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e ——————— A . S
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Terma of Bubscription:—One year, Ol,(m';
siz months, 50 cents, Subscriptions pay
ableinandvance . « « « + o+ o+ s s
Eutered at the Monticello, Ga., post office as
second class matter « . . o+ ¢ o o
Friday, September 11, 1903,
War between Turkey and Bul
garia seems inevitable.
Monticello is paying the highest
market price for cotton,
The vagrantsare having a hard
time shifting from town to town,
Labor Day was generally ob
served throughout the United
The liberal use of printer's ink
is a paying investment for the
There is an apportuniyy for
every loafing coon in the cotton
fields, says the Fitzgerald Enter
Several murder cases are set
for trial in Morgan Superior
court which is in session at Madi
son this week.
The enforecement of the va
grant law, passed by the last
Legislature, is working wonders
all over the state,
It begins to look very much as
if J. Pierpont Morgan had swum
out beyond his depth in his great
shipping trust scheme,
When Kansas gets through with
its harvest hands old Virginia may
be able to put them to work tak
ing care of the extraordinary ap
ple crop. ‘
Russell Sage is sure that Wall
street isall rignt.- But it is safe
to assume that he is not taking
any more chances than are abso
lutely necessary,
The Central Baptist Association
which held its sixty ninth annual
session at Antioch church near
Godfrey the latter part of August,
contains twenty eight churches
with 2,028 members and embraces
Jones, Putnam, Jasper, Morgan
and Newton counties,
The Farmers’ National Con
gress will convene at Niagara
Falls, N, Y., Sept. 22nd to Oct.
loth. The address of welcome
will be delivered by Gov. Odell,
of New York, and First V., P.
Harvie Jordan will deliver the re
spouse on the part of the Congress.
Hon, Dudley M. Hughes, of
Danville, Twiggs county, has
been appointed by Governor Ter
rell to represent Georgia at the
World's Fair in 1904. Mr, Hugh
es is prominently conngcted with
the State Agricultural Society
and is highly fitted for the posi.
tion of collecting and looking aft.
er the State's exhibit at the St
Louis Exposition,
The following Is taken from a paper on
Habiis snd Will by Mis, Theodore W,
Birney in the Delineator for September:
“The habits of reverence, gentleness,
courtesy, honesty, courage and patience
like the opposites are absorbed by the
child from those with whom he is most
closely associated. It is in theso attri
butes that an ounce of exam;le out
weighs & ton of precept. It is & charm
lug custom to lose no opportunity either
fu reading fiction or the circumstances
attending on everyday living to expross
an enthusiastic appreciation of the gowd
the noble, beautifu! and trie, but valu
able beyond and above all discussion of
these virtaes is, “To be as nearly as we
can what we wish our childven to be. "
Give Penn Bros. your job work.
Oldest Person In State Dead.
. Yesterday in this city Minerva
Bond, an oid negro woman, died
at her home in Morristown. She
was at the time of her death, in all
probability, the oldest person in
the state of Georgia.” *
The oldncgro woman was one
hundred and fourteen.years of
age and had lived in Athens for
many years, She had liyed in
three centuries and was living at
the inauguration of “every presi
dent of the " United States from
Washington to Roosevelt. She
was born in Oglethorpe county
and wasaslave of Mr. Jack Bond,
of that county, Theold woman
was buried in this city yesterday
afternoon. —Saturday's Athens
How About Water Works?
Water works. That's what
Monticello needs. It would af
ford a much needed sewerage sys
tem and increase the sanitary
conditions of the town and make
batter health. Why can’t we have
water works? That's a question
every one should answer, Tt
wotld make Monticello more de
sirable as a residence and busi
ness place, increase the value of
property and add greatly to the
importance of the city in every
Bonls can be issued and water
works put in without a cent’s cost
to the town, The incoms on the
water works from the different
business and residences using
them would more than pay the
interest on the bonds and the sur
plus could be nused by the city to
buy up the bonds or to make other
needed improvements.
Let Monticello be a live little
city. Let the people show that
they are enterprising and pro
gressive. Monticello is a live
place and the way to keep it alive
and make it livelier is for the
people to show public spirit. Why
not have water works?
1. Harvie Jordan,
2. J. T." Waters,
3. W. ]. Garland,
4. B. M. Davidson,
5. T. W, Thompson,
6. E. H. Kelly,
7. M.'P. Stone,
8. J. L. Burney,
9. J. L. L.ane,
10, E. D, Campbell|
11, M, C, Goolsby,
12. C. R. Goolsby,’
13. L.'A. Mercer,
14. L T, Kelly,
15. F D, McDowell,
16, A. Hardy, !
17. A. Benton,
18. W, H. Malone,
19. A. J. Allen,
20, {no. Holloway,
21, E, H. éordan,
23, g W. Wagner,
23. C. W. Pope,
24. E. N. Waldrop,
28. J. 8. Comer,
26, 8. G. Shy,
23.. M. C. Fish
aB, ]. L. Hardy,
29.' S. C. Lawrence,
30. W. G, Hardy,
5. S, P. Spears,
2. 0. O, Banks, 4
3. J. M. Phillips,
4. Sam Hardeman,
5. B. W. Peurifoy,
0. t\.g. Jones,
5. S. A, Hecht,
8. W, A, Tingle,
9. W. M, Stone,
10, { D.Laok,
1. B. A, Moore,
12, Frank Hattaway,
13. |. T. Mobley,
14 Ino. Cunard,
15. H. V. Robinson,
16. W. A, Mercer,
17. P. C. Malone,
18, Ed Wynn,
19. W. B. Preston,
20, { H. Mc¢Elhenney,
21, .\l". ’ll‘t)'att.
22, J. .M. Thompson Jr.,
23 IJ.Q Ke!l{. pnd
24. P. A, Roberts,
25 W. C, Cornwell,
260 A. C. Mobley,
a 3 {W. Floyd,
28 W, H, Middlebrooks,
20 W. R. Powell, ¢
3o H. B.Jordnn.
3t LS. alone Jry
32 M. Phillips,
33 C.F. Thompson,
4 JJR.L Wi?:gn.
35 G. W, Ressean,
30 B. Jordan,
GEORGIA _Jasper County,
To all whom it concerns.
Clifford B. SBanders having, in proper
form, applied to me for Permanent Let
ters of Administration on the estate of
Maiy M. Cornwell, late of said conuty:
This is to cite all and singular, the cred
itorsand next of kip, to be at my office on
or before the first Monday in October
next by 10 o’clock a. m. to show cause,
if amy they can, why Permanent Admin
istration should not be granted to Clif
ford B. Sanders on Mary M. Cornwell's
entato, 'T'his Bth day of September 1903,
A, 5. FLORENCE, Ordinary,
GEORGIA---Jasper County.
Ordinary’s Office. Sept. T'erm 1903,
The Tax Rate for the County of Jas
per for the year 1905 has been assessed
at 8 mills on the dollar, or SB,OO dollars
on the M by the County Commissioners
and the state rate has been assessed by
the state authoritics at- 5 mills on the
dollar, or $5.00 doflars per the M,
making the state and county rate for the
year, 1903, $13.00 dollars on the thous
and dollars and the commutation tax at
$2.25 per capita on all persons between
the ages of 16 and 50 years, both white
and colored males of said Jasper county.
A. 8. Florence, Ordinary and
Ex, Officio Clerk B, ¢, C, J. C,
GEORGIA---Jasper County,
To all whom it may concern:
Benj. W. Peurifoy, Connty Admistra
tor of said Jasper county, having been
selected and having, in proper form, ap
plied to ¢ for Permanent Letters of
Administration, cum testamento annexo,
on the estate of Mary A, I. Wyatt, late
of said county. This is to cive all and
singular, the ereditors and next of kin
of Mary A. F. Wyatt, to be and appear
at my oflice by 10 oo'clock a. m. on the
first Monday in October next and show
cause, if any they can, why Permanent
Administration should not be granted to
said Benj, W, Penifoy, county admr, as
aforesaid, on Mary A, F. Wyalt's estate
with the will annexed, T'his 7th day of
September 1903,
A. 8. Florence, Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Jasper County,
To all whom it may concern,
W. R. Tuggle has in due form applied
to the undersigned for letters of admin
istration de bonis non on the estate of
Robert Tuggle, late of said county, de
ceased, and I wiil pass on said applica
tion on the first Monday in October 1903,
Given under my hand and official signa
ture this Sept, Tth, 1903,
A. 8. Florence, Ovdinary,
Notice to Creditors and Debtors.
GEORGIA--Jasper County.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
having demands against Franklin J,
‘ Blackwell, late of said county, deceased,
Ito present them to the undersigned,
;pmperly made out, within the time
prescribed by statute, showing their
‘character and amount. And all pvrsuns“
mdebted to said deceased are hereby re
quired to make immediate payment toj
me, This Sept. 7th, 1903,
Leanna E, Blackwell, Admx,
Administrator's Sale.
GEORGIA, Jasper Couuty,
Agrecable to an order at the Court of
Ordinary of said eounty granted on tho‘
Tth day of Sept, 1003, 1 will sell b(*l'ore}
the court-house door in the city of Mon
ticello, Ga., dwing the legal hours of‘
sale on the first Tuesday in Oct, next the
following property, to-wit: Thirty three
acres of land, more or less in the 879th
Dist. G. M. of said Jasper county, ad-;
Joining lands of A, Benton, R* H. Smith
and others. Terms eash, Sold as tlm!
property of Frank and Lucinda Gilstrap,
deceased, for the purpose of paying the
debts of said deceased and for distribu
tion among the heirs. This Tth day of
Sept. 1908, B. W, Peurifoy, admr of
Frank and Lucinda Gilstrap, decd.
Administrator’s Sale.
GEORGIA--~Jasper County,
Agreeable to an order of the Court of
Ordinary of said county, granted on the
Tth day of Sept, 1908, 1 will sell before
the court-house door in the city of Mon
ticello, Ga., during the legal hours of
sale on the first Tuesday in October
uext the following property to-wit: One
hundred and forty (140) acres of land,
wore or less in the 200th Dist, G, M, of
Jasper county, Georgia, known as the
Clark Potter place and adjoining lands
of W, 1. Wilburn, J. A, Kelly and
Also same time and place, one house
and lot containing one-half acre more or
less on College stivet within the incor
porate limits of the eity of Monticello,
fa, Terms cash, Sold as the property
of Shelly . Downs, decd, for the pu
pose of paying the debits of said deceased
and for distribution among the heirs,
This Tth Sept, 1908,
Thos, I Downs, Executor of
Shelly P. Downs, deed.
Tornado losses in Georgia vast
ly exceeds the fire loss of past five
years. Protext your property by
taking out Cyclone Insurance,
Rates low. H.C. HILL, Agt.
? Administrator’s Sale.
| GEORG lA,“Jaapcr County.
~ Agreeable to an order of the Court of
Ordinary of said county granted on the
Tth day of Sept. 1903, I will sell before
the court-house door in the city of Mon
ticello, Ga., during the legal hours of
sale on the fivst Tuesday in Oct. next
the following property, to-wit: Sixty
acres of land more or less in the 289th
Dist. i, M. of said Jasper Co. fronting on
the public road leading from Monticello
to Katonton and adjoining lands of W,
I. Webb, George T, Powers and others,
Terms cash, Sold as the property of
Mamie Tom Webb, deed, for the pur
pose of paying the debts of said deceased
and for distribution among the heirs.
This 7Tth day of Sept. 1903,
B. W, Peurifoy, Admr. of
Mamie Tom Webb.
GEORGIA, Jasper County,
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in
October 1903, at public outery at the
court house in said county within the
legal hours of sale, to the highest bid
der for cash, the following property to
wit: One fifth individual interest, to a
certain tract or parcel of land known as
the Joe Epps place and as part of the
Chapman placein Jasper County, Ga.,
containing one hindred and ten acres,
more or less, bounded east by lands of
Mrs. H. N, White, known as the Pope
place; south by lands of estate of W, H,
Phillips and public road, west by lands
of the estate of W, H. Phillips and lands
of Joe Epps, Jr., north by lands of D,
B. Benton, known as the Maxey place.
Levied on as the property of Edom
Epps to satisfy a fifa issued from the
N. P. aud J. P. court of the 295th Dis
trict Gi. M.of said county in favor of
Lucian Benton against Edom Epps.
Levy made by V. ¥, McMichael and
turned over to me for advertisement and
sale. I'his Aug 20th 1903.
Wm. H. Wilburn, Bh'ff,
Petition For Charter.
GHEORGIA—Jasper County. &N
To the Superior Court of siad Connty :
The petition of R. I. Furse and J. G.
Coile, all of said State and county respect
fully shows:
1. That they desire for themselves, their
associates, successors and assigns to hecome
incorporated under the name and style of
“The Fuarse Drug Company."
2. The term for which petitioners ask to
be incorporated is twenty (20) years, with
the privilege of renewal at the end of that
3. The capital stock of the corporation is
to be Ten Thousand Dollars ($10000.00,)
divided into shares of one hundred dollars
cach. Petitioners however ask the privilege
of increasing said capital stock from time to
time not exceeding in the aggregate $25000.-
The sum of Four Thousand Dollars of said
capital stock s already been actually paid
5. The object of the proposed corporatien
is pecuniary profit and gain to its stock
bolders. Petitioners propose to carry on a
wholesale and retail Drug business and to
deal in Drugs, Olls, Paints, Medicines, Glass,
Perfumes, Soda Water, Toilet Articles, Peri
odicals, to compound Prescriptions and
generally to do aund perform such acts as are
appropiate to said business; buying and sell
ing forcash or ou credit all such things and
articles as are usually embraced in the
wholesale and retail Drag business and all
such articles and things as may be profitably
bandled and sold in connection therewith;
acting as special or general agents for other
persons or companies in selling or haundling
any articles or class of articles appropiate‘to
such business,
6. Petitioners ask the power to purchage
and hold property, real and personal, to sue
and be sued and to exercise all powers usual-
Iy conferred upon corporations of similar
charater and to have all the powers and
privileges which a trader or firm of traders
engaged in such line of business, but not to
extend to any individual liability wpon the
stock holders further tham the stock subscrib
ed by each,
7. They ask the power of bhorrowing
money, incurring indebtedness and securing
the same, the right of selling on credit, tak
ing notes, mortgages, deeds to secure debt,
and all other kinds of security, of using
handling and dealing in commercial paper in
the course of their business, for receiving and
exercising powers of sale that may be grant
ed in mortgages or deeds to secure any mon
ey duesaid corporation; of bidding for and
buying any property upon which said cor
poration may hold a lien or title to secure a
debt or be interested in as creditor, at any
sale of such property, either at the iustance
o said corporation or under process of any
court or at the instunce of any other person;
and the right to hold and sell all property
which may be purchased by said corpora
ton at any such sale, and all other rights
and powers notinconsistent with the laws
of this state which may be advantageous or
lecessary to the conducting of the business
8. The principal office and place of busi
iess of the proposed corporation will be in
the city of Monticello, said state and county,
mt petetioners ask the privilege of establish.
ing branch offices and places of business else
where in Georgia,
Wherefore, petitioners pray to be made a
body corporate under the name and style
iforesald, entitled to the rights, privileges
and immunities and subject to the liakilities
fixed by law. This September 4th, 1908,
Attorney for Petitioners,
GEORGlA=]Jasper County,
1, R L. Davis Clerk of the Superior Court
and for said county, do hereby certify that
the above and foregoing is a true and exact
copy of a petition for incorporation as ap
pears now of file in the office of the Clerk of
Superior Court of Jasper County. This
September 4th. 1903, R. L. DAVIS,
Clerk Superior Court Jasper County Ga.
. -
Physician and Sargeon.
Office Benton Building, Room 1,
recently vacated by Col. Johnson.
| Phone No. 3.
Low Rates To Atlanta.
& Loop the Loop—Vanity Fair—Bobby Walthour,
& Live Stock—Horse and Poultry Show. &
# Races Every Day, Remember the Dates, o
OCTOBER 7TH TO 24TH. 1903.
Frank Weldon, Secretary.
Veterinary Surgeon.
I will be at the following towns on dates given. Be
sure to meet me in your town with diseased animals. |
will be prepared to do surgery. If your animals have
tumors, warts, or any abnormal growth on them be sure
to bring them with you. All terms reasonable. See
price card.
# .S TRTES .- 8- &
September, September.
7. Cork, 19. Jackson, ««all day”’
8. High Falls, 21. Patillo, 5
9. Jenkinsburg, 22. Covington,
10. Orchard Hill, 23. Liberty Hill,
11. Flovilla, 24. Stock Bridge,
12. McDonough, 25. Juliette,
14. Elgin, | 20. Jackson, «all day”’
15. Worthville, 28. Stark,
16. lL.ocust Grove, 29. Monticello,
17. Milner, 30. Grifiin.
18. Forsyth, Please don’t forgét dates.
Don’t forget when |am coming. | can
not go to the same town but once.
When in Jackson call to see me at Biles’
Stable. ’Phones No. 45; Resideiice No. 131.
Dr. Joel B. Watkins,
Texas, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklhoma, Indian,
Territory, California, Coloradao, Utah, Wyoming
Oregon, Montana, Yashington and other points.
West, Northwest and Southwest
Write or call on,
Dist. Passenger Agent.
Louisville & Nashville R.R
No. I. Brown Building, opposite Union Depot. .
Atlanta, Ga.
Southern Pacific Company.
Lowest rates and through service to California. Ask about them.
Through the “Rice and oil Belt.”
4 Daily trains; best service; best everything. oil Burning Locom
Through Pullman Tourist car from Washington, Atlanta, Montgo
mery and Intermediate points to California. Tri-weekly.
No trouble to answer questions, .
J. F. Van Rensselaer,
R.O. Bean, T. P. A. General Pessenger Agent Atlanta, Ga.
Southren Nursery Company.
Incorp rated.
Winchester, - Tennessee.
Offers to Planters 1,000,000 Peach Trees, 500,000
Apple Trees, Grape Vines. Pecan Trees, Orna
mental Trees, in fact, everything grown by
first-class Nurserymen, absolutely
free from any disease,
Trees that Grow and Bear Fruit
At live and let live prices.
SOUTHERN NURSERY COo.,Winchester, Tenn.