The Monticello news. (Monticello, Ga.) 1903-current, September 11, 1903, Image 1
THE MONTICELLO NEWS. ESTABLISHED 1881. Loca! and Personal. Prof. O. B, Nisbet spent Sun day in Eatonton. Mr. Weyman Perry visited Shady Dale Sunday. The Monticello News is all home print—read it and see. Mr, C. B. Sanders. of Stark, Ga., was a visitor here Tuesday. Littie Miss Ruth Benton is vis iting relatives this week at Palalto. Mr. W, F. Persons made a bus ness trip to Atlanta the first of the week. Mrs. Robert Ezell spent Satur day and Sunday with Shady Dale relatives. A little girlarrived a few days ago to brighten the home of Mr. and Mrs. Eli Malone. Mrs, Lamar Williams, of Ma con, is spending several days with Mrs. W. M. Bradley. Mr. R. R. Powel spent Friday and Saturday of last week in Covington on business. Mrs. Charles Thompson, of Eu dora, has been on a visit to Monti cellorelatives this week. Miss Katie Pope has returned from a pleasant visit to Mrs. J. 0. Perkins, of Chattanooga. Mr, John Webb left Tuesday morning for a visit to Atlanta, Cartersville and Chattanooga. Mr. John Florence, of Atlanta, has been on a visit this week to his parents, Judge and Mrs. A. 5. Florence. If we could have a good system of water works, with a good drainage, it would be the thing for Monticello. Miss Kate Robert, an attractive young lady of Albany, is the guest of Mrs. F. W. Robert, on Forsyth street. Misses Watson and Williams, who have been on a visit to Mrs. Jas. H. Campbell, left Saturday for Woodbury, Miss Lizzie Tone Smith and Mr. Sherrod Smith, of Woodfin, spent Monday with their grandmother, Mrs. Sarah Malone, Mr, Willie Digby has a position with Mr. Sherrod Campbell, hav ing accepted a saleman’s place in the Undertaker's department. Supt. O. B. Nisbet is pushing the enrollment up higher than ~ever before. Send your children to the Monticello Public School. Mrs. Clark Bailey and Miss Jes sie Bailey returned Monday to Social Circle after spending sev eral days with Monticello rela tives. Hon. M. B. Dennis, of Eaton ton, has a fine article on ‘‘The Cost of Education” in this paper today. It appears on the last page. Mrs. Alexander and Miss Eve lyn Sammons and Master Frank Sammons, of Godfrey, have been on avisit recently to Mr, and Mrs, Evan Talmadge. The members of the city coun cil were busy last Thursday night at a meeting held in the council chamber for the purpose of ad jnsting the citytax rate. Miss Susie Malone has resumed work in the Millinery department of Mr. J. H. Kelly's store, Miss Malone is quite an efficient trim mer and her friends are pleased to learn that she will be with Mr, Kelly again this season. Macon Business Men’s League bids for your trade. It gives you free trips to and from Ma con. For particulars write Eugene Anderson, Secretary and Treasurer, or call at store of any IO O B ', i e Rev. C. A. Ridley spent last Friday in Madison. ’ Mr. Clarence Goolsby is clerk ing for Powell Bros. ~ Mr. and Mrs, R. R. Powel visit ed Eatonton Sunday. Mr. Frank Bullard was over from Machen Wednesday. Prof. Cantrell, of Sardis, at tended to business here Saturday. Mr. Edwin Pearson has a po sititon with the Hutchinson Com pany. Miss Vera Franklin, of Eudora was the guest of friends herc Sat urday. Mr. Clinton Woods has return ed from a short visit to homefolks at Eudora. Miss Anna Bullard, of Madison, is visiting Monticello relatives this week. Mr. Will Ballard has a position as book-keeper in Mr. D. B. Ben ton’s store. Mr. T. P. Atkinson, of Jackson, was circulating among Monticello friends Wednesday. 1 Miss Gladys Pope returned a few days ago from a visit to Madi son and Pennington. Mr. H. B. Jordan is having some additions made to the shed at his coal and lumber yard. Miss Oma Benton, after a visit to Miss Peterson, of Mount Vern on, has returned home. FOR SALE—A lot in West cemetery. Apply to Mrs. J. C. Key. Sheriff Wilburn returned Mon day from Eastman bringing with him a prisoner, Jim Greer, color ed. Mrs. E. L. Campbell, of Doug las, Ga., is visiting her sister, Mrs. Minnie Perry, and other relatives here. ; s LOST—A small gold shirt but ton. Please return to News of fice and get reward. Will pay SI.OO. Miss Hattie Kate Burney, of Eudora, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Burney, on Forsyth street this week. Miss Mattie Thom, who has been on a visit to Mrs. Crit Gools by, returned Saturday to her home in Hillsboro. | Mr. Mote Thempson, Cashier of the Bank] of Covington, was greeting his Monticello friends Sunday and Monday. Miss Elizabeth Greer, who has been on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Will Greer, left Wednesday morn ing for her home in Sandersville. LOST-—One week agoa Pug Dog answering to name of Gyp. Has one eye out. Tan colored. Reward offered by C. Q. Lane, Machen. Mr, and Mrs. W. E. Morgan and little Miss Louise Morgan re turned to Gray Monday after a visit to their mother, Mrs, M. A. Morgan. Mrs. Martha Flowers, of Bar tow, Florida, who has been on a visit to her sister, Mrs. M. L. Pope, left Priday morning for Covington tospend sometime with her son, Mr. J. C. Flowers, On account of some of our new type and machinery being delayed we were unable to get out the paper that we wanted to this is sue. . However we will be able to improve in the next few weeks and give our readers the best pa per ever published in Jasper county, MONTICELLO, GEORGIA, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1903. . Mr. and Mrs. Segars are board ipg at the Hardy House. Mr. and: Mrs, M, S, Ben: ton visited Macon Monday. Fresh Oat Meal, Mackerel and Cheese at Ballard's. Mr. Sterling Wilson, of Eaton ton, has a position on the Courier. Teachers, Patrons, and School Children, see W E. Ballard for school supplies. Mr. and Mrs. James Newton are occupying rooms with Mr. and Mrs. B. W. Peurifoy. Mr. Porter Ballard, of Eaton ton, has been on a visit to rela tives here this weck. . Mr. Sam Barron, of Round Oak, spent Saturday here with relatives and friends, Master Tom Davidscn, whose illness we mentioned last week, is still confined to his bed and is suffering from an attack of fever, We would call the attention of our readers to the new advertise ment of Mr. J, B. Watkin ap pearing elsewherein our paper to day. Mrs. Albert Tyler and Mrs. James Lewis returned Tuesday from Hancock county where they attended a Primitive Baptist As sociation. Mr. John Leonard, who has been working with the Monticello Telephone Company for several months, left Tuesday for his home in Eatonton. Miss Sarah Ward, of Cork, Ga., spent a few days in Monticello last. week the guest of Mrs. Annie Goolsby. Miss Ward was enroute to Athens, The seventieth annual session of the Central Baptist Association will be held with Hopewell Bap tist church, in this county, in August 1904. Miss Annie D. Lewin, who has been on an extended visit to Miss es Maud and Martha Penn, left Wednesday morning for her home in Meridian, Miss, Everything is being put in readi ness for the beginning of work at the Cotton Oil M!ll and it is ex-. pected that by the middle of next week the mill will open for the falland winter business. Mr. Monroe Phillips has a new ad in today’s paper in which he solicits the patronage of his friends. Carry your cotton to his warehouse and you will receive courteous attention and fair deal ing. Mr. L. O Benton, of Monticel lo, president of the First National ‘Bank of Barnesville, is establish ing a fine reputation as a banker ‘and business man,—Barnesville News. Mr. and Mrs, Lynch, of Reids ville, spent a few days here last week with relatives. They were on their way to Madison where Mr. Lynch has accepted a position on the Advertiser, Misses Annie Anderson, Miss Annie Higgins, Miss Ackie White and Miss Lillian Stephenson are attending a house party at Miss Kate Thompson's at Eudora,.— Covington Euterprisz, John Gipp, colored, died Mon. day from injuries received in a fall several days ago. John was employed by Mr. Will Holsenbeck to work in his livery stable, and while getting hay from the loft in some way fell to the ground and was so seriously hurt that he died from the effects, Rev. McAllister, of Washing ton, Georgia, came over Thurs. day of last week and held a shart series of meeting at the Presby terian church, Mr, McAllister is a zealous laborer in the Master's cause, and his eloquent, earnest sermons were greatly enjoyed, The meeting closed Sunday night. Oh! for a street sprinkler. Mr, D. B. Benton is still con fined to a bed of illness, Mr. Ham Ridley visited Machen and Shady Dale Sunday. Little Miss Maude Pope has been on the sick list this week. Mr. T. A, Hutchinson is expect home from New York in a few days. Mr. Norwood Oxford left last week fora visit to Glennville and Eastman, Mr. F. L. Penn has been on a }visit to Madison and Covington ‘ this week. ~ Col A, S. Thurman left yester day for Madison to spend a day or two on business. Read the ad of the North East Fair Association appearing else where in The News. Beginning today our paper will be issued on Friday instead of Thursday as heretofore. Mrs, Jeff Smith and children have returned to Round Oak after a visit to Monticello relatives. Mrs. Joe Hatfield and children, Naunie and Ruby, have returned from a visit to Dahlonega relatives, We regret to learn that Mrs, Randie Meriwether has been indisposed for several days past. Miss Lizzie Witte will leave in a few days for Macon where she goes to attend Wesleyan college. Mrs, R. 1.. Davis has as her guests this week, Misses Flora, Annie and Clara Carr, of Coving ton. Mr. Joe Watson, of Jackson, a former cotton buyer here, was mingling with Monticello friends ‘yesterday. ! ~ The many friends of Mrs. W. E. Ballard regret to learn of her contipued illness at her residence in this place. | Mr. John Dortch, of Carnesville, a former editor of the Cornesville Advance, wasin the city a few days last week. Mr. Harvieyordan wifl leave next week for'Niagara Falls to at tend the National Farmers’ Con. gress to be held there, Miss Lucile Fitzsimmons, of Birmingham, Alabama, is expect ed the latter part of the week to spend sometime with her grand. mother, Mrs. O. ]J. Jordan and Mr. and Mrs, Harvie Jordan at their suburban home, Mr. A. H. Burney's new ad ap pears in our paper today. Mr. Burney is fully equipped for the weighing of your cotton, and if you will give him a trial at his warechouse near the depot you will be convinced that he is work ing for your interest, Contractor Nichols and Mr, Bonner Jordan are figuring on plans and prices for the erection of a brick building to be used for the Electric Light Plant. The structure will be located on the present site and wlll be a great improvement, if built, to that part of town, For Sale: A scholarship on the Georgia- Alabama Business College, located in Macon, Any young lady or gentleman desiring to take a ‘course in this excellent school will find it to their interest to call at this office or writeus. We can save you money, 1 A Card of Thanks. - We desire through the cclumns of the News, to express our heart felt thanks to our neighbors and friends who so kindly assisted us on the night of the burning of our house, Such expressions of kindness are greatly appreciated, and again we wish to thank one and all for their timely aid, ‘ Mr. and Mrs. M. Benton, Palalto, Ga. Cotton was selling yesterday for 10:11:16 and up to six o’clock there had been 137 bales deposited at the different ware houses. Bring your cotton to Monticello if you want a good price for it. Miss Susie Malone left Monday to visit the markets in the interest of Mr, ]. H. Kelly's millinery de partment, One good two horse farm for rent apply to P. M Williams. Miss Eula Lowe and Mrs, Lowe, of Mortons, who have been on a visit to the Misses Holsenbeck, returned home Wednesday. To witness the turning on of the hose at the store of the Ben ton Supply Company makes one feel like they were in a large city. We regret to learn that Lily Ruth, the daughter of Mrs. Ad ams, who was elected as assistant teacher here, continues quite ill in Eatonton. Mrs, McMasters and little Miss es Elizabeth, Rosa and Rachael McMasters, of Waynesboro, are the guests of Mrs. C. D. Jordan on College street. ; The Furse Drug Company is the name of a new enterprise for Monticello, Their petition for charter appears in another column of The News today. Mr. S. Cohen returned Friday from the Eastern markets where he purchased a handsome line of falland winter goods. When his stock arrives you may expect to see one of the prettiest displays ever brought to our town, In addition to the extension in the rear of the building occu pied by Mr. Reuben Jordan for a fuurniture store, there are four rooms being added to the second story, making the structure quite a large and com modious one. Last Thursday evening Mr, and Mrs. James H, Campbell opened the doors of their delightful home to a large party of young people, complimentary to Misses Watsoni and Williams, of Wood bury, Ga, Tempting refreshments were serv ed at a late hour. Monday evening Miss Nell Florence entertained her young friends at adelightful party. The occasionwas one of the most en joyable of the season, and was largely attended by the younger society set. Miss Florence served‘ dainty refreshments. Those pres ent were: Misses Annette Kelly, Bertha Davison, Elizabeth Greer, of Sandersville, Gladys Pope, Mabel Ballard, Daisy Pope, Willie Turner, Nell Florence and Ada Trusler, of Jonesboro, Tenn; Messrs Jack Blackwell, Louie Bradley, Claude Ezell, Jno. D. Persons, Fitzhugh Penn, John Florence, of Atlanta, Tom Penn, Jr., Dwin Perry and Dr. Blasin game, ; You can buy for cash at W. E. ‘Ballard's: 1 Ib. Fair Chewing Tobacco for .33 ‘ 1 pkg. Old Glory Cheroots for .08 1 Good sc Cigar for. ... 04 1 pkg. War Eagle and other Che- LOORE TOF ..o idimssisssisssisnn dissmusssss s IMPROVED TRAIN SERVICE TO MACON. Effective Sunday, Sept 13th, the Central of Georgia Railway will extend to Macon its trains Nos. 27 and 28 at present being operated between Covington and Gordon. There will be no change in the schedule of those trains be tween Covington and Gordoen, Train No, 28 will arrive in Macon at 1 p.m, and No 27 will leave Macon retnrning at 2:5 p. m. This arrangement affords much quicker schedule and through train service and avoids lay over at Gordon. : The fact that no vagrants have been arrested in Monticello speaks well for our town, Just received another line of beautiful crockery. Call and see it. Ballard. The Negro Reform Congress will Convene here on Saturday, Septewber 19th and a laige at tendance is expected. NoGame This Afternoon. Ropky Creek and Hillsboro will not play here this afternoon as was pcheduled, Both of these teams have won the same num ber of games and the next game, which will probably be played sometime soon, will decide who are the champions, Meeting of T'rustees. At a meeting of the trustees held Monday night, Miss Ola Little was elected an additional teacher, it being necessary to procure one on account of the large attendance of the school, there now being 141 enrolled pu pils. The trustees decided to cut off a proper space, (with removable panels) from the south end of the upstairs auditorium, and this will be fitted upat once with desks, blackboards etc, The trustees are also having the well walled and will have a suitable shelter built over the same, At the meeting rules and regu lations for the government of the school were made and adopted, and these will be read once a week to the children in order that they may learn them and cofarm to them, Our town is to be congratulated upon the rapid progress thatis be ing made upon educational lines, Twenty Two Years Of Faifh ful Service. Itis with tender feeling that we sever our connection with a true and tried servant, our Wishington hand press. For twenty two years it has served us faithfully, responding to each weekly call, and as we witness its going we can but wish that its successor, a splendid cylin der press now installed mour of fice, will serve us equally as well. “Father Washington"” ecame to us twenty two years ago from the office of the Jackson Argus, that excellent journal now published in the pretty and progressive city across the waters of the Ocmulgee, ‘where in its younger days it lent its efforts in helping to make that paper what it now is, “oOld George" goes to Dodson Printers’ Supply Co., of Atlanta, to rest, and perchance to enter a gain upon a third career of useful ness. - We greet our readers this week in a dress of all home print and ask of every one a hearty co-oper ation that we may make the News the best paper in the best town in Georgia, For Sale, Four hundred and fifty acres of land, well improved, well water ed, and contains over one hund red ucres of original woods, Also one six horse engine, press, fifty saw gin, feeder and condensor. Will sell all together or in two parcels, The above mentioned property is five miles south of Monticello, Apply to the under signed for terms. Aug. 18, 1903, W. H. Middlebrooks. NUMBER 27.