Newspaper Page Text
lAWSdN journal.
Official—R. B. Bullock.
Legal-»M. J. Haddock
Legal —Wright Kennedy.
Dissolution—Pratt & ('»iir.
New Firm— Crim & Tucker.
Nr,lice —Martin L. Harp.
(', tton Planter—E P Renuehamp.
linn Works —R Finlay’s Sons.
J,iw Hard Lyon, DeGrnfienn id
and Irvin. '
Bakery-jLL Sol!imnn.»
Mill M. Wflliumson
Millinery—Mrs. E. 'Ar Thompson.
N. Y. Exchange—TT. \y. Powell.
Guano for Turnips, . .
* Foltqn’b.
MuncnANTsand others wanting New ;
Ynrk exchange, can bo supp'ied w ith
any amount, by calling on me at Loy
less & Griffin’s. Tuos. W. PowF.r..
Call to see my stock of ladies, miss
es’ and children’s Hats, ladies’ Bon
nets, Fancy Goods, &c , next door to
Pr Cheatham’s.
Mms M Williamson.
Oir merchants are fast filling their
shelves with seosonahle goods, mid we
are pleased to see such a lively trade
AVe trust that they will continuer to sell
goods at pmiill profits, thereby holding
the extensive trade that has been given
to Dawson heretofore.
Let your motto be, ‘ Live and let
Wkatiixr—Still dry and very warm.
Just suited to the planter that has cot'
ton in the field ready for picking. but
death on sugar, cane, potatoes, peas,
turripß and gardens
The prospect for rjrrnis. of p.nv kind,
is slim indeed. Impossible to g*-t tur
nip seed to come np,*nnd the collard
lpnvp.o have the appearance of having
been prepared by the doctors for the
purpose of dressing blisters
Hriefrs Sc Mnt.KS —The first of the
season, just arrived and for sale by
Faiintm & Sharp.
Cotton Picking —One month more
nflnvnrnWe weather and the cotton
crop will b». Fathered, excepting an oc- ,
fusions! fie'd that is making n top crop, j
We notice in our travels over this and
CnWun county, that fully two thirds
of ihe cotton is now open, and it we
escape the September storm trio crop !
will he gathered in good order.
Simmon's Shoes,
Ar Fulton’s.
Catlinnn Mipcrior Ccnrt
Convened at M ug?n,on tnonday last
—Judge J.i=. Clark presiding. We nl
- this Court on M inday and Tues
dry, but did not arr ve in time lo hear
the of llie Grand Jury, but were
please to lcara tha', in the charge, the
J'lljj' congratulated the Jnrv and the (
C't z generally, upon the fact of there i
Ip. tr i.- s ertme and fewer ca es on the 1
Criit.dnai and eket than in any county of
I’‘ ’•'•’id.. Having iu her midst a
1 i g ' uuube: of negroes, pet haps a ma
j ruy of votes—an elemeut that Las
caused so much trouble in ether coun
ties—her ciUzius, by sound, practicable
judgement and a determination to give
justice to all, have so controlled the cl
men', as to have no trouble whatever,
and is now gathering in the fruits of the
J#ar 8 labor, which promises to be abun
dant both in corn and cotton, enough to
warrant satisfaction to tho employer and
the laborer.
Oa Monday, we concluded that there
Were more lawyers in attendance than ell
cuts, Cuthbert, Albauy, Macon, Blakely
Lawson, and the home bar being repre
It was thought that the business of
the Court would be attended to in threo
■or four days, and were informed by the
Llerk of the Superior Court—Mr
Fierce— that there were but fourteen
icases returned to this Court. A few
more years of prosperi'y, goo I law and
order, and one day will suffice to do the
business of the Superior court of Cal
houn county. Would that all the coun
ts of the State were Id like oondition|j
bow muob time, trouble aud money
be saved.
VVe wer e pleased to meet many of
°ar olu customers and friends, and, iho’
lhe y eannot boast of their ex'ensivc pos"
sessions as in days past, they neverthe
less are prosperous, cheerful, buoyant,
a, 'd looking ahead to better times.
1 he village of Morgan we found to be
n ground— m< re business being
e than atany time since the war-her j
' 2 113 quiet, hospitable and raor
* . hut » stranger would havo thought j
anything else 0 f M <->rgan, had he
ariced to stop at the hotol on Monday 1
D 'ght. Being » guest of Mr Coram (one
0 niJ r comrades in arms.) wo cheerfully
?' v <= of his untiring elforts to
ccomodate his many guests and to have
M ° ri,r : but whon ffitnds meet a t
* ar S seem to fear the evil cf.
of the water, and add thereto a
1 le of the rectifying fluid, which bc
'Dg strong and better than they arc used
41 home, onc of tlloUl sooncr
than they expected, and the balance,
through tho kindest of considerations
take a littlo more, iu order ibat the
first fiiend may not bo alone in his gh
ry; and soon the party come to the con
clusion that there is no use to sleep in
Morgan, and take good care to carry
out their conclusions to the letter, not
only as concerns their party but the
balance of the inmates of the
Next morning, a temperance lecture
would have had somo lepentant and
, anxious listeners. (We judge only from
their appearance.)
We acknowledge the efTorts of some
of our friends in behalf of the “J
NAj„”and hereby tender jiyr tiianks and
Irust that we may, before tho winter is
Past, double our Gai
liouti cotfuty. . *^
to tti«i jpwiicM <»f jfaiucraJ'
—r. Trt<-. •
% At a meeting of the Georgia Press m
Atlautn, J,he undersigned‘were appointed
a committee to correspond with Cjl
Mark A. Cooper, CLriersville; Rev. C.
W. Howard, Kingston; Gen. Wm.
Phillips, Marietta; Hon. W. P. Price,
LGhlooega ; Chancellor Limpsoomb,
Athens; Col. Seaborn Jones, Van Wert;
Messrs Noble & Sons, li me ; and such
others as the committee may think prop,
cr, for information upon the mineral re
sources of Georgia, and compile and
publish such information as they mav
We respectfully invite all who have
knowledge of valuable mineral deposits
to communicate with us; aud, where it
is pract calle,sond sain; las, which will he
exhibited by us at the Fa rat Macon
wl,e;e they will attract the attention of
scientific gentleman and capital! ts from
ail parrs of the country.
S. 11. Weston,
Dawson Journal.
C 11. C. Willingham,
La Graiuje Reporter.
S. A. Atkinson,
Southern Banner.
Georgia papers will | lease copy.
Rote Works by Fire —The Colum
bus Enquirer says, on Friday about two
o'clock iu die afternoon, the Works of
the Columbus Hemp R ,pe Manufactur
ing Company, which are situa'ed j u-t
biyot-d lb, li ic oftho Notth Common and
the lower edge of Womatkville, were
destroyed by fire. It is said the fire
originated iu the Picker Room, from
which it spread wiih an irresistai le fury
to all other parts of the buildings
The Engine aud Ilook aid Ladder
Companies, nothwi bstantbng the dis
tance, wore soon on the spoi, but not in
time to arrest the da.: es until they had
acconuplishid their work of and strtc ion
The machinery and nearly all the stock
in the establishment were burned, hut
were covered by insurance in Companies
represented by P. F. Wile x, E-q.
Lns supposed to he about SIO,OOO.
Rumor. Mr. Joseph,' the Coolie
agent at Cnarleston, S. C., has tec- ivtd
orders to su ply nine thousand laborer
at once. One thousand will he employ
ed upon the Siluia, Rome <0 Dalton
railroad. Another thousand uro for
SAUNDERS.—Mts. M. C M. Saundets
wile of Oapt. 7. F. Saunders, and daughter
ol E. B. and N. B. L«yles>*, was born in
Richmond county, Ga., Nov. 16 b, 18SD, and
died in Wes-on, Webster county, G.i., on the
l-2ih of Sept., 1869, iu the thirty eighth year
of tier age.
Sister Saunders was the daughter of pious
parents, and when qui e a small girl joined
the M. E. chutch, professed religion, and
ever afterwards adorned the profession she
made. Ttiere is, perhaps, no earthly gilt
from our Heavenly Father that should be so
highly esteemed as that of a lovely, dutiful
child, a devoted wife, or a tiue mother.
Such a gift God gave to her paren's, hus
band and children, in the person of her
whose death is here announced. She was
single-minded, earnest - hearted, sincere,
faithful, domestic, devoted and loving m all
the relations of child, companion and moth
er, and seemed to have two great centres ot
love and confidence, labor and faith, where
her heart, rested, and safely trusted, viz : her
family and church. With these and the
society of the good, she found her duties,
her privileges, and her enjoyments. Her
friendship knew no abatement on account ol
distance or time, and the trueness of her na
ture was a mu'ual enduring link between her
and her friends: and it may tru ybe said of
her that she was everything that consututeu j
a good child, devoted wire, and true mother.
Religion early appeared in her and was mau
ifesld during hie in the form of sell-sacri
fiee. She was self-denying, yet charitable
and generous toward others, and those who
kuew her best loved her most. Not only a
large circle of fond relations, but many I mi
lies and the church in this community, have
experienced a bereavement that will long be
felt. During her last illness her house was
crowded with anxious friends, and her burial
was at'ended by a large crowd of weeping
j friends. She leaves a disconsolate husbaud
and lour lovely children, but their loss is her
’May they solve .bat iheU.n
ily Ciiole above may be completely God
own time. .
Wedon, Ga . Sept. 20th, 1869.
Dawsov, Sept. 22. 5 p m -OjMon;
recei. ts not so heavy—market dull and
drooping- buyers are at a loss to know
how to bid, owing to the daily tint
vorable news from Liverpool and New
v i. We quote extremes Isa—>,
Jut dearies 22; Shoulders 18;
! Batreinf? 28*80; Iron lien 9alo
I Macon, Sept. 21—Cotton li»2i>
1 extremes; Bacon dear «ldoe2H, Stum.;
I I" i; Bagging, Borneo, 00u.51,
I BnL-ing Kentucky 28a28i; Bagging,
1 r ,nnev 271 to 28; Iron ties 8c per lb.
i S. P ;. 21. Cotton tm.i
-dlis»U'.- Sept
10 1 4; l.urd
j "°n e w York, Sept. 22 f) p, m —Cot
tou dull, 28 1 2; Bold $1 40.
Special Notices.
£'v’‘l he WONDtnvCL nwiMM «'(
tho is showing itself daily in
1 tlie blooming cheeks of our former
ornacintod citizens, nil of whom declare
that until they tried this great
‘■hill find fever o speller, they knew not
what it was (•.he cleat, even for 11 few
'lays, of tho scourge of our Southern
country ; thanks to science and otireu
I' PP ising townsman ; we need no lon
ger four tho great scourge, and wo
can now goon <>ur way rejoicing that
at last a conqueror is at baud which
wiil instantly expel from our system
chills and fever, dumb ague, and those
diseases incidental to malarious cli
mato-i. Keep a bottle of the Pyrnfoge
in tho hpmse, and !*R soon as the chill
or fever is felt commence Tint?
at once you are ready making a last
j >g and permanent euro.— UrpUcau.
'One hundred Venrs now [p*ij the
brated Plantation Bittsus were as glo-
in the We.-g; Indies hs
knowrT in £ a'es. , it: is they
were r ot known Ayy that nninr, but lheirltont-,
pouenta and manner of niannfacturinp were
the s-iuje—save that there has been add- and
Calixni/a or Peruvian liark, celebrafcd the
world over for its wonderful tonic froperties.
Even to this day these Bitters are popiilfras"
ever, and their sale and uso on these Idands
is eonstan increasing, and there con hard
ly a family be found, rich or poor, who is
without them. We do not wish to impute
any wrong; to the Arneiiean proprietors of
these Bitters, but that they are the origina
tors, we most stoutly deny, and they must,
take such umbrage at it as they please. At
ihe same time we take this occasion to say
that a more valuable tonic Biiters cannot be
found in all the world. We consider them
just the thine: for weak and delicate females,
and all those requiring a mild and gentle
Maqnoma Water.—Superior to the best
reported German Cologne, and sold at hal
the price.
llrrk's Your #IOO. —Do you want it? We
will give SIOO for any case of chills which we
cannot cure by the use of our “King of
Chills.” Don’t ca»e if you have h and the
shakos ever since the “woods were burnt.”—
Come along and be cured, or take your #IOO
Any humbug about that ? We dare you to
accept Cases of twelve months standing can
be thoroughly eradicated by the use of this
wonderful combination.
All kinds of chilis are immediately cured bv
its use. Ir, cleanses the stomach, arouses the j
liver and carries off all bilious accumulations, '
when used according to directions. “King
o! Chills,’ is prepared and used by physicians;
never affects the head, ears or nerves, is
pleasant, cheap and affectual. One dollar per
bet le. Sold by all druggists.
J. F. DROMGOOLE & CO., Prorrietors,
Memphis, Tenn.
Tli (> Advertiser, havibeng on restored to health
in a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after
having suffered several years with a severe lung
affection, and that dread disease, Consumpeion—
is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers
the means of cure.
To all who desire it, lie will send a copy of the
prescription used (free of charge,) with the direc
tions fur preparing and using the same, which
they will find a sure cure for Consumption, rtsth
ma, Brouchitis, etc. Tho object of the advertiser
in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflict
ed, and spread information which he conceives to
be invaluable; ami lie hopes every sufferer will
try bis remedy, as it will cost them nothing, and
may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription, will please ad
dress Kcv. EDWARD A. WILSON.
je3:ly Williamsburg, Aiugs county, N. Y
A Goo'!', man who suffered for years from
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all
the elf els of youthful indiscretion, will, for
Ihe sake of suffering humanity, send free to
all who need if, the receipt, and directions for
making the simple remedy by which he was
■ ured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad
vesti'er’s experience, can uo so by address
ing, in perfect confidence,
um3;ly No. J 2 Cedar street, NY'.
TERRELL Cos. Ga., Aug. 17, 1869.
Messrs. Janes tt’ Lories*,
l)av'so w, Ga.
Gents : I have cured four cases of Chills
and F.’ver with the bo'tlo of Wilhofts Anti-
Periodic, or Fever and Ague Tonic, purchased
of you about three tjeeks «go. I believe it
is the best preparation for Chills, extant, and
if taken according to directions, will never
ftil so cure the most obstinate case of chills
and fjver, aud there will be uo return of
Chills. I recorgtnend il to all suff rins: with
chills and fever. .J M POWELL.
wbuhmjvfWA ii i—— i winn *T f pnasHKBSR*
New •Advertisements.
O~|XHK partm r-hip Heretofore existing
4jL under the firm, name and style ot
Pratt & Grim, is this day di-solvcd, by
mutual consent. PRATT & GRIM.
Daws in, September 15, 1869.
We return our thanks to our friends
and customers 1 r the very liberal pat
ronage given us, at;d ask that the same
m 'y be given to the new firm of Crim &
Tucker, who will carry on the same bus
iness at the old stand
sep23;tf Pit ATT & CRIM.
undersigned have this day
formed a c -partnership f r the
purpose of doing a general Mercantile
business, and a s k ol a liberal public a
share of their patronage. We occupy
the old stand of Pratt &, Crim.
Dawson, Ga., Sept. 15jtf
\fj canvass the Cotton belt, to sell
Stale and County Rights to my
Reliable, good business men wanted, and
none other.-. To such I will give good terms
This Planter has been H-lly tested, and
may be seen at the State Fair in “aeon in
November next. E I BEAUuHAMI.
Dawson, Os., Sept. 23-2 m.
. I I Persons are kindlv requested not to
\ intrude any tarther oo my land by haul-
I ilia off wood or limber.
i g . ,i is done Iron, this date, the trespasser
will be dealt with as
j Sepl. ‘2 j—H*
;.v#:»»’ .tit »’f- it t'Msi\ui:.rTs
fTTOUpb? H MW,
.Itncon, - tJrarefla.
Uril-I. give attention to I’tofesaional Bual
neaa in the Matron, South, western, and
Battalia Circuits; in the IT. S. Couits, in Sa
vannah and Atlanta; and by Special Con
i tract in anv part of the State.
_ Sept. ‘23, ’69 ; ly.
#IkAdtES jjeasure in announcing to the ci i
•_ zens of Dawson aud surrounding coun
.trv, that lie hag determined to relieve the
a first ciffis
•Bakery-iflf Jbnfectionery,
in this place, on Depot street, next door to
J. W. Roberts & Cos., where lie is ready, at
all times, lo lurnish families with
And will, at the shorlest uotice, furnish ail
kinds of delicacies for
IV addition to the above, I am fining up,
and will have opeti, by the First of Octo
ber, a
Where I will be prepared to cater to the
wants of the inner man, in the way of
etrsTEits, ii'ild o.e.fiE xc.
served to suit every vaiiety of taste.
We would say to our customers that no
Liquors will be kept, and ladies can, without
diffidence visit onr hougp, with the assurance
that we will do everything in our power to
merit their patronage. Give me a call.
Don’t forget the place. Depot street next
door te J. W. Roberts & Cos.
Jtfillipfy (joed?, fajicy (Soq^,
Yankee Notions,
Etc., Etc., Etc.
(Vext Door to Dr. Cheatham I ',)
r |' , IIAXKKUL for the patrorage given me
1 since I have been in business, 1 hope to
merit, a continuance of the p.nme, by close
appiicatiou to business, aud a desire lo please
those who may favor me with a call. J/y
stock of Fall and Winter Goods will com
prise ell articles needed by the Ladies in the
Vl'llinery linp, also Fancy Goods and Yankee
.Notions, 10 sui' the wants ol Ladies, Misses
and Children. M.y object is to piease those
who call on me, and a.-k of the ladies of Ter
rell, Calhoun aud Wcb'ter counties, and ail
who trade at Dawson, lo call and examine
my stock. Sept. 23 •it-
(South side Public Square,)
Dawson, - - - - - Gcorgin.
VHTAAVING ju9t returned from the
LIUL North with a large and well se
lected S O'k of Goods, const-ting in part
of Bonnes, Ladies’, Children's and
Mis-es Hats, Ribbons, Flowers, Hose,
Hoods, Skirts, Dress
Trimming, Perfumery, and many other
things to suit ihe taste and piease ihe
Tnatikful for the liberal patronage
given me last season, I respectfully so
licit a continuance of the same. The
ladies of Terrell and ndj ioir.g counties
are respectfully invited to call and ex
amine my stock beforo purchasing else
friy bepaftpiept
will be supplied with all the latest styles
and designs of the season. Have tnat'e
arrangements to get patterns direct, (
monthly, in order to give the ladies full j
advantage of every change in style. ;
All work wrrranted, and satisfaction \
guaranteed, at reasonable charges. A
fair trial is all I ask.
Sept. 23;tf.
nut non sins,
Are again in successful operation, fully
prepared to execute all orders with dis
patch, and at prises as low as the lowest..
The most extensive stock of patterns, (an ac
cumulalton of ,0 years,) in the State. Supe
rior J/echanics and Draughtsmen employed,
and all work warranted.
Steam Engines, Ciicular Saw jwdls, M ill
aid Gin Gearing, Water Wheels, Sugar-f/iMs
1 and Kettles, J/ill Spiud>e», Gudgeons, Iron
I Railing lor Cemete.iies, PuAflc and Private
Buildings, Store Fronts, Window Lintels,
Columns, Door Sills, Brnamental Vemilaiors,
Window Weights, Shafting, Hangers and
Pullies, &■!., Ac. In fact, any and every
kindof'A/achinery Iron and Brass Castings, aml
Wrot Iron Work.
We are sole .Vanufac'urerf, at this point,
of the justly celebrated
Utley Cotlon Press. Also, Boh
lein'ti Horse Power, hiki 1 eu
tiiiigtoii’s Horse Power)
and Agents for the
Needle Cotton Hill.
•Sept. 23;3ui.
JGD ICU T r i'2ST32DR, (Proprietor.
J. W. Johnston Green 13. Thompson*
T FAE sure you know where we are, as we have been very particular in se
ifijlecting our goods, such as w ill please the people of Southwest Georgia,
and if you buy before calling on us, you will forever regrot it.
IS now complete, and consists of just such goods as is waDted by all classes.
Wc intend to be able to sell our customers Staple Goods, Dress Goods,
White Goods, Fancy Goods, Y’ankee Notion*, Ha's. Bouts and
Shoes, Clothing, Hardware, Hollow Ware, Woolen
Ware, Family Groecries, &c., &c.,
JEW JOHNSON returns his thanks for the extensive patronage he ha s
heretofore received from a generous public, and asks that bis old patrons, and
many new ones call and see what an American JEW can do for them.
Our Mr. Thompson is ooly 7/.I LF JEW, stilt be has fallen info Ku'tncr’s
habits of selling oheap goods, and persists in so doiog. Cimc along and let us
do yon good. Sept. 16, 3m.
1899. Fill TIJIB. »8«».
it a ess noons. \'.ij%'kee jcotmoj%'s ,
a have selected for our market a stock of FIRST CLASS GOODS,
and while I do not profess lo sell cheaper that) any one else, I propose and
intend so sell, as cheap as oan be afLrded, the class of gjods 1 deal in. I buy
no shoddy stuck, but
|My stock iji Complete, call api see for Yoli^elVe^,
at MY OLD STAMD, until the first of October. After that time, you wilt
find me under tbc LOYLESB HALL.
Sept. 16—3 m.
Fall & Winter Goods !
Bought for the Cash and at Low Prices!
WE have received our large and attractive stock of Goods, bought by our
Mr. McKinney in New York, when GOLD was selling at low rates, and
now offer them to the public at such prices as will nstoi ish every oue.
Our stock comprises a variety of
And all goods needed in the family, or on the plantation. Come and see for
vourselves. At our old stand, next door to J B. Perry's. Depot street.
McKinney & crouch.
P. S —After the first of October wc may bo found »t the old stand of W. M.
Peeples, corner of block. McK. & 0.
Agricultural ImpleineiU^
Sugar Mills,
(tin Gearings,
Thomas Water Wheels,
Shafting and Pulleys,
Iron and Brass Castings,
Mill Work of livery Description,
Dressed Lumber, etc., etc.
| Old C*st Iron, Brass aDd Copper purchased at the highest market price.
All orders promptly attended to.
0. 0. NELSON, Pres’t, - - H. ATKINSON, Suo’t.
DawsoD, Ga., September
UIIOItGIA, Terrttll County:
Thirty dt.ys after dato application
will be mado to the nary of said
aounty, f.r le'ters of Guardianship on
the person and prot city of Blrnira 11.
James aid- Juhn A. Kennedy, minor
children ts the underrigned.
Notice to Debtor* au4 Creditors*
ALL persons indebted to the estate
of J. W. Haddock, kte of Terrelk
county, deoei sed, aro hereby req leeUd
to make immediate payment, and thoso
having demands are ri quested to pre
sent them, prop, rly authenticated, with
in the time presetiLo Iby law.
sepii3;6t MKrtsim M. Haddock.
Administratrix Notice.
fphirty days after date, application will bo
_L made to the Court of Ordinary of Terrell
county, for leavo to sell all the land belong
■ng to the estate of James Haddock, late of
Terrell countv deceased.
Sept.lß,’69-4w. Administratrix.
Terrell Court of Ordinary*
At Chambers, Skpt 13m, 16Gth
IT is ordered that the following per centum
be, and the same is lierebv levied on tho
State tax as a County tax tor Terrell county,
for the year 18ti9, to-wit : 4A per cent, for
Bridge Fund i IT l-$ per cent, for Pauper
Fund ; 37 1-2 per cent, for County Purpo e
Fund ; 12 1-2 per cent, for Jury Fund ; lfl
1 2 percent, for Educational Fund, gnd 21
per cent, for Building, Repairing, Painting,
Ac. T. m. Junes,
sept. 10-2 t. Ordinary.
G< G.OltOsl t, 'IVi-nil County:
T Whereas, 1) F. Lnwhorn, Administra
tor on ihe estate of J. K. Shines, applies to
me to- leave to sell the land ot said estate.
iit se are therefore to cue and admonish
all persone concerned, lo b« and appear at
my office, within the time prescribed by law,
aud file their objections, if they have any,
otherwise an order will be granted in terms
of the law. T. yi. JONA’d, Ord.
Sept. 16 4t.
('lovington .Dumas has applied for ex-
J emption of personalty and setting apart
and valuation of Homestead, to be heard at
1 o’clock p. m.,on the 23rd day of September
next, at my office, in Dawson. Ga.
Beptl6;2w T. M. JONES, Ord’y.
WILL be sold before the Court House
door in the town of Dawson said coun
ty on the Ist Tutsday in Oct. next, within
the legal hours of sale the following property
to-wit : One house and l-d in the village of
Chickisawhalchie, and knowu as the place
whereon C. J. Turner lormerlv resided. Lev
ied on as Ihe property of V J Turner ts sat
isfy a fi fa, issued from the Superior Cohit of
Terrell co, iu favor of John tVillians vs. C .f
Turner—Principal, \V H Turner and P 1.
Wilburn, Setys.
Also, at the same time and place, Two
cows ann Calves. Levied oa as the pioperty
of Ch. R.iusliingburg to satisfy a fi fa, issued
from Terrell County Coert in favor of-George-
Sharp, Jr. vs. Ch. Raiuhenbere.
t? F LASSATAJt, Sa’ffi
Sep - 9;‘ds
C~4 EORGIA, T<«rr«‘ll Couniy :
A Whereas, George Chapman, Guardian
for L. C. Stewart applies for leave to sell tbq
real estate belonging to said minor.
These are therefore to eite and admonish all
persons concerned, lo be and appear at my
office within the lime prescribed by law, and
show cause, if auv, why said letters should
not be granted. Given under my hand and
official signature, this September 9'h, 1869.
T. M. ./ONES,
eepj;3od Ocdinary.
Cl EORGIA, Terrell Cociufy:
X Whereas, W. W. Farnum applies for let
ters of dismission from administration ot the
estate ofCinthia Devreaux,
These arc thereso r e to cite and admonish all
pprsens concerned to be and appear at tuy
office within the time prescribed by law, and
show cause, if any, why said letters should
not begrauted. Given under my hand and
official signature- this April 29th 1869,
apr29;6m Ord’y.
/GEORGIA, Tyrrell County:
VJT Whereas, E. G. Hill, Executor of R. S.
Jordan, applies for letters of dismission
from F»id estate.
'l bcse are therefore (o cite and admonish
all persons concerned, to he and appear at my
office within the lime prescribed by law, and
allow eau-e, if p.nv, why said letters should
not. be granted. Given und.w tin hand, and
official signature, this July Bih, 1869.
Ju!vß3in T. it. JON KS, Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Terrell Comity:
Whereas, J. J. Davi. applies for let
ters of dismission from the estate of Bennie
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned, to bo and appear at
my office within the time prescribed by law,
and show cause, if any, why said letters
should not he granted. Given under my
hand and official signature, this September
16th, 1869, T. M. JON£S,Ord,
Sept. 16, lam-Sm.
/ 1 EORGIA, Terrell Comity:—
* J Whereas, Geo. A. Lofton applies for
letters of dfifinission on the estate of D B Ra
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned, to be and appear at mv
office within the time prescribed by law, and
show cause, if any, why said letters should
not be granted. Given under my hand, ami
official signature, this September <Pb, 1869.
sej 9;oam3m T. .If. JONES, Ord’y.
Valuable Plantation for Sale,
I OFFER for sale on terms that will be undo
satisfactory to a good responsible purehas*
VW) 4 W the reason that I am not a planter.—
»iy plantation, six miles on the Riilroad be
low I>awson, 2 1-2 mites from CL-—a’ milk
containing 1417 1-2 acres. This place is
healthy, acknowledged to bo one of the best
places in the county of Terrell, being a good
stock farm, well watered, good orchards, autd
in short, a desirable home.
sep2,lm Obarlestou, S.O.
tw \m J imt makes it ralnable is
T T because it contains so much practi
cal, original matter in such a small space.”—
John J. Thomas.
‘-The directions for growing Strawberries
and Raspberries ate the best I have ever
seen."—Henry Ward Beecher.
We could give hundreds of jn-t such testi.
moniats, showing the value ot tbis little work.
It, should be in the bands of every person,
whether the owner of a rod sqvare of crowndt
or a hundred eeres. Tree agents should have
a copy. It contains 40 pages. Price 10 cents.
Fall price list, wholesale and retail, and also
terms to agents and those desiring t* get up.
h club tor plants sent fbek to all applicants.
Parties at the South or on Pacific Coast
should ord"r plrota in the fall. Address,
ri RDY & JOHNSTON. P.liuy'a.T ’
h'-ptUk «r@Spi