The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, December 03, 1868, Image 2

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jlffltoson |ournal. UOUI.KT <*. (IZIKR, i:dtv, r . 04 H'S O.V, « .f Thttrstiay, MJeccmlcr 3J, tNOM. 9&*fienrtnig maurr >m vx&ey page.."Til a 'H»v. 0. A. orowi(i.t. i fi f, ur uuilioriz-.i •Rviu, and will tect’ive und receipt for any money due the nllice. B@t_Ucv. Thus. L. Hoyl is »utbor ieed to act as arcnt for the “Journal.'’ Government. In reviewing the history of the fast, ©Ut dul jeet presents to n.iud a theme in exhaustible iu its nature, ami one calcu lated to arouse in our nflections an ever changing sequence, as we persuo our course down the rapids ot time, from the rule of tbe patriarchs through the more haughty reigns of subsequent ages to the present day. Were it possible for us to enter inti a comment upon tho various forms of government, that have engaged the ex perimcutal gonitis of man, it w uld re quire volumes to condense the rnnlti tudenous operations that have been aimed at to establish the same Pru- dence has, at times, exercised her faith ful labors in guarding the portals to power in every form of civilized govern mem, and when her cartful watch was the colicy maintained, the boon of re oompen.e ha* been prosperity and peace. However essentia! it may be for the repose of power to be confined to the deoi-ions of the wise and great, it most in all of its bearing, have a tendency to the establishment of individual libelty, or the very purpose aimed at is wholly subverted. This usurpation of power to the detriment of civil right*, can be traced in tbe features of all tin ee forms of government that are cmly kn iwn to us from the reoords of the past. They too, fl unshed and b ias’ed of universal empire and perpetual dominion, though the requiem of departed worth has sighed for centuries over their mouldering mon urneo'B It is not altogether the vo£ populi that must, be preserved through out to insure the growing success of na tional greatness, or to secure the «vcd tenor of civil liberty. While such i« an ingredient of public trust, it should still he the carefully ob served power of and cerning minds, and repose where discretion could mark its guarded course. The Republic of Ali ens sunk under the weight of universal suffrage, from tho very fact of power beiDg reposod where designing dema gogue* could sw-y its influence to the worst of purposes. In our day ar.d country, we too, have the same fearful labyrinth of cam es and effects, to trail through, iu our onward march to the acme of universal empire. Are we better prepared to stem the tide of faction with the multiplied weight of ignorance that now aontrola the ballot, box than those Atheneans, who coul I not have been less refined in their day ? Our once b >astcd land of liberty, we may well aprrebend, is fast declining, when this sacred trust is being the free gift of sectional rule and party animosi ty. No bow of promise spang tbe po litical beaveus, nor are we justified in any hope we may have, that the land ot Washington,’under prist-nt, circimsian ces, will ever enjoy the blessings of lib erty ainiid at, by the venerable patriots whose life time care it was to frame a Constitution for the prosperity of their country. What must be the sequel, in case our broad expanse of country, togethoi wi'h tta maritime resources and its unnum bered springs of vassalage becomes the deplorable wreck of human ambition ? Surely a multitude would be riquirid to keep their mournful vigils over our meuideriug ci ies, to fulfill the humble mission of Marius, who watched in grief, till the lamp of life expired, over ti e mins of Carthage. May our destiny be shaped by that overruling Power, whose might can sway the billows of the angry deep, and who can alike, command the surges of passion to cease. Gen Sherman eajs the ludiaus can not live on the plains with the whites, owing, of course, to the nt tural incom patibility of race, they not bemg up to tbe negro staudard of natural refiue- Binut He proposes that the Govern ment shall remove them and buy their iattds Tbe Mobile Register suggests that the government organize the carpet baggers into a corps and send them to fight tbe Indians The editor thinks tbe carpet-bag gentry would steal all their laads in 40 days if turned loose and the Government will pay for the job. Our Georgia carpet-baggers could hardly be induced to embark in such ao enterprise. They much prefer sneakiog about the negro-kitchens of our cities and swind ling the freedmen out of what little they have got. It’s a much safer bus ißpss than fighting indians.— Sap. News. .Ask the recovered dyspeptics, bilious sufferers,, victims of fever and ague; the mercurial diseased pa‘i n's, how they recovered health, cheerful sf iriis, and good aopetite. They will tell you tbai Simmons’ Liver Regulator was the rem •dy that rein ved them from the very jaws of destb. For the Dawson “Jou nul." Mr. Editor: —Since lnw men uro in high places, and their mushroom growtL hiving knocked our nuro prac ical and better informed coinple ely out of the pod ical ring, and left putii tistn st*oil ing on the verge of the grate, to which tho democratic Convention of July con signed slavery and Heccssion. We In art ily j >in the nge poet who gave birth to the fi.llnwii.g: “For forms ot gove.nment, let fools rontcsl; What is best adruitilstcreit is always besi,” and turn to » suljcct that is of m 'ro vi tal importance—our agricultural inter est, firm which all the diversified branches of Lumaa industry obtain their principal encouragement and support. No country, therefore, can be in a con dition truly prosperous without a fl >ur ishing agriculture. To contribute to wards the advancement of this all im pnrtant branch of our politically ac cursed country, would be more glory to y.ur humble contributor thau to be grand Tycoon of all tbe “b aok and tau” assemblage in t be Southern Statvs. The iinpoitauce of agriculture to all the sub stantial ititercst of maukiud, is so fully reoogn x and by every ons, that it would be piesumptioo in myself to expatiate on the attention to which it is entitled, or to iusist on the superior advantages which these oouuties, States, or even N»- ti >u must ever enjoy, by whom it i* more skillfully practiced, over those that pay little or no attention to its improvement. To make a long matter short, Mr. Ed itor, we need and want an agricultural society or club in Terrell 1 Let it be oomposed of practical farmers—let them meet oft. n—advauce their ideas —relate their rxpeiience. Lot their pr actical knowledge be a mutual fund leave rff abusing the indolent nogro, and devise some means by whieh they can render available his labor—improve lands and enhance their value. Look at old Putnam, her rgriouhural siciety and Fair gave an incentive to every branch of industry in her own and adjoining countiia, that was truly advantageous. There’s nothing like concert of aolion. N. Terre!! C O ., Ga, Dec. 1, IS6B. The Whipping I*ost and Pillory. —For some t me post there has been a systematic game carried on by a party of thieves, on the line of tbe Philadel phia, Wi mington & Baltimore Kail road, who enter the ears that s'op at Wilmington, aod spot the pass- ngers who emerge from them to get r -fresh monte and leave their carpet-hags, va lises, &.0., tempoiurily, iu the seats oe copied by tbi-in. The baggage thus left unprotected is quick y secured by these fellows, and within tbe past year a large number of passengers have been thus relieved of their luggage One of the thieves was caught in the act of stealing a valise some weeks since, and was arrested nnd committed for trial. He wu9 convicted and re ceivod the following sentence: To re ceive forty lashes on the hare hack at the pu lie whipping post, at the public whipping \> st, at New Castle, stand f r lor four hours in the pillory, un dergo an imprisonment of one year, and be eompeded to make full restiiu tion to the ower if the stolen valise of the value of everything contained there in, and remain in prison until such rec ompense is made. —Atlanta Intelligen cer. I‘athonize Advertising Hi uses.— On<* who knows what he is tulk.Dg about di-courses in this wise: Wheu we see a business firm giving publicity to their particular branch of trade, we argue that such a house is alive to the requirements of the Mines. It implies not only keen sagacity, but likewise that sort of libirality which is sure to attract the attention of the trade Many establishments forego the bene fits of advertising from a .-pirit of mere penuriousness. They reason in tms way : “Should we incur an outlay of silty or one hundred dollars or hve hundred dollars, possibly we’ll never get it back—then it would he so much thrown away.” These are timid men always, und properly belong to a past generation. The true man of business appreciating the fair advantages of bo ing represented in newspaper columns, bioks upon advertising as ‘bread cast upon the waters’—and should ho find uo immediate fruits of his expendi tures, he rests at ease, being fuiiy sat isfied that it ‘will returu aftet many days.’ —Ex A Man Falls into a Vat of Boil ing Sugar. —Theodore Nunueman had beeD engaged in making some repairs at the refinery at the foot of O'Fallon street, and was putting up some sheet iron, when he made a misstep on the ladder and fell tiiteen feet, into a pan of boiling hot sugar, four feet deep Any one who knows the heat of boil ing BUgar eau form an idea of the suf lering-> of the mm, on all loure to his hip and shoulders in the hot syrup. — fie was almost immediately picked out, but bis limbs were absolutely choked to the bene The skin peeled off, and he presented a most shocking spectacle. He h»s a wife and three small children to deplore the accident. .— fct. Louis Repub. [Kioni ihe Detroit Kiev Press. A KL.HAKtf 4iaLl.lhfe. ; A BIIOHIKR AND SISTER MAURY, NOT KNOWING Til hi K khLATIONBIIII*. There passed through this city yes i terduy. eit route to Chicago, a lady I who-e history is one of iho most r«— I maikab e ev.-r brought to public no -1 tico. It lias been Well that truth is I stranger than fiction, and the details of j this lady’s history nbundunliy verify i the adage For reasons which all wid j see the propneiy of. we withhold tier name, merely relating the facts as they ; were communicated to our reporter by one w ho had heard her ‘ strange, true story” Iroin her cwn lips. In 18ii8 her parents emigrated to this country from England, leaving be j hind them an c nly son some ten years of age, who hud engaged us cabin boy i on a merchant ves-el iu the East India trade They landing in New York, when, a few months later, the subject ot tbit eke eh was boro. While she was yet a belpl 'SS infant, both her pa rets died, aud she was sent to the Foundlings' Homo, where she re mained sometime, when she was final ly adopted by a lady utul gentleman, who then resided in E tnira. N. k r .— Os c uise she knew nothing ot her sailor bro iler and she grew up in tho belief that she was really the child of her so tor parent-. At the age of eighteen she married uri iudusoious young mechanic, and set out for the Great West. After traveling iD va rious Mates they finally set led iu Mis souri, where they continued prosper ous sad happy uo il the stoitil ot war curst upon the country. Then her husband, in cumtunu with Die thou sands of his misguided oouu rymen, enlisted in tbe service of the rebellion and was assigned to Gen. Price’s ar my. He solved faithfully during tbe first eighteen umnlhs of the w»r, but was finally ki led in one of the South western engagements. From the break ing out ot die war, the lady of whom we write had lost all trace of her toe ter p>ari nts, owing to the disturbed condit'on of the country iu which she res.tied, and after her husbrnd’s death she removed to St. Louis, where she sought t > maintain horsed by sewing In 1803, she again inurrieJ, and ber husband embarked in business iu M Louis. The last marriage was a tfior ougtdy happy and iu tne course of time two children were born unto them Iho husband gradually tx tended his business operations, so that mucii of h s time was necessarily spent la travelling ai-C’Jt the country, and during one of bis businesst urs he >ls iied Chicago, where be -became ac quainted with a ludy and gen lonian, who, by a iortunale chain of cireum b unces, lie ascertained wore the long lost foster parents of his wife. De lighted at Itiß discovery he had made and pleased no doubt with anticipa tions of the joyful surprise be eimu and give his wdu, the husband at once con cluded bis business with the intention nf returning to St. Louis, amt bringing bur to Chicago lor .no purpose of re uniting her with tier friends, without having first prepared either party for such an event On the night before bis contempla ted Oeparture for home, while c nvers ing with Mr and Mrs. , it bap pened that he was led into a recital of his adventures about the world, and before tbe narrative w*» fiuished h s listeners knew that their adop.etl daughter And married her own brolhtr who, I efore stie was born, had Sailed for East India. Horrified beyou I ex pression, the wretched man lied from ttie house, and from that hour no ti dings of him have ever reached his liiends. This was March last, and a few weeks later the wretched sister wife was rendered comparatively poor by the destruction ot a large portion ol the property left in her hand-, l,y tile Although writtteu to by her stricken ! friends, their letters never leached her uikJ n lew wee ks since site start and for Elmira, ber early home Upo- ber ar rival there ehe .earned tbw atidre»x ol ber foster pat enu, with whom bob at once communicated, giving them ! fu.l details of ber experience wince she I bud fired bade them farewell, Upon eel ting out for ber Western home. 1 heir answer to her letter contained a state ment of the terrible discovery of the identify es her hurthund and tiro her, together with au affectionate invitation to come to them with her children und share tbe r home. He.rt-browon, and nearly crazed by the etrunge denouement of her happy married lilts, the wretched woman has tened to accept the oiler, and tine morning will doubtleaa see her re united with her earliest and dearest lrieuds. The Bureau in Georgia —After tbe Ist ot January nuxr, this concern will b . orgamz.-d in Georgia as follows: It is to be hoped the arrangement will drive the horde of slanderuns beggars who have been fattening upon the peo ple for the past three ysars, to some surt of honest labor —Macon Jour ct Mes. Oae Assistant commi-sioaer and chief superintendent of schools, one disburs ing officer for the educational depart ment and payment of bounties, one ageut for the payment of bounties, four assist ant superintendents of schools, and three cle'ks Snakes fuom r lokida to Cuba Within ttie last -ix mouths there have been tu< re than fifty snakes if various kiud-t caught in the vioinity of this place and shipped to Cuba. These snakes were paid for at from one to twenty fivo dollars each, and it the demand were to c mtiuue a year 1 mger, this country would be greatly beuelhtcd thereby ; because tbe snakes would be compelled to yield to the greenback question. Among the snakes shipped we uoliced several largo rattlesnakes, one of which was eight feet loug, and one gopher snake, which looksu to be about twelve feet long Tampa l'emnsular. Seymour’* ( ffieial majority iu N.w 1 York ib just 10,000. r*r I’ue CicaveLud lian wr hint ib following tmgio announcement as the cloning scene ot their tournament at that plaoo on last week : AoioiJhijr to f n vinos nnrounee ment, l'r f. F lix was pmmp’ly on hand wtrh bis balloon. Jinny of tbe by-stand ers, upon Li* entering the car attaebrd below, predicted it would be his »st aeronautic feat, little dreaming, howev er, fh»t a lew short monrji-nis would wit mss tbe fulfuilmeot of tho propheoy. — Unfortunately tho balloon orde red from New York failed to arrive in time, and a very pretty, but very un-afe, ono, was iuiprovis and for tbo occasion. Into this the Courageous and undaunted Profes sor entered. At 7 I’. Al the 1 tile thing spread itself and arose, with “motions graceful as a bud in the air.” Up, up it goes! Higher, still higher, till tbe lantern in the tasket 1 .oka like "adia-j rnond in tbe sky.” Alas, for the star of human ambition and human hope ! It rises to-day exulting with glorious promise; to-morrow it sets wi hunt hav ing sati-fi and a single oiavtug it eugen dured, or left betimd if, even a shadow of the brilliant, images it painted. Hub ble as it is, disappointment pricks it, and in so instant not a vestige of it re mains. Wheu the balloon had reached au awful height aud was riding, seem ingly, at peifect eise upon tne bo-iom f tLe air, it w.a prcetvetl to be oo fire. A feeling of terror ran turoogn the cruwd ot spectators. Iu a few moments the entire balloon was wrapped in flame. From its dizzv height it begius to de sce« i, gradually at first but now faster and filer till lbs heart sickcuß IU view of iho t rnbie euit-itrnpbw. Fmf Felix la uo wore ! Not a hair of him oau be found ! no blood marks the spi t where be telL He is gone— not like Hiawatha into the bosom of tbe sun, nor line a comet into the dark and fathomless abyss of ioflui e spao , nor y* l like Jack ui h his Lautsru—but he is gone ! u« is go uo ! “Wail, ye winds of G’tnullir !” Eloquent Extract— The follow iig eloquent extract is taken from an editorial in Father Kyan’s Banuer of tho S ,u h : There are mrn who desert the altars of a lost cause r mud whicn they ot ce srood with the blood in their bear's | an ting for libation, and who kneel to > ft' T homage at the altar of successful wrong. There are men who trample und'T foot the V'rj standards that once floated proudly ov.r iht-m. There are men base i u ingh to lift tbeir hands again-t tie very rights for which they once un ified swords We ire n t ruch F r ns principle is principle, rig! t is right ye9ierd iy—to day —to m rrow—forev er. Submission to might is not Barren der of right Wo yield to tho one, but shall nev r yield io the other” Longevity in Gxoxgja.— The North Georgia Citizen says, Mrs. JoautiaQ Langs mil, 1 Gi oner county, has arrived at tne age cf 105 years, and said to p ssess remvkabie bea th, is quite cheerful and very iuicle tieg She has lived to see ber posterity, “even un to the third and fourth generations ” Sue ojw has living in this Stare, two hundred aud fifty-eight ltu. al diseoud au s, slid one hundred and twenty in other Staos; in all three hundred aud 8-iveoty eight. Ago >d old age. Negro Suffhaok Defeated in Mis souri N gio rUtrage Wes defeated in Missouri by the German votes. It is lost by twenty thousand majority, while the KidtCals ourried the Siaie . y a veiy heavy iu#j -rity. In oue ward iu cJi. L>uis, a. here the German vote was strong, Grant got GSB tin j >rity, with a majority ' ( 675, with a majority against negro suffrage ot 18(50. These Germans bt.iievelhat General Grau, oouliuues to hold the opiuiou he used toexp'e-s, that uegru fieedotu does not iuoiuile negro suffrage. Big Hunt in Florida. — >l s>ra Piioe and Pearson started fioiu Eutor prise on Tuesday moruiug, the 27tb of October; started, with their dogs, 10 deer anti killed 4. \Vcduesday, bunted a portion of the day, started 4 deer aud killed 2, aud moved camps. Thursday, moved camps, hunted bait :be day, started 11 deer, killed 3 deer aod 1 panther. Friday, moved camps, huntel half the day, started 5 and er aod kil>< and 3. Saturday, stark and 16 deer aud killed 6 M jnday, started 13 deer and killed 7. Tuesday, stait- and 11 deer and killed 6, aud returned to Eu erptise and took the steam r Hart e lor home. Total f"i five data—started 73 deer, killed 31 deer aud 1 pauiher.— Jackson oille bnion. Tue Capital Building.-We observe the Du.-y uutu of pr> paraiiou is vtg .rou,->- iy key t up by the McSors.Kiinbaii in ihe uew Capital building. iho countless “tutniiigs”for tioisuihg up havs beeu re oeivcd from the Norm, ana upwards of a hundred workmen are daily employed about the building. A number id ac compusned Preset** paiuiers have arrivt and auu will soon proceed to decorate the spacious liana Ucsigutd to contain the aoiembled wi dom ot Georgia —At In th.» treasury “kino.” Tbe lkrald ” proteoses to have dis covered anew scheme of the “Treasury King ’ for fi ling their own pockets and swiuiiiing ihe putlio. The eiitiursays: “It is nothing less than to give all the b indtinlders the opportunity of becom ing uati >u»l bankers, in other worUa it is ii> extend the bauhiug privilege and tbe prifi’s of a national currency to ail who choose to cotnbiu and desposu United States bonds with :he govern ment and ri-etiive ninety per cent, of na tional bank notes tor circulation, as thi existing national banks do at picseut. —New Turk Express. i'de (ioldeu Horn left Charleston IS. C., on M<>uuay last, on het first trip lo Liverpool fciue will run regularly on tue (Joarleston aud Liverpool line. She took 2568 hales upland cotton, and 18b bald £>ea-lelaud. C (ttnn is looking up, and was firm ID New York Weducsday, at 25). I>uvy Crock ell. Divy happened once to be prerem al an exhibition of •nitnals iu the city of Washington, where a monkey s<emed to attract his particular regard, and be abstractedly observed: “If thai fellow b and on a pair of ap»o fades, h« wouJx look iiho J]..j .r Wr'ght of Ohio." The M J T happened to be just be hind Crockett, and tapped him on the shoulder. Turning round, Davy very formally remarked, “I'll be hanged, Major, if I know whose pardon to ».-k, your’a or the monkey’s !” Trie Public Debt. —lt will take eighty years at a dollar a secon I, 4,000 years at. a dollar a minu'e, to pay it as it stood No? 1, 1868. During the past f-nr years, as Mr. Wells states, tbe Government received but fifty cents on a dollar of faxes paid the people paid nearly $4 000,000 000, or a dollar a minute for over 7 610 years, or for the past f.ur years $1902 per minute, or $2 738 880 per day. mYetv •ldverjisattents. CLAYTON HIGH SCHOOL, JON Eg BOKO, CJA. r I''HF, next. Term of this favorite School will I I open on the 2nd MumJtv in Jmuary, 1869. Its chaiacteriaricM are : Ist. It is the luoat thorough and practical School in G »ori{i:i. 2nd. It ia the leant expensive School in the South. B*d. It is stranded by more pupil* than an? Other School in the State. 4fh. Jonesboro in a* healthy as any other town on the con im-nr. s<h The School has been lon * p»tabli«ahed t and m all we claim for ir t an 1 not an ejtheme ral hum bn ft "Two Hundred Dollar* in curren cy ill pu y lor Bo trd, Tuition and Wnahiog for an entire Year There are no ‘Vitra” charge* for anything. For circular*, apnly to A. D. CANDLER, A. M., Principal dec3’tiß —2m law FIRM. W G PARKS, | VASON Sl DAVIS, Dawson <} a . Alban?, Ga. Having asjociated ourselves together in the prac'ice of La*, we will be thank ful tor patronage, and will attend promptly to ail burfines* entrusted to our care, det 3,1868 —6tn ”lTw. bmbal, ■WHOLESALE LIQUOR DEALER, Fully prepared to fill all rdt rs at the Prices of the West, with tb<‘ Fieight added. TERMS CASH. .VO. 53, TBliMiU STMtajET, MACON, GA. dec3'6B—3 m A2SX *k KSUTLA^I), W holes tie & Retail Dealers in BOOTS & SHOES, Leathei Firings, Lasts, fie,. No. 3 Cotton A vomit*, MA.COtST, ga. decß;3m THOMAS ¥OOD, (NEXT DOOR TO LAXTER HOUSE,) Macon, - - Ga. dealer in FINE FURNITURE, Chairs, Matiressp?, Feathers, Win dow ShadcH, WhII P per, Parlor 181‘tts in Reps Htid Hair Clo'h, Bedroom Setts iu and Walnut, j&’uanaelcd Cottage Setts, cheap, &c., &c. Fiji's Tlftalif* Xlnrial Cases, and Full Glass Caakets—Coffins in Ruse Wood, Mahogany, Walnut, Cedar and Paint ed. Prices so suit the times. dec3om Sale of Perishable Property. \ \ ’ ILL be sold on Tuesday, the B*h day of v v Dereruber, 1868, at the late residence of D. H. Brown, deceased: Two pood Mules, several Milch Cows, Steers, Hogs, (both Pork and SS«ock,) Also, a fine lot • \ Corn, Fod der, Cotton S *ed, Ground-Peas, Potatoes, and other articles too tedious to mention.— Terms strictly cash. CLAR A vME 8. BROWN, Ex’trix Lea Cos., Ga., Dec. 3rd, 1868—It r\ OTICK. TAiJ/ES W IATOjV h»s applied for eiemp tion of personally, and setiinj? apart and valuation of Homestead, and I will pass upon the tame at 1»» o’clock, a. m, December 12ib, 1868, at my office iu Dawaon, (r » and« c3 2w T. M. JO-sVES, Ord’y notice. N ancy f. bEaUohamp, wife cf ep. Bcriiicharnp, h*s applie for exemption of pprnonal property, und se'fi g part and valuation of ilomeatcafl, and I will pass upon thn same at IO o’clock, a. in., December 17ih, 1868, at my office in /).»ws «n, Ga. dei 3 2w T. M. JON ES, OrcTv. ILK KELL HIIEKIFI S/!ULfc& \\ r ILLbe sold before tbe Court Ilou-e t v door, in Dawson, said couutv, on tbe first Tuesday in January next, within tbe legal hours of sale, the following property, to wn : .dll lh** rig't, title and interest Frank J/'ilke* has in 20U bushels of corn, more or less, seven slacks of fodder and about seven bales of cotton, (said inlet***?, being the prin cip»il part of said property,) levied oc as the properly of Frank Jfu’kev, to satisfy a dis irc«s warrant for ivnt, issued by W. F. Orr, a Justice of the Pence of said county, in fa vor of William P. W. Leonard vs Frank Mul kev. Property pointed on» bv t AT. J 8. F. LASSFTEK, umvkksal LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. NEW YORK, OFFICE Nu. 69 LIBERTY ST. The Orlginnl Joint%lork I.ife J non rs* nee 4 ompnnv of ■ lie (JuiletlNiiile*. The Butine** of thie Company ia Exclusively confined to the Insurance of Etrst- Class Healthy Tines. STATEMENT JULY 13, 1868. assets: V. S. S'ocks (market value)... .1109,260 00 Hi.nii- hi M .rtuaijes (ci yN. Y.) 97,0n0 00 Brooklyn City Bonds (ma-ket Value)... 25,187 60 Virginia State Bonds (market value)..... 14.70 C 00 Cash deposited n N. Y. Guaranty A Indemnity 00. (at interst) 45,000 00 Ca-h on hand and in Bic k 10,182 00 B»h*nce due hy Agen's (scoured) 25 478 23 Office Furniture 6,235 22 Deterred semi-annual quarterly Fremiums 72.165 31 Premiums in course ol coliec'iOß sri,sf>4 64 Interest accrued, not due 4,540 67 Other Assets 3 319 21 Tot**! 1468,622 87 LIABILITIES : Amount required to leinaure outstanding risks-Hom>in’s Table— 5 per ecu', #243,200 Uup’d Losses, not due, 16,01X1—5253,200 00 Surplus over A above all liabilt’s,s2lo,422 87 Ratio of Assets to Liabilities, 181$ to 100. Number of Policies in force.... 8,034 Insuring #7,926, 81U Pc icies issued since Jan Ist 1868 1,138 Insuring $2,718, 260 THE UNIVERSAL OIT-rs -he following original and popular plan of Insurance : Ist. The RtTuax Premium Plss : Upon which policies are *s rates less than those charged l>v Jfaruil Couip.ures, guaranteeing tbe rerun ol all premiums paid, in atlduion to the anion'" insured. 2d. The Kkductioii or Premium Plas : By which pel ere- are is ued at rarrs less than t • -e charger) hv Mu n >1 Companies, guaran teeing a reduction of 50 per cent, ol me pre mium after (he third annual payuseut. orncEP.s s William Wallkr President Bknkt J Furhkr Vice Presidtn' J "Hu H. BxaLKT Secretary Ohaklks E Pkasr A-sistant Sccre'iy D. Parks Facri,?* C- ns ltiug Actuary Edwaro W Lambert, m. and... Medical Etaai. Alexander A Greks Solici ors Agents wanled throughout the South. Addre-s W G WRIGHT, Genneral Aget.t, Eo’aula, Al t. J. R CHRISTIAN', Agent Terrell County Ga. d> c3;3m Orton’s Preparation! Esliihli-lictl iNbti. THE APPETITK FOR IOUACCO DES I lIoYED ! Leave off Chewing and Smoking the J'oisonous R'« ed, Tobacco One box of O ion’s Prep rtrion is wirrsn ted to riesrrov rhi appetite for Tobacco, in an? person. r« mailer how alien. l tie habit may r-e Jf it foils in any case the money licill be refunded It in perfectly safe, am armless in all cases I* is aimo-t in •i. ruseibie ro hr. ak off be u-e of Tobncc . ‘ ■ ? the mere ex.-rci-e ol ihe will. Sonn , hing is needed ro a-sisr na'n ei« nv ii Outing a I aim an run eil. Wit S tie help of the preparation, there is in ij he lei.s trouble Hundreds have used i | wilO are • illing to bear wi n-ss io Ihe sac , that Or on’s Preraraiion completely de-troya the appetite tor Tobacco, and lea?es tlie per son as free l orn any de-ire lor it, as helor.- he commenced its ure. Ybe Preparation ae'e directly upon the same glands and secretions affecied by tobacco, and through these upon the blood, thoroughly cleaning the poison of Tobacco Horn the system and thus allayinv the unnatural cravings for Tobacco. No more hankering for Tobacco of’er u-ing Or.. lou’a Pieparation. Recollect il, is war.anted. liE O.MMEND \T/ONB. The following »i« a few seclecieu from the multitude of recommendations in our posses sioa. From W. P. H.-ald, Esq, Bmgor, Me. Bangor , Maine. April 14 th, 1868 I hereby certity that 1 h .vc u-ed 'Tobacco for thirty years past, and for the last lfriecu years I have used two pouDd-> per mon'h I have made attempts to leave off at different times. I have left off one year at a lime, but always continued to hanker for it till I used Orion’s Preparation, which has completely cured me ol tne appetite lor Tobacco. 1 would recommend all who are affiictid with ihic terrible habit, io (ry the Preparation wtiicb will certainly cute it tbe direc'HMis are lollowed. W. P. Hkald. From E. W. Atkins, Knoxyilie, Tenn. Knoxville , lean., August sth, 1887. This is to Certify, that I had used TubaCCO to such an extent, that my health bad be greatly impaired, and mr whole system deranged and broken down. In June, 1867, 1 purchased one box ot Orton’s Preparation, and after using it 1 lonnd that I was com pletely cured. 1 have not itad any desire or hankering lor Tobacco since using the Prep ay.ton. I believe it to be all that it is r.-c oninn nd.-d, and I would advise all who wish to quit rite use ot Tobacco, to try one box ot Orton’s y j teparation. E. W. Atkins. From John Mo’ri I, Bangor, M ir e Bangor, Maine, March 31 st, 1868. This is to certify, that I used Tobacco for 18 y tore; have tried n.auy times to break oB but hav .-ulleted so much from a dizziness :n mv 11. ad, and a gnawing in my stomach that I have soon given up Gie trial. A snort time since, a friend induced me to try Ot loir’s Preparation, (-old by you.) I have d..oe s.. a. and uni completely < ured. I did not in the least hanker alter Tobacco, either to snook, or chew., alter I begun to use the Pn-para 6*>h. John JArKRinL. ttwr. ewarc of Counterfeits and all articles pur porting to U? like this, of tho same name or oth erwise. The great popularity of Orton’s Prepa ration has induced unprincipled persons to attempt palming upon the public counterfeit und inferior articles l'urcliu.scrß will pleasu order directly from the proprietor, or his duly authorized Ageu/s. The price of Orion’* .Preparation in |»2 per box, to warded to any p«r of the country, post paid, on receipt ol pree. Mouey sent by mail at our rit-k. Addrei*s, U. B. COITON, Proprietor. Box 1748, Portland, Me. We, the undersigned, hereby certify that we hrve had peisoual dealings with U. B. Cot ion foi several years, and have found him to be hu honorable ami lair dealing man, und one wor hy the confidence anti patronage of the public. D. . S. B. Gowell. Rev. J. g. Green, S. B. RichardeOi', E.-q . Borland, .Maine; Uou. E. K.. Boyle, B Bust, Me. ; Alonzo Barnard, E q . Bangor, Me ; Ch>.«*. H. M rrill, B dde toid, Me. ; Mr. M Q fiuibv, St Johnsville, N. Y.; Wai. U. Bw<ki, E*q., West Ma&&fi«id, Ma3B. dccß;2m Dawson Business Directory. IFry Good* Tlurr hnnia, I>n VTT, T. J. Dealer ioallkiodowf i Dry Goods. Main Street. Oisn, urowi% *co^i4fTh Fancy and 'lapis Dr? Goods, Main st under “Journal’’Printing Office. "* *’ 71 • * BSO„ Dralwri in foreign and Domestic Dry Goods C olhing, Boots, Shoe*, flats. Trunks Ar ’ Main 98. ’ | «VLI>S At OKirPlft, Deals** 1 J in Sraple Dry Goods and Groceries. J/»in Ptreef, n OIIEHTh, J. W. A < « , 6..1 era ,n Fancy and Staple Dry Goods,and Groceries, North West corner Public £quar*. P (.Hl'l,f>, H . V|., Dealer in N'apl* and Fancy Dry Goods, Loyless’ Block Main street. ' 1 J* Dealer io Bacon A Flour, Meal and Previsions generally, ■*. Sharpe A Brown’s old stand, Main st, H Off IF, IS. 11., Dealer in Groceries and Fumdv suophes generally, next door (• Journal” Office, Main st. i jHEER A SimunoftS, Grocery ! YJ and /’rovieion DealeiA South sid* Pub lic Square. It >HI A f>H All Pi:, Dealer* I in Groceries and ProvisiuDs, opposite Public Square, Main st. Aeexawder a pamrott, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries .sd Provisions, 2nd door from Hotel, Jfain st. U’OOTEir WOT., Dealer in Grocc » v ries and / J toyisioij*, Loyless Block Main street. r 14*J 1.111*6, J, Dealer ia Grocsw A ries and /Yovisions, Jfain st. Driigjiiti. ( ’II T.j\ XII I 'I, CJ /%., Drugrist and -Physician. Keeps a good supply sf Drugs and Medicines, and prescribes for all the ills that fl *h is heir to. At hia old stand the Red Drug Store, Main st. WVi rail WIltM’W. lyW 1.T0.V J. A., at Sharpe A Brows’* -L old stand, Main street. [ GYLEkW A OICIFFIft, W.rc- I-Z house and 6'oimnissiun Merchants, Maim thert. ftitlincry. WILI.IV7IVI.W, itIISS IftOL lt 1.1 if, keeps constantly on hand the latest styles ol Bats, Bonnets, Drees Trias "tings, to., Loyless Block, .Vain st. Watch Bcpairfre A LLEW, Join !»., .ill „ p , ir 1 X W inch, s, t;io< ks, Jewelry, Jfusic Books, Acco and ons, Ac , always to be I.oind at his old stand, on North side of /’ublic Square I,ivery klitMvx. UABW.n A DM k If l» F, Sale and 1 Livtrv Stable. Horses and Mule* fer sale and hir> Horses boarded. North sid* /’ublic Pquare. j)HI U«, ft. 4a. A J K , asd 1 Livery S.hhie, *erl dealers io Horses and Muirs. Carriages, Buggies snd Horse* fwr ItT". Horses hoarded on reasonable terms at their newr Stable on .Vain st. ’i olxirconist. VV. ’S’., Keeps constantly a* A h md, lilt grades ~f Tobacco, st Ale dt-r A P rroti’s, Main street. (rllTiUillh. O’! ITU, J. 4a. *a , Dealer in rtewa„ O /’i-tols. Cans, Cartridge-, snd rpertu | gootls genet ally, Main sr. faluon. WAKIk, PATRICK, Dealer is ».# )» w !?ipß rtf»<i L'quoig \ i/tiuvl. [OFFICIAL ] PfIOCLAM ATIONe JIV 'JUE GOVERNOR Whrrrab, it is reported by reliable citi zens from many couutifs of the Stats, that preparations are being made to collect oner ous tai 'f! levied under auOiori'y of lbs Con ft »u'ion of Eighteen hundred and rii'y-five (1865,) and fading \o collect, to apply the provisions of the present Constitution, af»4 therebv exclude many citizens from the priv ilege of voting. Therefore, I, Rufus B. Bullock, Governor and Commander m-Chief of the Arm? and Navy of the State of Georgia, and of the Militia tnereof, by virtue of the authority ia me vest- and by tha Seventieth (70) seclios of the Code of Georgia, do hereby suspend the collector) of all poil tuxes until ihe text reg ular session o! tbe General Assembly of this State, and of this Htispeneijn the Comptroller General will foithwith give notice to the Tax Collectors of the sev< tal counties. Given under mv h»nd ami the Great Seal of the State at the Capitol, in the city of At lanta, tnis twentieth day of October, iu tha year of our Lord, eighteen hundred and sixty eight, and of the Independence of the United States of America tha uiuetf third. Rurus B. Bullock, Oararatr* By the Governor : Dxv id G. Corrms, St ere*ary of S;ata. Comptroller Gknkral’s Ovho», f AtUrtta, Ga., ©ot. ‘27’h, 1868- ) To the Tax Collectorn of the State of Georg**’ In conformity with the above pioclam ties bv his Excellency the Governor of ihe Bt* l -* of Georgia, vou are hereby directed to bus* pend the collection of all poll taxes, in your respective t’ouD'ies, until the next regular session of the Generally Assembly of tkia State. Respectfully, Madison Bki.l, Comptroller General, HOUSE AND LOT FOB SALE. rrtHE undersigned ia offering for sale, hi* House and lot iu I), warn—the lot two acres, more or lees, building new, with ibrto rooms and kitchen, and wiihiu ibrre niiouiM walk ot tiie (’ourt House. For particulars in uuire at ibia Office. Fyce sS‘m. J K. I1ABHI& , Dawson, Gn n N'ov. I2th, 18fi8—lm * TAX I%OTB nT FAIR warning is hereby given 10 all who»' if m*f ofincern. Fo.iiively no eicuao will be available il suffer the time top*** I caoaot alwavs chide. Ihe Books are now open lo receive Siate and County tax. Make .vour te'urns before the first day of Decem ber, or you will find the Books closed, aa<* you dealt with as a defaulter. • W. W. FARNUM, T. R T. 0. Dawoon, Ga., Nov. 12ih, 1868— St V ALU Ali LE PROPERTY FOR SALE * BOUT Three Hundred Acres of l\. o ne land lying in and ►on, Terrell count v, Ba., also three t!onset and a dwelling in said town, * 1 will be sold low. For further particular, inquire ot Wo. Coker, Esq., of Dawson, • will act as mv representaive in ' au & 2o Siu* ROBT. J. HODGStA