Newspaper Page Text
Guano for Turnip?,
At Fulton's.
Miss Lucy Stunner can get a letter
bv calling at our office.
Southern Cultivator for Septem
ber is well filled with such matter as
interests the planter- Every farmer
should take the Cultivator. You lose j
much by not so doing.
Leslie's Fictorials. —All are in- i
teresting, both to the old and young, !
Nothing will please the little ones more
than to have the Boys’ and Girls’
Weekly to visit them; ani tie older
ones will be pleased with the Chimney
W. M. Peeples has returned irom
New York, and has now received his
Fall Stock of goods We dropped
in on him and examined s me of his
selections, and pronounco them well
bought. His purchase has been
heavy, but he has no fears of being i
able to sell all he has. First class 1
goods is his motto. See advertise
Simmon’s Shoes,
At Fulton’s.
Jew Johnston, at Ed. Kuttner's,
is in good cheer, says he will do a very
large business this season, and puts
himself before the trading public as
being one of the very best American
Jews in the city. Sue what Mr. !
Kuttner and his assistants' say in their
advertisement. They promise much
to those who call on them.
Mr. Paddy, ol our city, visit <1
Florida with a view of purchasing
land. While on the road he was at
tacked with dysentery, which resulted
in his death, lie leaves a wife and
several small children, but a goon
judgment prompted him to insure bis
life, which, to his loved ones left be
hind, will be of great benefit.
Money is better than friends and
kin folks in such instances
Important Arrest —Oho Anthony
Blown, negro, from Webster county, j
charged with assault with intent to
murder, was arrested on the plantation
of T. K Taylor and sent to Arnei i- j
The assault was made on his wife, I
cutting off one hand and doing othtr
injuries, all of which lie acknowledges.
We trust that he will get h sjust de
Fink Gig .rs, at
Farnuji & Sharps.
Bead lt is our sad duty to chronicle j
the death of Mrs. Mariah Evans, w ife of
(Jipt. Sterling G. Evans, of this coiin
ty, which occurred at her residence on
Tuesday, the 7th inst. We also learn
that Mr John Marshall, ol this coun
ty, lost one of his children the same
day Tr.e friends of these worthy cit
izens deeply sympathize with them in
mis their sad bereavement.
Canned Fruit. —We acknowledge;
the receipt of a specimen of Georgia
Canned Peaches, put up at Ft. Vailey
by Messrs. Visher, Westcotl & Cos.
Being in a burry to see inside, we
opened them the next day and our
Letter half and some friends who dined
with us pronounced them good—yes,
very good— equal, or superior to the
fruit put up at Baltimore. This is a
move in the right direction, and we
trust our merchants will order from
this enterprising firm a small lot, as a
trial; afterward they will ?top sending
North for Peaches.
Dawson Cotton Market.—Much
complaint is made hy our planters, be
cause of there not being a sufficiency
«f money to buy all the cotton tbat is
brought to market. If Dawson was
alone in tbi3 particular, the charges
would be well grounded, but other
markets are in the same condition
Savannah, Macon, Americus and all
olher places we have heard from com
plain of scarcity of funds to move the
cotton as fast as it comes in. Oor
. friends will recollect that the season has
opened one month curl er than usual,
and that monied men had their capital
otherwise invested and could not con
trol it in a day, nor a week. Efforts
are heing made to get money here, and
we learn that it will be but a few days
before thero will be a supply sufficient
tc pay for all that may coino.
Sale ami Feed Stables—
Messrs. Farnum & Sharpe arc at their
old stand, and intend keeping a Feed
aud Sale Stable. Mr. Sharp is now in
leunwee, getting up a &U ek of Horses
2\lu'. 3, which wdl bo offered at rea
sonable prices, on arrival.
fly the 20 h iust. they will be pre
pared to show some of the best stock ev
er brought to this market, and intend to
keep, through tho season, first-class
horses and mules for sale.
Dawson, ( la.-, Sept 0, WGDjSt.
'l'lic I*rice of Cotton
Is something we, nor any other
i man, knows much about, and j 8 as
uncertain as the weather. The mar
ket opened at 290, and the prospect
now is that it will go to 20c, perhaps
below that figure.
Now the man, bo bo Commission
Merchant or Editor, that udvises the
planter to hold or to soil cotton, is only
giving his or their individual opinion,
j and oftentimes it is no better than the
I planters. We will throw out a sug-
I gestion that can be taken for what it
!is worth, and no more. The crop will
fall shoit of three million bales. If
wo make four million it would be no
cause for a decline in price. Still, the
heavy receipts, “being more than
double this time last fall,” will be a
reason for crying out hvj crop, and the j
consequence will be a fall in prico. It [
we were planting, and had cotton to
sell, we would sell at the market price
at the tine we had it ready for mar
ket, until all pressing debts, liens or
debts of honor were paid. After
this was done, wo would turn specu
lator to the extent of our own crop
and hold for a better price.
The Happy Home.— Our genial
friend. Mr. J. J. Toon, of the Chris
tian Index, with characteristic enter
prise has added a r.ew feature to his
fine religious journal in the shape of a
literary monthly supplement, called The
Happy Home. It will he sent compli
mentary to regular subscribers. Sep.
urate copies will bo fifty cents. We
wish our contemporary deserved suc
cess in this new movement. — At. Con
WO )TEN.—It is our sad urid painful duty
to record itie death of J/r-i. Martini S. Woo
ten, wlio departed this life at the residence
of her husband, Judge George W. Wooten,
in J/orgun, Calhoun county, on the morning
of the .Rih of August last, after a short and
painful illness of only a few days.
Mrs. Wooten was the eldest daughter of
Hoc. George W, and Mrs. Rachael Colley, of
Calhoun county, and by her decease leaves
a large circle of kindred, ti iends and acquain
tances to mourn the loss of one w ho, though
yet young, was to many a guide and counsel
lor. In early lile, and while a pupil at the
ltaptist Female College, of Cmhberf, Geors
git, where sire graduated, she became alive
to 'he promises of the Bible, and was bap
tized into the church of Christ Jesus at that
pi, ice, since which rime, up to her death, all
who knew her would testify of her singular
affection and devotion to the cause ol piety
and benevolence.. Mrs. Wooten was married
to tier liu.-bind in December, I Stilt, in the
nineteenth year of her age, by ihe Rev.
1 honing T. Christian, minister of the M. E.
Asa daughter, to her parents she was in
deed a gem of the purest watc, always kind
and affectionate, and reciprocating and re
turning that parental care which hid been
by them bestowed upon her eatly childhood.
Asa wife, she was devo'rdly attached to her
husband —ready always and willing to speak
words of cheer in his hers of despondency
ami gloom, and to ass st him in walking in
the light o! God. Her gn at aim seemed to
be to make heme happy and pleasant; and
onlv the bereaved and diseousulale husband,
who tew Is as it his only earthly stay was
gone, cau tell how we 1 she su ceeded. As
a mother, she w s kind and affectionate, and
although her children were in infancy’s bliss
ful innocence, si ll she was faitblul in ihe per
loi malice ol Christian duty, to train them in
the way they should go. The memory of
her many virtues and good deeds are em
balmed in the rtcollections of kind'id, many
Iriends, and the numerous recipients ot hd
eenercsity. Site has left behind her a kind
and affectionate husband, and two children —
a litile ti 1, (Amare'ti,) about two years of
age, and an iulunt boy, (George Colley,)
whose tender years will not allow them to
know anything ol the purity and sweetness
of a mother’s love, but over whom heaven’s
guardian angels will watch, and for whom
we believe the sainted mother’s prayers will
be heard. We deeply condole with Judge
Wooten in this-bis sad bereavement; but
arc condoled, as we trust he may be, with the
assurance that his temporal loss is her eter
nui gain.
She sleeps in Jesus, bless and sleep,
From which uoue ever wakes to weep.
Ma.nt Friends.
Morgan Ga., Sept, hlh, I SCO.
KENDRICK.. —Died, in Terrell countv,
Gj., or) Die Ith of Oct., 1868, Dr. Isaac W.
Kendrick, aged 23 years, 8 mouths and 13
and. Death, in this instance, has taken an
aflVoiiona e husband and father, devoted sou
and kind brother. Asa phjs cian, he was
success!ul aud attentive ; therefore, many
neighboring Iriends, as well as kindred, la
ment, and miss his kind hand and cheerful
words. His manners and upiightness gave
him numerous friends. Consoiaiion is found,
lo some extent,, when we revert that ho one
of his few years could claim more friends.
Isaac is gone from o r midst; ttie sixong
arm is cold, the tender heart is still, but.
“ heaven, sweet heaven” is bis home. "Don’t
e , lor me,” was his request. "Let my
ashes rest in peace, and God’s will be done.”
llow sweef, how consoling to the stricken j
Heart, to know that ho was rational, and that
these were his dying words. Words ol con
solation are in vain to you, dear Kate, but
remember, he was kiod as he was good, and
l,j, words to you were those ot love and
affection. A husband more devoted, a la
ther more fond, a brother so confiding, is
seldom found. It is pleasant, while in ead
afi'i ‘lion, to feel and bel c\e that when death
enters the home circle, that it is not a sepa
i tion forever, for our friends are but gone
before -and when coi liiets and trials are
over here, we will rejoin them ill a heavenly
clinic where death wifi chill the breast and
close 'the eye no mote. So it is in the death
of "dear Isaac; his friendly voice we hear no
more- he greets us as relation no more;
parth’issad without his loving presence; he
Z< cross, and death’s dark billow ; the mortal
”,rife is over; his lifeless form is the cold
tenant of the grave ; but Jesus loved him,
‘. ,„,t T taken him homo to release him from
earthly t.ills. Ho has stripped him of his
| * orta [ ro be, dressed him iu immortality to
f him for a brighter world than this tran.-i- .
"ory one of ours. You, too dear patents, j
Li that the bitter pang is hard to bear; j
! vnur old hearts are wrung again, tall almost
h-oken •• life seems worthless to you ; but a
1 trail si’ion-sooh awaits you, and you can but ;
! ,1 when called upon logo, that nothing
l L’pts you to stay. With joy you can use ;
1 mfe ; your dear ones gone liclo e, and in ,
! realms of peace aw -it the coming ol the few
, are left behind. Lite is dark lo you,
t r Kate ; the road rough, the time far too
. ® a tor the weary widow- and lorlorn Or
: ' but cheer up, bo hopetul. for he waits
1 P r voa -and Godin his infinite goodness
: bring you together in a belter world than
i May-h ( ’ aTcn P rotcct ? our bole
May angels'round her Slay;
I May she, like him, bo good and kind,
i -/ben, him, be blessed for aye.
I 1 Kate, amid your anxious cares,
I know this ; thy loved one lives on high ;
1 i And now be cheerful ; shod no tears
j year Isaac lives, uo more lo ditu
i New York, September 15, 3p. m, —Cotton
j declining; middlings 30|. (A decline of two
cents in the past 21 hours )
Dawson, September 15th, 8 p. m.—Since
I receipts of telegrams from New York, no
one wants cotton. Buyers look as if they
had lost all their friends. Middling cotton
would not. sell for more than 21 cents. No
change In price of Bugging, Ties, It icon, ko.
sinco our last report. Cotton is declining so
fa-t we cannot give the report from J/icon
and Savannah.
Special Notices.
IST’The WONDER Ft'l properties of
the Pyrafuge is showing iisolf daily in
the blooming cheeks of our former
emaciated citizens, all of whom declare
that until fhey tried this great
chill and fever expellcr, they knew not
what it was to bo clear, even for a few
days, of the scourge of our Southern
country; thanks to science and oureu
terp ising townsman; we need no lon
ger fear the great scourge, and we
can now go on our way rejoicing that
at last a conqueror is tit hand which
wiil instantly expel from our system
chills and fever, dumb ague, and those
diseases incidental to malarious cli
mates. Keep a bottle of the Pyrafuge
in the house, and as soon as the chill
or fever is felt commence taking it, and
at once you are really making a last
(ng and permanent cure.— Replican.
C3?”One hundred years ago now poeM the
brated 7’i.antation Bitters were as cle
known in the Wost Indies as they are now
known in the United /States. It is true they
were not known by that name, lint their com
ponents and manner of manufacturing were
the same—save that there has been add'd
Calisnria or Peruvian Bark, celebrated the
world over for its wonderful tonic properties.
Even to this day these B-tters are popular as
ever, and their sale and use on these Islands
is constantly increasing, and there can hard
ly a family be found, rich or poor, who is
without them. We do not wish to impute
any wrong to the Araeiican proprietors of
these Bitters, but tbit they are the origina
tes, we most stoutly deny, and they must
take such umbrage at, it as they please. At
the same lime we take this occasion to say
that a more valuable tonic Bitters cannot be
found in all Ihe woild. We consider Ihem
just the thing for weak and delicate females,
and all ilitss requiring a mild and gentle
Maox on a Water.—Supeiior to the best
n ported German Cologne, and sold at fcal
the price.
Here’s Yctnr sloo.—Do you want it? We
will give SIOO for any case of chills which we
cannot cure by ihe use of our “King of
Chilis.” Don’t care if you have li il the
shakes ever since ihe “woods were burnt.”—
Come along and be cured, or take vour SIOO.
A.nv humbug about that? We dare you to
accept Cases of t welve months standing can
be thoroughly eradicated by the use of this
wonderful combination.
All kinds of chills are immediately cured by
it- use. It cleanses the stomach, arouses the
liver and carries effall bilious accumulations,
when used according to directions. “King
ot Ghilh,’ is prepared aid used by physicians;
never affects the head, ears or nerves, is
pleasant, cheap and effectual. One dollar per
hot’le. Sold by ail druggists.
J. I’. RROMGOOLE A C<Proprietors,
Memphis., Teen.
TO C O. »S{ VW S'Ti I .
The Advertiser, linviUong on restored to health
iu .-I few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after
having suffered several years with n severe lung
affection, and that dread disease, Consumption—
is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers
the means of cure.
To all who desire it, he will send a copy ol the
prescription used (free of charge,) with the direc
tions for preparing and using the same, which
they will find a surr cure for Consumption, Asth
ma, Bronchitis, etc. The object of the advertiser
in sending the Proscription is to benefit theaffiirT
ed, and spread information w hich he conceive* to
tie invaluable; and lie hopes every sufferer w ill
try his remedy, as it, will cost them nothing, and
inny prove a biessing.
Bal tics wishing the prcseripiron, will plenscnd
dre. s Rev. EDWARD A. WII.SON'.
je3:ly Williamsburg, A'ings county, N. Y
A Gentleman who suffered for years from
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all
the effects of youthful indiscretion, will, for
the sake of suffering humanity, rend free to.
all who need it, the receipt, and directions for
making the simple remedy by which he was
cured. Snffereis wishing to prof tby ihe nd
vestiscr’s experience, can do so by address
ing, in perfect confidence,
uDtS;ly No. 42 Cedar street, N.Y.
TERRELL Cos. Ga., Aug. 17, 1860.
Jlcssrs. Janes cl’ Jyovles,
J/av’so n, Ga.
(ients : I have cured.tour cases of Chills
and Fever with the bottle of W ilhott's Anti-
Periodic, or Fever and Ague Tonic, purchased
of you about three weeks njro. I believe it
is the best preparation for Ottilia, ex taut, and
if taken according to directions, will never
fdil to cure the most obstinate case of chill*
and fiver, and there will be no return of
(/hi/ls. I recommend it to all Putl -ib'cr wit-b
chills and fever. J. M. POWELL.
[ BBi | * n —BHraaaHHWBgK nasssn st wsssaas&Bi ss»f
•Yetv •hirert isemett Is*
bt» \\' !.»! tntiktw if '.-alunble is
» T because it contains so much practi
cal, original matter in such a small space.”—
John J. Thomas.
‘•Toe directions for growing Strawberries
and Raspberries ate (he best I have ever
St . rn .’’—Henry Ward Beecher.
We could give hundreds of just such testi
monials, showing the value ot tins little work.
It should be in the hands of every person,
whether the owner of a rod Square of ground
or a hundred acres. Tree agents should have
a copy. It contains 40 pages. Price 10 cents.
Fall pi ice list, wholesale and retail, and also
terms to agents and those desiring to get up
a club for plants sent vbkb to all applicants.
Parties at the South or on Pacific Coast
should order plants in the fall. Address,
Oolawainc. Apply to J. 1, Janes
oti the place, or at this office.
S.-pt. 10 —ot.
for shipping cotton.
Libera! advances made nn cotton.
fcpil;tf Agent.
VLL persons are‘herebv cautioned not o
trade for two promissory notes lor SH>O
each. One due Ist January 1870 ; the other
I ,i ne Jgt January.l 871—both made payable to
i L> 1/, Keller, or boirer. The consideration
! of said note* having entirely Tailed, I will not
j „av them, unless required by law to do so.
! 1 J M \V. A. iiAKUJELSON.
KT> KUTTNER, Proprietor
• A S S I S T ED 1! Y
J. W. Jolinston & Green J3. Thompson
.youth, svbst sssse public squ.ntc.
; " r -i. ' *§■ - ",
TPAE sure you know whore we nre, as we have been very particular in so
443lectin" our Roods, such as will please the pooplo of Southwest Georgia,
and if you buy before calling on us, you will forever regret it. '
IS now complete, and consists of just such goods as is wanted by all classes.
We intend to be able to sell our customers Staple Goods, Dress Goods,
White Goods, Fancy Goods, Yankee Notions, Hats, Boots aod
Shoes, Clothing, Hardware, Hollow Ware, Woolen
Ware, Family Groceries, &0., &c.,
JEW JOHNSON returns his thanks for the extensive patronage he has
heretofore received lrom a generous public, aud asks that his old patrons, and
many new ones call and see what an American JEW can do for them.
Our Mr. Thompson is only HALF JE\V, still he baa fallen into Kuttner’s
habits of soiling cheap goods, and persists iu so doing. Come along and let us
do you good. Sept. 10, 3m.
. » .. - I-. -.1. 11.11. ■ J . MM _l _ . ■ ... ■. I—
-1889. fJU TIDE. 18«».
a BESS coo os, r.i .Yu s: r jyotio.ys,
3 have, selected for our market a stock of FIRST CLASS GOODS,
and while I do not profess to sell cheaper than any oue else, l propose and
intend to sell, as cheap as can be afforded, the class of goods I doal in. I buy
no shoddy stock, but
ftj ptock ij Copiplcie, call apd pee for ValirpelVsp,
at MY OLD ST AM D, until the first of October. After that time, you wilt
Gad me under the LOYJ.E'iS HALL.
Sept. TO—3m.
Ff»U& Whites* Ciornls I
Bought for the Cash and at Low Prices!
WE have received our large and attractive stock of Goods, bought, by our
Mr. McKinney in New York, when GOLD was tolling at. low rates, aud
now offer them to the public at such prices as will astoi ish every one.
Our stock comprises a variety ol
And all goods needed in the family, or on the plantation. Come and see for
yourselves. At our old stand, next door to J B. Perry’s. Depot street.
p g —After the first rs October we may be found at tbo old stand of W. M.
Peoples, corner of Loyless block. McK. A 0.
sej f);3m
lunicnuK a
Agricußtaaa'siS Implements,
Sugar IfSalls,
Sugar Kettles,
Oiu Grariiig,
Tliossins Water Wheels,
Shafting and Pulleys,
Iron a aid liras* Castings,
JSiSi Work of Every Description,
Dressed Cumber, etc., etc.
' ,-v 'I "<' ; As: -i'- c G. • * - e _■■
Old Cast Iron, Brass and Copper purchased at the highest market pric.\
All triers promptly atteuded to.
0. 5. NELSON, Pres’l, - - H. ATKINSON, Sup’t.
1 D.<Y3on, Ga., September 9,tf
Administratrix Notice.
niMrty days after date, application will he
-L made to tiro Oouit of Ordinary of Terrell
county, for leave to sell all the land belong
ing to the estate of James Haddock, late of
Terrell county deceased.
Sept. 16,'89-4 w. Administratrix.
Terrell t ourt of < rdiuary.
At Clauaiiis, Surr. I3tii, 1869.
IT is ordered that the following per centum
be, and the same is hereby levied on the
State tax as a County tax lor Terrell county,
for the year 1869, to-wil : 45 percent, lor
Bridge Fund ; 17 1-2 per cent, for Pauper
Fund ; 37 1-2 per cout. for County Purpo e
Fund ; 12 1-8 per cent, lor Jury Fund ; 16
12 percent, for Educational Fund, and 21
per cent, for Building, Repairing, Painting,
Ac. t. m. Junes,
sept. 18-2 t. Ordinary.
/ t UOKVI.i, Terrell County:
Whereas, J. J. D.uis applies lor let
ters of dismission from tho estate of Dennis
McOlendon. •
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned, to be and appear at
my office within the timo prescribed by law,
anil show cause, if any, why said letteis
should not bo granted. Given under my
bund and official signature, line September
16th, 1869. T JA JONES, Old.
Sept. 16, lam 3m.
/ i s:oSR«-s *, Terrell County:
V A Whereas, D F. La whom, Adinieistra
tor ou the estate of J. K. Shines, applies to
me fo r leave to sell the lanM of said estaio.
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persone concerned, to be and appear at
my office, within the timo prescribed by law,
and file their objections, if they have any,
otherwise ail order will he granted in terms
of the law. T. J/. JUNE’S, Ord.
Sept. 16-4 t.
("loyington Dumas has applied for exs
J eraptioa of personalty, and setting apart
and valuation of Homestead, to be heard at
1 o’clock p. m., on the 23rdday of September
next, at my ofiice, in Dawson, (sa.
Beptl(s;2w T. M. JOXES, Ord'y.
\\T ILL be Hold before the Court House
T ? door in the town of Dawson said coun
ty on the Ist Tuesday in Oct. next, within
the legal hours of sale the following property
to-wit : One house and I n t in the village of
Chickisawhatchi*\ and known as the place
whereon 0. J. Turner formerly resided. Lev**
ied on a? the property of (J J Turner t;> sat- »
isfy a fi fa, is-ued from the Superior Coin tot
Terrell eo, iif favor of John Wiliams vs. C J
Turner—Principal, W il Turner and P L
Wilburn, Sctvs.
A!fo, nt the game time and place, Two
cows ana Calves. Levied ou as the p-.operty
of Ch. R-itishingburg to satisfy a fi fa, issued
from Terrell County Coert, in favor of George
Sharp, Jr. vs. Ch. Rnu-dieuberg.
S F LikSSjfWfcß, Sn'ff
Sep'9; f da
/'IGORGIAy Tcrivll C ounty:—
V I Whereas, Geo. A. Lofton applies for
letters of dismission ou the estate of D 13 Ha
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned, to be and appear at mv
office within the time prescribed by law, and
i bow cause, if any, why said letters should
not. be granted. Given under mv bund, and
official signature, this September ‘Jib, IStU).
scp<);oamf>rn T. M. JONRS, Ord’v.
/ I EORCnIA, Tcrndl C ounty :
V 5 Whereas, George Chapman, Guardian
for L. C. Stewart applied for leave to sell the
real rsta'o belonging to said minor.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
persons concerned, to bo and appear at my
office within the time prescribed by law, and
show cause, if any, why said letters should
not be granted. Given under rn\ hand and
official signature, this September <ph, 1869.
T. M. ./ONES,
Pep9;lf)d Ordinary.
/ I EORttIA, Terrell Comity:
V I Whereas, W. W. Parnum applied for let
ters of dismission from ad.ninisiraliou of the
estate ofCinfhi-i Devreaux,
These are therefore to cite and admomsh all
persons concerned to be and appear at mv
office within the timo preset ibed by law, and
«how cause, if any, why said letters should
not be granted. Given under my l and and
official signature- this April 29th 1869,
T. M. dOXKS,
apt 29,0 m Ord’y.
p LOKGIA, Terrdl County:
VJ Whereas, E. G. il ill, Kxecuior of K. S
Jordan, applies for letters of dismission
from said estate.
r i liese are therefore to cite and admonish
all peisons concerned, to be and appear at my
office within the firne prescribed by law-, and
show ciFU-e, if anv, why said letteis should
nor. l-e granted. Given und r mv hand, and
official signature, this July S'h, 1569.
JulyHotu T. M. JONLS, Ord’y.
NOTIC li],
VM. MAUND, trustee of tlie heirs of
. Daniel McLeod, deec.iseff, Iris upplieii
for exi'tnp.ion of perionalty anil realty and
set ing apai t and valuation of Homestead,
and 1 will pas* upon tlie saineat 111 o’clock,
a. id , ou tlie 17til day ol September next ai
my (.Bice ip Dawson, Ga. T .1/ JONKA
sc['9;2t ..Drd’y.
wmucr*&r.-v.-,xc3»msmiv,w'!, .'.rgra:
, |IAKES pleasure In announcing to the eit
-1 iv-.ena of Dawson, amt. urrounding e.miii
try, '.hat lie is now receiving and opening, at
tn the New Building opposite Wm Wootkn’s,
one of the'fffsl and Ala Hi Com
plclt Sim As ot
®ver offered in Daw-on. lie has something
to please the suit tho fancy and taste of every !
Canned Fruits, I’rcservos, Jollies,:
l’ickles, Sardines, Oysters, Crack
ers, Fancy Candies, &c., &c.
.ill riiESII and EI.YE.
My BAKKRY is in “full blast,’’ and I atu
always prepared to meet all demands iu the
way of good Bread. Cakes, Ac. Weddings
and parties iurn'ished with Fancy Cakes at
short notice.' Let all come aud examine ;or
yourseives • n a 13,1869 f
you asked your iie!gH-"©aj
t&r bur Subscribe for Hie -“©al
Southern Preparations T
r F , IJKf ; E are tho-standard Family Afsdi-
I cine# of America. They are preserve!#
and used by the mediott profession. They
are preferred by every mother and father.— -
1 They imnr-diatoly merit public esteem and
confidence of all who once test their virtues.
They arc prepared by physicians who sre ful
ly authorized by tho Congress of the Uni-ed
State*, and are the result of a long bedside
experience- Being neither secrets nor pat
ents, tho medical profession have no hesitan
cy iu pi' ing thenr a lair Dial and a Uearty
MHIOUSaNDS of oiir fellow beings are an-*-
I iinallv consigned to untimely graves, and
the dying groans of old and young sre con
stantly crying around for relief from Diarrhea,
Cholera Aforhus, he. Asa result of mneb
Scientific research and a long and faithful
bedside experience, wo offer a Remedy for
all those Summer Complaints which is pleas
ant ami never failing in its effects. No moth*
snould fail to be without the
Prepared with artistic beauty, whb chemi
cal puiity and exactness, selected and com
bined according to extensive medical caperb
once; unique In finish and appearanue, nrildj
pleasant and cooling to the stomach and nev
ei-failing in remedial effects, the unerring
fftiaer of truth points to tho RED DTARRF.A
REMEDY as the boasted combination of tha
day for all forms of Diarrhea, Vomiting,
Cholera, Cholera J/orbus, nausea, & Cramps.
/’rice $1 00, or six bottles for $5 80. Sent
to all par ts of the country on receipt of price.
.Sold by all drugflsts. J P DuoMuooLe k C*.
rrop’rs., Memphis, Tenn.
They will restore fading female beauty,
will paint the pitle cheek, will hurl back the
gathering storm that encircles your brow,
will add brightness and lus're to your lifeless
eye, will give brilliancy and activity to your
dull iutelleet, will strengthen and soothe yotfr
bhaltcred nerves, add tone, health aud buoy
ancy to your whole system.
By arousing, regulating and restoring all
tickiv females to a healthy condition. By
coring all those complaints peculiar to the
female sex, such as painful, or suppressed
Menstruation, Hysteria, Leueorrhu-i, Ciiloro
sis, Prolapsus Uteri, Ulceration and Irrata
bility of the Womb, Pains in the side and
back, J/elancholy, Palpitation of the heart,
Swimming and Giddiness of the Head, Cold
Feet ami Hands, Nervousness, Sick Head
ache, a feeling cf suffocation, indisposition
to enter society, and all those diseases aris
tng from a deranged condition of the uterine
iststem, whether affecting old or young, mar
lied or single. This compound is neither se
cret nor patent, but is prepared and offered
by the regular medical profession.
We have hundreds similar to the following.
From ml eminent physician of Carroll CO, Miss
M ks. ns. .T P lißOJtnoor.K it Cos .:
As your “English Female B ttors” is neith
er a secret nor a patent, I have frequently
prescrib 'd them for the Various female com
plait,te ol our country, and always with tho
most satisfactory results. 11 is decidedly tha
most, valu able combination I have ever known
lor the treatment 61 (hose complaints peculi
ar to the female sex, old or young, and Ida
not hesita-e to give it a hearty recommenda
tion. Its astonishing cures bavo won so- it
many laurels ill Carroll Comity, and I impl
ies efficacy may soon be heralded all over the
country that the medical profession aud the
female community may reao its advantages.
g w Yasser, m. and.
The English Female Bitters ’8 accurately
and beuntilully put up in large hstlles, at s'.!s■
per bottle, or three bottles for $6 —one bot
tle lasting no jut. two weeks. Shipped
to all purls of the countrv on receipt of price
Sold by all druggists. J P DKOMGOOLE k CO
/’rop’rs., J/emphis Tennessee.
Affections are exceedingly common and
troublesome all over the conntry, and tho
public have long felt the need of a remedy
that could be relied upon in all these affec
tions, and none are better qualified to pro
pare such n remedy than the physician him
seli. We have practice 1 medicine about
twenty years, and can safely say that wo
know of no combination to equal our
Lxl. liearbwry & Ruclui*
It is recommended to cure all derangements
ot the Kidney and Bladder, such as Gravel,
Urinary Deposits of nil kinds, Bloody or
J/ilky L . me, fri quvnt desire to urinate, pain
in sinail of buck, dull burning pain in region
of bladder, Gout, Dropsy, nervous trembling,
melancholy, evil forebodings, effects of hab
its of dissipation or early abuse,_loss of pow
er and memory, and ail those affections re
quiring a prompt and decided Diuretie,
whether old or young,imale or female.
Price •■?!, or six bottles for $5. Shipped
to all parts of the coontry ou receipt of
price. Sold by all druggists.
J 1‘ DRUMGUOI.A' & CO., /’rop’rs.,
Memphis, Tcnn.
S 1 3
slli 1 1 s
sllih i 1 ! s
silt hefogofeh ills
sllihofogni n g o f c h i 1 1 s
s 1 1 foguilvingofcbilla
s c- fogaingofchills
sllihofe hills
ellili i 1 1 s
311i 1 1 3
8 1 8
The above will litre any case of chilis,
even of six months standing, without affect
ing the head, cars or nerves, it arouses tho
stomach anilliver, carries off the bile and ef
fect- permanent cures. In the swamps of
Arkansas, where the chills are so common
and so difficult to cure, they readily yield
when treated wi h our King of Chills.
Put up in large bottles at .sl, or six bottles
for fs>. Sent to all -parts of the country ou
receipt of price. Sold bv all druggists.
jui B;3m - Memphis, Tenn.
l-’or rale by Junes JfcLoylcss, Dawson Ga.
A A TILL be sold at PUB l /GJ SALE, on
v v the first Tuesday in October, in the
town of Dawson, Terrell Cos., Gn., a Farm
cantaining 600 acres of land, three hundred
open, the balance in Oak, Hickory, and pine,
a Comfortable Dwelling well Furnished insida
and out, with good servants’ (rousts, lying in
said eoun-y, four or live miles from Dawson
on the Wagon Road to Albany, Ga., flue wa
it r aud healthy situation. Terms made known
on tho (la v of Sale.
The above property will bo sold at tho
above time, if rot sold at private sale before.
Geo. M. Logan, or >
li. S Lanier, >
a»gS9“f Macon, Ga