Newspaper Page Text
L%t giul< rs sing of llio windy deep,
Let soldiers praise their armor }
Bur in my heart ibis toast I’ll keep—
The Independent Farmer.
When first the rose, in robe of green,
Unfolds its crirupo” lining,
And round bis cottage porch is seen
The Horn ysuckle twining;
When banks of bloom theit Bwcetccs-*
To bees that gather honey,
He drives his team across the field,
Where skits arc soft and tunny.
The blackbird clucks Ichind the plow,
The quail pipes Fud an! clearly
Yon orchard bides, beyond its bough,
The home he loves so dearly,
The gray and old barn doors enfold
His ample store in measure—
Moro rich than hoaps of hoarded gold
A precious, blessed trea-urr •
While yonder, on tbe porch there stands
ITis wife, the lovely charmer—
Tbe sweetest rose on all bis lands—
The Independent Farmer
To him tbe Spring comes dsncingly,
T him the [Summer blushes;
The Autumn smiles with mellosv ray,
His sleep old Winter boshes ;
He cares not Low the world may move,
No Joub s or fears confound him ;
Hie little fi ck are linked in love,
Ans household angels round him,
He trusts in God, and loves his wife,
Nor griefs nor ills can harm her ;
He’s nature’s nobleman in life :
The Independent Farmer.
From the Southern Recorder.
Tito llc'l Fertilizing.
*Tis a great discovery that high enl
tivatinn and n free use of fertilizers
contain the real secret of success in
Everybody will soon see that a sow
acres of land judiciously, yes lavishly
ferti ’/.ed, and thoroughly tilled are
worth more than a Inrge plantation
slaves and all. under the old system of
the South. The true lever of Archi
medes is Fond.
Its talcrum is the cotton, corn or po
tato hills—'he power, a few more sacks
e>f manipulated tbe weight to
be removed, poverty, want and nil
their accompanying ills. But does
the soil yield richer and richer returns
just in proportion as we ft rtihze ant)
improve it? There is a twin trn hto
this which ought to sound out through
u'l tbe land, to-vvit—that labor yields
rioher and richer returns just i pro
portion as we elevate and improve the
physical, mental and spiritual condition
of the laborer.
’Tis a general truth belonging to a 1 !
forms of employed labor, to farming,
manufacturing and the mechanic arts,
and should be known and acted on
wherever a plough runs, machinery
clatters or the anvil rings.
Tho experience of the Augusta Cot
ton Factory under a singularly able
and intelligent admini tration for years
is a demonstration of the proposition.
Ist. Years ago they followed the
custom of factories generally in the
South, working the long hour sys
tem—working their operatives about
thirteen hours per day. Since the
war they have adopted the eleven hour
W ith what result ? They get more
work done, and a better style of work
than under the thirteen hour plan.—
Under the long hour system in ’59 the
average turning off by each operative
was twenty-six yards of goods per
day. Under the short hour system
each operative turns oft an average
considerably above that figure. Keen,
money-making New England knows
this secret and their factories and
shops generally adopt tho short hour
2d. Ibe Company support two
teachers for the children of the opera
tives, at a salary each of S6OO per un
od. The Company makes up out of
•its own purse whatever deficit there is
in the salaries of the Baptist und Meth
odist ministers whu preach to their op
eratives, in nice, large churches, which
the Company aided very lioerally in
In ’67 the Company paid $1 300 to
wards the support of the two churches.
The total result as to the Company
is. that its dividends are believed to
be heavier than those of any other
factory in Georgia The total result
•s to the operatives, is that they are
totally different in character, in ap*
pearancs, and in their surroundings
from what they used to be They are
constantly advancing in intelligence
and morals.
That Napoleon in manufacturing
Gov. Sprague, of Rhode Island, on a
recent visit to the Augusta Factories
expressed his admiration of the superi
or character and appearance of the
operatives, and stated his conviction
that they would compare favorably
with the best operatives in any part of
the land.
Let every avenue to the public mind
be flooded with the truth thus demon
strated and vindicated by the wise and
ekillful management of the busin- sos
the Augusta Factories Let 'he plan
ter, as well as the manufacturer study
the interest and improvement ■ f his la
borer—lake pains to in Tease the com
fort of hi* borne and surroundings—
and in establishing schools foi his chil
dren —aid in securing for him an intel-
ligelit and pious ministry—in a word
study his laborers’ bust interest nod
It will pay better than (hr phos
phates and hone fertilisers do. Capi
tal can never yield its maximum iei
ventage of profits without it. L.
Harrowing. In harrosirg it is best
so pa*s over rhe ground lengthwise the
first time, then ding uutlly, and lastly
across the furrows. Always toll the
land in the first place—-this will press
down the furrow slice, and give greater
t ffioieucy to tbe action of tbe harrow by
obviating the tearing up ami displace
ment of the Pods by the teeth. Harrowß
of different sizes and different degrees
of fineness should be used, especially
where the fine tilth is desirable, and this
is always the c»Bi when grain or small
seeds uro to bo *n»n. \Vh»ie but
one harrow is employed, much of the
strength of the team os well as a large
portion of the time and labor cx; ended
in the opervion, is unav' i lably lost.
Read an Hour a Day.—An En
glish paper tells of a lad who at f. ur
tecn was apprenticed to a snap boiler.
One of the tesolu'ions wa", to read an
hour a day. or at least, at that rate, and
he had an old silver watch, left him by
I his uncle, which he timed his reading
hy. lie strayed seven years with his
master, rn l said when ho was twenty
mo. he knew as much as the young
squire did Now, lit us sec hew much
time he had to road in, in seven years,
at the rate of an hour each day: It
would be 2 55.0 hours, which, at the
rate of eight reading hours per day,
would be tqoal to tbrre hundred and
ten days, rqu, 1 to forty-five woik, equal
ti tw. Ivo months—> early a year’s read
ing. That >ioo spent in tr n*uring up
u i fill knowledge, would pin a verv
lar.'c store. Surely it i- wnr'h trving
lor. Try what you can do I?'g’n
now. —ln after years you will look hack
up n the task as the most, pi asant and
profitable you ever performed.
Kimball’s Otcra House.
This is the house that Jack built.
Tins Ptate T r-arlry.
This is the malt that lay in the house
'hat Jack built.
Governor Bullock.
This is the rat that, eat tho milt
that lav in the bouse that Jack built.
Mrt. Ancier.
This is 'he eat that, oaught the rat
that eat the malt that lay in the house
hit Jn k built.
The Sub Committee.
This i< the dug that wi rriod the eat
'hat caught the rat that oat the malt
that lay iu the house tha» Jack built.
Oi'hsare vu'gar, senseless, i IT-naive,
Imp'' u ; like obscene words, thry leave
a loatbs n mn trail upon tho lips and a
stamp of odium upon the s ml. They
are inexcusable; they gratify no sense,
while they outrage taste ar and dignity.
The Dutchman who refuse* to take
a one dollar bill because it. might be
aiterrd from a ten, prefers s'age trav
elling to railroads. The former, he
says, rides him right hours for a dollar,
while the latter only rides him o^.
Merchants generally die of the bi'l
ious, printers of the tyr bus, and bro
kers of iho remittent fever.
| C4R fi/A CE r^p^
Dawson Carriage Factory.
T. J. HART, Proprietor,
Ot ■ Every Description.
Pater ns adjusted to suit the Latest and most
Improved Style.
HAVING in the Carriage business
for more than 20 years, we flatter our
selves with the Mssurnnce that we can p-ive
entire satisfaction. Repairing of all kiting
nearly executed. Wood work, Smithing:,
Trimming and Painting will he attended to
with such precision ns to make our repairing
rival new vehicles in appearance. We intend
keeping: on hand a well selected s’oek of the
most approved Manufacturers Patent Leath
er, Japanned Curtain 01o»b, Warranted Sterl
springs, Patent and half Pitent, aud plain
Axles, Bolts of superior quality, Huh-,
Spokes, Bent Rims, Shafts, Poles, &c , in fact,
everythin? connected with Carriage maki« e
To secure a liberal patronage, we intend
keeping a corpse of experienced workmen in
*very branch, and will jr U ran tee that our
work, both new and repaired, shall not be in
terior ro anv, either North or ILouth.
Shop on West side ts tio at,, opposite the
‘ Jou'nal” P intiog Office.
References—Col O. 0. Nelson, W. M.
Thompson, Reuben Gulce, Dawson, Ga.
Dawson, Ga., December 17th, 1868—3 m
HAVING made arrangements with the
Tuiiiliiiwon I>«*ni»rc‘»l Cos.,
are able to sell two, three, four and six
horse Wagons, at a small advance on New
York cost. We would invite those wishing
good Plantation Wagons, to examiue our
Stock before purchasing elsewhere.
We would also call the attention of the
public, to our splendid and extensive stock ol
both of our own anti Northern manufacture.
I' is generally understood throughout South-
Western Georgia, tha’ XV M. hlltltiv i
always warrants his work. We alwavs keep
a good Stock ot Carriage & Harness, Wagon
and Buggie materials cf all description.
Call and aee.
augSl’y Americas, Ga,
.Yttf »tui*r(isf »*»*nfs.
15il Si 168 Main at., f.onlol/Ji, far/, j
OFFER io the TRADE *nd to DEALER?
Generally, the largest and most coin
cide assortment of all Goods In ihelr line, to
he lound in the South writ, consisting oi a
verv Urge and well selected ,tock of the most
nor-uls r
which, we are enabled to offer on speildly
favorable terms:
Law, Medical & Miscellaneous Books,
which we can furnish at the very lowest rales-
Jfc.te, Ctt/t anti Lttltr l*tii>ers,
01 tile best manufacture, and in great variety,
H ask Books, Envelopes, Slates, Pens,
Pencils, Copt Books, &o.
Price L'-t luiuiahed on application. Orders
by mail will le.eive the same caretal atteu
tion as if made iu pi-rsoD.
'"H the symptoms
>#. 7/. H /MV | | f Liver Cnniplniol.
J>:iiii in the side. Sometimes the pain i» in the
Shoulder, and is mistaken for Klioumutism. The
stomach is affected with loss of tippcthe and sick
ness, bowels in general costive, sometimes alter
nate with lax. The head is troubled with pain,
and dull, heavy sensation, considerable loss of
memory, accompanied with painful sensation of
having left undone some hing which on gut to
. • have been done. Often rt.m
-->) S j | si.| I ) plaining of weakness, debility
H* •* * * * * j i and low spirits. Sometimes
"**? * TTII some of the above syiiiptoiiis
attend tho disease, and at other times very few of
them ; but the Liver is generally the orj. an most
involved. Cure the Liver with Simmons’ Kejju
lator and all will be well.
A Hemedff for nil Diseases caused by a Dc
ranged st+te of the Lit er
1 i TUT ; I dyspepsia, Headache,
tl I>i, i 111 \ rnp ’ Jaundice,Costiveness,
(!.' '1 j 'll *1 f.Sick Headache. Chron
* 1 ~~"""**** "I ie Diarrhoea. Affections
of the 111 dd«r, Camp Dy sent ary, Affections of
the Kidneys, / ever, Vervousuess, Chills, Dis
eases of the Skin, /mpurity of the Blood, Melan
eholy, or epression of spirits, Heart-Burn, Col
ic, or f*ttins iu the Dowels, Pain in the Hcild, Fe
ver and Ague, Dropsy, Boils, Pain in Back and
Limbs, Asthma, Krysipolas, Female affections,
and Bilious Diseases generally. Prepared only by
J. If. ZEII.LN AGO., Druggists, Macon, Ga.
For sale by all Druggists. Price $1 per package.
A preparation of roots and herbs, warranted to
be strictly vegetable, andean do no injury to any
one. It has been used by huudrtHls, ants known
for the last 25 years as one of the most reliable,
efficacious and harmless preparations ever offered
to the suffering. If taken regularly and persist
ly, sure to effect a cure.
I lend this Specimen of a Hundred Certifi
rates: Biysieiuns He com men fi it.
Macon, Ga., Dec. 23, 1868.
Messrs. Zeilin & Co—Gentlemen : I have used
the Simmons Liver Regulator in my family, and
also in my regular practice, and have found it a
most valuable and satisfactory medicine, and be
lieve if it was used by the professio . it would be
of service in very many cases. I know very much
of its component parts, andean certify of its med
ical qualities and perfect harmlessness.
march 11WJ B. F.G7HGGM, M D
S3OO A Month S2OO
.A ~\V anted
This work is a record of the heroic services
• float rendered bv this gallant commander
and eis devoted c< mndes dur ng the war be
! tween the ;nd is a bo* k of thriling in
terest so all lovers of the dating, brnvp and
true. It sells faster than any book that has
been issued for years
It is‘‘NOT A WAR BOOK” of the style
with which tlie public have been so pers'st
i cn»N BORED during the last five years, but
j a work of enduring fame—a part of the Ms
iory of our common country, and noFATH-:
ER can ass >r«l ro lOvSe the opportunity of se
curing it. for his children. The first immense
edition is already gone, and still tho agents
ar** pressing us for more books. Over fif<y
agents have reported sales in their first
month, averaging 30ft copies each, rndne:<r-y
very agent we have out reports rapid sales.
Exclusive terrifco y given to men of exper'e >ee
and nbiiitv. The work is splendidly illustra
ted and bound. To secure go and territory,
Address F I DIBBLE k 0\
Publishing Douse, 208 Main St. Louisville,
as CENTS. as
$2 50 $2 50 $2 50
Will obtain a Year’s Subscription to
Tlie Ileal tor I'aiiii
iv KetttiillV published in • his Country.—
Eacl' number containing 100 panics of excel
lent re ading matter ( om the pens of the
■■lost, tale "ed Wri’ers in America; and the
S.h*.notion .-vice is only TWO 0 LIARS . NO
N't o' ter public-I'ion in this coun'rv has
such complete xriangcments in all is depart
ments, which there are seven distinct ones,
as follows;
1. Essays Sketches,
2 Romance,
3. Poetry, [lure,
4. Review of Current Litera
-5 The timne Circle.
6. An evening with our
7. Monthly Summary of News.
Single Copy one year, $2 50
Six cor iPH, Hud one to the getter up of
the Club 15 00
Single floeeimen number, post-paid 25
Special terms granted to regular canvas
sers. Alwavs address publishers,
F. I. DIRBZE & 00., 208 main St.
fehl 1,1869 K*.
Oli. Wfll7 l G * .
1 as diploma at office will show, has been
■ooger eng'gad in the treatment ol Venereal,
Sexual and Private Diseases, than any other
ph'sic'ao in-St. Louis.
Syphilis, Oonorrhea, (fleet, Stricture, Or
bhitisHernia, and rupture ; all Urinary Dis
eases and Srphililie ur Mercurial Afflictions
of the throat, Skin or Bones, are tieaicd with
imp tralleled success.
Spermatorrhea, Sexal debility and lmpo
tency as ihe result of self-abuse in vouth, sex
ual excess in mature years, or O'her causes,
and which produce sometof the following ef
fects, as nocturnal emissions, blotches, debil
ity, dizincss. dimness of sight, confusion of
ideas, evil forbodings, aversion of society of
females, loss of memory and sexual poiver,
and Tendering marriage improper, are p«r
mauetitly cured.
Dr. Whitaker publishes a MEDICAL PAM
PHLET relating to venetal diseases and the
disastrous and varied consequences of self,
abuse, that will be sent to any address in a
-ealed envelop ‘or two stamps. Many phy
sicians inttoduee patients to the doctor after
reading his medical pamphlet. Communica
tion confidential. A friendly talk will cost
vnu nothing. Office central, yet retired
No. 617 St. Charles s’., St ho- is, Vo. Hours,
9 a m to 7p. m Suodavi 12 m2p m.
( INE pound Early Rose sent bv mail, post paid,
1 *I ■ 4 lbs. Early Rose, sent by mail, post paid
*3. Best Spring Wheat in the world ; the Ear
liest and most productive Corn ; wonderful yield
inti Oats—White and Black—weighing 45 pounds
to the bushel; Spring Barley; tirass seeds; Fowls.-
Eggs , Hogs. The great Feedt ’ufter. Send for
the Expcrientsl Farm Journal-most valuable
-Magazine in the Country—ouly fl 50 per vear
Subscride if you want to make your Fa m pay
Address GEO. A. DEITZ/ Chambcrsburg, Pa,
gNGL 1 8 H
I,a dies of Attloldca 1 SLitlons or our own
.Noil! Do you wiih the gentle zephyrs o(
health to fall the brow with a touch of de
light f Do »ou wish the pule, sud check
trißed with the roseate hues of nature J> Do
Toll wish the dark, muikv clouds of despair
to be succeeded by the rndiaut colors of hope
and consolation V If so, use
Do you wish the gioan of misery hushed and
the tears of 'he diseased wiped from Sorrow’s
cheek ?
Do you wi«o to he relieeed of that lingering
Fkmalk Complaint which annoys your
thouzhls by day and haunts vour dreams be
nigh' ? Do eon wish to add hea'th, s'renEth
huovanev and beauty to your feeble and etna
elated frame ? It so,
.Is « Certain amt HateertuJ
restoring the U'erus to i'p b»* .bby functlor>9
at all times when unnnturall’i disturb and, i*
Ins tin rqiiil on th»* Am* rienn c n ii»»*i«t,
no suffering female shirubl d»lt\ iu fesHng
»t 8 intrinsic vilue. Two tbi'd-* of tin* entire
fen.ale population »»»♦• suff« *if»g with somr
form of those c«»mi lain s pei uliar to their
s< x. which ai tniallv couf.ign thou**ud< to an
unfinu lv gr avo
Is the only combination that will actually
arouse and restore the womb to tts
natural condition
Whether old or young, married or single,
who are suffering with any form of U'erine
Disease should at once procure this remedy
and be cured.
It is particularly recommended for Painkdl
Suppressed, or Irregular Catamenia, in
each and ererv case the menstrual function
being Restored to its Normal Action, wheth
er Profuse, Scanty, Difficult, Painful, Sup
pressed or Irregular. I's action is truly wou>
de'lul as a never-failing
Uterine Tonic and Kcgulalor.
During tho “critical period of female lite”
this compound quiets and soothes the nerv
ous system, regulates uterine action and en
ables one to pass that period almost ioiper
ceptibiy. It cures Leucorrhoea, or Whites,
Hysterics, Ulceration" and Irrifabilitv of the
Womb, Giddiness of the head. Cold feet and
hands, Palpitation of the hea't, Difficulty of
breathing, Sick Headache, Melancholy,
Wakelulness, Loss of Nervous energy, and
all those troublesome complaints peculiar to
the fetna'e sex.
An eminent physician of J/emphis says:
“The combination known as the English
Female Bitters is the most certain U e iue
and general Tonic I have ever known. I of
ten presetibe it for various female coni) 1 tints
with the most satisfactory results.”
Mr. C. F. Morgand, editor of Kosciusko
(Miss ) Chronicle, say i:
“This will certify that the English Female
Bitters is highly recommended by the med
ical fraternity at this place and surrounding
Messrs. Carpenter k Cos., of Hazlehurst,
Mi-s., write:
“The sale of the English Female Bitters
is something wonderful."
The Bitters are beau'ifully put up in large
boules at the low price of $2 50 per bo'-'le,
or three botiles for 00, sc it 'o any part of
ihe country, hv express, oil receipt of p'ice.
For sale bv Druggisis. Also, tor sale by L
W. Hum & Cos., Macon Ga. jau7;3rn
In those troublesome Pulmonary affections
.mi yo /.»• f*.t to list #.
is an efficient, pleasant and cheap expecto
rant. It mmediatrly relieves ihe cough, eas
es ihe pa n, soothes and quiets the nervous
system, promotes free and easy expectoration
and induces calm, r fieshing .-linnhpis In
Goughs, Cold, and Catarrhs it affords promp
reliei I Bmuchiiis, Poeum- n'a, Pleiiri*.,
A -t’ mu, Croup and H' oping Cough the !e
--li. ti- pi.nipt and decided. For Spiliii gol
Bb'Od, Night Sw. ut J , Pains in the Cneai, Di
tioult Breathing. Ii flu. t 7.1, und all inu e
Lung rii-euse. allot and and with O. ugh ui,
■ itou.t diaie and •ffnient actiou is truly
Being prepared bv regular phvsica- aof
it ought to pnsse-s miv.n
tug.'fbi-r all other remedies which are ec
| foi ihe sum- di-easrs. P lee
I large ho' It'S $! HO, nr -ix bottles for $5 nil;
sent to alf pica of the country on reci ipi oi
[ price. For .-ale bv Druggists. Al-o, L W
Hunt & Cos,, Macon, Ga. j»i 7;Bm
Are frequently the seats of very troublesome
and unpleasant complaints.
Do your kidneys act free enough? Are
you troubled with Gravel or any kind oi Uri
nary depo-its? Do you pa.s bloodv Urine
occasionally? Are you anneyed with too
frequeut iticlitis'ion to U inale? Is vour
Urine thick, ropv, or milky ? HaV- you a
pain in the back? Have you an uneasy burn
ing pain in the region ot (he Bi'.dd.-i ? A e
you neivous, m lmchollv or alarmed i your
dreams, front the effect- o* habit- of disstpa
tion or itidise.tetimt ? Do you require a nitd
icine which will immediately arouse and re
store your Ki 'neys and Bladder to a healthy
action? II so, procure one bottle of
Extract bearberry aud Bucliu
and be reeiored to health and mahhood again
Price, only f 1 t)0 per bottle, nr six bottles
for|s. /Sold by all Druggists. Also, L. W-
Hunt & Ct., Wholesale Diuggisis, Macon, Ga
Wc challenge the world to proditoe its
equal. Follow the directions and it will arouse
your torp.d Liver, cleanse your s'otnach, car
ry off all billious matter, and “break up” an v
case of Chills, with jut affecting the head, ears
or nerves. By acclamation ii i> conceded io
be the prettiest, cheapest and most reliable
Chill medicine eve. offered to the American
people. It is prepared by physicians who
have practiced medicine in malarious districts
of the South and West for 2<* years, and it i
confidently recommended far all forms ol
Chills and Ewer, Billinus Fever, Neuralgia.
Sun-pain, enlarged spleen, or Ague Cake, and
all that class of diseases that are so troubh -
some in malarious districts. One bottle win
cure two cases. Piice, $1 00, or six bottle
lot $5. Sent to all part* of the country on
rec ipt of p ice. Sold by all Druggists, Also,
by L. W. Hunt & Cos., Macon, G*.
jan7;3m Memphis, Tenn.
For talc by W. A. I.oyleer, Dawaou Ga
Barley Sliesif!
Anti-Deist A®*—Vijglst Cookiaigr Sfovr, wifli Fxffndrd Eire Box
for Wood or 4 <>:#!. Fatcittcd 31 ay 16, D65.
a take pleasure in t flaring this ju.-tly celebrated first class flat top Cooking Stove to tbe public, aud would call •Ora
tion to its malty attractive sTtH vn'usblc intrrnvt ments
Over one thousand of the BARLEY SHEAFS were sold last season, and every Stove has given such universal swtn
faction in cooking, fuel saving, and c 'nvenienoe of operation, that it is now difficult to supply the demand
I*, has a patent anti dust shaking Sifter in tbe hearth, which sifts the ashes into a drawer iu tbe ash pit, so l rclui** !%•
cinders and ccal, which can be put back on the fire through the feeder, making no dust.
Tbe long cross piece is reversible, so that tbe wash boiler can he used on the side as will as the froDt holes. By tw
in nvi o g the long cross-piieee we give a iatge opening for a cauldron or wash ket'lc.
A feeder with slide for regulating the draft and feeding and fixing the fire when the front boles are in u«e.
Sliding front fire doors, g'viog full use of the hearth There is also an additional slide in the oven, being » very grew*
convenience while cooking and baking.
Tbe oven is nearly as wide at tbe tep as at tbe hearth li#e, which not only increases tbe siac, but will be recognised w
a great, advantage in baking.
As to the size of the flues and fire box, which are made to correspond with the very large oven, several moDtha »ri*i
ha- enabled the Manufaeturers to so adjust them that the greatest amount n: heat is obtained with the leant possible !•*!.
The design of the Stove has he n prepared with great, care, and cannot fail to please.
J. get these Stoves direct fr m 'he Manufacturers, and smselling them at a small profit. I inelude thirty pices o I (W
--aiture and Gxtures with each Stove, and will guarantee satisfaction.
I refer the f üblio to the following gentlemen, to whom I have sold these 9tovos :
lion. E. ISi’j hil Es;itrkosi, f«;i. Rr. J. 11. PirEtoff. Trrrrll Cos., Ga.
IS»*. C. /%. ( SsciHlnnn, ** *2a*. Wl' l£rys»», Pfcwart C«lv O>.
'B'. S'. “ .lit*. A T H'cwhomc, “ “
3fl«*. .fsMtics ytavußF, “ 31 r. .1 D;an<!;s3L “ u »
?i. SS. Cvnm.tgr, 1 *‘n c!I co. (eh. »? f, WillifouH, YTchster co. “
3Sa». ,B. C« ciiisnrd, 32r. J W Warren, ( :tli9oun,ca “
3Er. .1. El. C'limion, “ “ Hr. 88 Beiuias 44 44
31 r. Taylor. “ “ 32r. Joliu 44 “
W. 1.. ED'll. ul>9lcr Cos,, (la. W. f*. S*iP« c<', Calhoma Cos., (da,
Fredct ick E2cl2, “ 44 ESi*. p. .3. 31ar Jiaa, 'i't rreSl Cos. Cbza»
tllr. €. €. Brown, Dawson. .3. SI. Vanover, 44 44
IS I-' Collie}**, Turrcll io. (TSa. is*u> XV rSsri*-fio, 44 44
Hr. .1. 11. Collier. T rr< II > omily, Ga. I .Vfr. Men on Woolen, li i-.idolph, eoMMtr, U 4.
,YBr. .1. F. aeaife, DawsoipG.i. 1 Dr. .1. it .lane , I> iuho i. G.>.
V* i- .Bolin N 'Burner. Terreit C unity, f«a. | Mr George It Ilayev, Dover, Georgia
yii-.B Joint lieek, Ilorgan, Caliiouit < oGa j -Mr W \\ Gee, “ “
I have many other excelled 8 nves, viz' Tb Mil! 11l • Friend, with Hot Clo-if aid Keservoip. The IffiprSTf 4 Ir#B
H itch, with six holes, &t. The Orient*!, Re J Jacket PDni<>M<». Fhme. ' astern Premium.
I have just r-c ived a lot of VV. G Wilson's IviPR.OV£D COMMON SENSE SE "ING MA
CHINES- I know them to be splendid Machines, navii.g ti-i. tl one tbor .u. blv f r 'Wu years. sh y w.ll sew It*
liuest silk Hid the en*rsest cloth, w ; th any kind of spool thread. Will sti'eh, Hem, Ml, lock, einhrnider, &e . with rapid
ity. Any ch'ld eight nr 'en years i f ag- can and t good Hewing on ih tn with e«a< , wttheu d*"ger nf g.-t'itig thr aa nrt t
of orde . 1 will war att- the-e Maohi' ie, and sell them .! Mantifaelurt r’s price* Y\ ill iticindc with each tt**fcU*
H-inliter, B.rt urn’s s ls-sewer, Oil oatt, Stn w driver, aid No> dies
l r-f r M the foil wing l-idi-a. to whom I haw-soli these M-chin
Mr JG M MONTGOMERY Carter-ville, Ga. j Mr- H O NELSON, D.»*-n, Q*.
Mr > R WE>i'oN. «... | M- IK) M ZKIL,
Mrs JRI II K'S IAN “ “ Mr. J w KBiTH. «• «
Mrs Wm. Ti ( KKK K.tud-.dph e ut-ty ilw. | Miss ' A .'KAY, Terrcil w-wwsy, (It
lam >ft nti’tS ittez’wliit 7 mproved Ootton Seed. This Cotto* i« awl to yield more
per acre than »•> w*, r. vest i« ■#. uft sijmri tr n. qi.lty Mes-fs 8 alw it -ricksim, .if R* ,dolph poup-y, crtiFy fb«t
>i-ev '»t-eil 210*t 11*. c v <» « p-r * r , »«-i Mr. A K Ward, «aw«e e uw4j, e-rtfioa »h,t he raised 820 lbs. lint per aer*
fr mit ese wd. M a-t- Tutnlio, Sh->«, McDonald, and oibtr-, rccotuaeod them rury highly. I have a sample *f ih*
..ttm, and think it the 6 test 1 ever saw.
I shiti have c« hind a large supply of
Plisnfntion Iron, Slrel, 4xos, Vrorfs, Ilnmos, Traces Mails, Plow
line*, Col* s See«J t uts Flour, ?Ica|, Salt, 8119 r. f oflcc,
laiuie. PisSi, Irish Potatoes, Apples, €liee»e, Crackers, Sardines,
Oysler , and obaceo, Ssuull, Soap, Soda, Candles? Lire Geese
Feutlici s, ete.
M hich I am eeiling at lowest market price?.
Gnan®! Guano!
I am spent f r 'he sale of tie f-llownp Fertilizers, at ‘he prices annexed;
Ranch’s Raw Rone Plsosphate, $ 57.00 per Ton.
Cliiraso Rlooil ttauiire, $50.00 „ ~
('alsuiict R|i]s i{on<‘ liust, $41.00 ~ „
I sell these Fert-rltzeis lor (VaSH ONLY, and the purchaser mast pay the Freight on them from Baltimore to this
place, which will he about 8 10.00 per lon.
Many of the most prominent aud reliable Farmers in Virginia, North and South Carolina and Georgia, certify that!
Haw Rone Phosphate
is by far the best Ferterlz r they have ever used, fer Cotton and Corn. It effects 'be land for several years in sueceesi-.*,
although applied only once It not only increases the crop, but permanently improves the land, which is not the case with,
other Guaoos
I respectfully refer the public to tho following gentlemen who have sold, and are still dealing in thifl article:
J T‘ GAHDNE7?. Augusta, Ga, Y J. T. AWTRY, Lagrange Ga.
M. R. DEVALGHM, Jme horro „ Judge CAMERON, „ „
JONES. BAXTER & DAY, Maoon „ $ B. PYE & SON. Forsyth, „
J. T- KIRBY, N wttsn,., S Hiram HIINIZE, „
Judge J. H Vl’i XUNG, Marshallffll, « E. REMINGTON & SON, Thotnasville „
-D-*vi<l KNOTT, McDonough, ~ N. A. HARDEE SON &Cos Savannah, ~
I have noticed more favorable reports from this than any olhor Guano for several years past, and actualy btleive it t»
be the best and cheapest Ferti zer m use. Come, one and all, aua put in your order? ,arly Sell your cotton at 25 .*
30 cents, and make a large crop this year, and improve jour lauds at the same time.
la wsoist, geo.
T n E 2