker, and John W. Bennett. So far as Is known there are no candidates in the field against either of the three, but so far In advance of the primary It Is hard to say what will and will not develop. Until re cently very little attention has been paid to the nomination of memberr •f the board of education but vojert are* paying almost as mveh attention to the board now as they do to the aldermanic positions. 1^ Ask For HORLICK’S Avoid kuHmUons—Tmka No SubotMuto Rich Milt, mailed grain, in powoerform. Mace healthful tlua lea of codec. Fof inf anil, invalid, and growing children. Agree, with the wealteW digetdoo. Purenutrition.upbuildingthewhoie body. Keep it oo your sideboard at home. !nvi"nnle»nuningoothenan<] the aped A uuick lunch prepared in a minus. ter told callers tho proposals did uotlg-,,, from the Tenth district, hus no appear unreasonable. I statement about It. Tho natural con- Mr. Fuller Interviewed Gen. Car-Illusion Is borne out by other rlrcum- ransa In Mexico City today and It was I, unces besides deduction. Major reported the first chief also assented I Varnedoe has always been a support- to Villa's programme, which Is as fol- er of senator smith, though he la an ' 0WB: f appointee, partly because of relation- Villa's Proposals. .hip, of Senator West "That a convention of Constitution- j ( this confirmation Is delayed un- al army delegates he called to arrange u , senator West goes out of the Seu- the date of the election for congress. L te the cholce wU1 return w R epre scntatlvc Walker. Senator Smith will SENATE AGREES TO CONFERENCE.REPORT Washington, D. C., Sept. 10.—The Senate late yeaterday agreed to the conference report on the federal trade commission bill by a vote of 43 to j. Senators Smoot, Oliver, McCumber Galllnger and Burton voted against the report. Recourse was had to roll calls virtually all day to secure a quorum. The House will take up the coi once report tomorrow. It took twenty-one roll calls before a vote was recorded In the Senate the struggle to secure a quorum hav Ing begun on Saturday. Time after time a call of the Senate disclosed a bare quorum present, which disap peared when the roll was called on a vote. Just before the final vote was tak en drastic action, such as the issu ance of writs to compel absent sena tors to attend, was proposed. Serg- ent-at-Arms Higgins telephoned tc absent senators, stating the situation \ and urging them to return. Mean- ^me he succeeded in getting forty- Thine members into the senate chamber and another roll call was ordered. Roll call showed forty-eight senators voting and two present who were un able to vdle because of pairs, and the report was agreed to. Senator Reed of Missouri attacked the report repeatedly, although h' later voted for lb ^ The conference report provides for a federal trade commission with au thority to issue orders to prevent “unffclr methods of competition." The enforcement of the orders of the com mission, however, Is left to th< courts. President and Vice President. "That no military man ha a candl-l,*, rel | 6Vcd of th , re ,pon.lblllty ... date for Prealdent or Vice Present tw0 „ Mr . w , lk . r w ,„ thl . selecting power and Mr. Hardwick the Senator in whose jurisdiction the for governor of any state. That a civilian take charge of the ^ provisional government to hold alec-| oa ' |ce There "will be" no jar . , _ _ a I the final selection. That a general be doctor- Hcnalor . elect Hardwick was give., ed except a. to tho.e who committed L wc|come when he cntor „„ lh0 the crime ot- participatedI In the aaua- Hon „ ye „ terday morn ,„*. H. en- •taaGon of Madero and Snare,. lered the cloak room where "That officer, of the old federal ar-1 Wend , eucted lho uaual promlae ....... a, . i demanded* of promoted members that be taken Into the new national army. ^ contlnll(1 apoakln|f „ memSoi - a "That all reform, .hall pat through o( the Houae for at loaat a yrur . "That all reform, .hall be put Newa ot Mr . Hardwick'- preenco ,ugh In an energetic manner but , prcad t0 the chambor , M lhat when a legal and con.tltutlonal basla. ho appeared the choor , ng war gen Compiled With Flint. oral. Ho wanl | nt0 the aeuato tn-fore Gen. Carranza already ha. compiled bo appaaTOl oa the „ ouae Ooor . how . with the lint proposal by calling a „, r> anil wa , warm „. . general convention for October 1. to frlenda th „ Ci though 8pllal0 Mlect a provisional President. Under naver , Urred to , demonatratlon . the Mexican constitution the provls-| lonal President cannot be a candidate in elections conducted under his ad ministration. Gen. Carranza, there fore, if he wishes to become provis ional President, will not be in office I The longer than the period necessary to I when properly applied brings health, conduct an election. If he resigns as I The body like any other machine, first chief he may enter the preslden-1 will work normally when all Its parts >, as his friends claim he Is are In place and the energy applied, not a "military man" in the accepted] In the human body the energy Is sense in Mexico. [called stimulus. It is transmitted by The belief prevails here that Car-]the nerves to the cells of the body, rsnza will resign In favor of a civilian,]and so long as the nerve channels are as proposed by Villa, and that he then | free the stimulus will pass along to will wage an active personal cam-1 the place of function and normal ac- patgn for the presidency. Villa Is not tlvlty will result Normal function expected to support Carranza at the [means HEALTH, polls, but he has not revealed the The chiropractor who is efficient In Identity of his candidate. | his work can correct the abnormal It is generally understood here that position of any tissue In the body American forces will not be with-]This removes the cause of (so-called) drawn from Vera Cruz until the elec- disease, and health, or harmony, Is tion for permanent President is held. | the result, Whenever You Need e General Toole Take Grove’s The Old Standard Grove's Tasteless chill Tonic Is equally valuable as a General Tonic because it contains tbe well known tonic properties of QUIN INB and IRON. It acts on the Liver, Drives out Malaria, Enriches the Blood and Builds up the Whole System. 50 cents. CHIROPRACTIC development science that GERMANS CLASH No charge is made for an examina tion. It places you under no'obll- gallon. Investigation will show you that chiropractic Is what you UfITU CDAHIADIICl Iookin K for * nd win do aI1 we clalm * VVlin OrAMHKUd| CaIi tnd be convinced. W. H. HUGHES, D. C., Eight German.! 428 nunn Dld *' ~ W.ycro.., Ga. 1 9-4-dly-3ts. Madrid, Sept, were wounded In a clash with Span iards at Ceuta Morroco today. Popu lar sentiment for war is growing. Chickens, Fish BANKRUPTCY REFUGE FROM GARNISHMENT Atlanta, 8ept 10.—The new state (garnishment law, according to re And nil Icinrlfl ft^nahl portJ> that • re com,n * «*** IVlIlUe jUI ircoilljj Georgia, Is driving .nwiy clerks, meats, tit to eat. Guilford’s Market RING 6 AND TELL^IT TO FRANK LOW EXCURSION FARES VIA Atlantic Coast Line "Tba llmM Rallraad of Th, South” ATLANTA. OA. On ule October 12, 12. 14, Anal limit Oct. 24, 1*14. BALTIMORE. MO. On aate Sept t, g, 10. flaal Unit Sept 11, 1214. BOSTON, MASS. On aal* Sept ll,'l2, 12. Final limit Sept 24, 1*14. DALLAS, TEX. On aale Sept 14, !», 20. Final limit St 2nd, 1*14. DETROIT. MICK. On aale Aug. 27 to 2 Inc. Final At Sept IS. LOUISVILLE, KY. On ule A«g 21, 2*. 20. Final Umlt Sept 2, 1*14, MACON, GA. On ule S«pt 21, 22. Final limit Sept 20, 1*14. PHILADELPHIA. PA. On ule Sept S, «, 7. A Final limit Sept It RICHMOND, VA. Oo ula Sept t 7. Final limit Sept 1«, 1*14. RICHMOND, VA. On aale Oct 10. It. 12. final limit Oct 2*. 1*14. Alao low round trip 8nmmar Tourlat, Week-end and Sunday Ex- cur, Ion tickets to numerous marts. For Pullman rourvatlona, sebelalu, rates and farther Information call on A. c. L. ticket agent,, or writs E. M. NORTH. A. O. P. A. F. C. WEST, T. P. A. Savannah, Ga. U P. GREEN, T. P. A., Thomuvllle, Oa. laborers and small salamil men the bankruptcy court Even from little towns the lawyer, are reporting n tremendous Inoretae In the volume of the bankruptcy bus. Ineu, while Macon has Just reported u many na forty cases In one day. These are all voluntary bankruptcy petitions taken out to stand oil cred itors who began pressing for settle ment Just as soon u the new law I gave them the opportunity. STOP SUFFERING NOW FROM ASTHMA Go to the druggist listed below and | buy i package of Dr. Rudolph Schiflf- | mann’s Asthmador today and if it does not give Instant relief, and even more, If you do not find it to be the very best | remedy you liave ever used* go back and I your money will be cheerfully returned | by this druggist, without any question The old garnishment law exempted ail laborers from thia process, whih tlie new law, enacted at the recent session of the General Assembly, ex empted fro mgarnishment wages and salaries only to the extent of $1.25 per day. This is a law for which the retail merchants of the state have long contended, but until this summer ail efforts to get It through were in vain. It seems in many sections of the state instead of using the'law as a menace In the effort to collect old bills, merchants Invoked It and filed garnishment suits by the wholesale This had rather an unforeseen effect in creating new and abundant busi ness for the bankruptcy court. As a result, in some Instances the merchants will collect their money while in others they will lose it alto gether. When a man becomes a bank rupt he wipes out his debta entirely. He may pay them afterwards if he wants to, but In 99 csacs out of 100 It Is never done. It is a question, perhaps, whether the merchants will collect moro of their money this way than under the old law. They may do so for a time, but ultimately they may find bankruptcy court as big a barrier as was the old garnishment law. How ever, the repeal of the bankruptcy law Is another plank In their plat form, and they are going after It. Only One “BROMO QUININE" » set the fcnulnr. call lor fall name, LA sgamsSsnjiB&tsn& - woc ^ s on cojd, 25c. Subscribe for The Journal. CYPRESS SHINGLES Tba Hebmrd Cypress Co. oi lers (or ula at lha mills, Hebardvilla," (or a limited time only: Rtadom 18" Clipper Shingle* «t }I.2S per N. 3x16 Stir A Ster Shingles it f 1.50 per N. WILL INJURE LAUNDRY BIZ Pekin. Sept. 10.—A number of Chi nese were killed today when a Ger man land mino exploded. The Japan ese continue their bombardment. COURT ADJOURNED IN INTEREST OF FARMERS. Valdosta, Ga., Sept. 10—In accord ance with a request made by a large number of farmers and business men in l,owndes county through the Val dosta Chamber of Commerce, the Sep tember term of City Court has been adjourned. The reasons given for making the request were thut many of the farmers who were on tho jury for the term are pushed for time in gathering their crops and many of the business men are very’ busy and unable to attend court. Tlie Cliumber of Commerce secur ed the consent* of practically all of the memberl of tho local bar before making the request. They addressed their request to Judge J. G. Cranford, of the City Court, and urged that the term be adjourned to some later tlms when the cltlzena were not sa busy. After giving the matter careful con sideration Judge Cranford agreed to the request He stated that in view of the busy time now on the farmers or Lowndes county and because he V/as anxious to do all in his power to aid them In their work he would consent to their request W. J. GASSETT BUILDING CONTRACTOR Phone 103. * WAYOkOSS, OA. ♦ I HOTELB mmm muni D.C., Pennsylvania Avenue, llth and H Streets Ta milm of a bold white Room with detached both nay be ebtalnad at 9M0, $2 M ciAtartsenzSiXrtsss- Writ* for booklet with stop. CLIFFORD M. LEWIS. Manager failed, Asthmador and Asthmador Og- arette, will give instant relief usually within 10 seconds, hut always within 15 minutes. It doe, not matter how vio lent the attack or obitinate the care h, ! or what else had hen tried and failed, Asthmador will relieve instantaneously. If it doe, not, this package win cott you nothing. Go hade and get your money refunded. Von are the «ole judge as to whether benefited or net. Yon run no risk ia buying this remedy under this positive guarantee. Persons I ring elsewhere will be tup- 1 under the same guarantee by their j druggist or direct by Dr. R. Schiff- | a. St. Paul Uinn. For ule here hy , CHEROKEE PHARMACY. Please Step To the 'Phone Modem atom provide every poul hie conrenleoeo for their customer,. The superior service which our etore affords, convinces people that they can trade ee ,ueeeeafully by phmn aa If they cam* la person. A FREE . DELIVERY .SERVICE / la maintained for your rouvenlence and we want you to use R freely. Small phone orders receive th* same attention ea large ones. Let he year rcgalar drsgghts. WAY0R08S A SOUTHERN R. B. 00. Change of Schedule Effective Yeb. IS. 1814. Notice: Tlie arrival! and de parture! ire given ea information end are not guaranteed. Southbound Train No. 3. 0 Hebardville, lv. .. 9.-00 a. m. 2 Wayx, Albany Ave. 9:05 a. m. 5 Grundy, Ga, Iv ... 9:12 a. m 8 Lavinia, Iv 9:20 a. m 10 Freda), Iv 9:30 e, m 12 Atwood, Iv 9:40 a. in 15 Olive, Iv 10:30 a. m. 18 Walker, lv 10.-45 a. m. 20 Ilopkini, er. 11:00 a. m. Northbound Train No. 4. 20 Ilopkina, Iv 11:30 a. m. 18 Walker, lv 11:35 a. m. K Olive, lv. 12:30 p. m. 12 Atwood, lv 12:40 p. m. 10 FVedel, lv 1:00 p.m. 8 Lavinia, Iv. 1 tlO p. m. 5 Grundy, lv. 1:17 p. m. 2 Way*., Albany ave. lv. 1:25 p, m. 0 Hebardville, ar. .. 1:30 p. m. Treine Noe. 3 and 4 dally ex- eept Sunday. . JOHN M. HOPKINS. Gen. SupL 1. W. EUISTON PHONE 280 -/ Notice!! C.We will give a ticket with ev ery dollar cash purchase good for one vote in the Waycross Journal cash trade contest. C Trade here for CASH and WIN an automobile. Phone 305 REDDING DRUG & SEED STORE Summer Colds The first dose of Seal's Cold! Tablets relieves that miserable teeling,a few doses cures. Your money back if they fail. TheRexall Store ALL'S WELL WITH THE WORLD HOTEL WINECOFF Atlanta, Ga. HOTELS ARE LIKE POLKS They have personalities, pleas ant and otherwise. The HOTEL WINECOFF, on tho centermost spot In Atlanta, la a pleasant and friendly soft of hotel for rest, recreation or business activity. The HOTEL WINECOFF gives the man and woman from out-of- town a 'sense of security and cheer. Often this spirit Is s bless- •d and beneficent thing to ths In dividual away from home. Whether you pay $1.60 or $3.00 per day for your room, you are made to feel that "All's wall with tbe world." The HOTEL WINECOFF Is At lanta's newest and most complete Hotel; now under the manage ment of Mr. J. F. Letton, former manager of Hotel Ansley. EXECUTIVE 8TAFF; Frank T. Reynolds. Jas. F. deJarnette. A. H. Chapmen. WE ARE HEADQUARTERS For all farm and garden seed and have a fresh and complete sup ply for your fall planting, our prices are right, call to see us. Pridgen Brothers Phones 62 or 301 ASK THE FIRST MAE YOU MEET when l» the beat piece to h»ve your carriage repaired. Nina chmncea out o( ten ha will direct you here for our ■kill are carriage repairer, to known far aad wide. Known favorably too, or ao many people would not send their carriage to oa from a gnat distance. C. W. YOUNG. M Albany Ave. Phone!!* SAFETY FIRST Commereiil Department Savings Department Open an account and' pa^ your bills by Check, you (then have a perfect receipt and the Bank is your Book-keeper. Open an account in the Savings Department, the small amounts de posited from time to time will sur prise you from year to year. In terest at 4 % Compounded jquarter- ir- If you have a surplus fund,'that will Tima flannwifal^ Idle three, six, nine,-or twelve time arcp0SItSf month8 purchage a certificate of Deposit, bearing interest at 5%. TRAVELERS CHECKS While planning your vacation, o before starting on a trip, purchase Travelers Checks, should they be lost or stoled, notify us, we will is sue you duplicates. They are'good all over the world, and are cashed without exchange charge. . . Prompt, Polite, Progressive Citizens Bank of Waycross Waycross, Ga.