Newspaper Page Text
Remember, begining Sunday morn
ing, August 21, Rev. J. B. Gresham,
postor of Prospect church, will begin
a series of services, with good hopes
that it will be a real revivial, and
that the Holy Spirit will get a hold
of men and women and young people
in the old-fashioned way. Rev.
Rev. Gresham is too well known for
comment, and his invitation for peo
ple of all denominations to attend
these services may be taken at the
face value as a sincere desire to be
of great help to everybody.
A large attendance is hoped for at
this meeting,
Mr. Orell McCullough, of Atlanta,
was the guest several days last
week of his sister, Mrs, Grady
Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Dorsey, who
live near Covington, spent the day
Friday with Mr. and Mrs. B. F.
Mr. Royce Lewis, of Atlanta, vis
ited relatives here from Thursday
until Tuesday.
Mrs. Cora Allen spent Friday with
her daughter, Mrs, Corrie Barnes, in
Miss Cleo Aaon returned home
Fiiday after a delightful visit in
Mr. Floyd Allen, of Newborn, was
the guest of his uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs Sam Allen last week.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Percy Pope and
little daughter, Cornelia, of Monti
cello, and Miss Mary Dance, of Ea
tonton, visited Mr., and Mrs. G. C.
Lumsden last Thursday afternoon,
Quite a number attended the sing
ing at Bethel Thursday and Friday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bryant Jeffries and
children Eudell and James Allen, of
Porterdale, visited Mr. and Mrs, Sam
Allen last week. They were accom
panied by Mrs. Jeffries” mother, Mrs.
Zpora Allen,
Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Lumsden vis
ited Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Thornton,
near here, Sunday afternoon.
Several from Eudora motored to
Indian Springs Sunday. |
Messrs Joel Hodge and Venus
Jones, ‘of Atlanta, were visitors to
our village Sunday. ‘
Mr. and Mrs. Cliff Aaron and
e Have Just Received
A car load of Corrugated Roofing, Barbed Wire, Staples, Nails, etc.
And if you are in need of anything in this line we would .
appreciate your business.
Monticello Hardware Company
The VWinchsiria: Store
We are better prepared at the Monticello Filling Station to serve you than ever
before and we would appreciate your business. We have recently installed a Vac
uum Cleaner, Motor Cleaner and we would appreciate your business.
Jires Changed and Repaired, Cars {Jashed. Greased. Qil Changed
Miss Annie Kate Rigdon had as
her guest last week, Miss Bessie Mae
Garrett, of Macon.
Miss Sara Edna Waits, of Macon,
is spending a while with relatives
and friends here.
Mrs. A. M. Waits, Messrs. Velma
and Harvey Waits were the guests
of Mrs. J. T. Ricketts, of Milledge
ville, Sunday.
Mrs. Joe Waits and children, whé
live near Machen, spent a few days
of last week with relatives here.
Miss Marguerite Blizzard is
spending a few days with Miss Ole
tha Smith, of Calvin.
Miss Ruth Farr, of Kathleen, is
spending this week with her uncle,
Mr. C. E. Folendore.
Mr. and Mrs. Folendore returned
home Sunday after spending a few
days with Mr. and Mrs. Will Farr, of
Miss Annie Kate Rigdon was the
week-end guest of Miss Bessie Mae
Garrett, of Macon.
Miss Oletha Smith, of Calvin, spent
the week-end with Miss Marguerite
Miss Dorcas Funderburk, of Jack
sonville, Fla., is spending a while
with Misses Ila and Grace Waits,
Miss Bussel, of Ocilla, Ga., is
the guest of Miss Alina Rigdon this
We regret to hear of the illness
of Miss Ethel Folendore, who under
went an operation at the Macon hos
pital Tuesday. Her friends wish
her a speedy recovery.
daughter, Miss Cleo, spent Sunday in
Mansfield, the guests of Mrs, Aaron’s
father, Mr. Silas Hays.
Misses Glayes, Ganelle and Rubie
Dooley, of Decatur, are the guests
of their grandmother, Mrs. Addie
Dooley, and other relatives.
Little Miss Clementine and Master
Charlie Mae Ozborn, of Atlanta, who
are spending awhile in Mansfield,
visited Eudora relatives Monday.
Miss Ida McClendon, of Mansfiled,
spent Monday with Mrs. Cora Allen.
Mr. C. A. Lumsden, of Hardy’s
Cross Roads, visited Mr. and Mrs.
G. C. Lumsden Monday.
Mrs. Lee Bailey and son, Robert,
of Forest Hill, spent Saturday af
ternoon with Mr. and Mrs. G. C.
Lumsden. |
Rev. J. B. Gresham, of Shady
Dale, is having a revival meeting at
Liberty this week and is assisted by
Rev. Foster, of Putnam county. We
hope a lot of good will be accom
Mrs. Lou Hodge, of Atlanta, spent
the week-end: with her granddaugh
ter, Mrs. A. D. Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. lemnh Ellis spent
a couple of days in Atlanta this
Masters K. C. and Ellis Pope spent
last week near Wrens, with their
uncle, Mr. T. C. Ellis.
Mrs. J. H. Ellis and daughter,
Miss lone Ellis, left Monday for
Atlanta to visit the former’s son, Mr,
Euel Ellis, a few days before re
turning to their home in Miami,
after a month’s visit here to rela
tives and friends. :
Miss Marguerite Blizzard, of
Adgateville, is visiting Miss Oletha
Miss Ellen Johnson, of Mansfield,
spent Tuesday with Miss Imogene
Mr. Idus Smith and daughter,
Miss Evelyn Smith, spent Sunday in
Atlanta with relatives.
Mrs. Ola Chaffin, of Atlanta,
spent last week with her daughter,
Mrs. A. D. Smith,
Miss Oletha Smith spent the week
end with Miss Magurerite Blizzard,
of Adgateville.
Mr. J. B. Ellis, Jr., has returned
home after a month’s visit to rela
tives at Avon Park and Fort Myers,
Miss Marilu Smith has returned
home after visiting relatives in At
lanta for a month.
Mrs. Wili Wynn spent last week
at Mansfield with her father, Mr.
Mrs. Harry Evans and children
have returned to their home in
Waynesville, N. C., after visiting
the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Arthur Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Ellis and
daughter, of Wrens, were recent
guests of relatives. .
While some people believe that
insurance pays for fire, such is not
the case. Insurance merely distrib
utes fire losses; it cannot recreate
buildings or goods that have been
reduced to ashes.
Mr. and Mrs. B. E. McElhénney
and children motored to West Vir
ginia last week and spent sometime
with relatives.
Mrs. Harold Burton and baby, of
Macon, are the guests of Mrs. H. W.
Burton this week.
Mrs, J. P. White, little Miss Vir
ginia White and Master Charles
White spent several days last week
with Mr. White in Atlanta.
Mrs. J. W. Daniel and children,
of Macon, Mr. and Mrs, Carl Mid
dlebrooks and baby, of Savannah,
were the recent guests of Mrs. E, B.
Mr. Albert Burton was the recent
guest of his brother, Mr. Ralph Bur
ton, of Washington, D. C.
Miss India Fullerton spent several
days last week with her sister, Mrs,
M. R, Arden, of Macon.
Messrs. Hamilton and Lee Ezell
spent several days lost week with Mr,
Edward (“Bo”) Turner, of Colum
bia, S. C.
Mr. and Mrs, R. J. Sammons and
children and their guest, Miss Lois
Sammons, of Gray, spent Tuesday
and Wednesday in Atlanta.
Miss Gladys Glawson, of Atlanta,
is the guest of homefolks.
Mrs. J. C. Post, of Birmingham,
Ala., is the guest of her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. White.
Mr. and Mrs. M. R. Arden, of
Macon, spent several days here this
week with homefolks.
Mrs. A. B. Elizer, of Rome, was
the guest of Mr. and Mrs. A. B.
Elizer last week.
Mr. and Mrs. C. G. Henderson, Sr.,
spent several days last week with
relatives in Milledgeville.
Mrs. J. F. Anderson left Wednes
day for South Georgia, where she
will join her sister, Miss Vanda Tay
lor, and Mr. Bob Anderson on a
visit to relatives.
Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Bearden were
the recent guests of Mr. and Mrs, C.
G. Henderson, Jr.
Pruning the political plum tree
often improves the fruit.
In spite of reductions in income
tax rates, payments for fiscal year
ended June 30, 1927, increased more
than $245,700,000 over total for
previous year.
The life of a champanzee in iui
native surroundings is about 20
years. \
%~ e ‘{f': !
315 Third Street ’ 'Phone 836
Wrightsville Beach
Wilmington, N. C.
An ideal summer resort. No mosquitoes, wonderful sea breeze,
surf bathing, ete.
THE OCEANIC HOTEL—again under able management of
Mr. C. F. Russell, offers every modern convenience and is
located right on the beach. Music and dancing every evening.
SUMMER TOURIST RATES are now in effect and round-trip
tickets can be bought at a considerable reduction.
The GEORGIA RAILROAD operates through sleeping cars
from Atlanta to Wilmington daily, and it will be a great
pleasure to arrange reservation for you or to furnish any
other information desired.
Ask your local ticket agent or write to the undersigned.
4 Hunter Street, S. E., '
Atlanta, Ga.
Work and play are good tonics
separately, but they make a very bad