The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, March 18, 1869, Image 4

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    selves to lie enslaved. What but n
subtile knowledge nnd conviction that
the Rom. n people had become
changed, discouraged, and utterly
broken in spirit could have induced
this daring assumption? What but
public indifference to consequences so
terrible ns to leave Rome even to every
calamity which subsequently befell her
could have justified tho conclusions of
the dictator and tyrant in his startling
Wo find that in the time which has
since elapsed human nature and exigen
cies in goven ment have not greatly
chanced. Who, a few years past, in
contemplating our future, con J have
supposed that in a brief period of bitter
experience everything demanded in the
name of military emergency, or die a ted
by caprice, would come to be considered
as mere matters of course ; that con
sumption, confiscation, less of personal
liber'y, tbe subjection, of States to mil
itary rule, and disfranchisement, with
rbo extension of the right of suffrage
inertly to aeo mpliah purty ends would
receive the passive subrni- ion, if not
acquiecouce, of the people of tho repub
lic 7
It has boon eVarly demonstrated, by
recent occurrences, that encroachments
upon tbe Constitoli a cannot be pre
vented by the President alone, however
devoted or determine'! he may be, and
thn' unless tbe people interpose thofc is
no power under tho Constitution to
cheek a dominant majority of two thirds
in the Congress of the United States.
Au appeal to the radon, however, is at
tended with ton much delay to meet an
emergency. While, if left free-to act,
the people would correct, in lime, such
evils as mi-, fit follow Rgi-htivo usurpa
tion, there is dan \ r that the same power
which disregards the Constitution will
deprive t iraa of the right to change
tht-ir rub rs, except by revolution. We
have already SC’ n the jurisdiotioij of the
Judiciary circumscribed when it was
appreh led that the courts would de
cide aga.ast laws having f r their solo
object the supremacy o; ; arty, while
the veto power, lodg' and in Hit Executive
by tbe C ustitution for the in' res* and
protection of the people, and exorcised
by Washington and his -u.-co- rs, has
been rendered nugat/ y •/ a paitisan j
majority of .. c ’ t .inch of
the Na i -nsi L"g sla'u ' Consti
tution evidently eon temp es • 't when
a bill is 1 Turned w h ‘ e L*t • -ddon-’s
objection- ii will becal-.uly reconsidered
by Congo s«. Such, however, has not
been the practice uc lor pre-out party
rulo. It has become evideir t .t men
who pass a bill un ler partisan inti cne ts
are not likely, through patriotic motives,
to admit their err r, and thereby weak
en their own ■. gajizations by hi b nnly
confessing it under an official a h.—
Pride of opinion, if nothing el-e, has
intervened aid prevented aca i and
dispassionate reconsideration of a bill
disapproved by the Executive.
This catalogue of crimes, long as it is,
is not yot complete. The Cousituti n
vests the judicial power of the United
States “in one Supremo Court,” whore
jurisdiction “sha’l extend to all
arising under this Constitution” and
“tho laws of the United States.” En
couraged by this promise of a refuge
from tyranny, a citizen of the United
States who, hy the order of a military
commander, given under the notion
ofaoruolanddeliberatecdi'tof C ogress
bad been denied the constitution 1 rights
of liberty, of conscience, freedom of tho
press and of spoech, personal i'roedom
from military arrest, of being held to
answer for crime only upon present
ment and indictment, of trial hy jury,
of tho writ of habeas corpus, and the
protection of civil and consti'utional gov
ernment—a citizen, thus deeply wroDg.d
appeals to the Supreme Court for the
protection guaranteed to him only by
the oiganio i&w of tho land. At once
a fierce and excited majority by tbe
ruthlesss hand of legislative power
stripped the ermine from the judges,
transferred tbe sword of justice to the
General, and remanded the oppressed
oitizen to a degradation and bondage
worse than death.
It will also be recorded as one of the
marvels of the times that a party claim
ing for itself a monopoly of consistency
and patriotism, and boasting, too, of its
unlimited sway, endeavored, by a cost
ly and deliberate trial, to impeacn one
who defended the, Constitution aud the
Union, not ouly throughout the war of
the rebellion, but during his whole term
of office as Chief Magistrate; but at
the same time could find no warrant or
means at their command to briDg to
trial even the chkf of the rebellion. In
deed, the remarkable failures in his case
were so often repeated, that for proprie
ty’s sake, if for no other reason, it be
came at last nects.ury to extend to him
an unconditional .pardon What more
plainly than this iilnstrat- : the oxtretn.
ity of party management : nd inconsis
tency on the one hand, aid of faction,
vindictiveness, and intolerance on the
Other? Patriotism will hardly be en
couraged, when, in tueh a record, it sees
that. s luatant reward may he the most
viruler.t, party abuse at; i obloquy, if not
attempted disgrace. Ins': o : of seeking
.to “make treason odious,” u would in
truth eeem to have beer • dr purpose
rather than to make the - fence of the
‘Constitution and Union . cun: and to
punish fidelity to an o» * of tffice, if
counter to party dictation, by all the
means at their command
Happily for the p«ai » of t .0 country,
thn war has determ: .. and again.- 1 the as
mmed power f tb« Ni.ates t ithdtan
at pleasure from the Unipu. Tne insti
ration of slavery also round s destruc
tion in a rebellion co .menerd 13 its in
terest. It should 1 ; Dome in miod,
however, that the v .r neith.r impaired
nor destroyed tbs Constitution, hot on
the contiar , jr ervtd its « trance,
and made a;> r -ut its real p w r and
enduring str a g :. AH the rigi ’s grant
ed to the Slate , or reserved to tin- peo
ple thereof, remain intact. Am„ug
those rights i that of the peep! -rl wen
State to dec are the qualification. of
their own S'ate electors. It is nr w as
turned that Congress can control this vi
tal righ*, which can never betaken away
from the States without impairing the
fundamental principles of the govern
ment itself. It is necessary to the exis-
tcnce of the States, ns well as to the
protection of the liberties of the people,
or tbo right to s loot the elector in
whom tbo politici! power of a State
shall be lodged, inv.dvts the right of
ihc Stft*e to govern itself. When de
prived of this pr regttive, tho State
tvi'll have no power wOl’b retaining All
will begone, nnd 'hey will be sutj etrd
to tbe arbitraiy wi i <>f Congress. Tbe
government ‘will Ik. ii be centralized, if
n t by tbe pa'sage ,f laws, then by tbe
adoption, through partisan influence, of
an amendment directly iu conflict with
tho t riginal design of the Constitution.
This proves how nee -saiy it is that the
people should r< quire the administra
tion if tbe thre groat departments of
the government stiictly within the limi
tu'ionv of tbe Consti'nt'on. Their
boundaries have been accurately defined,
and neither shou.d be allowed to tres
pass upon tbe other, nor, above all, to
encroach upon the reserved rights of the
people and the S'ates. The troubles of
the past 1 ur y ars will prove to tbo na
tion Blessing- if they produce so desira -
ble a result
Upon those who became young men ‘
amid tho ■: nnd of esnuon and din of
arm-, and quietly leturned to tbo farm s ,
tbe licinri-s, and tho schools of the
land, will principally devolve the solemn
duties ol perpetuating the Union of the
State", in defence of which hundreds of
thorn ils of thiir comrades expired,
and hundreds of millions of national
oblig 'ions were incurred. A manly
p op In will not neglect tbo training nec
essary to res st aggression, but they
slioulJ be jealous lost the civil be made
i üborJinatu to tho military element.—
Wo need to encourage, in every leg ti
mate vay, a study of tho Constitution
for which the war wts waged, a knowl
edge of and reverence for whose wise
checks by those f soon to occupy tbe
places filled by their seniors, will be tbe
only h pe of preserving the republic.—
Tho young men of the nation, not yet
undor the oontrol of party, must resist
the I. . lcncy to centralization—an out
grow h of the great rebellion—and be
fatui inr with (be fae.t 'hat the country
consi-.tb of united States, and that when
tbe States snirend*!-ed certain great
rights for the sake of a m re perfect
union, they retained rights as valuahlo
and important as th >se which they re
linquished for the common weal.
This sound old and rotriae, far different
from the secede, aui a kiudred theory 1
that States were taken out of the Uniou |
by the ..ash acts of conspiirators that:
happr.u and to dwell in their borders, must j
bo r. ved and advoca'ed wiili the j
entb -m of early manhood, nr the
people will bo rulrd by corrupt erm
binati ms of the commercial centres, who,
plethoric fr tn wealth, annually migrate
to me capital of the on ion la purchase
| sp' cial i gislator. Until the repr:sen
ta'ivcs oi 'he po p’e in Congress more
fully exhibit tho diverse views aud
interests of the whole oatiorr, and laws
ceas : to be made without full discussion
at, the behest of some party leader, tin re
will t ever do a proper respect shown by
the law making powe rs either to tbe
judinal or executive branch of the gov
ernment. Tea generation jut beginning
to use the ballot box, it is believed, on
ly km w that (heir a'tontion should bo
i called to to these com i lertior iodi
cate, by their votes, that they wish
thfy representatives ro observe all too
restraints which the p..- >ple, iu adopting
jt be (Jon-1 i tut ion, intended to impose
upon party excess.
Calmly reviewing my administration
of the government, l feel that, with a
house of a.'eountabili'y to God, having
cjnseienti' j ly endeavored to discharge
my whole duty, I have nothing to re
gret. Even.ah. o pr'-ved the correct
ness of tbe p 1 iioy set forth in my first
and subseque t i. -age ; the wots
wLich have : 1 ii the rej otionof
forh-. aranoe, m.ignanitni'y, and constitu
tional rulo are ku tvu and deplored by
the uatirn.
It is a matter < f pride anti gtatifica- '
tion in retiring from the most exalted
positicn in the gift of a free people, to !
feel und to know that in aleng, arduous
and eventful public Ilf?, my action has
never been iufl i- nced by desire for gain,
ana that I can iu all sincerity inquire;
“Whom have 1 defrauded? whom have
I oppressed ? or of whose hand have I
received any bribe to blind my eyr s
therewith 7” No responsibility for wars
that have been waged or blood that has
betn shed rests upon me. My thoughts
have been those ts peace, and my effort
has ever been to alhy contentions among
my countrymen.
Forgetting the past, let us return to
the first principles of the government,
and, unfurling the banner of our coun
try, inscribe upon it. in ineffaceable char
aeters, “The C institution and the
Union, one and inseparable.”
Andrew Johnson.
Washington, D. 0., March 4, 1869.
S4O Stitch! $3 50
#4O $lO first class Sewing Ma- #37 50
chines given is premiuma
#lO for 487 60 worth of sub- #37 50
“criptions for Wood's
#4O Hocskhoud A> vocatic, a #37 50
first class Family paper, at
#4O 16 cen's a year Also #37 50
$32 TICK! riCK! S3O
$32 American Watcl es, worth $32, S3O
$32 g'ven for S3O worth of subscrip- S3O
$32 tious. Also S3O
sl2 Webster’s Unabi i tged Dictions- sl2
sl2 rv, worts sl2, given as premiums sl2
sl2 $!2 worth of subscriptions. Also sl2
SIOO Sunday -tliool SIOO
S6O Lvrge or small, to be selected S6O
S6O from 400 volume- of the very best SSO
S4O books published, ar.d given as a S4O
sßt- | Tniuin for an equivalent amount S3O
$24 cf subscriptions. $24
&c. Also several other premiums &c.
&<•. equally liberal. &e
£3r"T.!e “Advocate,” (formerly
IsTho Prospectus,) contains 16 large
£39“P As. and aims to promote Knowl
par*- Virtue, and Temperance. It
$53?" en enlarged and improved_£kJ
Hr mes iu 27 months. Send for„jj£3
CIT n copy. Address
S. H -UD, P. (). building, Newburgh, N Y.
1 irci 4;2m *
The su rsenber would be pleased to serve all
that may give him a call.
E> IS.LOI liLSti, Proprietor.
.Yctr * S<ft< r/iseiticn/s.
mp.asostiTON a co
15(1 k 158 Main at., I.ouisvillr,
Generally, tho largest and most com
plete assortment of all Goods in their line, to
be found iu the South west ; consisting of a
very largo and well selected *tock of the most
which, we are enabled to offer on Bpeci.lty
favorable terms :
Law, Medical & Miscellaneous Books,
which we can furnish at the very lowest rates
.Yotr, Cap ami Matter l*apn'9,
Os the best manufacture, and in great variety,
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Pencils, Copt Books, &c.
Price List furnished on application. Orders
by mail will receive the same careful alteL
lion as if made in person.
r. —1 ? the symptoms
> 1.1/.fjo.y.N’ j |jf Liver Complaint,
1 » l ire uneasiness an and
pain in the side. Sometimes the pain in in the
Shoulder, and is mistaken lor Rheumatism. The
stomach is affected with loss of appetite and sick
ness, bowels in general costive, sometimes alter- ■
nate with lax. The head Is troubled with pain,J
nnd dull, heavy sensation, considerable I«>sh of
memory, aecompanied with painful sensation of
haviug left undone something whkli ougnt to
11V " I have been done. Often eom
• » H it pb> if pLbning of weakness, debility
11 Jii*» * ■ f | and low spirits. Sometimes
| I some of the above symptoms
attend the disease, and at other times very few of
them ; but the Liver is generally the orjian most
involved. Cure the Liver with Simmons’Regu
lator aud all will be well.
J) It. SI M 3/0 X S ’
Lifcst it*:aijie.iTon.
A Remedy for all Disease* caused by a De
ranged state of the Liver.
■ 1 ~I Dyupepsin, Headache, |
IfjTT'/ »|T I \TA J) I ‘Jaundice,Costfveness,
llllMlU I V/11.1 fS'i.k Headache, Cliron
s g r^CT^ 1 * |ir Diarrlicca, Affections
of the Rlndder, Camp l)ysolitary, Affections of
the Kidneys, Fever, Nervousness, (.’hills, /dis
eases of the Skin, /mpurity of the Blood, Melan
eholy, or Depression of spirits, Heart-Burn, Col
ic, or 7'ains in the Bowels, Pain in the Head, Ye
ver and -Jgtic, Dropsy, Boils, Pain in Back and
Limbs, Asthma, Erysipelas, Female affections,
and Bilious/diseases generally. Prepared only by
./. 11. /.EII.IN A! CO., Miicon, Ca.
For sale by all Druggists. Price $1 per package.
A preparation of roots and herbs, warranted to
be strictly vegetable, andean do no injury to any
one. It has been used by hundreds, and known
for the last 25 years as one of the most reliable,*'
efficacious aud harmless preparations ever offered
to the suffering. If taken regularly and persist
ly, it is sure to effect a cure.
Read this Specimen of a Hundred Certifi
calcs: I’hysicians He com mend it
Macon, Ga., Dec. 18f»x.
Messrs. Zeilin & Co—Gentlemen : i have used
the Simmons Li ver Regulator in my family, and
also in my regular practice, and have found it a
most valuable aud satisfactory medicine, and be
lieve if it was used by the profession it would be
of service in very many cases. 1 know very much
of its component parts, and can certify of its med
ical qualities and perfect harmlessness.
marchllWJ B. F. G/?IGGS, M. D-
S3OO A Month S2OO
Agents "Wanted
This work is a record of the heroic service?
afloat rendered by this gallant commander
and cis devoted comrades during the war be
tween the States; and is a book of tbriling in
terest to all lovera of the darine, brave and
true. It sells faster than any bonk that has
been issued for years.
It is “NOT A WAR BOOK” of the style
with wiiieti tlie public have been so persist
ently BORED during the last five years, but
a work of enduiing fame —a part of the his
tory of our common country, and no FATH
ER can afford to lose the opportunity of se
curing it for his children. The first immense
edition is alreadv gone, aud still the agents
are pressing us for more books. Over fifty
agents have reported sales in their first
mouth, averaging 300 copies each, and nearly
every agent we have out repotts rapid sales.
Exclusive teriitory given to men of experience
and ability. The work is splendidly illustra
ted and bound. To secure good territory,
Address F. I. DlliBI.E k i'.O,
7’ublishing House, 208 Main St. Louisville,
50 $3 50 $2 50
Will obtain n Year’s Subscription to
The ISesit miigazinefor Fami
ly KeiltlillK published in this Country.—
Each number containing 100 paoes of excel
lent reading matter from the pens of the
most talented writers in America ; snd the
.S' nhscrintion 1 ice is only TWO DOLLARS AND
No otter publication in this country has
such complete arrangements in all its depart
ments, which there are seven distinct ones,
as follows:
1. Essnys and Sketches,
2 Romance,
3. Poetry, [ture,
4. Review of Current Litera
5. The Home Circle,
G. An evening with our
7. Monthly Summary of News.
Single Copy one year, $2 50
Six eof ies, and one to the getter up of
the Club 15 00
Single .Specimen number, post-paid 25
Special terms granted to regular canvas
sers. Alwavs address publishers,
F. I. DIBBAE & CO., 208 main St.
fch11.1869 Louisville, Kv.
I>K. WimTlfcll.
as diploma at office will show, has been
longer engaged in the treatment ol Venereal,
Sexual and Private Diseases, than any other
physician in St. Louis.
Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture, Or
bhitisHernia, and rupture ; all Urinary Dis
eases and Srphililic or Mercurial Afflictions
of the throat, Skin or Bones, are treated with
unparalleled success.
Spermatorrhea, Serai debility and lmpo
tency as the result of self-abuse in youth, sex
ual excess in mature years, or other causes,
and which produce somelof the following ef
fects, as nocturnal emissions , blotches, debil
ity, diziness , dimness of sight, confusion of
ideas , evil forbodings , aversion of society of
females , loss of memory and sexual power,
and rendering marriage impropsr , are per
manently cured.
Dr. Whitaker publishes a MEDICAL PAM
PHLET relating to veneial diseases and the
disastrous and varied consequences of self
abuse, that will be sent to any address in a
sealed envelop for two stamps. Many phy
sicians introduce patients to the doctor after
reading his medical pamphlet. Communica
tion confidential. A friendly talk will cost
vou nothing. Office central, yet retired—
Mo. 617 St. Charles st., St. Louis, Mo. Hours,
9 a m to 7 p. m. Sundays 12 to 2 p m.
ONE pound Early Pose sent by mail, post paid,
sl. 4 lbs. Early Rose, sent by mail, postpaid
$3. Rest Spring Wheat in the world ; the Ear
liest and most productive Corn ; wonderful yield
ing Oats—White ami Black—weighing 45 pounds
to the bushel; Spring Barley; Grass seeds; Fowls:
Egg*; Hogs. The great Feed Cutter. Send for
ill** Expediental Farm Journal- most valuable
Magazine in the Country—onl> f 150 per year.
SubficrMe if you want to make your Fa in pay.—
Address GEO. A. DEITZ,
nu lil 1.1 in Chamberaburg, Pa.
Lodie* of America ! M Hroi aof our own
.Soil! Do you wish iho genile Jb'phvr* o!
health to fan tin* brow with ;» touch ot de
light ? Do you wit'll t hr* fad chr*»k
fngod with th<» ronoale hue-ol nature? D >
you wish tbe dark, murky cloud* ot df-pair
to be succeeded by the rsdiaiit « olor* of hope
and consolation ? If so, use
J) It O RI G O O L E & 0 O. ’ S
Do yon wish the groan of misery hushed nnd
the tears ol the diseased wiped from Sorrow's
Do you wioo to be relieved of that lingering
Fkmalk Complaint which annoy* your
thoughts l*v d*v uiid haul ’s yonr dreams hy
night ? Do you wivli tn add hea'th, SMr ngth
buoyancy and beauty to your feeble aid cm,t
lied frame ? If ho,
,1m a Certain and Pmrcrtul
restoring the Uterus to '•« b It hy functions
at. all times when unnalurallv disturbed, it.
has no equal on the American con l input, ami
no suffering female should delav in testing
its intrinsic value. Two 'birds of the entire
female population are suffering with some
form ol those complaint’s peculiar to their
sex, which annually consign thousands to an
untimely grave.
Is Ihc only combination that will actually
arouse and restore the womb to its
natural condition.
Whether old or young, married or f:i gle,
who are suffering with any form of Uterine
Disease should at once procure this remedy
and be cured.
It is paiticularlv recommended for Painful
Scpprksskd, or Irregular Catawknu, in
each and every case the menstrual function
■being Restored to its Normal Action, wheth
er Profuse, Scanty, Difficult, Painful, Sup
pr'essed or Irregular. Its action is truly won
derful a3 a never-failing
Uterine Tonic ati<t Keguiator.
During flic “critical period of female file”
this compound quiets and soothes the nerv
ous system, regulates uterine action and en
ables one to pass that period almost imper
ceptibly. It cures Leucorrhoco, or Whites,
Hysterics, Ulceration and Irritability of the
Womb, Giddiness of the tread, Cold feet and
hands, Palpitation of the heart, Difficulty of
breathing, Sick Headache, Melancholy,
Wakefulness, Loss of Nervous energy, and
all those troublesome complaints p>culur to
the female sex.
An eminent physician of J/empbis says:
“The combination known ns the English
Female Bitters is the most certain U e ine
and general Tonic I have ever known. I of
ten prescribe it for various female complaints
with the most satisfactory results.”
Mr. C. F. Morgam), editor of Kosciusko
(Miss ) Chronicle, says:
“This will certify that the English Female
Bitters is highly recommended bv the mod fraternity at this place and surronuding
Messrs. Carpenter A Cos., of H.izleburst,
Mi»s., write:
“The sale of the English Female Bitters
is something wonderful.”
Tbe Bitters are beauuluUy put up in large
bottles at the low price of §2.50 per trot-tie,
or three bottles for $6.00, sent to any part of
the country, by express, oil re.sipt of p'ice.
For sale by Druggisis. Also, lor sale bv I.
W. Hunt & Cos., Macon Ga. jri>7;3m
In those troublesome Pulmonary rff-eiion-
a.w/*i i
is an efficient, pleasant and cheap expecto
rant. It immediately relieves the cough, ( us
es the pain, soothes and quiets the nervous
system, promotes free and easy ( xpeetoration
and induces calm, r< freshing slumbers. In
Coughs, Cold* and Catarrhs it affords promp
reliel. I Bronchitis, Pneumonia, Fleuri-v,
Asthma, Croup and Hooping Cough the re
lief is prompt and de.rub-d. For Seining of
Blood, Nigh! Sw»*. its, Pains in the C «<. Dif
ficult Breathing, Influenza, and all those
Lung di?e:»ses attend ’d with Cough o; P m
it* immediate and efficient action is truly
Being prepared by regular physicians of
long experience, it ought to possess advan
tagea over all other remedies which are rec-
for the s«m* diseases. Price,
sent to nil pirfs of the county on receipt ol
price. For sale by Druggists. Also, L W.
Hunt Cos,, Macon, Ga# j:ui7jßni
Are frequently the seats of very troublesome
and unpleasant complaints.
Do your kidneys act free enough? Arc
you troubled with Gravel or any kind of Uri
nary deposits? Do you pass bluody Urine
occasionally? Are you annoyed with too
frequent inclination to Uiinate? Is vour
Urine thick, ropv, or milky ? Have you a
pain in the back? Have you an uneasy burn
ing pain in the regh.u ot the Bladder? A'C
you nervous, melanchollv or alarmed i. y’our
dreams, from the effect- of habits of dissipa
tion or indiscretion? Do you require a med
icine which will immediately arouse and re
store your Kidneys and Bladder to a healthy
action ? II so, procure one bottle of
Extract LearSierry ami Ilurliu
and be restored to health and mahbood again
Price, only $1 00 per bottle, or six bottles
for $5. Nold by all Druggists. Also, L. W.
Hunt & <?«.., Wholesale Druggists, Macon, Ga
We challenge the world to produoe its
equal. Follow the directions and it will arouse
your torpid Liver, cleanse your stomach, car
ry off all billious matter, and “treak up” any
case of Chills, without affecting the head, ears
or nerves. By acclamation it is conceded to
be the prettiest, cheapest and most reliable
Chill medicine eve» offered to the American
people. It is prepared by physicians who
have practiced medicine in malarious districts
of the South and West for 20 years, and it i
confidently recommended ter all forms ol
Chills and Enver, Billious Fever, Neuralgia
Sun-pain, enlarged spleen, or Ague Cake, and
all that class ot diseases that are so trouble,
some in malarious districts. One bottle will
cure two cases. Price, SI.OO, or six bottle
for $5. Sent to all parts of the country on
receipt of price. Sold by till Druggists, Also,
by L. >V. Bunt A Cos., Macon, Ga.
jan7;3m Memphis, Tenn.
For sale by W. A. Ley less, Dawson Ga.
t ei r.
Barley ilieaf!
Acati-OiiMt Air-Tight Cooking; Stove, with Fxten«le«l Fire Box
for Wood or Conk Fsilcnted Slay JO, I^os.
take t lrsame in < It ring this justly c lebrated first class (lit top Cooking Stove to the public,jand. would call attan
■ a tinn to its many uttructivand vn'mible improvements
Over one thousand ■ f the HaHLEY SHEAFS were sold la.«t sensnn, and every Stove ba= given such universal satis
faction itt cm king, fuel saving, nnd c nvonienee of operation, that it is now difficult to supply the demaud.
! • has -r pate ot .nti dust shaking Sifter in the hearth, which sifts the ashes into a drawer in the ash pit, and retains tho
.•ip It" and c a!, which can he put back on the fire through the feeder, making no dust.
T flog cr -s pi, r • is reversible, so that the wu h boiler can he used on the side as well as the front holes. By re
in viog the long cross po re wo give a latge opening for a cauldron or wash kettle.
\ < her vault slide for regulating the draft and f<t iling and fixing the tire when the front bobs arc in use.
Sltdi: gtp , t fire door . g'vit.u full use of the hearth There is also an additional slide in tlie,ovcn, being a very groat
convenience while cooking nnd baking.
The oven is nearly ns wide at the top as at the hearth line, which not only increases the size, but will be Recognized as
a great advantage in halting.
As t> the size of the Hues and fire box, which are made to correspond with the very large oven, soveral months trial
he enabled the Manufacturers to so adjust them that the greatest amount o hert. is obtaieed with the least possible fnelt
The design of the Stove has he. n prepared with great, care, and cannot fail to please.
I get these Steves direct fr U nnfacturers, arid arnselling them at a small profit. I include thirty pieces of fur
niture and fixtures with each a and will guarantee satisfaction.
I refer the r u'dio to the follovviW g nth men, tn whom I b-,ve sold these Stoves ;
£G«m, 5,. SSfyasi. S£savaxm, <*«i.
C. A. FBacseHasttaii,
*a s\ 'S’. Bv. y. “
ilßr. .Sssibs<»« Ravage, “
li. ii. Tyrrell eo. <«3i.
.5. (’. i esuiai <9, “ “
i'Ha*. .B. ii. f aanoa, 44 44
.nr.l'LTaylor. 44 44
W. B>. fbsJcr C’o,, <*:».
I’rcderick 44 44
Hr. €. f. Brown, BJawsoa.
II S' 1 €’«Hisas-. TerreJß <’o. Ga.
yir. .8. li. Collin'. Terrell comity, Ga.
Mr. .9. •■’. tieuil'e, Dawson, Oil.
Mr Jolm Turner. ’S'crrcll Ooinily, Oa.
yji- .3 Jolm Redi, Morgan, Ca llionit t» Ga |
l Mr. E. J. Harris, Dawson, Georgia.
I have many other cxoolien' S c.v s, viz: Th irtulttll Friend, with I! <t Clo.-it and lieservoir. The liupravid Iron
W itch, with six holes, &e. The Orieutal, Red Jacket. Palnietlo. Flame, l aslcrn Preraium, &\
I have just rec ived a lot of VV. G. Wilson’s IViPROVED COMMON SENSE SERVING MA
CHINES- I know them to be splendid Machines, having tested oue thoroughly for two years. Tit y will -ew tho
finest, silk and the coarsest cloth, with any kind of spool thread. Will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, embroider, &e . with rapid
ity. Any child eight or ten years < f age can do good sowing on tln m with esse, without any danger of getting them nut
of orde-. I will warrant these Machincß, aud sell them at. Manufacturer’s prices. Will include with each Machine,
He turner, Barnum’s s Jf-sewcr, Oil can, Serew driver, and Needles.
1 ref r to (he following ladies, to whom 1 have sold these Machine,—
Mrs J G M MONTGOMERY, Oartcrsvillc, Ga. I Mrs 0 O NELSON, Dawson, Ga.
Mrs S R WESTON, Dawson, Ga. | Mrs It OMI ZELL, “ “
Mrs JR CHRISTIAN, “ “ Mrs J W KEITH, “ “
Mrs Win. TUCKER, Randolph county, Ga. | Miss S A SEAY, Terrell county, Ga.
lam agent for Satterwllite’s Improved Cotf-01l peed. This Cotton is said to yield more
per aero than anv other, and is much superior iu quality. Messrs, ri aly & Jackson, of Randolph county, e-itify that
they raised 2100 lbs. of Cotton per acre, and Mr. A E. Ward, same c lunty, certifies that lie raised 820 lbs. lint per acre
from those seed. Missrs. Tumlin, Shaw, McDonald, aud others, recommend them very highly. 1 have a sample of the
cotton, and think it the finest I ever saw.
I also have t.n hand a large supply of
Sroii, SJorS. Axos, Sloes, ISssßSbes, Traces, I*l«w
lines, Cor Heed Oats, Flour, JBeal. Sail, Synis>, Coffee,
lattßse, Fisk, firisSi Potatoes, Apples, €’raekcrs, Sardines,
'i’obaceo, Snsiil, f'osip. ftotln, Candles, Saivc
Pcathcs s, etc.
Which 1 am soiling at lowest market prices. ,
I a-a agent f. r the s.alo of the foil' wing Fertilizers, at *ho prices aon x> J:
Ratiuli’s SSossi* Phosphate, § 70.00 pea* Ton.
Ksaasgli’s Chicago Blood fßanurc, $05.00 ~ „
Ciaisa&aacfi JliEl* fiSoaso SShnl, ~ „
Matty r-f the most prominent arid reliable Farmers in Virginia, North and South (V«linn and Georgia, certify that
Slang la’s It aw Hone Phosphate'
is by lar the best Forterlz r they have us -d, f"r Cotton and Corn It effects the land f>r years in succession,
~ltf Hah applied only once It’n >t only increases the crop, but permanently improves the land, which is not the casewith
other Guati.'m
1 -te t’uLv refer the public to the following gentlemen who have sold, and are still dealing in this article:
,1 T. GARDNER. Augusta. Ga, ) J. T. AWTRY, Lagrange Ga.
M R DBVAUGHM, J ne borro ~ 7 Judge CAMERON, „ „
JONES MAXTEIt & DAY, Macon „ U. FYE & SON. Forsyth, „*
J.T KIRBY, N wnan,., ) Hiram HHINIZE, „ ~
J, g J. H M’t XUNG XT >r- hall fill, “ E. REMINGTON & SON, TbomasVdlle „
Divid KNOTT, McDonough, „ N. A. HARDEE BON & Cos Savannah, „
I have noticed more favorable reports from this than aDy other Guano for several years past, and actualj bcleivo it to
be the best and cheapest Fertilzer in use. Come, one and all, ana put in your orders early. Sell your cotton at 25 to
30 cents and make a large crop this year, and improve your lands at tho same time.
lomrn m, rm tout,
jan7;3m GEO.
l CA **?ACEhfi^
Dawson Carriage Factory.
T. J. HART,"Proprietor,
Os livery Description.
Pater ns adjusted to suit the Latest and most
Implored Style.
U AVIKG been in the Carriage business
for more than 20 years, we flatter our
selves with the assurance that we can give
entire satisfaction. Repairing of all kinds
neatly executed. •Wood work, Smithing,
Trimming and Painting will be attended to
with such precision as to make our repairing
rival uew vehicles iu appearance. We intend
keeping on hand a well selected sfock of the
most approved Manufacturers Patent Leath
er, Japanned Curtain Cloth, Warranted Steel
Springs, Patent and half Patent, and plain
Axles, Bolts of superior quality, Hubs,
Spokes, Bent Rims, Shafts, Poles, &c., in fact,
everythin sr connected with Carriage making.
To secure a liberal patronage, we intend
keeping a-corpse of experienced workmen in
every branch, and will gu rantee that our
work, both new and repaired, shall not be in
rerior to a n y, either North or Louth.
Shop on West side Main st., opposite the
“Journal” P inting Office.
Rkfirentes— Col O. 0. Nelson, W. M.
Thompson, Reuben Guice, Dawson, Ga.
Dawsou, Ga., December 17th, 1868 —3m
llr. J.II. Pickett, Terrell Cos., Ca.
?Sr. W llryais, Stewart Co*, Ga.
ISr. A T leivhome, 44 “
ISr. J II Btsisutsail, 44 44
tii*. S WilliloriS, Webster co. 44
J?lr. J W Warren, Callioun,co 44
.jllr. if 9 II Oeitisis, 44 44
fir. Job si CoS Icy. 44 44
W. O. S*ici’ce, C allioun 10., fin,
Bfr. F. .1. Jflartin,Terrell Cos. bn.
J. IS. Vanover, 44 44
Ciieo W Claristio, 44 44
’lr. stiiiaii Wooten, ltuii«!<>U>3i. conn!y, Ga.
lit- .1. K. Jiinc-, Dhwmmi. Gil.
iTIp George It Sill yes, Dover, <G<‘or;;i;i
Til- XV W Lee, “ “
Ornamental, Collage, House & More
Work done to order in the best and latesi
j j
I’ianitig, Sawing and Turned Worlc, Conn
ters. Tables, and Stools fur Stores.
Repairing of all kinds done cheaply, and
with dispatch. It will pav to send or call ai
Factory, foot of Third Street, on
Wharf St., Macon, Ga.
ll T t ask ins atVknt!on or the public to
y T this long tested and unrivalled
It has t.cen favnraldy known for more than 20
years, during which time we have received thou
sands of testimonials, showing this Medicine to
he an almost never-failing remedy for diseases
caused by or attendant upon :
Madden Colds, Goughs, Fever and Ague,
Headache, Billions Fever, Bains in the Side,
Back and Loins, as well as iu the Join’s and
I/mbs; Neuralgia and Rheumatic Pain in any
rart of the system, Toothache and Pains in
the nead and face.
Asa Blood Purifier and Tonic for the
Stomach, it seldom fails 10 cure Dyspepsia,
Indigestion, Liver Complaint, Acid Stomach,
Hea'tburn, Kidney Complaints, Sick Head
ache, Piles, A6thina or Phthisic, Ringworms,
Boils, Felons, Whitlows, Old So es, Swelled
Joints, and General Debility of the System.
It is also a prompt and sure remedy for
Cramp and Pain in the Stomach, Painter's
Colic, Diarrhoßt, Dysentery, Summer Com
p'aint. Cholera Morbus, Cholera Infantum,
Scalds, Burns, Spraius, Bruises, Frost Bite*,
Chilblains, as well as the Slings of Insects,
Scorpion, Centipedes, and the Bite* of Pois
nous Insects and Venemous Reptiles.
See Directions accompanying each bottle.
It has been tried in every variety of climate
tnd by almost every nation known to Amer
icans. It is the almost constant companion
and inestimable friend of the missionary and
the traveller, on land and sea, and no one
-liould travel on our lakes o.’ rivers without iL
Brices, 25 cents, 50 cents, and $1 per bottle.
i THE TAIN KILLER is sold by all
Druggists und Dealers in Family .Medicines.
PERRY DAVIS & SON, Proprietors.
74 High st., Providence, It. 1., 3*o St. Danl street,
Montreal, Canada East, 17 Southampton How,
Loudon, £’iinland,
apt Ju’6Bl V
Neatly execulfdat Ibis Office.