The Dawson news. (Dawson, Ga.) 1889-current, April 17, 1889, Image 1
By E L. RAINEY. b, '\ I\ 7 . = T . ’ f\,’ ,’:‘ ; :'" b viiti - iy 5 I\ i‘ A S E E‘h“ 2 ;;,’—l4 ‘:\‘& 2 ::“ e % 5% ,;‘E)E =74 A 1 T 2 AN T e I V% ;‘fi' N/- o LNI ! § ‘4‘;’l9 i A ‘(!cl * ii l\‘ IRZ - o ofi’afii ‘\,‘ 7 (s Do Wl A e : o 1;““'“‘1‘?;’.&""” o I ES WOMEN AND MICE. The reason why & woman 48 afrnid of a fouse is & profound mystery—indeed, it has never been very clearly proven that she is, But somé women are constantly in such a vous, irritable condition that the slightest munoya and sta: .8 them. The cause of this unfortunate state of affairs is usually some functional domn.fiment: some distress fog or painful irregularity, some demnge ment or reculinr weakness incident to her %x; or, i mu{ be due to inflammation, ul : on or displacoment, of some of the fiflc viscera, or to other organic lesions liar to her sex. From whichever cause m: arise, Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescri m"i & positive remedy, 80 certain in l% curstive results that its manufacturers se, ft, through dmgfists. under ‘& guarantee of it giving satisfaction it every. case, or money paid for it will be promptly re funded. As a soothing and streigthening pervine, * Favorite Pregeription” is une usled and is invaluable in allayiniand sub -2% nervous excitability, irritability, ex hsugtion, prost¥ation, hysteria, s&wms and other distressing, nervous nymlp ms com monly attendant upon functional and organic dlsease of the womb, It induces refreshing’ seep and relicves thental anxiety and de spondency. ~ Qopyright, 1888, by WORLD'S DiS. MED. Ass'N, M PERCE'S, PELLETS, Sruuiziase G, By Druggists, 25 cents a vial. e i LT, Martin, Lasent. DAWSON, GA. —i-0e— During the year 1889, I will keep a full and com plete line of FANCY AND Family - Groceries, Whiskic s, Wines, Beer, &c. and invite the patron age of the public generally, T can be tound at my \ND STAN next door to A J Bal. dwin & Co., on MAIN STREET. 1 ! = LT, Matin -180 28 . leh.m,ms). % - :\ = - 1 i b % & B 4 : e 3 :, 1 g . 3 =7 T o 3 i ol iy ;8 i i *4q . - 3 3 A L g THE DAWSON NEWS. CLOTHING. Every train brings additions to our fine stock of The greatest effort ever made to show the handsomest line of cloth ever exhibited in Dawson, ‘ L.ow Pricems will continue to prevail, Honor and fame from this condi« tion rise: Treat the public fairly—do what you advertiss, EDITORIAL BSQUiBS. FARMERS are beginuing to hus tle things pretty lively. Mr. Braise evidently thinks there ie only room for one big man in the administration. Tre movement to build a Con federate home in Georgia is going to be a success. The money has nearly all been raised. Tur large amount of improve ments that will be made this sums mer will give the city quite an im~ proved appearance. Dawson is a great and solid toswsn. WoxDER how many young men would attend church if the main attraction, the young ladies, dis continued going? It looks to an outsider ss though the church was but & modern sparking school. Ax eleven year old Hungarian girl landed at Castle Garden last week and fainted upon sesing a negro. She afterward explained that she had uever seen one before, and took him for an unearthly bes ing. TaeE man isto be pitied who owne considerable property in a a plaze and when a call is made for a public enterprise can’t aftord to give as much as a dol'ar. The eagle on tlhe coin must almost die of suftoeation. TrE small farms are the paying farms. The farmer who plants just what he can cultivate and raises all of his own home supplies, making cotton his surplas cfop, is bound to succeed. He will live well and make money. A xEw Arctic expedition is to be sent fzom Norway, which caus es the Macon Telegraph to remark that the explorers wili hardly learn anything about the North Pole, but those who return may be tamiliar with the taste of hus man flesh. At least that was the experience of the last expedition. A Mrseovrr psper says that the meanest man in the world is pams ed Brown, snd he lives at Hannis bal, Mo. He sold his neighbor Jones s half interest in a cow, and ther refused to divide the milk, ma.ntaining that Jones owned the front end ot the cow. The cow recently hooked Brown and be is guing Jones for demages. Whizk it is bad on the railroads it may be comforting to the depot agentat Byvon to know that his is net the only safe that has been stos len and carried off on a hand car. A few nights ago burglars entered the Georgia railroad depot at War renton and carried off the iron safe. They went two miles down the rail road on the track hands’ flat car, forced the safe open and carried away about §l5O in money. A Woman's Sweet Wil She is prematurely deprived ot Ler charms of facz and form, and made unautractive by the wasting effects ot ailments and irregulari tics peruliar to her sex. To check this drain wpon, mnot ouly her strength and health, but her amia’ hle qualitics as well,is her tirst dus ty. Thisis safely and speedily ac complished by a course of selj treatment with Dr. Pierce’s Favor ite Prescription, a nervine and -ton ’ iof wonderful efficacy, and pre= pared especially for the alleviation ioi those suffering from “‘dragging down pajns, se~sations of nausea, %:fiknm incident to women— "% hioh ¥ her vex. Druggists, A e i *“You may smile and smile And be sober sti'].” OUR SPRING STYLES in Dress Goods for the ladies atd girls bring smiles of delizht, tears ot joy, feelings of gladuess to every heart. Handsomest Line in Dawson and Low Prices rule McLAIN BROS. & COMPANY. } LOCAL. NEWS. T AN EFFUSION FROM ROY JONES. DEDICATED TO MisB ROSE REMNEY, | (Published by request.) ““One Heart’s Enough tor Me,"dear, | !a’end with two eyes I will satisfied ‘And when another concert is given youll fird me there “Waiting for Thee.” “We'll Come Where the Lillies Bloom,” and probably together will sit; I'll “Dance You on My Knee, Darling,” perhaps I will, but I Doubt Tt.” You'll find me #s brave as the “Newfoundland Dog,” as gehtle az “The Dove,” And every act from you and T will be encored from above. We'll go down ou the “‘Suannee River” and ses as we've seen be fore The tamiliar tace of *‘Old Uncle Ned,” whose ‘‘Lite’'s Dream is O'er,” Andit T carry my cornet along I will get all the aleoho! out Ard will blow that horn wish a vengesnce that'll make the pec ple shout. The orchestra will play so nicely, dov’t you know, “When tge Robin’s Nest Agiin,” | And the ladie will like “‘Helter Skelter,” as well as n.ost of the men. We'll have several songs, you know, that’s as nice as “Old Ship of Zion,” And we'Ml dance to the “Sunflower Polka” as we'd ron from *The Chase of the Lion;” We'll have the ‘‘Lanciers” and “Gertie’s Gallop” with another instrumental duet, And if the editor of the NEws don’t puft us, its the last concert for us, you bet. Dawson, éa. Roy Jon Es. Prepare to Enjoy Yourself. On the evening of the 26th. inst., under the auspices of the Laa dies’ Aid Society of the Presbyte rian church, will be given at the opera house one of the most inter esting entertainments ever gotten up in Dawson. Some of the best musical talent of Southwestern Georgia has been engaged for the occasion, Messrs. Goode and Jus { lian Price, whose voices have so of- { ten charmed a critical Macor au dience, will be present to add uewl‘ faurele to the many already won. Miss Florence Powell, of Cuthbert, a graduate of the mozt noted wus ic eollege of the South, will render several excelient violin solos, while Mrs. Fd McDonald, a nightingale lin song, will charm all present. i In addition there will be recitas tions by severs! of the young la } dies ot this and neighboring towns, and quartettes, trios and solos by some of the hest male and female itnlent of our own city, the even-~ ing’s entertainment - concluding | with a laughable farce. The pro ceeds of the entertainment will be devoted to furnishing the Presby terian church, and on this account espeeially, as well as to show our | appreciation ot the effort being made to give our people so rich a treat, and in courtesy to our visit g iriends, we bespeak from our always liberal and puble “spirited citizéns a crowded house. No one will regret spending the price of admission. Progcammes will be { printed later on. Pear Culture in Terrell. What promises to be one of Ter rell county’s most important indusj tries iz the raising of pears for mar ket. The area planted in this fruit 1 in this section would be surprising te a caueal observer, and shows that our people recoguize and ap preciate the peculiar adaptedness of our sil snd climate for pear culture. W¢ have beew informed by a close observer that at least fve bundred mMflh DAWSON, GA., WEDNESDAY, APRIL 13th., 1889, SHIRTS! SHIRTS! Ours § Ours wit H will I fit. R plea.s@e.A . Ours never rip."T" Ours are good. SHIRT S HIRTS If you want Shirts you cannot aflord te pass by outs. McLAIN BROS: & COMPANY. { this lucious fruit in this county and that the acreage increases yearly, and he thiwks that in a few years the pear crop will be one of the leading products of this section. Already the shipment of pears from Dawson will eompare faverably with any of the towns of Southwest Georgia, and there reason why this may not continue and ins crease. When the trees already planted begin to bear the owners will realize bandsome profits, the acrcage will be increased and an other profitable industry .be added to our prosperous county: b There are, perbiaps, in our city limits, one hundred acres planted in pear trees, and ia the spring these trees are a 8 petty a sight as one would wish to see, A Chance for Terrell County Boys and Girty, 20 Georgia is entitled to fourteen scholarships in the Peabody Nor« mal College at Nashville. Eightl of thesa scholarships will be vacant at the close of the present session in June, and then vacancies are to be filled by competitive examina tions throughout the state next August. The college is open to' both young ladies and” young genil tlemen. These places are eagerly : sought on account of the excellelt.l pormal traimng, and because the! ‘graduates are alwaysin demand as trained teachers. The appropria-| tion from the Peabody school rund ! is sufficient to vay all expenses of the students. Here is & rare chance for Terrell county boys and girls. How many will contend for these rich prizes. We state in advance that close preparation must be made for the>l examination next August, in order to succeed. Our county school commissicner will cheertully give all necessary information in regard to these scholarships. : We Should do Likewise in Terréll. Ginson, Ga,, April 9.—The re« port that two Mormon elders had located a branch of their church ‘ia this county, about ten miles from here, has been verified by com plaints ofthe citizens living in that part ot the county. ' A perty of gentlemen, consisting of twenty-six of the best citizens from lifferent parts ot the county. decided to wait on the elders and drive them from thecountry. The elders having quietly consented, they were escorted to Gibeon, where. they were placed on the train, with warning never o return. Thus Glasscock county sets the example for the state of Georgia at large-to follow. Do You Believe It? About two weeks ago a farmer wae in Americus wanting 850, but as he could not execute proper pa~ pers failed to get it. He wenti home disconsolate. He had no meat, no credit and was abhout t,n! give up in despair. He went oft into the woods and took a long [ prayer, and went home t his fam-| ily where he ate bread and drank ! water for his supper. As he¢ want ed to piece some of his gearing he gnt to turning over some plunder laid aside by his father during the wario anold shop. In turning over ar old crock a piece of money dropped out, and on investigating the crock he got 820.g01d pieces, and about 850 in silver.= B e —. Every Case Cured y Camberlain’e Colio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Remely bas cured every case which it has been tried, both ‘& in common and chronic, and I hovestly believe it the hest ever ::l(' for ‘t:'\ooe dise?lse’? I". bave a many calls for i ey Winters, Moore, Texas. Sold by Droggise. LINENS! This is the time of the {:;e:m when housekeepers over haul their house. held liven and make good its defice iefices. It may be well to remind them, therefore, that we have e ot-the fullest assortments of bed and table linen, towels and white goods of everv kind to be found ift the city ; and we want to say, too, that we pot only aim to meet competi tion, bat to distance it. We make our prices lower than the lowest MOX.’:AIN BROS. & COMPANY, L ..o A Strange Creature Which Finds Its Home in the Warm Wilers of the Gulf Stream. There is now on exhibition at the old Allen house, on Jackson street in Thomasville, a manatee or sea cow. Captaia W. H. Squires, who exhibits this queer avimal, is an agreeable and communicative gentleman. Said he to The Constis tution man: “This cow is ten feet long and weigha 1,000 pounds. His tail is twenty inches across. We éaught him in the Inlet to the St." Lucie river, which drains the everglades of Florida. We used in the capture a seine 300 feet long niade of inch rope. This is a very small cow. They grow from 15 to 24 feet long and to weigh from 1,000 to 5,000 pounds. They are very powerful and OFTEN BREAK THE STRONG rope of the seine like spool cotton thread. We attempted to net one fiteetn feet long just before we caught this one, and he tore our geine completely to pieces. Their bones are like ivory and worth one dollara pound. The meat in the markets of Havanna is considered delieacy and sells at fifteen cents to & twedty-five cents per pound. “There is but ofie live manatee cow on exhibition in this country besides this one, and he is at Jacke sonville, Fla. There was oue, known as ‘Old Columbus,’ at the zoological gardens at Cincinnati, but they killed and mounted him. There was one also at Philadelphia, but he died and was mountcd. We caught all ot them. Old Colum< bus and the Philadelphia cow weighed each two thousand pounds. They make a fearful struggle when first caught but seon SURRENDER LIKE SEEEP and become very docile. Though creatures of immense power, they are easily controlled. They have grinders and' éat grass like a cow. Thei¥ eyes are about the size of a buckshot. The head tapers to a point. There are two flippers in front. No legs behind. They nurse their young, having six nipples on each side, The sea cow is found at only one place in North America, the Jupiter inlet of the St. Lucic river, on the coast of Florida. They are found at but three places in the world, the mouth of the Ama-~ zon_ river, the mouth of the St, Lucie river and near Cape Town, on the cape ot Good Hope, in At~ rica. They seem to have their habitant IN THE WARM WATERS of the gult stream and its branches. The gulf stream begins at the Ams azop river, and runs very near the mouth of Bt. Lucie river, missing at that poiut the shore only three and a haif miles. They leave the gulfstream here in pairs and en ter the Bt. Lucie river to feed up on the tender blades of the Mana | tee grass, They leave in winter auel retwrn by pairs late in the gpring. Another eurious thivg‘ about this queer animal is that it has one huir about a halt inch long‘ that stands our perfect'y graight from the body to every square isich of surface, ¥t lives in salt water, but feeds in fresh water. When in eaptivity they are kept in warm ealt water, and fed on common grasees, &' inach and eeiery.” GENTLE eprivg i here, but the ‘clean sweep that was to gladden ‘the hearts of several hundred thou ‘sand republican office scekers ie de layed on the way. Dr Pierce’s Pellets (the Original Little Liver Pills) have to day the largestsale of avy pills sold by druggist, For all derangement of tbcqiver, stomach nnge bowels, they are unequaled, Obe'adose. 25 ‘me.&“ifl.: W x 2 UNDERWEAR. H‘ DO YOU ; H A l NEED ’ ) SOME I’S 8 'l S OX.DOX. ; Everything in VUtidétwear for either rex. | Give the Boy a Trade. s B | Give the boy a trade, or he muy he compelled to learn one later in life, as°it has been shown that there are more young men in the penis tentiaries of this country learning ‘traces than there are outside of ‘them. The prineipal cause of this is that we aze educating our young ‘men for idle gentlemen, trying to make lawygers, preachers, doctofs aod clerks out of material that is seeded for blacksmiths carpenters ‘and machini#ts and other honest “hewers of wned and drawers of water,” Tt {8 a titistake, a big mis take, to téach boys and girls that labor is disgraceful,and t¢'do noth ing for a living is more Yozoming the society in which they have o' move and have fespacl, It is rot ten to the core and is ruining our country to~day; and there are many sons and daughters who are now being educatel to play the part of *‘leading lady and “walk= ing gentleman” in the great drama ot lifs who will Light out for the poor house or penitentiary bhefore the cartain d®ps on the last md‘ act of the play to which they have been educated by their too indul- ‘ geut parents. ] An Infidel’s Burial, Gas M.Setzer dieda few days ago at China Grove, N. C. He was a pronounced infidel, betieving in neither God nor a tuture ot any kind. Two weeks hefore his death, kuowing his demize to be eminent, he went to a tree near the yard and tnder it warked a place for his grave, giving insirtctionsas (o how it should be dug and his mode ot burial. He wanted a layer of cedar brush at the bottom of his grave, to be filled up with dirt. He said that when decomposition set in thesap of the tree would draw him up the limbs, and ho‘ could perch on the top of the trée and view the surrounding scenery for years to come. Setzer was pers fectly rational to the last, He was visted during his wasting illness by several ministers, who endeavs ored to point him to the way of eternal life, but iu vain. His pes culiar instructions were carried out, and he was buried exactly as he directed. He was 30 years old and was a man of means, What a Koi;:.;roman Does. An Eastern paper gives the fal lowing account of a Maine woman: “A woman i Caribou, whase hus band hag bees out of health for many veirs, carries on the farm, drives the team, hokls the plow, sows, -plants, hariests the crops, markets her potatoes and grain, etc. Formerly she drove a spen of horses, but she now uses oxen ; she is never idle, for whea she is not at work on the farm or getting up and fitting wood for her family use, she may he scen glmost eny day, fair or foul; cold or het, har. nessing up her oxen into two sheds, and with a leud of shingles on eacfl, driving them to the de Bix or seven miles away, Shem—hgn dle a bunch ot shingles or a baege ot potatoes with t%\e bes* menuf‘ll town.” : Uonfortunates who are seeking“ their health are many, They siould remember the very best advertisment of a remedy is the true testimony from people who have used it. MW rite to the Blood Balm Co., Atluntu‘. Ga., tor their *‘Book of Wouders” [t is filled with convineing testimonials trom hundreds whe has used B, 18, B. No other remedy has grown so rapidly in public tavor, fln foca lities where its extraordinary mer its have become knowy it vutsells all other remedies. It cleanses, ro news and puvifies the blood. It creates a healthy a petite and a healthy digestion. Buty demands thzt §ou give it a vrial. [ 3 - : * SATEENS ! Foreign std comestic—plain with figured to match, with exqui site effect. The largest and choies est stock in the cit?,' and wl_fil?} fast. Also just recetved Noveletie in Brocade Stripe, and. g CHINA SILKS; Stripe Bashes, and namerous-other choice noveleties not to be found elsewheré. : Call and see them. McLAIN BROS. & COMPANY. SAD SUICIDE. J s TR vy o AL, Nrs. C. M. Bese, of Buker, Easew Ner Misery With Morphine. One of the saddest events we'l have ever been called upen to’ chronicle, is the suicide of Mrs. C. l W Bass, of Hardup, Baker coun~ ty, under paciliary sad ¢ircum stancés. The poor wiman, bowed dswe under a 1684 ot grief and mortifica~ tion, preferred te fly to ills she knew not of than suffer those which shad owed her life. A w¥ ot twelve years of sunshine and shadow i which she bad endeavored to prové a helpmeet to her honést and de~ voted husband by some indescre tiond éxcited his suspicion of her infidelity, and he charged her with improper relations with one Lem mox and sefatated from her last Monday. The poor wounded creat« ure protested, her inndtence, and came, on Thursday, to Albany, i company with an uncle, to eomuifi} a lawyer, Her uncle, while in the city, drank to drunkenness and was lodgzed in the calaboose, while ahe searched the city over in vaiu for him. Hearing nothing of him, she left for home alone, about dark. Upon reaching her home, the de jected woman sought to escape trom lite’s troubles by taking mor phine, and after lingering until eight o'cluck, yesterduy, she passed the narrow river that divides time from eternity. Mr. C. W. Bass, her nusband, wade every provison for the de ceut interment ot the mortal re maing of her whom he had loved in life, and whose sad ending grieved him so sincerely.—Albany News. Ants as Pickles. Should a Maive lunibeérmurn' find a stump or rotten log with thous ands of big black ants in it he scoops the torpld inseets from their winter domicile aud fills his dinner pail with them. When he gets back to his cabin at night he sets the pail in & cool place until his supper is ready, then brings it forth, and while helping himself to pork snd beaus, helps himself also to ants. There is no sccounting for tastes, and be esteems a handful of anta a ve? choice morsel. uts are smid by these who have tast~d them to have a peculiarfly agreeable, strongly aeid flavor. The woodsmen, waose fool cons sists largely of salted meat, baked beans and simila heartey victuals naturally have a craving for somen thing sour. ‘‘Ants are the very best ot pick els,” suid an old “logger” who con+ fessed to having devoured thouse ands of them *“They are cléanly insects and there is no remsom’ why; they should not be eater. if oné can get over a little squeamishnel'a'* caused by the thought of taking such erawling thiogs into bis stom« ach. There is nething repulsive about them, and whem a mas has ogee learned to eat the ereatures tor pigkles he pre‘ers them tg any other I'tud.”—gimburg Dispateh, - Chamberlawy's colic, cholera and Diagrifbes remedy is a pleasant and effective cure for the, various forms of bowel eomplaint. It ispowertul ly diffusible apd almoet imstantly relieves intense’ pain and qriets, the nerves. It been iu use in the Northwest for fitteen years,and the manufacturers are tée oldest makers of such remedics in that tection, The rewedy hag been ex tensively used in several epidemics of e o sty g sane better in the opinion o urgm than any otbo:mpre’p'tmfim'“ “the kind made. It has nvultiou ‘ands of lives and is- guaranteedt tor efleet 8 radical cure. Manw note ‘ured hy Chamberlain & Co., Dea Moines, Towa. SulEbw ol deng. gircs. - g ‘lxa b VOI. V.—NO: 48, Hats, .Caps To fit any site or shaped hisd, for Inrgs oF smdlt féets OUR FRIENDS and the public génefally are specid. ally invited to cafl gud ~xami our gunds and note the stves 13’ prices. McLAIN BROS. &CO, - vy ‘\ - :é.“ _" "?/ Soioas ’ -l @ o “i( d L | B~ bg\,‘ "‘ F = .yt " i _:,..‘ o 40, i Y .:§.~ 1 - Absolutely Purs, This powder never varies, A\ marvel of purity, strength anl wholesomeness. More econc niea than the ordinary Finds, ané cag uvt be sold in compotition with' the mulitudé of 1w test, short weight alum or phosphate powders, Sol«fonlyin cans. ROYA BAK ING POWDER CO.; 16¢ ¢sl 8t N. Y. eSA A e i : I PROTECT YOUR RYES! ¢ : 7 v I 2 T 8 e > 1 g 23 Can Tk 0 v 39,4 - 2 3L, , o —., TIFTEEEET | 8 @3, BEEERE L 2 gL TS ~ L 3 Q-g OF 4 : «© B RTBSE <, {;3 ®DI ww._o cgq_‘ '°'§‘B§' =='§E\- P.&,: §5 | S—-—— - e i, fE:e .2% WPROVES Doy WMy eoEBf ESEEE TR E2E i 3 Eizi:| @@ e =s 5 EFEiidia B oPeOTACLES™ oSSR gApcififed pict "veli-By = P A A R L 8 i . v2Yac .3 = <m~ J‘g£% Z g “":‘5 S 5 F .A, 8252 |NG (RIS e ey L 2 705 NAL oI EoE 2 8804 0 0 v : S-Sl leße R = S TR & ¥ =52 BpS >o€ B SEZLWeE SS S SRBIE L DS, = Ao 44 ost Weeen B 0 AT gm s\ bamew Pl oo £ LSE RGOS (ISS 7-S AL SWEIRTEEL I TIES Y bee! m ¢ . fiéa} iy o« e S ;(fl - i i 'a; T B S:E‘:U v w IMK- w 2 =gM g-gg,“ fl"a.g’-,‘gvg: :_Eg - SRR Te & (Sl RPEL LT R SAY )Qi 2 = ‘ et WE P 2- P - €%, .mSS=s z»‘ eYe2" fi; °‘-,¢'-v - \._,v Fmsr A t 3 dd =.=o -2 7 Cht ,T2= @ '3%7-";;:“E~§A-=- 9.-yT;A s n o B - " SSeam 43 B m:_:‘_’l:é -2 . 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Egsm==g,3=.3-gz3g§:gg':..= R ESegEsfgas .28 ;gmé-st.;cg_eg.fi_.:_' SBe% S2e > 2 & 8= TE o 2 2oa2A=S v o 2" 8 nEBVEEE = a's 2T sa - - S S EBEO °© .2 =o=—--=¢D3%o = " @ 8 & 3 = w 3038’3-505'5& zt = ZsenB BSBEE2F 0225 ERSs3BBeac 2852 skasSE H§SEE RZ agikas.fifisgh as MMW*WM '&-~eL 0 % DR e B &2 %8> &®QI&OOTDLoeBy o sy b D Q% @l Sem ©® b 7% s T M } ‘MOmfi’& B EE R ECEIRECEELICERERiEZENES bt Sy RIS EE I AREE RO LR b} = = - E.‘ ssL®eDs,w-= =2 35 e = -~ o =|| ! o 8 ARV wRS B CE o & >m.obßwgP- o € E 9 = g 2= o s Pawaiw g-g g C P EEN Lo X 2 S e=-gODFg BWo = T Evsxo.2 oo > ° Exraw® R=T S-ss s i - “aseeElS S ERE R Ea G 28 Se TR G Mg Cos e o 8 2w BL, eSB BRT"SEXMSSS p— eeß B g 2 gEET = sSS "_E; el PEE%a g2B THSeSo~RESETEEESD -pew? g > b H-EgR TR wOB SR B R L BP A RSPI AeMz = S BBRS gul, ;mem o ]{o { > o s < S=Do@'&-=-= B S o é— = Lo o s|=|B.cBB = g &= @BOT ® o =g3 8% cdsa o5Ee5 v B = % » gs. 2 LeSLB LD —=#=]s o = = £ :“’-g < MST BESews =3 W 0 eeT& ~ Sk Sflbs's_g so S 8 =3B oe e —QD frm |ToBS 3= E == 'Usfic: WG A=POBB.= @ I e o 2SS S agm B-gBs a =B dun = -os g a 2 E=2©6BEET S 8 - sS g adeg S 8 IS Bs>gso= 2 E— S smep S ¢ "g R2G|Se SR = S 5 g eae > ST oD dogßOTpe 0.3 0 S =358 ®&STe g B s 8 o = 8 £ ?= ;;* - =L 88022%"'”‘"‘5‘2':'22’@: ’-';—':—:'Emf §“".gz~§=¢i§Bf'~'c 3;-36 QE,_ “.;'..’:-; =:5 eSo4 e 1e :s_gé".s_é’.i-cg oad EoE S E-e noBwi” g2B n .Ql-c Ew2 ZEE Wy TSSSB s¢gsag 2502 y W[o % o wld FpLEEc Rl P B e fRS g, FESEREC RS2 EY s wEE BTN, 3=i . b= S 4 2 o " 82 <]Se2BBN- = s s g = 33 B g =|&B @ =IL =528 dghg . SErcegbhET 283 §8 S 2238 FE Nt NE 4838 _HIBTRR 5 _.F - - = - == b, g-a.Prs=o= - e e R S Re ™ -28 SEL gER g BEEG TTR OETy EFTESES FE & BUEG ST T 2 BT2 EE, S 8 FASEST. - s ~5'55-2" ig—-~_€ss= S.f-’ég:hg-g*t'ss::;—'; s Me.o S Ss3ESE gBBE o 5 TS, N=|> c o, = ° 2 Ny =DBM=S2£oo= 8 = - &S - @ ¢ : 'rb‘_g, - ‘Eégaga—sfi_‘_‘ z;@.;.é,,gfi*: :.—ad?‘\ghos:f g:cs_i’.;g;""&'fl‘éh?“fig'c"é’,z'ég Sxuig i ’fl.fil »02&255—2 ¢¢'§g“g_=‘é’-§.2 ygo:géihbb—gogoa ,:v) :5,:59 -En’sggéo-;-:?':hsgw?::‘sw:c liel ¢ H ISR EBRGR G PSIgEEE2SBBBEsEs RBRS weE o SEalae smMerß ol Drenn2s WBTeRS= i R e o T O P GTWOR N e N SRR TNeTRoW . S S, ~y E 5 Mr. H HIRSCHBEYp Lhe well-known Optician of 629 Olive street St. Louis, has appoints ed Dr. W. C. KENDRICK "of Dawson, Gai., as agent for bls' clebrated Diamond Spectacles and l Everlases and also for his gi:mohd; Noi-“hangeable Eptetdd ‘lfld' Uyepluszes, These glasses are thé crestest invention ever made in' Spectueles. My a proper constryo tion of the Luns & person parchak g a piir of these Nao<Changeably {ilassos never has o change these Glases from the cyes, and ews’ ery pair purchased are guare” anteed so that if they ever leave the eyes (no matter how scratched the T.enses are) they will furniew the party with a "new paic of (ilasses free of charge. ~_ DR. W. C. KENDRICK hias &' full assortment. snd invites all whio’ wihes to satisty themselves of the’ Great Supe iority of these Glasses over auy and all others now in use’ to eall and examine the same af % DR, W, C. KENDRICK'S Drug Store. em " % ARCHIE MAEND: When you want a giod Shave - nicf Haif Cut, in’ afi the )l?mi stylesy a' boss Shampoo, .or your’ hair, beard or mu.amch? Dfed,y'cifi’ and give mé '# teial, LADIES Desirihg work in thid lidé can' he' waited oa at their residences. Po lite attention to all. ’ Bhop over Slale’s store. : CH (.)I.JER A | CORDIAL. : -G ; safe and certiin eure for all' A affections of the Bowels ruch’ as Dysentery, Diarrhesa, Cholers" Morbus and that dreaded dississ Cholera In fantiray, also the derasys ed howels of Leétith:«int\sn&a'et’o’. : —-PREPARED ONBLY BY- Pe R T BILLBAN, = FOR BALE BY- | - CROUCH BROS.Daweon,Gay" Pl’icfi.‘\.....q e DOCH R §5O. ‘We vill conrvey your sawediist any vagshwble diXtance from your & Efiy&fll‘dfiw us thé use givilis: exinuil steaw. {rein yyur eng EM%‘;;QB«#@& & e oA Y Almsw!h’k D Laogg -fi'wmz,fia,&m:fi?’ Ve