Newspaper Page Text
i Local and Personal. 2
Lookout for mad dogs. :
Read the ad of Mr, E. S, Brod
dus. ,
Mr. John Newton was in Mach
en Sunday. :
Mr. J. E. Hecht spent Saturday
night in Macon.
Master Tom Davidson's coti'di-‘
tion is reported better. ¥
Mr., Ed Wynn spent Sunday
with Shady Dale relatives. -
Mr, N. C. Fish is recovering
fcom a recent attack of illness.
Mr. Bonner Jordan made a busi
ness visit to Atlanta last week.
Mr. Hugh Benton left Wednes
day morning for Oxford to enter
Emory college.
Miss Capie Davis has had as her
guest for several days, her friend,
Mrs, Terrell, of Atlanta.
Elizabeth, the little daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pope, has
been sick for several days.
Mrs. Sid Hatfield and child, of
Milledgeville are on avisit to Mrs,
Hatfield's parents, Mr. and Mrs,
Dock Green. |
Mrs. F. B. Barnes and her
guest, Miss Trusler, of Jonesboro,
Tenn,, returned Tuesday from a
visit to Round Oak.
Mr, Porter Ballard who has
been on a visit to Madison and
Monticello relatives, returned to
Eatonton yesterday.
Mr. W, C. Jones, a prominent
planter of Eudora, was in the city
last Friday. While here Mr,
Jones paid us a pleasant call. .
Mr. Evan Talmadge left Tues
day morning for Eatonton where
will buy cotton this season for
Akers, Inman & Co., of Atlanta.
Mr. T. A. Hutchinson returned
Saturday from the Eastern mar
kets where he purchased a large
supply of fall and winter goods.
Mr. Hutchinson always buys to
suit the needs of the trading pub
lic, and his customers never fail
to find bargains in his store,
Macon Business Men’s League bids for your
trade. It gives you free trips to and from Ma
con. For particulars write Eugene Anderson,
Secretary and Treasurer, or call at store of any
S I R i L e,
Ui G
Our Mr. T. A. Hutchinson has just returned from New York, Phila
delphia, and Baltimore markets, and will show the Greatest Stock of
Dry Goods, Dress Goods, Millinery, Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Caps,
ever shown in Monticello.
Remarkably low prices will prevail this Season. We made large
purchases of Cotton Goods before the rise and must sell the Goods.
- Miss Blanche Wentzell will show everything that is new in Milli
nery. She has spent past two months in the market and her wide ex
perience as a buyer clearly places her in the front rank. She will
have competent help in her Department, and all orders will have
prompt attention.
Chickens and eggs very scarce.
. Mr. W. 8.. Ezell has becn on a
visit to Macon this week.
Mr. John Harden, of Cornuco
pia, is attending school here,
{ ‘
Miss Phebe Zachry left Satur
day to accept a position in Mil
Miss Martha Penn is spending
the week with Mrs. W. E. Mor
gan, of Gray. :
+ Misg Carrie Beck Davis, of Cov
ington, is the guest of Mrs. R. L.
Davis this week. -
Mr, and Mrs. P. A. Webb are
happy over the recent arrival of a
little boy in their home.
The Misses Carr have rcturned
to their home in Covington aftera
visit of several days to M:s. R. L.
Mrs, Leila King, of Macon, ar
rived last Saturday morning and
is the guest of relatives in and near
Mr. Paul Cannon arrived from
Lavonia a few days ago to accept
a position with the Monticello Cot
ton Oil Company.
The commodius seed house of
the Cotton Oil Mill has been com
pleted. The building will hold
four hundred tons.
Miss Amanda’ Fuller is spend
ing seyeral days with relatives
near Monticello,—Patrick cor.
Eatonton Messenger.
The equinoctial gale came this
way last Sunday and for three
days and nights we had a contin.
ual down pour of rain,
Mrs, Sherrod Giddens, who has
been on a visit to her mother,
Mrs. Robert Talmadge, returned
to her home in Albany last week,
Capt. Preston, the able and
courtly representative from Jas.
per, was shaking hands with his
Madison friends Monday.—Madi
sonian, ,
Misses Lizzie lone Smith, Grace
Robinson and Daisy Pope and
‘Messrs Burke Powers, Jule Greer
‘and Kirby Malone attended the
Douglas-Malone marriage in Mas
con Tuesday night.
Col. W. S. Florence spent Tues
day in Madison.
tMr, and Mrs. Tode Tucker
visited Shady Dale Sunday.
Mr. Charles Ballard visited
friends in Eatonton Sunday.
Rev.C. A. Ridley left Monday
afternoon to visit friends it Quit
Miss Ola Little spent Saturday
and Sunday w'th Eatonton rela
tives. ‘{ \‘\‘ P
Mr. Robert Sc\d;"'*w of Eatonton,
was in the city \ st Friday and
Saturday. 1
Miss Susie Malou’e, of Monticel
lo, was a welcome guest in the
city Monday.— Jackson Argus.
Read the notice of Tax Collec
tor Mr. J. S. Malone and remem
ber the dates of his appointments.
Miss Velma Wilburn, who is
teaching at Talmadge, spent Sat
urday and Sunday with homefolkss
Miss Sallie Holland, of Round
Oak, arrived Thursday morning
to visit Mrs. F. B, Barnes for a few
Mr. Homer Faulkner spent last
Saturday in Athens with bis
daughter, who' is attending State
Normal School.
Mr. Arthur Kelly, who has
been in Texas for several months,
is visiting his parents and other
relatives in the county.,
Mrs. Will Turner, after a visit
to her parents, Mr, and Mrs. Alf
Jacobson, returned to her home
in Hillsboro last Friday afternoon,
Mrs. J. E. Hecht and little
daughters, Hattie and Ida, are on
a visit to Mrs., lecht's parents,
Mr. and Mrs, Ackerman, of Madi
Rev. Stipe, pastor of the Me
thodist church, has announced for
his subject next Sunday the spec
ial providences of God. All invited
to attend. y
Mr. T. B, Henderson has open
ed a barber shop in the building
adjoining Henderson & Jones'
harness shop with Jim Goolsby
as barber.
Mr. and Mrs, Clovis Talmadge
and little daughter returned to
their home in Macon Sunday
afternoon after a short visit to Mr.,
and Mrs, A, J. Talmadge.
Mrs. Ivy Boriss and little son,
Julian, who have been on a visit
to Mrs, Boriss’ mother, Mrs, Hat.
tic Hecht, left Friday for their
home in West Palm Beach, Fla, *
.. b e
We commence on Saturday September 19th to sell 5000 pair of
Shoes. New Uoods and perfect in every respect. No reasonable offer
refused. We must sell this quantity, so as to make room for a
special purchase made in Boston to be delivered October Ist. Come
to us, buy a pair of Shoes and you will be pleased.
We have been before you 14 years and should need no special in
troduction. Don't fail to see us for all classes of Fall and Winter
We are having mud this week
instead of dust.
Mrs. John Davidson has been
on the sick list for sevegal days.
Teachers, Patrons, and School
Children, see W E. Ballard for
school supplies.
Mrs. Evan Talmadge and little
son, Albert, are on a visit to In
dian' Spriug relatives.
Mj:, Willie Ridley,of Hillsboro,
has accepted a position with the
Benton Supply Company.
Just received another line of
beautiful ctockery. ~ Call and see
it, Ballard,
Mrs. L. A, Penn and little son,
of Bonaire, are on a visit to Mr.
and Mrs, Andrew Penn on College
Prof. O, R, Ledford, who has
been teaching a flourishing school
at Winfred for several months,
lefdlast week for Decatur to spend
" The oil mill opened up for busi
ness Wednesday, and expect to
have a supply of meal and hulls
ready for their customers by the
latter part of the week.
Messrs Hollis Pope, Nevin Tol
leson and Tom Penn left the early
part of the week for Athens, the
first mentioned to enter as a new
student, and the two latter to re
sume studies at the State Univer
We are gratified to learn that
Miss Lily Ruth Adams is greatly
improved, and Mrs. Adams will
be able to come over from Eaton
ton in a few days and take charge
as assistant teacher in the Monti.
cello High School.
Miss Mae Hurlock, of Balti
more, is with the Benton Supply
Company again this season, and
will have charge of the millinery
department. Miss Hurlock has
spared no pains in selecting her
stock, and the ladies may be as.
sured that her goods are up-to
date. Call to see her,
Chief of Police Williams return
ed Thursday morning from a visit
to Macon and other places where
he went in the interest of his new
barber shop which he will open
on the first of October. The Chief
has many friends here who wish
him success. His shop will be lo
cated in the new brick hotel,
FOR SALE-—A lot in West.
view cemetery. Applyto
Mrs, J. C. Ke,
- Mr. Tullis spent Sunday with
Madison relatives.
Mrs. W. E. Ballard's condition
remains about the same. ‘
Superior court convénes one
week from next Monday. '
Mrs, Mattie Benton is spending
the week with relatives at Round
Mr. Willie Greer left Sunday
for a visit to relatives in Sanders
* Mrs. R. B. Phillips, of Stand
fordville, has been on a visit this
week to her daughter, Mrs. R. J.
Hon. Harvie Jordan leaves to
day for Niagara Falls to attend
the National Farmers’ Congress
to be held there next week.
Mrs. Pearson and Miss Callie
Pearson, of Eatonton, are expec
ted this week and will spend some
time with with Mrs, E. Y. Swan
Miss Lucile Fitzsimmons arriv
ed from Birmingham Saturday
and will spend sometime with her
grandmother, Mrs, O, J. Jordan,
and Mr. and Mrs, Harvie Jordan,
Mr, and Mrs. Key Greer have
the sympathy of their numerous
friends in the death of their little
daughter, which occurred at their
home in Sandersville a few days
~ Miss Susie Malone, of Milledge
ville, has accepted the position of
housekeeper in the home of Mr,
A. H. Jordan and arrived yester
day afternoon to assume her du
Mrs. Lamar Williams, who has
been on, a visit sto Mrs, W, M,
Bradley, returned to her home in
Macon Monday afternoon, accom
panied by Mr, Williams, who
came up and spent the day in
Mr, Burke Powers killed a mad
dog Wednesday night in Mr,
Chappel Benton's back yard, The
same dog it is claimed had bitten
several dogs in town before it was
killed, and the owners of said dogs
should confine them for a while at
least until the danger is over,
Prof. Rembert G. Smith,a form
er principal of the Monticello
High School, has recently been
‘made associate professor of Men
tal and Moral Science at Emory
College. Mr, Smith’s numerous
friends in Monticello are pleased
to learn of this deserved promo
o, /. .
Robinson, Kelly & Co. are en
larging their business to the extent
that they will soon occupy two
stores instead of oue as heretofore,
The building now used for a post
office, when vacated by Mr. Swan
son for quarters in the new hotel,
‘will be filled with goods by this
hustling firm.
Miss Susie Malone, who has
charge of Mr. J. H, Kelly's mil
linery department again this sea
son, has just returned from the
markets where she purchased an
elegant line of goods. Miss Ma
lone is a trimmer of considerable
experience, and will fit you up in
‘ the latest style if you will give her
a trial,
~ Miss Blanche Wentzell arrived
from Harper's Ferry, Va., Tues.
day afternoon and will have
charge of the millinery depart.
ment of the Hutchinson Company,
Miss Wentzell has been in Monti
cello for several seasons past, is
quite an experienced milliner, und
her patrons will be delighted to
know that she is here again for
the winter and fall season,
Mr, Walter C, Hill, who has
for the past few years been Super
intendent of Agencies of the Un«
ion Central Life Insurance Co.,
with headquarters in Savannah,
has resigned the position and will
move up to Middle Georgia and
take charge of a district agency
for the Prudential Life. His ter
ritory will consist of Jasper, Put.
nam, Morgan, Washington, Green,
Hancock and other counties, We
congratulate Mr, Hill upon this
nice advance in his profession and
will be glad to welcome him back
to his own county again,.
A Very Painful Accident,
The many friends of ' Mr. J, E,
Goodman will regret to learn of
his serious misfortune which oc
’ curred Wednesday afternoon about
four o'clock. Mr, Goodman was
employed by Contractor Nichols
and while assisting in the remoy
al of a huge tank from the car at
Pope’s warehouse, the tank fell on
his ankle and broke a small bone,
shattering the larger one near the
ankle, But for.the fact that a
wedge held the tank a few inches
from the ground his foot would
have been severed from his leg,
~ He was_ removed shortly after
‘wards to his home, and is resting
very well at this writing, .
~ Mr, Goodman is a hard working
man and his friends sympathize
‘with him in this accident and wish
for him a speedy restoration,