The Waycross weekly journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1914-19??, September 11, 1914, Image 8

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THURSDAY, SEW. 10, 191L | Big xblpment oI latest stjrlet la ! Hxrt-Schxffner Clothing lost rrcclr- ed st Star Clothing Store. W. D. 1 O'Quinn. Prop. , I I « | Ing several vacancies caused by some •of the officers going aeay to acluxSI, ! the following'were elected to fill 'them: For President, Ur. A. 0. Bray, | for second Vice President, Mrs. Hen- !ry Taylor, and for fourth Vice Presi dent Miss Frances Hopkins. Want and Classified Ads By Wire to The Journal. Octend, Sept. 10.—The German ar my reinforcements of 00,000 men are | Big lot latest patterns In Manhattan Shirts Just received at Star Clothing Store. W. D. O'Quinn, Prop. 9 I 4t NO. 1 LOTT STREET WAY CROSS. GA Wc ore itw ihowiig >■ larc* varieties fnrnlihlifi hr this now. Ou hobbies ire IkeFltr- tnce Antomtic Cook Staves, wklck ire tdorltss.valveless iid wtckleu nd bins latently hot kloe Nine, ind the McDoi (ait Kitrkei Ctbiooti wkMtku Dewy tfmtigts over other cabinets. Large variety of Liultiw. Oar layer is id expert. Special reduction'! on all summer goods su:h as Refrigerators, Ham mocks, Ice Cream Freezers, Porch Saits, etc. Special reductions on all Sommer goods, such as Refrigerators, Ham mocks, Ice Cream Freezers, Porch- Salts, etc. Are You Familiar WITH OUR lO PER CENT Coupon Saving Plan? // not, you should investigate, the plan is this, when you buy furniture on weekly or monthly payments, and make your payments at the store, [In this way you are not annoyed by the collectors calling). We pay you for each payment made at the store—a coupon worth 10 cents on every dollar. When your account is paid, these coupons are worth their full face value in trade at our store. We realize that this is a big per centage, and we have paid out several thousand dollars in this way, but it has decreased our collection expense and increased our business. LIVING ROOM FURNITURE DINING ROOM FURNITURE Tki beaity aid real valu if Nittiia faraOin li emphasized by Its dlKlictlvi ityle. t ick piece Is of simple design, ser viceable and desirable.. Hurst sad simplicity are the keyaettt et Its caastrectlei. Sturdy (joll ities built UU tack piece, giviig Individuality net united by ether furniture. Complete mitch- ed saltei or edd pieces to Early Eogllik ud Fomed, also Naksg- aiy aad Golden Oik. BABY CARRIAGES Why lit gat her a new living room ailte? There la ait a ream la the baiae that is usd man than tka llvlag ream, mare so la tka Fall ud Wlatar mentks; then la bayiag firaltan far this ream, otmtst care ahuld be lied la aelectiag the different pieces. We wosld aiggcat Famed or Early tagllik Fiwlthea. akdysi may Ilka a Golden Oak or Hahogoay arsame other fiilik at uy rata wt have Jut what yaa wut, ud remember we cu save yea money. Bay year youngster i hudsame carriage. It will eaakle yea te give it all the fresh air aid eat dear pleasure It needs. Every car riage af air cadre line la strikiag- ly handsome; the construction la exceliut. We especially call yur • attention to oar lime ef Sidway Collapsible Go-Carts ud Carriages gaaraateed far two years, the aaly baby vehicle ea the market tkat is gnaruteed fer so long a period agaliat all defects. KITCHEN FURNITURE BED ROOM Complete matched ultes or edd pieces la Mahogany rilDMITlirtr Quartered Sawed Oak ud Clrctaaiia Walut. r U If N ITU RE Price! far complete smites $50 is $300. IN THE SOCIAL WORLD CONDUCTED BY MRS. T. SALE PHELAN Telephone 416. Mra. 1. T. Mallette ol Bouton la the guest of her mother Mrs. J. T. Wutt. Mr. uO Mr*. W. R. Ratliff are visit ing relatives In Jaspar, Fla. Miss Katharine Lunbdln will enter- Mlaa Noble Humphrere will leave Monday for Co* Collsgs, n.s- At lanta. tain a number of ber young friends to- \>. morrow evening. Mr. James Watt of Albany la spend ing a faw days with his mother, Mra. Watt. Mra. H. O. Benton nnd Mlaa Eather ^ 1 ^ *" r “ ^ J. , H l _. enliimnrt frrim n whorl I QnUlf$ $QG Atliolb. Thfiy Will DC Benton bare relumed from e “ horl l, WI , lbout two weekl . visit to Flttgersld. “--...nrz tS' “ Most complete fall stock 8hoea, being rnshed to support the right men and boye clothing, ud hate now wing, which Use been pushed back on display at Star Clothing Store, W.l>5 mUen by the allies. The Germans D. O’Quinn, Prop. t I 4t continue their retreat today, lighting jdseperalely. MUSICAL COMEDY AT 'RELIEF SUPT. OF A. 0. L. IN CITY Mrs. Varina Jones and little Mise Varlna Loulae Bower have returned to their home In Cofdell after a few days visit to Mrs. J. L. Walker. Mr. and Mrs. R. O. Scruggs and lit- I tie daughter, Marjorie, have returned from Asheville where they spent the summer. Mr. aad Mrs. Fred Brewer and children and Mrs. Robert Odom and children are spending the day at the rlVer. F. W. Cadley, General Superintend* ent of the Georgia Southern and Flor ida waa the guest yesterday of Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Waring. daughter are the guesta of Mrs. Cow-.Godwin, of Wlllacoochee, were guests • of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Moore yester- GRAND THIS WEEK The Dean-Van-Retnhardt Musical Company, will present a series of Mu sical Comedies, making change on Wednesday and Friday night. The cast Is composed of elev en people, Including Mr. Jack Van, formerly with Field’s Minstrels and one of the cleverest comedians In the business, also Mr. Charlie Worrell, a clever Black face'comedian and one of the best soft shoe dancers that ever stepped on the stage. Every bill presented we will guan- antee to be clean and nothing that will offend the most refined will be per mitted. Don’t forget the big aerial plcturre. The Trey O’Hearta begins on Tuesday Dr. G. O. Thomas, of Wilmington superintendent of the relief depart- ment of the Atlantic Coast Line, ar rived In Waycrosa this morning Ir bis private car and spent the day here. Dr, Thomas visits Waycrosa frequently apd has a number of friends who ^lways give him a cor dial welcome'.' .NOTICE. There will be sold at pound near the old city stockade Pendergrast street, on the 12th day of 8ept, 1214, at 10 o’clock $b. m., to with a three ml production for n be-|< h « highest bidder for cash to pay (Inner. empoundlng fees and expenses, one - [ black sow marked three swallow' Just reeoired big lot UtMt stylo forks In one ear. split and under bit neckwear at the Star Clothing Store, In other. One black and white spot- W. D. O'Quinn, Prop. I S 4t ted sow with three pigs, unmarked —— ■ - -• ,One black boar, unmarked. Boy’s extra pants and caps for all This 8th day of Sept., 1914. ... _ , _ . . . the school boys Just received at 8tar J- W. COLLEY, Mlaa Charlotte Owlngs has gone to c|olhlng 8u>re w D O’Quinn. Prop City Marshal. - - f-S-Bta. Mr. ud Mrs. W. L. Knox, Miss Mar . ...... — garet Knox ud Muter Juk Knox Mllledgerllle where she will sKend , , 4t left Tuesday for n trip to llot,Bprlnxs, | 11,0 Oeorxln Normal ud Indns'tlsl Mlu Louise Joyner left this morn-, ...... ....... Ing for Mltledgsvllle where she will » nd ,or ° begin her senior year at Georgia Nor- * M I '“ dlc “ Auxiliary of (he I. A. ol mm I mnrl Tnriuaf rial M. Go to the Lyric Theater this after- Mra. C. C. Nettles ud children bars returned from m month's stay In the mountains of North ud South Caro- The First Methodist Leaguers held a business meeting on lut Tuesday evening. The derotlonsl part wu led by Iter. John Sharpe. There ba. MAY'S We have special prices on all of our Groceries for this week—come and get my prlcea before buying your months supply. Now Is the time to lay In a good supply, as everything Is advancing. PHONE NO. S. 22 ALICE 8TREET. NOTICE TO PATRONS AND TO THE PUBLIC GENERALLY Dr. Geo. E. Lyons, the Optometrist, has no agents or representatives ANOTHER NEW BUNGALOW-COT- TAOK FOR EJfEBSON FARE. Today work started on another bungalow in Emerson Park and an other block waa sold on which a nlc*> little home will be built at a very early date. Every home that ia built will enhance the value of every block and those who buy now at the present prices will be the winners. With the prices of food stuff going up, and the prospects are it will go higher, the sensible thing to do now Is to get a piece of ground larga enough to raise vegetables, sugar cane, fruit, poultry and other things to eat, at the same time be putting your mpney in a home to be all your own. It is the wise thing to do and the sensible thing to do. Three acre.* of land la sufficient to produce enough of these things for your fam Uy and you can cultivate it between work hours while you are rest* Ing. If you haven’t seen the blocks in Emerson Park you should do so at once. The price will not always be $600 for a whole block big enough t6 make 20 city lots; the price will go higher as the property Improves. Gel one now. Phone 56. D. k O. LOTT COMPANY. The cheapest and be*t advertising. If yon want to buy or aeil anything write your atL* get your change ready, then telephone *6, and a messenger will call for the ad and the money. One cent a word for eaeb insertion after the first. No "ad taken for less than 25 cents for the first insertion—that ia an ad ' umtainiiig 15 worn* would coat 25 cents for the first time and 16 ients for each additional time. NO ADS TAKEN OVER THE TELEPHONE. ' 7 VI NO ADS CHARGED. CASH IN ADVANCE TO aLL whoS* do not carry regular advertising contracts With the Journal. WANTED—A good cook. Apply 7 Walker 8L 9-10-4ts HOME FOR RENT—51 Brewer St , Apply to J. T. Bealer, 33 Stephenson 9-10-3ta. 1 FOR RENT.—Seven room cottage, 67 Elisabeth street Inquire at 4S V Jane street < SO tf The biggest and best assortment of Boy’s Clothing just received at the Star Clothing Store, W. D. O’Quinn, Prop. 9 8 4t If - it Is good shirts you want then buy the Manhattan. We guarantee them the best Look at our new ar rivals. Star Clothing Store, W. D. O’Quinn, Prop. 9 8 4t FOR RENT—Modern five room cottage. Church St. $16. Phone 193. 6-10-tf. | FOR RENT—Housekeeping rooms, completely furnished. No. 43 Nicholle street 9-9-3ts. If it is syell neckwear you are look ing for, let us show you. Star Cloth- FOR RENT.—One furnished bed- ,ng store ' w * D * °’ QuIim ’ Pr *®* • 8 * room—gentleman preferred. 37 Steph enson street Phone .293. 9 10 It WANTED—To borrow $600 on Im proved city property worth $3,250. Three blocks of post office? Address Box 637, Way ros-. FOR RENT—Large front room, furnished or unfurnished. 44 Reed street. 9-3-fts. FOR RENT—Nicely located 9-10-1 £ tW Apply to S. T. Wright 9-8-tf. FOR RENT—4 or 6 unfurnished rooms suitable for light housekeep ing. Apply 43 Pendleton street. 9-6-tf. FOB SALE. 300 cords 4 feet pine wood at $3.00 FOR RENT—Nicely furnished rooms. Gentlemen preferred. 20 Elisabeth St 9-$-Sts. PIGEONS FOB SALE—TEN PAIR THOROUGHBRED HOMING PIG- oor _ ord : LOSS. SOLD REGULARLY AT SiSO coM. 4 feet oak wood, at 11.50 F EB P £ 1 *' FIKST *>H per cord. * ,# TnE W>T. EYEBY C. O. D. at jroar hoax*. Thla wood cut la 11 loch lengths win make atx 11.00 loada. McGregor Mayo, 9 8 lm Phono 427. **************** I* MBS. WHEELER, RAKER OF 4 REAL ESTATE WANTED—Smalt + LADIES' WAISTS AND CHIL- . acreage or aereral town lota. Cloae In * DRENS’ CLOTHES. * at a bargain. Addreaa No. 4, care * go ELIZABETH ST. * Journal. 9-3-2ta 4 9-8-2wks. * *0*0*00*00**4*0* $10 Gtfrs THE LOT. BIRD GUARANTEED. ADDRESS BOX 198, WAYCR0S8, GA. 9-5-tf. 10-ROOM HOUSE FOR RENT— Three rooms arranged for light houseeeplng. Fine location for room ers. Best neighborhood in city. Rent reduced. Phone 270. 1801—GOLDEN WEDDING—1914. I NOTICE! The friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Miss Isabella Smith will be hero Reed are cordially Invited to an in-1 for the winter and Is rorganlxlng her formal reception to be given at thalr class in piano, history of music, bar- home, 48 Jane street, on the evening raony and pipe organ.. References, of Wednesday, Sept 16th, from 8 tc j Cincinnati Conservatory' of Music. 10 o’clock. No cards. Studio No. 3$ Tebeau St Phone 601. 9-9-7ti. ' 8-20-1m. WANTED. First mortgage purchase money notes. Amounts from $10040 te $l r 000.. I mean business—write me whut you hare. P. 0. Box 684. 9 4 It GOOD LOT Within one block of the South Georgia Industrial College, col ored. for sale cheap. $50 OMh. Ad-) dress Collie Lot, care Journal , 2-9-tf. ^