The Waycross weekly journal. (Waycross, Ga.) 1914-19??, September 18, 1914, Image 1

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THE JOURNAL ~ni #.goi— WHOLE YEAR WEEKLY JOURNAL MAIL US THE i $1.00 r~ TODAY NOW! The Dally Journal la the Official Or. fan of the City of Waycroea. The W eekly Journal of Ware County and 0 ounty Board of Education. *TH TEAR FOB DAILY JOURNAL. TfASCEOHS, UAm FRIDA 7, SEPTEMBER 18, ML 1«TH YEAB FOB WEEKLY JOURNAL, DIG FLEET MOBILIZE To Defend Neutrality lAfVT I Upon Withdrawal of Of the United States W lliiJ Troops At Vera Cruz BIG BATTLE CONTINUES WITH NO DECISION J* GREAT BRITAIN APOLOGIZES TO U. S. Carden Will Be Given Rebuke For His Attack PRESIDENT WILSON ADVISED THAT SUITABLE ACTION WILL BE TAKEN AT ONCE . ■ - ... By Wire to The Journal. " - Washington, Sept 17.—Great Bri tain today apologised to the United States for Sir Lionel Carden's Inter ne* attaching the handling of the Mexican situation by President Wlt- ison. In notifying the government today the British ambassador aald “suitable action" will be taken by his govern ment without delay. I, This Is not the llrst time Sir Lionel i Carden'baa given Interviews attacking Jhlhe policy of the United States. A previous attack months ago was ' smoothed over. The Interview credit- ed to Sir Lionel Carden and which brought a prompt apology from Great Britain declared the withdrawal of United States troops ffom Vera. Crux left thousands In Mexico with no pro tection of any kind and that Presi dent Wilson was a sadly misinformed A German Dirigible Hovering Over a Fleet German Embassy Denies Reports of German Defeat BERUN HOPEFUL OF BIG VICTORY FAST COAST LINE PASSENGER TRAIN DERAILED IN ALABAMA SAYS WRECK WAS ABAC SHAKEUP STATEMENT MADE BY CABDEN. New York, Sept 17.—Sir Lionel Carden former British Minister to Mex lco and recently appointed minister to Braxll, sailing yesterday on .tho Celtic for Liverpool, Is quoted by the New York City News Association as having made this statement concern ing withdrawal of American troops from Vera Crus: “It la a desperate shame that the United States has seen fit to aban don tbe decent people of Mexico when they most need help. I do not know the reason for this, .but . It would aeem that President "Hylton has been misinformed in some. matters. “The people who did not get pro- . tectlon in Mexico City and elsewhere went to Vera Crux for protection. What will they do now? They bare no means of getting away and will be left to the mercies of the law less element that will immediately overrun the town aqd country. Slate of Anarchy- -when It la aald that a state of ab solute anarchy exists In Mexioo, It'la W. M. Jenkins, of Howes Mill, Mo., who was hurt in the wreck or Coast Line passenger train No. 58 last night, was In Waycross this afternoon en route to Florida'. He says It la a won der many were not killed In the wreck, as the train was running at a fast speed when It was derailed. Mr. Jenkins was struck on the head by something in the day coach when he was thrown from his seat. His right arm and shoulder were bruised. He said, talking of the accident, that the fireman was badly scalded but that no others were hurt as far as be knew, although all passengers were given a severe shaking up. CUSTOMS RECEIPTS AT VERA DRUZ *1,000,000 Washington, D. C„ Sept. 17.—As a result of American administration of the Vera Crus customs office, the Car- rsnsa government will receive a cash balance of more than 51,000,000. The gross customs receipts up to Aug. 20 were 51400,000, from which was’deducted about 5090,000 for cub- not stating the facta too strongly, toms administration and the malnte- There were some 1,000 good police-; mnee of quarantine, lighthouses. Di men in the City, of Mexico, but them, , ot hottM (entice and pTrt of the p£ have been supplanted by an army of 35,000 soldiers that fought the fed eral government and among these am several thousands of wild Yaqul In dlaus. who two months ago fought with bows and arrows as the only weapons they knew. “Neither life, liberty nor property Is safe and when an officer so desires may turn a family out of Its home commandeer everything. Them ’la no redress for them am no courts, no congress, no laws—nothing but an archy and military despotism with not even a supreme chief to oversee JJ n< IMPORTS AND EXPORTS SHOW BIO INCREASE Carraaxa Net Great “Huerta had some sort of a gov ernment; Carranza has none what ever; the only claim he has to great ness Is his physique and that Is not so terrifying, either. There Is not even martial law there, because there is no organization. The Zapatistas, wild roaming bands of brigands, ev ery few days assault the waterworks of Mexico City, which are only thirty- five minutes' ride from tho city and are all the time trying to get Into town. But this Is only an Instance." A girl can never understand why he man with the curley hair Isn't the . ball player. New York, Sept. 17.—Financial at tention today was drawn to the effect of the European war on tbe trade of this country as Illustrated In Import and export figures for August, com plied by the Department of Commerce Merchandise Imports for that month were 520,400400 against 5127452,000 the same month last year. Exports sggregated 5110420400 against 2188,- 000,000 In August, 1012. A further decrease of half a cent to the pound sterling In sight drafts London occurred today. There TWO PERSONS SLIGHTLY HURT WHEN,‘58’ WRECKS .From a cause that has not been as- day. certalned as far as Is known here to- { The Coast Line opersted a special day eaatbound Atlantic Coast Line from the scene of the wrecked train, pasenger train No. 58, Montgomery to Passengers on other trains are being Waycross was wrecked at Grady, Ala., 1 transferred also during ths day. The last night | wreck delayed No, 68 approximately Two persons, one of them the fire- nine hours, ths train being scheduled an, were Injured, neither seriously, to reach this city this afternoon about according to Information that has'2 o'clock. reached Waycross. No. 68 Is one of the fastest trains The engine, baggage car and two loperated by the Coast Line and con- coaches were derailed and It Is re- Insets at Waycross with trains for 8s- ported that only the engine turned vannah and Jacksonville. The fact 0Ter - I that the wreck at Grady last night was As soon as a report of the wreck [not attended by more injuries to those was received here the Coast Line’s aboard Is probably due to the use of wrecker was sent to the scene of the steel underfrsme equipment, which Is accident and will probably hare the found on all the Important lines op- maln Una clear for traffic during the anted by the Coast Line. MOTORCYCLE USED TO STOP RUNAWAY TEAMrS.?? This morning shortly before ten done to any vehicle along the course o'clock horses hitched to one of tbe taken b y u,, tram , Ml7 large trucks of tbe J. M. Cox Com- , . , .... pany ran aw*y, starting at tho Cox ”* warehouse .on Fronds street A.° f th * ruMW ») r *- motorcycle operated by George Cot-j Much excitement was created by tlngbam and carrying L. a Boggs, the runaway and It was feared the city building Inspector, chased the horses would collide with another ve- runaway team out Plant avenue and hide and probably cause serious in- finally caught the horses at the 8a- Jury to result But the team had full tills river. I sway of the entire length of Plant The team passed along Bemshart' avenue. Everybody who saw street to Elisabeth, then on Elisabeth horses approaching established new to Plant and kept going until caught' records for speed end gave tbe Cox at the river. Lueklly no damage was‘team a clear right of way. rojwlsy— and Valdosta two motor cars used by the Atlantic Coast Line In rosdway . . service met head-on durinng a heavy ... ,,, BOTH LEGS BROKEN IN MOfOR CAR COLLISION | *£. m " 1 1 1 This morning between Waycross ren together. The cars were not so ‘badly damaged lu the accident In the market and exchange on Rome and Genoa' also was traded In. In the local market money was In better supply, but rates DAMAGED BY FIBE. Norfolk, Va., Sept 17.—Ther Clyde steamer New York was badly damaged by fire today while lying at her pier here. Half a dozen tugs confined the flames to the after part of the ship. lag up others who were on the cars. Bill Hagan, the most seriously In jured was brought to tbe Coast Line Hospital here for medical attention. His left foot and right leg were brok- In tbe accident L. J. James, tbe SERVIANS AREl NOT DEFEATED By Wire to Tbe Journal. Nish, 8ept. 17.—It la reported today that Servians Invading Austria have other person recelvtog Injuries, was not been defeated but bare merely re-‘ not brought here as his Injuries con-'called for strategic reasons, slated mostly In painful bruises. j ________ Five-persons were on one of the While every rose has Its thorn Ills irs and two on the other when they on the prlco that you get stuck. Berlin, Sept. 17.—(Wireless by way of Sayvllle, L. I.—German prospects in the Marne region are I still character ised In Berlin as favorable. The general staff has authorised the announcement that nowhere along the line of battle have the British and French forces won a victory. No details of the fighting in France are given out, and It is said no de cisive turn of events seems probable for some time to coma. According to documents found on Russian prisoners the commander of tho Russian army at Vilna, whose de feat was announced yesterday, has moved southward tc tbe Vistula river. Destroyed HospItaL According to an official report French troops in the fighting which took place on the 25th of August at tacked and destroyed a .German field hospital, killing physicians, and wounded soldiers. Attention Is called here to the rap idity with which the Siberian troops of Russia have appeared on the Europe an field. Portions of the third army corps, which was defeated at L-yck, In East Prussia came from Iskutsk; con sequently (heir mobilisation and trans portation must have been extraordi narily rapid as Ifkutsk Is In Eastern Siberia. Military experts here are scarcely able to believe that such a troop move ment has been possible In the six weeks since the publication of the Russian order of mobilisation. Resign from Service, According to the dispatches receiv ed here the British naval commission at Constantinople today resigned from the Turkish service. Fifty two pieces of artillery captured from the British, have arilved at Hamburg. The rumora In circulation that up per Siberia is threatened by a Russian Invasion are declared to be without foundation. The attempts of ths Ruslans ,ln South Polsnf to isolate the Austrian army under Gen. Danld, Is declared here to have failed. The Silesia land- webr, or reserves, took part In the fighting with the Russian forces. formerly lived now In Berlin, has msde tbe declaration that tbe mid dle of last July he saw mines being planted In the suburbs of Antwerp. A Berlin laborer who was engaged In this work told him that every one of these mines would blow up a battal ion of German soldiers. REPORTS FROM PARIS TELL OF MUCH FIGHTING By Wire to The JonrnsL .. Washington, Kept. 17.—An order directing the mobilisation of the bat- tleshlps of (he Unlthd States In (he Atlantic ocean to defend the neutrality nfi.? (i, C °" "*"i ‘'I 1 ? 4 Tlle w,u assemble Immediately after the withdrawal of troops non stationed at Vera Crns Mexico. The United .States proposes to enforce to the letter this country's neutral position In tbe present European war, and will employ the entire mVnt. * nrtT, ** r 7 *° compel strict obedience to the orders of the govern- GEBMANN STRIKE AT . , *" ALLIES TO FORCE A CUT. • ‘ ' , - 17.—Heavy reinforcements have reached the German ficrol| W .°i > ik° d _in tBt |7 l1 V °w K ‘i k '* Uk,l,r offensive today, striking fiercely at the allies Hnfc Frenck troops are being rushed to Veyon. The German aetlon on the right snddealy became very streng today, ‘ Indicating that the enemy are trying to. cut-through the allies line. Along the center the Germans skew less strength, while on the left their position Is almost untenable t „ A high official today stated If the Germans win the present balUo a nurses second advance on Parts would imtarally follow bat declared General Von nluk « army had a small chance of success. An official statement Issued ot four o'clock this afternoon Jay. Hie fldlillug continues all along the battle line today, with utmost violence everywhere. The allies have repulsed a fierce counter attack attempted by ,r# " " l ’ lr ,lrol,,lr positions along the river >■ ,,n * *” »*5»8ed In theglganlle bailie along the river Al M li * !“ k ®* ,h ® rre *'* ,t artillery battle In the history of tho world. The fiercest lighting Is aronad Solssons. The French government H? *i U ®* b f®* • l, J || J raining ground ever since the fight slarfsd »d»y. Sweeping around sixty miles north of Paris a fresh army Is gftemptlag to rat off the Germans nnder Von Kink from the main army. A dispatch from Aimes says the German right wing has been en circled by the allies. ‘ J 8ATS BEPOBTS OF ALLIES V J-P V , VICTORIES ABE ALL FALSE. >„ ; 54 ' B.lwlH , ^/2?o S * Pfc 17 ' - * *»*• <*» Conaaa foreign office fn X^UVyaTany^ “ 7 * ,M " d -*•*■ ■* ooajasanlcallon from the Kaiser received by the State Department today confirmed the Informal declaration of the Genua nmbawtaor Ita “*™ail' »HUag, theugh not asking tor, pne* allies will at this time consider peace negotiations. OALVIH SHEII' WARM WELCOME Germans Continue to Hold Along the Front Berlin, (via Amsterdam) Sept. 17— Official announcement was made here today tg tbs effect that the German attacks on the allies contlnns with success and that the Germans are holding their own without, much trouble. Some advantage has been gained by tho Germans but they won’t take th* offensive until the enemy him exhaust ed Itself. Troops are being given a brief respite. Secretary Martin V. Calvin, who Is attending the state reunion of Con federate Veterans in Macon, Is receiv ing a warm welcome from his many Macon friends. Of his visit to Macon the Macon News bsd the following: “Hon. Martin V. Calvin, on* ot the best known men In th* stats, and now secretary of the board of trad* at Waycross, Is In the city today at tending tbe state reunion of Confed erate veterans. Mr. Calvin has wide acquaintance In Macon. For many years be was officially con nected with tbe state affaire and spent th* entire fair period In the city. “Mr. Calvin stats* that tbs people of South Georgia are not at all pes simistic over th* cotton situation. He says his section of the country Is un usually prosperous and that tho folks down that way are satisfied. Mr. Calvin Is being warmly welcomed to Macon by his many friend* In tbe etty.” HAS TO USE FORCE TO SAVE BOY FROM DEATH Early this morning at tbs corner of of the policeman was dellvsrlng pack- When a man writes and says he bos gout he of course makes a foot note. Lee avenue and How* street Police man E. a Henderson was compelled to us* force to prevent a boy from running Into a live wire, The wire wo* discovered about 4 o’clock and Policeman Henderson guarded It un til seven, when linemen mado tho necessary repairs. - The boy who Ignored the warning aaes, probably meat, and but for the officer's quick work In grabbing him from a wheel would bavo gone Into the hanging wlro. Quito a number of peoplo pass tbe Lco avenuo and Howo street corner during tho early hours of tho morning and onco Policeman Henderson got on tho Job as watchman ho stuck to making repairs now ON CARSWELL AVENUE City forces aro at work repairing Carswell avenue, tho street for which Alderman Latimer made such a stir* ring appeal at Tuesday, night's meet ing of council. The improvements that are being made on the avenue are temporary In nature, as the city plans to pavo the street shortly with grav- Orlginally It was proposed to pave Cardwell avenue from Alice to Nlch- olls streets, but it Is understood that property owners between Nlcholls street and tho Coast Lino’s Albany road are going to petition council to extend tho paving as far as tho rail road. When tho Carswell avenuo paving question is next brought to council’s attention It is believed several other street problems will bo tackled and as many of them as possible disposed of by the city.