Newspaper Page Text
Loylew a Ur»li"»
Offer their services as Wsrehouseroen
l 0 tbe planting publi*, and ask that
they be "judged in tbe future by the
past.” '1 bis is surely a fair criterion,
\ u i all that could be asked of any firm
Kead carefully their advertisement.
. FRESH lot of prints just received
Tr»S‘ c
As we go to press we learn that John
(3 Lee, wbo was charged with and tried
for the murder of Capt. Richard H
Fletcher, and upon wnoso case the jury
made a mistrial at tbe last term of our
Superior Court, was kil’ed last night in
jail. Tbe parties were disguised aud are
unknown. Tbe keys to tbe jail were
taken from the jailer at tbe pistol’s
moutb, and the throat of tbe prisoner
cut. We have not time or space to go
in'o the details of this tragedy aud re
st exceedingly that we htve even had
cause for its mention.
He having paid tbe debt, uur opinion
t, injure his oause sow, aDd, whi e
;'ree to say that we have n «
put that he was the murderer of
our worthy citizen, Capt. F., and that
justice cried aloud tor bis life, we dis
approve of mob law, and tbink that the
law of tbe land should have been allow
ed to take its course, aDd its decision
abided by and held sacred. Our com
munity much regret, the occurrence.
We are much obliged to our friend
Nixon for some apples 1( ft in our office,
but the devil got sight of them while the
Editor was taking lessons in “short
band,” and played the devil with the
That Melon—
From Cap\ Pratt, was as his soul
and body, very large. Wonder if the
Captain is like Shakespeare, ‘‘never re
for Sale Low-
One lady’s fine Gold Watch, and one
gent’s heavy Gold Chain with oharms.
Articles can be seen by calling at this
office. 15 4t
Pole Hog—
Our frieod, Judge 11. R >gors, has
been speaking of a fine breed of hogs be
saw while on a visit to his old home in
North Georgia; and in passing bis resi
dence a few days since, we saw a speci
men of a Log in his yard, which we
supposed to be of late importation of the j
Pule breed, if there is any man that 1
era show a pig, or hog, with a logger (
nose or snoot, thicker and longer hair, j
bristles, more mangy, and with more
the appearance of a cross with the Opos
sum, and a predisposition to be attacked
with bug cholera, he can Cali at our of
fi e and take the premium. This breed
may do well where the Judge came
from, hut think this climate a little too
siekly for them.
Judge It.nott—
Will please accept our thanks for a
lot of fine onions of his own raising.
The Judge estimates that he has made
at the rates of 240 bushels to the
a cre this season.
SSuTuruer, the negro Post Master
at Macon, is biiag tried for passing
couoterfeit Greenbacks on a large scale. ;
Decision not yet made as to his guilt.
Mr. Swayzie may be sure of the decisi n
made in bis case. If bis colored friends
will not believe bim on his oath, be had
ss well pull up stakes and leave for a 1
more genial clime
Weather, Crops anrt Health—
iVe cannot give 60 favorable a report
c the weather and crops as
we have been dotojj, the extreme heat
sn i ■» r t ofrain, has caused the corn to
v " . the C"DSi:queuce will boa foil -
' fill well, and the cotton is fircing
.1 !i>rowipg ff the fruit to such an
-Xtent, as will f.irce us to take back all
we have said about the prospect tor a
good arop, unless we have propitious
showers, and that in a short time.
The doctors’ faces look a little more
c hecrlul-, we can bear occasionally of a
case chills, or slight attack of billious
fever' bn'*' no more lh an could be ex
pected, wi'le we bave so much fruit,
aoi oar peopt'u t 0 be governed by
the laws of health. litUo “"“P 1 " 11 *
among the treedmen.
Wc Obj«'4~
To changing the ns me of ourst.fbt from
Depot to that of Bull Butt. Dou’t do U»
W. O’Conner-
Os Maeon, appear in our columns un
der the head of new advertisements.—
He makes a specialty io the sale of pure *
hquors a great desideratum to those who i
use the critter either as a medicine or
a beverage.
With Dyspeptics everything is wrong.—
Food does not digest; sleep does not refresh;
wine dees uot cheer ; smiles do not gladden ;
music does not charm, uor doee any other
Joy enter the breast of the miserable dvspep- I
tie. You must get rid of it, or it will become
seated and confirmed, and life will be a bur
den and existence a curee. Plantation Bit-
Tsas will do away with all this. New life,
strength and energy will lake possession ot
you. The damask will again bloom upon
your cheek, aud the luatre in your eye will
Sgain be aa bright as in your healthiest, bap
pi«»t a,nd most joyous days.
Magnolia Watxr.— .Superior to the best
imported Gorman Cologne, and sold at half
the price, “ v
Tlie Cotton I'alchest Again—
j When we write an article, long or short,
good or bad, state facts or jump at conclu
sions, there is always someone ready to give
us a gilt, and say he had better write on
tome subject that he knows something about.
We oan’t please everybody, and don’t mean
to displease any one, but eoneeive it to be
our duty to notice all improvements, more
especially in agriculture ; hence, must be al
lowed some latitude, and ask of our experi
enced farmers to leok with some degree of
allowance on our opinions, in case, they be
incorrect, aud come to our relief by giviug to
tbe public the truth iu its purity. Our col
umns are open to you.
We have ever advocated the plan of mak
ing the most on tbe land planted, and to
that end, say that, if we would plant less,
I cultivate better and fertilise more, we would
! succeed better, and make more money.
We » sited the fat ins of Messrs, Whlliker
Wilkinson and Judge Campbell, and were
pleased to see that tbeir experiments in fer
tilizlng and improved culture was a perfect
We do not think we draw on our imagina
tion, when we say that Mr. Whiriker will
make more corn and cotton on forty-five
acres of land than will be made on some
farms of one hundred and fifty acres, that
have been planted aud cultivated in the usu
al way, on which were used the common
seed of the country, and were manured with
neither compost nor commercial fertilizers.
We heard a frieud say on our streets that
one of ihe largest planters of Terrell said that
Dave Dickson was a humbug. Well, if he is
a humbug, we like to be humbugged, if the
using of his seed and heeding his advice as
to culture and the kind of fertilizers to use
constitutes a victim to his humbuggery. All
who have made experiments, are well pleas
ed, and say they intend to slick closer to
the advioe of such men as Dickson and other
intelligent planters.
It is time we stop going to mill with a bush
el of corn in one end of the bag and a stone
in the other. We are not able to make
these most elegant failures in plantiog, and
the plan to pursue is to begin to experiment
ourselves and rend the experience of others,
and be willing to be guided by sound argument
when we see it, makes no difference from
whom it comes. If there be any doubting
Thomas, we eav go and see for yourselves. No
doubt but that in all neighborhoods there are
plasters using fertilizer more or less, and al
so some who are testing the plan of surface
culture, Ac. ; talk with them, exchange ideas,
and he benefitted by the advice that may be
given, one to another.
No elmiige to make in our report ol
last week, except that corn has ad
vanced, and is now selling in this mar
ket at 81 65 to 81 75 per bushel.
kTeTd MReXim
iI A Penny Saved , is Two Pence Made
ONE hundred years experience by the
World, since Benjamin Franklin uttered the
above proverb, but adds to its truth. Then
wliv not evervbodv use »he
and save the Doctoi’s Mileage, Visits an.
The exvfesior.tyue pul*
NEVER F rib to cu-e Chills and IVerr
or BILIOUS Fevers, w hile the cost is a mere
trifle compared with a Doctoi’s bill for the
same service.
So of th« EX( EL*IOR AGUE
CUKE— It never fails to cure either. In
(act, it is the san.e Remedy in a different
form. Hut from its greater solubility and
fluid condition, is more nauseous to the taste,
but at tha same time, is more active than the
Piiis. Neither cure hv Yomi'ing or Purging,
but by killing the Malaria or Poison in
the system, and the patient is relieved with
out being prostrated with Drastic Remedies.
These Remedies also remove Fever Cake 1 -,
or enlargements of the Npleen and Liver.—
Cure Incipient Dropsy, aud all Malarious Dis
The Excelsior -Inil-Itlllous
Cathartic Pills— are unequded as a
lIILD and EFFICIENT Cathartic, always ae
ling promptly, vet mildly—disgorging the
Liver and relieving Biliousness and its con
sequences. Cutes Sick Headache, Constipa
tion, Liver Disease, &e.
The Excelsior Female ftistor
ntire Relieves suppressed Menstruation,
PaiEful J/e»struatiou,Leucorrhra-a or Whites,
Ulceratiou of the Womb, and many other dis
eases and conditions peculiar to Females. It
is the best Uterine Alterative and Purifier
known to tho Medical .Profession, and no fe
male troubled with any irregularity or con
dition peculiar to the sex, should dispair ol
behm cured, until she has given it a Dir Irid.
B-SEStSM— Cures Colds, Catr.rrhs, In
flu,.,,gas, Coughs, Prevents Pneumonia
and Croup. A single botile not unfrequentl,
saves a la,nil i one hundred times i's cos, in
dollars and cents, b»sid s much suffering, aud
even the loss of life.
Tli« I xeelsior SooUima Cor
■ jj, j —-Has no equal for the curt of B -wet
AffectionSv-such as CHOLERA, Ulioler - ifor
bus, Cholera-lufa'iturn, Diarrhea and Dysen
ter,; relieves the'fwins and gripiugs, and ar
rests the discharges.
The Excelsior M*ain Hiller
Stands at the head of that class ol Remedies,
bring superior to Od of Lite, King ot l»iu,
and a host of such remedies heralded before
the public as cure-aiis.
The Excelsior W'ermifuge— ls a
dead shot for Worms—a good and sale Ca
thartic for children, under all circumstances,
when such au action is needed, whether they
are or are not troubled with worms.
All ol the above Family Hemeaies
' are offered to the public, not as cure-alls or
i general Panaceas, but as useful Family Rome,
dies such as every family can administer
with safety, without the aid or advice of a
Vh fbe'.lgue fill* and Febrifuge,
never fail to cure when administered ac
cording to direciiona. .... ,
The Female Kextoralite has made
some of the most remarkable cores of any
medicine of the kind ever offered to the pub
lic. ft acts upon the tis-mea of the womb
-h the Mine certainty that A/ercary acts
' ‘he Liver and other glands. It removes
ten'll* and relieves organic and fune
jJJSS'dk.W*, «<»»«««■ the orgi '' hciiKhj
and natural. - lct ,j C , are simple, safe
*ldr the 'overal diseases and
and efficient for the MWrllly re
excelsior drug store,l
It uIC sou. Georgia,
tVbe - e mav aiwavs be found a cj>mi
aortment of Drugs. Medicines, Paints.
Dye-Studs, School Books, Paper, Pen ß , Ju -
Fancy articles. Fresh Seeds, Ac., &c., «
Wholesale and Heuit, a* low as Aef<o*0 bo
purchased at any house ru South-Weß
Excelsior Remedies are for sale by
Druse' 818 and Merchants generally.
C. A. Cheatham.
Dawson, Ga., March 11, 1809 6m
| 7 GOOD lot ofTadie.’ Dress Shoes
i A lor sale by
I J W lIODHKTb £ tO-
Southern Preparations!
r piIESE are the Family Jfodi- I of America. They are preserved !
and used by the medic and profession. They j
are preferred by every mother and father.—
They immvdiately merit public esteem and
confidence of all who once test their virtues.
They tra prepared by physicians who are fill* I
ly authorized by the f ongress of the United i
States, and are the result of a lowg bedwide
experience* Being neither secrets nor pat*
ents, the medical profession have no hesitstr
ey iu giving them a lair trial and a hearty
diakim rivA.
ip HOUSANDS of our lellow beings are an
I utially consigned to untimely graves, anil
the dying groans of old and young arc con
stantly erving around for relief from Diarrhea,
(Jtolera Aforius; An. Asa result of much
scientific research and a long arid faithful
bedside experience, we otter a Remedy for
ali those Summer Complaints »bloh is pleas
ant and never failing >n its effects. Nomotb
snould fail to be without the
Prepared with artistic beauty, with chemi
cal puiity and exactness, selected and com
bined according to extensive medical experi
ence; BDiqne in finish and appearanue, mild,
pleasant and cooling to the stomach and nev
er-failing iu temedlil effects, the unerring
finger of truth points to the RED DIARKF.A
REMEDY as the boasted combination of the
day for all forms of Diarrhea, Vomiting,
Cholera, Cholera J/orbus, nausea, A Cramps.
.Price *1 00, or six bottles for $5 00 Sent
to all parts of the country on receipt of price.
Sold by all druggists. J P DROMnoone & Cos.
Prop’rs., Memphis, Tenn.
They will restore fading female beauty,
will paint the pale cheek, will burl hack the
gathering storm that encircles your brow,
will add brightness and lustre to your lifeless
eye, will give brilliancy and activity to your
dull iutellect, will strengthen and soothe your
shattered nerves, add tone, health aud buoy
ancy to your whole system.
By arousing, regulating and restoring all
sickly females to a healthy condition. Bv
curing all those complaints peculiar to the
female sex, such as painful, or suppressed
Menstruation, Hysteria, Leueorrhmi, Caloro
sis, Prolapsus Uteri, Ulceration and Irrata
biiity of the Womb, Pains in the side and
back, A/elancholv, Palpitation of tbe heart,
Swimming aud Giddiness of the Head, Cold
Feet and Hands, Nervousness, Sick Head
ache, a feeling ol suffocation, indisposition
to enter socie'y, and all those diseases aris
ing from a deranged conditi ,nos the uterine
isvstem, whether affecting old or young, mar
ried or single. This compound is neither se
cret nor patent, but is prep‘red and offered
by the regular medical profession.
We have hundreds similar to the following
From an eminen t physician of Carroll co, Miss
Mes rs. J P Dromooole & C >.:
As your “English Female B ttors” is neith
er a s cret nor a patent, I have frequently
prescribed them lor the various female com
plaints of our country, aDd always with the
most satislacorv results. It is decidedly the
most valuable combination I have ever known
for the treatment ol ilnse complaints peculi
ar to the female sex, old or young, and I do
not hesitate to give it a hearty recommenda
tion. I>s astonishing cures have won so" it
tnanv laurels in Carroll County, and I hope
its efficacy may soon be heralded all over the
country that the medical profession and the
female communitv may reap its advautaees.
The English Femile Bitters -s aeou-aolv
and beautifully put up iu large bsttles, at
per bottle, or three bottles for *ij—one bot
tle lasting aDOUt two weeks. S ripped
to ail parts of the country on receio' of price
Sold By ail druggists. .1 V PROHGOOLE A CO
Prop’re., A/emphis 7i.-ncc.-Bae.
KiD.rer af-ru jßLiinDFit
Alfec ions are exceedingly common and
troublesome all over the country, aud the
public have long felt the need otaremely
that could he relied upon in all these ass c
tions, and none arc better qualified to pre- |
pare such a remedy than the physician him
self We have practice I medicine about j
twenty years, and can safely say that we j
know of no combination to equal our
Ext. Bearberry &. Rucbn.
It is recommended to cure all derangements j
ol the Kidney and Bladder, such as Gravel, .
Urinary Deposits of all kinds, Bloody or i
jl/ilky Urine, frequent desire to urinate, pain j
in small of back, dull burning pain in region |
of bladder, Golit, Droprv, nervous trembling, ;
melaneho.y, evil forebodings, eff c r a ot hab- j
its of dissipation or early abuse, loss of pow- j
er and memory, aud all those affections re- ,
quiring a prompt and decided Diuretic, :
whether old or young, a tnale or female.
Price sl, or six bottles for *5. Shipped
to all parts of the country ou receipt of
price. Sold bv all druggists.
J P DROYIGOOLA’ & CO., /’rop’rs.,
Memphis, Teun. *
r 1 a
slli I Is
sllib i 1 Is
s1 Ii hc b ill s
slli bcfohills
sllibcf of cuills
sllihefogngofc hills
sllibcfo gii in g o ehi 11 s ;
sllihofch ills
sll}hc h i 1 1 s
81lib i 1 I 8
811i 1 1 8
8 1 8
The above will cure any case of chills,
even of six months standing, without affect
ing the head, ears or nerves. It arouses the
stomach and liver, carries off the bile and ef
fects permanent cures. In the swamps of
Arkansas, where the chills arc so common
and so difficult to cure, they readily yield
when treated wiih our King of Chills.
put up in large bottles at sl, or six bottles
for $5. Sent to ail parts of the country on
receipt of price. Sold bv all druggists.
juyß;Bm Memphis, Tcnn.
For sale by Janes &, Loylcss, /iawsnn Ga.
1 T i, e Advertiser, havibeng en restored to health
I in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after
' having suffered several years with a severe lung
affection arid that dread disease, Conmunpelon—
is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers
th To*aH who desire It, he will send a copy ol the
prescription used (free of charge,) with the direc.
iion« for preparing and using the same, which
ihev will (hid a sure curefo, Consumption, drib
na y ihonehltls etc. The object off the advertiser
I" ’ ndiug the Prescription is to bc»eht thenffliet
,U | and spread information which Ire conceives to
21’sSJ.lusWe- and he hopes every sufferer will
try* his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and
m ’?7rtic* wis'hhig'tlm proscription, will pleasesd
-1 artics wisu q leT feiiWAKD A. W If.SON.
”” je3;ly Williamsburg, A’inga county, K. V
[0 ()()() * Baon for s»’.e
Water Wheel.
Pavvson Manufarturino Company's Works,
MY Improved V\ alfi V\ bed of different ».,e . which I warrant le he tb<*
liver usii] by the people of the Soulh. I!y using this whorl, 75 to 100 bushels
of Corn can be ground and rily on streams so small that it would he impracticable, to
pur up a noil using other Wheels. I have iu uiy employ competent MILL
WRIGHTS who will, on sbrrf notice, put in my wheels. I refer to parties in
BAMA, »ho are u-ing my Wheels.
For particulars address me at Dawson, Ga., oare of Dawson Mmufacturiug
C auipauy. B. J. T'jrlOaVl-A.S.
julyl s;tf
WITH tbe con ing v.o respectfully offer our congratulations to our
friends, and tender them our services iu the
Storing and Marketing their Crops of Cotton & Syrup.,
We shall have ample room to shelter all tbe
COTTON and Close Storage for
all SYRUP and other articles sent us.
\Y lfi shall keep
and Salt, to furnish the Planters, and the
usual Advances made on Cotton Stored with us.
Wc spare neither pains nor exp ose iu protecting and prorr.o'ing tbe interest
of our patrons, and shall continue to use our utmost endeavors to make the
.Planters Wareliouse Merit and receive the patronage of tbe
Planting public We respectfully solicit your patronage.
(Successors lot! ealham, Harris w Cos.)
J. M. SIMMONS, one of the old, being s partner in the New Firm, and being
familiar with all the points of the business, and Mr. R. T. Harper’s Drug experi
ence as a Merchant, we cordially and cheerfully recomend tbo new firm of
HARPER & SIMMONS to all our old patrons and planters g.uerally, guaiao
teeing to them perfect satisfaction.
Cheatham, Harris & Cos,
Adjoina g Fsisscngcr l>cpot, iflacon, Ga.
rTAUIS PRESS must commend itself to tiie Cotton Planters of Georgia for its Durability
1 Simplicity of f’.instruction, and the ease with which it can be operated by either Hand,
Ilorso, Water, or Steam Power —the change from one to the other being effected iu a few
Another great advantage which this Pr«ss pos-'O'a is, i r takes up so little room that It may
he placed in and run in the Gin llj'i-e, thus saving much extra labor and loss of-time, the
Cotton being placed iu it ss fist gs ginned. ,
Occupying but little space, and kept out ot the weather, this press is very durable, ana not
liable to get out of order, both the f crew and Ibe Frame-being ol wrought iron.
These presses are all put up complete and perfect before leaving my establisl mont thus
pulling the purchaser to no extra trouble aud expense in procuring a man to put them in
running order. T
To flliow what fuvor and satisfaction these Tresses have been received the past season, J
append the following certificates and names, among niaiyr others, ot geutlemen who have
ÜBed lhem ' Houston Cos., Ga , June Ist, 1868.
Mr. J. S. Schofield, Miron Ga : _ .
Pkar Pir — ln- replv to vour note of the JOtbuH., I have this to say in regard to your I at
tint Cotton Screw r “IT FILL'S THE BILL,” and is alt you claim for it. “ ” per,or
to any Prers I bave seen. I am, very respectfully, E. 11. b/.bLU
Houston Cos., Ga , Judo 2, 18G8.
Mr. J. S. Schofield, Macon, Ga :
Dkar Sir Your lavcr at hand. lam wall planted with your Cotton I’rr-M. for power
and durability 1 don’t think it can be excelled. Very respet ly, J. vt. vt 1 JUtWlbl.
Amkkilu*, Ga., Judo 14, 1868.
Mr. J S Schofield, Macon, Ga :
Dkaß Sir :—We are iu receipt «f vour letter slid iu rep’y, stv that the Screw is a pe'fect
success, aud I have no and u>t will h tvo ready sal '- Wo cx i puck ».'««> lb-. i 0 an ordinary
sued bsle with four b.«Ja. Very lespecift.Hv, J. V. f RU t k IyO.V
Insurance Agent*
ITttHINK of the responsibilities on you as the head of a family. Gan
yont family and” ** well without jow aid eg with it ? If not, provide fottbe©.
bv r>*v!«g
Dawson, Gn julylSjtf
fits. «L HABT, I*l*o..
Patents adjusted to suit tlic Latest and most
Improved StyEe.
HAVING been in the Carriage business for a number of years, wc flatter ourselves with
the ussurance that we can give entire satisfaction. Repairing of ail kinds neatly exe
Wood-work, Smithing-, Trimming and Painting,
will be attended to with such precision as to make our repairing rival new vehicles in ap
pearance. We intend keeping on hand a well selected stock of tbe most approved
Manufacturers Patent Leather,
Japanned Curtain Cloth,
Warranted Steel Springs, (Patent and halt Paten
Plain Axles,
Rope ol superior quality,
Hubs, Spokes,
Rent Rims,
Shut's, Poles, <fcc., &0.,
n fiiet, everyth! cpnnflcteil wiih Carriage making. Anew supply of the above named ar
tides lias just 1 , received, with many other things belonging to our establishn.ont.
To secure a ral patronage, we intend keeping & corps" of experienced workmen in every
branch, aud »n. naraniee that our work, bulb new aud repaired, shall not be inferior to
auy, either Noth or South.
Shop tn West side Maiu sb, opposite “Journal” Printing Office.
R sr krimcks—Col. 0. 0. Ne'son, W. M. Thompson, Reuben Guice, Dawson, Georgia.
Dawgou, Ga., June d.d, 18GD—tf
1869 1869
Spring tkabe Opened !
j. i. ilium a ci .
o— —
WE have purchased heavily Spring; mere so than ever before, «nd tfalnlc
we can supply all tha(, give us a cxl), with G^OOcisf
on as good terms as can oa haa in any retail Sioro iu Georgia.
Olirs is a Vnriotv Store —We deal in Fancy Dry Goods;
fiooli an<l Shite*, Sluts unit iioiritefs, SI Em( OJE t I.LtTH
IZariiivart, HollCf H ’arc, ll'ootfrit- H ’are, S L\S S’ It St
UOOfrs ffi.rf
I In the selection df our Stock, we had in view panic ula-iy to sttpply the wants of thr Plan
| tor, and will he pleased to haVe the citix-,--' B ul TetTcll, Calhoun, Webs'or, and ot t r counties
j fradihg to thik p*»n> n»U and t-a"",, 0 „ r Stock. Mc-«rs. C. 0. BROWN and \Vii,M4SA
• AAIOUfi, r.'jpctttwt*— a t |, clt [,ituds to call ou litcui at J. W, Kot-'CTiP 4 Coo. tub 18
Carriages & Buggies