The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, December 03, 1868, Image 3

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I)A \Y,nO.\ JOURNAL. Local Column. RT,!!inw INDEX. j W Ra*d»l —Wholeaale Liquor n. u !»r Macon, ha. Mis A. KirtUnd— Wholesale & Bo j.iij dealers in Ho ts, Shoes, Lca'hcr, L c Macon. La. *Thcs Wood— Furniture, Coffins, t, c Mao*" 1 ! Gs- W (J Wright— Agent Universal Life Insurance Company, Eulaula, Ala. C B l olton— Orton e Tobacco I rep arution, Portland, Me. 1 M Janes, Ord’y—Homestead Ex ptionn* ,S F Lasseter —T«rrell Sheriff sa’os Mrs. Clara Arne S Brown—Proper ertv for sale in Lee county, Ga Parks, Vaaon & Davis—Law Firm. or three more of the Com mon Sense Sewing Machine* can be Vought very cheap by early npplioa tton.t THIS OFFICE The 8l«wur«l> ol tlic IFuwaon Circuit Will h»ve their “ leet ' D ß * D Daw •od, on Haturday before the 2nd Sun day io December, at 10 o’clock, at the Methodist Church Let eyery Seward be present, and it i« earnestly ri-qu eted of the member* at the different Churches that they set tle their assessment* immediately. Let pay up the la«t and ll»r. W. M PEEPLES, Ch’m’o Board of Stewards. publish this w«L two very interesting article* on the subject of Agricultural improvement. Thi* can not !>• considered a emali matter, since it i* through such mean* we ale to trace tn* prosperity of every other eu« terpnse Let our people take into consideration this important question of interest, aril see thut Ifcey he a* fuliv up to 'he purpose of lend ng aid in this worthy cause as any county in the State. We would cull the attention of the public to the advertisement of the Clayton High School, of Jc.aewbor ough, Ga. Parent# and Guardian* would do well to ava 1 themselves ol the superior advantage* afforded by this veiy popular Ins i uliou of ieutu lug. See advertisem nt. attention i» directed to the adver iaem ut of 1 hoe Wo dealer in Furniture and Metalie cof fins. WT* olice llie adv.rrtiscment of L. vV ■ Hasdai who offers great induce ment* in the wholesale department of Liquors. See advert eement lor par ticular*. %r:*r fee the unvi rliseineni of Mix & Klilhitid, wholesale and retail deal ers 111 Boots & Shoes III* hnperlwr t ourl— At tins pince is slih in *ession. The jvincipic business being the matter of •fearing the Stale Dockett, which •e-m* tardy in its opera tons, owing io the scurehmg process that is neoeeaa rily entered into, in r rder to arrive at definite conclusion* Ilia Honor *eems boULd to the observance of ssyteirr, »hich ]* commendable and duly ap preciated l>y thuso favorable to good order. carcoi ILsseltine, llegi-ter in Bankruptcy iu the Southern District of Georgia, gw’e u« a passing call lust waak, nod bastiy dispatched some buniacM bofora hia Court. We under •taod that he will visit Dawson again tb'- 22d .cat., which will afford the last opportunity our citixena will have to fil# petitions in ttie Bankrupt Court, tioleea they are able to pay fifty per ••ot. of tbeir indebtedn ß >e. e have received the first num t>* «f Zell’s popular Encyclopedia and Uuiv*r«al Dictionary of Art. Science, lliotory, Biography, Geography, and Language This t* certainly a vidua b e pul»lc:ation, and exceedingly cheap for the merited infcrination it give* The w irk wi I be issued weekly, single number- ten cents each. We under ■iaod he sendr sample copies to appll canti gratis Address Mr. T. Ed wood Zell, Philadelphia, Penn. Tobocoo Cbewtrt- VV “ can ail quit the filthy practice of Tonacco chewing with hut little trou ble to ourselva, by applying for uid in Ihe use of the celebrated antidote ro fetred to in our advertising columns. Ibink of the useless expenditure of •non, y that is y, ariy sacrificed in this hty habit, and gratify the desires of • hdy hou-e-wiie in leaving off the practice See advertisement. Th * Land W« l.ere— fhia highly interesting messenger of terury taste, comes well recommended <W December, and comports tidmira -7 with the title it bears. Now is 8 time for getting up clubs tor this T *ry cheap and interesting Magazine, »« in such moans great advantages are •florded. Terms f °r single c pies, $3 a year •“advance. A ldreaa Geu D. H. Bill, Charlotte, N. 0. IPL-VYe call attention to .be udver ti emrnt of the Universid Life Insti ran'eu Company, to In 1 found in auoth er column, which ccrtuiniv must be a subject of interest to every man of family. Here is a chtnae for leaving a competency to those for whom you spend your daily labours, even after tr.e grave lias settled over your mor tul remains. J it Christian having accepted the Agency for this county, will be pleased to wuit on you at tois office ut any time. Christmas is Coming ! It is hardly neocssary to remind onr little readers that Chris'mas rs coming —they all know that quite as well a* we do Wo want to tell them, however, that when they are looking out f r Christmas gifts, there is no present so cheap or so valuable as a year’s sub scription to Butko’s Wee kly. 82 wil insure its visits every week the year round. Think of this when you go to lay out money for Christmas or New Year’s presents. Parents whose children are not now taking the Weekly, will do well to send $2 for a year* subscription, [t Will give the children more solid enjoyment than 820 woith of anything else you can buy for them. All who send (2 by the I t of January will receive the December number gratis. Address J. W Bonus & Cos., Ma con, Ga. A Negro Kili.ed Anotherr rTen Cents —A n. gro killed another negro at Taylor’s Mill in this county last Sat urday mglit un ier the lolloui'ig ctrouni stance* as related to us. The former owtd 'he latter ten cents, ami after some iispute over it, the money was banded over across a fire place, the bill fell into the Are and wag hurried. The one -Limed the money paid, the otter deuii-d it a quarrel ensued, whau tho one to whom ‘be ur-mey wan due s’ruck the other over the head with a piece of board a> and killed hiiu. Let us have peace. —Monroe Advertiser. The new postal trea'y with England was signed on the 2-L.h. England aban dons double postage. The fall Maek-rrl Fisheries is almost a total fiilure. Distress appreheuded 'his winter. The South Carolina Legislature met on the 24th. N-> quorum in the Senate. Tho advocates of the R-publio seem to be gaming jr-i.und in Spain. Bare lonia favors a Federal Republic. i Tha eruption of Vesuvius seems to be subsiding ands -a s fur the safety oi ad jici-ul viilag"s have oeased. O i Safnrd y last, in Athens, G»., Mr Thomas fl Friarson wan shot iu tb* 'high by J. J. Km x, agent Freedman’* Bureau of that city. Bishop Beckwith, of the Piooese of Georgia, bus become a permanent citi zen of M icon. Chief Jus'ice Cha-e is presiding in the United 8-a'ee circuit court, now in session at Richmond. The ea*ly appearance of Morton and Truii.hull in Washington, is taken by the politicians as an indication of the character of Grant’s constitutional tdvi tors. mAiuiii-u On the Ist of December, 1668, in Dvwson, Ga.. by R.v. Thus. 7. Christian, Mr. J. J. GUI and lira. Permelia A. Daniels, all of this city. Furlow Ledge, I'D. 124, F. \. M.h BoUtoid, Surnier Cos., Gh., V Nor 9th, 1808 ) Wheresa. The solemn teachings of the Holy Writ has again been forced on our memory, “ihat, man who is horn of a woman is f few days and full of trou ble j” in that we are caused to deplose the great loss "f our estc med aud be loved Brother, Isaac W. K ndrick That, in his death, our belored Order has lost an exemplary member a prom ising light, aud his family a kind and affectionate bu-b:>nd and father. But let us bear in mind and m ver forget, that He who caused this bereavement is a jus. G and, aud worketh all things after the council of Ills own Will. It is His pleasure that we should be thus de prived ; then let U“, so far as the de pravity of human nu'ure will perun l , exclsiui: “Thy will he dnn».” While we drop the sympathetic fear, may We not console our-elves with the i ope, that our loss is bis eternal gain, and to the surviving brethren of this Lodge, it should be a timely admoni tion, to prepare for that change, which awaits uu all, for verily, “in life we arc in the midei of dea h.” Our be I ved brother departed this life October 7th, 1868. Aged 2t years. May the clos ing of this youthful career solemnly im press upon us the cert mty of death. Therefore, B solved, That in the death of brother Isaac W Kendrick, Furl >w Lodge has lost an excellent mem b< r, and the c mmuuity at large a use ful ci'iz u. Unsolved, 2nd That wi truly and sine rely sympathise with the family of our deceased Brother, in this their sad affliction and great 10-s. Resolved, 3rd. That in token of our respeot and esteem for our deceased Brother, that we will war the usual badge of mourning foe thirty days, avd that the Jewels and L’dgc furniture be draped in mourning tor the same length of time. 4<h. That there be a suitable page left in our own record hook, to record this preamble aud resolutions, and that a cony be furnished the Diwsou “Jour nal” for publication, wi b a request that he Bumter “R publican” copy. And that the family of our deceascu Brother be furui-t.ed wi'h a copy, Ji>BKP!I Thomas, A M m. lloi, Mrs, > Committee A. J. I’uKsnf.y. J Row Near Covington. —From a s e itlriti*’, wrio his just returned from Newton oounty, we learn that serious r -w occurred near (JoviugtoD, ou Tuns last. From our iuformaut, wo gather ttie following: I H -tins that a crowd of negroes, armed were, prowling around the country, stealing, when tie presiding Judge, Green, ordered tin ir arrest The Sher iff and two nr three others, went after thorn, when his party was attacked by the negroes, and the BtififTs fund split open With an axesiu tuo bauds of a negro The negro was instantly killed and tho Sheriff and hi* party compelled to ruD. Tho Judge ordered the Sher iff to sumrn- na posse and go alter them, and yesterday he rueo.-eded iu arresting quiic a number of these de pi radoes. As court is Dow in session, we trust the guilty parties may have a trial, and get the lull beuilit of the law. Griffin B tat 27 th. Judge Southerland ha« placed the Era Railroad in the hands of Ex Judge Da vis, as receiver. B Rives Pollard, editor of the South ern Opinion, was shot and killed while pa-sing near bis on the morning of the 24>h inat., by James Grant. Query for the Lyceum—Does a mil ler ever grind bis teeth? Those who are fixing their eyes up ward in mock devotion should remem ber that people do not go to bvavco by stairs. It. is with life as with coffee—be who would have it pleasant must not drain it to the dregs Wealth brings car* and apprehension. Nothing in the world, savs a wise saw, is so much afruid as a million of dollars. Why is a gent treading on i> ladie’s dreis like a hunter ? Why he’s on the trail of a dear. A deha'ing society had under erttt aidera’ion the question, “Is it wrong to cheat a lawyer ?” The decision arrived at was, “No ; but impossible.” Swiss, Nttneook J ck net, and checked Muslin*, with trimmings, at S M. Siesel & Bro’s. Avery lar K e#tocg of Ladies’ Dress good* and Gentlemen’s piece goods, at 8. M. Siesel & Brii’*. Plenty of ready-made do’htng; shoe* and boots always on hand, at 8. M Siesel & Bro’s. 60 pieces fine, cheap b'eechit.g at 8. M. Siesel & Bro’s. The largest stock of notions ever brought to Dawson, at 8. M Siesel & Bro’s. 100 pieces priDts from 10 to 15 cents, at 8. M. Siesel & Bro’s. A large stock of Crockery and Glass ware at 8. M. Siesel & Bro’». 100 doz Ladies' and Gentlemen’s hose, cheap, ut 8, M Siesel & Bro’a. DAMSO.V AIAUIiET UK POUT C KIlfcCTf.D WEEKLY BY WM WOOTEN, GROCER 110 COMMI-SIOS UIRCHAST. VOITO.Y, 20,21 GOLD, I.B* Stt.t >. It, 1.30 GUOtEUIES & PROVISIONS. /t./CO.V—Clear side* (smoked) 20(3121 Clear ribbed sides (smoked) 19@2n Shoulders, 17(318 Hams (plain,) @22 Canvassed bams, (sugar cured) @25 tOl'A'fJlJ—Prime Kio, @33 G sod Kio, @3O Ordinary Rio, @2B S f'G./W- (According to grade) 18@20 TE-I— Black, @1.50 Green, @2.26 Young Hyson, I.6t‘@2.i 0 RICE— @l6 EEOEH— Superlfne, @6.60 Etna, @7.00 Family, 7@7 60 £JKO- 24@26 f'l.>ill— Afickeral hf. bl*. 12 3 (ln@l2 Mackeiel io Ki's, 4.5(1 Whitefi»b p< r !b. 12£@15 MI fJ tTE It Goohsn, @6tt CouiHry, 25@30 ekos— ie@2o VIIIV K EJTS— 16(325 « EE* H '-IX 20@30 i./M.Dir- @lO Sl'sHl’E 76@i.ihi EIAEU-11l- 65,80 S-IEE Liverpool, a5.26 Virginia, »8.25 it'IIISHMC I*— Com. Rye, S oo„4 on Corn, 2.60a8 (>0 Fine Wili-key, a4.65 TO ti.lC CO— Common, 60.75 Fme, I.ooa l.fio W/f.Jl.V—Com (western) al 00 Com (country) al.i'O .ffll.fl,- al .36 Bugging, Hope , flf Ties. Bagging, Gonnt— 28*301 Keimieky, *BO Iron Ties. Buckle. ato Roe*— 9a12 DARDEN has applied for ez -J enip'ion ol personalty, and setting apart and valuation of Homestead, and 1 will p«B upon the Fame at 10 o'clock, a. m., on the 7th dav ol December, 18*8 not 262 w T. M JONES, Ord’y. notictw. A | ARTIIA L. RAMSEY, wife of John IvL li.msey, has applied for exemption of peieoualty, and setting apart and Valuation of Homestead, and I will paaa npon the same at 2 n clock, p. m., on the 7th dav of December, 1868, at inv office in Dawson, Ga. nov2*S— 2w T. M. JONES, Otd’y. NOTICE. 1 THANKFUL to my patrons %nd friends for their very liberal favors heretofore. I B’illh *ld forth at the same place, and assure every one shat. I shall strive as I always have done to give satisfaction. Those who have Watches, Clocks, Music Boxes, Ac., on hand must remember that I need the money, and when they delay they make me go iu debt for provisions or do wi'hout. I will wait on all such thirty days more, and then I shall have to sell for repairs. JOHN P. ALLEX. Dawson, Ga., Nov. 19th, 18H8 —lm Something for A!!. SF.ND * red Sump and fifty cents, with vour name, and receive by re’urn mail, a 'S' encil Plate ft»r markit g Clothing, Broke, £e. Buttle of fndetibrie ink, Brnrh and it« atruetioni fttt’ with each pNtc. Address J. S. ANTHONY, Cuthbert, Ga. nov!9'6S —lrn ;■ U HAVE ALWAYS OTS T IItAISTD FJLOUK, of ail Grades , GRITS, II 11*1 A*, SHORTS , and COW-FEED. ALSO, THE FAMOUS flour. r l' , o OCR PATTONS, and all others we would say that we are manufaruring our Fiou' X from the bem quality ot Wheat, and that all tiie Flour we a.II is fresh. We make all gtades, aud have Floor as low as the lowest and at good aa the best. Our motto is, WE STRIVE TO PLEASE, And guarantee sitMac’ion in all capes. All Floor aold hv na ia guaranteed to please, o* moi ey refunded. To all deal r«», and ihe balance oi mankind, we would say, try us, aud wt feel assured that you will call again. 15I.EDSOE & CO. Dovems;3months ”s. T. CO EE MAN’S MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF MU 11 SITU Stfffi IS NOW KI ADY! ANY ONE WHO HAS NOT GIVEN US A CALL, WILL BE AT THE MAGNITUDE AND VARIETY OP THIS BTOCK. We tue ful'y pr-par and for any rush that may be made, either by the wholesale or retail trade, us nur house w Shed fiom top to bottom. TII2 JCZ 1311'ia or GOODS BEING A NEW FEATUR IN OUR WE CALL TUE ESPECIAL ATI KM ION OF WHOLESALE BUYERS In returning our thanks to our large circle of friend* and < ustomers for liberal patronage, wo b.-g to assure them tnut we txpect to continue our buisinesa as we begun it—u|k>o a FAIR AND SQUARE BASIS, And do not intend or expect to lie unde *.>ld; and by Heating customers well, we expect, uot only to v,n iftior favor, but to secure thier influence wherever they go. we invite the publiek to call and see what we have, and hope we may be able to make u good impression upon every visitor. 8. TwCOEETIAN. octs-lm. Second St., Triangular Block, Next to National Bank. SI M MON S’ LIVER REGULATOR 18 THE Life-Giving Medicine of the Day, IT relieves all diseases of the Liver, it renovates the entire System, and scuds ucw bloou bounding through every Vein. IT IMPARTS A sparkling brightness to the Eye, A glow to tin* (.’heck, A clearness to the Head, A brightness to the Complexion, Buoyancy to the spirits. And Happiness on all sides. It is a household Treasure lor every Family.— Only $1 a package. Sold by ail Druggists. Prepared only by J.H.Z-iLifi&CO, Druggists, Macon, Ga. good record. In regard to the virtue of your Simmon«"l.iv er Regulator, not only can 1 t-|M‘;tk tor myaelf but nltto lor my wile, aim was .o badly allecicd with Torpid Liver and Indigestion t hut I cent her to Enrope for the change of climate and lor medical advice; but nothing seemed to do her any , owl, at last some of her 1 rienda advised her to try Sim mons’ I iver /regulator, and she has been restored to perfect health. I also have softer,*d severely from the disease aud been made a well man. .»•. iia.t ' *» .J.» f» L‘» - No. 80 Mulberry at., Slueoa, (/CO. octß Sm. THE CHEAT HI Rk COM I* LET E ! Yul. IV of Victor'* HMcrry (C'i«il, Political and il’titaiy) of the Southern licbelhon is now ready. fpillS completes this great National work. I It is, by far, the most exhaustive ami satisfactory of all the narratives of -he late Civil War. I' has the endowment of numer ous Governors, Members of Congress, Emi - nent Officers and Civilians. It i‘, in fact, the only history of the War worthy of the name. Sold by Ageots; or sent, by F.spress to any address on receipt of price, viz: In Muslin binding, |3,26 per volume. Iu Leather, #4.00 per Volume. Address WM. 11. GIFFING, Uen'l Ag’t., 13 So'ibre Street, New York. agents, ta Est Notice i tmb great work ben g complete will now com mind a lartre circulation. Good Canvassers, male or female, can readily reabze slo per day in taking names for i>. V. ry liberal eommisaions allowed and exclusive territory given. For Circular of particulars addreswas above. may2Btf JAS. P. TORUIiY, I’otslishi r «. F. & H. E. OI.IVIiK, STGViS, STOVES, AND HOLLOW WARE, Pocket and Table Cutlery, Iren Pipe, Steam Fittings Ac., wholesale Manufacturers of Tin Ware. 42 and 44 Third Street, Macon, : : : Georgia. rinvs;3in L. P. STRONG & SON, Wholesale A Retail Dealer in BOOT IDES, Second SI. MACOS, Ga. Ooun'rv Merchants supplied at New York Mahkf.t Pricks- nov 6 3m TYhaltsale A Retail Dealer in BOOTS & SHOES, SI. ITS E TBt .VKSt 85 CherrFStreet, Macon, Ga. Meicbanla suppli-d at New Y'ctk Market I’iices. novs;3in IVDTICK. Monilis after date application will be made to the Cou»t of Ordinary rs Ter* rell for leave to t*ell the lands belong trig to >he estate of Sarah Ford, late of said countv, deceased. oct22.m* CHARLES FORD, Adro’r. FOK sauc7 \ desireable Ho»if»e and lot within two hnn /l dr« and ydr(F* of the bunfnee* portion of the city. 6n the at mv W. 3d. TEEFLES. /Jaweoc, Ga., Slei*n bergi II ro s MAGNIFICENT STOCK OF ini t cm hois IS NOW READY f STAPLE & FANCY DRY GOOES AND NEXT DOOR TO M. 11. BALDWIN, DAWSON, GEO’ Y\ 7 E »re nuw receiving the largnst and beet »eleeeti'd stock of Full and Winter ▼ v GfMKtsevpr brought, to thiri market, con-ivinc ot evprv variety of E-HUES' It HESS GOODS, /* It GETS, IIEE-lEIMEO and uiioiw'jr nojnesTMVs, stuieeu una CIIEt'hLEIt do, „ EMBROJ UJhliY, LACES, n > s cry, IXaudkercbiefs, Gloves, ShawU, Clonks nnd u«ujl)y k« pt in a JrIRST CLASS DRY GOODS ESTABLISUMEST. Tlie Gentlemen’s Department. I* compietp with Cl-nh, C-aimere* and Vestings, Furnishing Goods, Ucady-Hlade Clotllillg. Hats, Caps, Boo's and Shops, and every article necessary tor a genteel outfit. We make a speciality of this line of our bu-iness, and cannot be picelled in qnaniiti quality or price. Cltli US A CALL ULFOUL VOL BUY LLSEWHEBE. uuvs;3ur OF MIT *IA'D RE.IFTFI Favorite Resort of the Fashionable and Lovely! J)AWm, .... GKOKOIA. VRE NOW PREPARED TO FGRNKU THE MOST BEAUTIFUL Photograph*, AmhrolyiM’s Uelaiiiotype*, Ivui) type., Peatll)p«-s, Icrreo ij pt‘9, I’oreelaiU, or any other kind of Types, ol all sizes and desenpaioua. ETJFLEX-TYPEPr, Rv which the likeness of the same person appears twice in the same, in the most ioconceivs bly different positions. In nue sympithy with the many il's to which frail humanity is heir, they hare for a long, time been endeavoring to ascertain some process hy which beaOtiftil pictures Can be taken trom iuferior subjects. They have at last made this, and are now permitted lo rejoice ia heralding the glad news to all who are the least uncomely in form or feature, that they ar* prepared to take for them the most beautiful and flattering pictures, at the same time pr*. ■irving a correct likeness. Pii'lnrev copied to Miniature or Portrait size, by 6uch a skill combination a* to lender them even more natural than life itself. dUWe are also prepared to paint I.ife-sizc Portrait*, in Oil, Pastel or Water Colors. Let all come and oee our Specimens. HOOTMI St nnonw. Photographers. novs;lm Over J E Loylcss’ store, Dawson, Ga. JOHNSON, CAMPBELL St. CO . WHOLESALE GROCERS AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Corner Eonrth and IPoplar Streets* MACON, : : GEORGIA, Have m Btore and are daily receiving large shipments of the Mowing €*oods 9 which they are selling at the lOWEST POSSIBLE IIGUKES. BACON. 60 Hhds C R Bason Sides hO “ “ Shoulder*, G Tierces Bargraas Hams, STTGr-A-I?S. 100 Bb’s Stnsrf’s C Sugar 50 do A do 10 do Powdered do 20 do Oru-hod do 10 do Cut Eoaf do 10 do Grauulated do COFFEE. 100 Bags Ilio Coffee, all grades, 10 “ Did Government Java. I3A.GGI7STG-, &c 100 Roils Patched Gunny Cloth 10 Bales Heavy “ G 20 “ Twine 30 000 lbs Arrow Ties 5,000 “ Whaley w SALT. 160 Sacks Liverpool Salt 80 “ Virgiuia “ FISH. 10 Bbls Bay No. 1 Mackerel 20 Half hbls Bay No. 1 Mackerel 20 BHls Shire No 1 Mackerel 30 Half bbls Shore No. 1 Mackerel 20 Bbls Blue Fish 50 Half bhl" Blae Fish 50 Boxes Herring 10 “ Codfish, CANDIES, Ac. 50 Boxes Cafcdy, Plain and Fancy/ Pecan Nuts* Almonds Raisim, Pruucs 20 boxes Cheese, 10 “ Soda Crackers 1C “ Riicar do 10 “ Butter do 10 “ Desert do 10 “ Lemon do SIMMIES, 70 kegs Butter 20 barrel* Irish Potatoes -10 “ Ooioua 7 0 tj,, rce# Bieo si j boxes No. 1 Soap 50 “ Erasive Soap 100 « Olive do 25 “ Fty’s No. 1 Soajf 50 11 Bt ; ,r Cvndles 10 “ Pair.fiue Candles 5 barrels Kerosene Oil, 100 half barr' is Molasses 15 barri Is Fine Syrup 100 eases L quors, all grades 300 half sacks Superfine Flouf 250 “ “ Family “ LIQUORS, Cotton Plant Bitters Russ’ Bitters Gibson’s Cabinet in btl* G'Lson’s Monongahali \\ hiskey ia barrels, Tennessee Whiskey ‘ IQ barrels Uid V\ ir“^ e g ( er aud Shenandale Whit hey, in barrels Fine Old Brandies and Gins Scnppernocg Wine, novS-T*