The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, December 03, 1868, Image 4

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- h H:. f €*'s : vv ' -.- u ■’ ~Aiiil 1(11 From (ho Midis'll* Auditor. TO THE PEOPLE CF GEGFGIA. Farmer*’ (’onvciiiion sii Ma yoti, Den'mlK'i’!), I N<i*i. The Press of Georgia Request! and to C<q>y th,s A(i</r<u and Keep the BuLJcet be fore the People The undersigned were appointed a committee at a meeting of the Agricul turist#, held in tho city of Eatonton, Georgia, at the lito Agricultural Fair in Putnam county, to addres- you on the subject of immigration, and to ark your co-operation It was agreed to bold a meeting in the City llall, at 10 o’clock, A M., on Wednesday, the 9 h day ot December, ensuing, composed of one delegate, at least, from each eouoty in the State, to devise and set on foot the best plan for all the different sections of Georgia, to promote immigration from the Northern States and Europe, as will furnish the best labor od the best tcrms j for the improvement and dt v lopment o all the varied interests of Georgia and Georgians. Touohing the immediate subject of immigration, the committee deem it bcstjnot to propose any plan of action in this address, but to leave the whole question to the Convention —and wo simply urge a full attendance at the Convention. This, People of Georgia, is no small work, nor is it n Utopian id a. And now is the time for the work to begin. It has already been delayed too long, and if deferred still will only eud in greater injury. Farmers of Georgia! tho burden rests mainly on your shou’ders. Others are to be benefited in a c rresp nding ratio—but it devilvis mainly upon you to “put the bail in motion.” Cos oper ation 13 wbat we need. This is to be effected by full and free discussion of the whole question. This can be had at Macon at the tiino specified. We cordially invite you, therefore, ‘Farmers of every county in Georgia,’ to (.ppoin* one or more Delegates to represent your interests in the Convention at Macon, and to aid in tho work. Wo must not wait. There is too much danger in de lay. Too much sacr.fice in postpone ment. Send the best men you can get, and let the good work commence. It will tako months to accomplish the first step in the enterprise. It is all impor tant to begin right. One false step may be incalculable mischief. Our present labor, from the signs of the times, will in a few years more, be almost worth less. It is not the sort of labor we need now. It is inadequate, unskilled and unreliable, and becoming more so every year. Maryland is awake ! Virginia is arousing! Missouri, Texas and Arkan sas, are all moving ! Georgians 1 we, too, must begin, if we would save our good old State, ourselves and our chil dren from abject poverty. Oar invita tion is earnest—the cii is is near; the results certain and glorious, it we begin right, begin in lime, and act through out with wisdom. us have r prex sentatives from every county, at Macuu. And let us then and there inaugurate a Bystem of labor which shall regain our lost prosperity. It, and it alone, will be our salvation. The redemption of Georgia from pov erty, now upon her, the improvement of her lands, the development of all her great and varied resources, iu the work to be accomplished. It can be done.— This work must he a beginning. This is the object of the Convention at Ma con. There is not labor enough in the Btate to accomplish a ti.he of what may be done with proper management. In addition to all the labor we new have, we need hundreds of thousands of ekilled laborers from abroad for this great work. And in conjunction with this labor wo shall need capital and cap it ali sis; let us invito them, too, from the North ami from Europe, if the Conven tion deems it best to do ho. Be not lukewarm upon this subject, for this ia the goldeu opportunity to make a beginning. No work ean be half so important for us or our children. B. T. Harris, of Ilanoock, 11. D. Capers, of i’utoam, B. 11. True, of Morgan, Committee. Sparta, Ga , Nov. 10 1808. A little girl in a railroad car, who was talking about marriage : “I should do just as I pleased!'' “Mother—'When you are married?” “Eight Bummers —“No, when 1 am a widow.” The negroes are fast adopting the manners and customs of the “poor white trash.” An ebony c >uple were uni ted in matrimony in Evansville, lud ; the other day, having fl< and to that place from Kenrucky, to escape the wrath of “cruel parents.” An Alabama editor, in puffing a gro cery kept by a woman, says: “Her to matoes are a? red as ber own cheeks; her indigo as blue as ber own eyes, and her pepper as hot as her own temper.” | Jffi, BAXTER ir MY, COTTOX A VESUK, Macon, Georgia, GENERAL COMMISSION. PROWK AND Provision Merchants. ,/nenls for #7i«p/rs .tVfson’S Cel eh rate' 1 //Mined It 'h is key's. • tyents Chevraelet /.hue /forks tgeienls Chestnut drove ITV«#*- hty, n AVF now in Store and For Sale at the very Lowest Market Ih ices, A large Stock of Goods, consisting in part of 1 000 Bushels Corn 2 000 do Choic' Tennessee Oats 200 do Seed 11) e 200 do Seed Barley 400 Sicks Flour ) . , 100 Barrels Flour “ U « radeß 100 Sicks Liverpool Salt 50 Hbds Bacon Sides and Shoulders l.lme, Piaster and Ceiiieul al ways ou liand. 75 Barrels Whiskey—all grades 10 Tierces New Crop Ho e 10 “ Canvassed llams 25 Barrels Kump Park 50 Packages L at L*rd 100 “ Mackerel 100 B xes Siar Candles 75 “ Soap 7 5 1> irrels Sugar 50 li iu* 22u> and Java Coffee 8 0 Bales of Hay 25 Tons Phosphates and Flour of Raw hone. Additions are made to onr Stock daily.— <toll and see us or send us vnnr orders. We (ill everything reliable, promptly and fairly. novs 3in / a LUHtiIA, Terrell Lowly t V X Wiiereas, J T. Cochran, applies for let ters of Guardianship of Rosanna, JLirgaret and Hlli-ii Hikes. These are therefo-e to cite and admonish all persona conci-.ned to be and appear at my office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand and official signature- this Nov. 12th 18fi8, uovltifod T tl JONES, Ord’y. / roiJOI A, Terrell County: V J Whereas, Eli Cochran, Executor of Dar« ling Sikce, applies for letters cf dismission from said estate. These are therefore so cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at mv office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, and official signature, this Nov. 12th. 1868. uovl96m T. M. JONES, Ord’y. CMMI4 f Toj rrll County Notice is hereby riven to all persons con* oemed, that Mary Kelly, late of said countv, departed this life intestate, and no one has applied for letters of administration on the estate of said If try Kellv, and that in terms of the law administration will be vested in the Clerk ot the Superior Court or some oth er p oper peison, ou the 3rd d/ouday »n De comber next, unless some valid objection is made to his a ppoin fro At. Given under my hand, and official signa ture, this 12th day of November 1868. nov 191 ni T. M. JONES, Ord’y. / 1 EORGIA, Terrell Comity: \ I Whereas, J. R. Ellis, applies to me for letters of Guardiauship of A Isa Bowen. T hese are therefore lo cite and admonish all persons concerned, to be and appear at mv office within the time prescribed by law, and show if anv, why said letters should not be granted. Given under my hand, aud official signature, this October 26th, 1868. novl93od T. M. JONES, Ord’y. “NOTICE. Makti.n McLfndon him Applied for exemp tion of personalty, um) setting apart and valuation of Homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 10 o’clock, a. m., on the 6th day of December, 1868, at nit office. uov26—2tv T. Jl. JONES, Ord’y. N’OTJCR f OHN J/cCARTHY has applied for ex t) etnpiion of personalty, and setting apart anti valuation of Homestead, and I sill pass upon the same at 1 o’clock, p m., on the 28h day of November, 1868, inst, at mv office in Dawson, Ga. T. M. JONA’S, November 19th, 2w Ord’y. NOTICE. MAI ILL) A LAW HON has applie ! for ex emption of personally, ami netting part and valuation ol Homestead, and I will pass upon the same at 1 o'clock, p. m., on the 28 day of November, 1868, inst., at inv office iu Dt» son, ya. T. M. JONA’S, November 19th, 2w Ord’y. ~N OTICK. ("*1 ALVIN WATSON has applied for exrmp J tion of personally* and setting apart aud viilu ttion of Hom<»si*ad, and I will pnsn upon the tame at 10 o’clock, a. in., on Saturday, the 28 1 b day of JVdvember, 1808, and s f ., ar my office in Dawsou, Ga. T. M. JOjVES, November lyth 2w Ord’y notice:. r M. J/AUND has applied for exemption JL • of realty and personalty, ans «e ting apart and valuation of Homeatead, and I will pass upon the same at 2 o’clock, p. m., Fri day, November the 27ih inst., at mv office iu Dawson, Ga, T. M. JONES, November 19th 2w Ord’y NOTICE. JOSEPH c-WANSON has apohed for ex emptiou of personalty, and 1 will pass up on the same ar 10 o'clock, A. M., on tbe 4th day of December, 1868. at mv office, uov 26—2 w X. 11. JUNES. Ord’y. M. Ms K KUNTRYKEN KEEP KUMING. Richard is Himself /Spin, ms, - mm iias RETUII IST ED, VXD has brought with him the largest lot . of GTJNS, PISTOLS, AND SHOOTING FIXINGS GENERALLY, KVER BKEN IN DAWSON, SUCH as Colt’s Repeaters, Smith & Wesson's Ri pesters, Metalio Cartridges to suit any thing, Cartridges lot Colt’s Pi-tols, Smith A Wesson’s Pi-iols, and all other kind of Pistol or Gun Caps that may be called lor, and Am unilioii of every description. J. O. S. SMITH. Dawson, Ga., Oct 22,'88 ; 3m. TIiTGUEAT TiliU*/iPH IN NEW YORK. s. h. sum & a. 11 AVIXG purchased the largebt and best 1 selected stock of DRY GOODS 1 that has ever boon exhibited in the town of Daw son at unprecedented loav prices I Which they are determined to sell Cheaper Than the Cheapest, They return their thanksto their friends and nat rons for past favors, and solieit a continuance of the name. iTlessrs. Jlaa* & .(olinsion Who are always on hand, are determined to spare no pains in making their customers agreeable tfyiuwanttoaav'rmon^ 0 ' 6 b^in g S. Pal. SIESEL & BFJG., West side Public square, Dawson Ga. oct6-3in BLINDS, DGOHS, mmzwm READY-MADE m GLAZED, AND ALL KINDS OF Oinunpuial, Cottage, t!ouse& ‘tore Work done to order in the best and latest stylea. HOUSE AND KITCHEN FURNITURE Pianing , Sawing and Turned Work, Coun ters, Tables , and Stools for Stores. Repairing of all kinds done cheaply, and w ith dispatch. It will pav to send or call at Fac ory, foot of Third Street, on Wharf St., Macon, Ga. GREENVILLE WOOD. june‘2s;ly w PUGH’S PREMIUM, Photograph A Portrait Gallery. TRIANGULAR BLOCK, MACON, GA. TflE PRoriKTOR OF THIS TIME HON oted Gallery, which has long been known as one ot the institutions of the country, is still producing first class pictures of every style. lie would be glad to serve any of tbe good people of Southwest Georgia. Wiieo you visit Ms con, he certain to visit Pugh’s headquarters and h ive yoorself immortalized. He is making life size portraits from ambro tvpes of deceased persons, as well as from the living ; Cartes de visits, and fine pocelaiu pictures as low as any first clans gallery. The proprietor procured all the late improvement during his recent visit to the great Ci'ies of Europe. Those seeking the best, he will be certain to please. oclßu EORGIA. T«*rr«*ll County: T Whereas, Jeterniah llilsrnan applies to me for letters of dismission from Guardian ship of F. A. & M T. Mercer. These are tociie and admonish all persons concerned to be and appear at my office with in the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any, why said letters should not be granted. Given under mv hand and official signa ure, this Oct. 26, 1868. T. M. a/OKES, oci 29-40d* Ordinary. TANNERY AND SHOE SHOP! WE HAVE PURCHASED OF MR. W. W. LEE nia TAN YARD AND SHOE SHOP, which we propose to make an Institution of the town OF t>*i if * s o.r. In the Shop we have secured the ser vices of that superior workman, JYIR. J.IS. riTie«ERALI>, as foreman anti general manager, who, »i'h Messrs. BLAIR, JOHNSON and SMITH as assistants, will put up any thing you want iu the line of SOOTS AND SHOES FKOYI Til E HEAVY BROGAN TO A FINE CALF WWI BIT ran aFjrTLEjrusjr, AMD Kid oi Calf Shoes or Boots ran e«/i/ies. IN THE YARD, 71 It. IIOLLOWAY, /.ate of Fort Gaines, A PRACTICAL TANNER AND Superior Finisher, It'lU have General Supervision. CASH PAID FOR HIDES OF ALL KINDS, COW, GOAT, SHEEP, DEER, &e. T^NTTSTERY id Chickasaw hatouie ererk, half milr from G iirt House. Shop, souifa nid- Public Square. A.T OUH STORE yeu will always find MR. PARROTT who wi'l sell you anything in cur line Low for Cash. ALEXANDER & PARROTT. oct!s 3m And he convinced that we still keep on hand tbe Largest and Best Selected, And cheapest stock of Goods in MIDDLE GEORGIA ! And are ever ready, as heretofore, to prove what wie say, by our customers, who have been dea ing with us. All Goods shipped promptly aud guaran teed to Come Up to Representation! Don’t take our word for it, but TRY US yourselves. Always on band. BACON, CORN, PORK, SOAP, FLOUR, MEAL, MACKEREL, STARCH, LARD, RICE, HERRINGS, CANDLES, 450 Ifoxcs Tobacco. CHEESE, WHISKEY, OSNABUKGS, SNUFF, POWDER, SHOT, COFFEE, SARDINES, BRANDY, YAKNS, CIGARS, SUGAR, CRACKERS, CASE LIQUORS, SHEETINGS. PICKLES, CAPS, 'IEA, &c , &c. SEYMOUR, TINSLEY & CO. Jas. Seymour, } A. R Tinsley, > - T.*D Tinsley,} octß;3m SOMETHING WORTH HEEDING o HAVING made, arranse-meata wi,h ihe Oyiuv if -1 Cos., are eMe to sell two, threw, Ipur and ax horse Wagons, at a Rm ,11 advance on New York ro-*i. We would invite Ihoae eithir.g irood Plant*'ion Wwgnrt*, to examiua our Stock before purchasing elsewhere. mip / We would also cull the attention of ’he public, to our splendid mid extensive stock of LIGGIES, HARNESS 4 CARRIAGES, both of our own and Northern manufacture. I' w generally understood rhvnujfhou’ South- Western Georgia, that WJJV. §IK KI * U always warrant* His work. We alwuv* keep a good Stock ot Carriage & Harness, Wajtou and Buggie matariajs ct all description. Call ami ace. wm. stun im:, ”ucr«l’v Ga. hoimhG u.OLE .A iu china. Almost Every Case Cured With PAIN KILLER. Read the following letter from R- v. R. Tel ford, Mi*Bi.Quary to Chi:.a, now fishing his home iu Pennsylvania : Washington, Pa., June 25, 1866. Messrs. Perry Davis & Son, Providence, R. I.—Dear Sirs : During a residence of some ten fears as a missionary in Siam and China, I found four Vegetable Pain Killer a most remedy for that fearful scoutge the cholera. In administering the medicine, I found it most effectual to give a teaspoonful of Path Kdier in a gill of hot water ewpet ened with sugar; hen after about fifteen minutes, begin to give a taMespoonful of the «ame mixture every minute until relict was obtained. Apply hot applications to the ex tremities. H uh** the stomach with P in Kil ler, clear, and rub the limb* briskly. O' those who had the cholera and took the medicine faithfully in »he way above, »icht out of ten recovered. Truly vours, R. Telford. In an attack with PErrhoe», Dysentcrv, cr Cramp Cholic, don’t and )* v the use of the Pain Killer. Sold by all n.ed'cin* dealers. Price 25 cents, 50 cents ami |1 per bottle. Swatow, China, Sept. 22, 1865. ! Messrs. Perry D-tvis & Son : Dear 44* a—l i ought, to have acknowledged long ago the box of Pain Killer you had the goodness to Mend us last year. Its coming wis most nrov ideotial. I believe hundreds of lives were saved, under God, by it. The cholera ap peared here soon after we receiv- and it. We resorted at once to the ‘‘Pair KiHer,” using as directed for cholera. A was kept of ill to whom the “Pain Kill*r” waa given, and «’Uf native .*n-is»a"ta azures us that e ghr out of every ten t> whom it was prescribed re ! covered. Il has, too, he» n very useful in ri mi.- other d.i#ca«es. It bus proved an inc»N CUldble frles-ui g to multi ude** of poor people throughout all this rs gion. Our nanve i reach - era are m ver wlilo g to go out on their ex ! cur ions without a supply of the “Pain Killy i er.” It gives them favor in the vyesot the I people, and acce-a to families and loc-Dties | bv »• horn c» hei » they would be ind’ff’ r— \ en’ly rec iv< and fi ditve ue, dear sir, fully and fai’hrullv vours, etc. J Vs Jciinsox, Missionary is China* apr,3<»'6Bl v TH: PLAN lefts’ WARLHOUSE. fllO the Planter* ofCluv, aud Ctl i boon couiitic*. ft* . anß Ifcnrr a ><l Dale couihicb, AUhama, the would most rpßj>t*ctfully infirm lis Friend* ard tor Planters of fh«* above naoiul counties, that he has erected a LARGE AND COMMODIOUS WAREHOUSE, On the corner of Wasingfon and ILirtford jSsreets—Oposite the Masonic Hall, where he is prepared to Receive and So re all Cotton and oiler /’induce that may be brought to him. He will Nell or /Ship Cot.on to reliable parties in New York, Savannah, New Orleans, or anv point his friends mav de-ire—either by Railroad or S esmboat.— lie will alwaws keep on hand a good supply ot BAGGING, ROPE, IRON-TIES, SALT --AND— Plantation Supplies, ,Which he will furnish to farmers as low as any house in Southwest G/orgia. He hopes by strict attention to business, to merit a rea sonable share of pnfdic patrunhee. .B. r W tI.KI R, FORT GAINES, GA , Sept, 17th 1868 H"ptl7 3m RICHARD E. KENNON, siTTottNn: r .it i..i if, FORT ti l INFS, CLAI CO., GA, N V T ILL attend promptlv all the Courts in T T the Pa tan la Circuit, and those adjoin ing when desired. Will attend the District Court of the Uni ted States at Atlanta and Savannah. Particular attention paid to cases in Bank ruptcy. N. B The provisions of the Bankrupt Act that expired June Ist, 1868, have been ex tended to January Ist, 1869. 00115 n036-» Administrator's Sale. BY Virtue of an order of the Court of Oi dina/y of Hatiis county,G i., wiil be sold in the town of Daw-on, Terrell county, Ga., on ihe first Tuesday in January next, within the legal hours of sale, the following, lot. of land, belonging to the esfat- ol J/ercer Bibb, decM : Lot No. 14, iu the 3rd District, orig inally Lee, now Terrell county. Slid land sold to pay debts and to. distiihution. Terms cash. L. L. STANFORD, Adrn’r. novl9’6B'ds -j pi—i ULtiIIGIA, Terrell Comity:— Whe.e.s, E. G Hid, Kxeeti l or of R. S. Jo'd'in, applies lor letters ot dismission trom said eetate. These are therefore to cite and admonish all persons concerned, to he and appear at my office wiibtn the time prescibed nv law, and snow cause, it anv, why said letters should not he granted. Given tiudet my hand and official signatute, this November 25th, 1848. c0v2640d T. M. JONES, Or'dy. H' '|i • IIAS JUST RETURNEO FROM NEW YORK. With cin Entirely New, -Fresh and Beautiful Stock of STAPLE & FANCY BIY GOODS A FULL LINE OF Domestics, Cassiniercs and House-Furnisliing Goods. YANKEE NOTIONS, WE have everything iu this line that can be ai-ked far. CLOTHIITG-, OUR Stock is very Large and Complete. SOOTS -A-ILTZD SHOES, WE have au eDdleas variety, including a spit udid assortment of Ladie* Shoo. OUR Grncerv Dopartiuont will also be well assorted and complete. Biiggiiig, Ties and Sait always on hand. 4 FTFR a stiy of three weeks in New York, end a close observation of the f!-tctuntiOM U l\ the Market, I have been enabled to buy Goods very low. Come aid examin# thvm and no argument will be necessary to sell thvrn to you. I yVOICISTT fotl Grand, Square and Upright Tiano-Fortes, A Specimen of which can be seen at my residence. Also, CONCORD liUG' G I lijirb which 1 will sell cheap for CASH. And am prepared to make Liberul Casli Advances on Got ton c DMfc'Ctd to my e > rpoiei. u>iu Savannah or New Y rk. W. M. PICIII^JLES. Dawson, Os., Oet'iheT 22 186S —Hoi 7 rrrnr i wni rpTll\T Jiliiij ii. if Dili 111,, imS ICTOI MERCHANT. DAWSON, GEO FARMERS, TASS NOTICE! I AM NOW PREPARED TO RECEIVE, mark, riore, saw pi* and sell, or ship your oottoD at moderate rates. \V<ll make Uhcrul CASH aehaneu on onr ton stored io my Warehouse, and Allow the planters to h Id as long a* 'he-y wish sell when they see prope', or si ip it at any time, and to »ny place they choose. 1 would advise my patrons to h! hi,hk, hut, if they wish to try other markets, I will .-hip ‘heir cotton to psriits in Macon, Savannah of >ew Y'ork whom I kuow to he responsible aud reliable gentlemen, and who will guar antee the planter eutire eatisd’aoiian. My Scales are correct, as llie Cic'iaarf's Ccitificate below, fill show, and ihey cannot be changed to make theta weigh more or lers ; GEOROI', ) Ordinary’s Ofifito Tekiikll County \ (• r said ctunty. I, T. M. Jones, Ordinary, in and for said o'unty, do hereby certify that I have this day listed the PcUes us and by J hn A Fulton so. the porpose of weighing cot’ou at his Warehouse aid find them correct, said weights balancing with the Standard weights in nvy office for the use of Terrell county. Oln witness win reof I have hereto signed my name official ly, and affixed the Seal ot my office. September 28th^ 1868 ’ T. M. JONES, Ordinary, Terrell Uuunty. COOKING STOVES! COOKING STOVES ! I HAVE THE LARGEST AND FINEST assortment of Cooking Stove* that, has ever been brought to this mark t, and I will so 1 them below Macon nricos with freight, &c., added, I invite all, and especial!) the ladies, to call and examine my stock; and w uld advise every family who has m ne, to pn-ebue one as soon as convenient, as.he demand is so very groat, the pnoes will oerU.n ly increase during tho coming winter. Sell, or draw on one Bale Lotion, AKD BUY YOU A GOOD STOVE WITH FURNITURE AND FIXTURES enough to last a life-time. You will have no more nae for nesro cooks, who arc becoming a nuisance, but every Udy can do her own co-kina with pleasure, even with their “Sunday harness” on, with-ut stooping or straining, and without senrebina, smokine, greasing er smutting hi r hands and face, or dress. The following are some of my best patterns of SigVes. I have sold a gr«a* many of them, and every oie has given entire satisfaction : BARLEY MIKAF. lined throngßoht with Tin Ri Hectors. FOREST QPEEX, with hix b'tluM rm<f li>ti rl‘ Bur IROA «If 111, w ith all the new in prnvi nicnta. UiUEATAL, RED JACKET, PAI.MEI 10, ILLI A, KAS'I IiEJS PREMUiMi kt. If parties should want any Cooking or Feating Stovo which I have not o® band, I will order and sell it lower 'ban it can be bought in New York, or an 1 other place ; at retail, aud laid duwh here. JOHN A, FIX TON, o«; 15 ni 36-3 m