The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, December 03, 1868, Image 1

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THE DAWSON WEEKLY JOURNAL. BY CHRISTIAN, lIOY L & CO. fate« Mukln Joumt, ~ ' " ‘ T". Everv Tnuisdij. n r±n,’as-t*iri€U» in .advance. Turoe month*. i ” ( * Hi* qiullfh* D Oiif year, $2 oo Hale* of •M*'rrtinlng : Oo>' dollar per »qu«ro of ten line* lor the jfrst insertion, and tHveutv.flve Gems per B((iurr { o r each auterqUMlt insertion, notvX ceeiiinit three. u „. .qoare three month* *8 00 Bue .quurc six month* 12 00 One square one year 20 00 two squares three months 12 00 I*o sau.rre* »i* month* 18 00 I»o square* one veer 80 00 fourth of a column three moth* 80 00 Knurth of a column six month* 60 00 Half column three moth* 46 »<> Half column *ix month* 7" 00 One eoluuin three mouths 70 00 Ob* column six months ~...100 00 Liberal Deductions .Wade on Contract n , T „ Legal Advertising. Sheriff’* Sties, per levy, *2 60 HintC»g« Ft Fa Sales per square 5 O 0 Citation* for Letter* of Administration, 8 00 .i •* •• Guardianship, 8 00 Diatnision from Apminiatrntiou, 6 00 .* •* Guardianship, 4 00 Application for leave to sell land, 6 00 Sale* of Land, per square, 6 Oo Sales of Perishable Property per sqn r, 8 Oo Koticc* to Debtor* and Creditors 8 60 Foreclosure of Mong»g;e, per square, 2 oO Kstray Notices, thirty day*, 4 00 jr»;> fl'ork ot every description ere 2!Uod*ilti uoatpes* and dispatch, at moderate ■M*a. t ' RAIL -ROAD GUIDE. louibweiterii Riailroad. WM. HOLT, Prc*. | VIKGIL POWERS, Sup Leave Macon 6.16 A. M ; arrive at Colum bus 11.16 A. It. ; Leave Columbus 12 46 P. J { ; airive »t Macon 6SO P. M- Leaves Macon 8 KM\ arrive* it Eu fbula 6 *O, P 2 ; Leaves Eufiula 7 20, A M ; Arrive* at .tlaenu 4 50, P M. ALBANY BRANCH Leave* Rmiihvrtle 1 46, P M ; Arrive* at Albany 8 11, P M ; Leave* Albany 2 35, A M; Arrives at Smiihtille 11, A M. Leave Cuthh’rt 8 57 P M ; arrive *1 Fort G,iisi 5 4o P. it ; L-«.e Fort G in* 7.06 A M. ; arrive at Cutlibert 8.06 A. M. Hkcou & VVe tern Kailroad. A J. WMIfR President. B W 4 LEEK, Superintendent. DAY PAKSESGKIt TRAIN, t, v.j M• • ■ 7SOA V. « t lau*a . . . 1 67 P. M 1,, v r Vi l j i . . 6 66 A. . A VV-S a; d.e -n ... 1 80 P. Si. NIGHT THaIK. Macon . . - 8 46 P M .r-ive* a( Atlanta . . 4 5 14V. ia-aves A ltola . • a L> P V Ar.'.vei *t atacun . . . 126A. A- ■ .WnlvrK tk ACmmlk KHilroad. Campbell Wallace, Snp’t. DAY BArt.SRNOiiK TRAIN. X,r»ve 4lUu'» . • 846A. M. Laav* D ntj . . . 2.8" P « Arrive a! Obit, sneg* . . 6.26 P. 'I Leave ..... ..awa . . >.2" 4. V Arrive at Atlanta . . . 12 05 P. Al. SIGHT TRAIN. Leave Atlanta . . • 7 00 P >!. Arrive at Chattanooga . . 4.10 A V Lear* Chatuuooga . . 4 3i) I’ M. Arrive xt Dalton . . . 7.50 P. M Arrive at Atlanta . . . 1.41 A M. SusiMtt ©arfls. LEVI C. IIOVia, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Dawson, .... Ga. AITIMi prtciice in the &erernl Court* of f T Law and Equity it) thro Si*’e aid the Cifcuit Courts ot thr United for the cl Georgia. At»o, attend n eiveu to OOMMISSION io BANKRUPTCY. c. B. WOOTEfi, attorney at law, Dawson, Ga. J*» l* 1898 ly DR. R. A. WARNOCK, j V FERS his Professionhl services to the civitens ot Chickasawhatohee and its olnity. Ftom ample experience in both <,?l and Military practice, he is prepared to Hnerf-sfullv, cases iu every department * oct22’6irf y. J. Pratt. j b. ciu.h. p RATT & CRIM, DRY GOODS AND Orocery [Merchants, DAWSON, - - GEORGIA. T fBERAL advances made on Cotton r~f to our correspondents in avan *“ ® nd Baltimore. oct22’«Sly* BYINTG'ON’S hotel. (Opposite The Passenger Depot.) I*ACON, - - UEOKOIi. TS Now opon for the reception of visitors 1.. . spared no expense in furnishing f i 8 De * throughouf, and determined h . Table and Bar shall be inferior to *■ ,n the I feel conHdent that I can tr toiuv old patrons and tho pi. ,lie all that • e ’*“ »iab in a Hotel. 0,11 a-.d s»e me. ,i J L. RYINOTON, Le'e»f Fen Valley, Ga. IS ASS I HOUSE, hotel am restaurant K St., JfIHCOH, Ott. " : j j Proprietor. MT Tree Coach to aud from Ilotei. mm\ MONET!! MONEY!!! MOPIEY IN DAWSON ! MORE MONIYJN SAVANNAH I Still More in Baltimore! Most Money in New York [ And Policy World without end —IN LIVEIIPOOL ! WK have, after much effort, succeeded in per feting our arrani{enn*nt» to Ad» Vance on Coitou And are now prepared to advui cv, at very low ratt g of int< re*', on Cot ton in store in our Warehouse in D.iwsou, or consigned to our frienda in Savanuah, Haiti, more, New York, or Liverpool, and allow planter* to hold their crop* for the spring market. ResprctfuHr’*VPfciUng p*tronßirc, we are in readiness to serve all who may favor us •<ith their cotton. MIEATH ITT, IStRRIS * CO. Dawson, Ga , November 6;tf WATCHES, JEWELRY, SIVER-WARE, k ( At the old Staod of E. J. JOIIASTO.I 4c CO., near Lanier house, MACON, - GA. I AM now receivintr, for the Fall and Win ter trade, » fine selection of WAT' HES, r LOOKS , JEWELRY. SILVER WARE, /■’.l ACY GOOLS, EIA EOS aid otle r mu se I inst'Uir-n's, WALKING CANES , ROGERS' LADLE A DOCKET CUT LERY, etc., which, with otv fttvmer st.tck, will be sold u- VMRY LOW PRICES FOR CASH. A call is r *.« ctfullv ited. E J. JOHNSTON. WHEELER, fit. WILSON’S Sow ing !!achine«, 'milss, And all new improvement*. Public attention is called to th*-8c \*itchihe*q for )» a T nmiu faciurer’fi priced by E J. JOHNSTON, Agent for Middle G oigia. Gsh Barrels, Locks iKd Mountings. I have for sale over 500 Gun Barrels, which I am offering at low figures E. J. JOHNSTON WATCH V/OIJK. I him pr**! a't-d to do «t short nouce, ‘ui a h«4hh< r -<»»d tully «.* tern o o*ll Al»\ it *t-irv ili 8 >«n>iard Sewing M iehin n !ep*ir**tl at *hu»t notice. i.ov6;X»n E J JOffKSTON. t:*T lUEIvtIEO Ih^i. D. C. HODGKINS & SON, MACON, GEORGIA, DKALtUK IN GUNS, PISTOLS, AMMUNITION, AND Sporting Groods Oj every Description. H »VK SOMVTRISfI NVW IK THX ViT "f HHVitcH utattiNO a'd shot or**, and invite inspection of their rock for the coiidnsr season. They are also prepared to fun ish the fanner* WINCHESTER GUNS, And the Catridces, at the verv lowest prices. And notwithstanding the advance in price and great scarcity, in con.« qnence of 'he el traordinarv demand for the Noe. 1+ and 4, (fi inch.) w tut In A We<*OU’« Be v**iv«‘rw, *e have, by an eiertion, been able to procure (hem in a small quantity, and are readv to furnish them on eaily applica tion. ’ novs#t A I AVOH >I El)i:i>. MY friends in general, and subecribers in particular, will do me a special favor bv calling on JlKitff Yi tills at W. Yl. Store, and get a copy of mv “Guide to Health,” by the 10th of next month. I need help to wind up the expense of printing, &e. Mv respects to all who will favor me, James j davis, m. and. P, ||.—Falter not to in tie the leap. Tegti nioninls are bri ig had as to the < (ficacy ol the medicines held forth in the Woik. oct 9—2 w J J. D. Valuable Plantation FOR I OFFER for sale on terms that will be made satisfactory to a good rt sponsible pm chas er, for the reason that I am not a planter.— My plantation, six miles on the Riil Road be low Dawson, two and a half miles ftom Graves’ mill, containing fourteen hundred, Bcventern and a half acres. This place is healthy, acknowledged to be one of the best places in the county of Terrell, beuig a good stock farm, well wa ered, good orohai ds, and in short, a desirable home. If not sold by the 16ih December next, w ill he for rent. For terms, apply to .Messrs. Otr, Brown A Cos., at Dawson, Os. or to AV. T. BL ifGK, uovG“2iu Charleston, S. C. LANIER HOUSE, iUACON, : s UEOAACJIA. COLXIER & BOYS Having ttH.-uim and the management of this House, re* pectin Ily solicit a share ot public putronage. Fite Omnibus to and from the II on**. At* ten live Porterb. novMI MARBHALLHO USE, A. B. L(ICE, Proprietor, Savannah, - - Ga. I > AWHON, THURSDAY, DECEMBER it, 1S(IS. EUFAULA co-operative LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Ex-Gov. JOHN GILL SHORTER, President. Maj. JAM ..S M. BUFORD, Vie, President. J, G. L. MAUI IN, Seer, lary and Treaduror. Insurance For the Rich and Poor. rHE cheapest and heat syat.em of Life In« surance i* now offered by this reliable Company It is founded upon the principls th*t one thousand persons come tore'hor and bind themselves, each to pay one dollar to the surviving lriend* of everv deceased member amang them at hi* death. These mortuary contribution* are Left iu the Pockets of Members Till called for at iutervuli during the year, or for cooVeoifDcc they niuy be paid in advance in the shape ul a deposit, and in that case eight per cent. in‘.ere»t it allowed till the funds are applied Every person, of either sex, from 15 l*» 76 years of age, can secure a membership h v paving an admission fee of onlv %iX BOUaARS, uo matter how rnaiiy classes maty b“ entered and Ministers in ac« ual charge of churches can become meiu* b rs Without any Outlay at The Start. There are two divisions. The claase* in Division 1 are composed of 1,000 m. inhers each. This Division includes none but sound lives, and re Arranged ns follows: .J? 15 25 36 46 SS . m a* 7 s> t« to to to to to »=o gg 1 25 35 45 56 6<) 05 %<% ~ m JTS yrs yrs yr* yr* yrs 2* c- Class A 50 75 100 125 ISO~ 200 ~~1,000 Class B 100 150 200 250 300 400 2,001 Class C 150 225 3>.| 375 450 600 3,1X6) Class K 260 375 500 025 750 10,00 S,(XK) Claes J 500 750 10,00 12,50 15,(X) 20,00 l(y*X) The second Division is composed of sound lives from 65 to 75 years old, and impaired lives, who mav be represented by the “Medi cal Examiner” a* safe for 10 years more of lite; each class is entirely eeperate and dis tinct from the other. This company is nec essarily a iYEutiisil Company, And cannot insure on any other plan. The xell-iuteres-ed punctuality of each member in paying his it -rtuary Contributions, can leave no possibility of the Company's failure to meet all casualties ibat may occur. PolU'iex w ill no* Reroute Void iu lliix Coiujauy Bv reason of inability to meet the notes for x'gc amounts of premiums. The Ooutribu lion* a>c only paid at different times during the rear, and in such stu ill auioun** that at oio.t any m e can meet them with certainty and ease It. is onr moral duty tos'tain everv ueiye to tay our detqs and lea- our families a boon of comfort after our dea hs. The fur tit a Ca-ftperclire Life (ft-an*hcp * untf any M kt-s litis ct-uifort lor our fami ies a ce-uit> Iv. Let US ,v ,*1 eutaelves of this matchless of f. The d'Vi'irtit »r«- rhtpidU tibi’ g utt. I nui n«.» i iki: g tloT.ff and ldroiahiug poiu ics for uuv «te>ir**d aui. K »r Hifo*nn'ion on the subject, and for iu* MUruQCv, wppiy io S H. WEBTOV. Agent, novl8;l iu IJww-uji, Ga- OYSTER SALOON. BYK D & COICKR, HAVE on hand, at tb#»ir ptnn* on Main **t.» iit’xt door to J L Tn- k**r k B:o’$ stor* 1 , FBI;<H D.ITEKN, and »re prepxmd to serve them np to mil tb< taste of all. Come »nd try rh^ru. Da*eon, G»„ Oct. 22th, JB6B —ts Guide to Ifcuitli! A TY Guide to Health is now published in Xyl good binding and plain type. Sub Geribera and others wfchii g h book or books, can be accomodated hv calline on J. A J/im* at th** Store of W. M PEEPLES*. Block, Diw-ori, fit J J. DAVIS, ML D. Aug, 27ih, ts. BROWN HOUSE E. R, BROWS & SOW, Fourth St., Opposite Passenger Depot, Jtlaeon, Georgia. IT'ROM the Ist. of Jul* the business of'his I 1 House will be conduct, db\ E E Biowu & Son, tlie Senior hsvinj; ss«oci«ted hi- xou, Wm. ¥ Brown, in the management and in terest of the Hotel. The hou-e con tains sixty rooms, which are reserved chiefly for the iiso of Caveliers and transient gues'g Competent assistants have been ae- cured in every apartment, and eve ry at tention » ill be oaid to ensure comfort to their customers Rooms clean aud airy, and the table always supplied with the best the counter affotds. Porters attend arrival and departure of all trains to convey bsgeape and conduct passengers across the *‘reet to their quarter*. jul\27,tf SAVANNAH REPUBLICAN, DAILY AND WEFKLY, 13y J. It. Bneed. To the Merchants of the South, and espe cially of his State, he looker wirh confidence for a generous sOppdrf, promising them, in return, the best news, commercial and polit ical journal that bis experience and capabili ties can produce. TERMS* Dafty One Year, SIO,OO “ Six Months, 6,00 “ For a less time, per month, 1,0 > WeeklY, per year, 3,n0 N. B. Payment in advance for either edition will bo required, without ejCr»»}»tion. AH tetters should be addressed as below, J. K. SNEED, Kepubltcan Office. norliltf .Savannah, Ga. DISSOLUTION. rpRE firm of Orr, RrtiMH A ft»., L doing a Mercantile lid-ine-r in D wsnn, (J.., h»« tK ! B day been dissolved by mutual ; cenprtti W T ORR, who continue, the bn-ritees, ■MmSch all the list'tiliiie* of tire concern, and 1 >g a*tbori*cd to collect all the debts due the ■ S,me. w. F.ORR LE OY BROWN. Nov. 12tb, 1838. THUS. TANARUS, OilßiisTlAN. . PUKTItV. I IMIIOi ON UnTßlTllTv It seem* to me, the women now, Dress np most awful queer, In narrow skirt* and little hoops— How fanny they appear. Their hair they friz in fancy shapes, I’ve laughed, and laughed again, To see how queer the women look With chignon on the brain. Last n : ght I met a little miss, Rigged np in wondrous style, She bad a little bonnet on That really made mo smile. Twar smaller than a cabbage loaf Drlf and up for want of raiu; How very queer the women look With bonnets ou the btaln. They say they wear their drosse* short To show their prettv feet, But if their ahoes are’No 7’*, Ex'retnee witl never meet; And when they wear their dresses long, And dragging in a train, I always think of bean poles, with Gored dresses on the brain. Oh, well, this is a curious world, False teeth, false calves, and oh, Thev speak of patpitafors; but The truth I do not know. But let them wear what’er they will, Remonstrance is in vain, Arid they are really charming with The fashion on the brain. When *>hal We Yl.-. i Again— A Hcautitul 8 struct. The following waif, afl tat on the “sea ot reading,” wc clip from an eichange. W e do not know its paternity, hut it contains some wholesome truths, beauti fully set forth; “Men seldom think of the gre»t event of death until the shadow fall* acr< 8- tbeir own puts, biding forever from their eyes the trace* of he loved oue* whose living smile* were the sunlight of their existence. Death is the great antago nist of life, and the cold thought of the tomb ig the fke'eton at all feasts. We do not waut to go through the dark val -1yi al hough it* passage may lead to lLradir-e, acd with CLarles Lamb, wc do not want to Its tiowo in the muddy grave, even with kings and princes f t our led-f. Hut the fiat of nature is inexorable There is no appeal of relief from the great U« «h ieh and "ins u- to dust We ! tl Bri-h and w- fade a* the leave* of ih.> forest and the J -w.-r :nst bloom* and wither* iu a day ha* rot a frv'isr b"ld upon lift* than the Bitghtieat monarch 'Lat ever -Lo k the ea r th with hi* fu>>t stef a. G Deration* of mi n appear and vuiimli a- the gross, and the countless multitude that t Lr 'eg* the world to-day, will to morrow disappear as the foot steps i-Xi the .Lure lu the beautiful drama of lot, the in •tied of immortality, so eloquently ut tertd bj the death dt voted Greek, fir.d a deep response in every thoughtful soul. When about to yield his young ' xisteuce as a *act ifioe to fate his beloved Clem an the asks if they t-hall not meet again, to which he replies: “[ have asked that dreadful question of the hills that look eternal—of tho clear streams that fl forever—of the star* amonj: whose fields of azure rny rait-ed spirit hath walked in glory. All were dumb. But while I gaze upon thy living face, I feel that there is gemotling in the love that mantles through it* be-uty (bat canuot wholly perish. We shall meet again, Crcmnntbo ” Anf.cdote of Fbederick the Great. —A sergeant of the file guards, very vain, but possessed of tr ueb brave ry,wore a watch chain, to which he had fastened a musket ball, being too poor to buy a watch. The king heard of 'his, wished to expose him to ridicule. (Stepping up to the sildir, he said: Serg an', you must have been econo mical; I see you wear a watch; mine tells me it is five o.clock; how much is yours?’ T* e soldier, gne.-sing the in tention of the king, hut nothing daunt »and, immediately drew fotrh the bsil, spy ing: ‘Your mfjeaty, my watch is neither fiv uor six o’clock, hu' tells me is of tcD an I look at if, that I must be ever r, ady to die for your majesty.’ ‘Here, my friend,’ added the king, much moved, ‘take this, to know the precise hour also in übtcb to die for nu;’ at the same rime giving him his own watch studded with jewels. Girls, remember that the man who bows, smile*, and says many suit things to you, has no genuine love; while he who loves niesf sincerely, struggle* to hide the weakness of bis heart, and fre quently appears decidedly awkward. A little boy running along stumped his toe and fell on the paYeioopt. “Never mind, nty little fellow,’’said a bysund-r, “yuu won’t foei the pain to morrow ” •Then,” answerd tho liitlo boy, “I won’t cry to-morrow.” Hflow will bes oir.d what is deemed a proper text from which *n preach the funeral germ on of Hen Haller : From Jeremiah 111, 19: “Ami t be basing, and tbe firepans, and the bowls, aud the cauldron*, and tbe candlestick*, and tbe gpoons, and ibo cups that which was of gold, in gold, and that which was of silver, in silver, tbe Captain of tbe guard took away.” From the New York Ledger. THE LOVER’S CAPTIVITY. Tho old clock in the kitchen had just struck nine It tv us no gildel toy, no trifle of bronze, or alabaster, hut a lull, square Hood rtdie of the olden time, looking not unlike a c flin e.use set on end in tho corner—a c ock that hud lasted through one generation, and to judge Iroin nil appearances, was quite liitely to lust through another. Deacon Mer ri't cherished that oi l time piece with a sort ot pride which he bitnaelf would scarce y have con'essed to. There was a great, ruddy fire of chestnut logs m the wide, red brick paved tire place, and the candles in the p fished brass sticks wen winking merrily from the high wooden mantle, where they shared the post of honor with a 1 rooked sea shell and a plaster basket of improbably colored fruit.— At tfie windows u curtain of gaudy chintz i hut out tho million sturs of tfie frosty autumnal night, and or- the cosy rut: of parti colored rag*, a fat tortoise shell cat purred away tho s.owly laps ing minutes. Hut the tortoiseshell cat was no*, the only inhabitant of the snug farm house kitchen. “John,” said Mehitabel Metritt, de cidedly, “if you don’t behave yourself, I’ll—” What she would do, Hetty Merritt did not say—the sentence w as termi- : ti ded by a laugh that set dimples ! round her mouth in motion, just as a 1 June sunshine j lay athwart a cluster of red ripe cherries. Hetty Merritt was just seventeen— a plump, rosy girl wi h jet black hair brustieu back from a tow forehead, and perfectly arched evehrow s that gave a bewitching expression ot sur prise to a pair of toeliing hazel eyes, cine was rather dark, hut ‘.he severest critic would hardly have found fault with the peach-like bloom upon her cheeks, arid the dewy red of her full daiiit y curved lip Evidently Mr. John Ayltner was quite satisfied with Hetty s pecu tar style of beauty, “Come Hetty,” said John, moving his chair where he could best watch the flush o’ the fire tight up m her face, and picking up *,be thread of conversa tion where be had dropped it, when it became neeesaary for He ty to hid him “behave himself.” “you might prom ise. it’* nine o’clock and your father w ill soon he home. ‘ Promise what, John ?” said Hetty, demurely, fitting a square of Turkey red patch work to a w hite square, and intently observing tfie effect. “Nousense 11 tt ! You know what veiy well Promise to marry me U— lore Christmas-! I tel you what, Hetty, it i.* ui! very well for you to keep putting a follow off. hut I can’t aland, wtiai with your father’s fori lid ding me the house, and t'aleb Tiu man’s coming here every Sunday night—” Hetty gave her pretty head a to-s. “As if i a eh Truman's coining here made any and tictvnee in my feelings, John 1” “No, but, it isn't pleasant, you know I'm as good a in.til as Caleb Truman il I don't own railroad enures, and keep an account at the Brigham Bank and love you Ilu'.ty from the bottom t.f my heart Betty, tnis mat t-r lies bet we; D you and me only— no other person in the worl t has a right to interfere between us. Come, promise m .” Ho held both her hands in his and looked earnestly into Hie liquid brawn eyes. ‘•Do you love rne, Hetty?” ‘‘You know l love you, John.” ‘•1 hen we may just as well—hush ! what's that ?” There was a portentous sound of drawing bolts and rattling UtcOes in tiie | oich room beyond—a stump of nailed bo ts shaking off the dust of country roads. Hetty rose to her feet with sudden scarlet sutiusi g brow auil cheeks “Oh, John, it’s father.” ‘‘Suppose it is ?’’ ‘‘But he mustn’t find you here, John Hide yourself eons.-where, do!’ “What nonsense, Hetty!’’ said the yt ung man, resolutely standing hie ground, “I haven’t come to steal spoons—wny should 1 steal away like a detected burglar?” “For my sake, John. Oh, John, ts you have ever 1 ved me, do as I say. Not in that closet—it is ca so to his bedroom ; not through that window, it is ua.led down tight. He's coming! lie’s coining ! Here John, q tick ! ’ And, iu tbe drawing ■! a breath she had pushed John Aylmer into be square pendu um euse of the tall old i clock, and had turned the key up ton I him. It wns not a very pleasant place of I refuge inasmuch as his shoulders w ere 1 squeezed on e ther side, and his head , flattened against spring and whee’s | above, and the air was unpleas iitly i close ; but honest Jo' n made the best I of matters and shook with suppressed j iauuhtci iu his solitary prison-celt. I “Hew! a j dly scrape to be in,” though. John, “and no knowing when I’ll l-e out of it! Hetty’s a shrewd little puss, however, and I cun t do Iteller than leave mutters iu her hands " “8o you haven’t gone to bed, Het ty ‘r”sani Deacon Merritt, slowly un wimiuig the two yards of wool en com loiter m which lie generally encased nis throat ot an ••Not yet, father,” said Hetty, pick ing up her scattered bits of patch-work with a glowing creek. ‘ Did you have a pleasant meeting ? ’ “Wed, Vos,'’ quoth the deacon re flectively, silling down b fore the tire, greitly to Hetty’s constuiiatieD (she had hoped he would have gone penoe ahlv to bed according to Ins usual -jus tom) ‘it wns tol’bly pleasant. Elder Jones was th#re, and Elder Back stretcher, and —well oil the church folks, pretty much Why, how red your cheeks are, Hetty ! Tired, uin’t you ! Well, you needn’t set up tor me, my dear; it must he getting lute.” The deacon glanced mechanically round at the clock Hetty felt the blood grow cold ii her veins “Twenty minute* past nine—why it must he later than that Why, land o' Gosheu! the old clock’s slot ped !” The clock had stopped ; nor wns it vv* nderl'ul considering all tfie ctrcum “I wound it up this niornin’, I am sartuin.” said the deacon jwrturbedly. “It never sutved me such n trick bes fine, all the vears h’s stood there. — Your Aunt Keziah used to say that whenever tnat clock sti pped it was a sign of a death or ma riage in the fam fly before the year was out ” There wu* » suppressed sound like a chuckle bwh nd the clock-case as Dea con Merritt fumbled od the shelf for tfie clock key. “These springs must be ont of order s rnehow,” said the deacon decisively “How acered yc u look, child ! There ain't no cause for being scared. I don’t pu* faith iu your Aunt Keziuh’s old time mpersiit on. Where in the nutne of nil J< s*e*eed. is that key ? I could have declared I lelt it in the case ” “I-n’t it on the shelf, father ?” asked Hetty, guiltily, conscious that i: was snugly reposing in the pocket of her checked giDgb >ms dress. “No nor ’taint on the set off neith er.” And down went the deacon stiffly enough on Ins knees, to examine the floor, le-t perchance the mi sing key might have slipped off and fallen there. “Well I never knowed anything eo strange. ’ “It is strange,” faltered hypocritical Hetty. “JL’.l have a leg’lur »»rch to-morrow,’ said Deacon Merritt “It must he somew here round.” “Yes, it must,” said Hetty, tremu lously “Only,” went on the deacon, slowly resuming his place before the che ry blaze. "I kind o’ and n’t like to have the old clock standstill a single night When I wake up, you know it seems like it was sort ot tulkiu’ to nte in the | stillness.” The d-acon looked thoughtfully at ! the ti ry hack log. Hetty figetted uneasily about the room, strstgfiten ; ing table covers and settu g back ehuir.R—oh, if he would only go to bed. As be sat there, hi* eyelids began io droop, and his head ts u‘.:d somno lently Ha ly’s eyes lighted np with a spar kle <-f something like hope. “Chi'd,” he suddenly and, straight ening himself up in the stiff-back chair, “you and better go to bed. I’ll sit up a wtii e longer, t.ll th f : logs burn out.” “Hut taihor l'rn not sleepy. *’ “(io tt) bed, my child, reiterated the deacon, with good-humored au tfiori'y that brook* tl no opposition, and Hetty crept out of the room ready to cry with anxiety and mortification. “If John will only keep quiet a little while longer,” she thought, sitting on the stair* w here the autumn moon light streamed, in chilly splendor.— “Father sleeps so soundly—and he iw sure to gi to sleep in hi* chair 1 could just st'-al in aui release him, a* ea*y a* poHSib'e.” Mie sat there, her plump finger* in terlaced anil tier eyes fixed dreamily od the floor wtiile all th lime her ear* were strained to their utmost capacity to catch every sound in the kitchen beyond. Hark! was that the wall of the wind or was it something to her liter ally “nearer and dearer ?” Yea, *he could not be mis ukeu now, it was act ually a snoie ! Hetty rose softly to her feet with re newed hope. Purely now was the ac cepted tints. N-uselessly as a floatingshadow she crossed the hall, opened tho kitchen doot, and stole across the creaking boards of die floor. The shifting lus tre ot the fire-light revealed <o her Deacon Merritt, nodding before the tire, with closed eyes, and hands hang ing at his sides “Ha is certainly asleep.,” thought Hetty \\ ith a heart that beat quick and fast, like the s rokes of a miniature hammer, she drew the key from her dress pocket and proceed, spate of the nervous trembling of her fingers, to fit it lotu the lock. bo absorbed was she in her task, that she never noted the sudden cessati u of the heavy breathing—never saw the Dea con atait sudden into w ak.-.fuines* and look around toward* her Ah, Hetty—l ve is blind, they say. and it is eqjaliy true ttiat love is sometimes deal. The deacon rose quietly up, with a shrewd twinkle iu his eyes, and Het ry gave a little frightened shtiek as a hand fell softly on Iter arm, poseei-sing itself quietly of the bey. “Let me help you,” said Deacon Mert itt ‘ Father, I—[ found the key,” fal tered lie ty, “and —” “Found the key, eh,” r<turned the deacon “Weil, that a lucky—and now you can fend out what’s the matter with the aid clue-. I' Hetty’s heart, throbbing so wildly a moment or two ago, so-, nied to tand absolutely still, us Deacox Merritt Vol. 11l IVo. 18. turned the key and opened the tall door of the clock case. “Ilal-lo !” ejaculated Deacon Mer-s --ritt, as John Aylmer tumbled laugh ingly into the room. “So you was the' matter with tho old clock, cb ?” “Yes, sir,” said Mr. Aylmer, com posedly ; “J hope 1 haven’t seri usljf interfered with the works of vour clock*!” 3 “You’ve seriously interfered with me!’' said the deacon, waxing indig nant. “YVfial do you mean, sir, by hiding in my house like u thief?” “ln med indeed father !”cried Hef ty, bursting into tears, ‘it wasn’t his fault ! He didn’t want to hide, but I put him there 1” “You did, eh ! And mav I ask what for ?” 3 “Father,” faltered Hetty, rather ir relevantly, “I love him—and he loves me 1” “Is tnat any reason he should bidff in a clock-case, Miss ?” “No -but -father ! Oh. father ! I never can marry Caleb Truman. He i* old, ami cross, and withered, and Hetty s toars finished the sentence' for h' r Jhe deacon looked down, not unkindly, on her bowed head, and the tender arm that supported it. Apparently the “course of true love,’* roughly though it ran, wasoverwbelm ing all bis worldly-wise arrangement* in its tide. “And so you two folks really think you love ouch other ?” said the deacon, meditatively. ’ “1 love her with all my heart and soul, sir, said John Aylmer, earnest ly. “1 m not rich, I know, but 1 cun work for her ” “And I can work for myself, foot, father,” interposed Hetty, with eye* that sbooo like softened stars “And you said yourself sir,” went on Ayltner, ‘ that the stopping of th* dock mount either a death or a marri age Os eourse, we don't want any deaths ; so don’t you think the most scn-ihle thing we can do is to help oa a marriage u« soon as possible?” The Deacon laughed in spite of him self. “Its 'ate,’ said the Duxcon. ’‘Corns round to morrow morning, and we’il tal* about it No. Hetty, I’m not an gry with you, cfiild I s’pose young folks w ill be young folks, and there’* uo use try ng to stop ’em j" Arid, as tee Deacon re-huog the pendulum and set the iron tongue off the old clock talking again, John Ayl mer paused on the lrunt door-step t© whisper to Hetty : “My darling 1 its worth p*-sing * life time behind the clock-case, to lesl as happy as I do now !” Km Klmx. A h< rrid outrage was committed s '«ewhere in the Ht»te of Arkansas a few ti»ys sgo. Our informant is a re- Haile elat'd man, who heard tbs par ticlars from a member of the “loyal lengue, who got bi* inf rmation from a fellow who lost a cousin in the late war. It aecoied that a Mr. Gopet-bagger was attacked in his own house by 1,632 Ku Kiux r* armed with doufile-bar-r relied bowie-knives. They slaughtered aud ate 19 of Mr. B'ggers’s children before his eyes and c urptoLd Mr* Bag ger to cut hei ow n he. and vff aud bang it on a book in the cellar. Sir* was then ordered to k< ep still upon pain of instant death: She happened to suimz", and th« lead, r of the dasiardly crew immediate ly had a thra-biog machine *et up and ran Mrs. Bagger through. It’s very and üb'.'ul if *bi recovers. Mr Bxgger was *.btn Lrced to swallow four tons of gut powder ®nd a bandtu! of citro-gly cerii e. He was uert dieted on live coals until an exploaiou took place f which subj'oUd Mr. Bagger to snob iu loose para a* to almost deprive him of reason. TL fi>nd3 then shot him full of boles, made him hurrah for J'ff rßon Davis and Horace Greeley, and finally inoculated him with ths small-por and soaked him with strong lye. He was threatened with instant death if ho revr aled the names of any of the perpetrators of this outrage, all of whom are neighbors of Mr. Bagger, aud wto hate him because Mr B. waa a loyal sti'ler and cotton speculator dur ing the war, and now lives ou confiscated plantation, with enough niggers to elect bitu to the Legislature, it is feared that. Mr. Badger bas sustained such iu— ternal ir.jurie* that he will not be able to ap’ ear ** a witness at the military commission to try some ex-rebel* sos reading Democratic newspapers.— UYe coutin Paper. following dialogue took place on the Ohio railroad : ‘Hallo, stranger, you appear to b* 'ravelling ?’ ‘Yob, I always travel when I’m on * journey.’ ‘I think I have seen you somewhere?* ‘Very like ! I’ve often been there.* •Mightn't your name be Smith V ‘Weil, it might—if it wasu’t some thing else !’ ‘Have you been long iu these parts T ‘Never l inger than at present--— five feet nine !’ j ,i ‘Do you oalculate to remain here some Urn. ?’ ‘Well, l guew I’ll stay till I’m read; to 1< ave !’ ‘1 reckon you were born in New EfMp land V ‘AYeli, my native place Was eithef or somewhere else.’ ‘You travel as if money were plenty with you.” ‘V\ ell, I might have more, and-be rich t.’ ‘Have you anything n?w?’ ‘Yes, I bought a whetstone this morn, iog-’ !<S I ‘I thought »o; you’re the suarpeft blade 1 .v,;r saw on this road.’