Newspaper Page Text
Crops of all kinds are growing rapidly
cow, and the surface of the grouul
should be stirred as often as possible, to
make the growth continuous and uni
form. No weed or spear of grass should
be allowed a foothold in the Held, where
it may contend succcsi-iully wish the
corn, cotton, &c., for the nutritious el
ements of the soil. The crab grass that
comes up in May being the most trou
blesome, especial earc should be taken
to get rid of any which may have es.
caped up to this time. The constant
pulverizing of the surface, acts very
much like mulching, preventing the
evaporation ol moisture, and keeping
the sun’s heat, from penetrating to the
roots ot the plants. Where anything
like a full crop is planted, frequeut
stirring of the surfaoo can on:y be ac
complished by using plows liko Dick
son’s sweop, or a harrow, or a cultivator,
which cut so wide a iurrow, that a plow
man may pass over ground very rapid-
Whore a mixed crop of cotton and
small grain is cultivated, (which is the
prevailing custom at the south,) very
nice judgment and tnanrgcmeut are re
quired to keep the hoed crops fiom euf
feriog, from the interruption of regular
work attendant upon the harvest. The
use of’reaping machines will lesssu
much the difficulty alluded to; and we
trust the time if not lar distaLt when
these time' and lab- r-saviDgimplenseuts,
will he universally used at the South,
Field peas should be planted now,
as soon as practicable. If this is de 1
layed till next month, they may n >t ri
pen well before frost. Where the object
is to make hay, or to enrich the land by
turning the vines under, peas may b' 1
sown as late as the middle of nex’
month, but as dry weather may inter
fere with coming up, or wi h their
growth, it is not advisablo to defer
planting too late. —Southern Cultivator-
From the»9o. Cultivator.
Diversify es Crop®, &e.
Editors Southern Cultivator: —One
might have concluded, that after the
uprooting oT our whole system of labor,
and the destruction of nearly all our
property, we would Lave learned souse
wholesome lessons from the past. At
the end of the war, for a time, the tide
seemed to set in the right direction—
there scc-mcd to be general coavic'ijn
that wo must diversify our pursuits; de
vote more attention to the grasses aLd
cereals; rear more stock; curtail our
planting operations; plant less and do
it more thoroughly; locate our iarrn
buildings around the homettead, th
cverythiog might be under the supervis
ion es the proprietor, &e. There seem; and
to be a healthy change coming over the
minds of the people, and we felt hope
ful. The high price of c.tton bat
knocked up all these notions, and in a
late travel over an extensive fi Id, from
the mountains to the seaboard, we have
been pained to see that the hoary des
pot still sways bis sceptre supremely.—
The virgin forests are not only every
where falling under the axe, but the
timber is deadened, burned, and reck
lcssly managed. The old piuo (bids
are again being cleared up, and every
knoll dotted with a fieedman’s log Lu»,
wattled garden or brush fence truck
patch. Expansion has come instead of
contraction ; slip shod management in
stead of system ; scratching superficially
instead of deep plowing; guano and com
mercial manures in.tead es dung baa'-s,
and chaos instead of order.
A great many of our friends seem tu
think Agricultural Societies will reform
all this. Agricultural Societies, to do
good, must be the offspring of a healthy
agricultural opinion. They must grow
out of a necessity to reform—a convio
tion and a determination so do it. In
plain English, the people must feel that
there is money in if, or the whole thing
will end in humbug, fbliug the pockets
of a few fancy breeders, and begetting a
taste for show and parade, which costs
more than it comes to. It Is very ridic
ulous to charge our people with a want
cf sagacity or natHc spirit, because they
don’t see the necessity of oigat.iziticn.
Os all classes, the agricultural is the
least.disposed to act in concert, because
it does not feel the necessity. And at
the South, where our population is
sparse, and every man lord cf his own
manor, it is not easy to get up social
gatherings, at which farmers can ex
change opinions and compare notes. ■
Around the eourt-bcu.-e on saledays, at
country store-houses, or about the
church-door on Sundays, you will onl\
hear fartniug matters discussed amongst
neighbors. Until you beget a taste far
such social gatherings—‘farmer’s clubs,’
where neighbors meet to enjoy each oth
er’s plain fate and hospitality and talk
over farm matters for the love of the
thing, if is sheer nonsenso to talk of
Agricultural Societies.
What will bring about this whole
some reform, is tbo question which most
concerns us. Whatever will induec the
peojilo so think less es politics, and de
vote more time to agricultural reading.
If every man would take tbo Southern
Cultivator, he would boooroo interested
in improvement.'—less averse so change
of the old routine, and more anxious to
talk'r.ver and compare no'es with his
neighbors. They would thus be eua
bled to sift the wheat from the chaff, and
to protect each other from the many
humbugs and clap-traps which eu harass
beginr.eis and disgrace t 1 e profession.
If eveay reader of the Cultivator would
set his head to work to get now subscri
bers, and now and then write out his
“notions” or experience for your journal,
ho would get people to thinking and
writing—then would follow social gath
erings, and agricultural societies which
would bear wholesome fruit. Our cli
mate is most favorable to Hicli a scheme
-—our tastes would soon incline that way.
The only difficulty is the spareness of
our population, tut we can try. There
is nothing like trying. ACORN.
J iab Whipple, of Fquawk
boro’, does not see the use of building
school-houses and paying teachers to
educate “a parcel of beys and gals who
know a darned sight more than their
parents do already.”
,s4©~ Slikh I $350
S4O S4O first class Sewing Ma- $147 50
chines given as premiums
S4O for $37 60 worth of sub- SJ47 50
fieriptions for Wood’s
§3O IIoDSKin-Lt) A dvocatk, a §37 50
first class Family paper, at
|lO 75 ctn s a year. Alvo §37 50
$32 TICK ! TDK! S3O
|32 American Watches, worth $32, S3O
$32 g’ven for S3O worth ot subsciip #3O
$32 tioas. Also S3O
sl2 Webster’s Unabridged Dictions- sl2
sl2 rv, worth sl2, given as premiums sl2
sl2 sl2 worth of subscriptions. Also sl2
SIOO Sunday School SIOO
S6O Large or small, to lie selected SGO
SSO from 400 volumes of the very beat SSO
s*t) books published, and given as a S4O
S3O premium for an equivalent amount S3O
s2f of subscriptions. $24
&c. Also several other
&a. equally liberal. Aw.
rr-The “Ad vocate,” (formerly called_sElt
tWthe ospectus,) contains 16 large
IW rages, ami aims to promote Knowl
I3ST edge, Virtue, and Temperance. It_sgJ
tfj-has been enlarged and improved_Jfr3
{gftbree times in 27 months. Seud for„£g;:2
copy. Address
H. S. WOOD, F. 0. building, Newburgh, N Y.
J/rn- Il’owim —ttml Children ! ’
.-T/eii — li'omen —and Children !
ESE,tl> r »BSrAl>!
“Cooling to Scalds and Burns,”
“smoothing 1 to all painful wounds, Arc,”
“Healing to all S-*res, Ulcers, &c.”
‘Costars’ Buckthorn Sains
Is the most extraordinary sslvk ever known.
Its power ot Soothing and Sealing for oil
Outs, Burns, Bruises, Sores, Uicers, chapped
Hands and Skin, for Sore Nipples, for Piles,
At:., Ate—is without a parallel. One person
says of it, ‘I would not bo wi'hout a Box in
iny House, if it Co3t $5.00, or I had to travel
ail the way to New York for it.”—[New Y.
EyeDii'C News, -Sept. 5.
All Druggists in DAWSON sell it.
‘That Cough wiU kill you,”
Try ‘‘lDs ur’s’’ Oougb Remedy.
‘Cold and Hoarseness lead to death,”
Tty "CDs nrV’ CDugb Remedy.
For Croopa, Whooping Coughs, etc.,”
Try “(JuaturV’ Gough Remedy.
“Costar says it is tho best in the wide
world —and if He siys so —its True—i s Tiue
—its Tiue; and We say Try it, Try it, Try
it." [Morning Papet. August 26 j
Druggists iu DAWSON sell it.
ARE Ilia
Oeatif ifler.
Bitter-Sweet aa<l Orange Blossoms.
£g“Oue Bottle, sl.oU—Three for $2.00.
"Costar’s” Hal, Roach, &c., Exter
“rosiar's" Bed Bug Exterminators,
“(oslar’s” (only pure) lusect I’ow
“Only Infallible Remedies known.”
“18 years est iblished in Near York.”
“2,000 Boxes and Flasks manufactured
“! 1 ■ Reware ! 1 ! of spurious imitations.
“All Druggists in DAWSON sell them ”
.Address “Costar, 10 Crosbv Sr., N. Y.
Or, JoijN F. llknry, (Successor to)
I'em as Baukes & Cos., I>l Bark Row,
N. Y.
kor s ile by Janes & Loyless, Druggists,
Dawson, Ga. feb2s'69;ly
Alk’p 11. Colquitt, Jamks Banos,
Raker County, Ga. Newton, Ga.
lluon 11. Colquitt, Savannah, Ga.
Bay street, Savituuah, da.
Special attention to the sale of Cotton,
Lumber and Timber. Liberal advauces on
Consignments. rnavtVif
.Vs Mt •'idver Uneaten ts.
i) A" N OISR 8 .
DK. COUDKN, of Loui-ville, Kv., removes
Cancers WITHOUT TAIN or theUliK of the
Ueud the following from among a thousand
voluntary testimonials to the Doctor's skill
and success in the cure of Cancers, written
by Msj. T. A. Harrow, formerly Proprietor
of the Xaiionu) Hotel, Louisville, Ky., now
of the Metropolitan, Cincinnati, 0.
A/kthoi'oi.itan Horn., Cincinnati, 0.,
April 9, 1869.
My Dear Sir: Being row satisfied that my
face is perfectly cured, I write to say so, and
to tl-ank you for yo"r skillful treatment of if.
Though it hasbecu s*x months since it healed,
I have forborne writing you because of the
| common belief that cancerous diseases cau
j not be cured—that they can only be palliated
or covered up for u time to re appear witli
| more than original virulence, and I thought
I lhat I would give my case the full benefit of
; all that doubt.
| I will state that in 1863 a pimple made its
, appeat once on the base of my nose, near the
I eye ; it continued to incroasi in malignity
. until 1867, when I became seriou.-ly alarmed
about it. After submitting to tho treatment
i of several physicians until June, 1868, with
out benefit bir getMng worse r.H the time—l
| went to Louisville to consult you 1 had be
come satisfied t(iat a speedy cure must be ef
fected or it would soon prove fatal. By this
time the cancer bad extended almost lo the
comer of the eye, involving its nerves, and
: to lire top of the nose, and was rapidly grow
; it'B more malignant in its character. I placed
I myself under your treatment; and iu h ss than
four months was cured ..nd have so coritinr.e-d
tiow «ix months. I bcli, ve that lam indebt
ed entirely to your rkill for that eure, and
■vill, as a matter of duty, recommend any one
aft! e'ed with any kind of cancerous disease
to you for treatment, believing that if cure
or relief is possinle you tan afford it. Believe
me, veiy truly and giatefuily, Yours,
| The Doctor takes pleasure in referring, by
leques', to the following leading business
men of L misviile, Kt: (Pin. Piatt, of Allen
& Piatt, Wholesale Shoe Merchants; \y. N.
Haldemen, Editor Louisville Courier-Journal;
Geo. W. Wicks, 102 Main Street; C. F. Top
ping, Wiiliard Hotel; B. A/aynard, Sec.
Board of Trade; B F. Brauh am, Quincy, Ky;
A. C. Frm kiln, Gallatin, Tenn.; James Alex
ander, Galla in, Tenn.; Billy Bowles, S int
Cloud Hotel, Nash vill*', Tennessee.
Send lor a C -ncer Journal, (enclcsirg stamp
giving pailicu'ars of the mode of treatment,
also oODtainiDg an extensive list of persons
who have been permanently cured; cises of
one year to thirty-five years standing.
Address Dll. W. C. COUDEN,
jtinelo'69 135, Jefferson st, Lou'sville, Ky.
E KIRBY’ SMITH, Superintendent.
The next regular session of th s Academy
begins on Ist. of Sept 1869. An extra s.s
sion will be hell during the Summer vaca
tion. For further information, address
E. KIRBY SMI I If, New Castle, Henry eo Kv
First Grand Prize Scheme
pnoTEVTEo tsi' r.gif-
Kvrr offered to the public chartered unanf
moiisly by the Legislature of Kentucky endorsed
and recommended by Gov. Stevenson and many I
leading citizens throughout the south-western I
Capital Prize, $150,000.
2 Prizes, each 2 7 ,500
4 Prizes, each 13,750
280 Prizes, each 120
140 Prizes, each 100
84 Piizes, ea.h 80
tickets, ss.
Scten It oli and Highly Tmrr vcd
Ohio River Tobacco Partus
and 501 City L its.
I.oeated in the wealthy comity of Tlcuderson, Ivy.
tty -The /’arms have been rented the presentyear,
and bonds for the rent deposit' and iu Hu- Farmers’
llank al Henderson, Ky., subject tocontrol of the
commissioners, and will lx- assigned to those
drawing tiie l’riacs. Kent of the capital prize,
#5,000 cash.
Any person drawing a Prize anl not
wishing to rcluiu i‘, wi ] be paid two
thirds i:s valuation in Cash upon tuv
to and ring hi« Ticket.
The drawing will take place at Masonic Temple,
Louisville, Kv., on the first day of September,
MM, unless the tickets are sooner sold, in which
case it will come off !tt once without further no
tice. Regularly authorized agents will furnish
pamphlets giving a full description of the prizes,
also I tie act of tin- Legislature granting the char
ter, endorsement of tho Governor and others, and
all information of interest concerning the scheme.
The sale of tickets is progressing most rapidly
and the probability is that the commissioners will
be compelled to have Hie. drawing come oil at. a
very early day. I’ariies who may desire to order
tickets should do so at once iu order lo make sure
oftlicm before the sale closes. All cm engage in
this scheme wit bout fear of fraud or unfairness,
as the rights of ticket holders are fully protected
by Law.
TICKETS can be purchased of I, II I.yne, Far
mers Hank, Henderson, Ky.: |{ H Alexander,
Commercial Hank, Louisville, Ky.: John C La
tham, l’res’t Hank of Hopkinsville, hopkiusville,
Ky.; .l imes 1. Dallam, Commercial Hank, Padu
cah, ky: It O Thomas, Lexington, ky. 4V It Tvlor.
Owensboro, ky. may-20,1509
. Pateulcd March 31, 1 Stitt.
Take pleasure in presenting to the public the
BENT A/A CHINE in the market.
The rollers are regulated by a self-acting
“LEY F.R POWER,” conforming to any and
ail kinds of work, without the aid of the hand
or foot. No other A/jcMne can claim this
principle, all ot them having the Scrkw Pow
hr at the lop.
This Machine took the only Diploma and
J/cdd awarded at the American lusii.ute of
New Yotk City, in the fall of 1867.
Every family should have this machine.
Sold Wholesale ami Retail by
576 Broadway, jYew York.
Send for illustrated Circular.
Sold by all oilier houses ju ihe city.
Hit, WllliTli Sf.
.1 as diploma at office will show, has been
longer engaged in the treatment ot Venereal,
Sexual and Private Diseases, than any other
physician in St. Louis.
Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture, Or
bhitislJernia, and rupture ; all Urinary Dis
eases and Srphililie or Mercurial Afflictions
of the throat, Skin or Hones, are treated with
unparalleled success.
Spermatorrhea, Sexal debility and lmpo..
lency as the result of self-abuse in youth, sex
ual excess in mature years, or other causes,
and which produce sometof the following ef
fects, as nocturnal emissions, blotches, debil
ity, diziness, dimness of sight, confusion of
ideas, evil forbodings, aversion of society of
females, loss of memory and sexual power,
and Tendering marriage improper, are per
manently cured.
Dr. Whitaker publishes a MEDICAL PAM-
PtILET relating to venernl diseases and the
disastrous and varied consequences of self
abuse, that will be sent to any address in a
scaled envelop for two stamps. Mauy phy
sicians introduce patients to the doctor after
reading lii.s medical pamphlet. Communica
tion confidential. A friendly talk will cost
you nothing. Office central, yet retired—
No. 017 St. Charles st., St. Louis, Mo. Hours,
9 a m to 7 p. m. Sundays 12 to 2 p m.
J Ol3 wo:RK
Xraily rxecuUrt at this Oilier,
Southern Preparations!
They are a class of select family medicines
prepared by physicians, with accuracy and
neatness, from pure and fresh remedial agents
for the convenient use of families when a
physician is not at band. They are the re
sult of a long bedside experience in the South
ern end Western S'ates, and physicians,
druggis'a and fanners are preferring them to
ait otliers.
»/ f i///./) or ronru.rE
Who can boast of a name in the casket of a
nation’s glory, and who is surrounded with
all the glittering grandeur that riches can
bestow, is unhappy, melancholy and migera
ble when afflicted with those terrible female
complaints which are so common all over the
country, li thus uffiicted, buy
and be once more restored to health, beauty
and buoyancy.
This compound is specially prepared for
all those female complaints and irregularities
depending upon an unhealthy action of the
Uterine organs. It iiumed ate y arouses, re
stores and legulates, giviug tone, strength
and color to the pale and feeble.
Put up ill large botlles, at $2 50 per bottle,
or three bottles for SO.OO. Sent to all parts
oi thy country oa receipt of piicc. Sold by
all Druggists.
Female Beauty !
E glish Female Ritters
Eogli-h Ft male Bitters
English Denial ■ Ritters
English Female Ritters
Koglish Female Bitters
Cures all Female Complaints
Cures all Female Ctmplaints
Cures all Female Complaints
Cures all Female Complaints
Cures al! Female Complaints
Asa Female Regulator
As a Female Regulator
Asa Female Regulator
A- a Female R-gulator
Asa Female Regulator
It arouses Old and Young
It arouses Old and Young
It arouses Old and Young
It arouses Old and YouDg
It arouses Old and Young
For fc itlaeys sail B’atitlcr,
Use Extract Buarberry and Bu i u
Use Extract Rearbcrry and Bucliu
Use Extract Bearberry and liuchu
Use Extract 15 aiberry and Bucbu
Use Extract B arberry and Buehu
Cures Uravi 1 and Urinary Deposits
Cures Gravel aid Urinary D posits
Cures Gravel and Urinary Deposits
Cures Gravel and Urinary Deposits
Cutes Gravel and Urinary Deposits
I’bysicians prescribe H
1 I’ayticians pre-.erib : it
Physicians presetibe it
Physicians prescribe it
Physicians prescribe it
Cures Weak Back and Gleet
Cures Weak B ck and Gleet
Curis Weak Back and G eet
Cures Weak Bick and Gleet
Cures Yeak Back and Gleet
Cures eff cts of-D ssipation
Cures effects of Dissipation
Cures tff c sos Di-sip.lion
Cures (fleets of Dissipati n
Cures frt queut desire to Urinate
Cures frequent de.-irc to Urinate
Cures frequent (L sire to Urinate
Ai One Dollar per Bottle
A: Out Dollar pel Bottle
At One Dollar per 15 tile
At Ouc Dollar per Bottle
JPnrify Your ]3lood
With CiDsti utionul Monarch
With Construuafial
With Constitutional Monarch
If’ith Cocs'itutional M natch
Gures Sorniula and 011 Sores
Cures Scrofula and Old Son s
Cure.- Scrofula and Old Sores
Cures Scr l'uia and Old Sores
Cures Scrofula and G!d Sores
For diseaseh cf the Skin and Glands
For d's ases of ti e Skiu and Glands
For diseases of tbe Skin and Glands
Kor diseases of the Skin and Glands
For diseases cf the Skin and Glands
F- r (Jout, I:ch and Tetter
For G->ut, Itch and Tetter
For Gout, I eh and Tetter
For Gout, I’ch and Tetter
For G-.ut, Itch and Tetter
Eli It CStIEE.S4I.Vtt EEl'Elt.
King of Chilis is the best
lying of Chills is the b-sf
King of Chills is the be-.-
King of Chills is tbo her
King tl Chills is the be-‘
D arouses the Stomach and Diver
It arou-rs the Stomach and .Diver
It arou es the Stomach and Diver
It arouses the Stomath and Diver
It arouses the Stomach aDd Diver
Dies not ( ffi ct, Head Ears or Mervcs
Docs not effect Head Ears or Nerves
Docs not off ct Head Ears or Netves
Does not effect Head Ears or Nerves
Does not effect Head Ears or Net ves
Fori ra 11 w ti: diseases.
Use Eureka Secret Euro
Use Eureka Secret t'uro
Use Eureka Secret Cure
Use Eureka Secret Gore
Use Eureka S- crct Cure
Otjo Buttle will Cure you
One 13 >u : e will Cure you
One Bottle will (lure you
One Bottle will Cure you
One Bottle will Cure you
It Costs odlj 82 50
It Costs oi)iy 82 50
It Costs only 82 50
It Costs only 82 50
It Costs only $2 50
The above Preparations arc offerred by
nprß;Sm Memphis, Tenn.
For sale by Janes Jb Loyless, YMwsoo Ga.
CJ HOUGH. T. i rell County :
T Whereas, Eli Cochran, Executor of D,.r
ling Sikes, applies for letters of dismission
from said estate.
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned, to be and appear at on
office within the time prescribed by law, and
show cause, if any, why said letters should
not be under my hand, and
official Nov. 12th, 1888.
uoviyfim T. M. JONES, Ord’v.
ONE of the best Muchiuiptfi in the State, hag taken charge of my Mill, nnd will keep every-,.
thing in f;ood order, so that everybody mav be eure of getting imOOil •lift?* when
they come to Mill. The Mill i« all fitted up new with
and anew pair of the best f'USOPAS l&OCIk. Everything will be done to nuke it
AHVDERSOW* known already hv the people as a good it E t on
Plantation, Buggy or Wagon work has a Shop close by the Mill, and will do Plantation work
or nnv wo»k in his line, and wpl Ho his best to give satisfaction Having to pay
for everything must have CmfSBJS for work.
If you waul anv Plantafion WooUWork done, or
AV., c-tll on .Jhssrs. itXI I* Vs, Occupying Shop adjoin
ing the Mill.
a If your Watch, Clock, Music Box, or Aecordeon does not do right call on
Q the subscriber at his old stand, whore you cau be accommodated ut once.
Dawson, Ga., Feb. 11, 1869—mly
FIiOUH , of all {trades,
r OUR PATRONS, and all others we would pay ihaf. we are manufaeturingr out Fio*j
j| fiom the befit qui* of Wheat, and *li a t all the Flour we sllis fresh. We make all
grades, and have Flour as low as the lowest and a* good as the best. Our motto is,
And giuruntPe gutnfaetion in all capes. Ail Flour .old bt ns in emit iiiU-cd to | leave or
money refunded. To all deal- ra, and tiie balance ot mankind, wo would say, try U 9, and we
feel assured that ynu will call again.
NOTICE. .MSt.B.S.— We have purchased of Bir-.Doe & Cos., their
entire stock in the above Flour Mills, situated near the Macon A HrunsnVk D-pot. The
Milling business will hereafter be ca-ricd on hv us, und- r the firm n ime of T. H. Cheek k Cos.
We have procured the services of Mr. I. Bledsoe, who will be happy to wait on the former
patrons cf Bledsoe & Cos. D. It. COOK.
Having 7 old our stock to Messrs. Cook & Check, we take great pleasure in recommending
them to our old customers. [lebl l’ti'.him] BLKDoOK A CO.
I 3 11 O D TJ C E
p i e O¥i§i.O!lS
A \ f Ih-H to inform Dealers and Farmers es
V V South Western Georgia, that, ihey have
opened a large Wholesale and Retail
Produce & Provision House
i.i’ rct\ni.,t, .iL.i.,
Where they now have on hand, and will be
constantly receiving, large supplies of
I'laur, Tobacco, liquors. &c.
WE offer great inducements to Dealers and
Farmers by the Wholesale, and pledge our
seives to sell to them at all times, at as Inw
prices as the goods can be obtained in AL
con, thereby giving a great difference in
We refer to Cap!. S. R. Weston, of Daw.
sou, from whom our wholesale prices can be
Ettfaula, Ala., March 11, 1869—3iu
Ornamental, Cottage, Bouse & rlore
Work done to order in the best and latest
Planing, Sawing ami Turned W&rk, Coun
ters, Tables, and Stools for Stores.
Repairing of all kinds done cheaply, and
with If will pav to send or call at
Factory, foot of Third Street-, on
Wharf St., Macon, Ga.
2aoYiz-£k.fcd- . a Vi s a
Carpets and Mattresses,
MANb'FACTOit Y & W A R E R 0 0 fv; S
87 <£• 89 Howri/, 65 Chrixlie Street and. 130
and lb i IRA.. , Sired, NEW YORK,
Connected under one Ronf)
A y ’ E have now on hand tho la-gest Stock
’ ♦ r f entirely new pafterrn and designs,
tor fotn ; sh ng Housi s thr tighout, ever of
fered by one house iu (he city, and at a great
deduction in prices.
©if it ca:t p j;t s>i; pa rt
*3 2; \ 'S’ is nnd-r the Superintendence of
H. S. BARNES, who is Welland f.voalilv
known to the public, having b'een a longtime
with Lioane & Cos., in Broadjvav, and fpr the
last four years, with Lord A Taylor. Our
stock of Carpets is entirely new and well se
h oled, this branch having been just added tc
our business.
Tlm; mattress Hepmlim'sH I?
entirely under our snpervi-i n, all b, ing made
on the premises. Every J/a’tres guaranteed.
Steamboats, Hotels, Chutches, Public
Halls, and private Houses, furnished through
oil* at wholesale prices.
The Floating Palace 7, the S eanv rs of the
Peoples’ Line on the Hudson A’iver, were
furnished by us.
Prices' ttefy Competition,
Second and Third Avenue Cars pass our
Ftores. Entrance, 87 k 89 Bowery, New
York. meh2s,l 869 3m
HAY ING made arrangements with the
Toialinmiti] Dt’inorest €’o.,
are able to sell tw-o, three, four and six
horse Wagons, at a small advance-on New
York cost. We would invite those wishing
good I lantaiion Wagons, to examine our
Stock before purchasing elsewhere.
l - i
H e would also call the attention of the
public, to our splendid ntid extensive stock of
both cf our own and Northern manufacture.
U is generally understood throughout South
Western Georgia, that XV ML £ | g» gj g ft B'
always warrants his work. We alwavskeep
a good Stock of Carriage & Harness, Wagon
and Buggie materials U all description.
Gall and sec*.
r ‘ v Amencu*, Ga.
FUST received a New Stock of Fine
fODtrtt, St., Sc.
Will also keep (or tl ie accommodation of
my customers,
Dawson, Ga., May l:i, ts
R E A D !_R E A D !
“A ramy Saved, is Two Pence Made."
ONE hundred years experience by the
World, since Beujamin Franklin uttered the
above proverb, but adds to its truth. Theo
why not everybody use tiie
and save the Doctor’s Mileage, Visits and
The PXCELSIOn ,‘tqur PlUg
NEVER KAIL to cute Chills and Peter
or BILIOUS Fevers while the cost is a mere
trifle compared with a Doctor’s bill for the
same service.
So of the EXFLIi'iOR AGUE
CUIitLJ—It never fails to cure either, la
(act, it is the same Remedy in a different
form. But from its greater solubility and
tlaid condition, is more nauseous to the taste
but at the same time, is more active than the
Pills. Neither cure bv Vomiting or Purging
but by killing the JHaiariil or Poison in
the system, and the patient is relieved with
out being prostrated wiih Drastic Remedies.
These Remedies also remove Fever Cakes
or enlargement* of the (Spleen and Liver.—
Cure Incipient Dropsy, and all Malarious Dis»
The Ejrcelsior w lnli-BUious
Ceithftrlic Pills— are unequaled as a
MILD and EFFICIENT Cathartic, always ac.
ting promptly, vet mildly—disgorging the
Liver and relieving Biliousness and its con
sequences. Cu'es Sick Hcaduube, Constipa
tion, Liver Disease, &c.
The Excelsior Female Itestor
rtlice—Relieves suppressed Menstruation,
Painful A/enstrtta'ion,Leucorrha!t or Whites
Ulceration of the Wouib, and many other dis
eases and conditions peculiar to Females. R
is tiie best Uterine Alterative and Parifier
known to the Medical .Profession, and no fe
male troubled with any irregularity or con
dition peculiar to the sex, should dispair of
being cur' and, until she has given it, a fair trial
§l,tES,t.H —Cures Colds, Catarrhs, In
fluenzas, Coughs, &c., Prevents Pneumonia
and Croup. A single bottle not unfrequently
saves a family one hundred times Its cost in
dollars and cents, besides mpeh suffering, and
even tiie loss of life.
TI»«- Excelsior Soothing Cor-
C i;ii—Has no equal for the cure of Bowel
Affections, such as CHOLERA, Cholera-.lfor
bus, Choh' a-lufa-.tum, Diarrhea and Dysen
teri; relieves the pains and gripings, and ar
rests the discharges.
The Excelsior, Pain Killer—
S'ands at ;he head of that class of Remedies,
bring superior to 0;1 of Life, King of Pain,
and a host of such remedies heralded before
the public as cure alls.
The Excelsior I'crr.iifuge—hs.
dead shot for Worms—a good and safe Ca
thartic for children, under all circumstances,
when such an action is needed, whether they
are, or are not troubled with worms.
All of the above Family Hemctlies
are offered to the public, not, as cure nils or
general Panaceas, but as useful Family Rome,
dies, such as every family can administer
wi'li safety, without the aid or advice of a
'iiie ,ifjue Pills and Ecbrifiifft,
never fail to cure when administered ac
cording lo directions.
The Female Itesloratice has made
fome of the most remarkable cures of anv
medicine of the kit and ever offered to the pub
lic. It act? upon the tb-ues cf the womb
with the same certainty that Me retry acts
upon the Liver and ot! er glands. It removes
obstructions and relieves organic and futtc
tint el changes, and leaves the organ healthy
and natural.
The other Remedies are simple, safe
ind eff|cient, for tiie several diseases arid
conditions for which they are severally re
commended. They are all prepared at the
Z 5 vtv 9 on , €4 for si s *7,
Wtuc. nbv : ;v ’. 4h t found a rom; lrt''as
sort ii'Diit of Drug*, M* diuiuefi, P .infs, Oil-*,
<>vu-S 11 if--, School Book?, Paper, Pen®, Ink,
I t in*y articles, F- efih Seed?, •, &e ,at
Whoieaiilt* jiihj K.*fail, as low as thev can be
Lurch t-’cd ui iii\y l,uu?e in Sou h Western
Geer, ia.
The Excelsior 1! medics are for sale by
Druggists and Merchams gener-llr.
C. A. Cheat ham.
Dawson, Ga., March 11, 1869—6 n
\\ i(li I on Frame, Oyer«urun.' Bass, and
Agrßflfe Bridge.
Kelodeons aRd Cabinet Organs,
TSie Tfamifarturrd; War*
rautod lor feix Tears.
TMFTV New and Second-hand Mo«
JL lodftons and O-gans of fir.-t-clafis maker 9,
r' low prices for cast *, or one third cash and
flic balance in Monthly Instalments. Second
hand Instruments at great bargains. Illustra*
ted Catalogue mailed. Warerooms, 481
Broadway, X. Y. HORACE WATERS.
The Wafers’ j’ianos r.r? known as among
(he ver y Lea*.— K Y. Evangelist.
We 2an speak cf fi e merits of (he Waters 1
Pi mo 4 * from personal knowledge as being of
•■he very best (polity.— Christian Intel.
The Waters’ Pianos are built of the best
nd most fhorooghly seasoned material. —
Advocate rf* Journal.
Our friends will find at. Mr. Waters’ store
'he very best assortment of Pianos, Melo
deons and Organs to be found in the United
States.— Grahanfs Magazine.
MI SIC A L DOINGS.—-£tfnce 3lr. Waters gave
up publishing sheet music, lie has devoted his
whole capital and attention to the manufacture
and sale of Pianos and Melodcons* He hus just
issued a catalogue of his new instruments, giving
anew scale of prices, which shows a marked re
duction from former rates, and his Pianos have
recently been awarded the First Premium at sev
eral Fairs. Many people of the present day, who
are attracted, ifnot confused, with the flaming arl
y- rlif-ements ol riv al piano houses, probably over
look the modest manufacturer like Mr. Waters;
but avc happen to know that his instruments
earned him a good reputation long before Kxpo
rtions and “liohors” connected tnesewith were
ever thought of; indeed, \yehaveone of Mr. Wa
ters* Pianofortes now in our residence (where it
has stood for years,) of which any manufacturer
in the world might well be proud. We have al
ways been delighted with it as a sweet toned and
powerful instrument, and there is no doubt of its
durability ; more than this, some of the best ama
teur players in the city, as well ns several celcora*-
ted pianists, have performed on the same piano*,
and .ill pronounce it a superior and first-class
strument. Stronger endorsement we coukb.ivA
give. —Home Journal.
a specimen ot tho above Piavioscen. be
ficon at mv residence. W. Pzsflks,
jan2l;lyrw Agent..
Southern Mutual insurance Cos.
Chartered in 1817. Reserved fund,
holder!! * divided between yearly policy
Vowig L. G. Harris, President,
Stephen Tbonias, secretary.
Tliia old Georgia Favorite m. represented at
Daavsou by S . pj. * ESTON. Ag’t.
Eufaula -A-la
L. W. VICK & Cos.
May Oth 1809.