Newspaper Page Text
Local Column.
Per*®** 0 '
W e are happy to announce to our
ders the arrival of our distinguished
Senator') M<j. Wooten, on a short vis
it to his family and friends,
f ~ r particular attention is directed to
a Mt/of Dr. J- A Jackson, which will bo
j£„d in another column.
Attention is directed to the advertise-
Capt. John P. Allen, who has ar-
Tnged a plan to “kill four Birds with one
r*-Jfr R. J. is now Bel,io ß stoves
cost. See advertisement.
“A Beautiful Extract."
Cartirsvillr, Ga., Jan. 22, 186S>.
j a. Fulton, D wson, Ga.
Otar Friend: - * * In regard to the
Sewing Machine I purchased from you ;my
w jf e thinks it sn excellent one. She can do
„ flue Stitching on k, as on any of those lar
,„d much moie costly Machines, and then
?t to not at all in the way. 1 ours truly,
J. G. M. Montoomxrt.
pawswn Uterary School—
We are glad to learn that the com
munication of “Dawson,” published in
our paper a few weeks rinse, has awa
kened amongst our citizens a apirit of
enterprise in reference to this impor
tant subject. Nothing would so much
advance the general interest of the
whole community, morally and pecuni
arily as the erection of a Seminary of
this kind in our city. We learn that
twenty acres of land, within the corpo
rate limits of the oity, has been set
H ide especially for that purpose, pre
senting a most beautiful cite, render
ing everything peculiarly adapted to
the purpose contemplated ; and noth
ing is now wanting to accomplish, suc
cessfully, this greatly desired object,
but for car enterprising citizens ia the
town and couutry to unite their ener
gies in pushing forward the enterprise,
and the work will certainly be consum-
msted. We are proud to record the
fad, that a gentleman in this city,
known for his liberality, in everything
pertaining to the prosperity of his fel
low-citizens, has suid that he would
give SSOO worth of lumber for the pur- j
pose of erecting this templo of learn -
ing. flow many will follow his exam
ple? Doubtless there are some who;
who will, while there nre many whoj
will libernlly. We would
suggest to our city Fathers, viewing |
thorn as euterprising and liberal gen- j
tlemen, the propriety of donating from
thetstsesol the present year SI,OOO
for Uns glorious enterprise ; believing
that every citizea will give their hoar- |
ty approval to an act so gotten u sand
magnanimous. We hope at the next!
meeting of tike Council that Utcy will
unanimously head the list with a thou
sand doilar douutioo. If so, your Sell] -
inary will be a fixed fact—Real Estate
will advance more than 50 per cent,
and tho betwfits to the whole town and
county will be incalculable, and a row
impetus given to all kinds of business
never before experienced isl this com
It it Cowing !—LooJi. Out For
Tbe announcement that Lake’smaar
motb Circus will be hereon the 9th of
February has created one of the most
pleasant excitement in our commttuity
that baa been experienced in a loug
time. Lake’s establishment is now more
wonderful and complete iu its appoiut-
Beata than any thing of the kind we
have ever tad, and the unprecedented
•uecesa it baa met with shows how folly
the public appreciates the efforts of the
popular Lake to give us something worth
*<®ing. Our friends througmt the
wintry, who may visit the Circus on the
9th, may bo sure of getting the worth
of tjpir money.
Terrell County Agricultural
* Club meeting.
At 2 o’clock, p. m., on Saturday, the
30tb of January, a meeting of the oiti»
mm of tbe county, assembled at the
Coupt House for the purpose of organ
“*"* an Agricultural Club. Col D.
W. Collier was called to the Chair, and
®a*is, eleoted Secretary pro tern.
On motion, Dr. C. A. Cheatham, Dr.
• Ptino and Mr. KoKenney, were
appointed a committee of three to draft
relations, 40. The committee sub
®itted a constitution which was nnani
niomlj adopted. (Not riven for want
of space.)
On motion, Dr.C. A. Cheatham and
f.Leroy Brown, were appointed to se
lect delegates to the State Convention
eld in Atlanta on the fiist Tuesday in
The following names were presented : F. i
J - B - Vanover, J R. Jones, \V. F.
’ibson, G. W. Christie, Dr. W. W. Farnum,
® - r - M - Harper, Samuel C. Williams.
Meeting then adjourned till the first Tues -
cits 1 ®t which time all the
l os of the county are requested and
?ed to be in attendance, as the society wilj
'Permanently organized at that time.
I ° Te< * l^ at the proceedings of tins meet-
n 8 e published in the Dawson “Journal."
„ D. W COLLIER, Chairman,
“.w. Davis, Bei-"-'iary.
C * nnu "M»nal,iy of the Relief
j . Law.
ho* f ** #6en ' th ® Atlanta Comtitu
°pinions of the Justices pub-
Vit» a Bew^ the Supreme Court on
, ' i tinio S V leCi<ied t!l<! Re,lef Ltw to becon-
* Dd McCaj afflrmiDS and ‘
The impression is genet a' in political
circles that the House of Representa
tives will arrogate to itself the right to
declare the members of congress, from
Georgia, ineligible to their seats, *g
the Senate has done wtih the Senatois
eloct, and that Goorgin will be reman
ded back into its former anomalous
comliiion, being neither Tenitory nor
State. Tho pretext is the eX| ulsion
of the negroes from tho Leg slature ;
but the real reeaon is that the vote of
the Georgia Legislature will be necos
sary to satiety lioutwell's amendment
to the Constitution, or some other of
kindred character Washington Sjfe
cial to Louisville Courier Jounal.
Free Passes for the Legislature
—All the railroads in tho State, except
the Georgia, furni h complimentary
passes to the members of the Legisla
ture. —Atlanta Era.
The Georgia Railroads certainly have
a small sizo axo to grind. Let the
members from the line of the “Georgia
Road’’take courage; tbeir time will
oome some of these days. The ‘‘Geor
gia’’ will perhaps get iuto a big speeu
lation, and then tho tickets will le
forthcoming,— Griffiin Star.
Extract from a letter: from Jeru
“We started early to ascend Mt
Olivet, to behold the sun gild the min
arets and towers of the devoted city,
from the place wLero memory, stirred
by a thousand associations, should ex
alt the mind as well as the eye to the
i inspiration of the scene. Well is the
voyager repaid for long travels, horrid
roads, antediluvian cookery, squalid
companionship and the importunities
of begging, thieving Arabs. Well
would it Lave repaid you, oh ! man of
commerce and the crucible! and well
might you have been reminded of your
own city, for here, painted upon a board
nailed against one of the huge ancient
olive trees, under which the sacred
martyrs toiled for the sins of the wtffld,
eighteen hundred years ago, were these
familiar figures, 8. T—lß6o—X. We
do not know who did it, but no doubt
Sime poor iuva id traveler, cured by
tho Plantation Bitters, wished to
advertise tbeir virtues in a place Irom I
whcuco all knowledge fi ‘tvs.”
Magnolia Water—Superior to the
best imported German Cologne and sold
at half the price.
From the Huntsville, Ala., Independent.
‘Tub “Great Southern Preparations”
are not patent medicines, composed
of mysterious root3 and herbs found in
remote and obscure cornera.of the earth,
but are made of pure and frerii drug=,
the ctfioacy of which have been thorough
ly tested by the medical fuculty. The
rapid salo and curative properties of
these medicines are the bet: guarantees
that can be offered in tbeir favor Their
English Female Bitters is Laving a
tremend ms sale in this country and all
nre delighted with its effects.’’ (J. F.
Mnrgnnd, editor of K'sciu-ko, [Miss.)
Chronicle, says: * * Tho E glisb
Female Li ters is highly recommended
by the Medical fraternity at this place
and surrounding country.” Sue adver
On the 2nd inst., by the Rev: C. A. Crow
ell, at the residence of the brides father, Mr.
A. If. Jones, of Dougherty eo , to .t/iss Ma
ry V. Sasser of Terrell co. Ga.
Dawson Business Directory,
Dry Good* Tlerelinnt*.
KI T.\(:IU .BACiHS, Dealer ia all
kinds of Dry tjr iods, Mam street.
LOVLGSN & GttHTIW, Dealers
in Staple Dry Goods and Groceries, also
Warehouse anil Commission »!/ei chants,
Jfain Street,
A I I'kliS.lV A CICOIJC 11, Dealers
_i*Xin Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, .Main
St, At Reddicks old stand.
OKR, W. F. Dealer in Fauey and sta
ple Dry Goods, Main at., under “Jour
nal” Printing Office.
I)RATT * C* It I ”1, Dealers in all
kinds of Dry Goods nud Groceries. Main
1)1:111' 1.0, W. ita., Dealer in Staple
and Fancy Dry Goods, Loyless’ Block,
Muid street.
Grorery Jlorelianls
AUTiIUK, S. !>., Dealer in Groceries
and Fumily Supplies. J/ain Street.
IT'IH.TOST, J. A., Dealer in Bacon,
Flour, Meal and Provisions generally, at
Sharpe & Brown’s old stand, M lin st.
Cl KIIIIR & SI MMOt S, Grocery
X and /Provision Dealers, South side .Pub
lic Square.
HOOD, B. H., Dealer iu Groceries and
Familv supplies generally, ceil door to
Journal” Office, Main st.
MCDONALD, 8., Dealer in Family
Groceries, Liquor, Ac. South side Public
MIZELL, K. C.&Co. Grocery and
Provision dealers. Next door to the Ho
tel Main Street.
KICHABDMOIf, J. S. Dealer In
l7oafectiouaries, Fish, Oysters, Ac Main
CtllidATHA Al, V. A., Druggist and
) Physician. Keeps a good supply of
Drugs and Medicines, and prescribes for all
the ills that flesh is heir to. At his old stand,
the Red Drug Store, Main st.
Watch Repairer,
\LLEN, JOHN I*., will repair
Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Jfusic Books,
Aeco'diors, &c , always to be touud at bis
old stand, on North side of Jhiblic Square.
SMITH, J. t». S., Dealer in Guns,
Jhstols, Caps, Cartridges, and sporting
good" generally, Main st.
Soule, K. J. Dealer in Stoves and Tin
ware of all desorptions- Repairing done
on abort nonice.
Waif for (lie “Boss.”
mi - Tiiumn cm
IfiO <m &ILIL SiHD'TO 3
Positively the LARGEST and Rest SHOW on tEic Green Earth !
Will Exhibit at Dawson, Ga., Tuesday, February 9tli, 1869.
The cn'y big concern of the kind and character that will visit this part of the State this season.
This establishment was organized Twenty-Seven Years ago, aDd added to every year until it has become
Emphatically pronounced by everybody to be the '
'IIMS. BE Performed Every Evening, the Grand Spectacular Equestrian Entitled
F'rom LORD BY RON’S POEM, arranged for.tbc R ; ng expressly for WILLIAM LAIvE, Esq.
MiiZiyFJS,, - Madame .AG“NUIS LAKE!
As played by her over 100 nights at the \ ictoria Theatre, Berlin, Prussia, whore she achieved a most unparalleled success both as at;
In which sJie will Introduce Eier Elcnulifu! and Thoroughly TRAINED ISORkE A 1*01.1,0 !
'The same used by her in Berlin, Prussia. Midarne LAKE will be assisted by a full and ellioieut Company of
S> n A ill 1 TI € A\ £> i: il 17 E<: IS T U IA A A SB 1’ I$T & ,
Such as have never before been combiued in one Show, and every effort will be m.nto to render this the most interesting /’erform-mee of t lie present iige.
iC. ISk A No wholesale humbug or combination, hut one genuiuo siogle Circus, forming
ff Equestrian and •ttmphi-Thealrical Excellence!
Arranged iri the most magnificent proportions, regard to expo’se, ami
i !<< ts. DASHING HOUSEMEN. Coryphees, PutitotnimUts, Hippo-Dramatists,
Clowns, Voltigeurs and Equerries, the Hippo-Olyutpiad can defy any other Trav
elling Exhibition, East, West, North or South.
Greatest Riders, Most Darrng Gymnasts, Most Renowned Acrobats, Rest General Performers, Most Famous Vaulters,
Best Trained Horses, Most Astonishing Mules, Traiued Dogs, Monkeys aud Goats, Smallest and best Educated Tonies.
And in short, a concentration of the
Selected from the most prominent Companies of Europe and America, The performance wi.l consist of a.l that is
Grand and Cturugens in Gymnasia, Cavalry Evolutions, or Animated and ;. i Mp■ m|
Graceful in Athletic Skill by the universally admitted j j Mm
Equestrian Peeeants & Cavalcades. Cavalry Evolutions. Comic Pantomime*, Grand & Lofty i 3 • J
Tumbling, Soxiievsn-iilting-, &c. , rjß_ jgLJ * Jr \\
Will be introduced at each entertainment in rapid succession, the whole forming the most |g .. jgC'
acceptable. Unique and Brilliant Entertainment ever given on the American Continent. Lj^Jw
3 LA.TIGTT inspiring CLOWNS ! 3
\YJ/. LAKE, the Teteran Son of Mourns, HI MARKS, the Humorist aud Sbaksperian Clown, AL. AYMAR, tbe Wit and Philosopher.
Forming a combination of Talent never before consolidated iu any oue institution, either in Europe or America.
The .?/. t.ll.ltOlli Slion * will be Announced by (he GIUI.YD PIIOCESSMO.Y,
Making a stream of Gold and Silver over one Mile Long. Headed by the Golden Dolphin Chariot, cent lining Prof. LUYTEN’K SIL
VER CORNET HAND, after which, tbe Company, mounted on Thoroughbred liorves, arranged as Persian Cavalry and Knivhtp of Two
Hundred Years ago, a gorgeous pageant, more brilliant than ever beheld sUice tbe days of chivalry, or the eplcudors of the Field of tho
Cloth of Gold, the wboie forming tbe most attractive outdoor display ever witnessed on this Continent.
TW O FEKFORMAXfEB DAILY at 1& 7 O’Clock. ADMISSION, 75 Cts. CIHLI REN under 10, no Cts.
Remember, the Largest and best travelling Exhibition in the world is coming, and will
AI positively perform all that is represented on day and date specified, rain or shine, under their
Mammoth Three Ctfnlre Pole Pavillion. which covers fill an acre of
ground, and iacapableofcomiortably seating over 6,000 peisons.
Recollect, the best Show in the World is Coming!
If ~ili also Per tor in at Wednesday, Feb.
jnn2B— sJt J. A. BAiLZY, General Agent
M APEB ’storm
1 t * <*--■ «• n.
WE take this method of informing our friends and the public, that wt aNr
again prepared to fill orders for MA RES’ SUPER-”
known to the publio Read the certificates below front some of the beat plantar*
of Terrell, Webster and Calhonn counties:
Mapes’ Siiper-Phosphate although applied late In the Spring, paid 75 per ei r
Notwithstanding a Brought of Nine Weeks.
Dawson, Ga , November 28,1868.
Messrs. Lott.Brs & Grtfftn —Dear Sirs: —Tho Mapes’ Soper-Phosphate of
Lime, purchased of you last Spring, and applied to ray corn the IS h day of May,
after which time 1 had a drought ol nine weeks, and I find, upon gathering my
crop, that it has paid me i5 per cent. It it had been applied earfirr, k would
have been muoh better. W. j). MURRAY.
Dawson, Ga., November l*th, BIN.
J/essrs. Lovless & Griffin, Agents:—l used 1(10 ponnd* per acre of the Mapee Swper-
Ffiosphate of Lrnie on mv cotton, upon land that had been in cultivation for the past thirty
years. I left rows in the field umnanured, that I might test its properties fuUy, and the iw
sult was fully 5 to 2as compared, in favor of the .S’uper-Phoephate. Colton manured with
ibis fertiliser stands drought better than that unmanured. I am fully satisfied It generate#
moisture. I had upon this cotton il weeks drought, and it stood rt muuh better than that
unmanured. Would recommend two hundred pounds per acre. Ido not expect to grew
cotton again without it. N. W. DOZISR.
Dawson, Ga , Novombcr 10, 1868.
Messrs. Lotmcss & Grifftn, Agents :—The Mapes’ Super-Phosphate I bought
of you I applied ootton, 150 pounds per acre, and I think it made one
third more cotton thau that unmanured. I would reoommend two hundred
pounds per acre. M. GAMAGE.
Caliiocn County, Ga , September Isth, 1863.
Messrs Loyless & Griffin, Agents:—l have u-ed one ton of the Mapes Su—
per-Phosphato of Lime. Being late in the season when I received it i could BOt
give it a fair trial, but am satisfied it has paid me G. W. COLLEY.
Dawson, Ga., September 15, 1868.
Messra. Loyless & Griffin, Agents—l have used this year, Afapos’ Super-
Phosphate of Lime, and find it au excellent manure, and would recommend it a»
such. I. E. LOYLESB.
Dawson, Ga., September 15, 1868.
Messrs. LoylfsS & Griffin, Agents—l havo used upon my garden Mapei'
Supci'-Phospbato of Lime, and believe it will pay. J. M. SIMMONB.
Weston, Ga., November 16, 1868.
Messrs. Loyless & Griffin—Gentleman—Having made trial of the Mapca
Phosphate of Lime, l take pleasure in raemntrending it to planters. Notwith
ttaodtng a severe hail storm in the spring and a long drought m the summer,
which injured cotton very much, ih« Super phosphate proved a perfect succeai.
Respectfully yours, A. A. DANTZLER.
Cosaiplel’d •Inn. 11, ’69
Samples taken in Savannah and immediately trans
ferred to the Laboratory.
Soluble Fhnsphsfe *eid, W tof
Equal tn Done Phosphato of Lime dissolved,
Com'no u Phosphate Acid,
Equal to B tee Pnoßpliate of Lime, 37 gj
Sulphate of Lime, .r
Soluble and Insoluble Silica, ~
Organic Matter, 2g gg
lielditig AmmnuiSj 27
Containing Nitrogen, g
Moirture expelled at 212 degrees Far.,
Oxide of, Alumina, and Salts of I’otassi'um, Sodiilm and Magnesia
not estihuttd severally, 6 ' 267
From the eberoidal results of the fofogoing Analysis and our knowledge of tk#
element* of nutrition required by the articles generally grown upon our soil ww
are constrained to rank Mapes’ Super phosphate of Lime high h»
the scale of fertilisers now before the public. .
The amount of Ammonia which it oootaiis must hasten germination, and rap
idly advanoo early growth, while tbe amount of Soluble Phosphate of Lime will
sustain furthlir advaneemont to full maturity, the Insoluble Phosphate being a'so
valuable by decomposition, and feeding tbv noil better for succeeding crop*.
Inspector of Fertilizers for the State of Georgia, Savannah, Ga*
£3£T Piico iu Dawson, $'18,50 per ton of 2,000 lbs, cash.
2=ST F?r particulars and prices, send fo t Jamphiel* eoß certificates frona
leuviiijg agriculturists id every portion ol the State. b M iroa
e T'T n? r r hD ,’x G , ardnet ' t Land Plaster, and several
other fertilizers, which will bo sold low fur cash. Call and see ns.
DAWSON, GA., January 21, 1869 lm