The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, November 26, 1868, Image 1

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THE DAWSON WEEKLY JOURNAL. vr V a— - - ••• = -- - = .. and-- - ... 13Y cimrsTiAiV, noVL &: 66. - j)utosfll^<K!tcchiu Mpva 1, Three uioui hi. i . ,T. •]. .i’>.... 1.. .Oft 7-5 Six months 1.. .>1 25 Ou» year $2 00 It ales of *1 (tv fr Hulun : One dollar pef nquiraof tell likes J&K the grel insertion, and S.-vebt'-five OfhW per »qn*re for each subsequent insertion, not ex ceeding three. * "• One square three months I 8 00 One square six months !‘2 00 One square one year ‘2O 00 Two squares three months I‘2 00 Two squires six months 18 00 Two squares one vear 30 00 faunh of a column three moths 30 00 Fourth of a column six months 50 00 Half column three moths 45 00 Half column six months 70 00' On* column three months 70 00 One column six months * ou Liberal Jieiluclions Made on Coat rail mtdvertlsemenln. Legal Advertising. Sheriff's Stic*, per levy *2 60 Mortgage Fi Fa Sales per squire 5 00 Citations tor Letters of Administration, 8 on »i « »* G.u»i Dismision from Apministration, ft 00 .• *> On udianehip, 4 Oo Application for leave to Bell laud, <> 00 S*l«« of Land, per square 5 00 Kwlesof Perishable Property per »qu r, 3 on Ka'iees to Debtors and Creditors 3 60 Foreclosnre of tfortgage, per square, 2 O Betray Notices, thirty days, 4 01 Job iVorli Ot every description exe anted with neatness and dispatch, at moderate r«(*s. i 1 RAIL -ROAD GUIDE. loullitvettcrii Ituilrottd. WM. HOLT, Pres. | VIRGIL POWERS, Hup Macon 5.16 A. M ; arrive at Oolsm hus 11.15 A. M ; Leave C'llu 'bus I‘2 45 P. M • strive at Macon fi 20 P. M. Leaves Macon 8 A -If; arrives at Eu faula i SO, P M ; Leaves K ifitula 7 20, A M ; Arrives at ilacon 4 su, P M. AI.BANY BRANCH Leave* Bmiihville l 46. P M ; Arriveß at Albany 3 11, P M; Leaves Albany 8 35, A M; Arrives at Smiihville 11, A M. Leave Cutf.hert 3 67 I'. « ; arrive at Fort Gtina i 40 P. if I Leave Fort (} ,ina7.oi A M.\ ariive at Cuthbert 9.“5 A. if. JVttcou «fc >V*'t«rii Railroad. A J WHITE Presiffenl. B. WALKER, Superintendent. DAT PASdK-SUJJtI TRAIN. L»*t«i Macon ... 7SOA. V. Arrivea at Atlanta . W 9.. ■ 1 6i 1 . A Leaves Atlanta ? '’ l £' »' Arrive* at 11 won ... 1 30 r. Al. NIGHT TRAIN. Leaves Macon ■ • 8 45 1 U. ▲rriv»H ni A.tUuU . • 4 60 A. »• Leaves AuUut* • • 810 V M Artfves at Maoon . . • 126 A. 11. U'rtirru & Atlaiilio Rullroad. CAMPBEi.I. WALLACE, Sup’t. PAT pahsknotk train. Leave Atlanta . • 845A. V. Leave Dalton .... ‘2,3.1 P. M. Arrive at Chattanong* . • 5.2- I M. Leave CnaUußoO** . • *'2° *■ * Arrive at Atlanta . . . 12.05 !’• M- Ml(JIIT TRAIN. Leave Atlanta . . • 7 00 P M Arrive at Clia'tanooga . . 4.10 A M Leave Ohat'aoooga . . 430 P. M. Arrive at D dtou . . . 750 P. M Arrive at Adanta . • • 141 A M. (Sards. LEVI O. IIOYL, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dawson, .... Ga. ■V\TILL practice in the several Courts of v V Lt<* ami Equity in this Kt» e and tlie Circuit Courts of thc-Uuited States for ihe Suite of G o r gia. Also, attemi n given to COHMISSION in BANKRUPTCY. C. B. WOOTEN* ATTORNEY AT LAW, JJairson, On, j*» 7* 1868 ly I)R. It. A. WXrNOCK, OFFERS his Professional services to th»* citizens of Chick lsawhatchee and its vicinity. From ample cxpericuce iu both civil tnd Military pi active, he, is prepared to successfully, cases in ©very deimrtfneut of his profession. oei22’6Btf T. J. PRATT. J B. CRIM PRATT & CRIM, DRY GOODS AND Grocery JVterohants*, DAWSO*, - - CEOIIGIA. LIBERAL advances made on Cotton ahipned to our correspondents in avail* n*h and B iliiinore. 00tZ2’fi8iy* BYINTGON’S hotel. (Opposite Tlie Paseenger Depot.) WACOM, - - GEORGIA. T' s Now open for the reception of visitors A Having spared no expense in tarnishing this House new throngt-ont, and determined that the Table and Bar shall be inferior to hot,* in the South, I feel confident tiiet I can offer to tnv old patrons and the public aU that they can wish in a Hotel. Call and see me. J. L. BYIXGTON, octg3m Late of Fort Valley, Qa. ISAACS 1 IjSUSEjT HOTEL AND RESTAURANT Cherry St., . Viacon, On. & ISAACS, s j j Proprietor. tW“ Free Coach to aml from H«tsl.jf] 1 MONEY! MOfIEY!! MONEY!!! ) ’ 3S v ._ IN DAWSON ! mi MONIVJIM SAVANNAH ! Still More in Baltimore ! Most Money in New* York J Ayul Mniii-j World without tiltl LIVERPOOL ! WE have, after much effort, succeeded in perfecting our strung, m- ins to Ad vance on Colton And are row prepared to atlvai c, at very low rat. sos iuti-rest, on Cot ton in store in our in D.iyvs, o. more, New York, or Liverpool, and allow planters to hold their crops for the sptiug market. Respectfully soliciiing patronage, we are in readiness to serve ail who may favor us ■villi their cotton. ('IIEATII TI, UAJCItI* & CO. Dawson, G:i , November s;tf WATCHES, JEWELRY, SIYER-TOE, k, At the old Stand of JE. J. JOILVM ON &. CO., fto. 07 iflnlbcrry tef., near Lanier house, MACON ’__L “ GA> I AM now receiving, lur the Fall and Win ter trade, a fine -election of WATCHES, (■LOCKS, JEWELRY. SIT. VER WARE, FANCY GOODS, PIANOS .-.r! c h r imr smal instruments, WALKING CANES, ROGERS' TABLE <£• POCKET CUT LERY, etc., which, wiih mv In'iner Will be sold at VERY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. A Call is r so. clftillv soli i>. and. E J. JOHNSTON. WHEELERS WILSON’S Snving Machines, IVcedles, And all new improvements. Public attention is called to these Machine-, fur sai ■ at manu facturer’s prices hv E J. JOHNSTON, Agent for Middle U otgia. Gna Barrels, Locks and Mountings. I have for ssie over 5(10 Gun Barrels, which 1 am offering at low figures E. J. JOIINSTON. WATCH WOSSK. I ulu prepared to do at short notice, in a superior wanner and lully warranted. Also, •t«*a*-lry and all S andarJ Sewing M*cliin«B repaired at «liort uotlce. lov6;3uj E J JO FT VS TOY. LVniiLtHlKili s?msmwVmmmL D. C. HODGKINS & SON, MACON, GEORGIA, DEALERS IN GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, ASD Sporting Goods OJ every Description. 1 T ATS 80MKTHIV0 N*w IN TUX WAY »f I y BREXCH LOADING RlFttS *"d SHOT GCNB, aijo ipvtie -inspection of their s'oek for tne comine: eei*on. They are also prepared to furniidi tlie farmers WINCHESTER CUTIS. And the Catridpee. at the very lowest, prices. And notwithstanding the advance in pr ; re and K reat scarcity, in consequence of 'he ex traordinary denial and for the Nna. 14 »"d 2, (fi inch,) Kmttii A- Wesson’* I4«'- YVtVCI'a, *e have, by an exertion, been able to procure them in a snnil quantity, and »ro ready to furnish them on caily apntiea tion. novSfit A i'AVOES NijJEUEHL A f Y friends in general, and subscribers in -L'X pariicular, will do mi a special favor by calling on .Blixlgf 711183* at TV. TI. 4*«‘t‘pte*’ s*Boi'*‘. and pet a copy ot mi “Guide to Deal h,” by the loth of next month. I need help to wind up the expense of printinp, &o, iiy respects tovdl who will favor me, JAMES J DAVIS, M.‘D. P. i! —Falter not to make the le<p. Testi moniala are bri ip had as tn the efficacy ol the medicines held forth in the Work. Oct. 9—2 w J J. D. Valuable Plantation FOli SALdil. I OFFER for sale on terms that will be made satisfactory to a good responsible purchas er, for the reason that l am not a plat,ter.— My plantation, six miles on the Kiil Road be law Daw.-on, two and a half miles front Graves’ mill, containing lourteen hundred, seventeen and a half acres. This place is healthy, acknowledged to be one of the best places in the county of Terrell, being a good ■dock (arm, well wa'ered, good orchards, and in abort, a desirable home. It not sold b v the 15th December next, will be fon'r« nt. For terms, applv to Jfcstra. Orr, Brown A Go., at Dawson, G*. or to 'V. T. BUPGf, nov6;2m Charleston, 8. C. LANIER HOUSE, JIACOT, s : UEVUGIA. COLIJEE&BOYS Having assumed the management of this House, respectfully solicit a share ot pouHo patronage. Free Omnibus to and from the llon*e. At tentive Porters. norS'*- • MARSHALL HOUSE, A. B. LICE, Proprietor, Savannah, - . DAWSON, GA., THURSDAI, NOVEMBER 1808. Dawson Business Directory. Dry Good* .Tli-rrlisii»f*. I) K % TT, T. .J. Dealer in all kinds of L Dry Goods. Main Street. B, BltOtVA A. CO., Dealers in Fancy and 'tuple Drv Goods, Main st., under '‘Journal" Printing Office. QlEssiiu, s. a*, it into., n.a'cis til 111 Foreign and Domestic Drv Goods, C otiiing, Boots, Shoes, lists, Truuks, *e.| Main si. I O VI-HNS «3t 4k s: err IT, Dealers kj in Staple Diy Goods and Groceries. .If 'in Street, |)«BHKTs, J. \V. a 4 O . Deal I V era in Fancy and Staple Drv Goods,and Groceries, Norih West corner Public Nqiia-r. l> ffi . W. , Main street. Flour, Meal and Provisions generally, at sharpe & Brown’s old stand, M sin st. EOUI), IS. 11.. Dealer in Groceries ami Fa mil v supplies generally, next door to *Juurnal M Office, Main at. / 1 lli rii A: S|TITIO\N, Grocery KJ and Provision Deulets, South side Pub lic Squire. r ilMll TI A SII AHFJE, Dealers I in Groceiit sand Frovistoos, opposite y-’uhlic Square, Main st. \ U & IMRUOTT, Dealers in Dry Goods, Oroceries and Provisions, ‘2nd door from Hotel, J/iin st. % VOOTI’K, wm., Dealer in Groce-- v v ries and y j iOvisions, Block, Main street. [OV iafv!* sl , ,S, s:.. Dealer in Groce J ries and .Provisions, Jfiin st. Diiig^isl. C't II KATII l IS, C A., Druggist and J Physician. Keeps a good supply ol Drugs and Medicines, and presetibes for all the ills that f! ah is heir to. At his old stand, the Red Piug Store, Main st.. VYiirelioiiM’i. iT'IJI-'TON, .9. A., at Sharpe A Browu’s old stand, Main street. IOYLEhS & GKIFFI4, Ware -4 house and Commission Merchants, Jfiin street. ?Xillinory. u[iLLi.uisti», mss mn.- iY Ll E, keep- constantly on hand the latest styles of Ha’s. Bonne's, Dress Tritn mingo, Ac., Loyless Block, Jfiin st. Wjitcli It < |i;> in r. i I-t-UNf, .BOHN I*., will repair 1 V Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, J/u-ic Book-, Aeco and ens, kc , always to he found at his oid stand, on North side of Public Square livery Stubles. PARSUI A SII IK I*E, Sale and A Livprv Stable, Ilorses and Mules for sale and hire lluis s boarded. North sidr Public Square. PRI.\CE, A. 4.4. A J IK , Sale and Liverv Stable, and dealers in Horses aid Mules. Carriages, Buggies and Horses for hire. Horses boarded on reasonable terms at their new Stable on Vain st. 'S'ob:s<’«'o»!isf. IK4VIS, W. ‘l’., Keeps constantly on -/ hand, all grades of Tobacco, at Alexan der k Parrott's, Main street. <au«»niith. SVH ITSI, J. C». S., Dealer in Guns, Pistols, Cap*, Cartridge o , and sporting goods generally, Main at. £rlo<;ii. \yA«D, PATRICK, Dealer inline W Wines and Liquors, Cigars, &c., J/ainst. Tvstlr saloon. BYRD & COKED, HAVE on band, at their store on Main at., T'*it door to J L Tucker & B.o’s store, PSt fc? |( DiSTEIh, and are prepared to serve them up to suit th« taste of ail. Come and try them. Dawson, Ga., Uct. ‘29th, 1868— ts Guide to Siciilth! MY Guide to Health i= now published in good binding and plain type. Sub senbera and others wishing a book or hooks, c«n be accomodated bv calling on J. A. Aft in- at Ihe Sure of W. M FEEFLES’. Lovbsa Block, Haw.-on, Ga S OI I;n j. DAVIS, M. I». Aug, 27th, if. BROWN HOUSE. E. E. IS It OIV 81 A h«.l, Fourth St., Opposite Passenger Depot, Jfiaconi Ueoryla* the Ist of July tho business of »his House will be conduct' dfn E. E B»own & Son, tn* Senior having associated hi* poii, Wm. F Brown, in the management and in terest of the Hof* l. The hon-** contains sixty rooms, which are reserved chiefly for the use of tiavnllcrn aid transient gties's Competent assistants have been se«* cured in every and partmeot, and eve ry attention will he paid to ensure comfort to their customers. Rooms clean and airy, and the table always supplied with the best the oou'itrv ufiord*. Poners attend arrival and departure of all trains to convej baggage and conduct passengeis across the street to their quarters. jul>27,tf SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN, daily and weekly, Bj -T. R. Sneed. To the Merchants of the South, and capo, cialiy of his State, he looks with confidence for a generous support, promising them, in return, the best news, commercial tnd polit ical journal that his experience and capabili ties can produce. TERMS: £*U.V One Tear. SIO,OO “ *?I. "•""•hs, 6,00 “ Kor s less time, pe-month, 1,00 Weekly, per year, 3,00 j; it, ravnieut in advance for either edition jvfll be required, without exception. All letters shofiM lie atMreaa*xl aa l-low, J. It. SREKD, liepublicanOffice uovlStf Ga. Fiom the New 1 Orleans Times, October 25. A New Orleans IlnnkrrSiviii «3l<-<1 out nf $15,000, About two weeks ago a solia looking gentleman, with clerky air and business habits, arrived in this city from New York, accompanied by his good lady. His visit was specially directed to a young, high-toned and popular mer chant, wbo lately advertised in the New York paper- for a partner with a capital to engage in a lucrative branch business.' There was an nir about the new comer ' peculiarly attractive—a scorn of all show and sham, a devotion to strict office habits, and an exhibition of quickness and nptituda well calculated to impress h e-ell 2t - nif.t _. ir. ... \ -'cv.o ft tend, in the SDortcet end most -iuoiness-like terms, that he was out of employment, had seen the advertise- i ment, examined tho reference' and en terl rise, liked it, concluded to go in, and here he was. Perhaps his capital was too limited, hut it was all he had, con- ! sis'ed of thirty five thousand dollars tight exchange, a uote of fifteen thou sand dollars, already due, gilt edges, &a., and—there it was. If, upon re flection, our friend thought they could make terms, why so; if, on refl etii.n, he thought differently, why so, also; no hurry, be would call again to morrow, and —good morning. The next day’s sun brought, punctuii! to the appointed time, the commercial candidate. Victim had decided to entertain tho proposition favorably. Here again the systematic merchant shoue forth. Os course a proper knowledge of each other’s pri vate ar and commercial standing was the uiain necessity lie had already satls fi and himself upon Iknse poin's with re gard to his New Orleans frier and before he packed a shirt to come here—trust him f.r that—he now begged leave t" r*f rto liis own credential*, and they were in the shape of about fifty Inters, all speaking in the highest rra« o f the bearer, and all stamped with the print ed headings of the writer.-;' firms, some of which were among the most promi* n n ct men in New York city, A* if tbeso were not enough, he proceeded to "ile Petit n on Ossa by the pr; duction of one from G wercor Fenton, of New York, exhibiting the closest iulimacy with i!*at official, and a cot fi lcr.ce in bis integrity, capacity, aLd Lonely rathei rare for the diamond cut diamond ag welivein, Tho greatest appan ut lati tude was allowe 1 U r tLo detection of im posture, supposing any existed, ! ut so neatly and unblushingly was the game played that not the least suspicion was awakened either in the mind of the vic 'irn or the order and more disinterested heads whom bo very wietly coosubed Unlike the course of true love, this union ran smooth; the buns were pub lished under the usual 00-partnership head; an expensive < flico was engag'd in opposition to the younger and more prudent merchant, whose ideas of econo my were further outraged by Now York in insisting upon having tho office car peted. lie intended to introduce “now wrinkles” into business here ; he saw no reason why he shouldn’t be comfort able. He did introduce new wrinkles, and became dc-idedly comfortable as follows: After a day or two elapsed, he manifested his read,ness to call at the hank and arrange the financial basis of his bnsinrgs. Thither the partners went; the letters were there exhibited anew, the bills of exchange scaled and d< pos i’ed, he not desiring to use thorn until trade had fairly commenced The pres ident was equally charmed with him ; thoroughly posted upon the mysteries of finance, as be was with the details of trade, petsinally acquainted with seine of the correspondents of the bund, as well as with the nature of its husiuess, he speedily established r confidence iu the mind of the astute financier far more profitable, as aftirward proved, than thi.t with the young merchant.— Reforo leaving he showed a letter fiom a New York firm of well known stand ing, requesting the presid. n‘ in question to pay for them the fifteen thousand dol iar nate. if requested by the bearer,and draw at sight, w ; th comn i-sions and ex change as u-ual. He stated that he ! might probably r<quire the money in a few days, and would they accommodate him, or rather his New York friends ? The president was di-posed to do so, but prudeotly suggested the amount be passed to the credit of the firm This did not comport with our fricud’s busi ness ideas; good benorediy he ct.uldu’t thtok of this; partner might die before they were fairly under way ; no, do, i( was a private matter. If he received it it must be on those conditions, aad he smiled a ba,'py, careless, shrewd smile, the freemasonry of which is so well known in t>auß circles, and which went direct to the president’s heart, who would only be “too happy to oblige.”— At tho conclusion of this pleasing in terview tho two partner’s strolled up tho street. New York’s wife, he said, wav anxious lo see Mobile; be believed ho w uild fako a run over there.' New Or leans assented. Ho would be back the day after to-morrow, and bo at the office at 11 o’clock, sharp Would bis part ner wait for him if he happened to be a few minutes late ? Certainly partner would, and he did. He waited the whole tl y. He is wailing vet, and the .enterprising merchant has yet to make j his appearance, either at the cfTi ie or anywhere else Ile did go somewhere, ; bui before going he visited the bauk and Lad another chat with the president aud walked off with the fifteen thousand dol lars. No suspicion was aroused for two j i —. . 1., acm uvt-i uic Mites I revealed tho fact that the letters and ; bills of exchange were all forgeries and i the dashing New Yorker a swindler.— That fit in has since been dissolved. I 1 hat bauk president has grown suspi . ciousof all knowing busiuess-meu. He look* tharper at visitors than of old, and his depositors are beginning to coai plaiu of discount strings beiug drawn tight. The glo-m hanging about the financial portals of his institution, and a vaoaut. t ffice, wi'h a roll of carpeting, to let on Caroudelet street, is the sum aud result of all the brilliant anticipations of that linn with the new wrinkle. Au Ilitimua Haunted House. Greenburg, Indiana, has a senra tion; it being nothing short of a haunt ed house. The Herald of that town says the houso is situated near the railroad track, and had been occupied some months by an liish family The ghost makes its appearance every night, just as the clock strikes twelve, and for half an hour makes itself at hoino by throwing chairs, tables, cook ing utensils, etc., about the room, in a promiscuous manner. The family stood it as long as po siblo, and then moved out Another family moved in, but got enough in one night. The owner offer and twenty five dollars to any one wlio would “lay” the ghost, and a young man, pos-essed of more courage than money, offered to do the job Hu armed himself, aud repaired to tire bouse. J us 1 as the clock struck I .he hour of midnight, a slight noise was heard, followed by a groan. About i his time doors ja the uoper part of thfe I house commenced shutting ia * mys terious manner. This continued for some time, when the door of the room in which tho young man was sittin" sudden'y opened, anil a lady, dressed in black, and deadly pale, stood before him. He started toward her, w hen she vanished through tho door, and on j going to the door, she was nowhere to I be aeon. The house, several years ego, i was the scene of a moat brutal rnur- | dor. is which a man killed his wife by j cutting her heart nut. Ho left the country and did not return until the war broke out, when he enlisted in a New York regiment, and was killed during the storming of Vicksburg. Men —lt. should ba the aim of young men to go into gO"d society— we do cot mean the rich, nor the prood, or the fashionable, but the society of the wise, the intelligei t, and the good YVhcro yon fi.ii men who know more than you do, md from whose conversa tion j'u eao gather information, it is always sife to be found. It bae broken down many a mao by as sociating with the low and vulgar, wbero tbo ribald song was incu oatod aud the indecent story told, to excite laughter or influence the had passion?. Laid CUrendon, attributed success aud tnp piness in life to associate with prrsons more learned at and vir’uous than our tteitc*. If you wish to ho wi oand res* ptoted, and dutire happiness aad not misery, we advise you to associate with the intelligent and grod. Stiive far excellence and strict integrity, and you wi.l never be lound in the sinks of oollution, or ou the benches of revilera a;.d gambrels. Once habituate youi selves to a virtuous course, once secure a love ft rgo id s iciety, and no punish ment would be greater than by accident to be obliged for a half a day, to asso ciate with the low aud vulgar. Men Wanted. — The great watt of this age is rnen. Men who are not for sale. Men who are boucst, sound from center to circurnfercrico, tiue to the j beau’s core. Men who will condemn 1 wring in friend or sue. in themselves as | well as others Men whose conseienees ! are steady as the Dccdle to the p >ic Men wbo will stand for the right if the heavens totter and tlie earth reels Men who can tel! the truth rnd lo k the w tld and the devil light io tho eye. Men that neither btag nor ruo. Men who eaD have courage without shooting to it Men in whom the o.iurage of everlasting life runs still, deep aud strong. Men too large for sectarian bonds. Men who do not cry or cause their voices to he heard on the street, but who will not fail nor be discouraged, till juigment be set in the eauh, Mtn who kuow their messages aud tell them. Men who know their own business. Men wbo know their places and fill jthem. 'lberuihat will not lie.—The men who are Dot too lazy to work, or j too itr. ud to he poor, l'he men who are willing to eat what they have earned, and wear what they have paid for. ■Boosters. Ey proj j billings. I Thare is not on the whole horizon ov live natur a more p'eaztng anti strength ! ening studdy thun the Rooster. This j remarkable package of feathers has bin i for ages food for philosophic as well as ! the siinpte curious mind. They be ! long tew the feuthered sekt denomina ted poultry, ami are the husbands of menny wives Iu Utau it is konsidureJ a disgrace tow speak disrespeklul of a rooster. Hrigham Young’s coat of arms is a rooster tn full blast, crowing till he is almost bent over double back ward. The flesh ov the rooster is very sinr ilar tew tho flesh ov the hen ; it is hard to distinguish the diffrenue, espeshly in yure soup. Roosters are the pugjy wear the belt, am! having no shoulder tew strike from, they strike from tho heel. Roosters, according to profane histo ry, if my odtikashun remembers me right, were formerly a man, who come su idenly upon one ov the heathen gods at a time when he want prepared tew see company, and wnz for that of fence rebuilt over into the fust rooster, and waz f l'evei afterward destined to | crow as u kind ov warning. This change from a man akounts for their fighting abilities, and for their polite i ness tew the hens. T hare is nothing in a man that a woman admires more thun his redJyDess and ability to smash another follow and it iu jiss so with a h-n Wien a rooster gits liekf and the hens ad march oj b with the other rooster, if be amt huff 30 big or handsome. It iz pluck that wins a hen or a wo man. There is a great variety ov pedigree among the roost, r race, but for stiddv bizuess, give me the old-sash dominiqtie rooster, shert—legged; and when they walk they alwus strut, and their buz ums at ek out like a alderman's abdom inal oupbc ard. This breed is hawk coloretl, and has a crooked tail on them arched like a siekls, and az full ov feu’.ht-rs as anew duster. Hut when you oi nie right down to grit, and throw all outside influences overboard, there ain’t nothing on aarth, nor under it, that can out style, out stey, out brag, or out-pluck a regular Hunt urn rooter. They alwus put me in mind ov s very small dandy practicing before a looking-gins*. They don’t weigh more than thirty ! ounces, but they make az much fuss az a tun. 1 have swell them trying taw . pick a quarrel! with a two boss wagon j and don't think they would he**itite : tew fight a meeting nousd if it waz the least sassy tew them. j It seems tew be necessary that there should lie eumthing ou'rugeoiM in ev ijthing, te*v show us whar propriety ends and impropriety begins. 'This iz the melanchoily case in trie rooster affair; for we have the uhunehi roos ter, the greatest outrage, in my opin. yun, ewr committed iu tho armala of | poultry. These kritters are the camels ! arnurig fowls, they mope around the ; barnyard, tipping over the buy racki 1 ands epp ng 011 ttie yung goshns, and i eviy now and then they clow conlu a,on If enny body shou’d giv me a shanghi rooster i ahoull halter him and keep him iu u box stall, and feed him on cut teed, and if he would work kind in harness, all right; if not, I would butcher him the lust wet day that cum, and suit him down tew giv tow the poor. Hut thar aiot noboddy a going tew 1 give rue one ov this lireed, knot if i know it; i don’t think there ia a man on earth moan enough tew do it. Roosters do but very little house hold work; they won't lay enny eggs, n r try tew hatch any, nor aee tew the young ones; this satisfys me that there is sum truth iri the mythologi kal ackount or the rooster’s fust uri gin. ’t u kunt git a rooster tew pav enny attenshun tew a yung oue; they spend their time in crow ng, strutting, and occa find a worm, which they make a remarkable fuai over, calling up their wives fr* m a distance, appa rently tew treat them, but just nz .ho liens get thare, this elegant and elabo rate cuss bunds over and gobbles up the morsel. Just like a man, for all the icorld. Jacob Winans, ol Milton Mahoning county, Ohio, was born 1769, aud mar ried at 21 Ilis wife bora him seven teen children, fourteen of whom are .n*w living, the youngest having turned fifty. He has frt queutly walked his fif'y five miles a day, carrying a pack. At the age of ninety-five fcc walked from Waterford, Erie county, Penn., to his present home, in two days. In July last, at the age of niucty-niac years, he walked from his daught ers’* redd dcc iu GsrretsviHs, to I Milton, a distance of thirty-one tniies, in less than six consecutive hours, with oblj odo rest, the morcury at 96 decrees. Ho lias not ta3ted Intel liquors f or over six y ycarp, nev er paid a dollar to a doctor or a lawyer, has voted at every Presidential election sinee the adoption of our Constitution, and has served biscountry iu two wars. Temperance pu's wood on the fire, meal in the lariel, flour in the tub, mon ey in the purse, credit in tho country, contentment in the bouse, clothes on the bairns, vigor in the body, intelli gence in the brain and spirit in the whole eonsti'ution. Why is a son who obj ct to his mo ther’s marriage like an exhausted pedes trian? Hocauke he can’t go a step far -ther. a Vol. 11l IYO. [.From the Southern Recorder. Woman’s Ednratiou. YY « bare been readingquifo an infer*- cstiug essay on the suhj o’, and b«g leave to differ with the author and oth ers that he quotes. We do not deem it necessary that a woman should wada. through the classics, the higher branch es of mathematics, and the abtruce sci ences, such as chemistry, philosophy", &0., &c. Not that they have not minds to oomprebcDd and master them; but that their relationship to society and peculiar spere iu life does not demand such an education. It is time thrown awuy, and the old common idea, and must study the classics, matne*,,, &o ,to discipline and strengthen ’ tuiud, all stuff. \Y e would not give one hour of Lonest mental cxeroiso io the writing of a composition, for a day’s study of any branch of scicuce In the composition, all the faculties are drawn out, pr should be— correct English, cor-, reet punctuation, the choice of words *Dd fitting words, argument,, logic, im agination, originnlity, and what learning the scholar has picked up and bow to apply it to any subject he or she may write upon. Y\ 0 would not bo understood, by any means, to speak lightly of science of any part of education; for all are impor tant; but we do mean to be understood that there should bosoms common sense manifested in the education of yoath, and especial y our daughters. Give to a woman that will be brought into play in every day life. Our daughters are to be wives and mothers, and they bbould be so eduoated as to fit them to be intel ligent wivos and educated mothers. A mother will uot talk Latin and Greek to her child, neither will she troubio it wTb science, &e. A woman shoald bav<* a thorough English education, embrac ing a thorough knowledge of the Eng li*h language, arithme'ic, geography, history, the outlines of natural philoso phy, cbi mistry, physiology, and a deep religious conviction of her duty to God and her children. If after a mastery of the above 1 ranches, she has time to be taught the classics, or a poli ic eduoati n let her have it even if she desires •- knowledge of navigation and militaty science. A woman who understands her duty to her children, will fay the foun dation of their education while playing around her knees or asking her ques tions. If children did not have inquisi tive miods and show forth the divinity of their natures in a desire i r knowl edge, then the mother need not be trou bled with too much education, save only for h<r own gratification or a display iu society. 13ut it is an undisputed fac', that in telligent mothers make intelligent ard educated men We mean to say by that, intelligent women arc an incentive for men to read, to think, to study and t<v elevate themselves in the opinion of their female associates. No man likes' to be thought inferior to his wife, sister or mother; aDd when one is thrown into the society of an educated woman, who c»n talk upon any or all subjects, ho feels mortified if ho is not her equal we may uny, her superior. It is an in nate feeling with a man who has a proper sense of bis admitted advantages in society and to woman, she being con sidered tho weaker vessel. IJnt to go hack. We trtat this sub ject frt m a natural stand point, or the duty of a mother to the child As we said, children are inquisitive, and ask a thousand questions upon all subjects, some that would stagger the best inv formed ininde, but they aU relate more or less to philosophy, aclence, art or nature, A child takes in its early ed ucation through the eye, and being en dowed with reason acd perception, de sires to know the cause for every thing, as it sees the effect. No parent should turn a child away when it aska a question that relates to objects, cause and effect. It may be a question tbut the child conld not be made to under stand ; but if one has the faculty of simplifying, it can be answered. If a woman has been properly edu cated, she tan an-wer all ques tions to tho satisfaction of the child, thereby imparting knowledge, and ere ating in tho child a further desire lor information. We have once been a child, and we judge all by ourselves. We eny, so eduoale a woman, that she will be a companion to her hus band, and a teacher to her children) and if she has a thirst for knowledge, she will find 'ime to improve hoi mind jin whatsoever mincer sbe thinks prop ! er. *ia?*An old waul, somewhat advanced iu years, whose vivacity approached the borders of impertinence, asked an old man, in ra her a jeering tone, why h<> was always dressed in black, and what he wore mourning for. I “for your charms, miss, “he gwiiaat ly r piled.