Newspaper Page Text
local COLUMN.
fc 4 in i.K't | V,!lx
__ i t? R Bullock
S'suL.rCooJ.-J W Bob.
Peeples Cotton Warehouse.
JrJ,, & Medicines- Janes & Loy,
iC To Merchants & Planters-Soy-
TiinleV Cos.
" llomLtead Notices T. M. Jones,
Ord'y- —— .
Vn Fourth Quarterly Meeting for
JgUtie»*i“ embrace the 2nd Sun
,)iv iu October. Se. vices commencing
Finduay’s Ikon Woiikb, in Macon,
Br e again in successful operation. See
advertisement Sukak Cooking Stoves,
At Fulton s.
j. W. Eobkrts & Cos. intend selling
goods this season at a less profit than
beretotoro. Small piofits and quick
sales is their motto. See their adver
Th* state A«reultural Fair, in Mn
con, will he held in November.
Will not Terreil county organize nr,
Agricultural Club, or So iety, and be
represented ? What say the | lantera
to a meeting on the Ist Tuesday in
October ? Put the bail in motion.
Wk cal! attention to the advertise*
meet of Mrs. E. A. Thompson, who
has just returned from the North with
»large supply of millinery goods, and
offers them to the ladies of Dawson
and vicinity on reasonable terms. She
proposes to keep pace will th3 fasli
iuus, having made arrangements to
have all the different designs sent to
her monthly Give her u call.
“Keapinu the Whirlwind ”
"Reaping the Whirlwind” is the title
of a thrilling Confederate Story, writ
ten for the Banner of the South, by Miss
Annie M. Barnwell, of Beaufort, S. G.
The first chapter will appear ill the ,
Banner oj the South, October 9th
Send for to L T Blomb
k Cos, Augusta, Ga. Terms, $3 per
annum The paper can be had of all
Xu * Dealers in the United States.
All at 11 oik Uur meicounts who j
want Noiih to buy their fall st »ck ol
genus are all at homo, and a peep in*
sue demonstrates the fact that there !
is and will fie, goods enough for all.
Recollect this one thing : T lie live mer
(haul I, Tips his bus .ess before the. public, j
and before purchasing, look over our j
columns and call on th se who udver j
lise. They bought their goods to se 1
and wan’t the people to know it.
Good for Dawson. —Uur stocks of
goods are eo la: go that the merchants
are offering the retail dealers from the
country, goods on such terms as con
vinces them that it is to their interest j
to buy wbut they want in our market !
Messrs Loy'ess & Griffin sold a
large bill the part week, and can do so
again. We are glad to see evidences
an increase in trade to our city
Planters will !>e convinced that this is
tbo place to buy cheap goods, if they
"id come and try one time.
State Agricultural Fair —Owing
tu the great number of visi.ore from
ether States, there is a probability of
all the Hotels m Macon being fi led’
Would it Rot bo well for those of our
section who expect to bo present to
hand together, fix up tents and
go prepared to camp? Wo would bo
glad to make one of a mess and try i
camp life for a week. What say you ?
Main Train on the S. \Y. II 11.
o are pleased to announce to our
readers that Mr. Powers, Sup't , has
80 changed the running of the freight
hain as to leave Macori & Eufuula in
the afternoon and will attach passen-'
ts Hr cars. This :s a great
un i will result in an increase of travel.
Ihe day passenger trains will run as
The thanks of our rootlets are due
Mr. I owers for his efforts to accorn •
m * alH Ure traveling public on the lino
of his road. I
hr Cub\n leader the
• • tiji Ctbin revolu'i io, is thus
wui a hy an A uerioan gentleman
has returord from the Island:
- 's a man about 45 years of ago;
s a middling stout gentleman, of agree
,, tem P (:r and is quite mild mannered
Hia eompiexim is fair, though he has I
- . row ® alr an d eyes. There is no
enc.; about him. Ho is no talker, i
* C!1 j B P eaka >t. is to the purpose. ,
*l r ,' H s English well and speaks it
a n '? t fluently At first view one
ririo /•' Ce *'' m *" or a plain, quiet, un
, , l lu *t gentb min ; but on acquaint
r ‘ , * dis <tiverF sagacity, a t.d a pro
kl,iwlp dge of men and of the
• r may may be raid that he is a
u‘ ' '"'-"'‘t’y Pfactioal ideas. He
nd! m u Vrd a ' and has a high,
p, .. :cll A h't'ee in the sueeess of
nil ' l ' on - There is no gentleman
Inn.,A *?"**’ e than he, Dor one tn ire be
larue ert 'fy body. Cespedes is a
of ,l pr,) P f rt y owner; was at the opening
ful in ’ll,. has b ' 3(>D eminently success-
H. * hts eff irts and undertakings,
is w 11 e . nd ' Jre tnueh, for his phys que
ornf-r & a P tc d to labor, oither meutal
life’; r "k.r» io .«ua ss g i,
We have to chronicle another one of
those horrible outrages, says the Al
bany News, incident to freedom and
the abuse of the pardoning power.
Mr. J. VV JauJon, son in low ol
Mr Dyke, oft! is county, and the niiio
nger ou his plantation a few miles be
low ttiis city, was stuubed and instant
ly killed on Tuesday evening last by
Joe Smith, a colored employee on the
Ti e circums'ancefi as we learned
them show fiendish malice and u mur
derous purpose in the heart ol the no
It is said that the negro hud, on
some recent occasion, been detected in
cotton-stealing, but was not prosecu
ted, and continued the practice, Mr
Jauddn fotmd out that ho was stealing
Mr. Dyne’s cotton aod selling it lo a
man by the name of Holcombe, who
keeps a shop in the neighborhood. lie
went to see llolectnbe, who told him
that he had been buying cotton from
Joe. Mr. Jaudon informed him that
Joe was stealing the cotton, and re
quested him to buy no mol e from him.
I uesduy even ng when the negroes
cainv up with their day s picking to
the gin house, Joe made some remark
to Mr Juudoii about tlio accusation of
cotton stuulmg. Mr. Jaudon told him
that he had been steal ng Mr. Dyke’s
cotton aud threatened him with prose
cution. Jo_* told him that he was a
“damned liar,” and leaping from tne
wagon dated him to come down off
the platform. Air Jaudon went down j
iHHI approached Joe, wiio was cursing |
and utilising him. A few words passed !
and tney got Hold of each other when ;
Joe piunged a knife into Ins heart and
he died almost instantaneously.
Joe fled, and though the country has
been scoured for him, he has not been
arrested. Ho is a tall stout yellow ne
gro, aud bears a bad character.
Air. Jau itim was a young man about
twenty eight, and leaves a young wile,
but no children.
Fioin the Rome Courier.
Original A i;e<il
Ala. Ed tok : —1 propose to give you
au occasional anecdote for toe amuse
ment aud cutcriainiueut of your read
The first is of the giftei but lamented
Judge iiubeil VV . Loantou, of tiavan
Aiany years ago, when II iburt was
(pi lea young mao, h.s lather, Hot). T.
Li. P. CaailtoD, wilt) his family, sj e t
eveiy tu.aux.r iu the delightiui lutie
vi ugo of Ularkosviik', fNoith Eousi
GoOl gu
Due day Robert was pissing along I
ike s net l i Clarkes-.iilc, uu.j it hap
pened to bj eicciioa day. Alecnbors ot j
Gougross were thru elected by what
was edled the geueral lieket system]
and not by dis-Uc.s as (Ley now are, 1
when be was met by a Verdant Dome- j
erat o! ike m.Uuiaiu.-, who aeooaitd
tqin tuu :
“Mi. (Jharlion, are you the man that
is runnlL- for ijoiigieaa ?’’
“No sir? i mu no caudiiati—my
father is, however, but may I u*k, why
tals inquiry ?”
• N nuiu only I hav’ut voted yit.” -
“I. ills Coiislsuul n w your leellugs
I would its. ;i you would voLe for mi
1 1 would j isi as 800a vote for him as j
anybody. ’
Air 0 thanked him, and thinking I
pel haps bis In nil was seeking a lieu ,
Hiviicd him .mo a neighboring Dor- j
“What will you lake ?”
“i never dunk anything, but I see:
they have ceiiuo gu.ger cakes, 1 would
as lieve take one of ihoui with you as
’‘Very welt, give us a cake.”
“My brother is iu town with mo.”
“All right, lake Lima erko with my
Ano her cake was purehase'd and the
two frie-uis parted, “Greeny” to find
bis brother 1 aud Air. G lo join in the
merry dauce his young friends iu
a pailor hard by. “Tue gotdeu hours
ou angels wings” passed rapidly away
with Mr. Uhaittou li is friend was
soon forgot eu.
Lute iu the afternoon when 'here was
a pause iu the inusio and the dauce, our
Verdant friend, very much to the sur
prise of every one, stalked into the par
lor, iLquiriug for Air. C. Os course all
eyes were effected to our trienJ as he j
approached Mr (J. D.awing troiu his
bosom a 4 by (j inch cuke, he said :
‘Mr. Gar i Cou, here’s your cake. My j
brother hud VJted atore I seed him. |
Mr. (J’s euibarrassmeut was not great
er than his adailiatu* fur the fellow s
honesty. lIAU.
At the Spricgfieid Stteet Chapel,
Boston, the other day, Dr. Chapin s
father, who is 82 years oMj and iamc
from a fall, was supported down the aisle
by Father Glevoluuti, aged US, and an
other spry veteran aged 10U.
Bridget, what have you doDC with tho
ereuui '( 'Those ebildren cauuot eat
skimmed milk tor breakfast - Shuts
marui, aud it isn’t myself that would be
after giviu’ the scum to yees. i tuk
that iff auil guv it to the cats.’'
Dawson, Sept. 29. Considerable
cotton coming into market.- but the
bulk of it is oettig stored with our
VVarehousemon, in untie potion of bet
ter prices. Os the suits nnple to-iluy,
we quote extremes ut 18a23. Bacon
clear sides 24; Bacon nbbid sides 22i;
Shoulders 20, Bagging 28 .30; Iron
Ties 9a 10.
t ,w York, Sept 28—Noon —Cot-
! t,,i) market droop ng, with middlings
ul 2»Jc.
Kveiiing Cotton market c.oseo
j heavy uud lower, with m.ddiings ut
2Slc Sales tooted up 2500 bales.
Liverpool, September 28—Noon,
i Cotton market steady, with uj lands a
! 12L*l-|d; Orleans, 121c12§d Sulei
i to oay will probably reach 8000 bales
I Louisvilio, September, 23. —Ales;
I Pork, 32«50a33 00. Bacon—shout
! ifers,' H; clear rib sides, 201; e,ea
i sides, 801 c,
Special tYoficis.
I'm* v.'u\iii.i:fi■ i, PRiipihtlßS ill
| is showing Itself daily in
the blooming cheeks of our former
j • muciated cit zens. all of whom declare
that until they tried this great,
'-bill anti fever expellcr, they knew nut
w ,mt it. was to be clear, even for a few
days, of the scourge of our Southern
j country ; thanks to science and oureu
j terp. ising townsman; we need no lon
I R er ft*ar the great scourge, unci we
j can now goon our way rejoicing that
at last a conqueror is at hand which
wiil instantly ext 1 from our system
chills and fever, dumb ague, and those
diseases incidental to malarious cli
mates. Keep a bottle of the Pyrafugo
ia the house, and as soon as the chill
or fever is felt commence taking it, and
at once you are ready making n hist
ligand permanent cure. —Replica n .
One hundred yenrfl ago now [peat the
brated -/Plantation Fitters were as elt
known in the We*t Indies as they are now
known in the United suies. It is true they
were rot known b/ that name, but their corn*.
ponentß arid manner of mannfiefuring wore
the gune—f*ve thoro has boeu add and
Cali any a or Peruvian Bark, celebrated the
world over for its wond-iful tonic properties.
Even to this day these Hitters are popular as
ever, and their sale and ufo on ifcese Islands
is constantly increasing, and there can hard
lv a family be found, ricn cr poor, who is
without them. We do not wish to impute
any wrong to the Am cm lean proprietors of
these Biiters, but that, they aio the original
to r s t we most stonily deny, and they must
take such umbrage at it as they please. At
the same time we take this occasion to say
that a more valuable tonic Biiters cannot be
found in all the wot Id. We consider them
just the thing for weak and delicate female**,
and all thosa requiiirg a mild and gentle
stimulant. %
Magnolia Water.—Superior to the best
mported Utiman Cologne, and fold at hal
the price.
Here’s You it SIOO. —Do you want it? We
w ill give SIOO for any case of chills which we
cannot cure by the use of our “King of
Chills.” Don’t ca*e if you have h and the
Shakir ever since ihe “woods were burnt. ’* —
(Vine along and be cured, or take vour SIOO.
Anv humbug about that? We dare you to
accept C’asei of twelve months standing can
be thoroughly eradicated by the use of this
wonderful combination.
All kiud3 of chills are immediately cured by
its use. It cleanses the stomach, arouses the
liver and carries off all bilious accumulations,
when used according lo directions. “King
ol Chills,’ is prepared and used by physicians;
never affects the head, ears or nerves, is
pleasant, cheap and nffVcfual. One dollar per
bople. Sold by all druggists.
J. F. DROMUOOLE & CO., Proprietors,
Memphis, Tenn.
The Advertiser, havibeng en restored to health
iu a few weeks, by a very simple remedy, after
having suffered several years with a severe lung
affection, and that dread disease, Consumpeion—
is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers
the means of cure.
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the
prescription used (free of charge,) with the direc
tions for preparing and using the same, which
they will find a sure cure for Consumption, Asth
ma, Bronchitis, etc. The object' of the advertiser
in sending the Prescription is to benefit the afflict
ed,, and spread information which he conceives to
be invaluable ; and he hopes every sufferer will
try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, aud
may prove a blessing.
Parties visliing the prescription, will ploaßead
dress Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON.
je3:ly Williamsburg, A'ings county, S. Y
A Gentleman who suffered for years from
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all
ihe eff els of youlhlul indiscretion, wii!, for
the sake of suffeiing hiimanitv, send free to
nil »!) i need it, the receipt and directions for
making the simple remedy by which he was
cured. Sufferers wishing to protif by ihe ad
vei-tiser’s experience, can ilo so by address
ing, in perfect confidence,
nnr-3;lv No. 42 C dar street. NY.
jahs & iams
■yHf E are now offering for sale one of the
VV largest and best asserted stock ol
Drugs ever before broaght to this market,
all of which we p opose to sell €ts cheap
nv they cedi be bought s.»s
Cft.y.'or any other city, tray hi
utltted. . , ,
We offer special inducements to OUb.y
TRY HKR HAMA and .Physicians. We
buy la * g 1 y for cash, b m.-e can offer induce
meins which no o'hei house can.
rfe make a specially, buying diricl from the
largest factory in ihe United States.
Our s:oik consists ol
itrugs, Chemicals,
li 'kite l,ea<l ground I Oil,
Paints , cither dry or in 0,1,
f 'arnishes of all kinds,
Purest Quality,
Kerosene, Linseed
Tanner’s, Machine,
Sweet & Cnstur Oil,
in abundance;
salts, &c.
A full and complete assortment of
Patent Medicines,
Flavoring B'xtractx,
Perfumery of all Kinds,
Hair Oils.
Toilet Powders
And soaps,
Shavingjooth and Hair Brushes.
In fnt-t everything u-uallv kept in a first
. lilt tO S KtiiE. They keep,
also for AVdical purposes, pure articles of
Superior inducements are off ired to Far
t mei sand Physicians. F.e-crip.ions carefully
c„ m p. .... lied and tilled hy a Druggist and
■ Pb' sician of experience. Don t so. get tho
i place— next dour to bi:i. Wooten’s,
Perryman’s old stand, Main street,
j Dawson, Ga , Match 4, ISO'.). ly
liffiTANT NOTif T 9 Fimm,
Otllfc «TOCB4. of all gooffs needed by the peoplo of Southwest
(l»»orgiu, and our ptices are such as to give satisfaction. We are determined to sell
goods choiper than we have ever done, thinking that sm »11 profits ana quick aale9 will be
appreciated by our uumeruus cu9iomera and lrieuds. We doil ia
FAMILY Or It OC li 11 1 If S ,
WE llitter ourselves with the belief that you will save money by examing our stock be
oie puichafciug elsewhere.
1 Ilf IUH!
(Successor to LOYLKSS & GKimY,)
friends and the public, that thej will fiul Lima this well ki own staud,
Prepared to Stoi'G, JSliip? Sell, or
Advance upon tbeir G'XCuu, an tbc rate ol seven per cent, per annum.
110 win Keep thoiouglby posted, daily, by Telegraphic di.-patcben of all cbaugi s
in the Markets in New York uua Livcijo 1. Ui» Warehouse is
The Largest and most Centrally Located,
and situa'ediu ihe most business portion of the city, and his facilities for hand
iiug Cotton are .
lie promises himself to work for, and PROTECT THE PLAN 1 Elt iu
every way iu bis jotfer. lie flatters biuiseif be is
Competent for the Successful Prosecution ol the
Warehouse Business.
CUT All Cotiosi stored v.ilh me, Insured.^
Jb'QTS -LOTLESS & GRIFFIN return their than** for the wry liW
nauOu 1- • i.. r‘iofor.' bestowed upon tbcin and sol oil for their lu ud, A\ •
the same, '
promise.- i.i do will be done. E UI LL,s:s u
Sept. 30, 3ui.
Os Soiidiwcstert] Ga.
Yt T E would again respectfully call your at
It tention to the fuel, that we are daily re
ceiving our Fall S'ock of Goods, purchased
by our Senior, and will sell them as low as
any respectable House in Gnrgia. Our mot
la i( Large Sati sand Small I’rot
its. Our stock consists of the following ar
tides: Borneo Bagging, Double anchored,
Kentucky aud Hemp ; also, Gunnv, ill rolls,
very cheap ; Arrow, Wailev and Beard Ties,
Baling Twine and Rope ; Flour, all grades,
in Barrels and Sacks, including the Hiram
Smith ; Sugar, Nutmegs, Cloves, Cinnamon,
Sai dines, Oysters, Pickles, Starch, Soap, So
da, Candles, Manioca Schnapps, Porter, A!e,
CracKers, Salt, Maple Sugar, Pipes, Cotton
Cards, Tobicco, Mackerel, White Fish, Blue’
Fish, Roe and Magdalene Herrings, Cham-I
pigne and California Wines, Rice, Nails,
White lead, Linseed Oil, Hants, Bacon Sides
and Shouldeis, Long, Clear and Brcakfist
Bacon, Powder, shot, Lead and Caps, Pot
ash, Dried Beef, Well Buckets, Tubs, Buck
e's and Brooms, Mess, Prime Mess snd liuntp
Pora, Lsrd, Butter, Cheese,- Liquors of all
kinds, Imported and Domestics, Georgia Os- j
naburgs. Yarns, Stripes and Kerseys.
Our Stock will be well kept up all the Fall
and Winter. Purchasers need rot fear about
our not being able to till any size bills, and
we will take in payment at Market twice,
Hides, Tallow, Beeswax, Wnol, Dried Fruit.
If you want the worth of your money, don’t
fail to call on us at the
Wliitu Corner, NI tCONT, Ga.
Seymour, Tinsley K Cos.
eept.SO; Bm.
JoT> Work
fitjiTiv Utclijtb
A V ANTED, Everytvlim,
>\ AGEJt IS-SjilSO to £‘-250
per month— Male and lemale, to intio
This J/achine will ttucb, hew, fell, tuck,
qu it, cord, bind, braid and cmhr.ii ler in ;.
most superior manner. Price SIS. Fully
warranted for fire years. We will p.y $ 1,00..
for any machine that sew a stronger, mote
beautiful, or more elas'ic seam than outs.
It makes the ‘'Elastic Lock X.ick, Every
second stitch can be cut, and still the cloth
cannot be pulled at art without tearing i .
We pay agent* from $75 to s2yu per month
and expenses, or a commission from which
twice that amount can be made. Address
GEO. d/cEATHROX & CO., Nashville, Teun.
Caution. —Do not be imposed upon by
other par.ies palming iff worthless cast-iron
machines, under the Same name or otherwise
Ours is the only genuine and really practical
cheap machine manufactured.
S2OO per mouth, every
\l Jiere, Male amt Female, to introduce the
chine will stitch, hem, fell, tuck, quil', cord,
bind, braid and embroider >n a most -superi
or manner. Prick ouly $lB. Fully war
ranted for five years. Wo will pay SI,OOO
for any machine that will saw a stronger,
more beautiful, or more ela.tio seam than
| ours. It makes the “Elastic Lock Stitck."
i Every second stitch jfc-au be cat, and still tin*
' cloth cauuot be pulled apart without tearing j
j ir. We pay Agems fiorn s7u to S2OO pur (
j month and expenses, ora contnisaon from j
which twice that amount can be made. Ad-'
| dress S ECO MB & Cos., Pittsbsroh, Pa.,
| Boston, Mass., or St. Loot-., Mo,
| Caution. —Du not be imposed upon by
other parties palming off worthless cast-iron
j machines, under the same name or other
! wise. Ours is the only genuiue and ically
| practical cheap machine manufactured.
Caution—ldxtr:*.— We caution the
public against a concern in Nashville, Tenu.,
as they are not our duly authorized Agents,
ha'ing copieJ our advertisement without au
thority trom us. We sh It not hold our
is, Ives responsible for worthless moei.hi»»
I sold by oilier parties. The Genuine Machine
I can be had fiom us or our authorized agems
i who will always have a certificate of Ageu
Icysigucdby us. Uu'tui'o ol lul iugois.
I .vs: ri’.iff! •i:st i 'MS s:. n «-is
CTHjitfS 101,
.yjacon, ... Georgia.
WII.r. give attcnllun to Picf ssionul Itusi
ii4 sa in the Macon, South- western, and
| Pauula. Cirouita ; in the U. S. Courts, in Saw
| Vitnnnli and Atlanta; and by Special Con
tract in any part of the State.
S* p.t. 28, ’G9 ; ]y,
.r. T.- Kor.oivioiv
fpAKES pleasure In announcing to the ci i-
I of Dawson and surrounding coun
try, that be has determined to relievo Ihe
wants of the people bv the pel m.iueut eatub
liahment of u first class
Bakery & Confectionery,
in Lhi* pl-cu, on Depot 9U'eer, next door to
J. W. R ibt-rt* ,t 00., where he is ready, at
nil times, lo furnish families wiih
And will, at the shortest notice, furnish all
kinds’of delicacies for
IV addi'ion to the above, I nrn filling up,
and will have open, by tbe fit st of Octo
ber, a
Where I will be prepared to cater to ti e
wants of the inner man, in the way of
« VST Pits, 18*##. fi G.S.fJi: Sr.
served to suit every vaiiety of taste.
We would say to our customers that no
Liquors will bo kept, and Indies can, wilbout
diffidence visit our house, with the asstnancc
that we will do everything in our power to
merit iheir patronnge. Give me a call.
Don’t forget the plaee. Depot street, next
door U J. W. Roberts k Cos.
JJillipam Tajicy §ooi;,
Yankee Nolions,
I'Ztx'.. Pite., Etc.
(Next Door to Dr. Chea ham’r,)
71AIN ST. - - GA.
r j' , HANKFUL for the patronage given me
JL since I have been in business, 1 hope to
merit a cmuinuance ol the same, by close
application to business, and a desire toplea-e
ll ose who may f.ivr.r me with a c 11. .)//
stock ol Fall and Winter Goods will eom
p i«e all articies needed hy the Ladii s in the
tldiiiiery line, also Fancy Goods and Yankee
A'otions, to suit ihe wains ot Lidies, Misses
and Children. Aiy otj ’ct is lo piea-e tliose
who call on me, end ark of the ladies of Ter
reil, Calhoun and Web ter counties, and all
wii i Irade at Dawson, lo call and examine
mv stock. gfept.23-tf-
. (South side Public Square,)
Dawson, ----- Georgia.
just returned from the
i-fU. N rth with a large and well se
lected S o k of Goods, consisting in part
f 80-jtie's, Ladies’, Children's ani H its, Ribbons, Fiowcrs, Hose,
Gloves,'Corsets, Hoods, Skirts, D ess
Trimming, Perfumery, aid many otlur
lo ruit ibe taste and please the
Tnankful foi tbo liberal patronage
given me last season, I respectfully so
licit a continu mcc of tho same. Thej
I adit e of IVrte 1 and adj g cuunties
arc ro. pectfully invited to call and ex- |
amice my stock before purchasing else
jtiy bepsr^ept
will be supplied with nil tho latest styles
and desigtu of tho season. Have made
arrangements to get patterns direot, 1
monthly, in order to give the ladies full ,
advantage of every change in style.
All work wrrrauted, and satisfaction
guarantee I, at icasunublo charges. A !
fair trial is all I ask.
Sept 23jtf.
as 3». IS35>
FIIBLAY ill leil!
Vro again in successful operation, fu'ly
prepared to exeetne all oiders wi ll diss
patch, and at as low as the lowest.
The most extensive stork of palters,A (an ac
cumulation of .0 yea •,) in ihe State. Stipe-,
rior Jfechantoa and Draughtsmeu employed,
and all work warrant-J.
Steam Engines, Circular Saw J/.11.t, dfil
and Gin Gearine, Water Wheels, Sugar Afiils
and Kettles, J/ill Spimlles, Gudgeons, Iron
Ruling for Cemet-'ies, Public and Private
Building., Store Fronts, Wiudow Lintels,
Oidumus, Door Sills, Ornamental Veuiila'ors,
Window Weigh:*, Shafting, Hangers anil
Pulitee, Ac. In fact, any and every
kindof J/aehinery Iron amlßrasstTaSlingg.and
Wrot I.on Work.
We are sole J/utufacdirorF, at this point,
of the justly celebrated
nicy Cotton Prcs«. Also, Cot
tom’s llot'sci Power, and E'cu
niiigtoM’it Horn' PovvviT,
and Agents for the
Needle Cotton Gin.
Scpl. 28,5i1l-
VrfeJiaid WiHson, wTh of J.ickson
lias upplted for exemption of person
ally an J ee<tii»g apart and ityluiuinn of
fioimsrt’ad, lobe heard at 1 o’clock p. m. t
on iho 7 b du\ ol October lux , oilioif
in Qa« non, G%
Beptß< ;‘2w T. ii. JONE.% Oid’y.
AO. G.irrard has applied tor exemption
. 01 M , r =oi.aliy und icalty and set ing
ap.ut and v.iuitioii of LL' UiisUttJ, and I
will pass upon ihe same at 1 o'clock 1 , a. m.,ou
tlio 7*h dav ol October in xl ~r oiy C ffice iu
Dawson, Ga. T M JONE 4, Drd’y.
I ohn Kitchens has applied for cscmptiorr
»| ol p. isennitv and sett': g apart and v. t
uaiion of Homestiad, lo be heard at ll>
o’clock, a. M., ou the fllb dav of October
next, at mv office in Dawson, Ga.
sept- Bt)rSw T. M. JO-VRS, Ofd’/,
( A A. Kelly has applied for exemption of
J # personally and realty and VHiuation of
Uomestend, and I will piss upon the same
at 10 o’cloci., a. m., on the Bih day of Oo
lobt r next, at my cfU.e in D»«»on, G:t.
gojrtJtVjgw Z’Jf JOXWS, Ord’y.
Haley Johnson has applied for exemption:
of realty and per onalty and setting
apa t aud valualion of Homestead, to be
hoird at 10 o'clock, a. m., on the Bth day of
Oolobrr next, at my office in Dawson, G*.
eept.Bo 2iv T. 41. JONKS, Oid’y.
GEORGIA, Terrell Couiily:
TuuiTY days after date applioatioa
will be made to tho Ordinary of said
county, f-r leers of Guardianship ou
the person nudproteitv of Elmira K.
J .tnos and J >hn A. lvcnnedy, minor
children of the under-lined.
sep 23;4t
Notice to Debtors and Creditors.
A Llj persons indebted to the estato
of J. W. Haddock, kte of Terrell
county, deomsed, are hereby requested
to make immul ate payment, and those
having demauds arc requested to pre
sent them, prop*rly authenticated, with
in the time prescribed by law.
se[23;Gt Mautiia M. Haddock.
Administratrix Notice.
tphirty days ufotr date, application will be
L mado to tho Coutt of Oi dinary of Terrell
county, fur leave to st-11 all the laud belong
»ng to the estate of James ilatidock, late of
Terrell county deceased.
Sept.lß,'6B >4w. Administratrix.
/ t I.OISbi! , Terrell County:
\ J Whereas, D F. Lawhorn, Admiuistra
tur un the estate of J. K. Shines, applies to
me fc leave to ec!l iho land of said estate.
Tli K“ are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned, to be and appear at
my office, within the lime prescribed by law,
and file their objections, if they have any, an Older will be granted in terms
of the law. T. M iO’SEi, Ord.
Sept. 16-4 t.
Wlf.Lhes id before tha Court House
door iti the town of Dawson said conn
tv on the 1-t Tuesday in Oct. next, within
the legal hours of sale the following property
to-wit : One house and Ft, in the village of
Ghickisawhytchi-, and known as ihe plice
whereon 0. J. Turner formerly resided. Lev
ied oo as the proper tv of V J Turner ta sat
isfy a fi fa, issued from 'he Supeiior Cobrt.of
Terrell co, in favor of John Willians vs. C J
Turner—Principal, W II Turuer aud P 1*
Wilburn, Sctys.
Also, at the same time Rnd place, Two
cows and Calves. Levied ou as the pioperty
of Ch. Baushingburg <o satisfy a fi fa, issued
from Terrell County Coert, in fiver of George
Sharp, Jr. vs. Ch. Rau-henberg.
S F L ASSsff Su’ff
Sep 0;• da
Gi EOKGIATrcrrcII Cotinly :
f Whereas, George Chapman, Guardian
fur. L. C. Stewart applies for leave to sell iba
re tl ' State belonging to said minor.
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
persons concerned, tote and appear at my
office within tlio time prescribed by law, and'
show cause, if any, why said letters should
not be granted. Given under mv hand and
official signature, this September 9'lt, 1869.
t. m. Jones,
sepgjSOd Ordinary.
Cl EORGIA, Terrell County:
I Whereas, W. VV. Farnutn applies for let
ters of dismission from administration of tbo
estate of Cinthia Devreaux,
This, are thee ! > e to cite and admonish all
persons concerned to be and appear at my
office w ithin the time prescribed by law, and
show cause, if any, why said letters should
not be granted. Given under my hand and
official signature this April 29ih 1889.
T. 41. JONES,
api29;tsm Ord’y,
p KORGKI, Terreil County:
v X VVlierers, E. G lldl. Executor ot K. S.
Jordan, applies for letters of dismissiou
from said estate.
'lhese are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons.concerned, to be and appear at ntv
office within the lime p ffced by isw, anti
show cause, if anv, why Said letters should
no l l.e granted. Given under mv hand, and
official signature, this July B'h, 1889.
Julyg hu T.-J/. JONES, Ord’y.
\# canvuso the (Jotlon belt, to sell
State and County Rights to my
Reliable, good busiuess men wanted, and
none others. Tosueh I will give good terms.
This Planter has beeu felly tested, aud
may be seen at the State Fur in Maecn iu
November next. K P. BSAUCHAUR.
Dawson, Ga., Sept.
General Corarais&ion Merchant,
Dewsod, G-eorgia.
ttril.E buy ou the best terms possible, anything
I » the planters need, or sell lor the Merekaius,
auvtUiug tliey have to sell.
Cotton bought and sold ou commission,
march li-'iKMy
N JW on hautl aud to arrive M casks dear Ribbed
i -Sides which will be sold low Pop cash.
(J. A- t’iifclAAHAM,