Newspaper Page Text
ACii«ti< ui,l i ana .
Fruit Trrcs in Wraw.
The Western Rural quotes the Our
dener’s Monthly in favor ot the prac
tice of keepii g orchards in grass so
that the surface roots may noTbe clif’"— !
turbed, in connection ulsx with annual
mulching Yet in the next article on
the same page of the W’eotern Rural is
a communication Irom J j. L. Fa’rchild
of Wisconsin in which he gives a griqih
ic account of the way in which a neigh
bor treated his orchard, r faulting iu “a
few scattered trees here and there,
more dead than alive.” This mans
management was not wholly unlike
that recommended in the tirs*. article,
with the exception of the first year,
when the trees were cul ivated among
corn and “got a fair start’’—although
treating trees us a crop of corn is con
mended iu the first article, with the ex
ception of the first year, when the trees
as a crop of corn is condemned in the
first article. This neighbor's orchard
was seeded down to timothy alter
grain, and as a consequence we are
told by Mr. Fa rcbild that “the tough
grass sod robbed the eaith of all iis
moisture and fertility," and ‘ the trees
were starving.’’
Our owd expel ionce and observation,
with scarcely an exception out ol hun
dreds of examples, are strongly iu fa
vor of good and thorough cultivation
of the soil, especially for the first years
of orchards Good treatment of this
kiod has afforded large, high flavored
fruit; while neglected orchards, or
those id grass, give small, scabby and
poor cro, s Wo do hot recommend
excessive manuring, hut cleau mellow
culture, particularly during the earlier
part of the season, with a soil of lair
fertility, and with a good, natural or
artificial drainage. There may be cer
tain shallow soils with hard sterile sub-
Boils, where the roots are compelled to
run quite near the surface, and whore
deep plowing would destroy a largo
portion; and if this plowing were done
while the trees were growing it would
be likely to cause serious injury, liut
in other soils we have witnessed many
cases of great and permanent benefit
from thorough plowing, even wbeie
some roots were broken, provided the
plowing were done in uu’.umn or early
in spiing, before the leaves started, in
one instance a four acre apple orchard
was much increased in the quantity
and excellence of its fruit by uu early
plowing which toieout two gathered
curt-loads of roots. The amount of
the roots of which the trees were thus
divested was not a tenth part ot the
amount usually cul off in the highly
lauded practice of root pi uniug Boots
often run much deeper tbau is imag
ined; and in an apple orchard twenty
five years old, now before us, which
has nearly from its first transplanting
stood in grass, the sinking oi u pit
showed that many of the roots run
three feet below the surface, and near
ly all beyoud the reach of the plow.—
Country Gentleman.
Bliiid* on Hornes.
Asa geucraljuie, bauds should never
be employed on the bridles of valuable
borses, Colts should be trained without
blinds; then they would never n quire
such appendages in after years. A
horse should be allowed to see what
ever is occurring around hitn. Were
horses always employed without bhuds,
there would be much less difficulty in
the management of light-spirited ani
mals. iioiscs soon learu to contide in
their drivers when the latter treat their
steeds with proper respect aud confi
dence. la such iustauces blinds are a
nuisance. They sometimes injure tbe
eyes of horses; and, more frequently,
they so obstruct the vision, that the
pour brute will be frightened at tbe rust
ling of a leaf, or a bit of paper, aud ruu
away, if ho cau do so; whereas, were
bis sight uuobstructed, he would see at
ouce that it was but a leaf, that there
was no cause for fear. Many serious
accidents have occurred which were at
tributable to tbe use of blinds. Besides
this, there is a graud beauty iu tbe
flasbiog eyes and bead of a noble horse,
which should never be bid by such use
less and injurious appendages as blinds.
Fed. Union .
A negro doctor iu this S ate prescribed
for a rheumatio old wumau that she
should bury ail her husband’s money
under a stone iu the garden. tSbo aid
so, and though tbe rheumatism didu't
vanish, the money did.
A Washington telegram says: “It is a
remarkable tact,and one which attracts
attention in diplomatic circles, that all
the available vessels, officers aud sea
men of our navy aro now under orders
to sail at a moment’s notice. The popu
lar solution of this siraßge circumstance I
is that our government prepared itself !
for aotivo demonstration regarding Cu
ban affairs, if tbe result of the peudiug
negotiations with Bpaio on that subject
should require it." j
few Aflirrtlsnncvitg..
SniiM'l llilitf Ni'W.-In musical circh c
the Estey Organ* ere the rage. They an
Hie most durable and have the (meet one, re
markable for their sweetness and power. Tin
Vm Humana aid Cox Jubilaute are the
are itc-t uotellie** and beet inventions ever in
uolueed. J. ESTEY & Cos., Bratllcboro, Vt.
Sole .l/m ufaclurers.
The Purest, Best and Cheapest
\y illlleil. Agents lor tin Pocket Sew-
T T ing Mc' ine and Ain r oan Quillet
Specially designed for Q lilting, Eu broi< ing
and Stitching. For quilting bei'quilts, • his
machine elands with >ut a rival in the world.
It is simple, durable and prac'ical. Weighs
1 but tit ounces, un i occup es hardly more
I space than a scissors case. Moves over the
j fabric and follows any design stamped on the
; cloth. Retail price only $6. Koi warded by
j re'U'n mail pre-puid on receipt of price.—
1 Very liberal inducements offered. Send for
j circulars with terms to Agents Call, or ad*
I dress Rued, Lee & Cos., Proprietors, 208
Broadwav, N. Y.
j .mEjrra: itE.t it mist
! We will pay Agents a salary of SBO per
|w< ek and expenses, or allow a large commis
sion, to sell our new and worderful inven
tions. Address M. Wagner kCo , Marshall,
M/GIC CGMB Will change any colored
j -L hair to a permanent Black or Brawn.—
j One Comb sent by mail for sl. Fur sale by
| Merchants and Druggists generally. Address
! M agio Comb C>., Springfield, A/ass.
A day.—B3new articles fur agents. Sam
•fi’ swaffplea free. H. B. 8//AW, Alfred, Me,
Use B. A. Fahnestock’s Vermituee.
ASK your Doctor or Uriiggiyt
for S Wi'Cl Qllillilie—lt equals (hitter)
Quinine. Afmiil’d by Stearns, Farr &Cos ,
Obeinist, New Yo k,
liEl> AXE
Is better than our regular shaped Axes for
these reasons: First—lt cuts deeper. S ennd
—lt don’t stick in the wood. Third—lt does
not jtr the hand. Fourth —No lime is wast
ed in taking the Axe out of the cut. Fisth —
With the tame labor you will do one-third
more work than with regular Axes. Red
paint has nothing to do with the good quali
ties of this Axe, for all our Axes are painted
red. II your hardware etore does not keep
our goods, we will gladly answer inquiries or
fill your orders dirpet, or give you the name
of the nearest dealer who keeps our Axes.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Sole owners of Colburn’s & Red Jacket pat’s.
SYCHOMAMCY, or Soul Charm
ing. A wonderful book ; it shows how
either sex cun fascinate any one they wish,
insantly. , (All possess this power. It teach
es how to get rich. Alchemy, Dr. Dee's and
Allen’s Caballa, Bindings, Sorceries, Incanta
tions, Demonology, Magic Mesmerism, Spirit
u lism, Marriage Guide, and a thousand other
wonders. Sent by mail for 25 e-nts. Address
T. William & Cos., Publishers, South Seventh
street, Philadelphia, Pa.
r PnS Croat Origin;! I Dollar
A Salo of Dry Hnd Fancy Goods, and will
present to any person sending us a Club, a
Watch, Silk Dress, piece of Sheeting,
Send for catalogue of Goods aud sample,—
deliverrd to any Rdilreaa free.
J. S. HAWES & CO., 128 & 130 Federal St.,
Boston, ALiss., P. 0 Box, C.
N. B.—Samples given on application for
Dr. Whittier, V Wylie St., Pittsburgh, l*a., of
f/nion wide reputation, treats all veneral dis
eases; also, seminal weakness, impoteney, etc., the
result of self-abuse. Send 2 stamps for sealed
pamphlet, 50 pages. No matter who failed, state
case. Cousultatiou free.
HPHIS IS NO HUMBUG. By sending 35
-L cents, with age, height, color of eyes and
hair, you will receive by return mail, a cor
rect picture of your future huabaud or wife,
with name and date of marriage. Address
W. FOX, P. 0. Drawer, No. 8, Fultonvitle,
New York.
I'IIIRTY YEA US' Experience
in tlie Trculnieiit of Chronic
an <« Sexuiil I>i*ca«c».—A/’hysiolog
leal View of Marriage.—TTie cheapest book ever
published, containing over 300 pages, and 130 line
plates and engravings of the Anatomy of the hu
man organs iu a state ot health and disease, with
a treatise on early errors, Its deplorable consequen
ces upon the mind uiid body, with the author’s
plan of treatment—the only rational aud success
ful mode of cure, as shown by a report of cases
treated. A truthful adviser to the married and
those contemplating marriage who entertain doubt
of their physical condition. Sent free of posts'—
to any address on receipt of 25 eta., in stamps or
postal currency, by addressing Dr. LA CJtO/X,
No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. The author
may be consulted upon any of the diseases upon
which his books treat, either personally or by
mail, aud medicines sent to all parts of the world.
GrcaS jSlisti’ibution
By the Metropolitan Gift Cos.
Cash Gifls to the Am'nt of $500,000.
Every Ticket Urates .f Prize.
5 cash gifts, each S2O,W 0I AO cash gifts, each *I,OOO
10 ,r “ 10,000 1 200 « “ 500
20 “ “ 5,000 ! 300 “ •• too
60 Eleg’t Rosew’d Pianos, each (300 to (700 i
75 “ “ Melodeons “ 75 to 100 j
360 Sewing Machines 60 to 175 i
500 Gold Watches 75 to 800
Cash prizes, silver ware, val’d at (1,000,000
A chance to draw any of the above Prizes
for 26c. Tickets describing Prizes are sealed
in Envelopes and well mixed. On receipt of
25c. a sealed ticket is drawn without choice
and sent by mail to any address. The prize
□amed upon it will be delivered to tbe ticket
holder on payment of (1. Prizes are imme
diately sent to any any address by express or
return mail.
You will know what your Prize is before
you pay for it. Any prize exchanged for an
other es same value. No blanks. Our patrons
can depend on fair dealing.
References We select the following
from maDy who have lately drawn valuable
prizes and kindly permitted us to publish
them : Andrew J. Burns, Chicago, (10,000:
Miss Clara S. Walker. Baltimore, Piano, (800;
James M. Matthews, Detroit, $5,000; John T
Andrews. Savannah, (5,000; Miss Agnes Sim
mons, Charleston, Piano, S6OO. We publish
no names without permission.
Opinions of the Press— “ The firm is reli
able, and deserve their success.”— Weekly
Tribune, May 8. “We know them to be a
fair dealing firm.”— N. Y. Herald, May 28.
“A friend of ours drew a (500 prize, which
was promptly received.— Daily Neva, June 8.
Send for circular. Liberal inducements to
Agents. Satisfaction guaranted. Every pack
age of sealed envelopes contains one cash
gift. Six tickets for (1; 13 for $2; 85 for 5-
110 for (16. A II letters should be addressed
173 Broadway, New York.
•Vs ir uitfktt't iscmtH Is •
I I J now I made it :n six months.—
ejp I I t' /Secret and sample mu led fee.
A. J. Fullatn, N. Y.
Hocker Female College.
The flrnt hckhlod of thin College will on
Monday, September 2 Ith. IWW. Jinplc Hccommo- i
datfon*, with a mid able Faculty, for over
three hundred Bcliolars. Terms moderate.
For particulars apply to
Robert jffiliixan, ) J*a. M. liocNer, Fropr.
Moses E. Sard > or
Jno W McOarvy, ) R Graham A M Preside
J S Wilke-, of Advice
W\\ti://. l.\ ERI WHERE,AG i.NT.v*,,)..
to s‘2so per month, male and female, to intro*
dace the Genuine Improved conuninou Hcuae
Family Sewing Machine, uuderfeed ami o
verfeed ntyD'H. 7*rice only siß. Thenu machines
will Htieli, hem, fell, tuck, bind, braid, bord, gath
er and embroider. The cloth cannot be pulled a
part even after every other atitch in cut. Every
machine warranted live yearn. We will pay
above salary or a commission from which twice
the ninoumt can be made. Address for terms to
Agents, Ac, G. Mc/?athron A Cos, Nashville Tcnn.
CAt/TION. —Do not be imposed upon by other
parties palming off worthless cast-iron machines,
under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the
only geuuiue and practical machine manufactured
TUC Dfl 00 Mil I Improved and remod-
InC nUdOWIILLi eled for grinding all
kinds of materials. Kvery one send for circular
to H. J ACKhON, consult’g eug’r,9 Spruce St. N Y
Tlio Course for each year commonws on the Ist
Tuesday of .September and continues nine months
The school is thoroughly organized. It teaches
the I aw as a .Science, ami prepares its students
for the common law practice. For circulars ap
ply to iSAAC EDWARZ>S, Albany, N. Y.
#l5O to #250 per month guaranteed
Sure Pay. Salaries paid weekly to Agents every
where selling our Patent Everlasting white wire
Clothes Line. Call at, or write for particulars to
the Girard Wire Mills, 2fll North Third St, Phil.
Postponement of Drawing to Deo. 28.
Correspondence bttween the Proprietor and
the Commissioners.
Messrs Banks and others. Commission rs ap
pointed by act of Kentucky Legislature.
Gentlemen: I regret that I am compelled to auk
at you- hands a postponement of the drawing of
prizes of the Henderson county, ky., Land Sale
Although a great many tickets have been sold,
a sufficient number have uot been disposed of to
justify me a sale of my prop erty without loss to
me, unless / hold the uusohl tickets, which I do
not intend to do.
If you w ill give me until the 2Sth day of De
cember, IMW, I feel confident of disposing of all
tile tickets by that time.
I am, gentlemeu. very respectfully,
Henderson, Ky., Aug. 24, 1869.
Reply of the Commissioners,
The undersigned, cnmmisteo e'S to man
age the Henderson Land Sale, regret to an
nounce to the publ o that a sufficient num
ber of tickets have not been disposed of to
justify toe proprietor in allowing a transfer
of the property on the Ist o( September, and
they have concluded to postpone the drawing
until the 28th day of December, 1869.
A large number of tickets have been sold,
and we entertain but little doubt that all wilj
be disposed ol by the time fixed above. We
think we are acting in the interests of ticket
holders iu seeking to have none others than
those who have purchased ti.-kets, sharo in
the drawing. Should the drawing take place
now. the proprietor would be compelled, iu
order to save himself from loss, to take his
chance in the drawing with the unsold tick
ets. This he does not desire to do, nor do '
<ve desire that he should do it.
The postponement is for a short lime onlv,
and as the prosecution of the farms cannot
be surrended—being rented out, for the pres
ent year, ntr the rent collected u til the Ist
of January next, it can make buy little dif
ference with those who are so fortunate as to
win whether they succeed on the Ist of Sep
tember or the 28th day of Deoombor, 1860.
The owner of the property will hold no
tickets, and we trust that those who have
them will wait cheerfully for the time fixed
by us—for there will positively be no further
The m< nev arising from the sale oftickets is
in the bank, to our credit, and the owner of
the properly cannot in any way use or con
trol it until after the drawing and the trans
fer of property. The increasing interest in
the scheme, and the confidei ce manifested
throughout the country in its fairness, justi
fy us in the opinion that the scheme will be
certainly a great success.
lio. T. GLASS,
W. 8. ELAM,
An opportunity is now offered for those
who were disappointed in getting tickets be
fore September Ist, to secure them now.—
The Scheme is regularly chartered by the
Kentucky Legislature, arid the interests of
ticket holder* fully protected by law It is also
endorsed by Gov. Stevenson, and D. S. Sena
tors Davis and J/rCreerv, and over two hun
dred of the leading citizens of Kentucky.—
There are 5H prizes in all; capital prize $l5O
-and smallest prize $80,00; tickets only
$5,00. Secure them of your nearest club
agent, or of cither ofti>e following author
ized financial «gents,*Who will also furnish
circulars. Send money at their risk only by
express (prepaid) P. O. order, registered let
ter, or bank draft.
L H I.yne, Cash’r Farmers Bank, IlenderßOn,
Ky.; Hll Alexander, Commercial Bank, Louis
i ville, Ky.;JohnC Latham, President Bank, Hop
kinsville, Ky.; JI, Dallam, Commercial Bank,
Paducah, Ky.; B G TTiomaa, Cashier. Lexington
ky. ; W B Tyler, Cash’r Deposit l!k., Owens
boro, Ky.
WA MT P n Agents to sell SEIt VIC E
Jy IV I C U Ar’LOAT in the Numter and
Alabama by .tdmtral Raphael Semmes. SO.OOcop
les sold during the first four months. It is a most
graphic and thrilling description of the adven
tures of this commander and his comrades, writ
ten by .S'emmes himself, and everybody takes it
, without solicitation, no matter what their politics.
I ire Will furnish the names of over 125 agents who
I h *ve made upwards of S3OO per month "net, with
I tins book. Sold only by subscription, and cxclu
live territory given to good agents. Address
208 Main St., Louisville, Ky.
as diploma at office will show, has been
longer engaged in the treatment ol Venereal,
Sexual aud Private Diseases, than any other
physician in St. Louis.
Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture, Or
bhitisHernia, and rupture ; all Urinary Dis
eases and Srphililic or Mercurial Afflictions
of the throat, Skin or Bones, are treated with
unparalleled success.
Spermatorrhea, Sexal debility and Impo
tency as the result of self-abuse in vouth, sex
ual excess in mature years, or other causes,
and which produce some of the following ef
fects, as nocturnal emissions, blotches, debil
ity, diziness, dimness of sight, confusion of
ideas, evil forbodings, aversion of society of
females, loss of memory and sexual power,
and rendering marriage improper, are per
manently cured.
Dr. Whitaker publishes a MEDICAL PAM
PHLET relating to veneral diseases and tbe
disastrous and varied consequences of self
abuse, that will be sent to any address in a
sealed envelop for two stamps. Many phy
sicians introduce patients to the doctor after
reading bis medical Damphlet. Communica
tion confidential. A friendly talk will cost
you nothing. Office central, yet retired
No. 617 St. Charles-at., St. Louis, Mo. Hours,
9a rn to 7 p. m. Sundays 12 to 2 p m.
United States Internal Kevenue.
Assis’t Abs’rs oefice, 10th Divs’n, 2d dist. 1
Morgan, Ga., July 22, 1869. J
I WILL be at Dawson on the first Tuesday
and JTonday evening before, of each
month, and at Brown’s Station on Wednes
day after the first Tuesday in each month un
til further orders, for the purpose of assessing
taxes due the United States.
J. H. GRIFNIN, Ass’t Assesor
10th Division, 2d District of Ga.
ifflM nuna
mST4XT Rl’ 111 DY
Lasting & Permanent Cure.
However Obstinate
Can resist its llealth-givintj Properties
Creates an Appetite, Brings Color to
Cheeks of the Emaciated and
Strength to the Feeble.
Every Hotlle Sold is Aeeompa
uied by si Ciiiaruntee ol
The Proprietor of the PYRAFUGF. chal
lenges evsry case, no matter of how long
Standing, to trv this GREAT CHILL AND:
FEVER CURE, aud then deny its wonderful
amative properties.
-Miserable Disease,
For sale, at Wholesale, bv the Sole Manu
facurer for the Uuiied States, by
l.ippmau’s Wholesale Drug lluose
Savannah, Ga.
Pains and Aches,
Great R heum at i c Remedy.
Headache and ail Bilious Disorders.
May 20 ly.
With Iron Framp, Orergtrung Bass, and
Agraffe Bridge.
Melodeons and Cabinet Organs,
Tin* best ltlaiiiif;ielßire<l; War
ranted for Six Years.
FIFTY New and /Second-hand Pianos, Me
lodeons and Organs of first-class makers,
ai low prices for cash , or one third cash and
the balance iu Monthly Instalments. Second
hand Instruments at great bargains. Illustra
ted Catalogue mailed. Warerooms, 481
Broadway, N. Y. HORACE WATERS.
The Waters’ Pianos are known as among
the very best.— N. Y, Evangelist.
We 3an speak of the merits of the Waters’
Pianos from personal knowledge as being of
the verv best quality. —Christian Intel.
The Waters’ Pianos are built of the best
and most thoroughly seasoned material.—
Advocate <Sc Journal.
Oar friends will find at. Mr, Waters’ store
the very best assortment of Piaoos, Melo
deons and Organs to he found in the United
Soi f es. Graham's Magazine.
MUSICAL DOINGS.—Since Mr, Waters gave
up publishing sheet music, lie lias devoted his
whole capital and attention to the manufacture
and sale of Pianos and Melodeons’ He has just
issued a catalogue of his new instruments, giving
Ia new scale of prices, which shows a marked r<£
• duction from former rates, and his Pianos have
I recently been awarded the First Premium at sev
eral Fairs. Many people of the present day, who
1 are attracted, if not confused, with the flaming ad
j vertisements ol rival piano houses, probably over
; look the modest manufacturer like Mr. Waters;
but we happen to know that his instruments
earned him a good reputation long before Expo
sitions and “hohors” connected therewith were
j ever thought of; iudecd, we have one of Mr. Wa
i tors’ Pianofortes now in our residence (where it
I has stood for years,) of which any manufacturer
in the world might well be proud. We have al
i ways been delighted with it as a sweet toued and
! powerful instrument, and there is no doubt of its
durability ; more than this, some of the bett ama
teur players in the city, as well as several celebra
ted pianists, have performed on the same piano,
and all pronounce it a superior and first-class in
strument. Stronger endorsement we could not
give. —Home Journal.
A specimen of the above Pianos can be
seen at mv residence. W. M. Pkeplrs,
jan2l;lyw Agent.
Cheatham's Drug Store
Aud purchase one or more
Bottles of
Excelsior Elixir Barit and Iron,
The bent Tonic and .*iterative
Knotcn tothe Jtletlical
Profession !
r piTE great preventive of Chills and Fevers
-- Billions Fevers and all malarious Diseas,
es. Superior to all others as a Liver Medi
cine. The most reliable prevention of res
lapses when recovering from Bilious aDd Ty
phoid Fevers, and other acute and severe at
tacks. It improves the appetite, imparts
tone and vigor to the stomach, enriches and
purifies the blood, and keeps the Liver active
and healthy. It is no patent secret humbug
Every label carries on its face tbe names of
the different articlei of which it is composed.
I hysictans everywhere prescribe and use it.
It has no injurious effects either upon tbe
feeth or costs of the stomach, no matter how
long its use may be continued.
I could, if necessary, produce the certifi
cates of at least fifty of the most respectable
m tiles in Terrell county of its beneficial ef
fects, besides numbers of others in different
parts of the State. C. A. CHEATHAM.
Daws, Ga., July Ist, 1669-3 m •
Southern Preparations!
'|MIE w Kare tie standard Family di
-1 cilif* of America. Th«*v me preserved
and used by ti c mediol profession. They
are prefene»j by every iuo'lh r ulid lailicr.—
They iiiiriwd'aieU merit public esteem and
confidence of all who once test ihefr virtues.
Thev are prepared by phy lcians who are (ul
ly authoiiz' and by the 1 digress of the United
S ales, and are the result ol a long bedside
experience* Being neither secrets nor pat
ents, the medical profession have no hesitan
cy in giving them a lair trial aud a hearty
rrBOUSANDS of our fellow being* are an-
I nuallv consigned to untimely graves, and
the dying groans of old and young are con
stantly crying around for relief from Diarrhea,
Oholera Mm bus, &<:. Asa result of much
scientific research and a long and faithful
bedside experience, we offer a Remedy for
all those Summer Complaints whiiiii i« pleas
ant and never failing in its effects. Noinoth
snould fail to be without the
Prepared with artistic beauty, with chemi
cal puiity and exactness, selected and com
bined according to extensive medical experi
ence; unique in finish and appeamnue, mild,
pleasant and cooling to the stomach and nev
ei-failing io remedial effects, the unerring
finger of truth points to the RED DIARRF.A
REMEDY as the boasted combination of the
day lor all forms of Diarrhea, Vomiting,.
Cholera, Cholera Jforbus, nausea, & Cramps.
/’rice $1 00, or six bottles for $5 HO. Sent,
to all paits Os the country on receipt of pi ice.
Nold by all druggists. J P Drommools k Cos.
Prop’rs., Memphis, Tenn.
WIIaT will they DOl
They will restore facing female beauty,
will pain the pale cheek, will hurl back the
gathering storm that encircles your brow,
will add brightness aud lustre to rour hfeless
eye, will give brilliaucy and activity to your
dull iutellect, will strengthen anil soothe your
shattered neiveS, add tone, health aud buoy
ancy to your whole system.
By arou-ing, regulating and restoring all
sickly females to a healthy condition. By
curing all those complaints peculiar to 'he
female sex, such as painful, or suppressed
Menstruation, Hysteria, Leucorrhoei, Ciloro
sis, .Prolapsus Uteri, Ulceration and Irrata
biiity of the Womb, Pains in the side *ml
back, .Velancholv, Palpitation of (he heart,
Swimming and Giddiness of the Head, Cold
Feet and Bands, Nervousness, Sick Head
ache, a feeling of snffoeaiion, indi-posiiion
to enter socie'y, and all those diseases ari-*-
tng from a deranged condition of the uterine
is* stein, whether affecting old or young, rua -
lied or single. This compound is neiiher se
cret uor patent, but is prepared and offered
by the regular medical proses-ion.
We have hundreds similar to the following
From an eminent physician of Carroll co, Mies
Mks. rs. J P Drmmgoole & Jo.:
As your “English Female B tiers” is neith
er a secret nor a patent, I have frequently
prescribed them for the various female com
plaints ot our country, and always with the
most satisfactory results. It is decidedly the
most valuable combination I have ever known
for the treatment ot those complaints peuuli
ar to the female sex, old or young, and I do
not hesitate to give it a hearty recommenda
tion. Its astonishing cures have won fo r it
manv laurels in Carroll County, and I hope
its efficacy may soon be heralded all over the
couutry that the medical profession and the
female community may reap its advantages.
The English Female Bitters *s accura'ely
and beautifully put up in large battles, at
per bottle, or three bottles for $6 —one bot
tle lasting about two weeks. Slipped
to all parts of t'ne country on receip* of price
Sold by all druggists. J P DROIiGOOLE & CO
Prop’rs., J/emphis 7’
uin.VEir . M.n» m.,iit »/://
Affections are exceedingly common and
troublesome all over the country, and the
public have long felt the need of a remedy
that could he relied upon io nil these affec
tions, and none are better qualified to pre
pare such a remedy than the physician him
self. We have practice i medicine about
twenty years, and can safely say that we
know of no combination to equal our
Ext. Bearberry & Cucbu.
It is recommended to cure ail derangements
ot the Kidney and Bladder, such aa Gravel,
Urinary Deposits of all kinds, Bloody or
Jfilky Urine, frequent desire to urinate, pain
in small of back, dull burning pain in region
of bladder, Gout, Dropsy, nerveus trembling,
melancholy, evil forebodings, effecls of hab
its of dissipation or early abuse, loss of pow
er and memory, and ail those affections re
quiring a prompt and decided Diuretic,
whether old or young,.male or female.
Price sl, or six bottles for $5. Shipped
to all parts of the coontry on receipt of
price. Sold by all druggists.
J P DROMGOOL£'& CO., .Prop’rs.,
Memphis, Tenn.
S 1 g
811 1 S
b IJL ills
slllh i 1 1 s
s1 1 i h 0 hi 11 s
sllihcfofc hills
sill h cfogofc hills
sllihcfoguiKingn fc hills
sll i h c h i 11 a
el li h i 1 1 s
slli 1 Is
8 1 8
The aboye will cure any case of chills,
even of six months standing, without affect
ing the head, ears or nerves. It arouses the
stomach and liver, carries off the bile and ef
fects permanent cures. Iu t m swamps of
| Arkansas, where the chills are so common
and so difficult to cure, they readily yield
when treated wi h our King of Chills.
Put up in large bottles at (1, or six bottles
for (5. Sent to all parts of the country on
receipt of price. Sold by all druggists.
jurß;3m Memphis, Tenn.
For sale by Janes Si Loyicaa, Dawson Ga.
WILL be sold af PUBLIC SALK, on
the first Tuesday in October, in the
town of Dawson, Terrell Cos., Ga., a Farm i
cantaiuing 600 acres of land, three hundred
open, the balance in Oak, Hn kory, and pine,
a Comfortable Dwelling well Furnished inside
and out, with good servants’ houses, lying in :
said county, four or five miles from Dawson
on the Wagon Road to Albany, Ga., fine wa
ter and healthy situation. Terms made known
on the day of Sale.
The above property will be sold at the
above time, if not sold at private sale before.
Geo. M. Logan, or )
R. S. Lanier, j
aog29;lf Mrcod, Ga
Li T HARTER. J * 51 81MM GN.
daavson, ga.
the coniitig season* o r cspeetfullv offe r ° ur congratulations to our
jf friends, aud tender them our services iu the
Storing and Marketing their Crops of Cotton & Syrup
w. .h.n h... .»rt. «•» *» *k« * u lb * COTION „ and Clote Slo „ 6 , (M
STRUT and other articles sent us.
WE shall keep
and Balt, to furnish the Planters, and tbo
usual Advances made on Cotton Stored with us. ,
We spare neithrr pains Dor expente in pro eciinp and promoting the interest
of our patrons, and shall continue to use our utmost endeavors to make the
Planters Warehouse Merit and receive the patronage of the
Planting public. We respectfully solicit your patronage.
(Successors Io Clicalliam, Harnsft Cos.)
J. M. SIMMONS, one of the old, bting a pa r tnor in the N.-w Firm, and being
familiar with all the points of the business, and Mr. 11. T. Harper’s longexperi
enoe as a Merchant, we cordially and clicirfully rocomend tbo new firm nf
HARPER & SIMMONS t.r all our old patrons aud planters generally, guaran
teeing to'them perfect satisfaction.
Cheatham, Harris & Cos.
¥b®a» J. XCAX£*XV Fr§*j
iPatcrns adjusted to suit aiic Isaicst and most
Improved Style,
TTAVLVG been in the Carriage business for a number of years, we flatter ourselves with
cu'ed ' he USSHraDCe hat We Can glVe enllre Repairing of all kinds neatly vie-
Wood-work, Smithing, Trimming and Painting,
will be attended to with such precision as to make our repairing rival new vehicles in ap
pearance. ftc intend keeping on haod a well selected stock ol the most approved
Manufacturers Patent Leather,
Japanned Curtain Clotb,
Warranted Steel Springs, (Patent and half Patent*
Plain Axle»,
Bolts of superior quality,
Hubs, Spokes,
Bent Rites,
Shafts, Poles, &c., &j,,
"ZT'f maki "*’ A of .he above named a
To secure ! hher.lnatY’ " ® in y other things belonging to our establishment,
branch aud will ,n L i na ~ e >'* ,e lnte,| d keeping a corpse of experienced workmen in every
Shop on West side Main st., opposite “Journal” Printing Office.
Jaw Brd* 1869—tf' ThomFSon - Reuben Guite * r)aw3on > Geor 6 ia -
Manufacturers of
«20 Broadway, H cw York.
Are manufacturing extensively cv
cry style es Carriage, Buggy, and
Wagon suitable for the South, from the
finest Landau and Pl.tmon down to the
V elocippdc.
Mr W. Woodruff, c f Griffi -, Ga.,
well known throughout the Sou’h as!
the originator of .be celebrated Buggy.
W T tr W r d ’ Uff C ' >nc " r <V’ itdd
The Wooruff Plantation Wag 10, and
associated with us in N. Y, where wo
will always keep a good stock of these
Buggies and Wago„ 8 l)n har)(i) wLich
are said to be superior to almost any
made in America. J
If you want any kind of a Vehicle,
GOOD warranted work, send your or
der 9 directly to this House, or through
“iiy o out Agents, and they will bavo
prompt attention Illustrated circulars
*. be sent to any person who will
write for them. M 6 j
New Harness Manufactory
r subscriber would respectfully ca^
| A the attention of the public generally, to
; the fact, that he will mak** and keep on
hand, all kinds of UA UJTKSS, and will
pell them a« cheap as they can be had in any
market. My work is all made of the best
material, and made by hand and not maohi' e«
i Old Durness and Saddles repaired on short
Dawson, Ga., J/arcb 11, 1869—1 y
Colawahie. Apply to J.Jauesnp
on the plaoe, or at this offico.
Sept. 16—3 t.
CarHages & Buggies