The Waycross weekly journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1914-19??, September 11, 1914, Image 5

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FOREACRE BRANTLEY IS TAKEN BY DEATH PIEDMONT HEWS At Hendersonville, N. C., yesterday Foreacre Brantley, son of Hr. and Mrs. A. P. Brantley of Blackshear Mr. Icey Peeples, Klngsland, Geor- died suddenly, after an Illness cov- Sla, has entered his daughter, Miss erlng a period of several years. Pearl In Piedmont, where she will take the teachers' coarse along wit! other work. Mr. 8he!don Chapman of Ludowicl, one of Piedmont's old redoubtable football players registered yesterday. All were glad to welcome beck to okr school Miss Esther Hinson of Jacksonville. Fla. Miss Esther Is a'His death came rTvery charming young lady with hasu' of friends. Another doughty football champion tailing from Zobulon. N. C., Mr. Fred IVavcv, i» on hand for the comine season. Fred Is a general favorite with all. Mr. Fulton Floyd, of Hoboken. Is with us again. Piedmont has valued friends at Hoboken. Rev. Ernest Altman, pastor of Mill town church, who has been a student at Piedmont since the first year of Its history, made a capital talk Tuesday morning at Chapel. We are glad to have him with us again this year. Everything Is cheerful and happv out on Williams' Heights. The stu- The deceased was not quite twenty* five years old, and was one of the most popular and best liked young men of Blackshear. He went to Hen* riersonvIMft some time ago to spend the summer. While his condition had not been as favorable as was. hoped H was not believed to be so critical a great shock to i Ware County Legal Adqertisements NOTICE. GEORGIA—Ware County. October next, (which Is the 6th day of said month), at public outcry at the the purpose of paying a total Indebt edness of 9361.71. aa evidenced by Will be sold on the first Tuesday In forty-three (41) promissory notes for the principal sum of 93.48 each, with past due Interest amounting to 9448, court house door in said county, dur- insurance and taxes In the sum of lng the legal hours of sale, to the 1919.41 with a discount of 925 highest bidder for cash, the following aa provided In said deed, and described property, to-wit: 1 McD. ten per cent upon the total Indebted- Chair; 1 Oak Inst. Cabinet; 1 Urine!ness aforesaid for attorneys fee, of Test Case; I Kelly Pad; 1 lot of in-‘which due and timely notice has been st ruments; I Air Tank with rack and regularly given in accordance with three bottles; l Cautery Transf; 1 law. 8aid security deed providing Cautery Handle; 1 each 3 A 7 B-Elec- that should default be made in the trodes; 1 pr. .Cautery Cords; 1 Diag- payment of any one of said promissory noetic tamp; 1 No. 6 Cautery 8et; 6 notes, and such dofault should con- hI . mnnv ro ,. flvp- .,.,,1 frianris ;Bulbs for No. 160 Holder. tlnue for thirty (30) days, the total ot h . nt _ », r Brantley Said personal property levied on as said indebtedness thereby becomes Constance und Julia Brantley. Funeral arrangements had not been completed today. In their bereave ment the family have the sincere sympathy of their many friends i WaycrosB and elsewhere. JAP CRUISER OFF CALIFORNIA By Wire to The Journal. San Francisco, Sept." 10.—The Ja dent, an twinl at --rhl'ind i^cheM «™*“ r M,um “ i » rrl ’ ,ed ottUU f' and students are planning bigger and better things for Piedmont. The peo ple of the country and the city are ral lying to their school. They realize that character and ability, talent an ) training count for something. The kindly feeling and stalwart support of the many friends in the city cf Wcycrcss are a valued of the institution. !thls morning. The cruiser appears to be loafing outside the three mile limit HAULED 3’0SQ PEOPLE MONDAY According to the records kept by .the street railway company Monday was a record breaking day for the street railway system in Waycross The figures on the day's businesi show that a total of 3,000 people were hauled on street cars In Way- cross. This is the largest number hauled on any one day this year, and Indicates that the street car men were amply justified In hanging out "busy day" signs Monday. IT MUST BE TBUE Jp ayeross Benders Mast Come te That Conclusion. It Is not the telling of a single case in Waycross, but a number of citizens testify. Endorsement by people you know bears the stamp of truth. The following Is. one of the public state ments made In this locality about Doan's Kidney Pills: STRIKE AT NEW ORLEANS By Wire to The Journal. New Orleans, Sept. 10.—A thousand longshorcmuti struck today when the municipal dock board attempted to test a machine to unload ships. NAVAL BATTLE IN THE GULF By Wire to The Journal. Mobile, Ala., Sept. 10.—That a Brlt- lah cruiser, after a battle of forty minutes, sunk a German warship eighteen milea off St. Andrews was reported at Penaacola early today. GERMAN COLLIER IS.CAPTURED By Wire to The Journal. London, Sept. 10.—A British war ship captured a German collier In the Atlantic, with a cargo of 5,000 tons of coal, say reports received here today. Isfy an execution issued on the 12th lng been made by the said Lulu day of August, 1914, from the City 8trong on August 27, 1913. und having Court of Waycross, In said county. In since continued to this date, the un favor of Perryman A Company derslgned has declared the whole In- agalnst Dr. J. T. Dixon. This 9th day of September, 1914. D. W. Pittman. jdebtedness aforesaid due and has j notified her. the said Lulu Strong, ss required by the statute in such case-* Sheriff Ware County, Georgia, made and provided. , Herbert W. Wilson and | Said security deed further providing Wilson, Bennett A tambdin, Attor-' that upon a public sale of the proper neys for PlaintlfT. 9 11 4wka ty aforesaid being made, and after paying the debt thereby secured, with GEORGIA—Ware County. all past due Interest, taxes, insurance The appraisers appointed to set ten per cent attorneys fees, und all apart a twelve months support for the other expenses, including the cost of family, of Joe. Sheppard deceased this advertisement, that the over- have filed their return, all persons pins, If any, ehall be paid to the said concerned are hereby cited and re- j Lulu Strong, her heirs or assigns, qulred to show causo In the Court of j A need to the purchaser will be Ordinary of said county on the First,made ty tho undersigned. Monday in October, 1914, next, why the This September 1, 1914. Waycross Savings A Trust Co., By D. F. Arthur. Secretary. J. L. Sweat, Attorney. Ml-4wks. That Weak Baok accompanied by paiir her there—extrema ntrvr.mncvr— ■I—plowam muy be tout ■ pail*—•orspusaui—wll are sign—... .* distress for a wou^n. She uu> uo gt-rwm;: froa girlit<M*i ir..j wnawahond parsing from w .tix-rh or lit-r aaffsriag from thatching eimo mi&tto life j ronmoy wrecks of women. Atanyu/ul-f ti. kd. < fa wo;r» !t *!.!., aha shot id taka a tonic r p. <* u r •'.**! for n< h ri* .««•■» by a physician of va-* esperiei c© in t!.w ct DR. FJKSCS’Z Favorite Prescription has successfully treated mors ewes fn ns-t fortv 7* t-« tW r-w now bo had in sugar-coated. t*b*t tom ns wall *>■ in dealsrs or trial box by mall on receipt of B0omits In stempn. Miss Hiubsth Lon tab I o> B. rkelrv. Cal.. In a iwnt letter to D broker, down in ksolth.1 WMacfcf n« «n>l hod r ainsul ovn» :ny hoc* if nnyonv Ulksd to mo hoi 1 »»*• ITaacrlptkm. 1 have never hu<l n pLynician since—am 1 cured br l)r. Pierce's In excellent health." FARMERS TO MEET SEP. 19 TO DISCUSS BIG PROBLEM lion. B. H. Thomas, county ordl-jour officers ami committee lo nary, has received a request from the those resolutions ami the proposed II Georgia Cotton Congr^fcn that he cal'!cense plan to the ordinary of c Application for said twelve months support should not be granted. This September 7th, 1914. B. H. Thomas, 9 11 4t wky Ordinary. FREIGHT WILL BE ON TAX LIST J. J. Keel, carpenter. R. R D. No. l.| By w ,„ Journ ,,. Waycrou, «y»: "For about urea; w „ blDgton , Sept 10-An agree jrmra I suffered off and on from mr m , nt WM re , che o bJr tbe Way. and kidney.. I fend n dull, henry ache In commltt „ Unlay to tag beer tha amatl of my hack. I also had „„ additional nfiy cent, per harrel, headaches and the kidney secretions 1 wto , twenty MnU additional per gal- wero too frequent In puaage. I had | j on> , nd freight In three per to take about three boxes of Dou-sj c<int „ u<! , or emergency rerenue. Kidney Pills to he cored. That wan A bUl mmeptahU to the President will three yew* ago and I Daren't bad any h, introduced in tha house Immadlata- tronble since.” lT Price Me. at nil dealers. Don't simply ask tor a kidney remedy—get Doan's Kidney Pllta—the same that Mr. Kaal had. Foeter-MIlburn Co., Props. Buffalo, N. T. ^ PEACE PUNS KNOCKED OUT Washington, Sept. 10.—Ambassador Page, cabling from London today, states that efforts to bring peace are now fruitless. The ambassador ad vised: "Great Brittain will fight until •he is decisively beaten or Germany and Aastria no longer able to fight" BANKING BUSINESS ON BOOM. Atlanta, 8ept. 10.—There may be all sorts of talk about restricted business and a slowing down because of thelcerned are hereby cited and required cotton situation, but evidently the to show cause In the Court or Ordl- NOTICE. GEORGIA—Ware County. Will be sold on the first Tuesday in October, (which Is the 6th day of sai.1 month), at public outcry at tho court house door, within the legal hours of sale, to the highest bidder for cash, the following described property, lo cated in the City of Waycrosq, Ware county, Georgia, and more particular ly described as follows: Beginning at the intersection of Al bany Avenue and "H" street on 8outh side of Albany Avenue and East to said "H" street, running East along Albany Avenue fifty-five (56) feet, thence at right angles with Albany Avenue, southerly to the Brunswick and Western Railroad, now the At lantic Coast Line right of way; thence Westerly fifty-five (65) feet to said "H" street; thence northerly along the east side of "H* street to the place of beginning. Said above described property lev ied on as the property of Maggie L. Turner to satisfy an execution issuod on the 13th day of August*, 1914, from the City Court of Waycross, in said State of Georgia, Wore County. The appraisers appointed to set apart .a twelve months support for tin family of C. W. Royal deceased hav ing filed their return, all persons con cerned are hereby cited and required to show cause in the Court of Ordi nary of said county on the first Mon day in October, 1914, next, why the application for said -twelve months support should not be granted. This September 10th, 1914. ’ B. H. Thomas, 9 11 4wks. Ordinary. meeting of the farmers of Ware county for Saturday, September 19th. at tho court house at 10 o'clock for the purpose bf passlug resolutions calling upon Gov. Slaton for spelcal legislation regulating the planting of cotton. Acting upon this request Judge Thomas hereby urges the farmers and people Interested to meet Satur day. Sept. 19th, ut the court house. The resolutions that arc asked to be passed follow: Whereas, Tho world can ouly use 1>: tho most liboral etslmate abou* of the 860 cotton growing counties of the Southern states, requesting said ordinaries to get their county pupe to publish these resolutions and pro posed law, calling a mass meeting of tho farmers for Saturday, September 19th, for tho purpose of endorsing these plans and requesting of their Governors and legislature* to unset the proposed or a similar law, cording to the Constitutions of the several states named. We believe that the effect of such legislation on the prices of the pres ent crop of cotton will Is. Iinmedlut • rl|lit million hales of American cot- and absolute, and will not only pro- LEGAL ADVERTISEMENT. GEOROIA—Ware County. John M. Slaton, Governor, Wesley Yancy, Principal and J. W. Williams, Security. June, 1914, Term ot tho CUy Court of Waycroes. Forfeiture of Recognisance In City krart of Waycross, baaed upon Indict ment for Selling Whiskey. To Wesley Yancy, jmtki. hereby required to be and appear;, personally county, In favor of the First National or by attorney, at the ndxt term of Bank of Waycross vs. W. F. Raybon, city Court of Waycross to be held In principal, and Maggie L. Turner, en- and for said county of Ware on the doraer. third Monday in September* 1914, This 9th day of September, 1914. jnext, to show cause, if any you have, D. W. Pittman, ■ why Judgment should not be rendeded Sheriff Ware County, Georgia.'against you and your security on your Herbert W. Wilson and j recognisance forfeited In the City Wilson, Bennett A tambdin, Attor- Court of Waycroes, said county* at the neys for Plaintiff. 9 11 4wks. TWELVE MONTH’S SLPPORT- CITATION. GEORGIA—Ware County. The Appraisers appointed to sat apart a twelve month's support for the family of J. C. Rlppard* deceased, hav ing filed their return, all persona con- June Term, 1914, of said court, aa In default thereof the court will proceed s to Justice shall appeart*In, Witness the Hon. John C. McDon aid Judge of the CUy Court of Way croat, this the 36th day of August, 1114. x B. J. Berry. I 39 4t Clerk. banking business continues an Invit ing field, for applications come In fre quently now for new banks. 1 An application was filed today with the secretary of state for a charter for the Southern Exihapge bank of Dub lin with capital stock of 950,000. Adfeng the large number of Incorpor ators are C. R. Williams, and B. M. Lewis, of Laurens. Oothcr Incorpora tors reside In Montgomery, Emanuel ard Twiggs counties. nsry of ssld county on the first Mon day In October next, why the applica tion for said twelve months' support should not be granted. This 1st day of September, 1914, B. H. Thomas, 9 11 4t wky. Ordinary. Saved Girl’s Life “I want to tell you what wonderful benefit I have re ceived from the use of Thedford’s Black-Draught,” writes Mrs. Sylvania Woods, of Clifton Mills, Ky. "It certainly has no equal for la grippe, bad colds, liver and stomach troubles. I firmly believe Black-Draught saved my little girl’k life. When she had the measles, they went in on her, bu^one good dose of Thedford’s Black-Draught made themjoreak out, and she has had no more trouble. I shall never be without BLAck-DraugHT In my home.” For constipation, indigestion, headache, dizzi ness, malaria, chills and fever, biliousness, and all similar ailments, Thedford’s Black-Draught has proved itself a safe, | reliable, gentle and valuable remedy. If you suffer from any of these complaints, fry Black- Draught It Is a medicine of known merit Seventy-five years of splendid success proves its value. Oood for young and old. For sale everywhere. Price 25 cents. TWELVE MONTH'S SUPPORT— CITATION. GEORGIA—Ware Countjr. The Appraisers appointed to set apart a twelve month’s support for tho family of J. C. Clark, deceased, having filed their return, all persons con cerned are hereby cited and required to show cause in the Coart of Ordi nary of said county on the first Mon day In October next, why the applica tion for said twelve month's support should not be granted^ This 1st dey of September, 1914. B. H. Thomas, 9 11 4t wky. Ordinary. Subscribe for the Journal. A newspaper heading saya: Trac ing Man Through Girl. You can do that most any time. "Gored’ a=n » & Mis. Jay McGee, ol Staph- eariDt, Texas, writes: "For aloe (9) yean. I suffered with womanly trouble. I had riblg hfidiKbft, and pyfqy la my back, etc. it teemed as I I would die, I cuffcred to. Al Issi. I decided to try Cardiff, the woman’s tonic, and II helped mt right away. The full treatment not only helped | me, but it cured me.” TAKE GEORGIA—Ware County. | Under ud by virtue of the power of •ale contained in • deed to (scare debt executed by Lulu Stronx to the un- dertlsned. Waycrou Savings A Truit Company, on the 27th day of January 1014, and recorded lo book ”HH” paso *1 In tho Clerk's office ot laid county. | (horn will be told within the leant hour* of ante on tha flrst Tuesday la October lilt, before the court house door of said county in the CUy of ] j, a rno fed durnnrirrd Waycroes, to tho biaheat bidder for * - - cash, the followlna described proper ty. to-wtt: Lota of Und numbers Nine (t) and Ten (10) of Brewer Street Sub-dlrta- lon in said city of Wnyerooe, said county and state, etch lot fronting on Effie street forty (41) feet, ud ex tending hock northward ninety-six (p*l feet Bold sale to bo made tor Cardui I Tbs Woman's Tonic L Cardui helps women ia time 3 ot grfitftt peed, It 9 H — contains ingredients which act 9 specifically, yet gently, on Use weakened womanly organs. M blue, out-of-sorts, unable to " do your household work, on 1 account of your condition, stop worrying and give Cardui a trial. Ithaafceiped ttiniuada ol women,—why not you 1 Try Cardiff. E-71 ton In 1914-16, leaving Koverai mil lion balcH surpliiH to be carried over; and Wheroax, This tnirpluH must to cured for by reducing futu/e crops, otherwise it will depretm the 1914-l r i market to the starving point; and Whereas, In order to get even (air price for 1914 crop It Is necca- aary to give the cotton world a de pendable guarantee that noxt year's crop will be reduced sufficiently to take In this year's surplus and still leave a short crop; and Whereas, Alliance agreements and other^ledges among the cotton farm ers to reduce cotton crops have here tofore proven ineffective; Be It resolved, That we, the under signed cotton farmers of the 8outh hereby petition the Governors of our respective states to call In special session Immediately the legislatures of North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Tennessee, Florida, Ala* bama, Mississippi, Arkansas, Louis!- onn, Oklahoma and Texas, to enact such legislation as will put tho ma chinery of the law behind this guar antee of cotton reduction for 1916. Resolved, That wo submit the ac companylng license plan and Instruct vido a lining price for the present but will care for our future emerge eies ill the cotton section. Hcnoivcd, That tho purpose of the resolutions and license plan In to ef fect curtailment, which principle endorse, urging the uso of the taxing power in any legitimate way to ef fect such curtailment. (Signatures of everyone present a' tho mass meeting will be asked to sign thjs communication.) Tho Proposed Law (• be Adopted. Tho following suggestion Is offered as a basis for a law which, it It can be adopted and enacted by the sev eral cotton growing states, will af ford Immediate relief. Copy of this has been sent to the ordinaries of each of the cotton counties In tho Southern states, asking the ordina ries to call mass meeting for Septem ber. 19 to endorse ^otton reduction end the plan to tax !r In order to ac complish this reduction. Governoi Slaton has called a Governors’ con ference In Atlanta September 10 to consider this proposition and other plans which have been suggested. The bill follows: Be It enacted by the General As sembly of the State of Georgia, and DO NOT WASTE YOUR OPPORTUNITY -TO VISIT- “The Land of the Sky" 7 Enjoy daya ot Golden aunihlne In tho gloriona mountain, ot Weetern North Carolina. Perfect nights tilled with nllvery moonbeam*. In thU invigorating mountain air you will play a hotter game ot the aanrpgaood eighteen hole golf course ot tho Grove Park law, America's moat unique and Knelt hotel at Asheville, North Carolina All Outdoor Recreations Tiie Route of Best Service SOUTHERN RAILWAY Premier Carrier of the South Many other' wall known and popular reeort, anally and quickly ranched, Including HENDERSONVILLE, WAYNE8V1LLB. HOT SPRINGS, BRE VARD, PLAT ROCK. TRYON, SALUDA. J. C. Beam A. G. P. A. J. S. Bloodworth P. A. Atlanta, Ca. Macon, Gi. I f GEORGIA SCHOOL OF TECHNOLOGY, Atlanta, Thu Sooth", great Technical and Engineering Qff-Tnrii ffpeii, —tfepor. SSS&JS’JRS —Textile, Chemical, Civil ■ad Electrical Engineering, and Architecture. 11m graduates of ''Gsonrfn Tech” are In groat demand, owiner to tho splendid trKS ofltewdattlito institotfon. Count of etudypractical aisd ejofosgh. For Cataicj addraas^ K. G. MATHESON, President. . TOcta Free Scholarships For Each County In Georgis. It la hereby enacted by authority of the same, That from and after the passage of this act, and during tha year of 1915, U shall be unlawful for anyone to grow cotton In this state unless he first obtain from the ordi nary of the county of which be Is a resident, a license to grow cotton. The ordinary shall receive a fee of ten cents for each license Issuod, to be paid by the applicant The Keens') shall certify the number of live stock lie will use In plowing said cotton, and Ills license shall permit hltn to grow three 600-lb. bales per head uf live stock actually used In cultivating said cotton. He shall up-.m harvest ing his cotton innke oath before his ginner, who shall qualify as a notary ns to how many 600-lb. bales pe** plow he actually produced, and for encli 600-lb. bule In excess of 3 to the plow he shull pay a special license of .» cenis p'*r pound. He must exhibit Ills license to his ginner upon havin'' my cotton ginned. The ginner shall record on the back of wild license ihe date and number of bates ginued. Kuch ginner shull obtain from the •Unary of his county a license for 1916 to gin cotton. He shall provide himself with a standard form book to be furnished to the ordinary by the State Agricultural Department, in which lo keep accurate record of cot ton ginned. His license shall cost him $ 1 .one, and the form book shall cost him 91.00.. Be It further enactud. That the gin- nor shall collect this license tax cf 6 cents per pound, receiving for his sorvlce 1-4 cent per pound, remitting the balance to the Ordinary of his county, who shall receive 1-4 cent per pound as his compensation and remit the remainder to his county treasurer for tho use of that county on Its schools and roads. Bn It further enacted. That unyonu planting cotton in this State before obtaining license and making report afterward to glnners as above provid ed shell upon conviction bo punished ns for a mlsdemcantor. Bo It further cimcted, That the At torney General and Secretary of Ag riculture of thlu State shall prepare the necessary forms and oaths to make this law effective. Be it further enacted, That this law shall not become offectlve until a similar law ahall have been enacted '*y South Carolina, North Carolina. Florida, Alabama, Misslsalppj, Ten nessee, Louisiana, Oklahoma and Texas. Resolution Adopted la AUaata. Resolved, That we urge the Hon. John M. Slaton, Governor of Georgia, to call a conference of the Governors, with the Attorneys General, of the wlthln-named states, at the most ad visable time and convenient location, by some sure pldn consider cur- ' ta!Intent. Wo believe the sentiment of tho people Is overwhelming In fa vor of curtailment, and any law by which It can be accomplished Will proYe popular, and a solution of the present problem. Passed by Convention, Atlanta 8ept 3. 1914. JOHN, D. WALKER. Chairman. W. T. ANDERSON, Secretary. Macon, Ga., Sept 4. 1914. ROOSEVELT BUYS BALE OF COTTON 'Atlanta, Bept. it.—At a conforonro today twenly-ilx committee, were named, Including some two hundred Atlanta citizens, to cutou tho city In th. Interest ol the "Buy u bale ot cotton- movement. 1 Thu lauden hare planned to go out juat aa thay would to aollclt uubacrlp- tloni tor any other popular public scheme. Every man and woman In Atlanta who la able to do It, and aomo who are not, will be solicited to join In the movement. In addition lo this plan tha general committee haa taken op today tha question ot advertising the movement - on Mil board, alkovar tha state and South, ud udvurtlalng also the usas or cotton. The Atlanta advertising ser vice hu agreed to furnlah the bill board apace free of charge to exploit the movement ud it In understood that bill board mm throughout tho Booth will probably follow this ax- npla. Tha ulaa up to data are lass than alx hundred bnlet In Atluta. One of today', purchasers wu Col. Theo dora Roosavtlt, who la In Now Or- laua. J. L. Sibley of Hllledgerille wired Col, Roohv.U today ud re- . eel red this' reply: ”1 authorize you to buy a bale of cotton for me. As n na tive Georgian I wish to help the South to help herself." MEN Dull wait until din- iHmnliM lm- 1 • '*»lie. Tlintl- - uf mm Iiawi nrrrkral «n tl.r> “606” Abaalutu rare* ta all rtarmkU rwrq pf roplmct.4 dinr«*r(L I Irmt H’MkiifM nf Mrn, Vartrvp- reI#, Mloo.l 1-olMMt, IMlwn and alt 1*KI.- VlftlflNMkM. I nr I Milne Kt PTI.Hlf, I (!*• M4 dlrrrtlr InU tfm bfnrxl ■HlBti —♦ ll «| — Jbf- Dr. Geo. L. Dickerson U w Jfl.5S5^31E2r- -OM II.LL. I LOHIDA. —— 11