Newspaper Page Text
A4,ltl< t l/I l it \L.
- >
Appliciitiiiii < #’:;in!iH'< iu
Hi It ;nut UrMiidciiti.
It is rupprped Ly a niaj lity «f far
mers, that by depositing manures
broadcast, tin y lose a .feat deal of
their strength la tins they consider
manure us direct food for plants, and
that such should be placed witliiu the
roach of the same. If so, it would he
folly to spend immense sums of money
for manures containing ammonia, or
price commercial manures only by the
quantity of ammonia they c< n'.ain,
while abundance of ammonia is pio
sented to the soil and plants by the at
mosphere: cons quently no artifi. ia]
application of such would be necessury
But here is the mystery ; Ammonia, as
well as all other salts in manures, has
a strong tendency to dissolve substan
cts in the soil, mailing them digestible
for the plants. Any soil contains
enough vegetable food for plants to
grow u century to come, had it been
dissolve I We thus see that the piin
ciple on which we should work is to
dissolve the soil; and if wo in doing
this wish to obtain the greatest result,
we must, like dissolving anything else,
mingle the dissolving power as much
*• possible with the body we wish to
Now we can distribute our manures
without fear of loss. Examine, for in
stance, a corn fi*ld, where manures had
been applied broadcast, and after hav
ing developed its f rm, then dig np the
ground o-ire/ully where roots are loast
expected, and see if u single cubic
inch of the soil can be found without
numerous small roots.
If corn or cotton be planted on lands
where manures has been applied in bills
the plants will throw forth roots very
rapidly to the distance the rn inure was
applied, and while abundantly supplied
makes a rapid growth, providing a
frame for a heavy crop. When this
store of food is exhausted, the plant
ceases growing, and ns no further sup
ply is left, will make but little or no
crop at all.
• The soil has a peculiar property of
retaining all vegetable food, and of
which nothing can deprive her bat tho
plant. But tl is property only consists
with the soil to a certain point of satu
ration. Has the soil assumed thin
point, all vegetable food can eas ly be
carried off, either by heavy ruins or by
a high degree of heat—as vapor If s e
deposit manure in bills, the surround
ing sod will soon become saturated,
and the balance of tho manures left to
the action of rain and heat, while when
broadcast it dissolves the soil, unites
with it a composition which nothing
but the plant can carry off.
A few Fuels for Fund Owners.
It has been customary in this coun
try to furnish land, stock, food and oth
er necessaries to farming, and to give
the laborer half the crop. Let us look
a moment at the per cent, it pays the
land owner.
W e will say that land is worth S2O
per acre; a good band will cultivate 25
acres, or SSOO wotth in land. One
rnulo, $l5O, $25 lortbe farming utensils
black-smithing, &c., and $25 for horse
feed for five months, and ia all to just
S7OO. amount of capital empltyed
One laborer at S2O per momh for five
months, SIOO. There is then clearly
S7OO on the part of the partner in the
firm, and SIOO as the part of the other
partner, and yet the SIOO partner real
izes as much of the profits as the S7OO
partner. We do not wish to make any
deductions from the above figures, but
put them down a6 nearly correct as we
can so that those who aie accustomed
to calculating, may make their own
figures and see bow the matter stands.
W e have heretofore said in these
columns that the renting, or farming on
shares system, is a miserable system,
alike injurious to the man that owns
the land, and to the renter. It is inju
rious to the land owner from the fact
that no renter will take any care in the
culture of the land, looking to its fur
ther productiveness, but makes ic pay
ns much as he can, with his pcor sys
tem of cultivation, if indeed he has any
system. It is injurious to the one who
reuts from tbe fact that he gets into
careless habits of farming, a kind of
don’t-careitiveness, because nothing
belongs tu him. And if tbe fencing
ge.s out of repair, or the hedge rows
grow up iu briars, it is none of his bus
iness to repair or clean out, for he will
not remain but one year. It is quite
unnatural for any one to take as much
interest in the affairs of others, as in
their own, and renters of land are not
exceptions to the rule
ISL-An undertaker’s firm in Boston
has sold five burial caskets this season,
which were stolen from a coffin ware
house in Richmond during tho war. j
iHiiiK N« w.— In eiuvtcii 1 eiiclif
O the K.-tev Oig in are the ruga. They an
ni'-K durable amt h'V.- the finest one, »•«
s-.’-knhlt for choir »i rretues* nu.l power. Tin
r..j He.ana a d Vox du'tilavtc are the
r,. r O .( ...n rliii-mill toil iuvt-nUoii* ever ill
oi t. --t. -I. K.'Tf. V A Go., ill illleboro, Vt.
xde J/atiuf ctn or?.
Tho Purost. Best and Cheapest
I\ ’anted. —Agent* (or liu I’m In i Sew
» V tug M c tine and .Am r can yuiler
Spi c'liliy de/ign.d for Quilting, En broil in.:
i nil glitching. For quilling be. quilts, <hi«
machine stands with >ut a iival in the world.
Ii ia simplt*, durable and practical. Weigh?
but six ounces, uni oecup es hardly more
space than a siis-ora ca?e. Mow. over tln
fabric and follow? any desga stamped on the
cloth. Retail price only $6. Fotwarded by
return mail pie-paid on receipt c! pi ice.—
Very liberal inducements offered. Bend for
circulars with terms to Agen's. Call, or ad
dress Rekd, Lkk & Cos., Proprietors, 208
Broidway, N. Y.
.zo#..r7> : itt:an this:
Wi will pay Agents a salary of SBO per
week and expenses, or allow a large commis
sion, to sell our new and wordeiful inven
tions. Address M. Waqnsr A Cos., Marshall,
' I ''HE MAGIC CGMB will change any colored
JL hair to a permanent Black or Br®wn.—
One Comb sent bv mail for fl. For sale by
Merchants and Druggists generally. Address
J/ugic Comb Cos., Springli Id, Jfass.
$i|TA day.— Bnnr artlclesforagents. Stun
*-*pley free. H. U. SV/AYV, Alfred, Me.
Use B. A. Fahnestock’s Vermifuge.
ASK your Dortor or Druggist
for f went ((uiiiliie-lt equals (tmiei)
Quinine. J/anuf’d by Stiarns, Farr & Cos.,
Chemist, New Yo k.
.j ,s_ r
Is bolter than our regular shaped Axes for
these reasons : First—lt cuts a- ep r. »S\c'jnd
—lt don’t slick iu the wood. Third—lt does
not jar the hand. Fourth —So time is wast
ed Iu taking the Axe out of the cut. F.flh—
With the same labor you sill dp one-third
mote work th-.n with regular Axes. Red
paint has nothing to do w ith the good quali
ties of ths Axe, for ail our Axes arc painted
red. If your hardware store does not keep
our goods, we will gladly answer inquiries oi
fill your orders direct, or give you the name
of the nearest dealer who keeps our Ax"?.
LIPPfftCOTT & B t RlvlVlihl.
Pi tsburgb, Pu.
Sole owners of Colburn’s k. Red Jacket pat’s.
IJSYC’HOJIANCY, or Bout Cliarm-
Jl ing. A wonderful book; it shows bow
either ?ex can fascinate any one they wish,
ins anity. (Ad possess this power. It teach
es how to get rich. Alchemy, Dr. Dec’s and
Allen’s Caballa, Bindings, Soreciits, Incanta
tions, D unonologv, Magio Mesmerism, Spirit-
U di in, M . rriage Guide, and a thousand other
wondt rs. Sent bv mall tor 20 O’uts. Address
T. W ILI.IAM & Cos., Publishers, South Seventh
street, Philadelphia, Pa.
r | ''lf rl Great Dollur
-f Siilc of Dry and Fancy Goods, and will
present to nny person sending us a Club, a
Wiitch, Silk Dress, piece of Steeling,
K 1 < Rlli] OF cos r.
Send for catalogue of Goods aud sample,—
dehverrd to any address f roe.
J. S. IIA WES k CO., 128 & 130 Federal Sl„
Boston, J/ass., I’. O Box, C.
N. B.—Samples given on application for
Dr. Whittier, « Wylie St., Pittsburgh, Pa., of
Union wide reputation, treats all veueral ilis
eases; also, ttcminsl weakness, impoteney, ute., the
result of self-abuse. Send 2 stamps for sealed
pamphlet, 50 pages. No matter who failed, state
case. Consultation free.
r 1 ''HIS IS NO HUMBUG. By sending 35
l cent", w ith age, height, color of eyes aud
hair, you will receive by return mail, a cor
rect picture of your future husband or wife,
witb name and date of marriage. Address
W. FOX, P. O. Drawer, No. 8, Fultonville,
New York.
THIRTY YEARS' Esporience
JL iai (lip Treulmeiil of Chronic
SIllO Scxilitl HiscitKCK.—A y j liysiolog
ical View of Marriage.— 21ie cueapest book ever
published, containing over 30(1 pages, and 130 line
plates and engravings of the Anatomy of tile hu
man organs in a state of healt h and disease, with
a treatise on early errors, its dopiorableeouseuuen
ees upon the mind and body, with the author’s
plan of treatment—tlie only rational aud .success
ful mode of cure, as shown by a report of cases
treated. A truthful adviser to the married and
those contemplating marriage who entertain doubt
of their physical condition. Sent free of postage
to any address on reoeipt of 25 cts., in stamps or
postal currency, by addressing Dr. L.V C/fO/X,
No. 31 Maiden Lane, Albany, N. Y. The author
may be consulted upon any of the diseases upon
which liis books treat, either personally or by
mail, and medicines sent to all parts of tlie world.
Great lli»fribution
By the Metropolitan Gift Cos.
Cash Gifts to the Am’nt of $500,000.
Krert/ Ticket Urates .1 Prize.
5 ca«li gifts, each $20,0 0| 40 eash gifts, each fl.uoo
10 ‘ T “ 10,0001 200 “ “ 500
» “ “ S,OOO | 3'JO “ «* 100
50 Eleg’t Rosew’d Pianos, each S3OO to S7OO
76 “ “ Melodeons “ 75 to lfK)
350 Sewinp Machines 60 to 175
500 Gold Watches 75 to 800
Cash prizee, silver ware, valM at $1,000,000
A chance to draw auv of the above Prizes
for 26c. Tickets de-cribing Prizes are sealed
in Envelopes and well mixed. On receipt of
26c. a sealed ticket is drawn without choice
and sent by mail to any addiess. 7Tte prize
named upon it will be delivered to the ticket
holder on payment of sl. Prizes are imme
diately sent to any any address by express or
return mail.
You wilt know what your Prize is before
you pay lor it. Any prize exchanged for an
other of same value. No blanks. Our patrons
can depend on fair dealing.
References : —We select the following
from many v/ho have lately drawn valuable
prizes and kindly permitted us to publish
them : Andrew J. Burns, Chicago, $10,000;
Miss ClaraS. Walker. Biltimore, Piano, $800;
James M. Matthews, Detroit, $5,000; John T
Andrews. Savannah, $5,000; Miss Agnes Sim
mons, Charleston, Piano, S6OO. We publish
no names without permission.
Opinions of the Press— “The firm is reli
able, and deserve their success.” — Weekly
Tribune, May 8. “We know them to be a
fair dealing firm.” — N. Y. Herald, May 28.
“A friend of ours drew a SSOO prize, which
was promptly received.— Daily New*',June S.
Send for circular. Liberal inducements to
Agents. Satisfaction guaranted. Every pack
age of sealed envelopes contains one cash
gift. Six tickets for $1; 13 for $2; 35 for 5;
110 for sls. All letters should be addressed
173 Broadway, New York. 3
•Y(w •Itfcccfisciiiciils,
y< 1 ( </ l Row i made it in six months.—
O I I “cl /Secret and •ample n.i led f ee.
A. J. FulDui, N. Y.
Hooker Female College.
TV n.-Ht R(f«iinn of thin Cotlope vrTII begin on
Momlny, Scnitciubrr 2'ltli. IMVJ. ,|jni>lo nc. ommo
elution*, with u and able Faculty, for over
three hundred »choliirn. Terra* moderate.
For iLtrticul irH ap;»l> to
lichen j Jad. M. ilooKer, Propr.
Mo-en K. B<r<J s cn
Jno W VcG.rvv, ) R Graham A M Pieaid’t
J S Wilke-, Board of Advice
111 to per month, malt* amt female, to intro
-9■ duei* the Genuine Improved comiumon mime
It Family S win# Machine, underfeed and <»-
vcrfeed style*. /'rice only sl*. These michmeg
will Ntieli, hem, fell, tuck, bind, braid, bord, .r Htb
cr and embroider. The cloth cannot be pulled a
part even after every other Ktitcb in rut. Kvery
ma oil in# wtirritntfNi Uve ycari-. VV> will jiay
above Kahirv or n coinmiMion from which twice
the amoumt can b- mado. for tcrnin to
ate, <i. MrAathron»% Cd, Nauhville Tenn.
(JA UTlQt&.—Po not he impotted upon by other
parties palming off worthier cant-iron muchinea,
under the name name or otherwise. Ours is the
only genuine aud practical machine manufactured
kinds of inaterialH. Kvery on** N«?nd for circular
to ii. J xVCK&ON, eu^’r f 9 Spruce St. N Y
The Courne for each year commences on the 1 at
Tueeday of .September and continuea nine montha
The school is thoroughly organized. It teaches
the l aw as a faience, an<l prepares its students
for the common law practice. For circulars ap
ply to iSAyit; EDWARDS, Albany, N. Y.
Wl5O Iu j>cr month guaranteed
Sure Pay. Salaries paid weekly to every
where selling our Patent Everlasting white wire
("lothes Line. (Jail at, or write for particulars to
the Girard Wire Mills, 261 North Third .St, Phil.
Postponement of Drawing to Dee. 28.
Corrcspondevre between the. Proprietor and
the CommUeioHtrt.
Meter* Sank* and others. Commission reap
pointed bp act of Kentucky Legislature.
Gentlemon: I regret tint lun compelled to abl
at you- hands a postponement of the draw ing of
prizes of the Henderson county, ky., Land Sale
.kit Hough a great many tickets have been sold,
a sufficient number have uot been disposed of to
justify me a sale of my prop erty without lohs to
me, unlesH 1 hold the unsold tickets, which I do
not intend to do.
If you will give me until the 28th day of De
ceinber, ISStt, I feel confident of disposing of all
the tickets by that time.
1 am, gentlemen, very respectfully,
„ , „ VV.II. SfcCLAIN,
Henderson, Ky., Aug. 21, lscu.
Reply of the Commissioner*.
The undersigued, c mmiseionets to man
age the Henderson Lund Sale, regret to an
nounce to the public that a sufficient num
ber of tickets have not been disposed of to
justify the proprietor iff allowing’ a transfer
ol the property on the Ist of September, and
they have concluded to postpone the drawing
until the 28tb day of December, ISB9.
A large number of tickets have been sold,
and we entertain but little d.iubt that all wil;
he disposed ol by the time fixed above. We
think we are acting in the interest* of ticket
holders in seeking to have none others than
those who have purchased tickets, sharo in
tire drawing. Should |he drawing take place
now. the proprietor would be compelled, in
order to save himself from loss, to take his
chance in the drawing with the unsold tick
ets. This lie does not desire to do, nor do
-ve desire that he should do it.
1 Ite postponement is for a short lime onlv,
and as the prosecution of the farms cannot
be sun-ended— being rented out for the pres
ent year, nrr the rent collected until the Ist
of January next, it can make but ihtle dif
ference with those who are so fortunate as to
win whether they succeed on the Ist of Sep
tember or the 28ib day of December, 1869.
The owner of the property will hold no
tickets, and we trust that those who have
them will wait cheerfully for the time fixed
bv US-—for there will positively bo no furtbor
The uu ney arising from the f&l. oftickots is
in the bank, to our credit, and the owner ol
the property cannot iu any way use or con
trol it until after the drawing and the trans
fer of propcity. The increasing interest in
the scheme, and the confidence manifested
throughout the country in its fairness, justi
ty us in the opinion that the scheme will be
certainly a great success.
Com mission ;rs.
An opportunity is now offered for those
who were disappointed in getting tickets be
fore September Ist, to secure them now.—
The Scheme is regularly chartered b) the
Kentucky Legislature, and the interests of
ticket, holder? fully protected by law. It is also
endorsed by Gov. Stevenson, aud U. B. Sena
tor Davis aud J/rCreery, and over two hun
dred of the leading citizeus of Kentucky.—
There are 611 prizes in all; capital prize $l5O
-and smallest prize $80,00; tickets only
$5,00. Secure them of your nearest club
agent, or of either of the following author
ized financial agents, who will also furnish
circulars. Send money at their risk only by
express (prepaid) P. 0. Older, registered let
ter, or bank dralt,
I. TI T.vne, Gaeh’r /'hrmers Rank, Hendersan,
Ky.; K If Alexander, Commercial Hunk, Louis
ville, Ky.; John C Latham, President Bank, Hop
kinsville, Ky.; J L Dallam, Commercial Bank,
Paducah, Ky.; B G Thomas, Cashier, Lexington
ky.; W B Tyler, Cash’r Deposit Bk., Owens
boro, Ky.
WA U T F n A &™t" to sell SERVICE
H 111 | L U AI LOAT in the .S’n inter and
Alabama by Admiral Raphael Semmes. ;io,o()cop
ies sold during the first four months. It is a most
graphic and thrilling description of the adven
turesof this commander and his comrades, writ
ten by &emmes himself, and everybody takes it
without solicitation, no matter what tlieir polities
We will furnish the names of over 125 agents who
have made upwards of S3OO per mouth net, with
this book. Sold only by subscription, and extlu
»ive territory given to good agents. Address
208 ItSt., Lcuisvitlc, Ky.
I>BC. WlimiUtEi.
as diploma at office will show, has been
longer eDgaged in the treatment of Venereal,
Sexual and Private Diseases, than any other
pbvsician in St. Louis.
Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture, Or
bhitisHernia, and rupture ; all Urinary Dis
eases and Srphililic or Mercurial Afflictions
of the throat, Skin or Bones, are treated with
unparalleled success.
Spermatorrhea, Sexal debility and Impo
tence) as tho result of self-abuse in youth, sex
ual excess in mature years, or oilier causes,
and which produce some of the following ef
fects, as nocturnal emissions, blotches, ibhil
ity, diziness, dimness of sight, confusion of
ideas, evil forbodings, aversion of society of
females, loss of memory and sexual power,
and Tendering marriage improper, are per
manently cured.
Dr. Whitaker publishes a MEDICAL I’AM-:
P.I LET relating to veneral diseases snd the!
disastrous and varied consequences of self- 1
abuse, that w ill be seut to auy address in a
sealed envelop for two stamps. Many phy
sicians introduce patients to the doctor after
reading his medical pamphlet. Communica
tion confidential. A friendly talk will cost
you nothiug. Office central, yet retired
No. 617 Bt. St. Louis, Mo. Hours,
9a ro to 7 p. in. Sundays 12 to 2 pm.
luited Slates interna! Revenue.
Assis’t Ass’rs oefick, 10th Divs’n, 2d dist. )
Morgan, Ga., July 22, 1869. J
I WILL be at Dawson on the first Tuesday
and J/ondav evening before, of each
uiODth, and at Brown’s Station on Wednes
day after the first Tuesday in each month un
til furl her orders, for the purpose of assessing
taxes due the United States.
J. H. GRIFNIN, As-’t Assesor
10th Division, 2d District of Ga.
mil's miFH
b.yst.-iat remedy
Lasting & Permanent Cure.
Howeyor Obstinate
Can resist its Ilealtli-givini; Properties
Creates an Appetite, Brings Color to
Cheeks of the Emaciated and
Strength to the Feeble.
Every Rollle Sold is Accompa
nied by a Ciuarantec of
The Proprietor of tbe PYRAFUGR chal
lenges evjry case, no matter of hnw long
standing, to trv thi- GREAT 6’HILL AND
FEVER DUKE, and then deuy its wonderful
ouiative properties.
and get rid of that
.Miserable ‘Disease,
For sale, at Wholesale, by the Sole Manu
faeurer for the Uni ed States, by
Lil»l>mall's Wholesale Drug Uuose
Savannah, Ga.
Pa in sand Ach o s,
Great Rheumatic Usueilj.
Hcdache and ail Bilious Disorders.
May 20 ly.
AV A/rER S’ '
1® I AM IIS*
With Iron Frame, Orersrrung Bass, and
Agraffe Bridge.
Melodeons and Cabinet Organs,
The best VI aii n fact ii red; War
ranted for Six Years.
TUFTY Now and <Sccotid-hand Pianos, Me-
Jj lodeong and Organs of first-class makers,
at low prices for ea»h. or one third cash and
the balance iu Monthly Instalments. Second
hand Instruments at great bargains. Illustra
ted Catalogue mailed. Warerooms, 481
Broadway, N. Y. HORACE WATERS.
The Waters’Pianos are known as among
the very best.— N. Y. Evangelist.
We zan speak of the merits of tbe Waters’
Pianos from personal knowledge a? being of
the very best quality. —Christian Intel,
The Waters’ Pianos are built, of the best
and most thoroughly seasoned material
Advocate & Journal.
Our friends will find at Mr. Waters’ store
the very best assortment of Pianos, Melo
deons aud Organs to he found in the United
States.— Graham's Magazine.
MUSICAL DOINGS.—Since Ifr. Waters gave
up publishing sheet music, he lias devoted his
whole capital nnd attention to the manufacture
and sale of Pianos and Melodeons- He has just
issued a catalogue es his new instruments, giving
anew scale oi prices, u hich shows a marked re
duction from former rates, nnd ids Pianos have
recently been award and the First. Premium at sev
eral Fairs. Many people of the present day, who
are attracted, if uot confused, with the flaming ad
vertisements ol rival piano houses, probably over
look the modest manufacturer like Mr. Waters;
but we happen to know that iris instrument s
earned him a good reputation long before Expo
sitions and “bohors’’ connected therewith were
ever thought of; indeed, wehaveone of Mr. Wa
ters’ Pianofortes now iu our residence (where it
lias stood for years,) of which any manufacturer
in the world might well be proud. We have al
ways been delighted with it as a sweet toned and
powerful instrument, and tlie’re is no doubt of its
durability ; more than this, some of the best ama
teur players in the city, as well as several celebra
ted pianists, have performed on the same piano,
and all pronounce it a superior and first-class in
strument. Stronger endorsement wc could uot
give.—Dome Journal.
A specimeu ol the above Pianos can be
seen at mv residence. VV. M. PkneLFS,
jau2l;lyw Agent.
tl S2OO p«‘r inttiillt. every
wlicre, Male and Female, to introduce the
chine will stitch, hern, fell, tuck, quilt, cord,
bind,'braid and embroider >n a most superi
or manner. Prics onlv $lB. Fully war
ranted for five years. We will pay SI,OOO
for any machine that will sew a stronger,
more beautiful, or more elastic seam than
ours. It makes the “Elastic Lock Stilck.”
Every second stitch can be cut, and still the
cloth cannot be puffed apart without tearing
it. We pay Agents from $75 to S2OO per
month and expenses, or a commission from
which twice thst amount can be made. Ad-
dress BE COM If & Cos., Pittsburgh, Pa.,
Boston, Mass., or St, Lou-, Mo.
C'uiif ioila—Do pot bo imposed upon by
other parlies palming off worthless cast-iron
machines, unxler the same name or other
wise. Ours is the onlv genuine and toally
practical cheap machine manufactured.
Cumioii—Extra.—We caution the
public against a concern in Nashville, Tenn.,
as they are not our duly authorized Ageuts,
having copied our advertisement without au
thority from us. We sh 11 not hold our
selves responsible for worthless machines
sold by Ollier parties. The Genuine Maehiue
can be hid Horn us or our authorized agetns
who will always have a cert.ticate of Agen
cy signed by us. Beware of Infringers.
ssjrllave ) ou asked jour ueigh-*©a
e@“ bor to Subscribe for the -©a
GrllJC A. T
Southern Preparations!
The-e K medic* arc tbe of mnnv
yean of laborious studv, and ti long bedside
experience iu the Boutli and West, and ft me
the go den’opinions tl ey have wen from ti e prole. •>On, ill p e.» and t e puhli--,
and ti e unprecedented demand *t and univer
sal se is action given, they have iininsdialelj
becou ** the
Being prepared by the nn dlral proles ion,
al i ivested ol all secieuv. physicians iu nil
diree ious are prescribing them in th ir prac
tice »i h thi- most sa islactory results.
The editor of the Columbus (Vliss.) Senti
nel says :
“We have had occasion to use several of
the ‘Great Southern Preparations,’ iu our
family, and in every instance they ga7e en
tire satisfaction.”
The Me mphis Daily Appeal says:
The superiotiiy of the “Great Southern
Pieparations’ ia acknowledged by all who
liaee tested them, and we cheerfully recom
mend them to our friends throughout the
The Memphis Public Ledger srys :
Tbe “Great Southern •/-’reparations are pre
pared aud offered by staungb physicians of
our city whom we kuow ; their remedies give
satisfaction, and we cheerfully recommend
them us No 1 Family Medicines.
The Brandon (Miss ) Republican says :
The “Great Southern Preparations” are
prepared by emiucut physicians and sell well
in our midst.
is rapidly sinking to au early grave. Her
eyes are growiug dim aud her cheeks beeom
ing pale ; her De-sonal charms are fading,
and she is less talkative ; her whole
frame is feeble, emaciated aud neivous ; the
least exercise causes short bfeathiug and a
palpitating heai t; she has no appetite, her
head aches, her feet and hands are constant
ly cold, she is restless, nervous and cross and
everything fails to give relief.
Do you know what’s the ma'ter with your
who is thus afflicted? Ask her if she is trub
led with any complaint peculiar to her sex.
Ask her if she is troubled with painful, sup
pressed or irregular J/onthly Periods ; if she
has Leucorrl.oei, or Whites, Chlorosis, or
Green Sickness, Falling of tbe Womb, Ulcer
ation of the Womb, or any of those diseases
piodueed by an irregular action of the womb
will._mediately arouse aud restore her to
Physicians all over the country arc delight
ed with its effects. We hold hundreds of
letters similar to the following :
[Extract from the Macon (Miss.) Beacon :]
From the nnprecedente sale and demand
for the “English Female Bittvrs” here, and
tlie entire satisfaction given, we-earnestly
recommend thpin to all of our lady’friends'
i Mr. F. C. /Sinclair, of DeKulb, Mis /avs :
Three of our physicians are ming your
remedies in theirjpractiee, one of whom savs
there is no Uterine tonic equal to you English
F. m le Bitters.
Vlessis. Carpenter k Cos., of Hiizleburst,
Miss., J/ircb, 1868, says :
The sale of tour English Female Bitters is
wonderful. Send two dozen by express.
Rison & of Bun tsville, Ala., say :
Please forward by express, six dozen En
glish Female Bitlers.
These Bitters are beautifully put up it
large botiles, at s*2.sil per bo tie, or three
bO'ties for $6.00 ; one bottle lasting two
week'. Bent to all parts of the conn rv on
receipt o! |ciee ; also, for sale bv druggists.
J. P. DitoMoaoLE & Cos , Prop’rs.,
Memphis, Tenn.
By cleansing the stomach, arousing the
liver, cairying off all the bilious nutter, and
acting as a powerful auti-period'c, the
at one dollar bottle, is to-day the hoist
ed physicians’ combination tor the cure of
i.ll loniiS ol Chills mid Ft ver, Neuralgia, pain
u a u: the Hones and Joints, Sun
/’aiu, aud all these couiplamta of a malari
ous origin.
It never effrets the ears, or n- rvus,
can be administered to infants, and is supe
rior to quinine for these disease*.
the country are buying tin* King of
Chills for family use, and ail are delighted
wish its effects. It you do not wi-h your |
chile to return, this is the remedy. Ir. is pre- i
pared by physicians who have much ex peri- j
ence iu the troatoieut of malarious d l3
and, as this remedy never fails in privare prac
tice, it is confidentially recommended as a
a standard preparation.
Laige bottles SI.OO, or six bottles for $5.
Sold by all druggists.
Have You a Cougli !
„ Use _4mygdalin Tcctoral.
Have you any disease of the Lungs ?
„ . Use Amygdalin Pectoral.
Have you f’fcurisy or Ilrouchitis 1
Use Amygdalin Pectoral.
Have you Croup or Hooping Cougli <
, Use Amygdalin Pectoral.
The prettiest and best Cough Syrup
_ * ... , „ Is Amygdalin Pectoral.
The mother’s cheap Cough Syrup
, „ . Is Amygdalin Pectoral.
The Children’s Favorite
_ ‘ f® Amygdalin 7’ectornl.
For tamily use, as a powerful expectorant,
easing pain aud encouraging sleep, it has no
Piice, SI.OO. Sold by all druggists.
STOP, OL O Jflwtlr !
You need not grunt snv longer. You cun
be cured right away. Your Kidneys aDd
Bladder have been annoving vou long enough
Exl. Bearlifiry & Buciiu
will cure you of all that suffering. It will
relieve you of Urinary deposits, frequent de
ti-e and inability to Urinate, Gravel, Gout,
Dropsy, ptiu in the Back, effec t of Habits of
Di sipation or early abuse. Adapted lo old
or voung, male or female.
Price, $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5.
Sent to ail parts of the country on receipt of
price; also, for sale by druggists.
which purities the Blood, cures Sc otuta, Bkiu
Diseases, Glandular dwellings, Syphilitic af
lections, old Uieers and Sores, Boils„etc. —
The MONARCH is composed of Stillingia,
Sarsaparilla and lodide ol Potash, which are
acknowledged the world over to he the best
Blood Purifiers ever known.
Price, large bot’les, $1.50.
J. P. DROMGOOLE & GO., Prop’rs,
oct7;3tn Memphis, Tenn.
For sale by Janes dkLoylcss, D awsou Ga.
\\ AN T E I>, Evert ivlicre,
M AGEA TS—sloo to #BSO
per ill Oil t fl—Male and female, to intro
This fl .offline will -titch, hetn, fell, tuck,
quilr, cord, bind, braid and embroider in a
most superior manner. Prick $lB. Fully
warrauted for five years. We will pay SI,OOO
for any machine that sew a stronger, more
beautiful, or more elastic seam iban ours.
It makes tbe “Elastic Lock /Stick.” Every
second stitch can be cut, aud still tho cloth
cannot be pulled apart without tearing it.
We pay agents from $74 to S2OO per mouth
and expeuses, or a commission from which
twice that amount can be made. Address
GEO. Me EATHRON & CO., Nashville, Tenn.
C/'ailliuil.—Do uot be imposed upon by
other parties palmiDg rtf worthless cast-iron
machine?, under the same name or otherwise.
Ours is the only genuine and really practical
cheap machine manufactured.
GEORGIA, Terrell County:
Thirty days after date application
will be made lo the Ordinary of said
county, fur letters of Guardianship on
the person and proieitv of Elmira 11.
James and John A. Keunedy, minor
children of the undersigned.
WITH the cnniin? feasotiwe respectfully iffer our congratulations to our
friends, and tender thorn our services in tho
Storing and Marketing their Crops of Cotton & Syrup
We shall have ample room to shelter all the
COTTON and Close Storage for
SYItUF and other articles sent us.
WE shall keep
and Salt, to furnish the Planters, and the
usual Advances made on Cotton Stored with us. .
We spare neithir pains nor expense in protecting and promoting the interest
•four patrons, and shall continue to use our utmost endeavors to make the
JPlanters Warehouse Merit and joceivo tbe patronage ®f the
Plautiuu t/üblic. We respectfully solicit yeur t .»'ronagn.
(Successors lo Clicalliani, Harris A Cos.)
J. M. SIMMONS, ODe of the old, beiDg a pariner in tbe New Firm, and being
familiar with all the points of the business, aud Mr. R. T. Harper's longexperi
ence as a Merchant, we cordially and cheerfully rcoomend tho Dew firm of
HARPER & SIMMONS to all our old patruus and planters generally, guaian
teeing to them perfect oatibfactioD.
Cheatham, Harris & Cos.
t'atcrns adjusted lo suit I Sic Latest and most
Improved ktylc.
HAVING been in the Carriage business for a number of years, we flatter ourselves with
the ussurance that we can give entire satisfaction. Repairing of ail kinds neatly sw
eated. ’
Wood-work, Smithing, Trimming and Painting,
will be attended to with such precision as to make our repairing rival new vehicles in ap
pearance. We intend keeping ou hand a well selected stock ol the most approved
Manufacturers Patent Leather,
Japanned Curtain Cloth,
Warranted Steel Springs, (Patent &ud half Patent.
Plain Axles,
Holts ot superior quality,
Hubs, Spokes,
Lieut Rims,
Shaf 8, Poles, <&c., &c.,
in fact, everything connected writ Carriage making. A now supply of the above named tt
tides has just beer, received, with many other things belonging to our establishment.
To secure a liberal patronage, we intend keeping a corpse of experienced workmen In every
branch, and will guarantee that our work, both new and repaired, shall not bo inferior to
any, either North or South.
Shop on West side Main st., opposite “Journal” Printing Office.
References—Col. 0. 0. Nelson, W. M. Thompson, Reuben Guice, Dawson, Georgia.
Dawson, Ga., June 3td, 1869—ts
Manufacturers of
080 Broadway, New York.
Arc manufacturing extensively ev
ery style of Carriage, Buggy, and
Wagon suitable for the South, from the
finest Landau and Phaeton down to the
Mr. W. Woodruff, of Griffin, Ga.,
well known throughout the South as
the originator of the celebrated Buggy
called “The Woodruff Concord,” isdd
“The Wooruff Plantation Wagon, and
nssoui.ied with us in N. Y., where we
wi.l always keep a good stock of these
Buggies and Wagons on hand, which
arc said to be superior to almost any
made in America.
If you want any kind of a Vehicle,
ders directly to this House, or through
any ot our Agents, &ud they will have
prompt attention Illustrated circulars
will be sent to any person who will
write for them. May 6 ly
New Harness Manufactory
i.r n.t trso.v, («.<•
r subscriber would respectfully call
I the attention of the public generally, to
the fact, that he will make and keep on
hand, all kinds of Ml«i tIJTESS, and will
sell them as cheap as they can be had in any
market. Mv work is all made of the be**
material, and made by hand and not machine.
Old Harness aud B&ddles repaired «® short
Dawson, Ga., A/arch 11, 1869—1f
Xcallj Executed attbfs Office*
Carriages & Buggies