Newspaper Page Text
goitj ciiETOiulT
Cultnri* hikl Di<*k
non') Svv<'»:|)*.
Spakta, Ga Deo. s;h, 18C8.
thlitur Southci-n Cultivator. —
There is suoli confusion through the
*s to the plan of agriculture I
pursue—some using the solid sweep rsa
part, of my plan. Lot. me say, T would
not have one of them. Moreover, there
are plans called mine, that I cannot
I will give my plao in a very few
words. First, draiu the wet land, and
if you wish, or it needs it, ditch the
hill sides—then deepen your soil; charge
it well with vegetable matter, either by
rest or sowing oats and feeding off in the
field, sowing and turning under pea vines
or clever a':d other grasses, where
they will succeed, &e. Then plow deep,
and subsoil to the extent of your abil-
Wj. Gather all the manure possible
from previous crops, cotton seed, ma
nure fr<-ui stock, leaves, pine straw, and
mud aDd other scrapings—then add
each year to each cr.,p, oats, cotton
Wheat, ito .such soluble ammonia and
hone earth, ko., as Peruvian guano, and
Dissolved Itoues, Land Plaster, Salt,
and wood ashes may have in ttiem—the
latter, if to be had, in aDy form, at a
price that would warrant its use
Plant corn eight inches below a level
—put the manor) within three oi four
inches of the seed, and cover about one
and a half inch deep. Cultivate shal
low— first plowing 1} inch, second, one
inch, and third, onc-half inch I prefer
a heavy sharp, sweep, 22 to 26 inches
wide, cither for corn or cotton. Former
communications will show how 1 pre
pare land for corn aDd cotton.
If you carry out this plan well as to
order and time, it will nover fail. One
of your correspondents from South Car
olina, in criticising roy plan, says you
cannot make corn without a wet July.
I have made a first ra*e crop of corn,
with no rain after the 19:h ofJtine, and
can do it every time. Below I will tell
that gcutlcmao and others how to do it
I have never had to resort to the ex
treme there described, but it will pay.
It you wish a fort to stand a hot and
protracted attack, you must water and
provision, a; well as man it, in order
that it may holdout until the siege is
raised—remember one day unprovided
for may prove fatal, so if you wish a
cotton plant or corn stalk to stand a hot
burning suu, and a dry northwest wind
from four to ten weeks, and come out
safely, you must water and put in suf
ficient soluble food to last. How is
that to be done ? Answer, by deepen
ing the soil, plowing deep, sub-soiling,
and filling it with humus, that it may
retain the greatest amount of water.
The soil is like a sponge, if too porous
water will sink through it—if too close
it will hold out but little. I find the
humus, clay and a duo propoitiou of
sand, constitutes the best of soil, to sue
cced under all circumstances, with sol
uble plant food iu abundance.
I will now give you a plan that will
carry the cotton plant through eight or
ten weeks of drought with safety, and
enable it to get ahead of the caterpillar
—the boll worm may come too soon for
a full crop, but ono need not fear the
caterpillar, if they do not como before
the first of September. Always remem
ber, the soil must be good and deep and
sub-soiled six inches deepor, and fur
nished with a good supply of guano,
dissolved bones, plaster and salt. A
cotton plant to stand two weeks (always
remember to use the Dickson Select
Seed), must have four inches of soil aud
six inches of sub-soil—three weeks,
six inches, same of sub-soil--four eight
inches, same sub soiling, and for every
week of dry weather you will need an
additional iocb, with the same six inches
sub-soil, broken below So you will
see, to stand a ten weeks’ drouth, you
must have a soil sixteen inches deep,
with six inches broken below.
This plan will bold the forms and
bolls during tho whole time, and not
give them up when it rains, but should
you prepare right, and your supplies
give out, or surrender one week beluve
reinforcement cctne, in the form of wa
ter, inuoh is lost, and it may be too late
to start anew. If you prepne aid car
ry out this plan well yt u may ixp ct
irom 400 to 1200 lbs, o’ lint oottou pur
acre according to the character of the
land, locality, etc.
Truly yours.
David Dickson.
llow to Get Big Crops. —As a rule,
farmers are much more anxious to get
l>:g prices than big crops. There are
a few farmers whose average produc
tion could be doubled in a very short
lime by more capital and labor. It is
■wnfe to use capital in farming than in
almost any other busiue-s. The cred
it of the plow is quite as good as that
of tue loom or anvil; and the capital
will come, if it is called for. Use more
manure, and get thir'y bushels of
wheat where you now get fifteen, and
eighty bushels of corn w here you now
get forty. The quantity of grain per
acre is mainly a question ol manure
nod tillage.
Cf EOKGI.4, Terrell County:
M W. C. Keudrick applies to me for let
ters of Administration on tbe estate ol Isaac
W. Keadiek-
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned, to be and appear at my
office within the time prescribed by law, and
show cause, if any, why said letters should
not he granted. Given under my hand, and
official signature, this January 7th, 1869.
jan73od T. M. JUNES, Ord’y.
GEORGIA, T«-rrell County :
Whereas, Eli Cochran, Executer of Dar.
Hug Sikes, applies for letters of dismission
from said estate.
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned, to be and appear at my
office within the time prescribed by law, and
show cause, if any, why said letters should
not be granted. Given under my band, and
official signature, this Nov. 12tb, 1868.
ppTl 96m T. if. JONES, Ord’y.
Ladies of America I Matrons of our own
.Soil! Do you wish the gentle zephyrs ol
health to fan the hrow with a touch of de
light ? D » you wish the pale, sad cheek
tinged with the roseate hues of nature ? Do
you wish the dark, murky clouds of dr°pair
to be succeeded by the radiant colors of hope
aud oousolation ? If *o, uao
Do you wish the groan of misery hushed and
the tears of file diseased wiped from Sorrow’s
cheek f
Do you wiso to be relieved of that lingering
Female Complaint which annoys your
thoughts by day and haunts your dreams by
night ? Do you wish to add health, strength
buoyancy and beauty to your feeble aud ema
ciated frame ? If so,
,/•* tt Certain ami Poiver/ul
restoring the Uterus to its healthy functions
at all times when unnaturally disturbed, it
has no equal on the American contiuent, and
no suffering female ahotild delay in testing
its intrinsic value. Two thirds of the entire
female population are suffering with some
form of those complaints peculiar to their
sex, which annually consign thousands to an
untimely grave.
Is the only combination that will actually
arouse and restore the, womb to its
natural condition.
Whether old or young, married or single,
who are suffering with any form of Uterine
Disease should at once procure this remedy
and be cured.
It is particularly recommended for Painful
Suppressed, or Irregular Catamenia, in
each and every case the menstrual function
being Restored to its Normal Action, wheth
er Profuse, Scanty, Difficult, Painful, Sup
pressed or Irregular. Its action is truly won
derful as a never-failing
Uteri no Tonic aud Regulator.
During the “critical period of female life"
this compound quiets and soothes the nerv
ous system, regulates uterine action and en
ables one to pass that period almost imper
ceptibly. Itcures Leucorrhoen, or Whites,
Hysterics, Ulceration and Irritability of the
Womb, Giddiness of the head, Cold feet and
hands, Palpitation of the heart, Difficulty of
breathing, Sick Headache, Melancholy,
Wakefulness, Loss of Nervous energy, and
all those troublesome complaints peculiar to
the female sex.
An eminent physician of A/emphis says:
“The combination known as the English
Female Bitters is the most certain Uterine
and general Touic I have ever known. I of
ten prescribe it for various female complaints
with the most satisfactory results.”
Mr. C. F. Morgand, editor of Kosciusko
(Miss.) Chronicle, sayi:
“This will certify that the English Female
Bitters is highly recommended by the med
ical fraternity at this place and surrounding
Messrs. Carpenter k Cos., of Hazleburst,
Miss., write:
“The sale of the English Female Bitters
is something wonderful."
The Bitters are beautifully put up in large
bottles at tbe low price of $2.60 per bottle,
or three bottles for $6.00, scut to any part of
the country, by express, ou receipt of price.
For Bale by Druggists. Also, for sale by L.
W. Hunt & Cos., Macon Ga. jau7;3m
71e your
In those troublesome Pulmonary affections
wf.w i aif.ii.i.r pn ctoit *i l
is an efficient, pleasant and cheap expecto
rant. It immediately relieves the cough, eas
es tbe pain, soothes aud quiets the nervous
system, promotes free and easy expectoration
and induces calm, refreshing slumbers. In
Coughs, Colds and Catarrhs it affords prompt
relief. In Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Pleurisy,
Asthma, Croup and Hooping Cough the re
lief is prompt and decided. For Spitting of
Blood, Night Sweats, Pains in tbe Cheat, Dif
ficult Breathing, Influenza, and all those
Lung diseases attended with Cough or Pain,
its immediate and efficient action is truly
Being prepared by regular physicians of
long experience, it ought to possess advan
tages over all other remedies which are rec
ommended for the same diseases. Price,
large bottles SI.OO, or six bottles for $5.00;
sent to all parts of the country on receipt ot
price. For sale by Druggists. Also, L. W.
Hunt & Cos,, Macon, Ga. jau7;3m
.lire frequently the seats of very troublesome
and unpleasant complaints.
Do your kidneys act free enough ? Are
you troubled with Gravel or any kind of Uri
nary deposits? Do you pass bloody Uriue
occasionally? Are you anneyed with too
frequeDt inclination to Urinate ? Is your
Uriue thick, ropy, or milky ? Have you a
pain in the back ? Have you an uneasy burn
ing pain in the region of the Bladder? Ate
you neivous, melancholly or alarmed in your
dreams, from the effects oi habits of dissipa
tion or indiscretion ? Do you require a med
icine which wiil immediately arouse aud re
store your Kidneys and Bladder to a healthy
action ? If bo, procure OHe bottle of
Extract Bearberry and liucbu
and be restored to health and mahhood again
Price, only SI.OO per bottle, or six bottles
tor $5. Nold by all Druggists. Also, L. W.
Hunt & Cos., Wholesale Diuggists, Macon,Ga
Wo challenge the world to produoe its
equal. Follow the directions and it will arouse
your torpid Liver, cleanse your stomach, car
ry off all biilious matter, and "break up” any
case of Chills, without affecting the head, ears
or nerves. By acclamation it i« conceded to
be the prettiest, cheapest aud most reliable
(Thill medicine evet offered to the American
people. It is prepared by physicians who
have practiced medicine in malarious districts
of the South and West for 20 years, and it is
confidently recommended far all forms of
Chills and Ewer, Biilious Fever, Neuralgia,
Sun-paio, enlarged spleen, or Ague Cake, and
all that class of diseases that are so trouble
some in malarious districts. Oae bottle will
cure two cases. Price, SI.OO, or six bottles
for $5. Sent to all parts of the country on
receipt of price. Sold by ail Druggists, Also,
by L. W. Hunt* Cos., Macon, Ga.
jan7;3m Memphis, Tenn.
For sale by W. A, Loyless, TJawson Ga.
JYetv •Itlrcili item en is.
F.crr.rlv aW Cod'
House Street, New Orleans, (established 1800)
for the hist 8 yea* located In Chicago, and
celebrated tl -> ughoui the conntry in the sue
ces-ful i '* ’ cot of Private Diseases, can be
eonfl tantially consulted at bin office ami par
lors 91 and 93 Randolph St., corner of Dear
bnn at., Chicago, 111., or by letter. Poet Of
fice Drawer 6863, Chicago, 111
Dr. James treats Chronic, Jfercural, Fvphi
lUL, Blood and Skin Diseases, and all Disor
ders of s ContagioiiH Venereal Character—
which he cures without the use of mercury,
iodide of potassa, arsenic or any poison, hut
with his Neutralizer, a positive cure for all
humors and blood poisons.
Organic Weakness, such as S( minal Weak
ness, Nocturnal, and Diurnal Emissions,
brought on by the abuse of the organs, early
ndiscretions, excesses, or entailed hereditari
ily, causing loss of memory, confusion, de
pression, dimness of vision and oft times in
sanity, with a deplorable train of other symp
toms, treated and radically cured by an in
fallible method, saving time and expense.—
All diseases peculiar to the sexual organs,
radically and permanently cured.
Old diseases of the most, horrible class,
where the blood has become poisoned, pro
ducing blotches of the face, small watery blis
ters, pains in the head and bones, ulcera'ed
throat and nose, sores on the limbs and body
scrofula, together with an endless number of
sufferings, effectually and permanently cured.
Dr. James is recommeuded by tho press of
the country, by professors of medical colleges
and by the medical profession generally.—
Those afflicted should apply to him, and be
cured at Once.
Tle Monitor by Dr. James, a book upon
diseases peculiar to the sexual organs of ei
ther sex, causes, affects and their remedies,
compiled by an experience of twenty years’
practice in the exclusive treatment of these
diseases, sent to any address, securely wrap
ped. Price One dollar.
Sust issued anew treatise on Spermator
rhea, Syphilis and other diseases of his spec,
ialitv sent in Sealed envelopes, for the postage
10 cent 0 Udreas Dr. James, P. 0. Drawer
5863, Chicago, 111.
as diploma at office will show, has been
longer engiged in the treatment ot Venereal,
Sexual and Private Diseases, than any other
physician iu Bt. Louis.
Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture, Or
bhitis Hernia, and rupture ; all Urinary Dis
eases and Srphililic or Mercurial Afflictions
of the throat, Skin or Bones, are treated with
unparalleled success.
Spermatorrhea, Serai debility and Inipo
tency as the result of self-abuse in youth, sex
ual excess in mature years, or other causes,
and which produce some of the following ef
fects, as nocturnal emissions, blotches, <lrbil
ity, diziness , dimness of sight, confusion of
ideas , evil forbadings, aversion of society of
females , loss of memory and sexual power,
and rendering marriage improper, are per
manently cured.
Dr. Whitaker publishes a MEDICAL PAM
PHLET relating to venernl diseases and the
disastrous aud varied consequences of self
abuse, that will be sent to any address in a
sealed envelop for two stamps. Many phy
sicians introduce patients to the doctor after
reading his medical pamphlet. Communica
tion confidential. A friendly talk will cost
you nothing. Office central, yet retired—
No. 617 St. Charles street, St. Mo. Hours,
9 a m to 7 p. m. Sundays 12 to 2 p m.
S3OO A Month S2OO
.A-gents Wanted
This work is a record of the heroic services
afloat rendered by this gallant commander
and eis devoted comrades dur ng the war be
tween the States; and is a book of thriling in
terest to all lovers of the daring, brave and
true. It sells faster than any book that has
been issued for years. One agent in Balti
more sold 27 copies a day lor two weeks; an
othor agent in Alabama sold 35 copies a day
bis first three days; and every agent we have
out reports raj,rdsales. Exclusive territory
given to men of experience and ability. The
work will be splendidly iilustratee and bound.
To secure good territory.
Address F. I. DIBBLE & CO,
.Publishing House, 208 Main Si. Louisville
“twelve times a year.
Tlie ReslTlagH/iHelor Fami
ly Reacting published iu this Country.—
Very greatly enlarged aud improved, and
now surpasses all competitors.
It has many new features not contained in
any other Periodical; and for the year 1869
will be the most desirable reading that can be
It is Edited by the talented Author and
Historian ED PORTER THOMPSON, who is sup
ported by an extensive corps of the most bril
liant American Writers. Each number is
filled with the best Stories, Essays, and mis
cellany, together with a template epitome of
the News, making it absolutely a household
Specimen numbers, post-paid 20 cts.
Yearly subscription, #2 60
Don’t fail to address the Publishers for a
copy. F. I. DIBBLE & CO., 208 main St.
Louisville, Ky.
Nothing so important; send 10 cents, for
sealed 72 packages on the whole subject,
showing who and who ought not to marry,
to DR. WHITTIER, 617 St. Charles St., ST.
LOUIS, MO. Consultation free, at office or
by mail. State your case, no matiter who
hage failed. He stands pre-eminently above
all others in his speciality. Patients treated
by mail or express in every State. Persous
having Privatet Delicate, Intricate or Consti
etutioual Cases, having failed cf a cure, may
apply confidentially.
Os Ea-i iJiihany, N. Y., Pateut Farmer’s
Steam Boiler has been in use many years,
without accident, and with perfect success
for cooking in large quantities for stock, scald
iog hogs, &c.
Morion’s Cyclopoedia of Agriculture,(than
which there is no higher anthority iu Eu
rope,) says : As to steaming food for cattle,
there is abundant expetience to recommed
it, Thu process of cooking renders soluble
that which would othwiee be imperfectly di
gested. It removes, ia some cases, what
otherwise be unwholesome ; and it renders
savory what would otherwise be distaseful.”
Those in want, will please send for circu
lars, prices, &0., to JAMA'S C. HAND & CO.
Factors or iSAVERY k CO, Manufactoties,
The best family Medicine in the world
Hon. Alex. H. Stephens, of Georgia, says,
“No head of a family shou. and ever be without
if” We guarantee it to cure, without fail,
Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Sores on man or beast
Colic in horses, Stings or poison, Diarrhoea,
Catarrh. It is the best Disinfectant that has
yet been discovered, and will remove all bad
odors. It is invaluable io tbe sick room. It
has the best recommendations of any medU
cine in the United States. All Druggists
keep it. Trade supplied by the proprietors.
jan!4;ly 160 William st., New York.
SOUL CHARJ/ING, Electro Biology, mes
marism. Spiritualism, Divmation and a thou
sand other curious wonders. How to learn
them, price 25 cents by mail. Address, Book
Publishing Cos, Box 2677 Philadelphia.
cabinet, Metropolitan aud Portable
SSO to 1000 each.
Thfll m’knowtedgod £t«n<lnr<l of Kxnellenee
mnoiifrV of thin Hums ; winners of
tlif I’gr’Mi i x|)omi jon Mi'i .i md N«*v«n»ty-flvo
otlifrti ; roromroondod in* the tout by moro than
Throw Hundred of tho most Knihii’iit MuMiciau*
in tii«' country ml Rirope.
Moro th tin Hffy fttylep,, adapted to nil linen, in
pluhi eases for Chii.chcM Sc hools, &<v xml .throat
variety of erses for Drawlng*rooms, Par
lors, Libraries etc.
These instruments derive their superiority,
not slone for excellence of inuterisl and work
manship, but also from the exclusive use of ma
ny Importaut patented improvements.
I’ri«*—Four Octave Singh' /food, .Solid Black
Walnut Caws, plain, #SO. Five Octave* Double
Heed, Five 8 tops, Tremulant etc.* Solid black
Walnut Case, earveil and paneled,sl2s*
Kilty other sty lea at proportionate prices.
Illustrated Catalogues, will exact represen
tation, full descriptions, and prices pent free
of charge, aud post paid to ere ry applicant.
596 Rroadway, New York.
Yacht Club Smoking Tobacco,
Is universally pronounced the best wherever
it ha 9 been introduced ; for the following rea
sons. It is free from NICOTINE, or anv
poisonous drugs : consequently no ii jury can
result from the use of it.
It has an agreeable aroma, and leaves no
unpleasant after taste in the mouth.
It is made of the best stock that can be
procured, and is of a bright Golden Color.
It weighs les9 than ordinary tobacco. One
pound of it will last as long as 2 or 8 pounds
of other kinds.
Orders for elegantly Carved, Genuine J/**er
schauin Pipes, are packed in the various sized
bags, daily, value at sls 00.
The venders of these order- roust send them
to us, aud we will forward the Pipes per Ex
It is sold odlj in bags of lib Jib fib and
Loriltard’s Ereka smokirg tobacco is also a
very good article but much lower in price.
Orders for Meerschaum Pipes arc also packed
in this brand daily—valued at 7 50.
Ask for either ; try them once, and you will
use no other,
We still pack SIOO 00 daily In small tiu foil pa
pers of century Chewing Tobacco.
V ATE ASK the attention of the public to
Y Y this long tested and unrivalled
It lias been favorably known for more than 20
yearn, during which time we have received thou
sands of testimonials, allowing this .Medicine to
be an almost never-failing remedy for diseases
caused by or attendant upon :
Suddeu Colds, Coughs, Fever and Ague,
Headache, Biilious Fever, I‘ains iu the Side,
Back and Loins, as well as in the Join sand
L mbs ; Neuralgia and Rheumat c Pain iu any
part of the system, Toothache aud Pains in
the head and face.
Asa Blood Purifier and Tonic for the
Stomach, it seldom fails to cure Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Acid Stomach,
Ileaitburn, Kidney Complaiats, Sick Head
ache, Piles, Asthma or Phthisic, Ringworms,
Boils, Felons, Whitlows, Old So ea, .-welled
Joints, and General Debility of the System.
It is also a prompt and sure remedy for
Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, T inter’s
Colic, Diarrhoea,‘Dysenteiy, Summer Com
plaint, Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum,
Scalds, Burns, Sprains, Bruises, Frost Bite°,
Chilblains, as well as the Stings of Insects,
Scorpion, Centipedes, and the Bites of Puis
onoue Ir.seots aud Venomous R pliles.
See Directions accompanying each bottle.
It has been tried in every variety ol climate
and by almost every nation known to Amer
icans. It is the almost constant companion
and inestimable friend of the missionary and
the traveller, ou laud and sea, aud no one
should travel ou our lakes o. rivers without it.
Prices, 26 cents, 50 cents, and $1 per bottle.
THE PATH KILL KB is sold by all
Druggists ami Dealers in Family .Medicines.
PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors.
74 High st., Providence, K. 1., 380 St. Paul street,
Montreal, Canada Kust, 17 Southampton Row,
London, England.
apr3u’6Bl v
HAVING made arrangements with the
Tosuliu*on Deuuirea Cos.,
are able to sell two, three, four and six
horse Wagons, at a small advance on New
York cost. We would invite those rishing
good Plantation Wagons, to examine our
Stock before purchasing elsewhere.
We would also call the attention of the
public, to our splendid »ind extensive stock of
both of our own and Northern manufacture.
It is generally understood throughout South-
Western Georgia, that WE SIRRIXG
always warrants his work. We always keep
a good Stock ot Carriage k Harness, Wagon
and Buggie materials cf all description.
Call and see.
»ugßl’y Americus, Ga.
S £k §1 11 a
Ornamental, Cottage, Rouse &, store
Work done to order in the best and latest
Planing, Sawing and Turned Work, Coun
ters, Tables, and Stools for Stores.
Repairing of all kinds done cheaply, gn d
with dispatch. It will pay to send or call at
Factory, foot of Third Street, on
Wharf St., Macon, Ga.
t ei i:
Barley iheaf!
Anti-Bust Air-Tight Cooking; Stove, with Extended Eire Box
for Wood or Coal. Patented Bay 16, 1565.
a take pleasure in offering this justly celebrated first class flat top Cooking Stove to the public, aud would call attu
tion to its many attractive and valuable improvements
Over one thousand of the EARLEY SHEAFS were sold last season, and every Stove has given such universal satis
faction in cooking, fuel saving, and c mvenienoe of operation, that it is now difficult to supply the demand.
It has a pateDt anti dust shaking Sifter in the hearth, which sifts the ashes into a drawer iu the ash pit, and retains tbs
cinders and ecal, which can be put back on the fire through the feeder, making no dust.
The long cross piece is reversible, so that the wash boiler can be used on the side as well as the front holes. By n«
moving the long cross-piece we givo a laige opening for a cauldron or wash kettle.
A feeder with slide for regulating the draft and feeding and fixing the fire when the front boles are in use.
Sliding front fire-doors, giving full use of the hearth. There is also an additional slide in the oven, being a very great 1
convenience while cooking and baking.
The oven is nearly as wide at the top as at tho hearth line, which not only increases the size, but wiil be recognised as
a great advantage in baking.
As to the size of the flues and fire box, which are made to correspond with the very largo oven, several months trial
hns enabled the Manufacturers to so adjust them (hat the greatest amount ot heat, is obtaiued with the icast possible faei.
The design of the Stove has been prepared with great care, and cannot fail to please.
I get these Stoves direct It m the Manufacturers, and anu-ellirg them at a small profit. I include thirty pieces of fur
niture and fixtures with each Stove, and will guarantee satisfaction.
I refer the jublic to the following gentlemen, to whom l have sold these Stoves :
Roil. L. Bi ycn, Dawson, Osi. Dr. J. 11. Pickett, Tci i rll ۩., 6a.
Dr. C. A. Chcatbaiii, 44 Br. W € BE-ryan, Stewart Co*,G».
Br.T. E. Langley, “ JHr. A T Newsome, 44 “
Br. James Ravage, ii Br. .5 Kaiatlall,
B. 11. Gamage, Terrell co. tia. Br. !S Wi!lifor«l, V.’ebster co. 4 ‘
Br. J. C. Leonard, “ “ Br. J W Warren, Calhoun,co “
Br. .1 ttl. Csimioaa, “ “ Air. II B Dennis. 44 44
Br. eJ Taylor. 44 44 Mr. <ieo. W. C’ollej*. 44 44
W. L. BSeil, D easier Cos„ Ga. \V. G, Pierce, lalhoan Cos., Ga.
Frederick Dell, 44 44 Dr. E. J. Bai tiu, Terrell C’o. Ga.
Br. C. C« Brown, Dawson. J.R. Vanover, 44 44
I have many other excellent Stoves, viz: The Mutual Friend, with Hot Closit aud Reservoir. The Improved Iroi
H itch, with six holes, &0. The Oriental, Ret! Jacket. Palmetto. Flame. Eastern Premium, ks.
I have just rec-ived a lot of W. G. Wilson’s liYIPROVED COMMON SENSE SEALING MA"
CHINES. I know them to be splendid Machines, basing tested one thoroughly for two years. They will sew As
finest silk and the coarsest cloth, with any kind of spool thread. Will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, embroider, &o . with rapid
ity. Any child eight or ten years rs age can do good sewiagon them with c«st, without nny danger of getting them o*t
of order. 1 will warrant these Machines, aud sell them at Manufacturer’s prices. Will include with each Machios,
Hemmer, Barnum’s s-ls-sewer, Oil can, Screw driver, and Needles
lam agent for Satterwllite’s Improved Cot ton Seed. This Cotton is said to yield id or*
per acre than any other, aud is yiuchwaupenor iu quality. Messrs. Scaly & Jackson, of Randolph county, certify that
they raised 2100 lbs. of o<>tt.on per acre, and Mr. A E Ward, same c >unty, certifies that he raised 820 lbs. lint per aer*
from these seed. Missrs. Turnlin, Shaw, McDonald, aud others, recommend them very highly. I have a sample ol the
cotton, and think it the finest I ever saw.
I also have on baud a large supply of
Plantation Iron, Steel, Axes, Hoes, flames, Traces, Aail?. Plow
Hues, Cora, Sead tints, Flour, Beal, Nall, Syrup, s«b#: r, Coffire,
LI ine, Fish, Irish Potatoes, Apples, Cheese, Crackers, Sardines,
Oysters, Tobaceo, Snufl, Soap, Soda, Candles Live GceSC
Feathers, etc.
■ •, ■
Which I am soiling at lowest market prices.
? \ I *■ 1 * aUk ffgjjt If |g«i
I am agent for the sale of the following Fertcrlizers, at the prices annexed:
Baugh’s Daw If one Phosphate, S £57.00 per Ton.
ISaugh’s Chicago Blood Baiitire, $50.00 ** »»
Calumet Bills Bone Dust, $41.00 ~ n
I sell these Ferterlizors for CASH ONLY, and the purchaser must pay the Freight on them from Baltimore to
plaoe, which will be about $ 10.00 per I’on. _ ~
Many of the most prominent and reliable Farmers in Virginia, North and South Carolina and Georgia, ceruijw*
Baugh’s Raw Boaae Phosphate
is by far the best Ferterlzer they have ever used, for Cotton and Corn. It effects the land for several years in sueeessiMh
although applied only once. It not only increases the crop, but permanently improves the land, which is not the ease*
other Guanos. ,
I append a few certificates, and refer the public to the following gentlemen who have sold, and are still dealinj ia
article: , ~ .
J T- GARDNER, Augusta, Ga, ) J. T. AWTRY, Lagrange Ga.
M. B. DEVAUGHM, Jono borro „ Judge CAMERON, „ „
JONES. BAXTER & DAY, Macon „ : E. PYE & SON, horsyth, „
J. T- KIRBY, Newnan, „ , Hiram PHINIAE, ~ ~
Judge J. H. M’CZUNG, Marshallvill, “ \ E.
David KNOTT, McDonough, „ N. A. HARDEE bON & Go Savannah, „ 3
Thomas county, Ga, •**
Mr. George Dugdale— Dear Sir: Having been induced to try some Ferterlizars, and being entirely ignorant of
were the best, I concluded to use three kinds; so I got one too of Peruvian Guano, one too of bwau Island Guano,
one ton of Batch’s Raw Bone Phosphate. I gave them all a fair trial on cotton, some of the land upo. mhwh
used having been in cultivation nearly thirty years. I put them side by side, and am satisfied that Baugh s Raw
Phosphate was the best. . .
On land that would not have made 300 lbs. per acre, I gatherd 700 lbs, cotton; therefore l feel no hesitancy w
omending the Phospnate as the cheapest and best Ferterlizer we can gef ™
Very Respecifull. ELDER ALLISON DEKLB.
I have noticed more favorable reports from this than any other Guano for several years past, and aetualy c^®ivo
be the best and cheapest Fertilzer in use. Come, ono and all, ana put in your ordersiarly Sell your eotton a
30 cents, and make a large crop this year, and improve your lands at ibe same time.
jan7;3m D-A.WSOTST* GEO«