The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, August 13, 1868, Image 1
THE DAWSON WEEKLY JOURNAL. 23Y PERRYMAN & TUCKER. gatosoft ualffklu Journal, Published Every Thursday. 2*l* H.ttS—Strictly in *1 dr mice. Three months 00 75 Six mouths "• $1 -5 Out year. 00 Halts ol'cldrerlisiny : 0a« dollar per square of ten lines for the first insertion, and Seventy-live Cents per square lor each subsequent insertion, not ex ceeding three. One square three months..,. ? 8 00 Hue square six months 12 00 Oue square one year 20 00 Two squares three months 12 00 T«o squares six mouths 18 00 Two squares one year 80 00 fourth of a column three moths 80 (X) fourth of a column six mouths 50 00 Half column three moths 45 00 Half colurnu six mouths 70 00 One column three months 70 00 Oue column six months 100 00 Liberal Mtcfluclions .ffade on Conlraet .Mrrmsftti ents. ■tii hi mu ii in t it i in in i mini in ih mill iu iiiii ■ i mu ii iiiiii iu4* Legal Advertising. Sheriff's Sales, per levy, $2 50 Mortgage Fi Fa Sales per square 5 00 Citations for Letters of Administration, 8 00 “ “ “ Guardianship, 3 00 Lismision from Apministration, 6 00 “ “■ Guardianship, 4 00 Application for leave to sell laud, 6 00 Sales of Land, per square, 5 00 Sales of Perishable Properly per squ'r, 8 00 Notices to Debtors and Creditors,,.... 350 Foreclosure of Mortgage, per square, 2 Oo Kstray Notices, thirty days, 4 00 Job It 'ork ot every description exe entedwith neatness and dispatch, at moderate rates. RAIL - ROAD GUIDE. Soul It western Railroad. WM. nOLT, Pres. | VIRGIL POWERS, Hup Leave Macon 5.15 A. J/. ; arrive at Colum bus 11.15 A. M. ; Leave Columbus 12.45 P. M ; arrive at Macon 0.20 I’. M. Leaves Macon 8 KM; arrives at Eu fauU 5 30, P il ; Leaves Kufaula 7 20, A M ; Arrives at Macon 4 50, P M. ALBANY BRANCH. Leaves Siniihville 1 4t>, I* M ; Arrives at Albauv 3 11, P M ; Leaves Albany 9 35, A 11; Arrives at Siuithville 11, A M. Leave Cuthbert 3 57 P. M. ; arrive at Fort Gains 5.40 P. M ; Leave Fort G 'ins 7.05 A M.; ariive at C’uthbert 9.05 A. J/. Jttacon A IVc'teni Railroad. A J. WHITE, President. R. WALKER, Superintendent. DAY PASSKXUKII TRAIN. Leaves Macon . . . 7 80 A. M. Arrives at Atlanta . . . 1 57 P. M Le.ves Atlanta . . . 6 55 A. M. Arrives at Macon . . . 180 P. M. NIGUT TRAIN. Leaves Macon . . • 8 45 P. M. Arrive, at Atlanta . • 4 5U A . SI. Leaves Atlanta . • 8 10 P. M. Arrives at Macon , . . 125A. M. Western A Allaiitie Railroad. CAMPBELL WALLACE, Sup’t. DAY FAB6UNUEII TRAIN. Ijeave Atlanta ... 845A. M. Leave Dutton .... 2.80 P- M. Arrive at Chattanooga . • 6.24 P. M. Chattanooga . - 3.20 A. M. Ariive at Atlanta . . . 12.05 P. U. NIGHT TRAIN. Leave Atlanta . . . 7 00 P. M. Arrive at Chattanooga . . 4.10 A. M. Leave Chattanooga . . 430 P. M. Arrive at I).linn ... 750 P. M. Arrive at Atlanta . . . 1 41 A. M. §wsi»f;s.s ©ante. ORS. HODNETT A PERSYMAS HAVLVG formed a co-partnership in the practice of A/edicine, offer their Pro? tessional services to tho public, and as expe rienced Physicians in all the branches of their profession, confidently anticipate that their former success wifi iu&ure a liberal share of practice. 7’he cash system having been established in everything else, all bills will be considered due as soon as a case is dismissed. Office—Until further notice, iu the front room ol the “Journal” building, up stairs. W. 11. UODNKTT, J L, D. PER It Y\l AN. Dawfldtf, Ga , June l;t| DK. R. A. WAIINOCK, OFFKftS Sis Professional services to the citizens of Oiiickasawhatchoc aud its vicinity. From ample experience in both civil and Military practice, he is prepared to treat successfully, cases In every deDartment ot hw profession. janlO’ti.Sif c. B. WOOTEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Datcson, Ga. ■l*° 1808 lj 0. J. GOBLET. WILD C. OLXVKLXN, GURLEY & CLEVELAND, attorneys at law, Milford, Balter County, Ga. iTcTplant & SON, Bankers A Brokers, {Office in dirst National Bank Bnilding ,) Entrance on Cherry st.. MACON, GA. "UriH*' Purchase and sell Bonds, Stocks, bold, Silver and Bank notes, and make cstments for parties, as they may direct. n«' * ' Morris KktcuL'm, New York, H. Pl»kt. jane43m ISAACS' HOUSE, hotel and restaurant, Cherry .flacon, Ga. • ISAACS, : ; • Proprietor. —^^T r<le o,ctl ,0 &l 'fi f roln Hotel. flFl HAVEN'T & BROWN, Wholesale and Retail B r°K; EIAK HS, STATIONERS, Block f? ene| al News PoalcEJ—Triangula *■ Chcrr J Street, .Vacon, Ga. Dawson Business Directory, l>ry Roods Hlereliaiits. 12 RATT, T. J. Dealer in all kinds of Dry G oods. Main Street. OR R, UItOWN & CO., Dealers In Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Main st., under •‘Journal” Printing Office. SIEKF.I., S. YI. A RRO., Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots, Shoes, Ilats, Trunks, &c., 3rd door from Hotel, Main st. IOVLESK & ORIFFIN, Dealers -4 iu Staple Dry Goods and Groceries. 12 OBERT9, .1. W. A CO., Deal kj ers Iu Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, and Groceties, North West corner Public Square. P 12101*1.128*, W. YI., Dealer in .Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Loyless' Block, MaiD street. Grocers. McDOSAL’fSCBTIJeaW in Family Groceries. South side 7 J ublic Square IjHJLTOH, J. A., Dealer in Bacon, Flour, Meal and Provisions generally, at Sharpe Si Brown’s old stand, Miin st. HOOI>, U. 11., Dealer in Groceries and Family supplies generally, next door to ‘Journal” Office, Main st. CY REF.R A SIYIYIONS, Grocery X and Provision Dealeis, South side Pub lic Square. IMRHJJI A SHARPE, Dealers iu Groceries and Provisions, opposite Public Square, Main st. Alexander a parrott, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries and Provisions, 2nd door from Hotel, J/ain st. WOOTEN, win., Dealei in Groce *ries and Provisions, Loyless Block, Main street. IOA'LESS, J. E., Dealer in Groce-- .J ries and Provisions, J/ain st. Coufuctioueritt*. BYRD A COKER, Dealers in Gro ceries, Cakes, Candies, Confectioneries and refreshments generally, Main street. Drussisl. piIGATIIAR, C. A., Druggist and V 7 Physician; Keeps a good supply ot Drugs and Medicines, and prescribes for all the ills that tl sh is heir to. At his old stand, the Red Drug Store, Maiu st. AVarehotlsw. I .YE ETON, .1. A., at Sharpe A Brown’s old stand, Main street. Loyless a griffin, ware house and Commission Merchants, J/ain street. Ylilliiutv. YI/ALLI VYISON, MISS YIOL ti I,ll’, keeps constantly on itand the latest siyles ot Hats, Bonne's, Dress Trim tnings, tie., Loyless Block, J/iin st. * H nM. »«, ,n,iu i. 4 LLEN, JOHN I*., will repair Y Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, J/usic 11. oks, A ecu d ; one, &c , always ta tie lound at his old stand, on North side of Public Square. Livery Stable*. IYARNUYI A SH l St 6*32, Sale and JL Liveiv Stable, Horses and Mules (or -mlc and hire Horses boarded. North side Public Square. I)RINCE, N. G. A J. Ii , Sale and Liverv Stable, and dealers in Horses and Muiis. Carriages, Buggies arid Horses tor hire. Horses boarded on reasonable terms at their new Slatde on Main st. 'fobaceoiiisL SLAV IS, XV. TANARUS., Keeps constantly on _4 hand, all grades of Tobacco, at Alexan der Si Parrott’s, Main street. G II 11*311 > til. SMITH, J- G. §., Dealer in Guns, Pestols, Caps, Cartridges, and spotting goods generally, Mam st. Saloon. ITTARD, PATRICK, Dealer in fine 1V Wines and Liquors, Cigars, Ac., J/ain St. Tannery ami Shot- Shop. LRE, W. NY., Shoe J/auulactory, on South side Pulilic Square. Cabinet Shop. RAFSIIENBERG, ROGERS & CO., are prepared to make and repair anything in the Furniture line. South side Public square. ORR, BROWN & CO. —ARE— SELLING GOODS VERY CHEAP! “T“ ot our friends remember we lceep al* J way* on taintl such a Bipply of GOODS as the times and the place demand, which WIC WILL Sell On Reasonable Terms, Home-Made Shoes. Os the bust article, at ORR, BROWN & CO’S. Dawson, may 28th 1868 ; 3m. BYINTGON’S HOTEL. (Opposite The Fattengcr Dipot•) JUACON* - - GEORGIA. IS Now open for the reception of visitors. Having spared no expense in furnishing this House new throughout, and determined that the Tab)* and Bar shall be inferior to none in the South, 1 I eel confident that 1 can offer to my old patrons and the public all that they can wish iu a Hotel. Call and see me. J. L. BYJNGTON, fcb2osm Late of Fort VnJlfcy, Ga. DAWSON, (»A., THURSDAY, AUGUST 13, IHGiS. [From the Augusta Chronicle & Sentinel. The Atlanta Mass Meeting! SPEECH OF HON. IK H. HILL. When General Cobb had concluded his address, several bands of inu io struck up various popular airs, in dif ferent parts of the arbor, improvised for the accommodation of the audi ence. The lion. U. 11. Hill then came for ward, and said 1 Mr. President and Fellow Citizens : I especially request entire quiet while I attempt to address von to day In addition tqjfre fact Hqp ], follow two gentlemen who have no su periors on this continent, I am, unfor tunately, laboring under considerable physical disability, the extent of which is not even known to myself. i greet you to-day, my countrymen, with a joy and gladness that no lan guage can express. Oue year ago, 1 came, in my humble way, to this same city, to speak to the people what I believe to be the words of truth and soberness. There has been quite a change since then. On that occasion, I met, in a quiet, retired room, some half diZeD gentlemen, w ho had made up their minds to brave the storm that was coming upon us at all hazards. That little band of half n doz en in that private room has swelled to day to thousands of freemen, in the open air of this once moro to be re deemed country. I must confess that the history of the past year is one to rue full of cheer and rejoicing. I may differ with most of you, but I fee! that during the past twelve months the white race ol the Southern States has done more to manifest heroism, endu rance aud courage than any other peo ple have over manifested on a hundred battle fields. [Cheers] It is not un common for a people to lose their prop erty ; it is nothing new in the history ol nations lor u people to bo defeated in battle; it is not even altogether uew, unf'ortuuately, that a people should lose their cities and bury thoir dead ; that they should be cowed in their spirits, and should be made almost hopeless of the future Hut there is something else which is possessed by every people far more valuable than property, far nioreTo be desired than cities, far more to he coveted than the victories of war, and that thing you still i osst ss notwithstanding your eo your honor as a people. There were two prepositions made to you, which I would briefly state, so that you can see clearly what I mean. The fir.t ptoposit ou which affected your hojor was, that a Congress in which you were riot represented—a band of for eigners, not crieof whom has ever lived or expects to live upon your soil—nay, men who have avowed that they hate you, claimed the right to destroy the government you had formed, and to dictate to you the formation of anew government. Tl is was done, too, right in theteeth of the Declaration of Independence, which says that, all government derives its au bolity from the consent of the governed You are asked to forfeit your honor because a band of foreign ers—men tntong whom you had ho repres ntutives among whom you were denied represen!ation—vvh# con fess their hale of you—these men claimed the right-to destroy the gov ernment which you had formed, and to dictate the form a'ion of another in its stead. None but slaves would have acceded to such a demand, and none could have been other than slaves Who would consent to it. The second reason why yeur honor, as a people, was so seriously involved, is this : That ia the formatioo of the new government which this foreign power was preset ibed, as a necessary condition, that the intelligent and virtuous of jour people—those whom you had all your lite deemed worthy of the highest trust—should be forbidden to participate, while those who had been your slaves should be at liberty, without discrimination, to par ticipate. You were to form a govern ment, under the dictation aud by the -direction of a foreign power, and you, in the formation of the government, were to be deprived of the services of tho intelligence and virtue of your country, simply because you had ttust e 1 them, and you had to submit to the government being formed by those who had recently been your slaves, iguoiuut and debased as they wero You will remember now that these are tho reasons why your honor was in volved. The base Congress—the un precedentedly traitorous Congress who got their own consent thus to attempt, in the day of their power, to dishonor an unarmed people —this Congress, 1 say, had a vague, lingering suspicion of the dishonor of their scheme, and ! therefore provided a plan by which the! infamy should seem to spring from your own consent. Weil, J confess i truly, that when I looked at tho pie- ! ture; when I saw the issue and re- 1 membered that no peoplo had ever! grown great who suflered their honor j to be sullied—no people bad recovered i from misfortune who bad yielded their honol - to the enemy—when I remen) : berod all these things and saw the con-1 dilion of our people, saw all the dan- j gets that surrounded them und the power that dictated these terms, Oh 1; G<-d, thou aud thou only, knowest the 1 anxiety ol rny spirit! W hen the suioxe j of our but ning cities went up to heav- i en. and our bravo tneD fell in battle, 1 | was grieved exceedingly, but wrist) a I whole people—millions of freemen— were asked—ordered—commanded by power to sacrifice thoir honor at the (lidding of hate, and there were found tho»e who whispered that-the sacrifice would be made, tny heart did sink within me; and when I remember now the means and appliances brought to bear to compel you to yield, I do ro joice in knowing that you refused.— [Cheers]. I have had oniy one point to accomplish in this struggle; eome ? have troubled themselves about offices , others about votes, others yet about carrying the election against the Con vention, and still others about the de feat of the constitution. For all of this I care nothing; the great and ottlv point which I tiad ever felt to be of se rious consequence in this strngglo was to induce and persuade the white peo ple of the South never to consent to Uoi*- infamy. I knew that eleclions would be declared successful; I knew that, right or wrong, they would say that the elections were carried. They came for that purpose That was not the point with me. I w anted your women and children to see; I wanted posterity to know, wanted a record made so that it could be read by all men, now and forever, that the white people of the South refused to give their-conseut to this iniquity. [Cheers ] That is why I wrote and spoke; that is why l despised the infamous and de fied the powerful. Still, fellow-citizens, it was a time to fear. If I doubted and trembled on that occasion do not blame me ; if I feared you would uot be equal to the great crisis, don’t chide me. Remember the powerful influence brou jht to bear. The Congress claimed to be till powerful, and they avowed their purpose of earning out this infa my, and if you did not aceepv it, of making you accept a worse First of nil these :n carrying out that plun, they sent the military Here; they sent an army of bayonets to make war upon a helpiess people as another means of accomplishing this infamy and secu ring the form of your consent; they came to some of your own public men —natives of Georgia and of tne South —men whom you had honored of old, ami they bought them up as coadju tors in the work. [Cries of Joe Brown] No, I don’t allude to that mm. I tell you, my friends, his name forms a sub ject tnat is becoming too vulgar for reference iu decent company. [Cheers ard laughter, and cries of “that's so.'| I speak ol a class and I affirm fear lessly, and I want the people of tiio ; coun ry to know it, that there was not a single Southern public man who ad vocated the acceptance if this recon jslruclion scheme who was not bought, anu unngnt witn a price, by your ene mies. [Cheers.] The price has partial ly been paid, and you are to jay the balance. [Laughter] Whit argu ments did they use ? Did they appeal J to your pride, your honor, or your in | terests? Not a; all. They came among I you and travelled from the seaboard to I the mountains, and they told an im pove: ishod people “If you don’t ac cept this infamy the little p operty that you have left shall be confiscated and every man of you Shall be di.-fran cb'Led !” Congress, claiming to bo all powctful, instilled an army in your midst, aud fund citizens ready and will ing to urge, to persuade, to ictiin date aud to threaten a starving and almost helpless people. 0 i, my countrymen, proud ns I know Southern blood to be, don’t chide tnotf, in this dark hour, I felt uneasy ; I con lesj that I did. I happened to bo in New York city when the first election in the South came off, and I shall never so get how my hopes were lifted and my desires fulfilled ou receipt of the first telegram the or South, giving, as one of the facts connected with the first day of the election, that the whites refuse to have acything to do with it. I waited anxiously for the second day, tbiuking that perhaps the “superior race’ had crowded iu, aud the whites were, oo that account, unable to get to tbo polls.— [Laughter.] The second day came, and brought the nows that the whites had, almost to a man, remained away from the polls—only a few carpet-bag gers and office seckets voiiug, thus the election wwent on to the last. I tell yetfT fellow-eitlzeos, I moved among the inhabitants of the commercial metropolis prouder that day than ever before. 1 shall never forget meeting some of the promiuent men of that city, one of whom said to me, ‘We had been tought to believe that the peo ot the South would endorso this meas ure, and they have bad uothifig to do | with it.” ‘jWhy,” added he, “you* i people aro more honorable than we gave them credit for.” Well, the power with the bayonet said that a Convention was ordered. All knew, Lowever, that it was ordered by negroes, not by whites —though, in tiutb, nobody did order it but the bayouct and certain scoundrels. The negroes never ordered it. I exon erate the negroes. [Laughter ] las - firm to-day another grert tact, which 1 want to bo remembered, and which, whenever tbo occasion may demand,! ' stand prepared to support. The Con ; ventiuu in Georgia was defeated by I thirty thousand votes ! [Wild cheex- I ing.] Ah, tny friends, there is nothing J like it >n history i Yuu wero puyr you were betrayed, tempted, threatened— you were told that every man than did not vote for the Convention must have his little remaining property confiscated, besides being disfrauohi-ed, and that the list of voters was to be used to asslrtain who you were. Miserable threat ! I’roud people—, noble ! The verdict you gave was that, I though many of our gallant spirits were sleeping under tbo sod, there was heroism still in the South. [Euthusias- ■ tie cbceis.] Well, the false convention as-etnblcd, and a thing called a consti tution was framed. It bad to be ratillid, and a Gov rnor and officers had to bo chosen, and what was the appeal thou ? Os courso, if the Southern white people approved the constitution, tho dishonor wai complete. They had exhausted ap peals to your fears—you could not be frightened from your honor—and the next thing was to buy you up. So they put in the new constitution something called relief. The few men in the tdouth (who, unfortunately, wero Southcen men from accident or other Cause) who had add themselves to engage in this work, being entirely conscious that-they were bought up for the purpose, thought of course, that the satuo moans would answer for the balance of tbc people.— They, therefore, sought to buy you, and they promised you relief. I came here to this very city and 1 took occasion to notify you that this promise was put in the new Constitu tion for no other purpose than to cheat you, and that the rogues and bypoc its who put it in, did so with tbo distinct knowledge that it would be striukeu out after the election. The question was this : how many men in Georgia nre willing to confess themselves no better than negroes if they could thereby get rid of their debts ? hew many of you would bo wiiling to be negroes, if by being negroes you eould be excused from paying your debts ? Well, I Cjtme to this city iu March to inaugurate the fight on that question, and some of vou my friends, were weak kneed. You didn’t do right. A good many of you came to me then aud said, “Don’t you you say anything against the Constitu tion ; every body is going to vote for it, everybody was gaiog to be sold. It was a great wound to inflict upon me. I was struggling for nothing on this earth but to preserve the honor of the people of Georgia, and knowing that that they could not be frightened, I hoped thoy could not be bought. We made the fight, and let the whole world know it, the white people of Georgia, by an over whelming majority refused to bo bought. Homo few men, I apprehend, aro about in the category of the poor ne groes who voted for the Convention to get “forty acres and a mule.” Ah you poor victims of a wily hypoerby—of men to whom Good gave a white skin by mistake ! [Laughter.] You who went upon the public block, before your countryman and the world, and public ly proclaimed that you were willing to boa negro, if, by being a negro, you could be excused from paying your debts, how do you foel to-day, afte. agreeiug to be a negro and having to pay your debts, too ? [Liugbter] My friends, General Gobb made a request of the military; I shan’t mako any —never intended to ; but! advtsc you, poor follows, to nnke one. The only evidence ot hew you voted is in the possession of tho military. Go, then, before they leave, end ask them to bum up tho record The-great ma jority of the white people spurned tho bribe and despised the bribers, and let it be forever remembered, to your pride and honor, that the pcoplo of Georgia under the threat of the bayonet, with the temptations of treachery all round and iu the very ashes of their poverty, have said to all mankind.- “We can neither be frightened or bought, from our honor.’’ [Great cheering ] I have said tho military declared a Convention bad been ordered, when there was thirty thousand majority against it. Thoy also declared that Gordon was defeated, and that the Rad ical party had succeeded, when, in truth Gordon was elected by n arly ten thou sand votes. [Tremendous cheers ] I say that it is so, eouuting the correctly registered voters and correcting the fraudsof the badot. I repeat counting the honest registered voters, I say that this Express Agent was largely dofeated for Governor, and ho kuowj it, and they know it. We won two victories, and we won tliein rgaiust the bayonet, agniost force, against fraul, against treachery, and against the negroes. Tho white people of this conntry are not going to consent to this thiug; they never havo and never will. If tbc Radicals have been unable thus far to get the consent of the white peoble to shis scheme of in famy, will they be able to do it hereaf ter.? How can they ? They have ap pealed to your fears and your avarice and taking advantage of your poverty, but they have been disappointed; they have failed ia their schemes, and I tell yen that there is no argument or appli ance which they can use in tho iuture mqre powerful than these tb y have used iu the past. Any people who can withstand such appliances off rce and pressure as havo been brought to bear upon you withiu the past twelve months, can never be soJuccd or dtivon from their honor. lam proud of Georgia, and t pray that when God takes tne hed6e my bofles may be laid in her hon ored did soil. [/» voice, “You’ll go to Heaven.” My friends, I wish to pass now to an other subject. The issue has somewhat changed. I have t.oid you what the is sue has beeb the last twelve months and I wish to state here, in a few brief words the main points in issue now. Sane who consented to be bouglufor the pur pose of inducing the peoplo,of the South } to accept this it famy offered this ex- 1 case : They said they were not going ! to be radicals, they were not going to I consent to negro gqyormocut, hut they said “let us seem to go into this thing, let us go back iuto (he Union, and then we’ll i urn it all over, and do as wo jlea>e,” That was an argument based upon tr«achory. They had betrayed you, aud they were justifying tbeir treachery to you by proving that they were going to betray the RcMealß. That suggestion deceived a great maoy I people for a time. For myself, I had nothing to do with r, beeauso I could not consent to join traitors. I don’t believe in treachery—no peoplo ever saved themselves by it. Where the honor of a peoplo is involved they can not swerve from principle for tho sake of policy. Tho only line of honor is a direct one. Hut what is the result ? Those manipulators at Washington who bought these Southern mo:i had more sense than tho men they bought. They were not going to be c .nght in any tueb trap hs that, and in this respect my propheey has turned out to be correct. The issue now, then, is this: Shall this infamy, which has been thrust upon the people of Georgia and of the other Snutheru States, be valid and p;rpetu al't That is the first point to which l wish to direct yourattention. Iu order that it may be perpetual, the Chicago platform says that the rights of the Northern States to regulate tbo fran chise and to change aud modifiy tbeir own Constitutions shall not bo infringed but the Southern people shall not have the right to change their Constitutions a will. Now, if anything in Amcricau j history never was disputed before it is this, that the 8 ates were members of the Uuion on an equal footing; and there is no mau, from George Wash ington down, whether high or low, -wise or simple, black or white, who ever had any idea that tho Uuitn formed by the Slates was a Uuion of unequal States ; it was always admitted that the States wer« equal and each retained control of the franchiso. I state a mere fact and history. Since the acknowledge ment of our h.story. Since the ac knowledgement of our independence, we have added tweuty foui now States to the UoioD, aud iu every act admit ting a State as a member of this Union, it is distinctly stated that she is atmit ted on an equal f. oting with all the other S ates. lijt this Chicago Conven tion with the Georgia Radicals iu it, for the first time in American history makes the declaration that the Uuion shall be a Union of unequal States. 1 want you all to •/. member that point. It is the great aim of the llad cals. Where are you now, my good Union men 7 You that wanted to ge* back iDto the Union and were willing to Baetifico everything (or the accomplishment of that object; you that congratulated the country up on being agaiu “in the Union?” [A voice “none.”] It is a Uuion in wLieb the Southern States are vassals ind the Northern States are rulers. I want you to hear itand ot remember it. That is tm re sheer naked di-union in tho most odious and traitorous form in which the word was ever spoken. [Gicat cheers.] It cuts the femoral artery; it is a stab to the very heart, and destroys the Uuion of eqeal S.ates which our fath ers forme 7. I road with shame and mortification —(I know tho poor feltow did nut know much ) I road, I say, in tbo papers that this stupid Express Agcut, in tho pres ence and under the protection of farce and treachery, went, yesterday, through the farce of being inaugurated a uiiseta blc sbatn Governor of Geocgia. Why, every word he uttered shows he docs not, this day, know the difference be tween a restored Uoioo of < qual States and a constructed new Uuiou of une qual States. Tdke that fact down ; pen cil it carefully and take it to your hearts If I cau teach you to tike home with you that sicglu sentenc', you will uot have couio here to-day iu vain. There never was, in tbo history of our peoplo, such a bold, plain, palpable, universally admitted cause of war as that simple statement iu that Chicago plattorro. And yet that is not all. You, gen tlemen, who thiuk you are members of a Legislature—-poor, deluded souls, how I pity you I—-you who coma here and go through the form of passiug laws, I want you to hear one thing. Nut only, is that doctrine of unequal S ates in the Chicago platform, but it is in what you call your Omnibus Admission Bill.— That bill prescribes the manner in which you shall go back, and every one of you who voted the oth-.r day to get back, as you say, iuto th» Union, agreed to the' doctrino that Georgia shall never have the right to do what Ohio can do; that the Southern States shall never have the right to do what tbo Northern States can do. You agreed to remain forever an un» qual member of the Union You agreed that you would get back ißtd tho Union by consenting that Georgia shall ucver have* the power to mediTv or to change her own State Constituiltm. as to ber own domestic affairs, second T ing to her own will and jilcasure. [A voice : “They didu’t know any better.'] Ah ! you renegades—you rogues—who tried to steal your neighbors' property and conld not do it. Ah !ye men that adopted the ReetDilrnction measures for the purpose of getting back into the Union and then catching the Radicals by changing the Constitution afterward. Are you not caught—caught by Thnd. Stevent—caught by Charles Sumuer ? I don’t know but one thing that is worse afld that is agraerjg to be a negro to get rid of your debts, and then, after becom ing a negro, having your debts to pay. [Cheers, with cries of “Good.’ ] * . Remember, oh, my countrywomen— mothers, teach it to your chi.dreu as you rock them in their cradles, and iu ; the nursery ditties by which you seud | them to sleep—toil them that men— I white men—Georgians—some them “to ! the rtiafioh * —have some upion this ■ classical eld bill arod have deliberately I put upon record tbeir edonvo consent that the proud old State of Georgia goes back into the Union on the exptess cob- 1 clition that she shall never be equal to other States. Ou, you renegades from 1 everything that cun make you hope lor i even a chance of being geutiemeu. You have buried the sovereignty of your State; you have sullied the character of y-. ur ancestors and agreed to make ves tals of your chiidrrß. Yi u have agreed Yol. 111. Noa U3’?'. to wear a Radical yoke in ordei* to vote yourselves eight dollars a day for a few hot days in summer. [Cheers.] That ia the UnioD wc have— a Union of unequal States. Ye cowardly, base disunionista of tho vilest type, you disgrace humani ty by calling honest Don rebels. That is not all. You have not only agreed to in equality, but you have also agreed to what is called the equality of races ; that is, you Lave tgreed to equality among tho races as a condition of getting baok into tho Uuion; and you have agreed that shall never be changed ; but yon are so given to lyinj? that you could oot tell the truth even when you thought it was to your interest to do it [Laugh- Vou say in your record that you have agreed to au equality of the races when you know you vile hypocrites, that the very agreement you nuke includes the disfranchisement of the intelligent, virtuous and educated, and wealthy white men, and that they sh&li not be allowed to hold office ia this country, or while any scalawag or negro may. Is that equality ? [Several cries of “no. ,f ts the ne gro has a right to vote and hold offioe, why uot these men whom you have always trust ed ? Ob, you whited sepulchres—ye who are degrading the poor negro by your example ot fraud and treachery. Ye vile renegades from every law of God and every right of bu manity, you are deceiving the Unfortunate negro to his ruin. [A voice, n that f s what’s the matter.”J If the negroes eter get a per manent right to vote in this country, it must be by the cousent of the people that live here. If the negroes, when this infamous propo sition was made to them by more infamous white men, to disfranchise the white people, had come out and said publicly and openly, “We aro willing to accept the franchise ; if ihore is any benefit iu political equality wo waut ii; but we will never consent to disfran chise the intelligent white men of this coun try.” If the negroes had come out and said that they Would have furnished an evidence that they were capable of exercising the fesa cuise. (A voice, “some of them didlt. "j Yes, and those that did it must forever be remem bered. You radicnls of the Legislature have agreed to degrade your own State and poople, nud you have agreed that tbkt degradation shall be perpetual. The question in this cofifest is, whether that programme BOall be carried out. That is where Grant stands, and where Colfax stands, and where all you vagabonds stand. Where do wo stand f Where do Seymour and Blair stand? Upon the glorious ances tral doctrine that the States are equal, and that white blood is superior. (Loud applause.) Now choose ye which you will Vote for.— Some of you got scared last fail for fear of losing your property by confiscation ; others of you were afraid of being disfranchised; and others still were bought, this spring with relief. Where is relief now » Echo answers where? (Cheers.) Now, come, iny friends, I kuovv you feel very badly. I know you don’t feel like associating with gentlemen; come now, go home immediately, tell your Wife to put on yoa a clean shirt (laughter and cheers) take a good wash vrith soap and warm water, aod theu com. back and be free aud decent white men. Come to our side of the ques tion. We will try to forgive you, but you must come quick. I admit that there ar« Borne of you I would be very sorry to see come, for the reasou that I know our party ivouU be bet-aved very soon. Still, you who didn’t know any better—you wt.„ „C. U —if you will clean up and get on a clean shirt, we will take you back, (Cheers and laughter.) How many white men in Georgia arc going to say by their vote that Georgia is not an equal member of this Union with K‘ ode Island, and that Virginia—proud old \ irgiuia—that State whieh liaa in its bosom the ashes ot Washington, and has furnished more Presidents to this country than any oth er S ate, shall not be the equal of Kansas? I want to know too, how many men in Georgia are willing to put upon the record, that pau~ periam shall fit the burdens for property, and ignorance and yice shall prescribe the laws for intelligence and yirtue ? Take this con cern up here—take the Radical wiog of it and (ell mu how much property in this State they possess. (A voice, “Joe Brown has a good lot of it, but he stole it.”) It is true there is one mau iu the whole concern that represents some properly, and it is said he stole it— (Cheers and laughter.) I repeat, how much property do the Radical members of this thing that imagines itself a Legislature, represent? (A voice, “e'ght dollars u day.”) Yes, but it does not.ropre.-eut taxable property enough to pay their per diem. And these men are to make laws to disfranchised property-hold ers in this eulightened nineteenth century and in thischiisliau country. Shame, shame I Is there a member of the Legislature who heais me to day ? Ah, to your.shame be it said, more than a hundred of you have so recorded vour names. Go, my friends and lake it back, lor 1 charge you this day, in this bright suu and in this sen Irak city of Georgia, that if that record remains as you have made it, whoreby jou have covenanted and agreed Ibat these ijoathern Slates shall be unequal members of ibid Union and that the intelli gent men of this country shall be disfran chised and deprived of ’their right to hold office, and that pauperism shall fix the har den of taxation, aud vice and ignorance make laws for iuUjliigsnce and virtue, you will go down to posterity so infamous that when a legitimate Legislature shall have assembled, some unfortunate creatures, who may be compelled by Providence to call you father, will apply to the Legislature to have their names changed. I understand some of you who voted lor that 14th Article, and voted to expunge relief, eat! yourselves democrats.— Yoti are Wain, deluded eteat area If yon think that the Democratic door will beeveropeuto receive you with such a name. Such a vote is directly against the Democratic platform, and directly for the Radical platform, and must be repented of and changed. Are these, then, the terms of the new Con stitution ? terms cf n?gro dominion, of pau perism in powev and iguoranoe in legislating. I say aueb terms will never succeed. The white people have refused to conseot to them, ands tell yon that they will not consent to them, and you can never establish any gor—w ermueot iu this country .against the couseut of the white people. The Supreme Couit of the United Stubs made up their minds that the rccohstruction measures were unconstitu tional and void, hut they were too cowardly to declare the decision. This is a melancholy fact, that the Supreme Judiciary oi thiscoun try should have given way so cowardly. But it will not always be thus—it cannot forever refuse to pronounce its decision. It is true, •a Radical Congress has taken sway juriadie tiou in the McAtdle case. A gentleman, who is the only real Governor of Georgia, is mak ing a case in which jurisdiction is given by the Constitution. (Cries of “three cheers for Jenkins,” giveuby the whole audience.) Yes, when I mention hint, I mention a man who, iu any n-e or nation, is worthy to be a Gov ernor 1 I tell you, then, yon who trade in the rcrpeei ability of your race—you who are ven dors of yaur people’s honor —I tell you to , day that this very Court w ill prouounce these j acts uneous’ltutiomil and void, and eveisy* | tiling done under them unconstitutional and void. I But we base a party now organized, a ! strong and a glorious party, with statesmen at its head and with coiicct principles for its : plaifoi m. From Maine to California the glow j tious tiamp of the Democracy is growing more and mere distinct, and by November a verdict will be pronounced by the great free-