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: G?WN'ONT 1903 :
Local and Personal.
Mr. Will Shaw spent Tuesday in
We have several legal ads in
today’s paper.
Col. W. L. Prqctor, of Macon,
was here Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Barnes spent
Sunday in Shady Dale, t
Miss Ola Little spent Saturday
and Sunday with homefolks in Ea
See W.E. Ballard for Neck
wear, Head-wear, Foot-wear
and Under-wear.
Mr Flem Jordan, of Jackson,
was circulating among Monticello
friends last Sunday.
Mrs, Mary Turner and Miss An
na Turner will leave today for a Savannah relatives.
Col, and Mrs. G. F. Johnson re
turned Wednesday afternoon fiom
a visit to Atlanta relatives.
Mr. James Newton and little
daughter, Mary, spent Sunday
with Mr. and Mrs. George Newton,
of Machen.
Miss Annie Laura Adams, who
has been on a visit to her aunt,
Mrs. B. R. Adams, has returned
to her home in Eatonton,
Miss Ruby Jones returned to
her home in Milledgeville last
Monday after a short visit to her
sister, Mrs. George Stinson.
Capt. and Mrs. R. F. Powel ar
rived from Eatonton a few days
ago and are stopping with their
daughter, Mrs, B. R. Adams, on
Forsyth street.
Mr. H. C. Hayes, who has
charge F. R. D. No. 1, furnishes
us with some interesting facts con
cerning his work, which is pub
lished elsewhere in our paper.
Mrs. J. Mon Johnson left last
Monday for Union Springs, Ala.,
where she will join Mr, Johnson,
who is located there during the
cotton season. Mrs. Johnson will
remain in Union Springs several
Mr. Tom Downs has the con
tract for building a five room resi
dence for Mr. E, B. Smith and
will begin work as soon as he can
place the material on the lot for
same. The structure will be
placed on the vacant lot adjoining
Mr, T. S. Malone's home,
Millinery Business
of Jasper County, can state to the ladies who have not purchased their Fall
Hats that we have just received another large shipment of the latest pattern
Hats of November and the advance styles of December. We request that they
call and inspect them.
W hen good dressers find a store where they can buy clbthes that please them they telleach other, and their talk helps make bnsiness for
that store. Our high-class Clothing is creating that Kind of talk for this store. Our original designs studied out and adapted with great care to
the exacting demands of particular wearers give our garments smartness. Handwork by expert tailors makes our coats hold their shape til}
worn out. Then, too, Bnly the best fabrics and linings are used in the making of our clothing, which always insures serviceableness
and holds the wearers’ confidence. . . . ' ' . . . ' ¢ ' . . . . .
A Stock that Stands Examination, Strong for your approval.
Read change in ad of The
Hutchinson Company.
Mr. Heck Bullard, of Machen,
spent Monday in town.
Col. A. W, Lane, of Macon, was
in town Monday on busineés.
Don’t forget the lecture tonight
at the Knights of Pythias hall.
Our class of Job Work cannot
be excelled. Give us an order.
Mr. O. E. Lancaster, of Shady
Dale, was in Monticello Tuesday.
Mr. Robert Baynes, of Aiken
ton, spent Monday and Tuesday
Mr. B. Leverett, of Shady Dale,
was a visitor here the first of the
Judge W. B. Wingfield, of Ea-
Itonton, spent Tuesday night in
town, :
Col. O. M. Duke, of Flovilla,
spent Tunday in Monticello on
’ The merry-go-round pulled up
stakes a few days ago and has left
for other parts,
Miss Minnie Benton has return
ed from an extended visit to Ken
tucky relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Kinard, of
New Hope vicinity, attended ser
vices at the Presbyterian church
Tuesday night.
Mr. W. B. Beckwith, a promi
nent merchant of Mansfield, was
circulating among Monticello
friends Tuesday., -
Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Benton, of
Cedartown, spent a short while in
town last Friday afternoon before
leaving for home.
Misses Vera Franklin and Altine
Barnes, of Eudora, spent last
week in Macon the guests of Mrs.
Charles H. Jordan,
Rev. Dozier, of Carrolton, was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs, J. D.
Harvey and Mrs. India Dozier
during his visit here,
Mr. Gus Dozier, of Smith's
| Mills, will please accept our thanks
for the substantial remembrance
'sent us a few days ago,
) Mrs. Frank Florence, who has
'been on a visit to Judge and Mrs,
;A, S. Florence, left Tuesday for
her home in Mobile, Alabama,
! Mr, and Mrs. Charles Sanders,
‘ana Mrs. Eugene Simmons, of
)Madison', attended the Malone
’jordan wedding Wednesday eve
Go to hear Dr. Len Broughton
lecture tonight.
Mr. Paul Roby, of Machen, was
in town Tuesday.
Mr. Paul Aaron, of Eudora, was
in town Tuesday.
Dr. Howard Bullard, of Machen,
spent Monday in town. :
For fine Broddus seed or table
pecans call on Powell Bros.
Mr. C, B. Sanders, of ~Stark,
was here Monrday on business.
A bargain in Wheeler and
Wilson latest improved Sewing
Machines at Ballard’s.
Mr. William Tomlinson, of Lee
county, formerly of Jasper, has
been shaking hands with friends
here this week.
Mr. Charles H. Jordan and Mas
ter, Leland Jordan, of Macon,
spent Saturday night and Sunday
with relatives here.
Miss Flowers 'Greer, who has
been visiting Mr. and Mrs, Will
Greer, returned to her home in
Covington Monday.
That truck farming pays has
been demonstrated beyond a
doubt. Mr. and Mrs, G, W, Hay
es, who have charge of the Holmes
farm near Minneta, have this year
‘realized a handsome profit on veg
ctables. From less than an acre
planted in cabbage they sold over
fifty dollars worth, to say nothing
of other vegetables raised and dis
posed of with a fair profit. This
beats cotton at even ten or twelve
cents, |
The services of such a man as
Dr. Broughton cannot be over es
timated in any community. His
lsermons are after the order of the
great evangelists, Chas. G. Finney
and Jonathan Edwards. He is as
humble as a child and as fearless
as a lion, honoring God exclusive
ly and hating sin only,—Durham
(N.C.) World. Dr. Broughton
lectures in Monticello tonight at
the K. P, Hall. Subjects: *‘Down
in the Dumps,” *Moving thc#
World,” “England and America.”
Price Today 10 5-8
Cotton Seed per bushel 18 ct.
Read the ad of L. O. Benton &
Master |. H. Kelly has been on
the sick list this week.
Miss Cora Atkinson, of Madison,
lis on a visit this week to Mrs. Crit
Mr. Evan Ezell, of Eatenton,
iat_tended the M’a]one-]ordan mar
} rug mednesday evening,
1 makea speaialty of Crockery
‘and Table Cutlery. Don't fail to
give me a call.—W. E. Ballard.
Mr. John Davidson and Miss
Nina Davidson, whose illness has
been previously mentioned, are
better we are glad to learn,
Mrs. J. W. Stipe left a few days
ago for White Sulphur Springs,
Florida, where she goes for the
benefit of her health,
PIPES—-anything form a Clay
to a genuine Meerschaum at
W. E. Ballard's.
Mr. G. A. Cook, a prominent
planter of Newton Factory neigh
borhood, gave us a pleasant call
while in town yesterday.
Mr. Sherrod Pope, Miss Julia
Pope and Master Cohen Harkness,
of Jackson, attended the Malone-
Jordan marriage Wednesday eve
. FOR SALE.—A good buggy
and saddle horse; sound and gen
tle, not afraid of train. Lndiesl
can drive and ride with safety.
Apply at this office. 1
The lands belonging to the es.
tate of Carden Goolsby were sold
at public outery last Tuesday and
the property was bid in by the
legatees. It was first sold in lots
of one hundred acres each and
brought $7.770. Later it was
sold in a body and was bid in at
$9.000, This farm containg 1011
acres and the sale last Tuesday
was that of the largest tract of
land which has been placed on the
market here in a number of
’ Col. A. S. Thurman,
Elsewhere in today’s paper will
be seen the announcoment of Col,
A. S. Thurman, who is offering
himself as c¢andidate for the office
of County Judge. Col. Thurman
is well qualified to fill the office
and his friends would be delighted
to have him fill the position.
Col. Doyle Campbell.
A card published elsewhere in
today’s paper carries the announce
ment that Col, Doyle Campbell has
offered himself for County Solici
tor, Col. Campbell is one of our
promising young attorneys, would
fill the office with credit to himself
and the county and his friends are
anxious to see him elected.
Col, B. F, Leverette.
Col. B. F. Leverette has a card
in today’s paper in which he an
nounces to the voters of Jasper
county that he isin the race for
he office of County Solicitor,
‘z(,l. Leverette is well posted in
law affairs, would make an effici
ent officer, and his friends will
support him in the election.
Tornado losses in Georgia vast
ly exceeds the fire loss of past five
years, Protect your property by
taking out Cyclone Insurance,
Rates low. H.C, HILL, Agt.
Speaking of the crysanthemum
show which is being held in Ma
con this week by the King's
Daughters of Vineville, the Macon
Telegraph of Tuesday has the fol
lowing mention of a prominent
Jasper county lady: “Mrs. J. T,
Garland, daughter of Hon, T, H.
Hunt, of Jones county, arrived
yesterday with three hundred
chrysanthemum blooms from Hills
boro, Jasper county. The flowers
excite admiration wherever seen,
and are creating quite an interest
among local florists."”
Rev. Dozier, of Carrolton, oc
cupied the pulpit at the Presby
terian church Tuesday night and
delivered quite an eloquent and in
teresting sermon., Mr. Dozier's
visit here was in responseto an iné
vitation from the church to come
with a view of accepting a call,
All who heard him were greatly
pleased and would be delighted to
have him serve as pastor. Mr,
Dozier left Wednesday morning
for Eatonton where he had been
invited by the Presbyterians to
preach there with the view also of
aceepting a call, ,
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Every store in Monticello was
full of shoppers yesterday.
Happiness consists largely in
being satisfied with not having a
great many things we would like
to have,
The price of kerosene oil went
up, again, last week. John D.
Rockfeller evidently intends to
jar himself loose from some of his
‘p;pfiyts,in the way of another gift.
~ The Calvin ‘vagrant law has
been sustained by the Supreme
Court. Watch the loafers read
the “*help wanted” ad. columns in
the dailies. They have heen
“sited” and gnust now work or
$lO Reward.
For one Stanley Webster, black,
about 5 feet, 8 inches tall, wide
gap between front teeth, little
stooped, always grinning, slew
footed, Notify
R. B. AYCOCK, Sheriff,
+ Madison, Ga,
Prof, Nisbet Tenders
His Resignation,
~ Prof. O, B, Nisbet has recently
!becn elected superintendent and
general manager of the Eatonton
Electric Company, which consists
of the electric light plant and two
large cotton mills. Prof, Nisbet,
we learn, will offer his resignation
as principal of the Monticello Pub.
lic Schools and will take charge of
same sometime soon, This news
will be received with concern by
his numerous friends and patrons
who will regret to have him leave
Monticello. Under his manage
ment the school has flourished
greatly and his place in the school
room will be hard to fill,
Lecture K. P, Hall Tonight,
Dr. Len G. Broughton, pastor
of the Tabernacle church of At
lagta, will lecture at the Knights
of Pythlas Hall tonight, under the
auspices of the Alkahest Lyceum
System, of Atlanta,
Dr. Broughton has made quite
a reputation both in the pulgit and
on the lecture platform throngh
the force of his great ability and
charming gersonality,
Rev. Sam, Jonessays of him:
“Broughton weighs 140 pounds,
135 pounds of this is backbone and
5 pounds hair,”
Go out to hear him tonight and
judge for yourself,