The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, September 24, 1868, Image 1

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THE DAWSON WEEKIJi JOURNAL. 15 V M. tl < KKH Jk 880. ftiwoß uatceklu Journal, Published Every Thursday. TE «.WS— strictly in Pittance. Three monthi. ~ ,lfl J 6 9i« months I' ‘l® On» *e*r.» v t'l J*'Jtf *ik Hates ofAd vcrtisi ng : o*e dollar par square of ten liar* for the end f)#r* equtre lor each subsequent iusertioD, not ex seeding three. One squire three months. .-I 8 00 One square six months • ' 1* 00 One square one year 20 0(1 Two squares three months • J- Op Two squares six months 18 00 Two squares one SO 00- Fourth of a column three moths SO 00 Fourth of • colutuu six qionth* 60-0« Hilfoolnmn three moths 4 > 0" Half colttmn six'mflnThs "" One column three month*. oO 00 One column six months 100 00 Liberal Deductions Made on Contract Advertisements. iiimMiiimiiinnnnrT— —‘ MW>IMII,IIIIIIIMIItIMI< Lrgai Advertising. Sheriff’s Sale-, per levy ....*2 SO Mortgage Fi Fa Sales per square 5 00 Citations for Letters of Administration, S 00 it 4* *4 Guardianship, 3 00 Dismision from Apministration, 6 00 •• “ Guardianship, 4 00 Application for leave to sell land, 6 00 Sales of Land, per square, 6 00 Sales of Perishable Propertv per squ’r, 3 00 No'iccs to Debtors and Creditors,...-. 8 (to Foreclosure of Mortgage, per square, 2 00 JKstray Notices, thirty days, 4 00 Job vt'ork ot every description exe cuted with neatness and dispatch, at moderate RAIL -ROAD GUIDE. . Seiitlitre«lerii Railroad. \YM. HOLT, Pres. | VIRGIL POWERS, Sup > Leave Macon 5.15 A. Af. ; arrive at Colum bus 11.15 A. Af. ; Leave Colu"'bus 12 45 P. Af • arrive at Macon fi 20 P. Af. Leaves Macon 8 A Jf; arrives at En Uula 5 30, P M ; leaves Eufsu|» 7 20, A J 1 ; Arrives at Macon 4 50, P M. ai.b.Vny BnAJfrrr. Leave. Smi'hville 1 46, P M; Arrives at Albany 3 11, P M ; Leaves Albany 9 35, A M; Arrives at SmiihviHe 11, A M. Leave Cutlrbert 3 67 P. M ; arrive at Fort <; ,ius 5 40 P. Af T Leave Fort. <1 a ins 7.05 A Af ; arrive at ’C'uittbert 9.05 A. Af. Jtlacon & Wc.torii Railroad. A J WHITE President. A PT R, WALKER, Superintendent. PAY PASHF.MjKR TRAIX. Le.Tes Macon . . • *7 SO A. M. : Arrives at. A'laQta . . 1 57 F, 51. Le.jV.-s AUunta - ■ • h ;,! V -"• Arrives af Maooo e. . .1 -to P; M. NUIUT TRAIN. Leaves Macon . * . - S 45 1 M. Arrives at Atlanta • • 4.ili-.4sJJt Leaves A i .i.U - • 8 lo P. M Ariivesal Macon . . 1 25 A. V. Western A Atlujltic Railroad. CAItPHF.LL WALLACE, Sap’i. DAT PiSSSNUKU TltAlX. I,“\*e Attinta . • • 545 A. If. IDittOn . ' . • • 2 F- M. Arriv.*. ,c Chstlanooga . . 5.25 P. M. L’.'\v» (thaimnoo’ii . • 3.2" 5. M. tVrtv* *t Atkirita .' . . 12 05 F. M. NKJIIT TRAIN. Lairre AtWntm % h**l e*44lfl PM. Arrive »t Ohaitsnooga . . 4.1f) A M Lr»»e Gl'st'snoog* . . 4SOP. M. Arrive »t Dilt»i) . . . 750 P. M Arrive at Atlatifa . . • 1-41 A. M. ORS. HODMETT & PERRYMAN HAYI/G formed a co-partnership in the practice of Afedietne, offer their Pro fessional services to the pur*lk', and as expe rienced Physicians in all the branches o f their profession, confidently anticipate that their former success will insure a liberal share oi practice. j a,,} iflull. ■» -*■ Tlte cash aystem having been eslablished in everything else, all bills will be considered due as soon as a case is dismissed. Offics—Until further notice, in the front room of the “Journal” building, up stair*. W. H. HODMETT, J L. D. PERRYMAN. Dawson, Ga , June l;tt JUi. Iv A. WAUMllji, Oh FERS bis Professional services to the citizens of Chickasawliatchee and its vicinity. From ample experience in both civil and Military practice, he is prepared to treat successfully, cases in every denartment of his profession. janl«’6Btf 0. B. WOOTEN, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Jtatcson, Ga. jtnift 1868 ly DKYiIMItV, DK H, MOllfall is dow in i hi« eity, and all person* wishinjj: KVsftw op frations will do well to svnil thcniselves of his He cun pr»ve patißfrto’orv refer aiices. Office secoud door north Journal ol aug2o 1 m BVINTGON’S HOTEL (Opposite Th« ratstwjer Depot.) HIACOH, - . crouoiA. IS N T uw oppQ for the reception of visttnrß A Having spared no expense in furnishing tni" House now throng mi', nod iWt ri«iued tnat the Tahir »n<l Bar shall he inferior t" “one in the South, I feel cnnthlent that I can ®"'r to tor old patrons and the public *ll Itu' ‘hey ean wish in . Ho el. (Mtt and see me. . L J, L. BYltffmhV, feh2Q3m Late of Fort Vallay, o*. V AUJAH LB PROPERTY FOR SALE. \ Three Hundred Acres of pood ' an< ' bbig in and adjoining Daw n Terrell cnnntr, Oi., mleo three B'ore * dwelling in s*fd town, whteh ' be sold tow. For further P*rfield rs wi?| ,lr * , "' n Coker, Esq., of Pawsnn, who *«t *g no representative in the ssle.’ftc. »ug2o 3m« KOBT. J. HODGES. Dawson Business Directory, Dry Goods .lli'rrliaiils, I*K ITT, J. Dealer in all lauds of Dry Goods. Main Street, ( IKK, HR4MV V .V « 0., I . »1, r-in V * Fancy »tid Staple Drv floods, Main st., under Jjourpar Printing Office. (JllMllL, «. 91. A BHO., Dealers dj in Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, C aching, Boots, Shoes, Hats, Trunks, &c., Main st. ' and louiAs a GKirrn, dmUn -4 tn Staple Dry Goods and Groceries. As- tin Street, nOBEKTW, J. W. A CO , Deal ra or Fancy and Hanpie Dry,Goods,and Groce, ies, North West corner Public Square. PEIIPLEK, W. i’ll., Dealer in S'a pie and Fancy Dry Goode, Loyless’ Blook, Main street. FCf.TO’Y. .1. A., Dealer in Bacon, Flour, M eal and Provisions generally, at Sharpe k Brown’s old stand, Main at. 77 OOIF, U. 11., Dealer in Groceries and li Familv supplies generally, next door to •Journal’’ Office, Main st. / t KEEK At killH()\ S, Grocery V I and Provision Dealers, South side 7'ub lie Square. A Dealers in Groceries and I'roviaioDS, opposite Public Square, Main st. \ LEYASDIU A l* A IlftOTT, 11 Dealers jn Dry Goods, time cries and Provisions, 2nd door from Hotel, J/ait st. UJOOTEI. WIH., Dealot in Groce- Vt ries and Piovisions, Loyless Block, Main street. IWYJL J. E., Dealer in Groce- J rios and Provisions, J/ain st. I J,. TM hilK A HIM!.. Gro wl • cers andkJommission J/en-hants, Afnlii Btreet. DrUßisi. P lIE.ITHAH, C. A ~ Druggist and . v ician. Keeps a good supply ol Drugs and Medicines, and prescribes for all the ills that fl sh is heir to. At his old stand, the Red Ding Store, Main st. Wit rctaonst's. I/J ONi. .J. 4., *4 Kharpei Brown’s old stand, .Vlaio street. I OT I. ESS & <7 It IIF lib, w«re- A J house and 6'ouumssiou Merchants, J/ain Bt>ejjt. 'liliiHcry. \y if.i.i vvison, miss m«i.- IV UK, keeps constantly on band the latest ntyfes ot Hu's. Bonnes, Dress Tiim mitigS, irr, Loyless BWcV, -I/.UM st. U alr l! Kejmircr. LLGH, JO lib P„ will repair . \ Winches, Clqi kf,fL 'veli y, Jfiieic pcoks, AcoO <V>ons, Ac , alwayß t *55 ton,id at. hie old at,rod. en North eide ol Ptiidic Square Livery n A Nil 3,1 t I»*3, Sale and Livery Stable, Horses and Mules for -ale rod biro Hmses boarded. .North side. Public Square. PIiIMCU, A. ii. A .1. K , Sale and ' Overv Stable, h'irf deathrs'itf Jldrscs at'd Mules. Carriages, flugejes and ITor-es sot lore. Horses boaided on reasonable terms at their ncw on Maiu et. ■ , 'tobaovoiiisl. rEAVIS, W. 'r.% Keeps constantly on J hand, #L grades of Tobacco, at Alexan der k /*:irrOtt’s, Main street. CinuMnlth. Sni'Cll, J. C. S., Dealer iu Guns, I /’iytols, Caps, Cartiidger, aud sporting goods geucially, Maiu st. halooii. WJl<n, PATRICK, Dealer jn flue IV Wines and Liquois, Cigars, stc., Jiainst. Tannery and Shoe Shop. LEE, AV. W., ! Shoe Afir.ntactory, on South side .Public Square. GRR, BRfiWN & GO. —ARE— SELLING GOODS VERY CHEAP! ~T~ et our fiiotls rciiK‘i»]>f'rUwit sre-keep al ways on hand iiu-h a supply of GOODS a« the times and the place demand, wliich Wib inWf” 70 * w * Sell On Reasonable Terms, Home-Made Shoes. Ol Lite bust article, at ORR, BROWN & CO S. Dawson, m«T 28th 1868 ; Hm. S, A roKTKII. JNO. 1,1 ■ PORTER & HUDGINS, WHOLESALE A lEEI ALL TboFccBANI M _ m coivnvHsstriN merchants, TIUKI) STB liUT. (Oypafite Southern Express Office.) Macon, Gra. jun fF ’--i. DAWSOX, Cm A., r rill ’TI SI W’A , They Say. They say— ah, well 1 suppose they do ! But cm they prove that story t, pc ? Suspicion may arise from naught Jlbt ma,ice, euvr, want ol ll,ought ; What count yourself utnoug the “they’’ Who whispur what they- dare not say » They say—bnt why the tale reherse, - And help to make the matter worse ? No good can possibly accrue From telling what may be untrue ; And is it oot a nobler plan To speak of all the best you can? They say—well, if it should be so, Why need you tell the tale of woo? Will it the bitter wrong redress, Or make one pang of sorro < less ? Will it the erring one restoie, Henceforth 10 “go and ain no more ?” They say—oh ! pause and look with n ! See how thy heart inclines to sin ! Watch, lest it, dark temptation’s hour Tlion, too, should siuk beneath its power I Pity the frail—weep o’er their fall, But speak of good, or not at all! lI.IKMG I.OVi; WITHOUT Kioimo IT. A younor Pnrican, traveling in Ger many, took the road from Htrasbui <r to Berlin In the carriage he selected were f.'tir other persons, two mammas and two daughters. The two m titers were face to face in one corner; the young man took the opposite, ant found trmself face to face with the young ladies. The Purisan put on a distracted and absent air. The col lector came to demand the ticket. The young man prtid no affection at all when the request was mntif times re peated. Moused at hist from his rev erie in presence of 'he ladies, he had recourse to a ruse to avoid exciting ridicule. “What art? you saving?” he ssld “Why do you not speak French?’' Tiie collector then exp'arned by -igns, the ti ket was examiitod,' the young man returned to his lev,vie ; bnt not to enjoy it long, for th s time the voting ladies routed him. They began in full voice : “This young man is very handsomt,” said one. “llist Bertha !” said the other, in a sort of affright. “Why, he do-en’t know a word of Herman, eaid Bertha. “We cab talk freely. What do you think of him ?” ‘ Only ordinm ilv,” was the reply, “You are too difficult to [dense Ho has n charming figure and a gen teel air ” 1 Ho is too pale and besides* yon know I don't like dark men. 1 And you know I prefer dark to fair. We have nothing buts, ir faces in Germany. It is mcn.ttonous and uommonplHce.” “You forget '.hat yon are srbtnr.ife,” said l be other. “Oh, for a woman, it is different. He has a nice moustache." ‘‘Beriba, if your mother should bear you ” “She is busy with her talk to your mother ; besides, it is no harm to speak of moustaches ” “1 j>refer the light moustaches of Albert ” “I understand you and Albert are engaged ; but 1, who ain without a lover, am free to express my own opio ietfe. and as free to say that this young man has beautiful eyes " “They have no expression,” rotnrn od (he other. “You do not know. I am sure hr has much spirit, and it is a pity he does not speak German; he would chat with us.” “Would yon marry a Frenchman V “Why not, if lie looked like this one, and was spiri'ed, well btitn and arma ! nib? But I Can hardly keep lrom laughing See, he does no; dteatn what we are saying.” The voung traveler was endowed wi h a greut power of self-control, and he hud preserv'd his absent anti inattentive air all the time; and while the dialogue continued, tie thought what cur ous results li;s utt mp s to avert a laugh by pretending not to know G. rman, had brought about.— He looked carefully at Bertha, and his resolution was taken. At the nest sta ior the collector came again for the ticket, when the voting man. with extra ©labors Lion soti m eAooiUut Uoi tiitm, said : “Ah, you want my tick t. Very well, let me See; i believe it i» in my portmonanie O, y <■*, Imre it if.” The effect was 8 artling. Bertha bo eunie nearly t-tense'ess, but koihi recov ered under the polite apologies ol the voting Frenchman. They w re ideneed with each nth' r, and hi T f w weeks Ber hu rut fieri her good ojjW’bn, and oavo a pruetioai preotof her wiJ’uig ness to wed a Frenchman. A gentleman traveling in a rectlou of curpry which $h ril be namt-lt-ss, stop, peel at the bouse of a pious ofq woman, and übst rving her Fondness f«f a pet ting ventured to ask the name of the animal. The guffrf woman answered' by>pjing that t-lie called him 'XlorQnxer’ is not that a strang name?’ inquired the - MetM*)-* ‘Jdn’ Mtd the puma old lad?, 'bnt I thoo must be a good one, ajljf u;id ir in the F und it in the Bible?’ quoth the g.utlemau. Fray in what pert of the Bible did you Und it ?’ The old lady took down her Bi ble with the utfcftft rcwi H-seo, and turn ing tb the tex , fead as ft flows: ‘More over the came and lick< and his sotos ’ •Tber »avd fi he triumphantly, *1 avc 1 uat il q, highest atttmftfty the Dame?’ _ ~ Gen. OuncflO tins beep relieved of cpit|l>i::Qii ut Nlisb'ilid. Mcwarl County Affairs. 1 Tke following loiter to the A built j Constitution, fiflly cxiduH* thu -,la o dirtutb-Dict <4 iu Hirwart (J unty ; pßKsroa, Ga , jjttpt. 7, loij.Si. To Udifor of Chi’ (donutUutiu/tf 8l„oe the and ito »1 iny lat-r, | havo j been visiting iur ncigkburutg io*n - htitUFkiu, lu fcj'owai t uounty, and -as j that i* a pqiot at wixicU colttideiable excitmuent has rveentiy prevaikd, >t la , pcrlups, pr per to |ive no mo of tbo . causes of this «xci euicnt, a* much for , the l)eu li; of tbe K'tiT-baui as tioutb- , ere people. It u a tact, us wbiyli all are oognixaut, that the negroes io tins, as Well as other poilions oftbctSlatc, have, f,r the past several mouths, been almost nightly engaged iu (hilling and other wise geerniugly,, jirepai it)“ for a eoi Ibct. That, whit; s was at the bottom ot al. this, there caunot be ad .übt; that at least one was at the bottom of it, iu Stewart oouuty, is alun st heyot and doubt But lest I grow t, lious, "se will at onec return to our sheep.” As has been previously state 1, negro drilling was a comuiou occurrence in Sicwart county, ns was midnight League rDeetintts. The psople, with an unpar donable apathy, sileujtly permitted all this, and otherwise allowed the negroes, generally, rather au extensive latitude. That more than probable conscqueuee of this was, the residence of Jonu M. Caiii was destroyed by fire on the night of the £stl» ultimo, though tin have been the w,qk of an mcohdary. On Thurs day night thereafter, the 27tb ultimo, the grocery store of Charise B. Burkt was brtkqu into, and then tired in softer al [.laces. The site was sg far when diseoYefcd, that it could not be cheeked until! it had cbr;Stiii>e4 a 11" f h <"■ buildings di ivn to the next street, in cluding a shoe 1 sfit-p, the grocery store of Whitfield Cain, the drug store fin Masonic bud-Hap} of Tatum it r. arid I the Masohfd Ifail, besides’ several ’other suit 11 buildiiigs, None sis tiffs jorocar y wastnshred. C R. Burke w.- .i> fceuvif'st loser, having lost Lis pu tire stcy-k a.s well as his moitiqy, notes and n-c qhb* .old and new, amountteg in all to sum • seven often tnousand iPufavg. Thomas Cray ten, c! tV I'd;./ nj ml of the Hack and fan (!■tisliftiiioljal (?) Qonvemior, KTt’thaf night, for A'b i -v' It was known 1 e had no tnoficy. Glm r ■ clrcpnigtatiees Loin ted to him and Lis clan, ar.J altl nugh J lie heme in which he tiyed was burned, he go'.hing Vr and bul one turn of things tftk.eO tnertfrom. The t.raguc qa,s q|- peeially engaged iu .cut t.lve fbccndiari-s. ’ Ttiis Wft? a ti cutes .singular iu the txircmo. Tt.iogs thus, contieuid (or .stycjal, days, whh hut asiugl.t arrest. _ On 'I-'u day eight, ol t u l .'., three of the. 1. ■ ague w; re arrfs**t 1, of 4 " Tl> c jpafiy, h.-iiig Tom Ctaytou's son. and to the tiipb ot your aowesjjo’r (f rit VdeparUirf, no u|‘h er arrests had b on mad ', though Vv'ty nearly mfScient had been ob t-iiijcd —and l suppose has he u eje this —ip iinrlicate several .others. O i Friday aud Saturday after the burning, exciteti ont tan Very high tn Lumpkin/ipd a colli-ion lo ween ttto wbitis and blacks was imminent, the whites submitted to much more than they would have dope uitd; r ordinary circumstances. Bhinl, (I*r. J. E.) ile' itrepressifte gasometer, figucred, And, as a reward, received sou.e very b Id und uumis akable expressions of pjiiui ifi from the community 3‘iurday tv. u ing the citizens held a meeting, and be cause of strange; remarks made by Spot, he was bandied without gloves, I think I heard one man siyhe had ri'h efbe.aTrfe.'ntg'o's “yall.r” d-g than Dr J hi 8., whi.h t v.'i s forced to r - gard, knowiug the jo i lee an & probal e e uditiou dr both animal;-, a- quite ctitii plitnt Dfary jfo' Spot. Ti c mbef'pg • adopted hresolutiou rrquesting qTtwfolr* and respeqtabie color-d people to l ave : uotbing fd do with Blount, alias Sp-t, ’ n to rr-eogiiiz 1 him should l fir«t speak. This t ! - cd to he puhfi*sbed in the Corlsli'utfdn. Why it has not been done, I am lguttf-r act. On Wednesday, the ,21 inst , there was agaiD Ot. aside rah te excitc-ipi nt, and had the wliitee given Ihe uugr.ies thmr dues, they would nave cntvpyincited them with a few volleys ot EqiEalpif. By this tin Thom-s in had returned Iroiu Aibauy, and, circulating,, the fabrioalcd report that the whites were going to hang him on that day *V tduisuay, he cal hid aroiiud him, about ouo mile from Luuipgio, somp &f-; ty armed negroes, who during the day, engaged in drillii it and sending inf el ut j threats w lbp while pet pie. Asa ter of aoursc tbe w;om< n »nl cbi.Mrc-ni were tremendously excited; and.s.iroe irightened, but the people did t»r'': in ihe matter, as the Slcrtfl was negef'u nnn with the x buy«Tuf bd»‘s-j pondenl is of-bind, d-mnlt it km tnueh ptTsuee'on at.d pegoliSiion wa-ibdu’gfil in by the She iff A few h.hekshQt among such breake s 1 f Ppac 1 ' I violata’rs ofth.e law, gecprafly tfW m .re ealu-ary tfaot than mild porsuatioi. ' The Sheriff' finally, however, ednpontfi m to leave, hy aas*;nji Th..uias Crah p—the prime ca-iS; of a'l this d's' — th«t bo could r - turn to town and there remain in secutiri ty lie refuinei!,''fc'ut sun-ct thf* m-top’c learning fully the manner in which’the fff fr bad Wn’m'.nsjrrd, were diisatisfi. and at it, and conclude and to male Thoinas “git.” At the r-quest of the ti ttacns, the ilarshal of the town, with liftoeu (ft 1 twenty c|tifc‘W» preced'd, and * ; o tbo j6sf- I donee of Tu-rnas and inf-rtued him of I the iuoeuui>ry jn wjj,ie?T fje BaT deen comluctr-tg hi up-el , and tne u'r turhaiicu hr had g :t«u tit- in n»e t . o ■;ud c uuty, and c ■ ! 1 the ni Ttot by n .tjfeit-g hi«? tl"*= to mtisf town huu oouqty Ty Q, u eiyva the next niouiHig, syn ofi. red go escort U ynud the limi;p us tbc <; uuly, hut, by leaving iinuit diately afti r dark that Might, he diuiined to accept,: w 4j,-,v[ n , The Sflierifi', with one oy two-other-, cam.; down tn where the Marshal war ins:ilusting l ota to leave, ami made , o elfort to iuterh re and keep said Tboruag ,in the county, hut U was ‘nt go,” and bo was very sumuisrily “dried up;” I The pe -pie had determined to act for > t.omselvis; and just here lot tue say It imver saw anyubiug oouduct'd mure .qji-Uy and orderly than the Marshal's I expi titlion—there was no excitement, whftfftjef, until the cJhcriti' come down aud ini r crcd. But T houias Crayton left and the county is rid of a dangerous character. It is said he wept Li Atlanta, aud if be did, l warn the c.tizcus against him. he is a bud m in, and don’t p rind, him lo stay io your midst; so, boys, 100/cout. Let every county iu the Btato he on the alert and ship all sueh characters, aud we’ll have peace, Alter Thouiaa left, matters quieted, and remained so until baturday, when sixiy-five or seventy uegroea marched again on the town aud scuta ruuutr ahead to uotify the people they had best sind the sheriff and one other man down to talk with them, (tbe negroes)is somebody wou and be butt if a crowd went to meet them. The people were di-p 8 and tounoago the mutter them selves’ ibis time, an 1 notified the negro mesfceuger that they wanted somckudy hurt, and wuuld go down in a body They went, axd when the negrohs saw them they “broke”—seyepl iutlnir f. iait.o aq adjacent pond, and swimming it. Some twenty-five or thirty were captured, and sis ecu stand •if arm-; and uulmdy hurt, according to. my adcicea. This is the latest intelli gence I Faye from he front.” Old Blunt has to keep his room the greater portion of bis time, It would l.o* be j judeti! fir him to tel! the pe,- ) !•■ if is.ewait. County they liaji. murder ,*d one hundred aud sixty ncgjacj} U.fs year. By the by, he di!nie?,say , ir.'g that in A r 'lftM}t><yd ssya be should Lave tingle a puuUc dcnisl of it, had you pot I'calLd higi S/Wjf Now, coare, Style?, jo ■/}& iosulLd him, qud should apoljd g'z.’- But, look h r -rs llt L sai l Blount is to be app'iiuta and Brat' Judge by Bullock, when : pcc.'abg nogrots here will not as.-neiarc, with him. Lt he is, it wd tru ly be ttismux a<llji’uin Tint- I'uw>ss An Fnrciniuitlit HuAiind. An aunt • f f>urs Concluded 'ft try the (ff id of a' t smite and a kind wYd upon hrYliu’-bind irhcn he h««t re turned Tr m his work Bhe had read how a home should tfe plenamit, and the wife should a Mays n.e’et her husband with a joyful stud ’ The sacc'ss she fhau f;j best givwi in the shnpe of a dia 'l* (tvvfcr htlshand, al/nesr'rxhausf- 1 “cJjat.d very witbti 1 ; flirows his batj on the fl tor and drops heavily in do a seat’. '•Vife pfepuring teh, looks up with a smile, and is glad to seq bin .) Wife—“W, l' ( my dear, it is so nice to have you herv at meal time.’’ A loDg smil ) Husband—“Yoq I suppose sti.” Wife—“H >w has your b(|sines<i pres pored to-day ?•’ (Another smTe ) ifiiMnand—“About so s >.” Wife—■■‘Come, my dear, snrper is mdVj-lCt me draw your chair. (Anoth (flbiw.y asmmeam Husband, ert.ffly—“T sm tobfired th stir. Wait tiif'l wubTTi mV feet." \Y.‘l —“Bo as you ehoese, my dear.” (Ahmher sweet'smile.) l?ir*bar.d—“l.ook o’ hcreLd? woman 1 f re ar.y m i • fuss is made ah mt t\ 1 n! i iike to ki uv what io the thuc .ier y u are *°t T * lN A i * - ghed, ,t:il r ’’v qir-bc i her ' miles m that and tr. I', «as (i ' otie of ilie r- n a-i'ir fort, en didn’t .•! i- at.d such things. -* ' . Ttir lfnuitr Id'i.! ook. -The s’up’d aSHdri'mgoant c»rr'*t bbgger who styles hifl’f-elf ‘ Ljvenor (>J Gelrg.ii, bnviug beau t>v the L'jlisian*t« (li»haiitl tbe i) aro- 3 he has cused to Le oigan it ’xi and drilled in various -pnrdob* of the A atw. prvanw s agsm ti* Gfliut the \ on-f iv w ■ ii a specimen «< i lißpcrtiat nel, and’tunUgnily. ’ld e erea ! ture [irate* about uit zens of Georgia, a ; ritate wdoiifed into I lie Union, being 1 “fwmi and en id it r»,” and Logos to h.lieve liiureeH, and to impart th belief to otl ! eiß, that these oegry djiil,-- arc gotten up by [v opic “<Us igjiuishvd f r thvi j ttitfty to the. UoiteJ 5 riis. aeoi 1 .ivuLtl lixprcss sge.pqy fe- L, his Tit 1 !.• kigg lain g JJs fee),.hit ] bet.i'y -fl rik.; havebetu esuely gor.'d ly «iu tii-; J. , ho lets nut hh rage io pa; -r pr ciam ■- U ill not ’he R h -dte v ' ;• 1* ! tc.s; tcLibi.ily by finishing t.p tU; p.'irg itig the uiviuug ca-e of lli- o; -'art, ti-urj ■ .mt midi’ aI; 4 ilHj pco-vlep? llis.impcrtiueilcj'and arrogtuce arc iusu-ppcrji^lc. .. ! 'okrnjnn Bn a. ' e great skidl rCe fnr the eborfipi rSTSlff*|? off AtitftffitT, n'n'd :i giirve'bf oi. b-Jwron Whiter Br.iwn, of I*, rtland on 1 Henry I'milter of 11 t«- Ijnrfr. I pl"f<‘ ot f r i-itf.'i- i “ice nn Wodi.fS'l ,y til't'-rnn'-n Brown ar ! rivc.i tbeTe ol i.oon <>.. -' • and v Unto. ! b«S eh:n'en<p*r! tbe winning in'.ll tr r<'\v two week • In in the rftfstn- ”” "V s *' B ‘ uv f‘* hlw«iw»*oO_jvd i Jo_j !l2 s«i,v«,,l The new fMnewwM•reeis*. son ex tijiwen «#« const, netl <«t the duv of uliiw iirl. (’ oh stain me ifeai y Hwtiiwthenws, ami (lie pofUiliKto HtnM ttwni wutl.joV oxer the event. An lIdVE liu4ii« G. sen tlitsina haw not been bom 1 hthuru irl ovur-i'iuf edfilMtiK'Jt n>/' A STi; I.UIiOAT MiAS.l'l IOS. Ontlmidivli Pranks «>f n Tljisv I'arwoii—Ho GHn llio Jim iiinisaml I.oses f 100,000. The sfeqmyr Fg'e-tiric, ply ing btt tsxoen this pttini ttnj H< njui'eiwi, was waked uu tiie other tiny to one of tbo liveliest sens.itjons of jnejimL In tho »ti!l of. the ufternooi), iibout the tiyie, when [mssqngers throw | Hfii'Jy t)ie paper*, drop all their Title . ujiivetiiatidiis, and leau buck ljsl,lo8«ly j and liepr liothing but tl|e dasliing and rooting ol the big wheel, the lmid, ' quick, Bliarp report of u revoiver won , heard n ar tb» centre of (be cabin, f u ]..j lowed by a dull thud, a* of s tiro heavy tiody striking tho tfiior., I listen’ly all was excitement, and ttien there was a grand rush of passen ger*, officers, waiters, and everybody else for tbe state rooms in the vlebiily from which the report had sounded, and doors weie thrown open prwnis eu. Bsly, regardless of locks and latch es in the general dive for a solution ol the mystery. One of the doors wrench ed open revealed the apparently life less body oi a middle-aged gentle man, dressed in black, and a revolver was lying upon Ike floor near him. — “Dead !” “Dead !” “Shot himself!” went through the crowd as the discoy cry was made; but the excitement subsided somewhat as the supposed dead mar; gave a broken hiccough nnd showed some decided signs of life.— “Deuif driinlc and only shot in the neck,” explained someone, onil then tbe fallen stranger was gently lifted ijy two men into a berth from which he had tjvid ntly roiled after discharging bis rejoWer. Tho lifting bioqght him out-ofi the drn.iketi stupor fntb vfhfcn bo bad failed, and he began to tfamwt himself a <>pni in as good shnpe as his peculiar coaditinu would permit See ing a nuiuboi of persons alniut him, he ticcnme excited, and suddenly discov ered that h 1 had lost no less than u hundred thmisanci dollars since getting aboard the boat. The laugh that fol lowed this aononneement did not in the cast shake his faith iu the belief that he had If*; an immense sura, but )“' fin a ly quieted and tbo ttate rot in door shut mi Lim. Considerable curiosity was excited 1° vHio the eccentric patty could be Mid it wait filially akee'rtained that be gut aboard at some Indiana port, ami that ho wns a minister, as his dress had indicated. He hid several times been seen at the bar. but had retired to his stateroom without making any dumcti si rations. Shortly after the first excitement, had died aw ay, Another report from tbe reverend gentfcinniTs Mate room suddenly resounded through tbe cabin and there was another rush to ascer tain what damxge had been done. On tbe door being thrown open tho ec centric, parson Was Lund to to still alive upd utiborqpt'd, though exceeding ly bilaiious and disposed to makeWin si4f Heard. He came out, and the clerk to k the revolver from him Up on ibis be resn-rthd h’s cant Lb Mil los ing a bund fed thousand dollars, nnd tire bar-kecjiar innocently sugges'ing that !<*l. id spent it ,-.t tho bar. the waxed wroth', and begatl to übufle lbs? clerk, dechil jug that tire mail wbu t .and disarmed i.itn bad aLo rub bed him of his hundred thousand dol lars This was too miieh for the clerk iqitT be t )et hini'ie'ff ioib'tbe tipsy trnv cLvr tike qteti liuudtvft r>f btdldirig ipa laviug the" aecusef straight oqj, upon tn- '-Ly. ti.'-p ;.')- 1 j HTnp'rlrjJr. u-iag ftp the pj.rson for the rest of tne voyngc. The fallen hero was st once' [ikkod up and put away iu Ids 1 state room, w hero becoming somewhat so bered, be remained quietly until tbe to t rouebod nt his des'ination, when lie went aslsMe, mut-h to fiis own re— b\f afid that ' f 'hfl ort who were exceedingly shocked at what occurred Slnlc tvicciieim, Tr iirresi"‘e September 13 Nebraska Untolisr li i 1 nfti* n iy- t >et< ibor 13 | l'enti-ylvawi;* U«toitw 13 Newt Y'V'ffc DioVWflllMr ii D'tSwnre Novetitlier S-i Bffnois ■'Novombur 8 Miasotirt "> MduettJtMt: 8 MwtiwMwt* Novcinlmr ii Nevada No>. etnlwt J M>. !•*«!;" he anti* MswuiUtr *, t/’alifornia Bcptcmbtr ,K'' Mwihe • bwr i teptember 11 •I Wtdo t -wlwtMeMewaUkj *<}esso*te a Shifty h»c» BI |t Wort V* \ * Outdkrct ;fci NtiwJcts'y Ntwciitbcr b Maryhmf si- November b; Mi<*ni»»r» oli- 't- Nov. tnb.r si emma ,*•*« fti +4 ii iVeriftMtiMr ,4 ; K»B**ft * »tsl Nu.Vc»bßr 1 . , Tlxs P. rn nh t»l July was coluJ ra.etl m w«ti a cABoe-raeo, a proevs si< n, oration, d»nn*t>autl tita-wuiks.— A Vt urvg Ra«*i.i»A;iH rsjttesrntecl tbe ‘ Go-Ideas Lrborty m tbs | |'«vusmuU> i ’Vol. 111.,,.i]V0. BHA MvHfairritmAmt.* ■*•*'•' j <)>• 'JVehing, one tt f the attache* of the CliitiMW »U>haft*y r is a devout Until. I “We. 7/t ! n ' ] «* f ln di- Tati ciifns, :ntd a plYirtunebl sporting rnsn, died in New Yoi k Sunday of ap |t[iopjex). ! Allred Alexander, under sentence of , ilpatb nt J ‘hiladelphuf,-* has again been I respited bv the Governor, this time, for tin indefinite period. Lady TI. rfie aad Mnuntpiji Uny tire to be present at the October trot ting mutch, At Ohirfago, and will fake part in a trial of speed. Hon. John Trimble has been com rntt+ioned ** Judge of the Supreme • Bonn of Tennessee. - A soidier who had discharged blew r is brains out in a bagnio in Cin cinnati Monday. The heavies: storm known in that section lor many years passed over Macon Ga , Thursday night. The Union League of Memphis has “winked,” and the dfher brunches of West Tenne#see are following suit. "* f Disraeli says women can vote in Lug and if tho revisers ot tiie election lists are wiling. Some Hungarian gypiie* in London have gol into trouble by exhibiting dancing hears wi b predilecti.m for hugging spectators. A Frcedmin’s Bureau official named Sclienck, Li oilier ol tiie Congrcssinaa, was sold out by the marshal m Cario the other day. 'J he betrothal »f tbe King of Bavaria to tho Grand puche** Matia, ol Kus sia, i.- regarded as certain. Tbe New Yyrk Mail says ; “Very I natural Ipokjug busts are now made of wnc ncttaig. Frlce 1 •“().” Tho pu.spectug of the new telegraph* ic line to connect Portugal and toe United fctatCß, under the title ol the ‘ Peopld’s Gable, *’ bus been issued. A milkman’s horse and wagon wore petieipated into a cistern lull of w ater, og i’rinse Street, Jiriroklyn, Sundry, aud ttio horse was drowned. McDevitt, in practicing at Chioogo, Sunday, made a run of i ,461 caroms. The Lulls w ere not jawed, and the en tire run was ma le between the low er end "of the thbfe and the spot. The yq»ng Dorney, who fought Fitxgcrtild at Robei* sdale, Indiana, about a year ago, ,ie matched to tight wi li Abe Jvcl.y, ol I'Liladelj'Uia, for £2dU a side, ca’cit weights, in ona mouth, near Chicago. A New 1 ork correspondent ecouts at the sincerity (f John Allen’s “tho M ickeJest Man’s,”' conversion. He soys that it is all an advertising do.lgo j i eparatorv to nn opening a more -tiiisk dunce house in uuotb.r place. A man named Young, and hi* three sons, killed one hundred and thirty— four Arttlesiiiikes in qj:e day. in Hainiß'' tpu county, TbilDc¥eeo', recently. A tine and valuable horse belonging io Mr. Henry dresMiiau, living near Covington, Ky , w ent mud tho other day, necessiia mg its being shot. I People in Paris pay 6treet musicians not to play, and hence men with clari onets utitfee their arms, who can’t play a note, dt ivp a gqud buiiness by mere ly threatening music, *** Hatcher, tiie man who commi'ted such a Brutal outrage on a girl in Mau ry* 'cbiitityf Tennessee, late y, has been found guilty, toe recommending that the extreme penalty of the iaw he :u- Slcft’di m ji.isi Is imr + immir-m Tlia- Berk* eonnty, Pensylvana, Diiuoeratic 0' nvuitiou yesterday re tu i.,.n tcJ for t’ongiess flan. J. Law rence Gclz. “ A misuadi rstandiDg betvveen two men named Pepper and Berry, which i occurfed severhf yfears ago at a ball in Delevnn, ltdiiois, terminated the other d»j- in the death ot Peppor at the Lauda of his foe. i hey met in a bar- ( room, w belt .Berry cjut bis untagouivt so ttiat bis bowels protruded, causing his death soon aft r. A correspondep 1 of the Uaducali Herald says considerable escitemetst existed set Birmingham, Ky., on tho jld- inst, bectiutt* of the attempt of a iiegto boy niniy and Joe Mmlory to oul i age the pet sou of tin! daughter cf Mr Blauf Heath There was a strong disposition to hang the wretch, but wise counsels prevailed and he was placed in prisooata await his trial. On Saturday, two boss, one a son of ' Samuel k’oUci f, and the teller a sou af , John Gillie, wery pjay u“ nracttie ‘'Ckr, iqenctyjr Mr. 1 1’otter'f, in Jsfpmu town— Defitlnce entity, t'tf'o. Tb gome rcrlffi* or pßy the tilm** b*ty tfivew an bode, which struck young Pot- Lnt on the leg. Au artery was cut, and the L“y not noticing the wound tit first lilt'd to deayi IVfore surgical licbi could be obtained; M rfftetlfft?! tffi%ttr«r dhyl’U large crowd' iJiPSiAe.dti, mrd«&fv4.Wwe*e tieldin tt'estwNft. John Alien spoke bmnv. “as fo..owed by «evei m *-:.'V,. 4 j n ® sMwUa | «* I-Vft f y**r»crdt i fieri dbg fn»r bora gWs ami..•ne.highwvy dkkft*r, eecap - %omis cquoty jad, «t flyirm. teoj, N. 1., on Saturday ’1 bey the Jitl r 'do«ft SnH made their w.iy off, but the jaihr shortly re coVereO and raised the alarm, and witlt tiie e-t zenp, ea| 'ured three ol thcnu!-« j The iugUwoymuaetcapeJ.