The Monticello news. (Monticello, Ga.) 1903-current, August 26, 1927, Page 8, Image 4
8 RAY M. PERSONS FUNERAL DIRECTOR AND EMBALMER Monticello, — Georgia 25 — "PHONES — 64 - Flowers: Idle Hour (Macon) Nutting (Macon) like an arrow from a bow Buick for 1928 gets away in traffic like an arrow from a bow! - Watch the Buicks next time you drive downtown. See how casily they step out in front when the signal changes. And note how they give other cars the slip in the friendly rivalry of traffic. You cannot say you know the full meaning of “performance” until you've driven 2 Buick for 1928. : BUICK MOTOR COMPANY, FLINT, MICH. Division of General Motors Corporation BUICK 7 ]O2B W. H. ADAMS Madison, Georgia When Better Autompbiles Are Built, Buick Will Build Them e Have Just Received A car load. of Corrugated Roofing, Barbed Wire, Staples, Nails, etc. And if you are in need of anything in this line we would | appreciate your business. Monticello Hardware Company 2he WMincheste:r 30?2 MONTICELLO - - - GEORGIA B We are better prepared at the Monticello Filling Station to serve YOu than ever before and we would appreciate your business. We have recently installed a Vac uum Cléanér, Moétor Cleaner and we would appreciate your business. ~—Jires Changed and Repaired, Cars {ashed. Greased. Oil Changed Vi CE. .0 'WE ARE YOURS VERY TRULY, _ 'MONTICELLQ. FILLING STATION ' MONTICELLO, -iiiw - GEORGIA | \ THE MONTICELLO NEWS, FRIDAY, AUGUST 26, 1927, Classified Want Ads FOR SALE—Book case and buffet in mission, also bridge floor lamp. Phone 48. : MRS. R. F. CARY. FOR RENT-—Nice store. Possess ion at once. T. A. HUTCHINSON. G koot et b st LOST—An Ithaca 20-guage double barrel breech loading shot gun, Friday Aug. 19th, somewhere on the road from Monticello to the forks of the road beyond Reid’s bridge. A liberal reward will be paid for its return to me or any information that will help me get it. W. A, REID. FOR SALE—My home and entire farm of 110 acres, with crop or without, at a very reasonable price. Farm is on Alcovey river. W. A. WHITE, Route 1. FOR SALE-—Three registered Jer sey bulls for sale. Two fourteen months old and one two years old. If interested can see papers in my office. L. 0. BENTON. GOOD USED FURNITURE for sale cheap or exchanged. ts MRS. W. H. IVEY, JR. WHEN IN NEED OF Fire Insurance see us, We appreciate your busi ness, HARVEY & KELLY. L. E. SANDERS Monticello, Ga TAXI and FUNERAL DIRECTOR Telephone 53 Careful driver, closed car. Special rates on out-of-town trips of a party consisting of four. There are only two excuses for ‘death from smallpox, typhoid and diphtheria, ignorance, and indiffer ence. Known and efficient vaccines are obtainable against each of these diseases. The State Board of Health offers free Toxin-Antitoxin to esch county in Georgia for immunizing the pre school children against diphtheria un der certain restrictions. Write them ~about it. ; | R ARI The pre-school child is an important citizen; he should have our best at tention. Early physical examination and proper treatment of defects and abnormalities should receive prompt attention. We wish to thank our patrons who have 3 enabled us to publish this STATEMENT OF & : The First National Bank Of Monticello, Georgia To Comptroller of Currency at the Close June 30, 1927. (Condensed) TORES oa.. L. . ieoiiinil oSN SES U. S, Bon@s and Certificates _.____. 93,579.69 Other Bonds and Stocks - __._._._._. 96,414.90 Building and Fixtures .. _._._____ 12,000.00 Cash and Due from Banks and U. ST s s D $533,918.49 Capital . ol bauiii il DTN BUrDlai . . i ihsiaiid AN Unamioea ans ..o iuas 4,668.40 CHOIUON . i i ipsii 1 DRSO Dividena CHeeks . ... ... s:O.. 2,000.00 Deposits _____ ____ $363,004.59 U. S. Deposits -._... 14,245.50- 377,250.09 Lt SBas 018.49 We Appreciate Your Business Whether Large or Small and ;vill Handle It With Accuracy, Promptness and Courtesy, Treating Your Affairs in the Strictest Confidence and Secrecy.