The Waycross weekly journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1914-19??, September 11, 1914, Image 6

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SEPT. GEORGIA—'Ware County. tor cement sidewalk In front of said and on tba other two sldea by lands On Tuesday. October «tb. 1014.1 property. formerly owned by James Knox, will be sold at the court bouts door.j ALSO at the same time and placo In said county, between the legal hours, a certain tract or parcel of land to of sale, the following described real i the City of Waycross. Ware County, estate, to-wit; 1 Georgia, being located at the east A certain tract or parcel of land in »«• ot “ D " • trecl * bein * a lot the City of Waycroi. Ware county., ***100 *»t. more or lew. said prop- Geontobeta* located it the southeast I «rty lying between property belong- corner of Carswell and Pendleton I Alien and Ix>tt Said property streets, and being a lot 60x100 feet . I being eleird on as the property of J more or less. Said property being! 11 - Thorpe, by virtue of an execution levied on as the property of the Deen j issued on the 2«th day of December, Realty and Improvement Company, by! 191J - w - Strickland, Clerk of virtue of an execution Issued on the Council, in favor of the City of Way- Fronts B street 126 feet and Brewer street 117 feet Said sale Is made for the purpose of paying a total debt of 9368.72, as re presented by 41 notes of 96.47 each, with $13.33 past due Interest and In surance and taxes of 9 , with a discount of 911.88, as Is provided In 21st day of October, 1912, by J. W. Strickland, Clerk of Council, in favor of the City of Waycross, against tho Deen Realty and Improvement Com pany, amounting to 9114.14, principal, 916J4 Interest, and fifty cents costs, which said execution was issued cov erlng the unpaid assessment for ce ment sidewalk In front of said prop erty. ALSO at the same time and place a certain tract or parcel of land, In the City of Waycross, Ware county, Geor gia. being a lot 100x160 feet, mere or lees, located on the north side of Isa bella street, between Pendleton and Tebeau streets. Said property being levied on as the property of the Deen Realty and Improvement Company, by vlrtaa of aii execution lasnsi m the 24th day of February, 1911, by A. C. Lowther, Clerk of Council, to favor of the City of Waycross against the Deen Realty and Improvement Company, amounting to 9134.12, principal, 919.88, Interest, and fifty cents costs, which cross, against J. B. Thorpe, amount ing to 921.71, principal, 9188, inter est .and fifty cents costs, which said execution was issued covering the unpaid assessment for cement side walk in front of said properly. JOHN W. COLLET, City Marshal and Levying Officer. 9 4 4wks. PROCLAMATION. Submitting a proposed amendment to the Conititution of the State of Georgia, to be voted on at the General State election to be held on Tuesday. November 3rd, 1914, said amendment providing for the creation of the County of Barrow. By Hla Excellency, JOHN M. SLATON, Governor. State of Georgia, unpaid assessment for cement aide- walk In front of Mid property. ALSO at the Mme time and place a certain tract or parcel of land. In tha ('It, of WarcroM, Ware count,, Oeor- ,la, belof the tract of land upon which numbera 41, 41 and 47 Pent atreet are situated, Mid tract being 260x146 teat, fore or let,, and being •Ituated at the northweat corner of Pendleton and laabella atreeta. Said propart, being lerlod on M the prop art, of tha Deen Raalt, and Improre- roent Com pan,, b, Ylrtue of an execu tion Ueued on tha ilat da, of Octo- ber, III*, b, J. W. Strickland, Clerk of Council, In faror of the City of , _ to 1101A0, principal. *14.40, lalareat, and •ft, centa coata, which Mid execution wm Uiued corering the unpaid M- MMmant for cetneot paremoat In front •f said property. ALSO at tha aama time and place A certain tract or poreel of land. In tha Clt, ot Wiycro#,, Ware count,, °«° r gta, Mid tract balng the lot upon which number 47 Francis atreet la altnated. and Mid lot balng 117x100 teet, more or I mi, and bolng altnated at sonthOMt corner ot Francla lerlod on u tho propert, ot Mra. J. P. Luther, b, rlrtue ot an execution laiued oa the 4th da, ot March. 1*11, b, A. C. Lowther, Clerk ot Connell, In taror of the Clt, ot WaycroM, again,! Mra. J P. Lntbor, amounting to IU.M, principal, *4.74, Intereat, and lift, centa coata, which Mid executloa wu limed eorerlng the unpaid aaasss meat for cement aldewalk In front o' ALSO at the Mme time and place u certain tract or parcel ot land, In the Clt, ot Wa,croM, Ware Count,, Geor gia, Mid tract being the 'tract upon which number (S "A" atreet la situ- ated, and aald tract being an Impror- ed tract. And being ,10x140 feet, more or less, and balng located at th" northweat corner of "A" and Quarttr- UEORGIA—Ware Count,. U, rlrtue of a powtr of aale con tained la the deed to Mcore debt made to the underaigned b, Joe WMhlng- ton, oa the ltth da, ot Norember, 1*11, and recorded In book IIH of deed record, of Ware Count,, page 78, will be sold at tha court houaa In Wa,croM, Oa„ on tha flrat Tuesda, In October, 1*14, during tha legal boura of Mle, to the hlgbMt bidder for cash, the following described prop ort,: Lot 4 In block “F" of Joel Lott’e sub- dlvUlon on Haxurd Hill, commencing at a point on B,rd atreet 62 1-1 feet west of Llkel, street, run weet on Byrd street Oft, feet, then south one hundred feet, then eMt lift, feet, then north 106 feet, to beginning, m bought from M. E. Lott, Nor. 10. 1011. Said sale U made for the purpose of pa,lng a total Indebtedness of *240 &s represented b, 27 notes of *0.71 each, with *2.10 past due Interest, and *4.61 for Insurance taxes, with a discount of *15.60 M Is prorlded In aald deed, prorfdes further that If default made In the payment of an, note, and same continues for thlrt, da,a, Uie whole debt becomes due. Now de fault haring been made l Nor. If, 1012, and continuing to thU date, tho underaigned hM de clared the whole debt due, and so no- tilled the said WMhlngton's heirs In accordance with Sect. 2U2 of tho Cods of Georgia. Bald deed provides that upon pub lic Mle of the propert, the debt here- b, socured shall be paid from the pro of such Mle, with 10 per cent attorns,a fees, and an, Insurance or taxes which ma, bars been paid, coat of adrertlslog, etc., and the orerplus, If an,, paid to the Mid Joe WMhlng in, hla heirs or Mslgna. A flood to the propert, will be made to tha purehMer b, tho nnderelgnod. This Sept. 1, 1014. Wa,cross Barings Trust Co., • 4 4twk, H, D. F. Arthur Secretary. levied oh Aa the propert, of It. Lester Marrtl, b, rlrtue of an execution Is sued on the 14th da, of December, 1*12, by J. W. Strickland. Clark of Council, In faror of tha Clt, of Way- cross, against H. I .ester Ksrrll, amounting to *126.01, principal *14.41, Interest, and fifty centa coata which Mid execution was Issued car- erlng the unpaid aaaesament for ce ment sidewalk In front of said prop ert,. ALSO at the Mme time and place I. certain tract or parcel of land. In the Clt, of WaycroM, Ware Count,, Geor gia. aald tract being 60x100 feet, more or lea*, and belna situated at the northeast corner of Church and Brewer streets Said property being 1 cried on ac the property of G. E Bhulta. h, rlrtue of an exrcutkm Is sued on the Ith da, of December 1*12, b, J. W. Strickland. Clerk of Council, In faror ot tha Clt, of Wa,- cross, against O. K. Shulls amount ing to *14.11, principal, *4.40. later cat and fitly cents costa, which aald QBOROIA—Ware Count,. B, rlrtue of a power of Mle con tained In the deed to eecure debt made to the undersigned b, I. C. Cra, on tha J8th da, of January, 1*1*. and re corded In book 111] of deed records of Ware count,, page *6, will be sold at the court house In Waycroes, on tho first Tuesday In October, 1*14, during the legal hours of sale, to the higheet bidder for cash, tha following dsocrlb- ed property: Lots 41 and 61. Moale, street, Waycross, Oa„ each fronting south on Motel, street, SO teet, and extending north 105 feet; being eame property deeded to Dare Cadle b, T. H. Morton, book P. page *1, and h, n. L. Singleton to 1. C. Cray, la Said deed proridea that If default la made In the payment of an, note, and such default continues for thlrt, day». It rendera the whole debt due. Now, default haring been made In this case, Jan. 21, 1913, and baring continued to this date, the undersigned baa de clared the whole debt due and so noti fied the said E. M. Cason, In accord ance with Sect. 2882 of the Code of! An Act to propose to the qualified Georgia. j electors of this State an amendment Bald deed further proridM that upon * to Paragraph 2 of Section 1, of Article public sale of the property, the debtlll, of the Constitution of the 8tate of secured there shall be paid out of!Georgia, m amended b, the ratlfica- the proceeds,‘together with 10 per tlon b, the qualified rotera of this cent attorneys foes, adrertlslng and state of the Act approred July 1*. 1*14, other coata. Including Insurance and and for other purposes. taxM, and the orerplus, if any, shall j Section 1. Be It enacted by the be paid to the Mid E. M. Cason, hla General Assembly of the State of heirs or Mslgna. I Georgia, that the following amend General Election to he held on Tues day, Norember 3rd, 1*14. JOHN M. SLATON, Gorernor. By the Gorernor: PHILLIP COOK, Secretary ot State. 8-7-wkly-13ta. A PROCLAMATION. Submitting a proposed amendment to the Constltotlon of Georgia, to be roted on at the General Election to Executire Department, j be held on Tuesday, Norember 3,1*14, August 3,1914. said amendment to amend Article 11, WhereM, the General Assembly, at Section 3, Paragraph 1, of the Conatl- IU session In 1914, proposed an amend- tutlon of this State, authorizing the ment to tho Constitution of this State.! Legislature to abolish office of Coun- as set forth In an Act approred j t, Treasurer in an, count,, and for July 17, 1*14, to-wlt: other purposes. B, His Excellency, 1, ot tha Constitution ot Georgia. Amend Mid Pangraph 1, of said Section 4, of Article 3, as follows; B, striking from Mid Paragraph 1 tho words “until their successore are elected," and Inserting In lieu ot said worts In aald Paragraph 1, tha fOUowlng words, to-wtt: “Until the by law for the oonrening of tha next Genenl Assembly." further b, adding to said Paragraph 1 of Mid section and ar ticle the following worde, to-wlt: That the prorlalona of this paragraph —"-1 and article shall apply to the of the members of the General '■ who are elected at the gen enl election for members of the Gen eral Assembly lh the year 1*12. John H. Slaton, Gorernor. State of Georgia Executire Department. August 24, 1914, WhereM, the Genenl Assembly at Its session In 1*14, proposed an amendment to the Constitution of tho State, as set forth In an'Act approred August 14th, to-wlt: An Act to amend Article 11, Section GEORGIA—Ware Count,. To the Superior Court of Said Coant,: The petition of L. V. Williams, T. H. Calhoun and S. C. Honk, Jr„ all of the count, ot Ware and the state of Georgia shows: L That the, desire fer them selves, their associates, successors and assigns to be Incorporated un der the name and style of "AUTO SALES COMPANY." 2. The term tor which the pel tionere desire to be Incorporated twenty years, with the privilege of renewal at the end of that time. 3. The capital stock of Mid cor poration Is to be *3,000, (Three 'V • 4 4twk, B, D. F. Arthur, Secretary^ this state of the Act of July 1», 1*14, to-wlt: b, adding to Mid paragraph OEOROfA—Ware Count,. (the following language: "Provided, walk In front ot Mid property. • certain tract or parcel of land, la the Clt, of WaycroM, Ware County, Said Mlo la made for the purpose of pairing *1,617 total debt, as represent ed b, tt notee of *21.44 each, with In terest of *51.01, and Insurance and taxM of *54.11 together with 10 per cent attorneys fees and all costs, Ism a discount of 970.M, as proTldsd In Mid deed to secure debt. It rnrther provides that If an, notes becomes due and default In payment continues for thlrt, days, tt render* the whole debt due. Now, default haring been made In this cue Norember 19, 1912, and continuing to this date, the under- signed hns declared the whole debt due and so notified the Mid I. C. Cray, In accordance with Sect. 2882 of the Code of Georgia. Said deed also provides that after ■bite Mle of the property the debt mb, secured shall he paid from the proceed* of inch Ml*, with 10 per cent attorneys fees, all coat* of ad rertlslng, etc., and an, lues or Insur- it ma, hare been paid, and tha overplus. If any, paid to the Mid I. C. Cray, hla heirs or *Mlgna. A deed to the pnrehaMr will made h, lh* undersigned. This Sept. , 1*14. Wsycrosa Savings 4k Trust Co, * 4 4twky By D. F. Arthur, Secretary. upon which number* 12 sad 14 Br er street are situated, and being tract 120x40 feet, and being situated at the and Church streets, belut; levied on ae the property of G. K. Shultx. b, virtue of an lion Issued on tho 24th da, of De cember. 1*12, b, J. Clerk of Council. In faror City of Wa,cross, Shultx, amounting to *70.00, pal, *10.16. Interest, and fifty centa coats, which said execution ni Is sued covering the unpaid B, virtue of a power of Mle con-jbowever, that in addition to the coun- talned In the deed to secure debt made tie* now provided for b, this Constl- to the underaigned b, Laura B. Chand-! tutlon there shall be a new count, ler, on the IS da, of March, 1*12, and laid out from the Counties of Owin- recorded In Book HH of deed records 'nett, Walton and Jackson, said count, Ware County, page 668, will bounded as follows: Beginning at a be soM at the court house In Way- point amid stream where the Mul- cross t Oa„ on the flrat Tueada, In Oc- berry River crosses the Hall Count, tober, 1*14, during the legal hours of Hoe Joining Jackson count,; thence sale, to the highest bidder for cash, 1 following tho line between Hall and the following dMcrlbed property: jJackson counties to the cqrner of Hall, Lot* 14, 16, and IS, Block "L" of Gwinnett and Jackson cottntiea; Northslde, a sub-dirialon of Waycroaa,' thence In a direct line to the center of Ga„ the same fronting on Bailor street the Appalachia Rlrer at Freeman' northeMt, and lot 18 fronting Clough Mill; thence following tha middle of net northwest. I the current of eald Appalachia Rlrer Said Mle la made for tho purpose of down to the line of Walton and Oconeo paying *641.9* total debt, as repre-!counties; thence following tho line seated b, 46 notes of *14.62 each, with between Walton and Oconee counties Intereat of **.7* and Insurance and <o the common corner of Walton , together with 10 per Jackson and Oconee counties; thence cent attorneys fees and all coeta, less following the line between Jackson a discount of *21.66, as is provided In and Oconee countlea to the Clarka It further count, line dlrldinig i provides that If an, notes becomes' Clarke counties; thance In a direct due and default In payment continues Hue to McClesky’a Bridge at the for thirty days. It rendera the whole tral Point orer the Mulberry Rlrer, debt dne. Now, default haring been »nd thence up the aald Mulberry Rlrer made in this csm July 12, 1*12 .and to the beginning point on the Hall continuing to this date, the undersign- count, line. ed tux declared the whole debt duej That Winder, Georgia, shall b* the Laura E. count,-seat of said count,. Chandler, la accordance with Sect, count, shall bo attached to tho Ninth 21*2 of the Coda of Georgia. Icongreulonal District and to tha Said deed also proridea that af- Western Judicial Circuit, and absll be ter public Hie of the property tha debt attached to the Thirty-third Senato- hereby secured shall be paid from tha rial District. That the Mid with 10 per aald new count, ehall be Barrow, and cent attorneys fees, all coals of ad- that all legal rotera residing In the rartlalng, etc., an, taxM or Inanr- limits of said Count, of Barrow enti- anco that ma, bare been paid, and the tied to rote for members ot tha Gen- orerplus, If any, paid to the Mid Lau- oral Assembly under the laws of Oeor- i E. Chandler, her helre or Mslgna. gla shall, on the flrat Tuesday In Jan A deed to the purcluaer will be uary, 1*15, elect an ordinary, a clerk made b, the undersigned. This 8ept. of the Superior Court, a sheriff, a cor. 1214, oner, a tax collector, a tax receiver, a Waycross Savings A Trust Co., j county surveyor and a county treM- • 4 4twky B, D. F. Arthur, Secretary, urer. Said election to he held at Win der, Georgia, the county-slte of Mid county. That the Superior Court of said county shall be held on the „„„ fourth Mondays In March and Septem- . Woodard havlng In prop- 0| The limit, of Mid er rorm applied to me ior Permanent . .. ’ . , _ , Lettere of Administration on the ea- cottnt5r * the C°nire*.lonal and Senate “ r,al dlntrlcts and the Judicial circuit to which it is attached, the time of holding the terms ot the Court shall ho m shore designated A deed to tha property will bo oxo-' mn , t ~U hereby proposed to paragraph *■ Paragraph 1, of the Constitution of cuted to the purchaser by the nndkr-'g, section 1, Article 11, of the Constl-| thta Stat ®. » *a to authorize the Con signed. This, Sept 1, 1*14. I tutlon of this State, m amended by the ® r ** Assembly to abolish the office of WaycroM Baring* * Treat Co. ratification by Uit qualified voter* of ““V treMurer In any county of this Li._ -■ ■ - ■ * - - - • -- . State, and for other purposes. Section 1. Be It enacted by the General Aaaembly or Georgia, and It Is ’ enacted by authority of the that Article 11, Section 2, Para graph 1, of the Constitution of Geor gia, he amended by adding at the end of said paragrauh tho worts "and may abolish the office of county treM- urer In any county," so that said par agraph when so amended will read m follows, to-wlt:- " Paragraph County officers to bo uniform. What ever tribunal or office may hereafter be created by the General Aasemply, for the transaction of county matters, shall bo uniform throughout the state, and of the same name, Jurisdiction and remedies, except that the Gen eral Assembly may provide for the appointment of commissioners read* and revenues in any county, and may abolish the office of county treas urer in any county, or fix the com pensation of county treasurers, and anch compensation may be fixed with out regard to uniformity of such com pensation In the various counties. Section 3. Bo It farther that It this amendment shall be to by two-thirds of the members of the General Assembly of MCh House, the same shall be entered on Journals with the yeas and nays tak en thereon, and the Gorernor shall CSUM the amendment to be published In one or more of tho newspapers In each congressional district for two months Immediately preceding the next general election, and the same shall bo aubmltted to the people Lt the next general election, and the voters thereat shall bare written or print ed on their tickets: "For ratification of Article 11, Section 3, Paragraph 1, of the Constitution ot this State," or 'Against ratification of Article 11, Section 3, Paragraph 1 of the Consti tution of this State," as they may choose; and if a majority of the elec tors qualified to rote for members of the General Assembly, noting, shall rote in faror of ratification, then Mid amendment shall become a part of said Article 11, Section 3, Paragraph of the Constitution of this State, and the Gorernor shall make procla mation thereof. See. 3. Be lt further enacted, That all laws and parts of law* In confilct with this Act, bo, and the Mme are hereby repealed. Now, therefore, I, John M. Slaton, Gorernor of Mid 8tate, do tasne this my proclamation hereby declaring that the foregoing proposed amend ment to the Constitution la aubmltted for ratification or rejection to the Tot em of tha State qualified to rota for members ot tha General Aaaembly at the General Election to be held on Tuesday, Norember 3rd, 1*14. JOHN M. SLATON. By the Gorernor: Governor. Philip Cook, Secretary ot State. -* 4 *twk GEORGIA—Ware County. To All Whom It May Concern: tale of B. D. Woodard, 1st* of Mid county, this la to cite all and singular creditors and next ot kin of B. D. Woodard, to bo and appear at my . ,, , office within the time allowed by «•*.. il'*, 'E? iffurther and -how «.»«, If an, tteremt, why “ert shall he agreed to by two-thirds the members elected to each of tho two houaea and ahsll have been enter- be granted to Mra. J. F. Woodard, oh B. D. Woodard’s estate. tor®, this 3rd day of September, 1914. JJ® the * B ™*1°* 9 4 4twky B. H. ’ GEORGIA—Ware County. Mrs. Daisy Sykes, GEORGIA—Ware County: By rlrtue of a powtr of sale con tained In the deed to secure debt ex •cuted to Uw undersigned by E M. Oseoo, oe the 20 day of April. 1*11, and recorded la book GO of dead re cords of Ware coeaty. *Og* 40, will ho aold oa tha first Tuesday la bar. at the court hoeae In Waycroaa, against O. R Oa.. daring tha legal hoar* of salt, to on tho west by "B* street, oa tho north by Brewer (formerly Pood) street. the yeas and nays taken thereon, and the Oovernor Is hereby directed to cause the aald proposed amendment to he advertised In at least two papers In each CongreHienal District at lent two months before the next general election, to bo held on tho Brat Wed Vs. uesday In October, 1914, and he shall Waller SykM. I also provide for a submission of the Libel for Divorce. In Ware Superior proposed amendment at Mid general Court. December Terra, 1*14. election. And It a majority of the To Walter 8ykee: electors shall ratify anch prop By rlrtue of an order granted by amendment by a majority of the elec- e court, yon are hereby required ton qualified to rote for members o personally, or by attorney, to he and the General Aaaembly, such amend appear at tha Superior Court to he ment ihall become a part ot tho Con- first Monday, la December next, then | Sec. I. Ba It further enacted, that aad there to answer the plaintiff's n shall be .tb* duty ot the Governor complaints for divorce, as In default to snhmlt said thereof tho coart will proceed aa to pi* at Mid elsetioa la tb* following II appertain. .form: That thooo voting In faror of the Honorable J. W. Quin- U ld proposed a* aald cotsrt. I — ‘ of August, 1*16. 8. J. Bs sept. 4-11 oct. *-» why. Clerk GEORGIA—Ware County. Nolle* la hereby glroa to all cred itors ot tho estate ot C. W. Royal, of aald county, deceased, to reader la an ot their demands t la tha tha* prescribed by Uw, proper ly made out. Aad all persons to tba undersigned. This September lit. 1*16. B.L. Royal, Administrator of C, W, Royal, do- -In faror of ratification ot tha atnenl- ment to tho Constitution creating tha County ot Barrow with Winder, Geor gia, m the county-alte » and those op posed to tb* ratification ot aald aa . . „ „ . Thousand Dollars), divided Into Men L^^ fl PB '^ g , r , aPh i 0tKC ' Bhare ® of * 100 ' 00 ®«*. b « **0 P®tf tlon and article shall read s. follows: , rone „ de8|re the prlvll(! g e of to . °,J f""* 1 A ” m : creasing said capital stock from time U e° LT T 10 tta® the total not to exceed twoa- or ne Zv.nL V.s T 5 " T W thousand dollars, llrn h JT .T «• More than tan per cent of *3.000 Assembly. That the provisions of this . paragraph, section and article shall b “ -T T T ' . apply to the term of tho member, of 6 ' il Th « obJ ® ct ° tt ® “ r ‘ the „-™i s.—si. _ , poration la pecuniary gain to the tne General Aaaembly who were elec- . . ,. ' imi .. ... i I.,,—,, * stock holders Said petitioners pro tea at tne General Election for mem- — - , ' ... . nf th. ... _i.. , .. pose to engage in the Mle of auto year 1,12" °“ er * 1 A “® mM * 10 th ® „„KI,e. ..t „f .lllernnhllee the Gorernor of the State I, mobile,, and parts ot automobiles, and In the repairing thereof, acting . required and directed to cans. ** d T “*** T* driren’T' th* shore and foregoing amendment T p * rU ' “ d tor “° tor drt ’* n T ®- to be published In at leMt two news- l,lc,e, • “ d p * ft * : * nd toact " **?"*’ paper. I. each congre.slon.1 district or TTTT P "T ”, ,°T in thl. State for a period of two p,nle * ln •»•handling of all hualuM* month, previous to the time of hold-, “ nnected w,th tho “ le “ d rtp * lr tag the next General Election after' 01 » uton > obl1 ®*- » nd mou,r <*" “ d the submission of thl, amendment to vehlc ' e *- tho General Assembly, and shall at the next General Election to be held after the submission of this amend ment to the people for their ratlflca- cause the Mme to be voted on, the form In which the same shall be submitted to the people ehall be as follows: “For ratification of amend ment Paragraph 1, Section 4, Arti cle 3, of the Constltotlon, which ex tends tile term of office of members of the General Assembly until the convening of the succeeding General Assembly," and, "Against the ratifica tion of amendment Paragraph 1, Section 4, Article 3, ot tho Constitu tion, which extends the term ot office of members of tho General Assembly until the convening of the succeeding General Aaaembly." And shall cause the returns of aald election to be transmitted to the Secretary of State, whose duty it shall be to consolidate the Mme, and the Governor shall le ans hla proclamation, declaring the reeult. It a majority rota ln faror ot said amendment, and by said procla mation shall declare said amendment hM become a part of the Constitution of the 8tate. Now, therefore, I, John M. Slaton Governor of said State, do Issue this my proclamation hereby declaring that the foregoing proposed amend ment to the Constitution la submitted for ratification or rejection to the vot ers 'f the State qualified to rote for members ot the General Assembly at the General Election to be held on Tusday, Norember 3rd, 1114. JOHN M. SLATON, By the Gorernor: Governor. PHILLIP COOK, Secretary of State. 9 4 ttw 6. The petitioners desire the right to buy and sell real estate, and to hold same for the use of the corpo ration or as Investment; to give and receive notes, and to sue and be sued; to give and receive mortgages; and to tranrect all other buslneM that la usual and proper In the buying and selling ot automobiles. 7. The principal office of Hid busl- lness will be In the city of WaycroM, Ware county, Georgia, Wherefore, petitioners pray to he made a body corporate under the name and style aforeMld, entitled to the rights, prlrllegM and Immunities subject to the liabilities fixed by law. , L. V. WILLIAMS, Attorney for Petitioners. GEORGIA—Ware County. I, E. J. Berry, Clerk ot the Supe rior Court ot Mid county, do htreby certify that the foregoing la a true and correct copy of the application for charter of “AUTO SALES COM PANY" as the Mme appears on fils ln this office *► ' Witness my official seal and signa ture, and smI of Mid court, this th* 2nd day of September, 1*14. (Seal) E. J. BERRY, Clerk Superior Court, Ware Co. Ga. 9-4-4wks. How To Give Qulnloo To Children. Ain ..pKl.lIr Sdit-ttd u adults whe esaaet Uk« ordinary Oulalnu. Don not unnantu nor cao-w nvryoo.oraa norrlasloit lo tba bead. Try sassssfegfg Subscribe for the Journal. A PROCLAMATION. Submitting a proposed amendment to the Constitution of Georgia, to be roted on at th* General Election to bo held on Tuesday, November t, 1*14, Mid amendment to emend Article I, Section t. Paragraph 1, of the Consti tution ot Georgia, by term of members of th* General Aa aembly ot the Stale until the time fixed by alw for the convents.; ot the next General Assembly. By Hla Excellency, JOHN M. SLATON, Governor. Slate of Georxta their ticket. “Opposed to th* ratifica tion of amendment to tho Constitution creating tha County ot Bartow, with Winder, Georgia, aa th* county-atta. 1 Now, therefore. I, John M. Slaton Oermor ot Hid State, do Issue thli my proclamation hereby declaring that th* foregoing proposed amendment to Assembly August 24, 1*14. Whereo, the General Assembly at ■ session In 1*14 proposed amendment to tho CongUtuMon of tfcta State, aa set forth In an act approved August 14th, 1*14, to-wtt: An Act to emend Article 2, Section 4, Paragraph 1, ot th* Confutation of Georgia, by extending the term of members of th* General Aaaembly of the State until the time fixed by law for the convening ot the next General the Conttttntton I* submitted tor rati fication or rejection to the rotera of qualified to rote for * 4 Itwky. hen of the General Assembly at the gla to Article 3. Section 4, Paragraph The following amendment Is hereby proposed by the Senate and House of Representatives to the people of Oeor- ‘Please give me No. 11” This is what you should say to “Central” when printing is on your mind. 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