Newspaper Page Text
local column.
BU»CH is our duly author
ed Travelling Agoot.
Hare you Chills-nd Fever? See certifi
cate of J- M row. n.
tSTKev. T. E. Langley offers his house
,„d lot for sale. See advertisement.
»«-Capt. Holt, of Calhoun county, we
a bale of New Cotton to Ma-
COD , on ibe mb inst-
•a?" Dealers in Fancy Goods will do well to
oadTe the card of Armstrong, Cator * Cos..
0 f Baltimore.
First Bale of Sew t oMon-
Was received by Messrs. Loyless and Gris.
5„ on .Saturday the Hlh inst., from the
plantation of Messrs. Brightwell & William
jod, Zee county, arid was sold to Pratt k
Crim at 35cts per pound. It weighed 470
pounds, and waeclassed as low middlings.
The Judge did not hold for a better price,
but shipped, by Express, to Afacon and sold
,t the same figures, loosing only ten or
twelve dollars.
For September, is on our table. This is
one if the best and cheapest Ladies’ Maga
zines published— only $2.00 a year. Address
Cbas. J. Peterson, Philadelphia.
The second chapter of this story should
appear this week, but from some cause Col.
CLckston failed to furnish us with the man,
useript iu time. The Colonel will be on hand
•eeit week, unless he be sick, strayed, or sto-
£g*.)/essrs. Harper k Simmons received a
bale i>f cot'on on the 18th inst., from the
plantaiion of Col. R. D. Ivey, of Raker coun.
tv, weighiog 613 pounds. Ur. C. A. Cheat
ham shipped it to J/acon.
Dleal from .Mew Corn—
We acknowledge the recceipt of a sick of
medhom new corn fiom Me. F\ Benjamin,
which we pronounce A. No. 1.
This meal was grouud at Mr B’s. steam
mill on north-east corner of the public square.
Prayer meeting has been held daily
this week at the J/elhodist Church iu this
place. The Quarterly Meeting for this Sta
tion will begin on to-morrow ; aud for Ter
rell Circuit will embrace the filth Sabbath of
this month, at Bethel.
We hear some complaint from parties from
Webster and Randolph counties, as to the
roads leading to this place- They express
the wish to trade at Dawson, but cannot haul
their cotton over such bad roads. We trust
our Road Commissioners and overseers will
see to it, that all the roads aud bridges are
put in good order before cotton p'cking time
claims ibe attention of the farmers. Nothing
like good roads, to make your county bear a
good name abroad.
Weather and Crops-
The week under review has been bright
sunshine, such as is wanted by those who are
siring fodder, and hot enough for any pur
As the season advances, we hear more and
more complaiuts of the damage done the cot
ton by the rust, and from information gained
from planters of the different sections, we are
ltd to believe that the crop will not exceed
the crop of last year. We are also informed
by intelligent planters that where guano w.»s
used, the rust damaged the cotton more than
where was applied domestic manure, but all
agree that their crops are better than they
would have been without the guano. Call'
not this be remedied ?
R<‘iid llie Advertisements—
Do not fail to read advertisements ; if you
do, you may lose money and much valuable
information. Perhaps the reading of one
advertisement may cause you to save more
money than the cost of your paper for one
year. Again, the advertising patronage to a
piper irdicates the character of the city or
town in which it is located. You see a paper
well patronized in this particular, and we will
show you in that locality a set of live, enter-
P ,is!ri g» go ahead me chants. On the other
hand, :he business community that do not
advertise are certain to be dull, lifeless and
not the characters that are likely to give a
grtod uame to their city or town, at home or
abroad. The men who advertise are uot
afraid of competition, so, if you want cheap
goods, go to those who advertise*
TERRELL Cos. Ga., Aug. 17, 1869.
Mtatri - J*»" * loyless,
Damon, Ga.
r ’KNTs : I have cured four cases of Chills
and Ferer with the bottle of Wilhoft’s AntU
' nodie, or Fever and Ague Tonic, purchased
° th! U h ab ° Ut three we€ks “go- I believe it
1 e beßt Preparation for Chills, extant, and
'I taken according to directions, will never
I, 1 ‘ocure the most obstinate case of chills
fV// dTer * *^ tre b* wo return of
1 recommend it to all suffering with
C ‘ sand feT er- J. M. POWELL.
T - S- Arthur A Sonet’
orks for September have been received.
,l ur’s Home Magazine, $2 00
?hT/ Mooth ’ 200
Childrens Hour , 25
' l ,°::° Ur do " arß ' The best investment that
? U ., e made by a man who has a wife and
' r * n - Add re9s T. S. ARTHUR A SONS,
WSOesnutSt. Philadelphia.
D aw»on m.anufaci taring Co
mm * meet ' n £ °f the stockholders of this
0 N P *“- V > on Saturday, the 14ih iust., Maj. 0.
•- e n was re-elected President and Mr.
Ma’ ln * oD| s “P erinten dent.
and'h Nel *° n “ ade a re P ort of the "fairs
which US ' neßß n ’* na e em ent of the Company.
If ,7‘J Batißf4ot °ry to the stockholders.—
cour»! M "' ior °° Uld get a l)Ule a)d and ec “
>n f a r ent ’ h * W0 “ ld haTe a cotton factory
ll blast ln six months.
to * id Msjor ' we ar ® a” looking to you
in the* a E o d H U ' ld ° P ° Ur t °' rll, H T * U fail
then will h ° d P ‘° jectß you have on foot,
°f Da»» 8 f e ° D 00 mora than half the stoies
#r > To leatj IM ° si 8 ni ficant words, To rent
I> ™ r '; e^ r ? ShinK
J, 7 ° f owo ‘ a county, ex
fail Man ÜBed our towu 4)111 yesterday
»jod., ts u V*? whllc . we admi t w e are not
‘ good thin E *lh Derr ’ **? 7* th ' nk We know
tingi, nr.. * Den we BCC **. and unhesita
> toe best we , /c , jaw
Dawson, Ga., August 10, 1869.
Mr. Editor :
Dear Sir —Having been absent sev
eral days in Calhoun oounty, I thought
perhaps, some of your readers might
iike to hear something of the crops,
health, conditioo, &0., of the county
Not being accustomed to writing for the
public, I hope, Mr. Editor, you will par
don me for any errors that may occur.
The rains for somo six days fell very
heavily in some parts of the county,
which caused a great quantity of the
fodder to be injured. The corn orop is
made, and is about an avi rage one The
cotton is being effected considerably with
rust, but think, since the rains ceased
that the rust will not do farther damage.
Mr. W. A. Hatcher informed me last j
Wednesday, that the cattcrpillar fly had !
attacked one of his cotton fields near
Whitney, and that ho was building fires j
around tho field, hoping to destroy or
drive them away, which he in a
few days afterwards informed me be
did, as be then saw no signs of them ;
with that exception, heard nothing of
catterpiliars in the ciunty. The plau
ters here all kept their crops cleaner j
of grass than of years heretofore—not- j
withstanding many have used guanos i
which make corn, cotton and grass grow
rapidly. 1 suppose this is owing to the
fact that labor is getting more settled,
aud a better disposition on tho part of
both white aud black to go to work in
earnest instead of laying around doing
nothing and wandering from place to
place in hope of finding some where to
live without going to the field. 1 think
it a safe calculation to say that with no
disaster to the cotton, that there will be i
as large a crop as last year, but there is
lime for many things to happen to it
yet before it is made. Guanos have
been used pretty freely, and no doubt
would have been double Lad the plan
ters time and teams to haul it. The
result from their use have been very
satisfactory indeed, when applied prop S
erlp, which I assure you, I was glad to
hear, and hope that they may use more
another year, as the planter never invest
ed a dollar that would pay him better
The Mape’s Superphosphate of Lime !
sold by Messrs. Loyless & Griffin, of
our town, I found hod done as well, and ,
and in some places more than any other j
fertilizer sold, taking into considi ration
its cost per ton. The health of the
people is very good. I conversed with
some of the M. D’s , and they said the
county distressingly healthy at present
Lands are advancing rapidly, and pros
pects are, they will go still higher.
There has been considerable excit meat
about the Baiubridge, C. & 0. R. R ,
which has been surveyed through the
western part of the county. The peo»
pie along the line of survey, have sub
scribed liberally to it, which they think
will be built They need a ro-d very
much ; should they get it, there will be
no better couutry iu Southwest Ga-, but
in my tpiuioD, if they would study their
interest instead of taking stock in the
8., C & G R. R., they would take stock
in the Brunswick, Albany & Eufaula
R. R., which would be by far ol more
importance Polities have been very
quiet among the negroes since the Bern,
oorals succeeded in the last election, and
seem to have aod have learned that
they cannot rule the county. I attend
ed on last Sabbath the Methodist church
at Morgan, where they have been pro
traeting a meeting for several days, and
met quite a large congregation. The
services were conducted by Rev. Mr.
Browß, the efficient Pastor of the Cal
houn Circuit, assisted by several other
able divines. There has been several
additions to theebureb, and prospects of
several more before they close.
Mr. Editor, I thiDk Dawson stands a
good chance to get a liberal share if the
ootton and trade from Calhoun county,
and I hope we may be able to offer such
liberal inducements that the whole of
that county and Baker and portions of
Early also may come. I think our fa
cilities for handling ootton here will not
be excelled in Southwest Ga., we bav -
ing in our towD four large Warehouses
and managed by men whs, I think, un
derstand the business • as to prices, we
shall be able to pay as much here as at
any other point, and would invite the
planters to come and try our town. The
roads will be in excellent condition as
the bridge across the whole of No'cba
way swamp and creek at Dover is now
completed and the b. idge across Pachit
la at Whitney in Calhoun county, 1
learo, will be soon rebuilt, wbieh will
make Dawson easy of access to all citi
zens of Calhoun county. A wise move
in our effioient Ordinary in building the
Dover bridge. Summing uo all these
things, together with the heavy and at
tractive stock of Dry Goods and Groce
ries that will be offered the coming sea
son, by our interprising merchants, I
assure our Calhoun, Baker and Early
county friends, they can do no better
than to come to Dawson town, G.
The drop curtaia of a Wisconsin thea
tre weut np unexpectedly and disclosed
the leading actor changing his shirt.
I&-Have you asked your neigli-"SSB
a*«- bor to Subscribe for the “«b#
Oh, Lispair Mot. —For children teething
» j n the ,ummer month, Dromgoole k Co’s
hea Otarr/taa Remedy cannot be equalled on
the Americas continent. VVe are willing to
warrant every botfle. A few doses will cure
Diarrhoea, CholeraMorbua, Nausea, Vomiting,
( ramps, etc. For crying, crons and fretful
babies, it caunot be excelled. Chronic Diar
rhoea, immediately relieved. It is pleasant,
beautiful, effectual and cheap. Ilia prepared
by physicians of a long bedside experience.
Druggists sell it.
(t2F"One hundred years ago the now cele
brated Plantation Bittkrs were as well
known in the West Indies as they are now
known in the United Ntates. It is true they
were not known by that name, but their com
ponents and manner of manufacturing were
the same—save that there has been add'd
Cal*, nay a or Peruvian Bark , celebrated the
world over for its wondeil'ul tonic properties.
Even to this day these Bitters are popular as
ever, and their sale aud uso on these lslauds
is constantly increasing, and there cau hard
ly a family be found, iich or poor, who is
without them. We do not wish to impute
any wrong to the American proprietors of
I these Bitters, but that they are the origina
. tes, we most stoutly deny, and they must
i take such umbrage at it as they please. At
| the same lime we take this occasion to say
[ that a more valuable tonic Bitters cannot be
found in all the wot Id. We cousider them
just the thing for weak aud delicate females,
aud all those requiring a mild and gentle
Magnolia Water—Superior to the best
m ported German Cologne, and sold at hall
the price.
the Pyraf'uge is showing itself daily in
the blooming cheeks of our former
emaciated citizens, all of whom declare
that until they tried this great
chill and fever expeller, they knew not
what it was to be cleat, even for a few
days, of the scourge of our Southern
country ; thanks to science aud oureu
lerp.ising townsman; we need no lon
ger fear the great scourge, and we
can now go on our way rejoicing that
at last a conqueror is at hand which
wiil instantly expel from our system
chills and fever, dumb ague, and those
diseases incidental to malarious cli
mates. Keep a bottle of the Pyrafuge
iu the house, and as soon as the chill
or fever is Jelt commence taking it, and
at once you are ready making a last
ing and permanent cure.— Repiican.
Dawson, August 19th.—Bacon ; clear sides,
22c. ; rib sides, 21c.; shoulders, 18c.; hams,
21@25c. ; lard, 25c. ; corn, $1 40; Flour, pei
barrel, sP@l3. Bagging, per yard, 29@30c;
Ties, jer pound, 10c.
New York, August 17.-Cotton, middlings,
Louisville, August 17.—Provisions, firm.
Bacon, shoulders, 16j. ; clear sides, 19}c. ;
hams, 20@22c. ; lard, 20] -.
Cincinnati, August 17.-Provisions firm but
quiet. Bacon shoulders, 16]; clear sides 19;
Lard 20
Macon, August 17. - Bacon firm though not
higher. B oon lib sides, 20 12; clejr sides,
21; Dims, 23@25 ; Flour, pur barrel, s7@l3
com, $1.30; bagging, 27@30c.;ties, 8 l-2@9
Special JYoliccs .
The Advertiser, lisvibeng en restored to health
iu a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after
having suffered several years with a severe lung
affection, and that dread disease, Cousumpeion—
is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers
the means of cure.
| To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the
prescription used (free of charge,) with the direc
; tions for preparing and using the same, which
I they will find a sure cure for Consumption,
I ma, Bronchitis, etc. The object of the advertiser
j in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflict
ed, and spread information which he conceives to
be invaluable ; and he hopes every sufferer will
! try his remedy, ns it will cost them nothing, and
may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription, will please ad
dress Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON. .
je3:ly Williamsburg, A'ings county, N. Y
A Gentleman who suffered for years from
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all
the effects of youthlul indiscretion, will, for
the sake of suffering humanitv, send free to
all who need if, the receipt and directions for
making the simple remedy by which he was
! cured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad
vertiser's experience, oan do so by address
ing, in perfect confidence,
uD»o;ly No. 42 Cedar street, N.Y.
Wholesale dealer in
Gins, Hums, Wines, &c.,
60 Cherry St., - - Macon, Gn.
And sole agent for the sale of thatcelebra
irated brand Pure RYE WHISKEY
n Maeon. All those who wish a pure article
in the way of H 'histceg, R randy.
?t’lhm, .Ilf anti Porter , can get it
by calling on .1 no. IV. O’Conner.
i He has also a fine stock of Fancv Toilet
Soap’, which he offers very f,O fI ' far
1 f’.ISII. He keeps always on baud a full
i and complete stock of
Fancy Groceries,
Including OI'STERS, Sardines,
I EORSTERS, C urrants, 11. 11-
SI.VS, Italian Jttacuroni, Pea
rhr*. RE-I.TS, Tomatoes, Teas,
FLOUR —A full stock of all Grades.
25 BOXES LEMONS—At $10.60 per Box.
\\T ILL be sold before the Court Tlouae
YY door in the town of Dawson said coun
ty on the Ist Tuesday in Sept, next, within
the legal hours of sale the following property
to wit ; 9 bales of cotton, more or less, and
2000 bushels of cotton seed. Levied on as .
the property of S. H. Roby and J. E Beaty
to satisfy a Distress Warrant from the Supe
rior Court of paid county, in fivor of Thomas
G. Barrett vs S. H. Roby and J. E. Beaty.
Also, at the same time and place, 11. B.
Herrington’s interest in the following lots of
land, to-wit: Nos. 99, 100, 101, 125, in the
8d district of Terrell county. The same be
ing tbe undivided one-Bfth of said lots of
land; the whole subject to the dower of the
widow of the late Wm- Herrington. Levied
on as the property of U. B. Herrington to
satisfy a fi fa issueed from Terrell Superioi
Court iu favor of J/rs. L. Vinson vs. H. B.
Herrington. g F LAESETER,
aug6;‘ds She iff.
R E A J) !__R E A I) !
“A Fenny Saved , is Two Fence Made.’’
ONE hundred years experience by the
World, since Benjamin Franklio uttered the
above proverb, but adds to ils truth. Then
wliv not evervbodv use the
and save the Doctor’s Mileage, Visits aud
The EXCELSHHt .Iffne mils
NEVER FAIL to cure Chills and t'ever
or BILIOUS Fevers, while the cost is a mere
trifle compared with a Doctor’s bill lor the
same service.
CERE—It never fails to cure either. In
(act, it is the same Remedy in a different
form. But from its greater solubility and
duid condition, is more nauseous to the taste,
but at the same time, is more active than the
Puls. Neither cure by Vomiting or Purging,
but by killing the .Malaria or Poison in
the system, and the patient is relieved with
out being prostrated with Drastic Remedies.
Them Remedies also lemove Fever Cake- 1 ,
or enlargement* of the .Spleen and Liver.—
Cure Incipient Dropsy, all Malarious Dis
The Excelsior %intl-iilllous
Cathartic mils— are uuequaled as a
MILD and EFFICIENT Cathartic, alwuya ac
ting promptly, yet mildly—disgorgig the
Liver aud relieving Biliousness and its con
sequences. Cuies Sick Headache, Contsipa
tioo. Liver Disease, &c.
The Excelsior Female ileslor
alive —Relieves suppiessed Menstruation
Painful Jfenstruatlon,Leucorrh(BA or Whites,
Ulceration of the Womb, and many other dis
eases aud conditions peculiar to Females. It
is the best Uterine Alterative and Purifier
known to the Medical Profession, and no fe
male troubled with any irregularity or con
dition peculiar to the sex, should dispair of
being cured, until she has given it a fair trial.
ii.i CS^l.fl— Cures Colds, Catarrhs, In
fluenzas, Coughs, Ac., Prevents Pneumonia
and Croup. A single bottle not untreqoeutly
savps a lamily one hundred times Its cost iu
dollais and cents, besides much suffering, and
even the loss of life.
Tin* Excelsior Soothing; Cor
dis* I— Has nojequai for the cure of Bowel
Affections, such as CUOLERA, Cholers-J/or
bus, C ho; Sr a-I n fan t u in, Diarrhea and Dysen
tery; relieves the pains aud gripings, and at’
reets the discharges.
The Excelsior Fain Killer—
Stands at the head of that class of Remedies,
bring superior to Oil of Life, King of Pain,
and a host of such remedies heralded before
the public as cure alls.
The Excelsior Fermi fuge—la a
dead shot for Worms—a good and safe Ca
thartic for children, under all circumstances,
when such an actiou is needed, whether they
are, or are not troubled with worms.
All of the above Family Iteniedies
are offpred to the public, not as cure-alls or |
general Panaceas, but as useful Family Reuse j
dies, such as every family can administer
with safety, without the aiu or advice of a
The .igue Fills and Febrifuge,
never fail to cure when administered aes
cording to directions.
The Female iteslor alive has made
some of the most remarkable cures of any
medicine of the kind ever offered to the pub
lic. It acts upon tlie tissues of the womb
with the same certainty that J/ereury acts
upon the Liver and otter glands. It removes
obstructions and relieves organic and func
liunal changes, and leaves the oigan healthy
aud natural.
The other ReiMf*(ii<ta are simple, safe
and efficient, for the several diseases aud
conditions for which they are severally re
commended. They are all prepared at the
Dawson, Georgia,
Whe e may always be found a complete as
sortment of Drugs, Medicine*, Paints, Oils,
Dye-StniFs, School Books, Paper, Pen?, iLk,
Fancy articles, Fresh Seeds, &c., &c, at
Wholesale and Retail, as low as they can be
purchased at auy house iu South-Western
The Excelsior Remedies are for sale by
Druggists and Merchants generally.
C. A. Cheatham.
Dawson, Ga., March 11, 1869—6 m
ii ii s
HAVING formed a copartnership in the
Drug business, have on hand, and are
constantly receiving, one of the largest and
best assortments of
Drugs and Pure Medicines
Kv. r before offered in this Markel, which
will he sold at. .Hacon Prices, freight
added, for the They buy largely
(or cash, therefore can offer superior induce
ments to cash customers.
Their stock consists of
Drags, Chemicals,
ll'/lite IjCad ground in Oil,
Paints, either dry or in Oil,
f'arnishcs of all kinds,
Purest Quality,
Kerosene, Linseed
Tanner’s, Machine,
Sweet & Castor Oil,
in abundance;
Salts, Ac.
A full and complete assortment of j
Patent Medicines,
Flavoring I'xlracts,
Perfumery of all Kinds,
Hair Oils,
Toilet Powders
And Soaps,
Shaving, Tooth and Hair Brushes.
In fact, evervthing n'uallv kept in a 6rst- ;
class DREG SI ORE. They keep,
also, for Afedicai purposes, pure articles of i
Superior inducements are offered to Far
mers aod Physician*. Prescriptions carefully
compounded and filled by a Druggist and j
Physician of experience. Don’t forget the !
place—next door to Win. Woolen’s
Perryman’s old stand, Main street.
Dawson, Ga., March 4,1889. —1 y
Fourth St., Opposite Passenger Dopot,
Jtlacon, Georgia.
r House having lately been refitted
L and repaired, and is now one of the best
Hotels in the State, and the most conve
nient in the city. The table ts supplied with
everything the market affords. feblß’69
At Smitliville and Ft. Valley, Ga.
r I ’HE undersigneo having taken the Bying
-1 ton //ouse at Ft. Valley, takes pleasure
in notifying the travelling public that both
the above houses are now in the "full tide’’
of successful administration bv himself He
will spare no expense to make them both
First-Class Hotkls, Jfeals readv on the
arival of the traih. W. M. MoAFEK.
r jPAKE3 pleasure in announcing to the est-
A izens of DawsoD. and surrounding coun
try, -.bat he is uow receiving and opening, at
tn the New Building opposite W>i. Wootln’s,
one of the Largest and .Host Com
plete Stocks Os
ever offered in Dawson. He, has something
to please the suit the fancy and taste of every
Canned Fruits, Preserves, Jellies
Pickles, Sardines, Oysters, Crack
ers, Fancy Candies, &c., &o.
.11l EHESJI and EIJYE.
M.v BAKERY is in “full blast," and I am
always prepared to meet, all demands in the
way of good Bread. Cakes, Ac. Weddings
aud parlies furnished with Fancy Cakes at
hort, notice. Let all come and examine for
yourselves* maylß,lßß9tf
( Opposite The. Passenger Depot.)
r well known Hotel is now conducted
_l_ by the Sons of the late J L. Byington,
who was so well known throughout, the State
for keeping a good Hotel. feb!8 t iß69
—o —
HAVING Located at ISi’owii'n Sta
tion, <*!»., will take great pleasure
iu waiting on all those, who desire his servi
ces. No other ptactce solicited.-May 2uih-tl |
( t EOKGIA, Teirttll County:
V 7 Whereas, E. G. Hill, Executor ot K. S.
Jordan, applies lor letters of dismission
from said estate.
’I hese are therefore lo cite and admonish
all persons concerned, to be and appear at my
otHee within the time pieacribed by law, and
show cause, if auy, why said letters should
not he granted. Given under uiv hand, aDd
official signature, this July Bth, 1869.
Julyß3m T. M. JON IS, Ord’y. j
; Ai.k’.t H. Colquitt, Jamks Bauhs,
Baker County, Ga. Newton, Ga.
i Hugh U. Colquitt, Savannah, Ga.
Uayalrecl, Haviiumiii, Gn.
Special attention to the sale of Cotton,
Lumber and Timber. Liberal advances on
consignments. majt>;lf
Saddlery and Harness Emporium.
On the Site of the Old Theatre, and opposite
United States Hotel,
Convenient to the Passenger Depot. Pri
ces wiii be found more reasonable and Stock
more complete than any in the city. Also,
all kinds ol Harness and Skirting Leathers.—
Also, Enameled Leathers and Cloths constant
ly on hand, wholesale and Retail.
Baby Carriages, Reeking Horses, and /tuggy
Umbrellas, of tile most approved style and finish,
on hand and made to order. janl4-ly
Pains and A c h e s,
Great Rheumatic Remedy.
licadaebe and aii Billious Disorders
M 1 3 10 ly.
United Jtatep Internal UeYenlie.
Assis’t Ass’rs orricr, 10th Divs’n, 2d dist. 1
Morgan, Ga., July 22, 18H9. (
I WILL be at Dawson on tbe first Tuesday
and J/ondav evening before, of each
month, and at Brown’s Station on Wedneg.
day after the first Tuesday in each month un
til further orders, for the purpose of assessing
taxes due the United States.
J, H. GHIFNIN, Ass’t Assesor
10th Division, 2d District of Ga.
IT'ROM ray plantation at Smithvillo, abou
tbe Bth of July, a black horse mule wi h
a white nose; also, a bay mire colt, 2 years
old, with a star in her forehead. A liberal
reward will be given for the return or con
finement of said stock. Address
augs;4t Smilbville, Ga.
up about the Bth of July one old
JL black horse mule, formerly owned by J.
A. Pain and one bay mare supposed to be
about three years old. Owner is requested
to come forward, more property, pay charg
es and take tbeui iway. Joe Bledsoe.
augl2-tf Wooten’s StauoD.
Manufacturers of
020 Bio;**1 way, Hew York.
Are manufacturing extensively ev
ery style of Carriage, Buggy, ami
Wagon suitable for the South, from the
finest Landau and Phaeton down to tho
Mr. VV. Woodruff, of Griffin, Ga.,
well known throughout the South as
the originator of the celebrated Boggy
] called “The Woodruff Concord,” iedd
| "The Wooruff Plantation Wagm,aud
I associated with us in N. Y , where we
j will always keep a good stock of these
Buggies and Wagons on band, which
are said to be superior to almost any
made in America,
If you want any kind of a Vehicle,
Good warranted Work, send your or
ders directly to this Hound, or through
aDy of our Agents, and they will Lave
prompt attention Illustrated ciroulars
will be sent to any person who will
write for them. May 6 ly
Cheatham’s Drug Store
Ind purchase one crniore
Bottles oi
Excelsioi Eliiii Bark and Iron
The best Tonic and xJlferaUve
Mi. noun to the Jttedicat
Profession ! f
THE preat preventive of Chills and Fevers]
Billions Fevers and all malarious Diseas
es. Superior to all others as a Liver Medi
cine. The most reliable prevention of re**
lapses when recovering from Bilious and Ty
pboid Fevers, and other acute and severe at
tacks. It. improves the appetite, imparts
tone and vigor to the stomach, enriches and
purifiea the blood, and keeps the Liver active
and healthy. It is no patent secret humbug.
Every label carries on iu face the names of
the different article j of which it is composed
Physicians everywhere prescribe and use it.
It bas no injurious effects either upon the
teeth or coats of the stemaclr, no matter how
long its use may be continued.
I could, if necessary, produce the certifi
cates of at least fifty of the most respectable
m ilies iu Terrell county of its beneficial ef
fects, besides numbers of others in different
parts of the State. C. A. CHEATHAM.
Daws, Ga., July Ist, 16rt9-3m
Itesil Estate Agent,
( oinily Agent for I.aihl & Immigra
tion Office of the State of
Georgia, Dawson Ter
rell County, Ga.
IJROMPT attention given to all business
I intrusted to his care. Will examine ti
ties to lam] and effect the or purchase of
the same* augA;tf
]) Y Dot knowing the details r i the Revenue
.) Law. We had to pay, last week, S2O
for stamps to place on cur Tobacco, which
had been assessed and tax paid, bnt was
BRANDED instead of STAMPED. We pro.
pose to make this money back out of the TO
B ACCO TRADE, and in order to do this, ex
pect to make Tobacco a speciality. Call on
us and examine before you buy. We have
some of tho Old Firginia Twist,
which we think is cheap and good.
Dawson, Ga., July 29;1m
As the season will soon
arrive when cotton planters
will want Gins, we inform
all that we have been ap
pointed agents for the sale
of the cecbrated Gin, man
ufactured by Daniel Pratt,
of Prattsville, Ala. Mr.
Pratt has been manufactu
ring Gins for more than 30
years, and sold more than
any other factory, either
North or South. It is all
important that you have a
good Gin. It will pay for
itself in one season.
We will, with pleasilse
show to any who wish a
Gin, certificates from the
best planters of Georgia,
and Alabama, who have
used these Gins. Send
your orders, or call on
Dawson, Ga.
Cl EORGIA, Terrell County:
* Whereas, W. W. Farnum applies fo'r let
ters of dismission from administration of the
estate of Cinthia Devreaux,
These are therefore to cite and aUtrionish all
persons concerned to be and' .appear at my
office within the time presetibed by law, and
show cause, if any, why said letters should,
not begrauted. Given under my hand and
official signature this April 29th 18l>9,
apr29;Cm Ord’v.
Southern Preparations 1
r r , HEPE are the standard Family jYedi-
J. cine* of America. They are preserved
and need by the medlcil profession. The/
are preferred by every mother and father.—
They immediately merit public esteem ams
confidence of all who once test their virtues.
They are prepared by physicians who are ful
ly authorized by the Congress of the United 1
Slates, and are the result of a long bedside
experience* Being neither secrets nor pat
ents, the medical profession have no hesitan
cy in giving them a lair trial and a hearty
(JIHOUSaNDS of our (e.Row beings are an-
I uually consigned to antiYSely graves, and
the dying groans of old and yonWg ate con
stantly erving around for relief from Diarrhea,
Cholera AVibus, kc. Asa leaulf ot much
scientific research and a long and Aiithful
bedside experience, we offer a Remedy lor
all those Sunrtner Complaints wbieii is pleas
ant and never failing in ite effect?.-No moth
snould fail to be without the
Prepared with artistic beauty, with chemi
cal puiity and exactness, selected and com
bined according to extensive medical experi
ence; unique in fiuish and appearanue, mild,
pleasant, aud cooling to the eiomacb'and nev
ei-failing in remedial effects, the unerring
finger of truth points to the RED DIARRF.A
REMEDY as the boasted combination of the
day for all forms ol' Diarrhea, Vomiting,
Cholera, Cholera .’./orbits, nausea, k .Cramps
Price $1 00, or six bottles for $5 00. Sent
ro all parts of the country ou receipt of price.
Sold by all druggists J P Drohgool-. k Cos.
Prop’rs , Memphis, Tenu.
They will restore fading female beaut.v,
will .paint the pale cheek, will burl back the
gathering storm that encircles your brow,
will add brightness and lustre to your lifeless
eye, will give brilliancy and activity to your
dull iutellect, will strengthen aDd soothe your
shattered hertes, add tone, health aud buoy
ancy to your whole system.
By arousing, regulating and restoring all
6ickly females to a healthy condition. By
curing ail those complaints peculiar to the
female sex, such as painful, or suppressed
Menstruation, Hysteria, Leucorrhosi, Chloro
sis, Prolapsus Uteri, Ulceration and Irrafa
bility of the Womb, Pains iu the side and
back, iUelaDcholy, Palpitation-of the heart,
Swimming and Giddiness of the Head, Cold
Feet aud Hands, Nervousness, Sick Head
ache, a feeling of suffocation, indUposiiion
to enter socielj, and all those diseases atis
tng from a deranged condition of the uterine
isvstem, whether affecting old or young, ma--
tied or single. This compound is neither- s< -
oret nor patent, but is prepared bdA offered
by the regular medical proses ion.
We have hundreds similar to the following
Prom an eminent physician of Carroll ca, Miss
Mls.-ks. J P Dromooolk & Oo.:
As your “English Female B tters" is neith
er a secret nor a patent, I have frequently
prescribed them for the various female com
plaints of our country, and always with the
most satisfactory results. It is decidedly the
most valuable combination I have ever known
lor the treatment of those complaints peculi
ar to the female sex, old Or /outig, and I do
not hesitate to give it a hearty recommenda
tion. Its astonishing cures have won so- it
manv laurels iu Carroll County, and I hope
its efficacy may soon be heralded all over the
country that the medical profession and the
female community may reap its advantages.
The English Female Bitters : s aecu-a'pt'f
and beautifully put up iu large beiifijs, at s2]
per bottle, or thiec bottles f-o 1 $6 —one bot
tle lasting about two weeks Snipped
to all parts of the country ou receipt of price
Sold by all druggists. J P DROMGOOT.K k CO
P rop’rs.,- J/emphis Zeuiiesset.
KM Mi.YE F 4t.M UE.I UliEit
Affections are exceedingly common an!
troublesome all over ih) country, and tho
public have long felt tbe need ot a remedy
that could be relied upon in all these affec
tions, and none are better qualified to pre
pare such a remedy than the phvsictan him
self. We have practice I medicine about
twenty years, and can safely say that we
know of no combination to eqtial our
Ext. Beat berry & Buchu.
It is recommended to cure all derangements
ot the Kidney and Bladder, such as Gravel;
Ui inary Deposits of all kinds, Bloody or
,4/ilky Uiine, frequent desire to urinate, pain
in small of back, dull burning pain in region
of bladder, Gout, Dropsy, nervous trembling,
melancholy, evil forebodings, effects of hab
its of dissipation or early abuse, loss of pow
er and memory, and all those affections re
quiring a prompt and decided Diurelie,
whether old or young,(male or female.
Price sl, or six bottles for $5. Shipped
to all parts of the coon try on receipt of
price. Sold bv all druggists.
J P DROMGOOLA' k CO., /’rop'r?.,
Memphis, Tenn.
8 l 9
8 1 111 1 P
811 i h i l 1 a
sllthcfogofo hills
sllibcfogniKingo felt ills
allibcfogningo; chills
811ibc h i 1 1 8
811i l 1 3
8 1 3
The abtwe will cure any case of chills;
eveu of six months standing, without affect
ing the bead, ears or nerves. It arouses
stomach and liver, carries off the bile and efi
sects permanent cures. Io the swamps of
Arkansas, where the chills are so common,
and so difficult to Cure, they readily yieT6f
when treated wi ;„ our King of Chills.'
Put up in ’,arge bottles at sl, or six bottles
for $5. rfent to all parts of the oountry cm
reCr ,pt of price. Sold bv all drueg’StS.
J. P. BF.OMGOOLE £ c”,
jtn B;3m Mem ply's. Term.
For aalc by Janes A Loyless, Dawson Gu.
Os Outhkort, will to future utake jag -
ular visits to Dawson, for tbe purpose of
giving tbe oitizeos the benefi: of bis pro
tessional services. In the maosgetneco
of the natural tooth he claims no superi
or in the tJnitetJ States. All work-war
ranted to give s» isfactim and at reason
able prices. Will spend tb'a second
week in June in Dawson. References :
D. A. Cochran and Lady.
je3;tf Dentist, Cu titbit, Ga,