Newspaper Page Text
Treatment of Ifor»c«.
The majority of those who like horses
generally manage to own one or more
of them, and owning, must be interest
ed in knowing how to keep in good
health and vigor this noblest and most
serviceable of animals Iho following
common-sonso directions from the Lon
don Ilorsc Booh , contains the most prac
tical information in the shortest space of
anything we have seen upon this sub
ject :
1. All horses must not be fed in the
same proportion, without due regard to
their ages, their constitutions, and their
work, because the impropriety of such
a practice is self-evident; yet it is done,
and is the basis of disease of every
2. Never use bad hay on account of
its cheapness, because there is not prop
er nourishment in it.
3. Damaged corn is exceedingly inju
rious, because it brings on inflamation
of tho bowels and skin diseases.
4. Chaff is bettef for old horses than
hay because they can chew and digest
it better.
5. Mix chaff with corn or beans, and
do not give the latter alone, because it
makes the horse chew his food more and
digest it better.
6. Hay or grass alone will not sur
port a horse under hard work, because
there is not suflieieut nutritive body in
7. When a horse is worked hard, its
food should obiefly bo oats; if not
worked hard, its food should be chiefly
hay; because oats supply more nourish
ment and flesh-making material than
any other kind of food j hay not so
much so.
8 For a saddle or a coach horse, half
a peck of sound oats and eighteen lbs.
-of good hay is sufficient. If the hay is
not good, add a quarter of a peek more
oats. A horse which works harder may
have tather more of each; one that
works little should have less.
9. Rack feeding is wasteful. The
better plan is to feed with chopped hay
from a manger, because the food is riot
then thrown about and is more easily
chowcd and digested.
10. Sprinklo the hay with water that
has salt dissolved in k, because it is
pleasing to tho anirn l’s taste, and more
easily digested. [A teaspoonful of salt
in a bucket of water is sufficient.]
11. Oats should be bruised for an old>
horse, but not for a young on?, because
the former, through age and defective
tectb, cannot ebew them properly; the
young horse can do so, and they are
thus properly mixed with the saliva,
and turned into wholosomo nutriment.
12. Vetches and cut glass should al
ways be given in the Spring to horses
that cannot be turned out into tho fields,
because they are very cool and refresh
ing, and tro almost medical in eff ets;
but they must be supplied in modera
tion, as they arc liable to ferment in the
Stomach if given largely.
13. Water yoDr horses fiom a pond
or stream rather than from a spring or
well, because the latter is generally hard
and cold, while the former is soft and
comparatively warm. The horse prefers
soft muddy water to hard water, though
ever so clear.
14. A horse should have at least a
pail of water morning and evening, or
(still better) four halfpails at four sev
eral times in the day, because this us
snages Lis thirst without bloating him
He should not be made to work direct
ly after ho has a full draught of water,
for digestion and exertion can never go
on together.
15. Do not allow your horse to have
warm water to drink, because if he has
to drink cold water, after getting accus
tomed to warm, it will give him cholic.
16. When yonr horse refuses food,
after drinking, go no farther that day
day because tho poor oroaturo is thor
oughly beaten.
Tiie Cotton Destroyer at Work
—We are sorry that the curse of the
land, tho “doggoned old caterpillar,”
bas made his appearance, and has al
ready oommenoed filliug has voracious
maw with tho green and succulent
leaves of the cottn plant. We gave
but little credence to the report at first,
thinking it merely a ruse to raise the
price of cotton, which Lad fa'len from
80 cents to 40 o nts p r pcu idi But
the statement* if reliable le-.tlemcn
who had seen the animal himse.f aDd
the injury he is is inflicting place the
truth of the matter beyond a doubt.
The plague is really ufon us, and in
cuch power and force as to leave but
little prospect ahead of a good crop of
the staple. It seems that we have tak
en of this insect, aDd that Le is
disposed to bide by the terms nominated
in the bond, and will not abate a jot or
tittle of his power —Ocala (Fla.) Bon
A forger, known as Bent Drake, alias
BentoD, was arrested in Worcester,
Massachusetts, last Tuesday, on a
charge of feloniously obtaining 812,500
from the First National Bank at St.
Tlic Grecian Bond.
Let’ll have the old ber.d, and not have the
new j
Let’s have the bend that our giandmother’a
Over the wash-tub and over the churn ;
That is the bend that our daughters should
Let’s have the bend that our grandmothers
Over the cradle like good mothers true ;
Over tlic table (the family round),
Reading the Qood Book 'mid silence profound.
Let's have the bend that at church they did
Bowing them lowly in mock, humble prayer;
Not sitting erect, with tne modern miss air,
With the “love of a bonnet” jusbed perch’d
on one hair.
Leave the camel his hump; he wears it for use;
Leave the donkey his pannier, and cut your
self loose
From fashions that lower, deform and dc
To hide some deformity most of them made.
The Geographical Society of Paris
have decreed a gold medal to Dr.
Hayes, the American Arctic explorer,
in acknowledgment of his services to
A writ of habeas corpue has been
issued in the ca«c of Thomas Drew, of
Boston, who is ia jail for refusing to
testify before a committee of tho Massa
chusetts Legislature.
Senator Sprague was gerenadod at the
Continental Hotel, Philadelphia, a few
evenings since, by the Workingmen’s
Association, and mado a brief speech,
acknowledging the compliment.
Two tracts of land were sold at
Waynesboro, Burke county, on Wcdncs
day, one oontaining 400 acres, whi h
brought $lB5 ; tho other contained 900
acres, and brought $750.
The Greensboro llerald complains of
having robbers in its midst, who arc
very bold. Thcso gentlemen aro not
very particular whose property they
chance to assume control of.
S4O Slitcli! $8 30
S4O S4O first class Sewing Ma- $37 50
chines given as premiums
S4O for $37 60 worth of sub- $37 50
seriptions for Wood’s
»-»o llocskiiold Advocatk, a $37 50
first class Family paper, at
SIO 75 ecu'* a year. Also $37 50
$32 TICK! Tit K ! S3O
$32 American Watches, worth $32, S3O
$32 g’ven for $.30 worth of subsorip- S3O
$32 tions. Also $iW
sl2 DICTIONARY.. sl2
sl2 Webster's Unabridged DL-tiona- sl2
sl2 ry, worth sl2, given as premiums sl2
sl2 sl2 worth of subscriptions. Also sl2
SIOO Sunday School SIOO
S6O Large or small, to be selected S6O
SSO from 400 volumes of the very lext SSO
sto books published, and given as a S4O
S3O premium for an equivalent amount S3O
$24 of subscriptions. $24
&c. Also several other premiums &c.
4te. equally liberal. kr
rarThe “Advocate," (formerly called.®!!
lie Prospectus,) contains 16 large,Jg|
OSPpages. and aims to promote Knowl
tW~edee. Virtue, and Temperance.
jgjThns been enlarged an'd improved.®.!
’ (TWthree times in 27 months. Send forjgJ
JfgT'specimen copy. Address
S. S. WOOD, P. 0. building, Newburgh, N Y.
JUen-r-IV*onun—and Children !
Jflcn — ll’omrii— and Children !
“Cooling to Scalds and Borns,”
“■Soothing to all painful wounds, Ac,”
“Healing to all Sores, Ulcers, &c.”
‘Costars’ Bisckthorn Salve
Is the most extraordinary sslvk ever known.
Its power of Soothing and Healing for all
Cats, Burrs, Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, chapped
Hands and Skin, for Sore Nipples, for Piles,
&e., &e.—is without a parallel. One person
says of it, ‘I would not be without a Box in
my House, if it cost $5.00, or I had to travel
all the way to New York for it.”—[New Y.
Evening News, Sept. B.
All Druggists in DAWSON sell It.
“.That Cough will kill you,”
Try “O'mar's” Cough Remedy.
“Cold and Hoarseness lead to death,”
Try "(J'star’s” Cough Remedy.
For Croop*, Whooping Coughs, etc.,”
Try “Uostar’e” Cough Remedy.
“Costar says it is the best in the wide
world—and if He says so—its True—its True
—its True; and We say Try it, Try it, Try
it.” [Horning Paper, August 2fi ]
t3TAII Druggists in DAWSON sell it.
Bitter-Sweet anti Orange Blossoms.
Bottle, sl.oo—Three for $2.00.
“Costar’s” Rat, Roach, &c., Exter
“fostar’s” Bed Bug Exterminators.
“Costar’s” (only pure) insect l'ow
“Only Infallible Remedies known.”
“18 years established in New York."
“2,000 Boxes and Flasks manufactured
“! 1 ! Beware ! 1 ! of spurious imitations.
“All Druggists in DAWSON sell them ”
Address “Costak, 10 Crosby St., N. Y
Or, Joiin F. Hknrt, (Successor to)
I>EM AS 13a,m.s & Cos., 21 Park Row
N. Y. ’
For Bjlo by Jaucs At Loyleßs, Druggists
Dawson, Ga. feb2o'6U;ly ’
JYew afidvertie a acnls.
S3OO A Month S2OO
-A-gonts "Wanted
This work is a record of the heroic services
afloat rendered by this gallant commander
and eis devoted comrades during the war be
tween the States; and is a bock of thriling in
terest to all lovers ol the daring, brave and
true. It sells faster than any hook that has
been issued for years.
It is‘ NOT A WAR BOOK” of the style
with which the public have been so persist
ently BORED during the last fivo years, but
a work of enduring fame—a part of the his
tory of our common country, and no FATH
ER can afford to lose the opportunity of se
curing it for bis children. The first immense
edition is already gone, and still tho agents
are pressing us for more books. Oyer fif>>
agents have reported sales in th-ir first
mouth, averaging 300 copies each, and nearly
every agent we have out reports rapid sales.
Exclusive territory given to men ot experience
and ability. The work is splendidly illustra
ted aud bound. To secure good territory,
Address F. I. DIBBLE & 00,
Publishing Bouse, 208 Main St. Louisville,
Ky. Jesse B. Knott, Agent Terrell county.
In Henderson County, Ky.
Authorized by Act of the Kentucky Leg
islature, 1867-8.
tSfevcn Rich and Highly Improved Ohio
River Bottom Farms and 505 To-vn Xots to
be disposed of in SHARES.
Capital Prize, $150,000.
2 Prizes, each 2 7 ,500
4 Prizes, each 13.750
280 Prizes, each 120
140 Prizes, each 100
84 Prizes, each 80
Tho drawing will take place at Masonic Temple
in Louisville, Ky., on the Ist Monday in Sept. ’fill.
Agents will furnish pamphlets, giving descrip
tion of the property, mid containing the act of the
Legislature, Authorising the sale.
The responsibility and integrity of the Commis
sioners, who have charge of the Enterprise, ure
endorsed by the Certificates (which will be found
in the pamphlets,) of the following gentlemen :
Gov. J. VV. Stevenson, lions. Garrett Davis. and
Thos. C. McCrecry, IJ. S. Senators; Hon. John T
Hunch, Speaker or the Ky. House of Representa
tives ; Hon. Archibald Dixon, .Joseph Adams,
I’res’t. of /’armors Hank; L. C. /Jallnm, Pres’tof
National Hank; John 11. Barrett, and others of
Henderson, Ky.; Hon. W. F. Parrett, Judge of
the Circuit Court of 16th Judicial District, and M.
S. Johnson, judge of Court Common Picas, of
/nd.; Hon. Win II Walker, Mayor; John S Hop
kins, Pros’t Ist National Bank, and ethers of
Evansville, I ml., and many other gentlemen of
position and prominence in Kentucky & Indiana.
tf/pThe Farms (800 acres cleared and under cub
tivation,) have been rented the present, year, 1860,
for sl2 per acre, money rent; bonds for the rent
have been deposited in the .Farmers’ Hank at Hen
derson, Ky., subject to control of the Commis
sioners, aud will be assigned to those drawing the
Farms. Kent of the capital prize, $5,000,
TICKETS can be purchased of I. H Lyne, Far
mers Bank, Henderson, Kv.; B Alexander,
Commercial Hank, Louisville, Ky.; John C La
tham, Pres’t Bank of H°Phinsville, hopkiusvillc,
Kv.; James L Dallam, Commercial Bank, Padu
cah, ky; B C Thomas, Lexington, ky; W B Tyler,
Owensboro, ky. may 20,1869
Th3 American Sorgo J/anual for 1 SCO con
tains full directions lor cultivating Sorghum,
J/mufacturing xS'yrup and Sugar, the latest
improvements in Machinery, and other infor
mation of great importance. Sent free. Ad -
dress GEO. L. t'QUIKR & BRO, Buffalo, N V
Health to restore lost powers. To re
move the effects of early errors. To stop in
voluntary seminal emissions. To regain memory
and self again. To stop the waste of mind and
substance. To be cured permanently of varico
cele in four years. To be treated scientifically for
any disease of a private nature by a Medical In
corporation. To know fully of nil this. To have
circulars, with terms send 35 cents to
Dr. C WILLIAMS, Box 199, St Paul, Minn
Twelve limes A Year.
The Press and the Peopi.r everywhere
have pronounced our’s the IJkst Original
.I/auizink published in this country, ot the
Prick, which we have placed wit tin the reach
of all. Sc-nd for a copy, or subccribc for the
Single copy by mail, 25
Single Copy one year, $2 50
Address the publishers
F. I. PIBBZE & CO., 208 main St.
apri!B,lß69 Louisville, Ky.
B.N.BROWN & Cos.
They also make a prime article of Spokes and
Hubs for Light Carriage and Buggy Wheels.—
Send for price list.
Patented March 31, 1860.
Take pleasure in presenting to the public the
BEST iff A CHINE in the market.
The rollers are regulated by a self-acting
“LEVER I’OWER,” conforming to any and
all kinds of work, without the aid of the hand
or foot. No other J/i,chine can claim this
principle, ali of them having the Screw Tow
er at the top.
This Machino took the only Diploma and
aVedal awarded at the American luati ute of
New York City, in the fall of 1867.
Every family should have this machine.
Sold Wholesale and Retail by
676 Broadway, JVew York.
Send for illustrated Circular.
Sold hy all other houses in the city.
dr. wuirria it.
as diploma at office will show, has been
longer engaged in the trratment ot Venereal,
Sexual and Private Diseases, than any other
physician in St. Louis.
Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture, Or
bhitisHernia, and rupture ; all Urinary Dis
eases and Srphililic or Mercurial Afflictions
of the throat, Skin or Bones, are treated with
unparalleled success.
Spermatorrhea, Sexal debility and Itnpo..
tency as the result of self-abuse in youth, sex
ual excess in mature years, or other causes,
and which produce sometof the following ef
fects, as nocturnal emissions, blotches, debil
ity, diziness, dimness of sight, confusion of
ideas, tv if for boding s, aversion of society of
females, loss of memory and sexual power,
and rendering marriage improper, are per
manently cured.
Dr. Whitaker publishes a MEDICAL PAM
PHLET relating to veneial diseases and the
disastrous and varied consequences of self
abuse, that will be sent to any address in a
sealed envelop for two stamps. Many phy
sicians introduce patients to the doctor after
, reading his medical pamphlet. Communica
tion confidential. A friendly talk will cost
you nothing. Office central, yet retired
No. 617 St. Charles st,, St. LouU, Mo. Hours,
9 a m to 7 p. m. Sundays 12 to 2 p m.
William S. Bowen has applied for ex
emption of personalty, and setting apart
and valuation of Homestead, to bo heard at
10 o’clock, a. m. on the 15tb drv of Mav, ’69 I
May6;2w T. M. JONES, Or'tJ’y. 1
Southern Preparations!
They are a class of solcot family medicines
prepared by physicians, with accuracy and
neatness, from pure and fresh remedial agents
for the convenient use of families when a
physician is not at hand. They are the re
sult of a long bedside experience in the South
ern and Western States, and physicians,
druggists and farmers are preferring them te
all others.
./ (if If. IP OF FOMITUJrK
Who can boast of a name in the casket of a
nation’s glory, and who is surrounded with
„U the glittering grandeur that riches can
bestow, is unhappy, melancholy and misers
ble when ufilicted with those terrible female
complaints which are no common all over the
country. If thus afflicted, buy
and be once more restored to health, beauty
and buoyancy.
This compoand is specially prepared for
all those female complaints and irregularities
depending upon an unhealthy action of the
Uterine organs. It imined ate y arouses, re
stores aud legulates, giving tone, strength
and color to the pale aud feeble.
Put up in large bottles, at $2 50 per bottle,
or three bottles for $6.00. Bent to all parts
of the country ou receipt of price. Sold by
all D.uggists.
[female IBeauty I
E igliah Female Ritters
English Ft male Bitters
English Female Bitters
English Female Bitters
English Female Bitters
Cures all Female Complaints
Cures all Female Crmplaints
Cures all Female Complaints
Cures all Female Complaints
Cures all Female Complaints
Asa Female Regulator
Asa Fetnalo Regulator
Asa Female Regulator
A- a Fernaln Regulator
Asa Female Regulator
It arouses Old and Young
It arouses Old and Young
It arouses Old and Young
It arouses Old and Young
It arouses Old and Young
For it iilueys aud Bladder,
Use Extract Bearberry and Bucbu
Use Extract Bcarbcrry and Buehu
Use Extract Bearberry and Buehu
Use Extraot Bcarbcrry and Buehu
Use Extract B arberry and Buehu
Cures Gravel and Urinary Deposits
Cures Gravel and Urinary D posits
Cures Gravid and Urinary Deposits
Cures Gravel aad Urinary Deposits
Cures Gravel and Urinary Deposits
Physicians prescribe it
Puyeiciaus prescribe it
Physicians prescribe it
Physicians prescribe it
Physicians prescribe it
Cures Weak Back and Cdleet
Cures Weak B ick and Gleet
Curts Weak Back aud G eet
Cures Weak Bi ll and Gleet
Cures Weak .Back and Gleet
Cures eff ets of Dissipation
Cures effects of Dissipation
Cures <ff o’s of Di sipaii- n
Cures tfleets of Dissipaii n
Curca fr< quent desire to IJriuati
Cures fr queut do, ire to Urinate
Cures frqueni desire ’o Urinat
At One Dollar per Bottle
At Otic Dollar per Bottle
At O te Dollar per B ■ 11!o
At Oue Dollar per Bottle
fur if y Ycur flood
With Ccnsti utional Monarch
With Consti ulional Monarch
With Constitutional Monarch
r U’lth Cons i’.utional M narch
Cures Scrofula aud Old Sores
Cures Scrofula and Old Sores
Cures Scrofula and Old Sores
Cures Scrofula and Old Sores
Cures Scrofula and G!d Sores
For diseases of the Skin and Glands
For d'stases cf tie Skin and Glands
For diseases of the Skin and Glands
Eor diseases of the Skin and Glands
For diseases nf the Skin ar.d Glands
F> r Gout, Ireh and Totter
For Gout, Itch and Tetter
For Gout, I ch and Tetter
For Gout, Itch and Tetter
For Gout, Itch and Tetter
King of Cbille*- is the best
King of Chills is the best
King of Chills is the best
King of Chills is the best
King and Chills is the best
It arouses the Stomach and Liver
It arouses the Stomach and Liver
It arou-es the Stomach and Liver
It arouses the Stomach and Liver
It arouses the Stomach and Liver
Does not cffict Head Kars or .Nerves
Does not effect Head Kars or Nerves
Does not tff'cc Head Kars or Nerves
Does not effect Head Ears or Nerves
Does not effeot Head Ears or Nerves
I Use Eureka Secret Cure
j Use Eureka Secret Cure
I Use Eureka Secret Cure
! Uye Eureka Secret Cure
Use Eureka Secret Cure
One Eottle will Cure you
One Bott'e will Cure you
Oue Bottle will Cure you
One Bottle will Cure you
One Dottle will Cure you
It Costs only 82 50
It Costs only 82 50
It Costs only 82 50
It Costs only 82 50
It Costs only 82 50
The shove Preparations are offerred by
aprß;3m Memphis, Tenn.
For sale by Jaues at, Loyless, Daw son Ga.
GEORGIA, Terrell County:
Whereas, Eli Cochran, Executor ol Dar
ling Sikes, applies for letters of dismission
from said estate.
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned, to be and appear at my
office witbiu the time prescribed by law, and
show cause, if any, why said letters should
not be granted. Given under my hand, and
official signature, this Nov, 12th, 1868.
novl‘J6m T. M. JONES, Ord’y.
. , r „ i,ai .nd will keep every-
ONE of the best Machinists in the State, hag taken charge of niv Mm, flettl when
thing in good order, so that everybody may be sure of getting *
they came to Mill. The Mill is all fitted up new with
and anew pair of the he=>t GIJSOPAS ROCII. Everything will be done to make it
. a ten s.M I i'll, on
AUDEBSOfIf, known already by the peopl- as a good ISL.^ i>u nul i„„ work
Plantation, Buggy or Wagon work, has a Shop close by the Mil, and ('.IS II
or auv work in his lino, and will do hi* beat to give satisfaction. Hai J 1
for everything t nunt have C.'ISII for work. Ilr.lslrnels
If you waut aov Plantation Wood-Work done, or Table#, Unreal) * shoi> odioin
./call on Messrs. I’OW'LLL » .l.rntti: l»>, Occupying b,1 °l’ Bd J° in
I " S CW* M ' ll ’ If your Watch, Clock, Music Box, or Accordeon does not do right call on
the subscriber at bis old stand, whore you cun be accoinmoiu i
Dawson, Ga., Feb. 11, 1869—mly
I’l.fPl ?!. of all Grades,
SELF-.ttAisiitsra- flour,
vi'M) OUR PATRONS, and all others we would vay that, wo are manufacturing our Flour
I from the best qualify of Wheat, and that all the Flour we s II is fresh. \\ e make all
giades, and have l-’lour as low as tiie lowest and a* good is tne best. Our mottoris,
And guarantee satisfaction in all cases. All Flour sold by ns is guaranteed to please, or
money refunded. To all dealers, and the balance of mankind, wc would say, try us, and we
Jeel assured that you will call again.
NOTICE.- EvIGFE JIJILFS.— We have pure!,.:of Bledsoe A Cos., their
entire stock in the above Flour Mills, situated near tin- Macon k Brunswick Depot, lhe
Milling business will hereafter he carried on hy us, under the firm name ot I. 11. ( hen. Jfc Uo.
We have procured the services of Mr. I. Bledsoe, who will be bappv to wa-t on the former
patrons of Bledsoe & Cos. }*■ (
I . Ji. ( kh h i\.
Having Fold our stork to Messrs. Cook & Chock, wo take great pleasure in reimnii.-osiding
them to our old customers. [lebH’G9fim] \AA \) O:. k CO.
I® rovisi.'O sa s
\\TISB to inform Dealers and Farmers of
V Y South Western Georgia, that they have
opened a large Wholesale and Retail
Produce & Provision House
i.r EUF.IUL.I, rfl.L,
Where they now have on hand, and will be
constancy receiving, large supplies of
Floor, Tobacco, Liquors, Sic.
WE offer great inducements to Dealers and
Farmers by the Wholesale, and pledge our
selves to sell to them at all times, at, as low
prices as the goods can be obtained in J/i
--con, thereby giving a great difference in
We refer to Capt.. S. R. Weston, of D.\ •
eon, from whom our wholesale prices can be
KOLR At rOUlilt.’.
Eufanla, Ala., March 11, 1869—3 m
—and all kinds of—
Ornamental, Cottage, House & More
Work done to order in the best and latest
Planing, Sawing and Turned Work, Coun
ters, Tables, and Stools for Stores.
Repairing of all kinds done cheaply, and
with dispnch. It will pay to send or call at
Factory, foot of Third Street, on
Wharf St., Macon, Ga.
fiSTf*©* f IS C, VRVi fl&
sAnOtslPie -a t 4 ft ikl §
Carpels and Mattresses,
‘'wholesale a- RETAIL
87 and 89 Bower n, 65 Chris le Street, aud i3O
and 182 He-ter Street, \E IT YORK,
(Connected under one Loaf)
H'E LuV, now cn band the largest. Stock
» y r,f -ntirelv new patterns ami d.-signs,
for furn’sh’ng n.-dhS thr cghnut, ever of
fered by one house in the City, af a great
deduction in prices.
.TIK-I&T is under the Superintendence of
H. S. BARNES, wlmia weiland fivo-oblv
known to the public, having Recti n long time
wi'h Lloane & Go., in Broadway, and tor the
last four years, with Laid & i'aylo-. Oar
stock of Carpets is cnt : rely new and well se
tested, this branch having been just added to
our biislu'-os
Ts;x, MfaUro's RopailliiCHt is
entirely under our eupervi-;on, all being made
on tbe premises. Every J/auie*.- gu.iiar.ieru.
Steamboats, Hotels, Churches, Public
Halls, and private II use?, furnished through
out at wholesale prices.
The Floating Palaces, the Steamers of tlic
Peoples’ Line on the Hudson Aiver, were
furnished by us.
£*rices Defy Competition.
Second and Third Avenue Cars pass our
Stores. Entrance, 87 & 89 Bowery, New
York. mch26,1869 3m
HAVIJCG mado arrangements with the
TtLiilishou DemorcU Cos.,
are able to sell two, three, four and six
horse Wagons, at a small advance on New
York cost. We would iuvite those riehing
good Plantation Wagons, to examine our
Stock before purchasing cbewhere,
Wo would Also call the attention of the
public, to our splendid extensive stock of
ho h of cur own and Northern manufacture.
i generally understood throughout South-
Western Georgia, that IVJI. SIRRIAE
dways warrants his work. We always keep
a P'oi . toca ol Carriage & Harness, Wagon
' J ? £le materials tl all' description.
Call and see. .
Amencus, Ga.
bacon on credit.
Wwith 6 prcpared !o furnish PLANTERS
for approved paper, with hen on crop.
J- W. Roberts & Cos.
Dawson, Ga., April 8,1869—ts
KeaHy executed at this Office.
rpnu underrignad beg leave to call atten-
X lion to
us a WHOLESALE MA RKET for every,
thing that ia uecesaary to be bought in all
the region around about Macon. We hav«
such facilities in our various departments aa
will secure to our customers THE VERY
LOWEST RATES, aud we intend to keep
such stocks on baud as will make it to tho in.
terest of all not to go further than
to buy their supplies. We hope by close at
tention to business to merit your patronage,
and therefore respectfully ask your attention
to our respective houses when you visit tbe
city or wish to buv by orders.
Corner Second und Uherrv Streets,
Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries,
Hardware, etc., etc.
B. A. WISE, .
f'herry Street,
Wholesale Dealer in Stoves, House-Furnish
ing Goods, Tin Ware, etc.
Second Street,
Wholesale Dealers in Boots, Shoes, Hats,
Caps, etc.
Second street,
Wholesale Dealers in \.d.7'h' n 7; Gents Fur
nishing Goods, etc.
W . X. HUFF,
Corner Cherry and Third streets.
Wholesale Grain and Provision Dealer.
J. W. BCR 1411 At CO.,
00 Second st-eet.
Wholesale Booksellers and Stationers.
Cherry street,
Wholesale Dealers in Hardware, etc., etc.
Cherry Street,
Wholesale Druggists and dealers in Paints,
Oils, Glass, etc.
Cherry Street,
Wholesale Groceis aud Liquor Dealers.
B. A. Wise,
Mulberry Street,
Wholesale Crockerv, Lamp and Glassware,
W. A. Ilufl’,
Third Street,
Wholesale Carriage aud Wagon Dealer.
Johnson, Campbell & Cos.,
Corner of Fourth and Popular Streets,
Wholesale Grocery, Provision, Liquor and
Commission 3/eichante.
Little, Smith & Cos.,
Dealers in Saddles and Harness, Carriage
Goods, Shoe Findings, and Concord
Buggies, end Wagons*
Joaes, Baxter & Day,
Cotton Avenue,
General Commission 3/erehauis and Dealers
in Produce, Provisions, Staple Grocer
ies, Fertilizers, Lime, Piaster, Ue~
meat, etc.
Harris, i iay k Cos.,
Corner of Cherry and Third streets, MacOD,
Georgia, Wholesale Druggists.
L. if. Wing,
No. 48 Sucoud street,
Dealer in Watches, Jewelry, Silverware, Dia
monds, Fancy Goods, Canes, etc.
City Gankin? Company, Macon, Cia.
Cash Capital $‘.200,0^0.
C. A NuiTiKG, W 1\ Goodall,
President, Gusbier.
Firsta Sion a! Bank.
I. G. Plant, VV. W. Whig let,
President, Cashier.
directors :
If. It. Jcwelt, W. 11. Ross, G. 11, IL’zlehurßt,
W. 11. Dinsrnore, \V. Lightfoot, 11. B. Plant.
Cubbedge & Ilazlclnirsf,
Bankers and Brokers, Second Street.
31. 11. Roiigrrs & Cos.,
Cherry Street,
Ma l'.ufaeiurers and VV holesah- dealers in can
dies and fo-eign F nils. Wed ing end
Fcs-ivc Parties D corded and lur
uiihcd in the most artistic styles.
Mix L Kirtiaiul,
No. •! Cotton Avenue,
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Boots and
Shoes, Leather Finding, Lasts, etc.
J. H. Hertz.
Successor to Turpin k Hertz.
Wholesale Dealer in Men and Boys ' lcthiug,
and Gems Furni.-r ing Goods, 90 Cherry St.
E. Fcuchtwaogcr k CO ,
Tiiai gular Blot k, tfecond Sti eet,
Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods and Notions.
fill US,
With Lon Frame, Overstrung Bass, and
Agraffe Bridge.
Melodeoua and Cabinet Organs,
Tli<> In-st Maiiufac-turcd; War
ruittci! for fcix Vears.
JIIFTY New and Pianos, Me
; lodeons and Organs of first-class makers,
at low prices for caeh , or one third cash aud
the balance in Monthly Ins'almen«s. Second
hand Instruments at great bargains. Illustra
ted Catalogue mailed. Warerooms, 481
Broadway, N. Y. HORACE WATERS.
The Waters’Pianos are known as among
the very best.— N. Y. Evangelist.
We can speak of the merits of the Waters’
Pianos from personal knowledge as being of
the very best quality.— Christian Intel.
The Waters’ Pianos are built of the best
;md most thoroughly seasoned material—
Advocate <£’» Journal.
Our friends will find at Mr. Waters’ store
the very best assortment of Pianos, Melo
deons and Organs to he found in the United.
States.— Graham' 1 s Magazine.
MUSICAL DO ING S*—Since Mr, "Waters gave
up publishing sheet music, he has devoted his
whole capital and attention to the manufacture
and sale of Pianos and Melodeons*. lie has just
issued a catalogue of Ills new instruments, giving
anew scale of prices, which shows a marked re
duction from former rates, aud his Pianos have
recently been awarded the First Premium at sev
eral Fairs. Many people of the present day, who
are attracted, if not Confused, with the flaming ad
vertisements ol rival piano houses, probably over
look the modest manufacturer like Mr. Waters;-
but we happen to know that his instruments
earned him a good reputation long before Expo
sitions and “Bobors” connected therewith were
ever thought of; indeed, we have one of Mr. Wa
ters’ Pianofortes now in our residence (where it
has stood for years,) of which any manufacturer
iu the world might well be proud. We have al
ways been delighted with it as a sweet toned and*
I powerful instrument, and there is no doubt of its
durability ; more than this, some of the best ama
teur players in the city, as well as several celebra
ted pianists, have performed on the same piano,
and all pronounce it a superior and first-class in
strument. Stronger endorsement wc could not
give.— Home Journal.
A specimen of the above Pianos can be
seen at my residence. W. M. Peeples,
jan2l;lyrw Agent*
Southern Mutual Insurance Cos,
Chartered in. 1847. Reserved fund,
Profits annually divided between yearly polk/
l ining L. g. Harris, President.
Mephcu Thomas, Secretary.
This old Georgia Favorite is represented at
Dawson by S R WESTON Ag’t.
mrhlfi*3m •