The Dawson weekly journal. (Dawson, Ga.) 1868-1878, July 22, 1869, Image 4
<■ A JuTATE F.UIt. At Macon, November IC, 1809. ADDITION Al. PREMIUMS. Office of the tstote AgricuH'l Society, ) Atlanta, Ga , May 28, 180!) $ At the suggestion of member* of the Society, and other correspondents, the following premiums, in addition to those rs the pamphlet list, will be awarded at the Fair in Macon, begin ning on the 10th of November, subj' e*, us course, to the approval of the Execu tive Committee at its session at that time ; 1. For the best barrel of Sugar of tho Ribbon or Green Cane, raised in Georgia §2o 00 2. For the best barrel of Sytup of same Cane raised in Georgia, -0 00 3 For the greatest yield of Syr up per acre of same Cane, 10 00 •1 Foi the greatest yield of Su gar per acre of same Caoc, 10 00 , The existing rules requiring manu facturer* and producers to give full ac count of manufacture and production will be culorccd as to tho above, and all other premiums. 5 For tho best barrel of Sugar from the Sorgho, or China, nr African sugar millet, 25 00 5 F t the best barrel ol Syrup from same cane, 20 00 7 For the largest yield per ache of sugar from same cane, 10 00 ( 8 For the largest yield ofSyrup per acre of same cane, 10 00 The above premiums are recom mcrided by Mr. Cofer, of lloyl & Cos His letter stated that continually in creasing importance in the higher lati tude is being attached to this crop for sugar and syrup. 9 For the best Gin for ginning upland long and short sta ple cotton, 10 00 This premium is suggested by Mr. Wynn, of Warren county, a successful mutifacturer of gins. It is adopted be cause, as remarked by him, the atten tion now devoted to the improvement of tho staple of upland cottons has al ready produced an upland staple which requires an order of gin adapted to the ginning of a much finer and longer sta pie than the common upland, wbioh will at tho same time, answer for ginning the common cotton. 1 o flic Georgia Press. The following extract from the pre mium list for the fair, to be held at Ma con iu November next, is of the ut most importance to the planting com munity, and should be placed before them at once. Being a correct, oopy, it is hoped you will place it before your readers at your eailieet opportunity, and confer a favor on tho Society and its Secretary'. D. W. Lewis, essays. 1 For tho best essay on cotton cul ture, Silver Cup worth $lO 2 For the best essay on corn cul ture, Siluer Cup worth ‘ 10 3 For the be?l essay on labor sys tem, Silver Cup worth 10 4 For the best esiay on clover and grass culture, Silver Cup worth 10 5 For the best sssay on stock raisi iDg, Silver Cup Worth 10 G For tho best essay on deep plow ing, Silver Cup worth 10 7 For the best essay on the relation existing between the mechanic and manufacturing interest of the South to that of agriculture. ■ Querry : do these industrial in terests now bear the proper re lation, one to the other? If eo, why ? And what are the chang ee, if any, that should be brought about in these rela tions ? And what are the measures necessary to produce those Silver Cup worth 10 ; 8. For the report of the best farm —to be decided by the net profits. The report must give a full statement of its manage ment; the value of tho land per acre ; the number of acres in cultivation ; tho value of every animal or article used in culti vation ; tho whole expenditure of money fer the year; what of each from products was made; amount of money received, and full details in every respect, Silver Pitcher worth 25 9. For tho best experiment (set forth in an essay) the object of which shall be to ascertain the comparative merits of the va rious commercial fertilizers, the component and relative parte, cost and quantity of each fertilizer used per aare; the mode of application; the prep oration, tillage and original quality of the soil, and all de tails necessary to indicate the true valuo of each fertilizer, Silver Pitcher worth 25 TIIE PLANTATION AND FARM. Field Crops. 1. For the largest crop of cotton produced upon two acres of upland, with the mode of cul tivation, the amount and kind of manure used, the period of planting, the number of times plowed and hoed, the kiud of cotton; the land to bo meas ured and the cotton weighed in the presence of three disin terested and reliable witnesses, with certificates from them, Silver Pi’cher worth 50 2. For the largest crop of pea-vino hay, raised on 1 acre, one bale to bo sent as a sample, with a certificate of quantity made, not less than two tons, on© bale of which must be on tho ground, Silver Pitcher worth 20 3. For the largest crop of native grass hay, raised on 1 acre, the same as above, Silver Pitcher worth 20 4. For the largest crop of Foreign grass hay, raised on 1 acre, tho same as above, Silver l’itcber worth 20 5. For the largest crop of corn grown upon 2 a even of uplands not less than 75 bushels per acre; the period of planting, the mode of cultivation, kind of corn, times plowed and hoed, tho amount and kind of manure applied; tho land and corn measured in the presence of three disinterested and re liable witnesses, with their cer tificates, Silver Pitchev worth 50 6 Fur tho largest crop of corn grown upon two acres of low land, not less than 100 bushels per acre (requisition as up n upland corn) Silver Pitcher worth 50 7. For the largest crop of wheat (broadcast) grown upon two acres of land, not less than 20 1 usliols per acre, nor under 60 pounds per bushel; the land and wheat to be measured, and under the same requioitbn, in all things as above, Silver Pitcher worth 21 8. For the larg st crop of wheat (drilled) gr. wn upon two acres of land, not lesi than 20 bush els per acre, nor less than GO pounds per bushel, (requisition the same as upon the above) Silver Pitcher worth 25 9. For the largest crop of low land rice, on one acre, not less than 100 bushels, Silver Pitcher worth 50 10. For the largest crojx of oats, kind, &c., raised per acie, Sil ver Pitcher worth 20 11. For the largest crop of rye, kind, &c , raised pei acre, Sil ver Cup wo th 10 12. For the largest crop of Gurley, kind, &c , raised per acre, Sil ver Cup worth 10 13. For the largest crop of sweet potatoes raised per acre, cue eighth of an acre to be dug, and certificates of the yield by disinterested persons furniah- ed, Silver Pilcher worth 20 14. For tiie tiie largest crop of Irisn potatoes raised per acre, Silver Pitcher worth 20 15 For tho largest crop of turnips raised per acre, Silver Cup worth 10 16. For the largest crop of ground pets, or pindars, raised per acre, Silver Oup wortli 10 17. For the largest crop of field peas, raised per acre, Silver Cup worth 10 18. Be-t box of ch-wing tobacco, Southern raised, plate or 5 19 For tho best box of cigars from Southern raised tobacco, plate or 5 20.’Host sample of Southern raised smoking tobacco, plate or 5 Exhibitors of all the above crops must stiito in writing, in full, to the Secretary all tho requisitions ns laid down lor corn, &c., as above, when tiie articles are entered upon his books lor exhibition ; with the witnesses’ certifi cates for the measurement of lands and prunds, and bushels per acre; without which the Judges will bn required to withhold their awards, and exhibitors not complying with these requisitions will not be allowed to compete for the premiums of the Society crops nr hoys under sixteen tears OF AGE. 1. For the largest quantity of In dian Corn grown by any white boy under 10 years of age, up on an acre of land, a patent le ver silver Watch, worth $25 The rules in relation to field crops to be complied with. 2. For the largest quantity of Cot ton produced by any white hoy under 1G years of age, up on an acre of land, a patent lever silver watch, worth 25 The rules of field crops to be complied with. 6AMPI.ES OF FIELD CROPS. 11- For the host variety of Bread Corn, with two bushels as sam ple, P,ate or 5 2. For the best variety of Corn for stock, two bushels as sample, tested by weight, Plate or 5 3. For the best variety of Wheat, with a bushel of grain as sam ple, Plate, or 5 4. For tho test variety of Sweet Potatoes, with sample of two bushels, Plato or 5 5. For the best variety of field peas, sample of one bushel, Plate or 5 6. For the best table peas, Plate or 5 7. For thebest variety of sea island cotton, w ith two stalks as sam ples, Plato or 5 8- For the best bushel of rice, Plate or 5 9. For the best bushel of oats, Plate or 5 10. For the best bushel of rye, | Plate or 5 11. For the best bushel of bailey, Plate or 6 12. For the best bushel of Irish po tatoes, Piute or 5 13. For the beet variety of glass seeds adapted to the South for bay or grazing, Piute or 5 Exhibitors of crops must give in writing to the Secretary a full account of each crop offered—its ada; tion for profitable cultivation, etc. Exhibitors of hay must give the modo of cultiva ting. curing, harvesting, e.o. COTTON BALES. 1. For the best 20 bales of com mon upland cotton, Silver l’itclier worth S2O 2. For ihe best 10 bales of common j upland cotton, Silver Pitcher worth 15 3 For the best 5 balos.of common uplaud cotton, Wlver Cup worth 10 4 For tho best 1 bale of common upland cotton, Plate or 5 5. For the best 1 bale of upland cotton, (long staple,) Stiver Gup worth 10 6. For the best 5 bales of Sea Is land cotton, Silver Pitcher worth 20 7. For the best bale of (400 lbs. ) Sea Island of black seed cot - ton raised on upland, Silver Pitcher worth 25 5 For the best 2 stal’.cs cotton, Sil ver Cup worth 10 When the premium is for more than one bag, samples of all the bags but one (which must weigh 450 lbs., and be on the ground) must be made by disinterested individuals, and produced on the ground with their certificate.— Wheto the Premium is for one bag, that must be on the ground il¥¥l —AND MEDICINES. DR. 3. R JANES W. A. I.OTLKSS JAMS k LQYLESS HAVING formed a copartnership in the Drug business, have on hand, and are constantly receiving, one of the largest and best assortments of Drugs and Pure Medicines Ever- before offered in this Market, which will be sold at. JHeteon F*riccs, freight added, for the VaMSH. They buy largely for cash, therefore can offer superior induce ments to cash customers. Their stock consists of Drugs, Chemicals, IW'llite l.eael ground in Oil, Paints , either dry or in Oil, Famishes of all kinds, DYE-STUFFS, ESSENTIAL OILS of the Purest Quality, Keroser.e, Linseed Tanner’s, Machine, Sweet & Castor Oil, in abundance; ALSO, Soda. Starch, Pepper, Spice, Ginger, Sulphur, Salts, &c. A full and complete assortment of Patent Medicines, Flavoring Extract.^ Perfumery of all Kinds, Pomades, Hair Oils, Toilet Powders And soaps, Sharing, Tooth and Hair Brushes, In fact, evervthing usually kept in a first class /> It If. SI ft It E. They keep, alsQ, for J/edical purposes, pure articles of WINESf BRANDIES Superior inducements are offered to Far mers and Physicians. Prescriptions carefully compounded and filled by a Druggist and Physician of experience. Don’t fo,get the place—next door to Will. Woolen’s, Perryman’s old staDd, Main street. Dawson, Ga., March 4,1869. —1 y JOB WORK Xtatly fxrrufcd af this offire. JYew •Bdrcrtixemeu Is, < i A N C E U 8 - DU. COIXDKN, of Louisville, Kr., removes Comers WITHOUT PAIN or the USE of the KNIFE. Read the following from among a thousand Voluntary testimonials to the Doctor’s skill and success in the cure of Cancers, written by Maj. T. A. Harrow, formerly Pinprictor of the National Hotel, Louisville, Ky., now of the Velropolitan, Cincinnati, O. J/k.trocolitan Hotel, Cincinnati, 0., April 9, 1 Stilt. My Dear Sir: Being now satisfied that my i face is perfectly cured, 1 write to say so, and to thank you for yonr skillful t'eaiment of it. Though it has been sis months since it healed, I have forborne writing you because of the common belief that cancerous diseases can not te cured—that they can only be palliated or covered up for ti time to re-appear with more than original virulence, and I thought that I w ould give my case the full "benefit of all (hat doubt. I will state that iu 1803 a pimple made i's appearance on the base of my nose, near li e eye ; it continued to increas* in malignily until 1867, wiicn I became s. iiou-ly alarmed about it. After submitting to the treatment of several physicians until June, 18b8, with out benefit but getting worse all the time—l went to Louisville to consult you I had be come saiisfied that a speedy cure must he ef fected or it would soon prove fatal. Bv this time the cancer had extended almost to the corner of the eye, involving its nerves, and to the top of the nose, and was rapidh’ grow ing more malignant in its character. I placed myself under your treatment; and in less than four months was cured and have so continued now six months. 1 believe that lam indebt ed entirely to your skill for that euro, and -vill, as a matter of duty, recommend any one afll'c’ed with any kind oT cancerous disease to you for treatment, believing that if cure or relief is possible vou can afford it. Believe me, very truiv and gratefully, Yours, T. A. HARROW. The Doctor takes pleasure in referring, by lrquest, to the following leading business tnuii of /, juisville, Kv: U'm. Piatt, of Allen it Piatt, Wholesale Shoe Merchants; W. N- Haldemen, Editor Loui-ville Courier-Journal; Geo. W. Wicks, 102 Main Street; C. F. Top ping, Williard Hotel; J. B. M avnard. See. Board of Trade; B F. Branham, Quincy, Ky; A. 0. Franklin, Gallatin, Tenn.; James Alex ander, Giliain, Tenn.; Billy Bowles, 8 int Cloud Hotel, Nashville, Tennessee. Send for a Cancer Journal, (enclosing stamp giving particulars of the inode of treatment, also containing an extensive list of persona who have been permanently cured; cases of one year to thirty-five years standing. Address DR. W. C. COUDEN, junelo’69 135, Jefferson st., Louisville, Ky. WESTERN MILITARY ACADEMY. E KIRBY SMITH, Superintendent. The next regular session of th s Academy begins on Ist of Sept. 18(59. An extra ses sion will be held during the Summer vaca tion. For further information, address E. KIRBY SMITH, New Castle, Henry co Ky THE COLE FLUTING MACHINE BENNETT,\ JOHNSONS: CO. MANUFACTURS of the COLE FLUTING MACHINE, Patented March 31, ISfifi. Take pleasure in presenting to the public the BEST J/A CHINE in the market. The rollers are regulated by a self-acting “LEVER POWER,” conforming to any and all kinds of work, without the aid of the hand or foot. No other J/aehine can claim this principle, all of them having the Scanty Potv kr at the top. Thi9 Machine took the only Diploma snd .Ifedal awarded at the American lus;i ute of New Yotk City, in the fail of 1867. Every family should have this machine. Sold Wholesale and Retail by BENNETT, JOHNSON & CC. 570 Broadway, iVew York. Send for illustrated Circular. Sold by all other houses in t}ie city. mi whitth* §?. A REGULAR GRADUATE OF MEDICINE as diploma at office will show, has been longer engtged in the treatment ol Venereal, ' Sexual and Private Diseases, than auy Other physician in St. Louis. Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Gleet,'Stricture, Or bhitisUernia, and rupture ; all Urinary Dis eases and Srphililie or Mercurial Afflictions of Hie throat, Skin or Bones, are treated w ith unparalleled success. Spermatorrhea, Sexal debility and lmpo tency as the result of self-abuse in youth, sex ual excess in mature years, or other causes, and which produce some of the following ef fects, as nocturnal emissions, blotches, debil ity, diziness, dimness of sight, confusion of ideas, evil forhod"iys , aversion of society of females, loss of memory and sexual power, and Tendering marriage improper, are per manently cured. Dr. Whitaker publishes a MEDICAL PAM PHLET relating to vonrral diseases and the disastrous and varied consequences of self abuse, that will be sent to any address in a scaled envelop for two stamps. Many phy sicians introduce patients to the doctor after reading his medical pamphlet. Communica tion confidential. A friendly talk will cost you nothing. Office central, yet retired— No. 017 St. Charles st., St. Louis, Mo. Hours, 9a m to 7 p. m. Sundays 12 to 2 p m. First Grand Prize Scheme J PROTECTED UF LJIP- Evcr offered to the public chartered unani mously by the Legislature of Kentucky endorsed and recommended by Gov. Stevenson and many leading citizens throughout the south-western states. Capital Prize, $150,000. 2 Frizes, each 2 7 ,500 4 Prizes, each 13.750 280 Prizes, each 120 140 Prizes, 100 Prizes, each 80 MAKING 511 riUZES IN ALT.. TICKETS, S-SG. Seven liich and Highly Improved Ohio Kivcr Tobacco Farms and 504 City Loir. Located in the wealthy county of Henderson, Ky. | JQrThe /'’arms have been rented the present year, | and bonds for the rent deposited in the Farmers’ I liank at Henderson, Ky., subject to control of the | commissioners, and will be assigned to those 1 drawing the Prizes. Kent of the capital prize, $5,0U0 cash. Any person drawing a Prize and on wishing to retain it, will be paid two thirds its valuation in Cash upon sur> ret.dering his Ticket. The drawing will take place at Masonic Temple, Louisville, Ky., on the first day of September, 18ti9, unless the tickets are sooner sold, in which case it will come off at once without further no tice. Regularly authorized agents will furnish pamphlets giving a-full description of the prizes, also the act of the Legislature granting the char ter, endorsement of the Governor and others, and all information of interest concerning the seheme. The sale of tickets is progressing most rapid l > aud the probability is tnat the commissioners will be compelled to have the drawiug come off at a very early day. Parties who may desire to order tickets should do so at once in order to make sure of them before the sale closes. All can engage in this scheme without fear of fraud oi unfairness, as the rights of ticket holders are fully protected by Law. TICKETS can be purchased of L H Lyne, Far mers Bank, Henderson, Ky.; R B Alexander, Commercial Bank, Louisville, Ky.; John C La tham, Bres t Bank of Hopkinsville, hopkinsville, Ky.; James L Dallam. Commercial Bank. Padu cah. ky: B C Thomas, Lexington, kv; \V ll Tyler. Owensboro, ky. raayjysGy r-TA Vic ALVAYB ON HAND J’/iO (IMS, of all (trades, .ME./L, GHITS, BBRefBJY, SIB OBITS, cud COW-IUEBB. ALSO, TIIE FAMOUS SIHT.B’-RAISIIS'G FLOUR. rpo OIJR PATRONS, and all others wo would gay that we are manufacturing our Flour 1 from the best quality of Wheat, aud that all the Flour we a .11 is fresh. We make all grades, and have Flour as low as the lowest and as good as the best. Our motto is, WE STRIVE TO PLEASE, And guarantee siti-fnotion in all cases. A Flour sold by us is guarapteed to please, or money refunded. To all dealers, and the balance of mankind, we would say, try us, and we feel assured that you will call again. KOTICU.-L’./ftl.l.' J/U./.S' We have purchased of Bledsoe k Cos., their entire stock in the above Flour Mills, situated near the Macon & Brunswick Depot. Ihe Milling business will hereafter be carried on by us, under tbe firm name of T. H. Check k Cos. We have prorured tiie services of Mr. I. Bledsoe, who will be happy to wait on the former patrons of bledsoe it Cos. P. R. COOK. T. H. CKKEK. Having sold our stock to Messrs. Cook it ( berk, we take great pleasure in recommending them to onr old customers. [lebl l’OPtim] BLEDSOE k CO. SPRING SEASON OPENED! HOOO THINGS EOll EVERY BODY JACOB SEXT pleasure in announcing to the cit> JL izena of Dawson, and surrounding coun try, ihat he is now receiving aud opening, at hia CONFECTIONERY, In the New Building opposite \V«. Wooten’s, one of the Largest emit Blast Com plete Stocks of CONFECTIONS ever offered in Dawson. He has something to please the suit the fancy and taste of every body. Canned Fruits, Preserves, Julius. Pickles, Sardines, Oysters, (' ack ers, Fancy Candies, &.C., &c. *lll FRESH and FBJTE. M« BAKERY is in “full blast,” and I am always prepared to meet all demands in the wav of good Bread. Oakes, Ac. Weddings and parties furnished with Fancy Oakes at, short notice. Let all come and examine for (hcmselves. mayl3,lß6otf K. J. WAR R E N, ATTORNEY AT LAW, ST.I RKS f •!?. /. F. -- - ft. - EOHGIA, Tprrcll « onvity: Jf Whereas, W. W. Farnum applies for let ters of dismission from administration ot the estate of Cinthia Devreatix, Theee arc therefo r e to cite and admonish all persons concerned to be nnd Appear at mv office within the time prescribed by law, and show cause, if any, why said letters should not, be granted. Given under my hand and official signature- this April 29th 18fi9. T. M. JONES, apr29;f»Tn Ord'y. - &n. fIOfILKTSOiV, Os Cuthfecrt, will in future make reg ular visits to Dawson, for the purpose of 1 giving the citizoDS the benefit of bis pro j fessiona! services In the management | of the natural tooth he claims no superi jor in the United .States. All work war ranted to givs sa’isfac i'in and at reason able prices. Will spend tho second week in Juno in Dawson. References : D. A. Cochran and Lady. 8. G. ROBERTSON, j*3;tf Dentist, Cuthbert,Ga. Ai.f’:> H. Colquitt, Jamks Baoos, • Baker County, Ga. Newton, Ga. High U. Colquitt, Savannah, Ga. COLQUITT & BAGGS, ; COTTON FACTORS & GENERAL COMMISSION MERCHANTS. Bay strccl, Savannah, Ga. Special attention to the y-Oe of Cotton, Lumber and Timber. Liberal advances on Consignmeats. may6;tf Georgia, Terrell ( o: days after date application will be | made to the honorable Court of Ordinary of paid county for leave to sell the real estate of Wn, Ilerringtoti, deceased, of said county, consisting of lots of lands Nos. 99, 100, 101, and 125, all in the third district of said coun ty of Terrell. Sold tor the benefit of heirs aud creditors of said deceased. H B. HERRINGTON - , Administrator of \VM. HARRINGTON, jy];fcow6jd Deceased. NEW ATTRACTIONS —AT — PAT. WARffS BAH. JUST received a New Stock of Fine /. / r/ I torn, Segttrs , Nr. Will also keep for the accommodation of my customers, LEMONS A ICE. Dawson, Ga.. May T3 Jlß69—tf THE TOMLINSON QEMOREST CC*. Manufacturers of FIHS CARRIAGES, fi’i# Broadway, Wow York. Are manufacturing extensively ev ir.'v style c.f Carriage, Ruggy, and j Wagon suitable for the S ufti, from the fine°t Landau and Photon down to the Velocipede. Mr. W. Woodruff, of GrifTn, Ga., well known throughout the 8 ,u»h as the originator of the cob brated Baggy culled “The Woodruff Concord,” i.-dd ‘ The Wooruff Plantation Wagon, and ' associated with us in N. Y , where we will always keep a good stock of these Buggies and Wagons on hand, which arc said to be superior to almost any made in America. If you want any kind of a Vehicle, GOOD warranted W’ KK, send your or ders directly to this House, or through toy of our Agtntp. ■ nd :h<y will have prompt attention Illustrated circulars I w ‘l! he sent to any person who will write fur them May 6 ly SOMETHING WORTH HEEDING o HAVING made orrHUpcments with the To an 2i n*o si IN'inorest j aiv Able to Pell two, *hree, four and six horse Wagons, at a small advance on New York cost. We would invite those risking | good Plantation Wagons, to examiue our Stock before purchasing elsewhere." We would also cal! the attention of the public, to our splendid sud extrusive stuck of ITGGIKS, HARNESS CARRIAGES, : both of onr own amt Northern manufacture. It is generally understood throughout South- Western Georgia, that WIW. always warrants his work. We always keep a good Stock of Carriage & Harness, Wagoii and Buggie materials ts all Gall aud see. WM. Slßltlsr, o "? B '’.v Aipeficus, Ga. TCKKELI4HLBIFF SALES WILL be sold before the Court House door in tbe town of Dawson said coun ty on the Ist Tuesday in August next, within the legal hours ot Bide the following property to-wit : 1 lot ot land, No. 216, iu the 3rd disirict of Terrell countv. Levied on as the property of John T Howard to satisfy afi fa issued fiom the Superior Court of said couu y in Tavor of Charles T. Hu, kaby vs John 7'. ; Howard and James D. Woolbright. Sold at I the risk of the former purchaser, W. H. Tur- I ner. j Al? 0, at the same time and place, 1 bale of ; 1 cotton. Levied on as the property of Thomas I I Jackson to satisfy a Distress Warrant, issued . from the Superior Court, iu favor of George ! Ross vs Thomas Jackson. Sold at the risk of j ; ” • G. Talks, former purchaser. S. F. LASSETER, ! jujß;.ds Sireiiff. ( B4*lA, Terrell County:— : '* ncrene, Jeptha Cannon applies for wiministration on the estate of Joshua Can-1 non. i These are therefore to cite and admonish a] person*! concerned, to be and appear at mv i , c ’* D prescribed by law and ! Fkow cause, if any, Why said letters should! not be granted. Given under my hand, and | official signature, this July Srh, lgfiS. j* Bln> T. Af. JONES, Ord’y. notick ALLEN, wife of E W Allen, an . ,or exemption of persoalty, and set nn K apart and v«lu 4 ,i ou of Homestead, and 1 will pass upon the anneal 10 o'clock. a. m T M JONES, Ord’y. ’ (T f iV| KG, v’e 11 ' , ' 1,r,, 1l County ;! *\ G nill - Executor of K 8. r ."PI 1 les or elt ers of dismission from ssid estate. .„V'" e Bre t * lore^ore lo cite and admonish persons concerned, to beand appeur at my othce within the time prescribed bj law, and n„ I *’ 'f *® T ’ why said letters should official EL"*? ]! Un mj hand, and signature, thi.< .T,ji y JulySSm T. M. JONES, OraV THE GREAT CHILL AID FEW EXPELT.ER, uffiar nunti IT 18 IN FACT A MOST WONDERFUL EVER CUKE ON ACCOUNT OF THIB INSTANT REMEDY MAKING A Lasting & Permanent Cure. NO CASE, However Obstinate Can resist its Ilcalth-giving Propertits Creates an Appetite, Brings Color to Cheeks of the Emaciated and Strength to the Feeble. ilofite Sold is Accoin|>a- B,e< * *>>’ it Hiianiutee us its EFFICACY, The Proprietor of the TYRAFUGR chal. lenges every case, no matter of how | o nr standing, to try this GREAT CHILL AVn FEVER CJRE, andithen deuy its wouderfiil out alive properties. ASK FOR LIPPMAN’B PYRAFUGE, AND GET Rl£> OF THAT Miserable Disease, CHILL ANE FEVER- For pale, at Wholesale, by the Sole Mauu facurer for tbe Uuited States, by JACOB LIPPJIAN, mourn etor of Lippmail's Wholesale Drug Uuoso Savannah, Ga. Way 20 1 vrw INAUGURATED AT LAST I New Harness Manufactory i.r t>.iti’so.r, o*l. r subscriber would respectfully call 1 the atteiftim of tRe public generally, to the fact, that he will make and keep on bird, all kinds of JTi* ! UJ%'ESS< and will >el! them as cheap us they can be had in nnv market. My work is all made of the best materia), and made bv hand and not machine. Old Harness and Saddles repaired on short notice. J. R. ANDREWS. Dawson, Ga., J/arch 11, IS69—ly WATEEb’ bEW SCALE PS AN OS, With lion Frame, Orerstruny Bass, and Agrulle Bridge. Melodeons and Cabinet Organs, Tlie best TOahiifactured; War ranted lor »i\ liars. FIFTY New and /Second-hand Pianos, Mo* lodeons and Organs of first-class maker?, at low prices for or one third cash and the balance in Monthly Instalments. Secood hand Instruments at great bargains. Illustra ted Catalogue mailed. Warerooms, 481 Broadway, N. Y. HORACE WATERS. TEmiVOUIALS. The Waters’Pianos are known as among the very best.—-AT Y. Evangelist. We can speak of the merits of the Waters’ Pifrffc>«Pfr*Kp personal knowledge as being of " the verv best-quality.— Christian Intel. The Waters’ THitnos are built of the best and most thoroughly seasoned material Advocate A Journal. i Oar friends will find at. Mrs Waters’ store I the very best assortment of Pianos, .Melo i deone and Organs to he found in the xJaitea States.— Graham's Magazine. I MUSICAL DOINGS .—Sin ce Mr, Waters gin* lip publishing sheet music, he has devoted n*» whole capital and attention to the manufacture and sale of Pianos and M clod cobs' Ifehasjim 1 issued a catalogue of his new instruments, gb* o / ; anew scale of prices, which shows a marked r&- ductfon from former rates, and his Pianos nav« : recently been awarded the First Premium **«<]*• era! Fairs. Mirny people of the present day, ww are attracted, ifuot confused, with the flaming *«• ' vertisements ol rival piano houses, probably ever j look the modest manufacturer like Mr. w aters, ' but we happen to know that his instrument j earued him a good reputation long before Expfr sitions and “hohors” connected therewith wc“ ever thought of; indeed, we have one of Mr. ”** iters* Pianofortes nowin our residence (where i ! has stood for years,) of which any manufacturer jin the world might well be proud. We hare ajj | ways been delighted with it as a sweet toned an powerfu 1 instrument, and there is no doubt ol a durability ; more than this, some of the best: am** tour players in the city, as well as several yelcora- Ted pianists, have performed on the same piaD« and all pronounce it a superior and first-CM*? strument. Stronger endorsement we could not give.— Home Journal. . A specimen ot the above Pianos can peon at, mv residence. W. M. PkkpiXS jan2l;lyrw Agent DU. F. IVI LUO FT'S Anti-Periodic, or Fever and Ague Tonic, il ‘Uf invariably cure all BUasmatlc Fevers, via: Chills aDd Fever, or Fever and Agin. Dumb Chills, Congestive Chills, or Pernicious Fever, Bilijus rc- mitt cut Fever. TTfUIS in n remedy which Ims been U«edlV®* I X> author in the above named diseases for J I * a »t ten yours, with the happiest results. Yj i in those obstinate cases, in which Quinine, ! nic. or PrnsHiate of Iron had been used « '**“ ’ this remedy effected a cure in two or three usy ■ without a relapse ever occurring. .. The advantage* that the Anti Periodic posse* es above all rmnerlios of this class, ' fact: First—That it invariably breaks up . ver, together with the liability to return °® . g Tth, 14th, and 21st days. Swond—That »t d*\ not occasion any of the head symptoms, h* o *"., produced by Quinine. And Third —That i»’ he administered to children of the most tr , age, with fmpnniiy. 1.. AV. Hunt ■& Co~, w “ . sale agents. Maeou, Ga. For saJ r > D D J ;»ucb &Loyless u>cfcm*f