The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, September 24, 1868, Image 4

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Attitic i i/i a is %■>. [From ilie So. Cultivator PEACH OBITI.tHBti.. Editor* Southern Cultivator: — As 1 shall absent, and much engaged, for the next two months, I propose to condense, in use article, all that I have yet to say. Ist, On the nr oner of picking, pack, ing, and shipping peaches. 2nd, The expense per acre, and prob able jicld, under judicious management, For shipment, tho Iruic should bo picked when quite hard and just a*? it begins to color. In picking, the hands should be care ful not to press the fruit with tho fore finger and iLumb, as indentation will produce deoay in tweenty four hours Clasp the peach rather in the palm of the haDd and apply tbe fingers to tho gtgm wh’.ch connects it with the branch, and a slight pull will srpeiato the peach from the tree without brubiug if. Each hand shou’d carry a peach bas ket lined with eomram bojjerpuu, into which the fruit should be laid (not thrown) when picked Th s prevent* abrasion of tho skin from tbe coarse straw of which the baskets are made.— By laying them in, bruises are avoided. Care in performing these tasks, is at j the bottom of sucoessful shipment, and no one need hope to make the business a success, who will not insist on these conditions being attended to, nniess the fruit is to be sold in a market within twenty-four hours traveling distance from the orchard. As soon as tbe baskets are fi.i and, they should be set down uoder the shade of a tree. A cart, with springs, should 1 follow and bring them from the orchard ' to the packing shed, where the baskets ' are delivered over to tLe rulers, or hands who wrap the peaches in paper 1 These * hands hould r. ject all peaches that are accidental; bruised, and roll the bal* ance in thin paper, which can bo bought in New York at 80 cents per realm ; each sheet will roll four peaches. As fast as they are rolled, the rollor places them in baskets. These baskets arc ta ken by the packer, and the peaches laid carefully, regularly, and into tbe boxes, and filled so full that it will require considerable pressure to got the covers down. It is well to put about an inoh of paper clippings, or excelsior packing, (which can be bought iu New York at three cents per pound) on the too of the peaches before pressing down the cover, so as to avoid bruising tbe fruit with the slats or box cover. Each end of the boxes should be hooped with a thin hooping strip. Tbe peach boxes are made twenty two inobes long, eight inches high, and fifteen inehos wide, with a partition crossways through the centre. This holds about one bushel. The ends are made of three fouith inch stuff, eight inches wide. Tuo sides of two and one-half inches wide and one half inoh thick, and arc so placed as to le-vo spaces between the strips for tbe passage ol air. Pine will do—lighter wood is better. Expenses. —The boxes oost about twenty cents each. The cost of wrap ping the peaches is five cents per box- The cost of paper, with which to wrap, and packing for the top of boxes, it about twenty cents. The eost of parking and hooping, five cents. Making an ag gregate of fifty cents per box. Freight, via, Savannah, from Columbus, exclud ing wharfage, forwarding, &e., is 1 25 Commission for sales, iu New York, ten per cent. J.C Kimball A. Cos. are prompt and faithful agsnts. It the peaches bring $5 per buthtl, the pick ing, and a large part of tho freight is repaid by wrapping the peaches in pa. per, for tbe paper displaces at least one fifth of a bushel of peaches, and so brings | back to tbe shipper one dollar, and, of! caurse, more when the fruit sells higher I mention, this that persons may n t be deterred at tbe expense and trout e of wrapping in papers for it costs nothing, 1 but pays a profit, and lends materially to the preservation of the fruit! Persons living cu the line of the liiilroad above Atlanta, who ha\o to ship by express, will find tho freight about three dollars per bushel, which ■an only le borne by fine peaches ma turing in June and July. The very early poaches, maturing from the fith to the middle of June, i bring from twelve to fifteen dolLrs per bushel, but they are very tender peach- j es (Tiilotsoc) and de not ship as well I as later kinds- The Hale’s early, it dif fers from the northern fruit by change ol elemate, will not bear shipment to New T ork. The Columbus June, a variety now nearly lost, ripens as early as the 1 Tillotron, and is a good shipging peach, i Troth’s eaaly, old Mixon Free, the Mel-' seal mV Early ann Late Crawford, In comparable Chinese cling, and someolb rr varieties, that ripen late in June, and through July, arc the safest peaches to ship, and, one year with another, will pay the most money. Iu my orchard, Raw being prepared f>r planting, con taining 20,000 trees, I shall Dot sot out 1 more than 2000 of tho earliest varieties. ; When lean increase my stock of the Columbus June I shall plant im re fret,” )j for the early market, but all things consideied, I would rathir take the chancss of July peachis for profitable shipment. Profits. —An acre of pcaeb tree?, well cultivated from the start, will pro duce pretty well the third season ; the fourth season they will make a full crop- An acre will hold one hundred and thir* ty-three trees, and each ought to aver age at least ooc bushel. I have bad trees, at ccveu years old, to produce f iur bushels. I think they would pay five dollars per bushel, clear money, until hundreds of thousands of bushels arc produced in the south, but, allowing that they nett but two dollar*, it yields two hundred and sixty six dollars per acre, which is better than any crop 1 know of. One bund arid two mules> with a sulky cultivator, will keep sixty acres in order, with ease, but, of course, one hand wi ll'd not worm and trim so many. I, however,'that six hands would thoroughly attend an orchard of | that size, and keep it as orchards have never been kept at the South. The improvements in transportation j are constantly progressing, freights are being reduced, speed increased, boxes, adapted to packing, arc being made and patented, fruit business is getting to be a great productive interest, and north ern ingenuity is devoting a large por tion of time to improving the rne-aus of transporting tropical and Southern fruit. L riliard has already put on a line of steamers, with ventilated chambers, for for bringing ripe fruit from tbv tropics lluiiroads are adopting cars to the same purpose. Plaut orchards and plant largely. If one man can’t do it, plant in a neighborhood so thut you cau ship daily three huudred btxes. and so char ter a whole car. This will git rid of Express companies, and their extrava> gaut charge of three dulls rs and a half per b ushel There is no danger of glut" ting the New York maikct. I have in. quiri-d into this thing, and. one day last summer, while I w;i3 in New York, seventy car loads, of about three huud red bushels ra"h, and two steam boat loads, with an incalculable number of bushels, arrived in market, and there was nr prossus oa the sales. They were distributed, the Dext day, on the various lines of road and steamboats that centre in Now York ; aud the next day new arrivals came pouring in, and so it continuesduring their season which begins in August. We have the same mouths to feed in June and July, and nature gives us the na.D"poly We aro a hot bed, in which to raise these early products for north ern markets. The crop is, of course, subject to frost, but I have never lost a crop, from frost in seventeen years. I attrebuto this to the altitude of tny plaoe, always select a hill that rises ab rubtly and high the surrounding oountry, if such location can be had. In my first article, I said plant noths ing hut peas in young orchards. I might have added, sweet or Irish pota toes, turnips, and ground peas. Bat I selected the cow pea, not with reference to the crop, but as a green manure Os special manures, bone dust is decidedly the specific for fruit frees. I cannot close without one word about pears They do not succeed in this lati tude—the blight destroys them. I have lost over one thousand tree* by blight, but shall try it again. On a recent visit to Marietta, I was struck witn tbe thr.ftness ard quality of the pear, and, all that I havo said about the profit of peaches, I will say in re gard to pears. Planted on the line of railroad at Marietta and abovo that line they ship b etter than peaches. Many kinds arc ouly perfected by gathering them a few days before they ripen.— They requiro a much richer soil than peaches, but lam confident that largo pear orchards will richly repay the labor aud expense of cultivation. I have written in great baste, and may have omitted 8 mo facts fam liar to me, | required by others If so please sug gest in your paper, the informatios de sired. If iu my power I will reply ! cheerfully. Respect 'ul)y, Columbus, Ga. R J. Moses. A reign of ruffianism has been in augurated in Newark, N. J„ and as snults on officers have become very frequent. Thiee separate figh's, in all ot which officers w ere severely ban died, occurred there yesterday, and another assumed 6ueh a serious aspect that the Mayor was called in personal ly to restore order. The California Stale election, which ordinarily takes place on the first Wednesday of September, was this year postponed to November, by a special act of the Legisl turn. Mem bers of Congress, Presidential Elec tors, and minor iflicers will then be chosen A caricature of a young lady with the Grecian I end and j aiders was posted at Congress Hall, at Saratoga, the other day. It was thought to re semble a young lady from New Jersey Ihe artist was detected and forced to ieive the house. The young lady now carries herself upright SEYMOITB, TIUFSLEY i CO MACON, OA. ( at tho White Corner, ) WHOLESALE GROCERS —AND— COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AKE now receiving on3 of tbe largest Stocks of GROCERIES l PROVISIONS Ever brought to this Market, which they will sell to Merchants and Planters As low as any Horse in the city. They have a regular Ilrokor in New York City, with in ■ auctions to take advantage of auy depres sions in tbe Grocery Vlaiket, and they will endeavor to please all who favor them with (hair patronage and make it to their interest also. Our Stock consists of 500 Packs Liverpool Salt 100 Barrels Whiskey’s SJO Sacks Virginia Salt. 5 Oar Lnadß Oelcbrated Whaley Tie 500 R ills that heavy Kentucky bagging 50 Bales Heavy Gunny B'egiug 50 Oases Walker’s Tonic Bitters 500 Sacks Choice Tennessee Flour 120 Ilhds Bacon—sides and shoulders 20 Tiereci Sugar cured Hams 100 Sacks Rio and Java Coffee 200 Barrels Sugars, all grades 25 Bhls Fine Syiup 50 “ Common Syrup and Molasses 50 Bbls and 100 Kegs Leaf Lard 200 Boxes Candles 150 box, s Soaps 200 Cases L'quors, imported 100 boxes Candy 100 Cans Potash 50 “ Pickles 50 Sales Domestics 175 boxes Tobacco, ail grades, With everv other article usually kept id a Wholesale Grocery Establishment. WE will buy nil the Wool, Hides, Tallow and Wax, that we can get at Market p’icee for cash. june2s3m HARDEMAN & SPARKS TO THE PLANTERS IN Middle & Southern Geoagia r7OR TWENTY YEARS we have served l 1 yon, we believe failhfatlf. Our success depends upon your prosperity ; hence we have zealously sought to promote your inter, est and advance it by every means in our power. As Commission Merchants we ag-iin tender you our services, at our old stand, which haa withstood the flames of a horning square (hereby proving its security,) and where we hope to merit the very liberal pat ronage always given ns. T’he sal, aof Cotton is our speciality. We fl itter ourselves none can excel us. To old itiends we return thanks ; to new ones, try u«, we will try to please you. Usual accomodations given to enable you to make a crop. THO?. HARDEMAN, Jr. Julyl6:3m O. G. SPARKS. CARHART 4 CORD, DEALERS IN Hardware, Iron andjeel, Nails, Agricultural Implements, Carriage Materials, Rubber and Leather Belting, Circular and Mill Saws, U dting cloths, Mill Stones, Oitton Gins and Screws, Paints, Oils, Glass, And Tools of every description, at ibeir Iron Front Store. 59 Cherry St., : : MACON, GA. juue *25;3m ISAACS HOUSE, HOTEL AND RESTAURANT Cherry St., Jtlacon, tin. E. ISAACS, : : : Proprietor. tW Free Coach to and from Hotel. Cmiii«lc to Health S MY Guide to Health is now published in good binding and plain type. Sub scrihers and others wishing a book or books, can be accomodated bv calling on J. A. J/itne at the Store of W. M PEEPLES’. Lovless Block, Dawson, Ga. J GILS J. DAVIS, OT. D. Aug, 27'b, if. BETTER THAN GOLD ! OUR M£vr INDESTRUCTIBLE GOLDEN PENS, Arc recommended by Banker*, Lawyer*. Profe*- *ors, Teachers, Merchant*, and all who have tried them, a* the bent Pen mamifae/ured. They arc non-corrosive, and manufactured with the greatest cure, rendering them more durable than any pen now before tbe pc.blie. fkmt post-paid to any address for 75 cents per box, containing one dozen. Orders containing money for the same sent at our risk. J>o not forget to try them. M. MoALPiM & CO. Louisville, Ky. Please state where yon saw this advertistment. JunelLrtn, W. .A. HUFF. WHOLESALE DEALER —:* BACO.T, CORN, FLOUR, OAT*, PEA*, MEAL, BAGGING, tie*, rope, sugar, COFFEE, EAKD, SI RUP, SALT, Etc., Etc., TIME PRICES. lam now gelling, to all good parties, Corn and Bacon on time, as follows : Bacon Sides 19$ cents payable 16 October Bacon Shoulders “ •> $l 40 per bushel. V\ arehousc acceptance is all that is required. CASH FRXCES, B icon Sides at ]Bf cents. Bacon Shoulders at I bf cents. Corn at $l 25 per bushel. W . A. HUFF. _ I have a large stock of heavy Gunny Bag ging, Rope and Ties of every description, Sugar, Coffee, Flour, Lard, Hams, Salt etc.’, all of which I will sell LOW FOR CASH! ON TIME, with a small per cent, added. W .A. HUFF. FEOTJIG I have now the largest nd most select stock ot Flour in Mucod, and at the Ibllowing prices : 220 sacks Superfine at |4 50 per sack. 290 sacks Extra at 6 60 “ 800 sacks Family at 6 60 “ 275 sacks Fancy at 7 50a8 00 SALT. I hare on hand 800 packs Liverpool Salt, for salt* at $3 00 per sack. BRAN. 25,000 pounds Wheat Bran for sale at $l 25 per hundred pounds. W.A HUFF. WOODRUFF WAGONS, —AND — WOODRUFF CONCORD BUGGIES I am constantly receiving these beautiful and cheap Vehicles, and will sell at JYew York cost ami carriage, for CASH, or on time, if parties desire, adding simple inter* et for the time desired. No sales made for a longer tune than tbe first of December W A HUFF. rng2o lm SOMETHING WORTH HEEDING 0 HAVING made arrangements wilh the Tomlinson Demore«t Cos., are able to sell two, three, four and six horse Wagons, at a small advance on New j York eost. We would invite those wishing 1 good Plantation Wagons, to examine our ; Stock before purchasing elsewhere. We would also call the attention of the public, to our Bplendid and extensive stock of BIGGIES, HARNESS & CARRIAGES, both of our own and Northern manufacture. D ia generally understood throughout South Western Georgia, that WM. SIKRISIE always warrant* his work. We always keep a good Stock ot Carriage & Harness, Wagou and Buggie materials ci all description. Call and see. WM. SIRRINE, aug6’6Bly Americas, Ga. SUPERIOR IMITATION 601 HUNTING WA TCHES. The Oroide Watch factory. OROIDE CASES, a newly discovered composi tion, known only to ourselves, precisely like gold iu appearance, keeping its color as long as worn, aud as well finished as the best gold ones. These watches are iu hunting cases made at our own Factory, from the best materials, of the latest and most approved styles, are jeweled and well finished, with a view to the best results in regard to wear and time. For appearance, dura bility, and time, they hav« never been equaled by watches costing five times as much, i ach one warranted by special certificate to keep accurate time. Price $ 5. (jreiitlemealf and Ladies’sizes. For this small sum any one can have an excel lent Watch, equal in appearance, and as good for time as a gold etie costing A Iso Oroide Chains, as well made as those of gold, from $2 to S(S. Goods seut to any part of the United States by express. Mouca ueed not be sen* with the order, as the bills can be paid when the goods are delivered by the express. Customers must pay all the express charges. C. JC. COLLI NS* CO., 37 and 39 Nassau st., Nl Y., Opposite I*. 0., (up-stairs). TO CLUBS—Where six watches are ordered at one time, we will send one extra watch, making seven watches for ninety dollars. 49-CAUTIOK. Since our Oroide watches have attained so high a reputation, and the demand for them has greatly increased, many persona are ottering common and worthless watches for sale, representing them to be Oroide Watches, in some iu stances stating that they are our agents. We will statu most positively that we employ no ageuts, aud that no one else can make Oroide; consequently these representations are false. Tbe genuine Oroide Watches can only be obtained by o-dering directly from us. augtf-!8G8 JOJB WORK Done ll'ith *Vealnea* and Dis patch at THIS OFFICE SHOE MANUFACTORY IN DOVER. HAVING seemed the .erviee. of Mr SKIPPER and Mr. JOHNSON , two competent workmen, we are prepared to make Bbues of all kinds and Sizes, in the very beat styles. Farmers can have their orders filled for plantation shoes to ad vantage. Produce of any kind taken in ex change for shoes. Prices for work reasonsbie. Our place of business is the old "Stevenson” stand MULKEY & SWANSON. Dover, Ga., Me y 28, 1868-ts GROEESTEEJT a Cos., Piano Forte Manufacturers, 499 Broadway, .Frtr York. r |' , HESE Pianos received the highest sward A. ofmeritatthe World’s Fair, over the best makers from London, Paris, Germany, the cities of New York, Philadelphia, Baiti more and Boston : also, the Gold .Hfdal at the American Institute, for Five Successive Years!! Our Pianos coDtaiD the French Grand Action, Harp Pedal, Overstrung Bass, Full Iron Frame, and all modern improve ments. Every Instrument warreuted five vears. Made under the supervision of Mr. .1. 11. GROVESTUEN. who has a practical expel ience of over thirty five years, and is the maker of over eleven thousand piano fortes. Our facili'ies (or manufacturing enable us to sell these instruments from (100 to 1200 cheaper than auy first class piano forte. Aug. 31-lyr THE GREAT W(ttk COMPLETE! I 'ol. IV of Victor'* Hi story (Ci’ril, Political and Military) of the Southern Rebellion ta now ready. completes this great National work. It is, by far, the most exhaustive and satisfactory of all the narratives of 'he late Civil War. It has the endorsement of numer ous Governors, Members of Congress, Emi - nent Officers and Civilians. It i*, in fact, the onlv history of the War worthy of the name. Sold by Agents; or sent by Express to any address on receipt of price, viz: In Muslin binding, $3,25 per volume. In Leather, S4,CO per volume. Address WM. H. GIFFING, Gen’l Ag’t, 13 Spruce Street, New York. CtT A OEM'S, TA KE NOTICE! This great woik being complete will now com mand a large circulation. Good Canvassers, male or female, can readily realize $lO per day in taking names for it. Very liberal commissions allowed and exclusive territory given. For Circular of particulais address as above. mav2Btf JAS. D. TORRF.Y, Publisher. W J LAWTON, J U LAWTON. R r LAWTON. LAWTON & LAWTON, Fourth Street, Macon, Ga. WHOLESALE PRODUCE, COTTON AND COMMISSION MET CHANTS. Begins, Ties, Rope, Bacon, Corn, Hay, Flour, Meal. Tobacco, etc., cors’an'lv on hand. Hiuple facilities for the Storage* and Sale of COTTON .Jjgfl Liberal advances made on Cot-ion and Pro duce. Cotton held at a reasonable rate of when parties wish to draw on it and await higher figures. Agents for the Bale of Houston Factory Sheeting. jue*2s;3m BROWN HOUSeT E. E. BROWN &. SON, Fourth St., Opposite Passenger Depot, Jflacon, Georgia. FROM the Ist of July the business of'hi. House will be conduct'd bv E. E B-own Si Son, the Senior having KS«oeiated his sou, Wm. F Brown, in the management and in terest of the Hotel. The hou*e contains sixty rooms, which are reserved chiefly for the use of travellers »Dd transient guests Competent assistants have been se>- cured in evety d-partment, aud eve ry attention will he paid to ensure comfort to their customers Rooms clean and airy, and the table always supplied with tho best the country affords. Porters attend arrival and departure of all trains to convey baggage and conduct passengers across the street to their quarters. july27,tf T.W. FREEMAN &CO, Wholesale and Retail Dealers in CHOICE FAMILY GROCERIES, CONFECTIONERY, FINE BRANDIES WINES, Tobacco, Cigars, &c —AL 0— Fish and Oysters In Tbe cason. 88 Cherry Street, : : Macon, Ga. juue 25;3tn attTTn t i o n . COTTON PLANTERS & SHIPPERS. W OOL FOLK, W ALKER A CO SUOCESPORS ro WOOLFOI.K k AN DERSON, at the Harris & Ross Ware house, woulo respectfully call the attention o their planting friends and cotton shinpers generally, to tbe fact they hive formed a «o nartnership under tbe above style, for tbe Traossc.ion of* WAREHOUSE AND COM MISSION BUSINESS, pledging themselves to give their undivided attention to the inteif ears of their patrons. We will make liberal advance, upon cotton in store, and will also fill all orders for our customers with promptness and dispatch. We solicit your favors. JAS. A. WOOLFOLK. JOEL A. WALKER. aug2o JNO. F. HAEEK. ° ?m "ITcohen , “ IMPORTER OF Brandies, Wines, Segars, § DIALER IN Rye. Bourbon & Monongahela Whisk’s, Manufacturer ®f th* Celebrated STO.YC n\tcw. HITTEIIS, , Whitehall St., ATLANTA, GA. angC3tn ID .A. W BOH UIIUCTHDK Cl. Rail Road Car, Foundry and Machine Works. Orders for Cais Promptly Filled and Woik Guaranteed FOUNDRY A MACHINE WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION FURNISHED ON SHORT NOTICE. HILL WORK OF EVERY DESCRIPTION: SUG sllt MIETLS 12 INCHES. “ “ 15 " “ 18 KETTLES, 60 GALLONS. to “ 80 * * 100 (HINT GEARING, 9 FEET. “ " lO “ “ 12 “ Corn Shelters, Water Wheels, Smut Mills, Wheat Thrashers, Cotton Presses, Shafting, Pulleys, Ac., Ac., Ac, a7VrC-I N ES Repaired, and BLACKSMITH \\ oik of every kind executed tu the best manner. Dressed Lumber Furnished from best Long Leaf Pine. Orders Solicited. Prices to suit the times. Address DAWSON MAXI’FACT UR ING CO. DAWSON, GA., June 25, 18G8—3m mum t mbits RKADT-MADE SASH GLAZED, AND ALL KINDS OF — Ornamental, Cottage, House & More Work done to order in the best aud latest stvleß. HOUSE AND KITCHEN FURNITURE Planing, Seating and Turned If Wt. Ooun tert, Tablet, and Stoolt for Storet. Repairing of all kinds done cheaply, and with dispitch. It will pay tu send or call at Factory, foot of Third Street, on Wharf St., Macon, Ga. GREEN VILEE WOOD. june2s;lyw ADAMS. WASHBLf RN l CO FACTORS and Commission Merchants, QPfT|C£ No 3 Stoddard's Lower Rang®, July 3<) ts SAVANNAH. GA. Correspondent at Dawson, Ga., 8. R. WESTON D. R. Adams, Os Eafonton, Ga. H. K. Pfashtmru, Ol Savannah, Ga. A. A. Adams, Os Amerieus, Ga. ~ IT. J. KKTKK, SC< CESSOR TO PETER & BLACKSHEAR Wholesale A Retail Druyffisls. Solicited, an OTACOJ*, - - - UEO. ASIATIC CHOLERA IN CHINA. Almost Every Case Cured With I* AI IV KI I. UER. Read the following fe'ter from R v. R. Te'. find, Missionary to Chi a, now visiting his Louie iu Pennsylvania : W asiiinqtox, Pa , June 2 >, 1866. Merer*. Perry I).vis A Son, Providence', R. I. Dear Sirs : Dming a residence of some ten years as a missionary in Siam and China, I found vour Vegeuble Pain Killer a most valuable remedy fur (hat feailul scouige the cholera. In administering the medicine, I iound it most, efTi ctual to give a tcas;oonful of Pain Killer in a gill of hot water sweet ened with sugar; lien alter about fifteen minutes, begin to give a tabiospoonful of the vame mixture every minute until relief was ohtained. Apply hot applications to the ex tremities. Bubo the stomach with Pain Kil ler, clear, and rub the limbs briskly. Ol those who had the cholera mid took the medicine faithfully in the way staled above, eight nut of ten recovered. Truly yours, R. Tklkoro. In an attack with Diarrhoea, Dysentery, or Cramp Cholic, don’t delay the use of the Paiu Killer, Sold by all medicine dealers. Price 25 cents, 50 cents and $1 per bottle. Swatow, Giuna, Sept. 22, 18fio. Messrs. Perry Davis & Son : Dear Shs—l ought to have acknowledge'! long ago the box of Pain Killer you had the goodness to send us last year. Its coming was most prov - idential. I believe hundreds of lives were saved, under God, by it. The cholera ap peared here soon after we received it. We resorted at once to the “Pain Killer," using as directed for cholera. A list wag kept of all to whom the “/’ain Killer” was given, and our native assistants assures us that eight out of every ten tr whom it was prescribed re covered. It has, ton, been very useful in va rious other diseases. It has proved sn incak culable blessing to multitudes of poor people throughout all this region. Dur native preach ers are never willing to go out on their ex cursions without a supply of the “Pain Kill er.” Itgives them favor in the eyes of the people, and access to families and localities by whom otherwise they would be indiffer ently received. Believe me. dear sir, grate fully aud faithfully yours, etc. J. M. Juiinson, Missionary in China apr3o’Bßl y CORN AM) BACON ON TIME— OR FOR THE CASH! WE Propose to scl! to the consumers of Terrell county, P>aeon and Corn ON TIME, for approved acceptances. We will exchange, when desired, Bacon for cotton, taking security for delivery ot the cotton. For par ioulars, apply to LAWTON & LA WTON, 4th Sinet, Macon, Ga. j tine 25;3m The “Cirovysicets Piuisc Foric’ Rec’d the bighcst.award ol m erit st tbe cele brated World's Fair, where were exbibi ed instrument* from the best makers of London, Paris, Germany,Philade phia, Baltimore, Bos ton and New Yo'k and also at the American Institute for five successive years, tbs Gold and Silver Medals Horn both of which can ba seen at our ware-enoine. By the introduction of improvements mtke » still more perfect Piano-fo'te, and hy manufacturing largely, with a strictly casi system, are enabled to offer these instruments st a price which will preclude alVcnmpetitiot'. Our price* *re from fIOO to s2f-0 cheaper than «nt fire elnss Piano forte. TERMS.—iNkt Cash in current fund*. scripiive circular* skat mKK. Aug t(,lT^* r