The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, September 24, 1868, Image 3

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DA WSON JOUTiNAU Local Column. Punic ruin* to Cotton PlHUtera. 1> enters will pl' »SP h ar in uiiud that ROTLES3 & GIUFFIr? have the I.Djest, ben’, ani ,n >st c * ntrll, J ,0 ' oHted Warehouse in out town ; aud are prepared to make liberal advance* of Cash, nr Merchandise of any kind bn all COTTON stored with them, or shipped to their Hoods in Savannah or New York You who have given liens and morgages 0 n your crops and do not wish to sell at the present prices, will find it to your interest to biing your Cotton to tbcm The) will advance whit* money voo need, and hold your cotton until the prices suit you. Bring along jour Cotton,they will treat you ai liberally as »ny Warehouse men in our town, LOYLKSS & GRIFFIN. Sept. 10, ts. ryßev. C. A. Crowell is authorised to receive and receipt for auy monies due the Dawson “Journal’’ OlHce. jy Those indebted to the Journal for sub scription, will please come up and settle, or teud it in registered loiters. Wo have in dulged you long, and hope you will now set tle your arrears. We left out some good pieces j this week because the authors were un known. Our ftienda who wish thei r articles published in the columns of the; Journal, will please bear in mind that their true names must accompany the articles, except when they are banded , to us by the aathor. If the above is not complied with, the articles will not j be published. The Camilla Riot—- Ju-t before going to press we received from the Albany Noes further iuto/ma lioo in reference to the riotia Camilla It teems from the evidence of different men of Mitobcl oounty, sworn before the proper authorities that on Saturday, she 19 h iust., it was made known to the citizens of Camilla, that John Murphy of Albany, Ga. had issued his circular, and secretly cirou'ated the same among the colored men of Milch e& county, urderiug theta to briDg their arms with them to the political mee’- iug advertised f.r that day to Lc held at Camilla. The iuformat.ion was cor roborated by siateuieots nude by sever al persons wbo cam» in from the roads in the direct!>n of A.btuy, sating that armed negroes were ass iului 'g in large numbers at China Gr;\o church, wai - ing for the delegation f.oui Alba y, beaded by sail Murphy and \V. !' i’icrc , the candid .to f.r Congress, who were to be the speakers for the occasion, liytbo request the ci'ix -us, M. S I' lore, Sheriff, w ith a committee of six o tiers wctti out to meet ifei procession, aud to protest sg-L*t. aimed negroes be - marched in procession into tbe town; aud to state to them distinctly, that it they would [ at down their arms no wotild be made to their eute iog the town and holding their political meeting. The sheriff delivered the message to Mur phy and Pierce, the leaders of the procession, and they replied that they bad notbiug to do with those armed men, that the gUua held ig od to them, aud they were id the habit of carrying them wherever they went. The sher iff replied that if they entered the town with their music a„d banners, followed by aimed men, that there would be a breach of the peace acd be would not be responsible for tbe consequences. Shortly after the column thoVed into town, headed by fierce, and one Putney, white, in a buggy armed with a dou ble barrel shot gun, spencer rifle, and two pistols With a quantity of extra amunilion, (as was afterwards ascertained,} next, a four horse wagon, containing a Band, and a num ber of armed negroes followed the column, the music playing, and the crowd noisy and threatening in their conduct. Murphy and Phillip Joiner, negro, in a buggy in the rear. Jas. Johns who was intoxicated ordered the music to stop, whice was not obeyed, the Column moving on, when about twenty steps from him, his gun was fired, but was pointed in a different direction, the contents struck the ground about 12 feet from him. Tbe col umn immediate y fired a volley; some shot at Johns but the most of them aimed at an un armed crowd aome thirty Or forty steps off, wouading six. Immediately some twenty men sprang to their arms and fired a volley into the column, killed twb hogroek and a hilihtier wounded. The negroes immediately broke to a thick cluster of timber 100 yards north of the Com t Bouse. At this point Pierce tried to rally his foroes. The citixens, to the number of RO, part of them mourned, made a charge and completely routed the whole force Tierce flying through tbe woods and fields ; Murphy and Phil. Joiner escaping in a buggy bp the road towards Albany. Seven negroes were killed, all of whom were genteelly bur ied by a committee appointed for that pur pose. From tbe best information we have been able to gain, is, that thirty or forty was wounded, all of whom have bean properly cared for. Murphy, Pierce and made good their e-cape, with but little injury to themselves. K AYTO.V’S OIL OF UFE-Cbres Earaohw burns, Cuts, Stings,Ae. KaYTOX.S MAGIC CURE—Cures Diari rb«.t and Cramp Cholrcs. KaYTON’Scil OK LIKE, Ms, for sate bv l*Ojless& Wall, Diwsow, Ga. KaYTO.V'SOIC OF LIFE-Care.Rh.u aud Neuralgia. fcAYrOS’S DYSPEPTIC PlLLS—Cures oiok Headache and all Biltious disorders. , OIL OF LlFE—Cures Pairs iu the back, Breast, Side, Shoulders andJoiugt (From the L:iOr«nge Reporter. I THE DEMOCRACY fN COUNCIL! A MaKßlflcfitt Barlierue and Grand lh mou'traiioii in iat!rarg«! Great Torchlight Procession siiml Appropriate Ti-utisput" elides! It is impossible for us to give n full unci correct account of the great dem unelrution t f lire Democracy in this jfliud} hn Wednesday hist, in the ghtiTt time and limited space at our com mand before going to press. It would retju ire a day to get up a true ami complete sko'ci; w hich we have to prtn dense In a few hours. Therefore, any shortcoming or omission in this report must be attributed to the causes given ; and not from, any want ol dftsire to “do the subject justice.” On Tuesday night a meeting of the Young Men’s Democratic Club took place, and there being several speakers present from a dis'auce, Col. A. It ! Larnar and J M. Russell, Esq., were invited to address the Club. Col. La mar being unwell, excused himsslf and gave way to Mr. Russell who address ed the meeting in a handsome and logical speech, ornated with classical references which ho aj propriately ap plied to the history of the times Hon. , L. L. Stanford, of Harris county, be ing loudlv called for, toon the stmd I ° ’ | and spoke at considerable length I showing up the duplicity and rascality iof the Radicals towards the negroes, i and to the whole county. His remarks ! were sarcastic and were greeted with 1 rounds of applause. Wednesday morning was ushered in by the loud b.ioming of the cannon. The sun rose in magnificent splendor, and the day promised to be one of beauty. At an early hour after break fast, the people of Troup, and tie stir rounding counties, began to come in by the scores and hundreds, and by nine o'clock the town was literally tliroug ed, rammed and jammed in all its sireets, with carriages and all sorts of vehicles filled with peop'e—men, wo men ani children An extra traiu from Newnan brought down hundreds of enthusiastic Democrats from Cowe ta and Meriwether. A procession was formed at the dep t and marched to' the Court House yard, where they were welcomed, in appropriate and eloquent terms, by W. O Tuggle, Esq . and responded ti\ in onjjf qually appropiia.e manner by JL* F. Smith, Esq., of the Y'ouug Men’s Democratic Gluh of New nan. About 10 o’clock, the procession was formed under the direction of Col. W. U Jones, Chief Marshal <.f the Day, assisted by Alaj. H. \V." AI organ, ii S. McFarland, and B. F. Curiright on the part of the Young Men’s Deiia)- cra ic Club. Escorted by the Newnan brusfs band, the procession moved out to tno beautiful grove of Mr. A. S Harris, where a substantial stand was erected for the speakers. Dr. R- A. T Ridley, chairman of the Democratic Club of i’roup county, presided, with \V. 0. Tuggle, W. 11 Huntley and C. 11. C. Willingham as Secretaries Rev. H. C. Uornady was presented as Chaplain of the day, wh-.-n he delivered an appropriate prayer. Judge Jno. T. Clarke, one of the candidates for Elector for (he State at large was then introduced amid cheers and applause. He made an excellent speech. It was calm and collected, de liberate and argumentative. The Judge unde a sound, constitutional argu ment, displaying perfect familiarity with and great aptitude in presenting the vital issues of the day—rising, now aod then, to. an eloquence in discussion beautilul and grand Wo regret wc hate not his speech to pub.ish or notes to give the substance of his argument. Col. Carey W. Styles, of the Atlanta “Constitution,” was the next speaker. For an hour ar so he enchained his auditory wi.h eloquence, forcing from the people rounds ol applause as he portrayed, in strong and nervous lan guage, the enormities ol Radical ven ality. He addressed himsed, at some length, to the colored people, many id whom were present and listened to him with marked attention. After Col Styles, came Maj K- J. MoseS, tbe able anti gallant standard bearer of tbe Third District on the electoral ticket. Muj. Moses is a fin ished orator and an earnest debater and a true Democrat, and has already done manly serviee Jur Democracy in | this contest. We cannot pretend tcf give the sub ! stance of any ot the speeches We can ooly give a running ao bunt ol the 5 day's proceedings. Tbe firing of the i can non and the discours e of sweet inu i Sic interspersed tbe proceeding >f the | ! day; i At 1J tf’elock dinner was announced when the well-billed tables, groaning under the weight of good tilings, were first surrounded by the fair women of olit Troup. In justice to Mr. Hir&in ; Denms, li e chairman of the cooking ! and tab e committees and his assist j amts, wo must sayth"at tbe (floats Tterw the lies’ cooked and prepared wa have seen at any barbecue We would ! be glad to name each one -if tfio cojk- ing squud individually, but ms we huve not ttio names of all \vv only sj>eiik ol theifi collectively, Dinner whs scarcely dispatched bo f >re u considerable rniu #et in and $H4@ fuirffwl the people from the grove In the af ernoon a speech was made at the Court House by Hon. Hugh Buch anan. He made ul) excellent argu ment; buthefore he had finished, and : wliile rie w as din ding his remarks to j tint colored men present w ith good es feet, a squad "of fantasties rode up into I the i’ublio Square and interrupted tiin ' spOeeh, which was an unlortuna’e cir ' cutmslanee and not very appropriate to the hour. The fantasties would have been more effective as well as appro priate in the torchlight procession. Ac 8 o’clock, the torchlight proces sion, with numerous and ludicrous trails pareneies, vras foimed in front of the Sims House, headed by the Ncw nar, band, and largo transparencies upon wheels and drawn by four horses and inarched through the principal streets of the town. We are sorry we cannot give a description of these.— Every one was a decided hit, and altogether a brilliant display and a complete success. At 9 o’clock Col R. J. Cowart, of Atlanta, took the stand in the Court House and made one of his telling speeches, bringing down the house with great applause. He is a very popular speaker, aod his blows are felt w herevat he makes them. Col. C. was followed by L. L. Stanford, who made a short and pointed speech. Thus closed a great day for the De mocracy in Troup. It is variously es timated that there were from 3 000 to 5000 people present. Nothing trans pired to nar the pleasures of the occa sion. May the results prove as great as the occasion was brJliant and suc cessfull. iTlnrkets l»y Tolegrapli. Liverpool, Sept. 24, 10 A. 11.—Flat; subs 8000, 10(4. New Youk, 11 A. M.—Cotton drooping, 25 A. Gold 42*. imVSO.I H AK4UIT REPORT COUKECTED WEEKLY BY J. L. TUCKER & BRO., grocers and commission merchants. COTTO.r, 18.20 , 1.40(j)l 46 SMEEER, 1 3u@1.33 CiROCKRIRS & PUOII IOJIS. JJ.iC O-I* —Clear tides ( moktd) 21 @22 Clear ribbed tides (smoked) <g2o Shoulders, 17(5)18 Jdains (plain,) ($22 Canvassed hams, (ngar cured) (nj2s coffee- ri ime Rio, (0,33 Ujod Rio, (S3O Or dinary Rio, (S2B St'Gel it- (Aciordiug to glade) 18(5)23 I 'E.M— Black, ($1.60 Green, ($2.23 Young Hyson, ■ 1.5b(55,U0 nice - @is FEO fV/£—Superffue, <®6.50 Kura, (a-7.00 Family, @8 00 /.-A H Si— 24@25 FIS ll —JLiekeral hf. bis. 12 3 sHi@l2 Mackerel in Kits, 4.50 Whi'cfish per lb. 12}@15 HITTER- Goshen, @6O Country, 25t530 EGGS— 15(0*20 CIIICREJTS— 10(325 OFESIF»IX— 25<$*0 TALLOW'— @lO SERUM 3 ?s<s l.uO t’I.CEG.JR 65a80 N*if 4,1'-Liverpool, a4 00 Virginia, a3 60 WHISKEI’ Com. Rye, P 00a4 00 Corn, 2 60a3.00 Fine Nectar, 6.0Ua8 00 TO RilC CO— Common, 60a75 Fine, 1.00a1,60 GR»II.V— Corn (western) al 35 Corn (eounirv) a 1.2# JfKEmMt— . 1.50a1.50 Raff gin. Rope, K Ties. Bagging, Gdnnt— 284a8U Kentucky, »30 iron Ties. Buckle, 3G2i Rope— »«0 The Apiipoiiitineiifs On the Dawson Circuit will be filled as follows for the year 1868. DAWSON, Ist Sunday, Revs. T. T. Christian and H. V. Mulkey. 2nd Sunday, Rev. L. G Evans, drd J‘ T- T. Ghrislisn. 4th “ A. L. Hamilton. DOVER, Ist Sunday, Rev. John Skipper. 2nd “ “ T. T. Christian and H. V. Mulkey. 3rd Sunday, Rev. J J. Sessions. 4th “ “ H. V. Mulkey. NEW HOPE, Ist Sunday, Rev. James Spenee. 2nd “ “ ,Vacant nt present.) 3rd « “ H; V. Mulkey. 4th “ u TANARUS; T Christian and L. G Evans. CIIICKAS A WHATCIIEE, Ist Sunday, Rev. Wm. Hays. 2nd “ “ John J. Sessions. 3rd M “ Tbos, L. Speight. 4th “ “ Thos. T. Christiauand L G. Evans. PLEASANT grove, Ist Sunday, Revs. Thos. T. Christian ana 11. V. Miilkev. 2nd Sunday, Rev. James Speneo. 3rd “ (Vacant ) 4 b “ Rev. Wm Hays. BETHEL, Ist Sunday, Rev Thos. L. Speight. 2nd “ (VaoauL) 3rd “ Rev. L. 0. Evans. 4h “ (Vacant.) Friday before each 3rd Sabbath, Ref, Thos. T. Ckrietiac haylaway s on hand VJLOIB, of all Grades, JfIEA JL, Uit I TS, BitsiJr, SHORTS , and COW-FEEIi. ALSO, THE FAMOUS SELF-RAISINa FLOUR, .lltl.ri FvICTUREO TO OR It M R, IN ANY SIZED PACKAGES- Having recently added new Machinery, and giveu our Mill a thorough overhauling, ire are now fully prepared to make Flour, which we will guarantee to au't the most (astidicus. Satisfaction Guaranteed in all Cases, Or money refunded. £g~Higbeßt market Price paid for Wbeat._g:l BLEDSOE & CO. j y 3 0 -a 2 na ~ iSCIIOFSE L P’S iiiN vein. ADJOINING THE PASSENGER DEPOT, ATACOTST, GEORGIA. SCHOFIELffS PATENT - COTTON PRESS JPatented September 3<l, 18G7. fpIIIS PRIi’SS must commend itself to the Corton Plantei aof Georgia for ite Durability I Simplicity of Con-uriiction, and the ease with which it tan be operated by either Hand llorae. Water, or Steam Power—the change from one to the other being effected io a low aiin'nte.k. Another pr< a f advintage which tb : p Presa p*s«eaa it t.ikrs up eo little room that it may be placed in and mn in the Gin H itiae; thus saving much extra labor and loss of time, the Cotton being placed in it as fast an ginned. Occupying but little space, »nd kept out of the weather, this press is very durable, »nd not liable to n get out of order, both the Screw and the Frame biiug of wrought iron. These presses are all put up complete and perfect before leaving my establishment, thus putting the purchaser to no extia trouble and expense in procurirg a man to put them in running. To show with what favor and satisfaction these Presses have been received the paat sea son, I append the following certificates and names, among many otboie, of gentlemen who have used them : Houston Countt, Georgia, June Ist, 1868. .Vr. J. S Scot* field, tlacon. Ga : i Hear Sir—ln leply to your note of the 15th ul*., I have this to say in regard to your Patent Colton Screw : “IT FILLS TUR BiLL,” and is all you claim tor it. I regard it su perior to any Press I have seen. I am, very respectfully, E. H. EZA’LL. Houston Countv, Ga., June 2d, 1868. Mr. Schofield Macon , Georgia : Dear Sir— Your favor at hand. lam well pleased with your Cotton Press, hor pow er and durability I don’t think it can be cxcelL and. Very lespectfully, J. W. Wimberly. Akericus, Ga., June 14tb, 1868. Mr. J. S. Sch field Macon : . Dear Sir—We are ic. receipt of your letter and in reply, say that the Screw is a perfect success, and 4 hove no doubt will have ready sale. We can pack 1,000 lbs in an ordinary eive bale with four hands. Very Respectfully, yours, J. R. PRICK & SON. Hot's* Creek, Wmtox County, June 25tb, 1868. Mr. J. S. Schofield, Macon, Georgia: ... „ , Sir—-The Cotton Press 1 bougt tof you last fall, works well ; and I am very well pleas ed with it. t packed with it about one hundred oales of Oatton. | I consider the Preaa su detior to all others for packing cotton, as it can be worked with less labor, and will pack as Leave bales as auy ittrmer wants. Wood Screws and Press for baling ctnton mast surely givo wav and place to your Iron Screws. All I regret, is, that I did not get an Iron framo from yotl, Complete. Yonrs respectfully, S. D. FULLER. Gen Thos F. Dravton, Macon county, B. H. Myrick, Baldwin county, John Hart, Mon roe county A. J, White, pika cptxutv, Capt. Orrie Tubs, Jones comity, Cleavelaud & Bat- , lev Baker county, Long & Whitaker, Taytor cnuniv, Robert Thompson, Lee county, A. Da wsoD, Wilkinson county, H L. K-vza , Houston county, Jerry Hollis, Monroe county, D. W. Massec, U.iusiou county, L. V, Bryan, Lee county, Allen & Granm«s, 1-ihb countv, W. W. Dews, Balter couoiy, Arthur Foster, Bibb county, W. A : Banks, Monroe county, J. R Griffin Houston count-, Tlios. J. Cater, Houston county, W. J. J/vrick, Baldwin county a. P. Afvrick, Baldwin county, H. M. Rqso, JTtlled.eville, Jas. VV. Brown, Taylor county, n Solomon, Gordon county, W. W. Turner, 11 mcoek countv, U. G, Harper, J/illedgeville, J . J Hollins M icon county, J. L Lrtnpkin, WilcOx county, John L. Bryant, nousrmi conn tv Pleasant Ray, Doolv county, J, W. Joidon, Leocounts, W. K. Warren, Hnit»*on county, Nat Hester Baker oouuty, R. L J/inims, Terrell county, John W. Paul, Terrell county. In order to place these Presses within the reach ot Pi-atcis, 1 offer mem tor sale sos Drafts accepted by responsible parties, payable from the Ist to the 15th of Ootober fiett. July 9 WESTWARD, THE STAR OF EMPIRE TAKES ITS WAY, 1 ! Secure a home in the golden state! The Imigrant Homestead Association of California 11 INCORPORATED under the laws of the S ate, November JKKb, 18«7, for the purpose of ! providing HOMES FOR ITS MEMBERS, and thereby, Induce Itnigration. CAPITAL STOCK, . t.<M>o,ooo .-Dividedinto 20 ! ’,non share-, at IS each. Payable in UNITED STATES CUP-itNCT. Certificates 1 stock iaened to anbaertbera immediately upon receipt of the Money, NO PERSON ALLOWED TO HOlt) TTJ.iN FIVE SNARES. A circular containing a foil description of the property to be (Uetrlbutcd amoug tha Stockholders, will be sent to auv address npon receipt of *t*mpt», to cover return postage, InforrnHtion n* to pftee of lands in nuy portion ol tip? State, or upon. ao> other sulyect o,f interest to partiep proposing to investigate, will oe cheerfully furnished upon receipt of stamps lor postage. 11 letters should be addressed, Scet'tfavy ItulyvuiU Homestead Society » Fust Office Box, No." 86. ?epts;?mw ffttlf FRANCISCO, CAL- SUliSClillftt FOft Til UVSON JIUIU hr HUSHED EVERY TdUHSDA Y MORNiXG, tit M. TUCKER & BRO., At the beautiful and enterprising town of tlawaon (44 'PH 1-1 h Paper sos the Farmer, A Paper for the Merchant. A Paper for the Family Circle, A Paper for Everybody. It will not be surpass'd by iny paper in this section in Da f CHATS Ul Bimi MOT IP4ITS. ITS LbCAt iNTELLIGENEi Its compilation of News transpiring in the S’ato and thcougfeodt tbs nation and in all the requisites (bat go tb inake op a WIDE-AWAKE, FIRST-CLASS NEWSPAPER. To Advertisers I •*&»■»«*«* w 4« ! We would say, no belter medium for advertising is known in South WciilG- M ! gia. We are detei mined Jo in'rit that kiiooch which has placed it at the head ; the list for Advertising. F2ATES MODERATE. I- =• * — [ Terms Os Subscription: ; oisr e tea r ss o( SIX MON Tils, 12f - <ii* Letter* may be addrewed ‘ Faksod Journal,” oi M. TUCKER & BEO., | '• FMi*or? "J urjal, ’ Dfiwfio? Gik