Newspaper Page Text
e | | ST. LOUIS, 1904.
:- N o T
will send any lady who lives in Jasper County, to the St. Louis World’s Fair receiving the largest
- number of votes, under the following proposition.
_ First. There must be a minimum of 1000 votes cast: that is, thefi must be at least 1000 votes in ballot box at time of opening, which will be
about July 15, 1904,
' ) | Second. To be entitled to vote the voter must hold $5.00 worth of Tickets which shows that you have purchased $5.00 worth of goods of
. o us and paid cash for same or paid your monthly bill, which is same as cash purchase.
. Third. Each purchase of 25 cents and up entitles you to a ticket showing amount of your purchase. All you have to do is save your tickets
k" aud as soon as they amcunt to $5.00 come in and vote for the lady of your choice. , )’
' Fourtk. The Ballot Box will be kept by disinterested parties and the Ordinary of County will attest the fairness of same. '
. Fifth. The lady receiving the greatest number of votes will be chaperoned to St. Louis under best of care, all expenses paid from time
)‘ of leaving heme wuntil her retura. %
~ This is a great opportunity to send your choice to the greatest Fair that will ever be shown in the World. But to make this still more interesting we
“will give two other prizes. To the second highest contestant, $20.00 cash, and $5.00 cash to the third. The voting contest commences now and will
continue with a rush. So save your tickets, and trade with us. Our line is the most complete to be found in Middle Georgia. New goods receiv
“ed and put on sale every day. Our resident buyer in New York is sending us the very latest and best of goods by every train. ‘
Dress Goods, Silks, Broadcloths, Dress Trimmings, all new and Startling Cheap. Millinery the best South
of Baltimore, at practically your own price. Shoes, Clothing and Hats, we can not be under sold. ‘
Come in and invettigate our methods-of business, we-are mot here forfi-z;ffx‘fiommt or a season, but this is our-home,“we love Jasper County, our all is
here and if you trade here you must be pleased or money refunded. Remember we sell anything you buy cheaper than you can buy same goods
“elsewhere in the South. If we have’nt just what you want today give us 10 days and we can get it. We want your business and can take care of you.
, Look into the voting contest--a trip to St. Louis will be worth more to a lady than four years in College.
. We are looking for you--come to
| 1 er ' :
|4v ! a
' Railroad Fare paid from all points to Monticello on purchases of SIO.OO and upward.
Local and Personal.
Come to Monticello to do your
BARGAINS in Shoes, Hats and
Unilerwear at Ballard’s,
Mr. Will Ridley, of Hillsboro,
spent: Wednesday in town.
For fine Broddus seed or table
pecans call on Powell Bros.'
Mr, P. R. Beale has been on
the sick list for several days.
Col. Fleming Jordan visited At
lanta the early part of the week.
Mr. B. Leverett, of Shady
Dale, spent Wednesday in town,
Dr. S. A. Clark, of Shady Dale,
was a prominent visitor here Mon
day. ;
Judge W, F. Jenkins, of Eaton
ton, had business here Wednes
Mr. and Mrs. T. A. Hutchin
son are visiting in Atlanta this
Mrs. Crit Goolsby has had as
her guest this week Mrs, Duke, of
Mrs, Sarah Malone is visiting
her daughter, Mrs. Henry Smith,
of Woodfin.
Mr. E. A. Green is looking af
ter his farming interests near
Perry this week.
SCRAFFTS Candy, the most
s'delicious.” Will please the most
“fastidious.” A fresh lot just re
ceived at W. E, Ballard's. -
Mr. Valentino spent Sunday in
The temperature was down to
21 Thursday morning.
FRESH Plain and Fancy Crack
ers just received at Ballard’s.
The Monticello Cleaning Concern
don’t keep your Clothes longer
than ro hours, !
Go to D. T. Pye’'s when you
want any and every thing nicein
Fancy Groceries.
Mrs. H. N. White returned Sat
urday from an extended visit to
northern relatives.
An adjourned term of Morgan
Superior court is being held in
Madison this week.
P, B. Griffeth,who is connected
with the Eatonton Oil Mill, spent
Monday in our city.
A bargain in Wheeler and
Wilson latest improved Sewing
Machines at Ballard’s.
Mr. C. D, Jordan attended the
Pharmaceutical convention which
was held in Atlanta this week,
ORANGES—Sweet and fresh,
direct from the grove in Florida,
W. E. Ballard.
The Young Men's Social Club
will give their next entertainment
in their club rooms in the Benton
Building Monday evening.
Glove-Fitting Patterns can be
found on sale at The Hutchinson
'Co. store. All ten cents each,
Regular prices 25, 30 and 35¢. No
}allowancc is made for seams.
~ Call to see us .when you come
to court, next weék.
Read what the Monticello
Cleaning Concern says.
The adjourned term of Jasper
Superior Court will be held next
week, ™
Other towns are arr'anging to
observe Thanksgiving, ' Why not
Monticello? :
Won't some kind subscriber
send us in a turkey for Thanks
giving dinner?
PIPES--anything from a Clay
to a genuine Meerschaum at
W. E. Ballard’s.
Mr. Cleo Allen, of Dublin, at
tended the Allen-Barnes marriage
at Eudora last Sunday,
Col, Robert L. Berner, of For
syth, was registered at the Mon
ticello Hotel last Friday.
Next Thursday is Thanksgiv
ing. A good time to remember
the poor—come in and help us,
Chewing Tobacco from 35 cts
to $1.50 a ponnd.—Stultz AAAA.
Mrs. E. A, McNair returned
Saturday from an extended visit
to Covington, Conyers and Atlan.
Several fine hogs were killed
in our city Wednesday. The cold‘
‘weather lasted long enough to
save the meat, |
Biggest line of Bowls and
Pitchers, Water Bets, Cups
Saucers, and Fancy Glassware,
’ Ask,yqur friend how he likes
‘the suit we fixed up for him.
~ Moaticello Cleaning Concern.
~ Mr. and Mrs, Charles I. Jor
dan, of Macon,attended the Allen-
Barnes wedding at Eudora last
Sunday. ey
Mr. :inders. Charles H. .Jor
dan and son, ‘Master Leland Jor
dan, have returned to Macon after
a visit to Monticello relatives,
The Central placed on a special
train Wednesday afternoon on ac
count of the State Baptist Con
vention being held in Athens this
Mr. Will D, Upshaw (Earnest
Willie) will speak at the Baptist
church Wednesday night, Novem
ber the 25th, No charges—every
body invited.
Prof. Perry, of Eatonton, will
take charge of the Monticello
High School next Monday to fill
the place of Prof. Nesbit who has
recently resigned.
We had quite a pleasant call
last Monday from Mr. Cleo Allen,
who was spending the day in our
city enroute from Eudora to his
home in Dublin.
The Hutchinson Company are
offering a free trip to the World's
Fair, St. Louis 1904, to the lady
(id Jasper county) receiving the
largest number of votes, This is
quite liberal on the part of this
popular firm and we trust that
the desired number of voters will
be easily obtained, Read their
new ad. in today's paper.,
- I make a specialty of Crockery
and Table Cutlery. Don't fail to
give me a call.—W. E. Ballard.
Mrs. W. C. Leverett, of Mach
en, and Mrs, Anna Christian, of
Shady Dale, spent Wednesday
and Thursday in town with Mrs.
George Stinson and Mrs, H. V. B.
CIGARS—Try the “Esmerida,”
you will be delighted, -
Ballard. .
Rev, J. W, Stipe and Rev. L.
A. McLaughlin left the first part
of the week for Griffin to attend
the annual session of the North
Georgia Conference being held
there this weck.
A complete line Lamps from
16 cents to $3.00. See them,
Rev. Pendleton, the newly
clected pastor of the Baptist
church, will arrive from Reynolds
this week and will assume charge
next Sunday, preaching at the
morning and evening services,
When you come to town don't
forget that suit you want the
Monticello Cleaning Concern to fix
up for you,
The numerous Monticello friends
of Mr, Cleo Allen will be interest
ed to learn of his approaching
marriage to Miss Ida Prescctt, of
Dublin, the wedding to occur at
the home of the bride’s parents,
Mr, and Mrs, Walter W, Prescott,
in that city un the evening of De
cember the sixteeath,
H o
Seeded Raising,
Currents, Citron, Figs,
Dates, Prunes, Raisins,
Mince Meat,
Evaporated Peaches,
livaporated Apples,
Corn Starch,
Tapioca, Maceroni,
Cream Ch e,
Canned Meat A
Breakfast Coco,
Ouaker Oats,
Postum Cereal,
Grape Nut,
Ralstons Dreakfast Food,
Moca and Java Coffee the
best 4 and 5 Ibs Tin, SI,OO,
Heinzs Pickles,
Cuba Molasses,
Ribbon Cane Syrup,
Fancy Cakes,
Butter Thin Crackers,
Salteen Crackers,
Heinzs Preserves and Pickles,
Heckins Spices and Extracts
are the best.
Dl Tl Pyel