Newspaper Page Text
AGiiUIJI/r liflfiAß..
Secretary’s Circular.
Offipe Ga. Stats Ao.h’c’l Society, ■)
GO Mulberry street, M Ga , V
September 18, 18G9 j
Tho Secretary askoowledges the re
ceipt of some two hundred and fifty cop- j
ies of the Agrieulturand Department
Reports, for 1867, from the Hon. S. F. j
Gove ; also,a like number from the lion.
Mr. Prince, Members of Congress from 1
Georgia; twenty-fire copies directly!
from the Department of Agriculture j
two hundred volumes lrom the Depart- - ,
ment of the Intcriur, upon tbo order of i
llin H. V. M. Miller, ia favor of the
Society ; copies of the transactions (J
the Ohio State Agricultural Society,
from 1862 to 1869, from Mr. Gove;
twenty-five copit sol Mineral Resources
West of llockcy Mountains, from Mr,
S. F. Grove; twelve copies of the Re
port of the Agricultural Society of Mas
sachusetts, for ISGB, from Mr. Flint,
Bcctetary ; the seii.s of Annul Reports
of the Slate Agricultural Society of Io- '
wa, from Mr. Shaffer, Secretary ; five
copies of the Cemgrcs-ionai Globe and
Appendix, Second Session, Fortieth
Congress, from Mr. Gove.
This office is at all times open to re
ceive on exhibition or for sale all sptc
imens of seeds, implements and ma
chines, which are immediately or indi
rectly connected with progressive agri
cultural or with the comfort and orna
ment of cultivated homes. All produ
cers, manufacturers and inveutors arc
invited to forward them to this office—
freight paid.
Mr. Stephens, of Baldwin county,
has deposited io this office for examina
tion, specimens of pipes for drainage of
all sizes, from 1 to 15 inches in diame
ter, also specimens of fiie brick, l’ar
ties may exuniue aDd leave orders. As
it is iutended to connect with the office
cot only a museum of all im dements,
machines and new inventions, but also
specimens of all the ores and minerals
of the State, the members of Slate and
County Agricultural Societies, aic re
quested to bring with them to the Fair
if not a specimen of every stone or miu
cral iu tluir oouuty, at least, oue or two
of the most interesting. Mining coma
panies arc requested to furnish a good
specimen of the ores in which they are
operating and a specimen of tbo meta]
smelted or extracted therefrom.
A ten dollar premium will bo given
to the County Agricultural Society or
individual which will contribute the
most interesting collection of stones or
minerals aud fossils to be found is
any oue couuty.
A premium of ten dollars will bo giv
en to any indiv.dnal or County Agri
cultural Society which shall bring the
greatest variety of wood from any ono
county —the samples to be in sections,
sawed vertically to the grain, showing
the annular rings or anuular growth of
each tree, and of from uuc to tour inch
es in thickness, accoidiug to the diamc
ter of the sample—each sample to have
the bark on it; tho object beiug to as
certain bow many kinds of woody
growths there are iu the State and the
varieties of each.
At the suggestion of members and
correspondents, the Lllowing premiums
srs offered :
For the fastest single harness
horse—trotting. SIO,OO
For the fastest pur harness hor
ses—trotting, 10,00
(Open to the world )
For the best horse-oollar, for
plough and wagon, SIO,OO
For the fastest single harness
horse—open to the world, 10,00
For the fastest pair harness nerr
ses—open to the world, 20,00
All the above premiums to be subject
to the approval of the Executive Com
The notice given in the premium list
here repeated, that all articles of merit,
of whatever kind, will’ be carefully ex
amined and reported upon, even if not
mentioned or provided for in the regular
published list.
If an individual has an articU to ex*
nibit which ho may suppose to be exclu
ded beoause the published list confines
the premium to Georgia raised or Geor
gia manufacturers, still let him or them
enter for a premium, lor under the reg
ulations. if the most meritorious, the ap
tide willreoeive a premium.
In a few days will be published a
bulletin containing in full, the regula
tions and the order for the opening and
management of the Fair.
D. W. Lewis,
See. Ga. State Agricultual Fair.
Papers of the State will please pub
lish and furnish this office with one
1 urner, the negro parson and ex-post
master, is ruaning a negro camp meet
ing in Putnam, the J’ress says, to the in
finite annoyance of the entire neighbor
hood. °
from the Columbus Enquirer. |
Vk’liul i- lint Cause of Ku-i.
Editors Enquirer : In your weekly
issue of the *J4th, you have an article
on “Rust in Cotton,” in which you re
fer to the viowa of planters in various
sections of the Htuto, and conclude by
soliciting the views of your "planting
friend*. I respond to your request)
more w ith the hope of calling out alder
mid more experienced pens, than offer,
ing anything of my own that would
throw light upon the subjict. I con
cur with others, that rust is more pre
valent and destructive or. manured
than on unmaDurod cotton. This is
too plain to admit of controversy. I
presume there are but few planters
j who have not ocular demonstration of
! this fact upon their own premises. The
- fact, then, is indisputable; but why is
j it so, and bow is it so, and how is it to
I be prevented 7 That one kind of ma
nure lias a greater tendency to pro
1 duce rust than another, I have serious
doubts. I have cotton upon w hich I
j have used “Soluble Pacific,” and also
! “Dickson’s Compound,” and it is equal
ly destructive on both. I have noticed
cotton, upon a neighboring plantation,
manured w ith cotton seed, which is as
badly injured by rust as that upon
] which guano has been used; hence 1
conclude that it is not attributable to
the kind of manure used, and that we
' must look to sorre other source for the
That the rust is produced by an in
sect I have no doubt, but it is a great,
mistake to suppose that it is the com- '
nun plant house, or aphis, as some im- j
agine. The insert causing rust is the
plant mite or red spider. You inay
find an interesting article upon this!
subject in tho Southern Cultivator lor j
1848, by Dr. N. T Sorsby, of Ala
bama, and aj one time, I believe, a
resident of your city.
Admitting that this spider causes
the rust (and I think there can be no
controversy upon this point,) the ques
tion arises, what are the conditions or j
circumstances most favorable to its pro
duction and propagation? You sug
gest the idea- Mr. Editor, that “the
Gucno makes a rapid, tender and sap
j y growth of the cotton plant, and this
condition of the plant is just what the
aphis delights in. Now, sir, my ob- |
servatioß and experience is directly the
o| pi site of tliis; and that tho disease
in question is caused by deficient nu
trition, from whatever cause, whether
from exhaustion of the nutritive prop- ]
erties in the soil, or from the absence
of l ain in sufficient quantities to place
the nutritive elements in the soil, either
naturally existing or artifk itilly applied
in a state suitable to be taken up and
appropriated to the nourishment and
growth of ibe plant.
So long as the plant maintains a
rapid, healthy, and succulent grow th,
you need be under no apprehension
from rust; but as soon as its growth
is checked by heal and dry weather,
you may expect its appearance. Ibo
lieve the observation of planters will
bear mo out in the assertion that, so
long as the rains continued and the
cotton maintained a “rapid, tender and
sappy growth,” no sign of rust ap
peared ; and that it made its appear
ance only after the hot and dry weath
er of July and August set in.
I am supported in this opinion by
Dr. Sorsby, above quoted, who says ;
“Frequent rains during summer, by
forcing the growth of the plant on
rich land, check their ravages tempo
The cause fcn9 been ascertained, but
how about the cure. Ah, there’s the
rub. I have but little faith in any ap
plications to tho plant after the appear
ance of the disease We must look to
preventives rather than cures The
most feasible preventive that suggests
itself to my mind is thorough prepara
tion of the soil before planting. Let
the land be deeply plowed, eubsoiled,
no matter whether tho land be clay or
sandy; and where fertilizers are used)
put them deep in tho ground, and then
let the culture be light, 60 as not to
disturb the roots of the plant. Os
course :ve cannot supply the lack of
moisture ; we must do all that reason
and experience indicate, aod then
leave it to the Giver of all good to send
“the early and the latter rain.”
Taylor county, Ga., Aug. 29. 1869.
Incorrigible —ATSfcdjer ol a coun
try school had a very pu
pil, who was given somewhat to svftc.’'
ing. Having uttered an oath in viola
tion of the teacher s rules, be was or
dered to take the tongs, and go to the
corner of the room, there to watch a
hole in the floor until he could catch a
mouse, the teacher supposing it would
be a great punishment. The urchin
gazed steadfastly at the aperature,
while the teacher, with his face turned
from him, was engaged with the other
scholars. At last he heard the old
tongs go bang ! He turned his eye
quickly upon the youth, who yelled,
exultingly, as he displayed a mouse to
hia view:
“Master, I’ve got the darned little
JYetc ts,
WmjTtn A (rent H to (~11 S R BVIC E
W IM | C li Ar'I.OAT in tho Sumter and
Alabama by Hdiniral Kaphael Seinmcn. 30,00<*oj»-
ien Mold dui‘inj| tie' first four month*. It 1* a moat
(fraphie and llinllmy: dcaeription of the wlvm
tiirvH of this commander and Ida contrafe*, writ
ten by .S'entineH himnelf, and everybody taken it
without Holicitatioii, no matter what their pollßc*.
IVa will furnish the name* of over 125 who
have Hindis unwin d* of s3uoper mouth net, with
thl* book. .Sold only by nnbscription, and exelu
*ive torritory tfiven to pood agent*. Addre**
/’. I. bIhBLK .V CO.,
208 Main St., I.ottUvillo, Ky.
Est a:, wasirrsf- n.
as diploma at office will show, has been
longer engtgod in the treatment ot Venereal,
Sexual and Private D Manes, than any other
phvaic'an in St. Loui*.
Syphilis, Gonorrhea , Gleet , Stricture, Or
bhitis Hernia, and rupture ; all Urinary Dis
eases avd Srphililic or Mercurial Afflictions
of the throat, Skin or Bones, aie tieaied with
unparalleled micccs*.
Spermatorrhea, Sexal debility and Impo
tence as the result of self-abu e iu youth, sex
ual excess in mature years, or o'ber causes,
and which produce some of the following ef
fects, as nocturnal emissions, blotches, debil
ity, dizirtess, dimness of sight, confusion of
ideas , evil forbodings, aversion of society of
females, loss of memory and sexual power,
and tendering marriage improper, are per
manently cured.
j Dr. Whitaker publishes a MEDICAL PAM
PHLET rekting to ▼cnernl diseases and the
I disastrous and varied consequences of self**
; abuse, that will be sent to any address in a
feitled envelop for two stamps. Many phy
sicians introduce patients to the doctor after
| reading his medical pamphlet. Communiea*
1 tion confidential. A friendly talk will cost
you nothing. Office central, yet retired—
No. tfl7 St. Charles st., St. Louis, Mo. Hours,
y i m to 7 p. m. Sundays 12 to 2 p m.
QWPET S Sweet Quinine is warranted
D W EjEjx j C q llfl i—dose for dose to the
oiiiit 11 r I Rul l )h,lte ( bittcr ) Quinine with
fill IMI Mr i Hie important advantage ot
yUlivlliL v* being sweet instead of bitter.
# • is Opium /^trifled
Mionni'o I °f Its sickening and poisonous
O V (11) 11 Id I properties, it i* the most per*
I J feet Anodyne aud Soothing
Opiate ret discovered. Sold by .Druggists, pres
cribed by the best Physicians. Mane only by
StcaHls, Farr Ss Cos.; Mfg. Chemists, N. Y.
7he Best Scheme Ever Offered to the Public
Pally Authorized by Law ! ! !
SEVKA splendid Ohio River Bottom Farms, o
ver Eight //uudred Actc& of which are clear
ed and tinner cultivtion, and liafebeen rented the
present year for sl2 i or acre, money rent.
flood bonds for the rent have been taken, and
will he assigned to those drawing stud Farms;
which will be $1,200 in cash to each 100 acres.
504 City L ts in Henderson Cos., Ky.,
making 511 Prizes in ail, Val
ued at $Bl-1,000.
Capital Prize *140,000 01
Smallest “ 80 00
For /’amphlets giving description of property,
containing Ac t of Legislature, and certificates of
leading gentlemen of this and other States, apply
to either of the following agents: L H Lyne,
C’ash’r /'armors Bank, Henderson, Ky.; K B Al
exander, Commercial Bank, Louisville, Ivy.; John
C Latham, President Bank, Hopkinsville, Ky.: .T
L Dallam. Commercial Bank, Paducah, Ky.: B G
Y'homas, Cashier, Lexington ky.; W B Tyler,
C'ash’r’s Deposit lik., Owensboro, ky.
Remit by drafts, Post office order, registered
letter, or, in sums of fifty dollars and upwards,
by express, to either of the above agents.
Hooker Female College.
The first session of this College will begin on
Monday, September 2 »th, ISfiO. simple accommo
dations, with a large and able Faculty, for over
three hundred scholars. Terms moderate.
For particulars apply to
Robert J/i!ligan, ) Jas. M. Hoc Nor, Propr.
Moses E. Hud > or
Jiio \V MeGarvy, \ R Graham A M PresidY
J S Wilkes, Hoard of Advice
| AND—
iiiis k muss
HAVING formed a copartnership in the
Drug business, have on hand, and are
constantly receiving, one of the largest and
best assortments of
Drugs and Pore Medicines
Ev. r before offered in this Market, which
will he sold at .JSacon I’rlren, freight
added, for the C\4SII. They buy largely
for cash, therefore can offer superior iuduco
mi nts to cash customers.
Their stock consists of
Drugs, Chemicals,
It 'll i/e Caul ground in Oil,
Faint*, either dry or in Oil,
Varnishes of all kinds,
Purest Quality,
Kerosene, Linseed
Tanner’s, Machine,
Sweet & Castor Oil,
in abundance;
Sails, Ac.
A full and complete assortment of
Patcnl ifScdicincs,
Flavoring Extracts,
Perfumery of all Kinds,
Shaving, Tooth and Hair Brushes.
In fact, everything u?uallv kept in a first
class OH VO S'tftltV. They keep,
also, for J/edical purposes, pure articles of
Superior inducements are offered to Far
mers and Physicians. Prescriptions carefully
compounded and filled by a Druggist and
Physician of experience. Don’t fo.get the
place-next door to IVm. tV©olon’s,
Perryman’s old stand, Main street.
Dawson, Ga., March 4,1869.—1 y
esaHlave you asked your
»arbor to Subscribe for (he
SAST.I AT R E .12E §> 1
, . , v. x y
Lasting & l\rniancnJ^msJ
However mate' 1
Can resist its lleultli-giviiit; Properties;
Creates an Appetite, Brings Color to
Cheeks of the Emaciated and
Strength to the Feeble.
Every Route Sold is Accompa
nied by ;i Guarantee of
The Proprietor of the PYRAFUGK chal
lenges evary case, no matter of how lone
startling, to try this GREAT CHILL AND !
FEVER CUKE, nod theu deny its wonderful
amative properties.
Miserable 'Disease,
For pale, at Wholesale, by the Sole Manu
facurer for the Untied .States, by
Lippmati's Wholesale Drag Eltsosc
Savannah, Ga.
Pain sand A c li e s,
Great R euina ti c Remedy.
Heidaebe and ail Bilious Disorders.
May ‘2O ly.
AV A i\E 1 LS’
With Iron Frame, Orerfrtruny, Bass, and
Agraffe Bridge.
Melodeons and Cabinet Organs,
Ttie best Ufaimifnclnrc«l; War
ranted for six Years.
} TUFTY New and .Second-hand Pianoa, My.
. lodeors and Orp-ans of first-class makers,
at tote prices for cash, or one third cash and
the balance iu Mouthly Imea!men*s. Second
hand Instruments at great bargains. Illustra
ted Catalogue mailed. Wareronms, 481
Broadway, N. Y. HORACE WATERS.
The Waters’ Fianos are known as among
the very best. — N. Y. Evangelist.
We ann apeak of the merits of the Waters’
Pianos from pergonal knowledge as being of
the very best quality.— Christian Intel.
The Waters’ Pianos are budt of the best
and most thoroughly seasoned material.—
Advocate efr Journal.
Our friends will find at Mr. Waters’ store
the very best assortment of Pianos, Melo
deons and Organs to iie found in the United
St a' rs. Graham's Maqazitie.
MI 81CAX. DOlXfiS.—Since Mr. Waters gave
up publishing sheet music, he lias devoted his
whole capital and attention to the manufacture
and sale of Pianos and Melodeons- lie has just
issued a catalogue of his new instruments, giving
anew scale of prices, which shows a marked re
duction from former rates, and his Pianos have
recently been awarded the First Premium at sev
eral Fairs. Many people of the present day, who
are attracted, if not confused, with the flaming ad
vertisements ol rival piano houses, probably over
look the modest manufacturer like Mr. Waters;
but we happen ,to know that his instruments
earned him a good reputation long before Expo
sitions snd “hohors” connected therewith were
ever thought of; indeed, wehaveone of Mr. Wa
ters’ Pianofortes now in our residence (where it
has stood for years,) of which any manufacturer
in the world might well be proud. We have al
ways oecn delighted with it as a sweet toned aud
powerful instrument, and there is no doubt ofits
durability ; more than this, some of the best ama
teur players in the city, as well as several celebra
ted pianists, have performed on the same piano,
and all pronounce it a superior and first-class ih
ttrument. Stronger endorsement we could not
give. —Home Journal.
A specimen ot the above Pianos can be
seen at my residence. VV. M. Peeples,
jan2l;lyw Agent.
Anti-Periodic, or
Fever and Ague Tonic,
If'in invariably cure nil
Miasmatic fevers, viz :
Chill? and Fever, or Fever and Ague
Dumb Chill?, Congestive Chills, or
Pernicious Fever, Dilious re
mittent Fever.
nprins is a remedy which lias been used by the
, author in the above named diseases for ttie
last ton years, with the happiest results. Even
in those obstinate cases, in which Quinine, Arse
-1 ruMiate of Iron had been used in vain
this remedy effected a cure in two or three days!
without a reVagse ever occurring.
The advantages that the Anti I'eriodlr posses
es above all remea%« of this class, consist in the
fact: r irst—That it invariably breaks up the fe
ver, together with the liability to return on the
/th, 14th, and 21st days. Second—That It does
not occasion any of the head symptoms, like those
produced by Quinine. And Third -That it can
be administered to children of the most tender
ago, with impunity. L. W. Hunt & Cos., whole
sale agents, Macon, Ga. For sale iu />awson by
Jaucs ALoyiess. mchlß;tf
A persons are hereby cautioned not ‘o
TV trade for two promissory notes for S4OO
each. One due Ist January i 870 ; the other
due Ist January 1871— both made payable to
J. D. J/cKelier, or bearer. The consideration
of said notes huviug entirely failed, I will not
pay them, unless required by law to do so
s<p?;3t W. A. IIAKKELSON.
Tho Purest, Best and Choapost
J<i€KEl axk
w xSxfc-'Wtiir
m ..
Is; bcNar''Nthan%rtf-rcguVr > shaped
’tlmw reasons: First—lt cuts and. ep r. .S' cond
XRk in the wo Ti i^; —
F ou; tfi .mo is wast
kedin taking the* Axe oufoPTlm cut. Fifth—
>With the -aroe labor you will do one-third
more _wo>k than wRb legnlar IL and
paint nas no'hing tb- do with the good quali-
for all our Axes are painted
I! your hardware store does not keep
.nur goods we will gladly.answer inquiries or
-ItH ybur orders direct, or give you the name
of the nearest dealer who keeps our Axes.
Piitsburgh, Pa.
Sole owners of Colburn’s k, Red Jacket pat’s.
Eslcy Coltilgv is the
. best and cheapest. Contains the. latest
improvements Vox Humana and Vox Jabi
lante. J. ESTF.Y & CO., Solo llanufactors,
Brattleboro, Vt.
$9 A DAY for all, AddroßH A..L Fullam, N. Y.
1?lll|>(0VlftlC k lll that pays. For part e*
pillars address S M SPENCER & CO., Brat
tleboro, Vt.
ASK your I>o**tor or
wool Quinine—lt equals (Rit e*)
Quinine. J/'nif’d by Stearns, Farr & Cos,
Chen.i*t, Now Yo k •
\\7 ORDS of Wisdom for Young Men on
▼ T the Ruling F ; -ion in Youth & Early
Manhood, with Self-help for the erring and
unforturate. Sent in sealed letter envelopes
free of charge. Address Howard
tion, Box P, Phila., Pa.
THIKTV YEARS' Expcriciicv
i iss llio Tl'oaßiiesit of ( liroisic
SQIR • ?»»<*Xlß:sß —a Physiolog
ical View of Marriage.— Tito cheapest book ever
published, containing over 300 pages, and !."*!> fine
plates and engravings of the Anatomy of tMe hu
man organs iii a state of health and disease, with
atreatiseon early errors, itsdeplorahlfeoiipequen
cos upon the mind and body, with the author’s
plan of treatment —the only rational and success
ful inode of cure, as shown by a report of eases
treated. A truthful adviser to the married aud
those contemplating marriage who entertain doubt
of their physical condition. Sent free of postage
to any address on receipt of 25 cts., in stamps or
postal currency, by addressing Dw I \ C7ZO/X,
N0.31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. Twq uutlior
maybe consulted upon auy’ofthe diseases upon
which lii* books treat, either personally or by
mail, and medicines sent to all parts of the world.
Oreai Distribution
By the Metropolitan Gift Cos,
( asSi Gifts to the Am’at of $590,000.
F.vrru Tirkrt Sir;:sc* ,f Fdzc.
;> eiicl! giftH, CHch sgil,u 0 j 40cash giftc, c.h li ,; (i
go “ “ 5,000 I :IJO “ “ 100
So Eleg’i Rosew’d funos, e.-icli to fj i"
75 “ “ Melodeous “ 75 to 100
850 Sewing Macl.ines 60 to 175
600 Gobi IFat.hes 75 to 80^
Cashprizee, silverware, v:i!’J at S«1 jr ui.iiou
A cl) a lice *.o draw any of the ah. vr i’r ze
for 26c. Tickets de crib'ng Prize -am seal <(
in Envelopes and well mixed, dti receipt ol
25c. a sealed ticket is drawn without choice
and sent bv mail to any addiess Too priz.
named upon it will be delivered to the ticket
holder on payment ol sl . I’r zrs are imme
diately set t to any any address by express ot
return ma 1.
You will know what your I’rz -is 1 f,ii'
you pay for it. Any prize exchnti ed f ran
otb r of same value. No blanks. Our patrons
can depend on fair dealing.
Rkfkbikceb t-We select the following
from many v,-ho hays lately drawn valuable
prizes and kindly permitted us to publish
them: Andrew J. Burns, Chicago, $10,006;
Mbs Clara S. Walker. Baltimore, Piano, $800;
James M. Matthews, D.-troit, §5,001!; John T
Andrews. Savannah, So,000; Miss Agnes Sun 1 -
mons, Charleston, Pian.o, S6OO. We publish
no names without p. rmission.
Opinions op thk Press—“ The firm is reli
able, and deserve their success.”— Weekly
Tribune, May 8. “We know them to be a
fair dealing firm W. Y. Herald, May 28.
“A friend of ours drew a SSOO nrize, which
was promptly received. —Daily News, June 3.
Send for circular. Liberal inducements to
Agents. Satisfaction guaranted. Every pack
age of sealed envelopes contains one cash
gift. Six tickets for $1; 13 for $2; 35 for 5;
110 for sls. All letters should be addressed
173 Broadway, New York.
Clieatliam's Drug Store
Aims purchase oue or more
Dollies of
Excelsior Elixir M and Iron,
The best Tonic and .llterative
Known to the Medical
Profession !
r pilE great preventive of Chills and Fever?,
X Millions Fevers and all malarious Diseas
es. Superior to all others as a Diver Medi
cine. The most reliable-prevention of res
k “fp hcU recoT ' crin K fr om Milieus and Ty
phoid Fevers, and other acute and severe at
tacks. It improves the appetite, imparts
tone and vigor to tho slomach, enriches and
punhes the blood, and keeps the Liver active
and healthy. It is no patent, secret humbug.
Dvery labei carries on its face the names of
the different articlei of which it is composed.
I hvsieians everywhere prescribe and use it.
It has no injurious effects either upon the
teeth or coats of the stomach, no matter how
long its uso may be continued.
I could, if necessary, produce the certifi
cates of at least fifty of the most respectable
m ilie s in Terrell county of its beneficial ef
fects, besides numbeia of others in different
parts of the State. C. A. CUE ATM AM.
Daw3, Ga., July Ist, 1669-3 m
Wei ptatyi Internal fteVejibe.
Assis’t Ass’rs office, loth Divs’n, 2d dist. 1
Morgan, Ga., July 22, 1869. (
T VV ILL be at Dawson on the first Tuesday
X and J/oDday evening before, of each
month, and at Mrown’s Station on Wednes
day after the first Tuesday in each month un
.! lurther orders for the purpose of assessing
taxes due the United States
J. 11. GRIFNIN, Ass't Xssesor
10th Division, 2d District of Ga.
11 T HARDER- j - 51 sI MJIuN3
WITH the coming season ve rospecffully offer our congratulations to our
friends, aud tender them our serviocs iu tho
Storing and Marketing thc|HCrops of Cotton & Syrup
We shall have ample room to shelter alltho
• C Storage for
ySYRUP and‘other articles sent us. \ v
0 to furni?K tbo Planters, and tha
We .«pare ugithi r ptrffis nor expense in pro'ecting and pronibt4ng the interest
of our natrons', aod shall cetitinjje to use nur utmost endeavors to make tho
Planters Warehouse BDIJ roce : ve tFc patronage of the
Planting public. We respectfully solicit your patronage.
(Siu'cessor* lo L'bcalhum, liarri* dt Cos.)
J.M. SIMMONS, one of the old, being a pa r tner in the New Firm, and being
familiar with all the points of the business, and Mr. It. T. Harper's longexpcri
enee as a Merchant, we cordially and cheerfully recomend tho new firm of
HARPER & SIMMONS to all our old patrons and planters generally, guaran
teeing to them perfect satisfaction.
Cheatham, Harris & Cos,
ID Jh. ‘W S O TsT
Titos. * LV J{ TANARUS, Ww® n
Pato us adjusted So suit aljc Fates! and mod
fuipt'oved Style.
1I A ; ! n«„rIc D 0 l ?h ll .° f! " rri * K * bu9 ' ncss ,or ."."umber of years, W c flatter ourselves with
outed. 08 W ® Ci " glVe enl,re “iwfwtion. Repairing of all kinds neatly e.e-
Wood-work, Smithing, Trimming and Painting
° o o*
will be attended to with such precision as to make our repairing rival new vehicles in ap
pearance. We intend keeping on hand a well selected stock ol the most approved
Manufacturers Patent Leather,
Japanned Curtain Cloth,
Warranted Steel Spriuga, (Patent and half Patent*
Plain Axles,
Dolts (and superior qualify,
Hubs, Spekes, .
Dent Rims,
Sliaf.s Poles, »&c., &><?.,
!!' /\ ct ’ "Mything connected witn Carriage making. Anew supply of tho above named at
To ™ 9 ! fiber ' WUh ,nrtny J other u,il1 " 8 belonging to our establishment.
firJtmh and Patronage,we intend keeping a corpse of experienced workmen in ever J
b a rich, and w 1 guarantee that our work, both new and repaired, shall not be inferior to
any, either Noith or South.
Shop on West side Main at., opposite “Journal” Printing Office.
Thomrson ' Reuben Guite ’ DawsoD - Georßia - '
Manufacturers of
620 Broadway, New York.
Arc manufacturing extensively ev
cry style cf Carriago, Buggy, and
Wagon suitable for tho South, from the
Guest Landau and Phaeton down to tLo
Mr. W. Woodruff, c f Griffin, Ga.,
well known throughout -the South as
the originator of the celebrated Doggy
called “The Woodruff Conoord,” isdd
Iho Wooruff Plantation Wagon, and
associated with u? in N. Y., where we
will always keep :l goo d stock of these
buggies and Wagons on hand, which
arc said to be superior to almost any
Qiadc iu America.
If you want any kind of a Vehicle,
good warranted Work, send your or
' ers directly to this House, or through
any of our Agent?, and they will have
prompt attention Illustrated circular? j
will be sent to any person who will I
write for them. May 6ly J
New Harness Manufactory
i.r #>xi irsar, ga.
r subscriber would respectfully o*®
1 the attention of the public generally, to
the fact, that he will make and keep on
hand, all kinds of Mi A !I*YM2SS, and will
them as cheap as they can be had in an J
market. My work is all made of tbo best
material, and made by hand and not machine*
Old Harness and Saddles repaired on short
Dawson, Ga., 3/arch 11, 1869—1 y
Oolawahie. Apply to J. L Jan® 3
on the placo, or at this office.
Sept. 16—3 t.
Carriages & Haggles