Newspaper Page Text
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business we will sell our cntire stock of
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¢ have on hand a lar.e lot of fine goods,
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medinm and low grade goods, all of
AL S a -1 e A
wiich must be sold at onee,
L - Intihin e
i you nced clothing
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If you dont need
L clothing you can save money
)Y buying now while the opporiunity
"g>. ® ' - «
txtended you., You are ccrdially invited to
: 5 '.,.- ; "
nd : " oy ey ° ?
Make your selection whileour stock is full.
083 w, % > 14 Y ~ {yqL
“Wely NO GOODS CHARGED at cost,
D@ty & T.OCE
T | - AT I
—:j‘ 23 ‘l\ A | e "r,‘ .‘l 3 v
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Ms. Bsnor Piror died gt
her home, vear Spacts, on Tuese
{ day. ;
————— O e e
Tae Georgia legislature will
meet today. The indications are
that the session will continue four
g e
Tue latest trust is the trust on
plug tobacco. All the factories
have taken stock to the amount of
the value f their factories and
you may look out for high prices. }
S e
| Mgs. Haves, wife of the ex
president, cied Tuesday, She wus'
a good and lovely woman, and did
honor to the high social position
which she oceupied during her
husband’s term of office.
e e
WoorLroLk has been seuteucedl
to be hanged on the 16th of Au- |
gust. If the motion for a new
trial is overruled, it will be
taken to the Supreme Court,
which guarantees Tom several
mouths more of life at least.
A CURRENT writer insists Lhati
men go fishing because of a habit |
inherited from primitive ancestors.
We had always supposed that the
majority of our fellow citizens went
fishing in order to give their imag
ination ful! play in their subses
quent fishing stories.
; et
AUSTRAILA isanxious to grow
cotton, and sent to Commissioner
Henderzon in Atlanta for some’
seed. The Commissioner prompts
ly responded with the necessary
samples. Russia is also making
efforts in this culture, but the‘
Southern States still hold the furt’
so far as the fleccy staple is cons |
cerned. I
Tuk - Savannah Times comes |
out am} endorses Hon. F. (. Dus
Bignon for governor to succecd
Gowernor Gordon. In ail of his
public eareer Mr. Dußiznon has
madean euviable record, He is at the |
same time brilliant,sa ¢ and sound |
in politics, a good democrat, annl;
a man well acquainted with the |
affairs of the state. He i 3 yoang
and progressive.
Hox. WirLiam . VENABLE, of
Fulton, has prepared an eluborate E
bill to establish and maintain o
home for inebriates which he will i
iatroduce at the summer session ofi
the general assembly. The home
is for the confinement, trentment,
and cure of dipso-maniacs, habitu
al drunkards, opium and morphine
takers. Itis a carefully drawn
measure, and will beably pressed
by Mr. Venable. ‘
A NEGrO has been arpested
down in Liberty coun‘y for going
through the country and proclaim.
ing himself Jesus Christ. A great
many negroes believed his state
ment and were quitting work to
follow him about the country.
He was finally arrvested on the
charge of vagrincy, His follows
ers wanted .to annihilate the offi
cer, but the man told them td
forbear, that no barm would be
done him,
A epECIAL from Waszhington, al
luding to the great accumulation ot
money 1n the vaultsof the treasury,
and the cost of émploying a num
ber of experts for several months
in counting it, gays:
“It the people will pause and
gaze on the picture of at least sixty
experts engaged for a period of
four or five months in simply count
ing the idle wealth wrang from
the laboring massés there raay be
guch a revolution in public senti
ment as shall secure retorm in tax
ation and economy in expendi
Let us give the readers of the
NEwWs a little timely adyice. Hot
weather is coming and with it eolic,
cholera morbus, dysentery and dis
arrhoea. The only safe Wa{ to
combat theee diseases, is to keep
some reliable remedy at hand, and
all who have tried Uhamberlain’s
Colie,Cholera and Diarrhea Rem
edy will admit that it is the most
prompt, teliable and successtul
asedivine for these eomplaints.
It costs but 25 or 50 cents, und
may be the means of saving you or
our familg' much suftering, it not
&iteelf, efore the summer is ov
er. For sale by all druggists,
L e ) O e e
Neuralgic Persos And thoss
troubled with nervousness resulting from
- care or overwork will be relicved by taking
- Brown’s Iron Bitters. Genuine
. bastrade mark and erossed red lines op wrapper .
{ e
A ;geinous Crima--Bronwood's Guano
ctory=-Cur Warehousmen and Bag
. ging--Other Local News. |
4 recent issue of the Americus
Resorder coutuined the following
complimmentary uotice ot our pros
gm?sive city : ‘
#We congretulatelour sister city,
’ Da&vsou, upon the progressive step
she has taken in adopting the pubs
Tic school system, and we are con
fident that she will never regret it.
This step stamps Dawson what we
have long known it to be- -a city
of progress and intelligence, and it
will draw to her other progressive
and intelligent citizers.” |
Only Wants Kis Pay.
The Bronweod Clipper puts the
people on notice that it opposes a
new ecurt house, because the grand
Jjury did not recomend the publica -
tion of the presentments in its col=
umns.—DaAwsoN NEWs,
The Clipper hus never opposed
a new court house, ncither has it
put out such notice, tor any such |
reason. |
We arg decidedly in favor of a
new court house, auda good one
too, for tie old barn in present use
is but a disgrace to our county,
_which can, and ought to be, made
the “basner’ county of Geor-'
What we said about publishing |
the presentments had direct reffers |
énce to the presentments of the ad- ‘
journed {erm: which were duly !
recommended to he published |
in cur colums, and for swhich wc!
have not been convpensated. The |
county has not said that che was |
too poor to pay us, but we are nat
urally inclined, hypothetieally,
that the “‘scads” aze below zero,
No, Brother Rainey, we did not
expect to publish the presentments
of the last grand jury, knowing
that thst zugust body was coms
pesed almost entirely of men
‘rom the Dawson district, but we
do thivk we should have pay
for what we did publish on January
20th and February 2ud, 1889,
Lronweood Clippar.
l;‘ro,vwooc/-'s—a;t;:a Factory.
Bronwood is to have a guano
factory. This industry is assum
ing large proportionsin the inte
rior, and the movement has ultimas
ted in the reduction of prices.
The const companies once enjoyed
a monopoly in the manufacture of
guano, but the interior manufact
urers now divide the honors and
the profits with them. fhere is
o carthly reason why all* the gu
aro our farmers use could not be
wade in the interior. The phoss
pliate rock can be shipped, and
the amonia bearing ingredicnt
obtained in theinterior. The cot
ton seed oil mills have made guano
manuteeture in the interior on a
large seale, and the rapidity with
which it has developed resulted in
erowding some coast companies
to thewall. Our farmers should
look with favor on the interior facs
Lories, and treat them with every,
consideration-- Albany News.
A Great Cry for More Woman.
has been going up from the far
west for a good many years, But
thecryisnot for pale, haggard,
debilitated women, The pushing
western men are not anxious for
heauty, but they nced healthy
wives, A f:rem. ery for health
is continually going up for thou
sands of women, young and old, all
over the carth. d‘;untless remedies
bave appeared’in zuswer. A f‘?i
bave stucceeded, and none hold /g
higher place than Dr. Pierce's Fa
vorite Prescription, a gure cureYor
all those peculiar “weaknesses” ghd
distressing ailments peculiar t,o;he
et e Gpienaeasiensn
A Healthy Growth.
Acker's Blood Elixir has g}?ed
a firm hold on the American phos
ple and is acknowledged to hé su
perior t 0 all other preparatiofis, [t
is 2 positive eure for arl Blo'd and
Skin Diseascs, The medieal fras
ternity indorse and prescribe it.
Guaranteed and mhf by W, ¢,
Kendrick, e
g il
Pecches Plentiful.
Peaches are {;lontihxl at
Bronwood that yok could buy a
crate-for 25 cents the past week.
An ldiotic @irl Outraged by a Negro
{ ute,
Oneof the most heinous crimes,
of its nature, ever perpetrated in
our county, was committed a few
days ago by Sam Barlow, ¢col.)
upon the person of an idiotic negro
girl of 14 years. Sam went te Ben
Johnson’s house, father of the girl,
and finding her alone accomplished
his hellish deed by force, and
quietly walked off Her father.
returied in time to see Sam leav
ing. Sheinformed bim what had
occurred, but too late tor him to
detain the fiend. Johnson is an
houest and industrius eolored far
mer, in good circumstances ard
will make strenous efforts to have
the ripist broughtto justice, Sam
Barlow hes a bad reputation.
Heis the nagro whom Harrison
Stevens shot last year in Tee couns
ty, and for which Stevens went to
the penitentisry for several
months, Barlow has been a train
hand on the S. W. railrcad for
scme time and makes Albany his
headquarters. A warrant hag
been sworn out for his arrest,
His mother lives on Johnso'uis
place. 3
Wiat They Wiil Sell,
The bagging question is now ins
teresting the people. =Tt e alliande
warehouse will use pothing but
cotton hagging. J. R. Mercer &
Co. have ordered 20,000 yards of
cotton bagging, but will also keep
jute on hand for these of their eus
tomers who wish to use it,© Mr.
L. A. Lowrey will handle both,
but jute principally. His reasons
for this is that he has been request
ed by a large number of his cus
tomers to do so. Judze J. M
Simmons will sell both jute and
cotton. Mr. W. E. Riordan will
also bandle both. It would scem
from the above that notwithstand
ing old jute was laid to rest with
great ceremony in a certain Texas
town a few days ago, he still waves,
in this section at least.
Silence the Big Crop Liar., =~
The Albany Neiwes and Adve, tis
er notes the fact that the big crop
liar is abroad ia the ~land, "he
big crop liar is by no means a
harmless individual. He has it in
his power to do the farmers great
iujury, and ke frequently sncceeds
in doinz <o, unintentionally, it is
true. Flattering and exaggerated
reports aboat the cotten crop at
this season of the year trequently
cause a depression in the market
in the auticipation that an unuse
ually large crop will be made. For
this reason, the big erop liar should
be silenced.
o g B
A Hoax.
A correspondent writing to the
Constitution frim Albany says
that while the body of John Picz
ett, who was hanged at Leesburg,
was heing carried to the cemetery
ftranze noiscs were heard in the
coftin, which frightened all the ne
eroes away but one, who knocked
the coffin open with an axe, when
the corpse jumped out and tock to
the woods. Of course it was all a
A Child Killed.
Another child killed by the use
of opiates given in the form of
Soothing syrup., Why mothers
give their children such deadly
poison is surprising when they can
relieve the child of its 'peculiur
troubles by using Acker’s Baby
Soother. Tt contains no Opinm or
Mo:phine. Sold by W, C. Ken
el P St
The Band Bothers Bob.
It is said that the town has heen
injured by the organization of the
brass bard. [his reason is given:
R. T. Kenedy retuses to start up a
new business here on accoant of
the organization. Bob has a mania
Aor starting new enterprises and it
is to;be regretted (7) that he ¢ontem
plates seekirg another location,~
Bronwood Clipper,
The old Soidiers To-Morrow.
On to-morrow the old soldiers
ot Terrell, Randolph and adjoining
counties will havea big reunion g
Shellman. The day wfil be g regs
ular old veterans’ Jay,
How Atout the Compress?
Is it asleep, or isit doing ss
jumpers do—run back some dis.
tauce to make good leap,
I —— vl A A
More stength and power lies in a
singie dose of B. B, B, (Botanic
Blood Balm) than in a hundred
doses of sarsafiarilla extract, and
other 80 ecalled blood remedies,
Read of its miraculous eures in oth.
er parts of our paper.
[ A Fish Used for u Horse.
‘I know a negro who uses a fish
fer a horse,” sdid Mr, Casey of
‘Augusta. Mr. W. C. Casey knows
mor2 about fish and svake stories
than any nan in Georgia. _He is
author of the piragraph that the
only reason for doubting the scrips
ture: is that so many of the apos
tles were fishermen. Cat fishes,
when frightened, he eays, always
run down stream., QOn . this he
bailds & narrative and swears to it. J
A negro, fishing in the Savann.h,
he anys, hooked a huge cat fish,
which ran downgatream at a rapid
rate, the boat and aarky following;
the cat not stopping till exlmusbl
ed. It wasthewenptured, but plac
edin water. The ncxt day the
negro tied a rope to it, attached
the line to his boat and turned
the fish in the river. ‘Down stream :
the boav went, faster than oars
cou'd carry it or wind propel it.
The fish is fed and petted with care.
A set of Farness has been mede for
it. The negro is uow trying to edu
cate it to go up stream. -
' Sensatién a;‘l.‘ufh,bei-f.
- A special from Cuthbert to the
Columbus Enquirer says:
Last Saturday night Mrs. Blacks
shear heard persons talking near
her window, and asked who were
there. A voice asked to be let in
the house. Hastily she gota pistol
and firefafter the fleeing parties.
Ina few minufes a tvo pound
stone was hurled thiough the win
dow which alarmed the family and
their eries alarmed the neighbors.
A slipper and a bottle were found
which the -intruders left, Mrs.
Elatkshear’s mother saw 'a
face in the window, and declares
the man she saw was a cer
tain citizen. Parties all respect
The World Full of Death Traps.
According to the American Ana
'yst, the worst encmies of the hu
man race ure the doctors, who try
to prolong oar miserable existence
in aworld full of death traps.
One medics tells you not to eat or
‘drink what you relish, bhecause
you will eat or drivk too much,
another says you must eat only
what you fancy, because otherwise
you will bolt your tood
without givieg to each morsel the
thirty-six mastications which are
necescary for digestion. You must
wear a respiratoe oter your meuth,
a pad on your chest, and a swarth
of flannel around your loins. It
you live in town, you will die of
fog ;if you go to the conatry, you
will be poisoned by bad drainage §
if you drink water, ?'ou afé témpts
ing the typhoid fiend ; milk spells
searlatine, and tea cake is eudden
death. Do you shun tlese tems
pestuous pleasures. of the senses
#nd take reftige in the recreations
of the mind? %)o you borrow a nov
el from the circulating library? That
is to import the germs of diseases
into a healthy household. The
volume in your hands may have
beer {perused by & person recovers
ing from an intectious illnese!
e e it S s
Alliance Warehouse for Shellman.
Randolph Alliance has purchas
ed Hon. 8 B. Steven’s Shellman
warchouse, They will handle this
year's crop of cotton, and will sell
only cotton hagging. This |
is afight, against the jute trust
and itis hoped the faruers’ action
in this matter wiil prove beneficial
to them,
Dr. Benj. Dillard, druggist, at
Aurora, Morora, Mo., savs: I sell
a great quantity of S. S. 8. for
Scrotula, ~ Eczema, Rheumatism,
and other blood troubles, and have
never heard of a case of failure to
Pimples. blotches and eruptions
on the skin evidence the tact that
the bleod is in bad shape, and these
Symptoms show that nature is try
ing to throw off che impurities, in
which effort they should be assisted
by a reliable vezetable blood remes
dy, asis Swift's Specific.
Mr. John B. Harrison,of Spring
field, 111, says that he had blood
trouble for quite a time ; his ton~
sils were swollen, eruptions over
his hands and face, followed b
panlysis of the face, which was al)i
relieved by Swift's Bpecifis, and
alter the lapse of seven years there
has been no sign of a return of the
_Over four years ago Swift's Specs
ific cured mw of a troubleseme
eruption which eovered my shoul
‘ders, back and limbs. This was
after 1 had been treated by six doc
[tors, gome of whom said I never
would get well. E. M. Hugrsgy.
Bhermar, Texas,
Use Brown’s Iron Bitters,
Physicians recommend it. All dealers kee
it $ 0t bl Genainehas i ar
VYOL. V1..-NO. 7,
The Signal Service Officer on Pike's
Peak--Weary and Desolate, '
!, A few days ago a gentleman in
i the U, 8. Signal Service, thus dey
seribéd the situation ot his brothey
officer located on Pik+’s Peak, Mg
said: Sy ? >
The officer in charge of the Unja
ted States Signal Service Station
on the top of Pike's Peak passes hig
days in aclow flat huilding made of
stone, anshored and bolted to the
gravite bolders. During the win.
ter he has no connéction whateyay
with the outside world. No hy
man being ean ascend to his stge
tion, and it is almost impossible fop
him to go dowa. Tee Meriwether,
who ascended the snoy covered
mountain -one Juns day, - 'say4
the the officer’s fice wears {hag
caresworn, ~depressed expression
which comes from uabroken solis
tude. : k]
“You don’t often see suow m
July?" be said, after I had thawed
out beforea blazing fire, £
“Not often. You don’t yours
self, do you?” _ "
“Yes, tvo or three times & week.
Snow is my only water supplg.'
That boiler there, pointing to the
stove, *is full of “melting snow,
Even in the heat of summer thers
is enough snow at my door to furs
nish all the water needed,” .
“Does not life become weary and
desolate Lere g 0 far. from™ the
world,” :
“So much so that I sometimes
fear it will run me crazy, My ofa
ficial duties are light; they require
only an occasional” inspectimn of
ihe instruments. The rest of
my time [ have nothing to do bug
read. Too .nuch reading becomes
wearisome, Sometimes I stand ap
the window with. my telescape)
The wind withott is as keen and
cutting as a knife. L
“I can see the houses of Coloe
rado Springs,” he continued, “20
milesaway; see the visitor's sittia :
in their shirt sleeves, sipping icgfi"
drinks to keep cool, and the lddids
walkiny about in their whits sums
mer roYes. Tuen I lower the
glass; the summer scene is gone.
Greea treesand animal life, men
and women, fade away like create
ures in a dream, and ium,,tbe only*
living thirg in a world 6f stercal
ice andenow and silence.”
Se:pahtine Problem, ;
An astronomer from Harvarg
Observatory some time ago pros
vounded this problem to a num.
‘ber of fellaw eavants: Buppose
three snakes, cach two feet in
length should catch each other by
the tip of the tail, thus making a:
circle six feet in circumference,
Suppose that each. snake should
begin to swa'low the snake in
front ot him. In what way
would the resultant figure, after
each snake had swallowed the one’
in front of him, differ from the
original circle? There were many
diverse opinions upon the subject*
some of them entering the consids
evation of the fourth dimensiod’
of space, because any one of the
gnakes would have swallowed one’
in front of him, and yet have heen
swallowed by the two back of
him, and therefors would be both
inside and outsile of his two fols
Get welfand stay well. But hoiw
shall we do it ?
Lis‘en my friend, and the secret
Pil tell, 3 g Y
Though, for that matter, there's no
secret to it, = S
As man{glr‘nan understands very
well, "
It you're low spirited, gloomy, de~
préssed, )
If nothing tastes good and youe
nights hring o rest,
It your stomach is foul and your
mouth seems much tonler,
And 5o eross you hecome, that they
call you a “growler,”
Bz sure that the trouble is due to
your liver, 8
And-the blood is as sluggish as
sometimes a river
Becomes when it’s filled with alf
manuer of stuff, 3
Clear 1t aut and the enrrent ruas
smoothly enough. :
Go to the drug store and get a
bottlo of Dr. Pierce's Golden Meds’
ical Discovery, the great blood
ifierand liver invigorator. T
puri IZora lg
® a sure cure for the low spirits and*
general depression & man foele*
whea his liver is .ingctive and RKis
blood impure. This remedy makes
a man well,
st eA B e s
Would you exchange your pale
cheeks for rosy ones ?
Johason's i‘onic vitalizes th: .
blood, enriches it. Try it and &
ot satisfied, your money refundeif
»(‘!xia’evei{ form of fever. :: ,
or sale by Dr. W. C. Kendrick