Newspaper Page Text
i.iIW.'UA JO lilt A A L
" LOCAL column.
ji, Si Hvo.
rr,,;« well known firm nave again on
,1 uNe'V »n<l Co",pletf Btoc*k of
f.o i generally fouml in a first-class
rV 0m»«18 and Clothing house. winch
,Vv <•(! rat M>ch I'*"' P"«» , W|l)
, ( . v ,. r vl»"dy to th«in»9 ve
,t„. da l'..r the feu.
■j In v t live Dry ' mode, Clotli-
J".' Notions, li • t* and 3ho *. Hals
Gelite Furnishing > ®‘j*
whit'Ai they urn Jottii mined to sell.
Live tdein a cull
Don’t fail to go to price the poods
f S. M.SEIBEL & BliO.
\V H. Barham, and 8. Alaus, Sales
R,r. R. H.Locmt, Agent American Bible
gjcie tj ; w iH preach at the Methodist church,
M night, Ocb 21st.
e , 9r s. Johnson, Campbell & Cos., of
Uacon offer to our mercliants and planters a
la ’ rge s'oclt of Groceries. We need say
nothing of this en’erprising and elever Srm ;
those who have traded with them know them
,„d those who hare not, will do well to sec
theta before purchasing.
■Money! Money!!
At J. A. FUI.TOK’B Warehouse
Tbk finest assortment of Dry Goods :n
Daw6on«t Loylbsß& Griffin’s
Mire New Goods. - Special stock
just received, at BURNEY & NEL
a. M. SEISEL & BUO. sell Crock
ery cheaper than anybody ; go and nee
PinsomL—J. E. Cbiistub, of the Monte
turn Sentinel called cn us, looking fat and
(aucy. He seems in good cheer at his pros
pect* in Jfontezuma, and does not fear the
chills. S *js they have preveutatives a plen.
ty—bottles of brandy hung on all the gates.
Now, it this be so, we expect to have to
ehrouicle the death ol an Editor in a very
short time. Os course it will be chilli that
k iled bim.
Latest -l Collars an*l CVavats
Chens Poplins, Mohairs, Delaines,
Merinoes, and Alpacas can be found
at fbo old store of
G> to Bn- less & Griffin’s to buy
CHtAP goods.
gyl'be Sentinel is the title of a very
hnudsvme piper published at Montezuma,
Gt., by Christian k Cos. Ihe first number has
been received at this office, presenting a very
neat jppe.ranee as regards typographical ex
rcui'on—lias a lib*ral supply of advertise
ments, inttresiing reading ma ter, and wiili*
•I proiuisi-s fairly to be a v.ilu <ble addi'ion to
the list of journals in our $ ate. <Sjccess to
the CDterpris-.
Ladies’ 110-e, at 15 cts u pair, art*
■dd at ft M ftEISEE & BliU’S.
8 M SEISED & BUG keep the
best Boots and Shoes, atul always sell
them cheap.
Glassware at ptices which defy com
petition nt Loyi.ess & Griffin’s.
I’.'ig:;- ai-ti \\ ag hi U.. liars, Bridles,
*• '< Unties, & , at extremely low
F''-i at i.GYLE'S es- GUI FEIN'S.
HiiRSXS and J/itles—Our Mr. Sharpe has
r * ur >ed from fauna sace -i ll atio’ber lot ol
tine hoieea ami mules. Call and see them
w.ore they are all sold.
9 IS n «JSE Burned. —Mr. Geo. W.
Rjt of this county, had his giu house
burned on last Sunday night, about 8}
o cioek, containing four baies of cotton
&>n, &,c. Ji r _ JvoUy’s lnt-8 is about one
thousand dollars, and Uncle David, an
dd freedman, about one hundred doN
lars losing all the cotton ho had picked
out 8 t tve doubt not, was tbe work
of an incendiary, Mr. K. having visited
' s gin house but a few minutes before
be discovered it on fire.
All kinds of Clothing, at reduced
prices, at
B you wish to supply vuurself with
8'”") iiat, nt a small price, to
o '' French Merino, one
»/, Wla9 i Wf| rtli $1 50,wi1l be sold for
Solid Alpaccas, all colors, at the low
I tice of 40c. per yard at
]{ **» Faumkks’ Monthly—J. W.
Urio & Cos., of Macon, propose to pub—
’ 011 she 15th of November and
oiuhly thereafter, an agricultural jour-
The Southern Farm & Home.”
expect to see a good agricultural
f ’> “heal, judging from the character of
~ mcD have the matter in hand.
rm = Sd 00 a year in advance.
oaklet Sheaf Cooking Stoves
At Fultt)n’s.
*®,l ne friends of Dawson will be
*1 to read the sketch of our corres
| nt reminds us of the
f *^ eQ *he hotel was under the hick
% 5 h 0 “Rd Our Superior Court, us well
, .. r ‘'*'B' u Us gatherings, was held in «
U j "'’“’“-one of Mr. B s negro eab
{ Cf( j. <re ‘ tl ®uch yet to be done, be-
0 i , IWBOu will reach the ultimatum
en h r, -Rtness. L iok to your inter
vr»t K pr ° pCr,y Mulders, and let the
“word b ‘‘onward.”
90L.Our wriets arc noted f r fit)
and loose paper lying in front of store
doors. Would it not be well for our
City Fathers to Lire two hands aud a
team, cleau up the streets, aud pass an
ordinance prohibiting this sweeping of
trash and paper in tho streets i’ If we
pay street tax, let us sie wberein we are
beut fitted.
A few more of those late style Sin
bad Hats at Loyle 8 & Griffin’s
A Good Saddle fir $9 at
Live Geese F auh i*.,
French Cm sets h.r $1 00 at
8 M BEIBEL it BiiO’S.
Go to 8 M SEIBEL & B 'OS.
store for your Bleached and Brown
Domestics, an well as Ticking and
Commendable —Tue friends of Mr.
Geo W. K lly are showing that they
sympathize with him in his loss - com
ing to ti* rescue in time of need. We
are pleased to knew that one of our eit
izeus donated lumber to rebuild his g'n
house and others ate contributing hoping
to raise enough to buy a gin, gin-band
and iut itiing gear. Uncle David will
uot be forgotten by our people, who are
ready at all times to help by advice and
otherwise tho wo ktug, well LeLavcd
freedmen of our country.
Sweet Potatoes, at
Jeans, Kerseys. Minerva Ttvills and
Castimero for Men and Boys' wear at
A. C. E. Ticking, the best in the
market, warranted. F t sale hy
Thk Pkrformanck Ysstkbday. -It is wi h
pleasure that we recommend anything that
gives the satisfaction necessary to merit it at
our hands, consequently we say, and without
fear of contradiction by our really delighted
citizens, that the Big Show of Prof. Reynolds
was really splendid and far surpassed any
tiling that has visited our city in many a day.
The astounding b ats of masters Noberte
and Percenti, especially the Niagra Leap, -vas
the best perloimanee of the kind we have
ever witnessed. Miss Louisa Reynolds well
sustained the pans in which she vvis east,—
.f/iss Minnie Wells, the chinning young com
mediene, who seemed to be the favorite of
everybody in town as well hs ourself, can’t be
beat. Taking the perormance as a whole,
it was, to say the least of it, first-class aud
woith double the price of admission.
Mr. Reynolds is a Georgian by birth and is
just returning to the home of his early days,
ihat alone should secure to him the liberal
patronage of our citizens. We hope that
ihe Prof, will, at no distant day, pay our
cfiy another visit-; and we will sav to the
management that it they want to really p!ea-e
our oiiiz-*na and at the same time to receive
a genuine welcome at their hands, dou’t for
get to biing “.Sweet .Mi iiiie,” the life of ihe
show, alone • i b iliern. —Unhfuridge Stin.
Will exhibit at Daws in, T bursduy, Oct. 28.
Sensible Remark* on Son-Siib
«.cril>iti& Newspaper Reader*
and lire I*r«'« a> an Index of
't hrift and liitcliij,’curc.
Af er rasping the “assumacy” of self
imporiaut city Dally Eli ors, th New
nao Herald reads the foil .wing caustic
but tiuthful Future to another eliss of
persons. It ays:
But wc ; re done with that class of
men what seek to treat editors of coun
try newspapers with the same dtsoourt -
„y that town fops do the sun burnt, hard
working (tinners, and shall now brolly
notice ano'her ci ss if men, who are sail
|y a fault lu the tr. a meiit ol their loci!
papers—wc mean those who ar UR—
Sully, tha they prefer born wing their
ueig bur’s paper to subscribe tor one. —
Do they cover think that, if every n an
was as contracted as themselves, that in
twelve mouths there would not be a
newt paper publi-bed in the land ; that
priuters and type-founders w. uld seek
other employment ; that au'hors wou <J
lay aside their p us ; publishers omse
their doors; the art of printing be for
gotten, aid a relapse into barbari.-m fol
low v Now we pul it to you, our friend,
is that mao d'scbargtng his duty whose
conduct teuds to such const t|ueuces l
Docs not his failure to pay for what he
receives smack or wrong ? lie does re
ciive, value, for why read his ueigbboiL
paper ? He does not pay for that vuiu ,
evuiybody knows—or ought to. We
prefer the fellow with impulse enough
to subscribe for a paper tbuugh he nev
er pays for it, to him who reads it but
does not place himself uud'T obligations
to any one to pay for it. lue one in
tends well, the other oruf.iiy and stuiiie
ly intends wrong—wroDg to bis neigh
bor and wrong to the publisher.
Right hero we cannot help rs joiciog
that the editor can fearlessly rasp this
class of men without damagtug himself
j one cent, for they are not subscribers
now and never will be as long as liny
remain what they ate. bo brethren ol
the press—yes, including the- city press,
for we will shake bau'Js with you on
that subject —let us uuite in thrashing
these selfish, stingy fellows, uut I they
become the laughing stuck of ‘‘all the
world aud the rest of mankind.
Jesting aside. The character of a
community is judged by the character
ot its local press if a paper is liberal
ly sustained, it will furoisb evidence ot
tue tact as unmistakably as a thermom
eter notes the high or low temperature
of the weather. Likewise, it the pub
lisher is tore and to struggle fur existence,
the marks of* this conflict aud of bis
poverty cannot be couceaied. In the
oue lustauoe straDgers will at oneo 3 de
c de, correc ts too, th*t the commun.ty
is composed of enterprising aud punlic
spiriteil Citizens, aud itu tue ottier ut
tbrifdes.- ad iguoiaut inhabitants. Oo
tue oue baud they are attracted, ou the
Otner repelled, for a reading people are
Jesireab.c neighbors, while the society
of the unretiued,uninformed aud uuread
ts not to be sought.
Wo are aUiUor Zad then to declare to
the people of every sec iuu, in which
there 18 a paper published, you have to
your midst an judex h'-ni ‘h at P OlB ’* S
■ mining yt i y ur cho#p*er ai a ccm
uiunity, and you have the meins end
power wi bin yourselves to ciuitumid a
favorable or unUvurable report. Which
do yo U pr. hr ?
0 lave uot written the above to
covrect any grievance* partitularly sppli
cyhlo to ourselves, for we have the “ar
suuiaey ’ to say that wo believo wo Love
us little cause of complaint as any conn
M*y paper published in tbe State, hut
have sought to give our remarks a gen
eral bearing.
M A It It I lift.
MARIUS -MANN—In Cha'tanonga,Tenn.
on ih.. is h I"si,. «t the residence of the
b i In's father, »>V t> e R V Jf". McUaulev, Mr.
K *S Harris and Miss R. G M nn the former
of Terrell cnnnly, the latter of Chattanooga.
We congrutula'o our young fiend Hairis
on obtaining so worthy and amiable a bride,
and her on w inning to heiself so noble and
manly a husband. May they live long and
happily, ami when, in silvery age, they look
back up the hill of Time may they be con
soled wiih the sweet consciousness that it has
been a profitable and peaceful journey. You
have acted wisely Smith, and may you never
have cause to regret the step you hare taken
lit At; KETIt E PORT.
Dawson, Oct. 2E— UottoD receipts
]igh f , demand g oi; 20 to 23E ex
tremes. Bacon clear tides, 24; clear
rib 2GJ. Bieging 28 to 32 Iron Ties
9to 10. Balt per tank $3.
Macon, Oet 19.*—Uotton.—Mid
dlings 24a. Bacon firm; dear rib
side* 23e.
Savannah Oet. 19. Cotton market
firT),with middlings 25} r
Cmci >tat : , Oet. 19—Baro 1 lower.—
Shou ders 161; clear sides 191
New Y’ork, Oet. 20, 3 p. m.—Cotton
dull nominal, 26!e.
Liverpool. Oet. 20. 3 p. m.—Cotton
morea*tive, 121 *o 121d.
Special Notices,
“Srill Laving the cLilis, air you, cd
“Well,y-c-s, I kinder slake every
other dav “
‘•Why in the dickens don’t you get
‘‘Been taking quinine, peperine, Bee
berir>p, striebuine, and ail other ines
“Have you tried Droragoole Sc Co.’s
King of Chills?’’
‘•No I don’t like patent medicines.
They are generally put up by druggists
or others who know nothing about dis
“But Drrtngoole & Cos are regular
gradulated physicians, and the King >»f
Chills is tbe result of a long bedside
experience in this malarious country. It
is not a patent, never fails to cure and
sells cheap.
“Tbauk you, sir, I’ll send to the
Drug Store, at once, and procure a bot
®StThe wonderful properties of
the Pyrafuge is showing itself daily in
the blooming cheeks of our forirtei
'•mucinted cit zens, alt of whom decimv
that until they tried this great
chill and fever expeller, they knew not
what it was to be dear, even for a few
days, of the se urge of our Southern
country ; thanks to science and oureu
terp ieing townsman; we need no lon
ger f jiir he great scourge, and we
can now go on "tir way rejoicing that
at last a conqueror is at hand which
wiil instantly expel from our system
chills and fever, dumb ague, and those
diseases incidental to malarious di
mate*. Keep a bottle of the Pyrafuge
ii the house, and as soon as the chill
or fever is lelt commence taking it, and
at once you are rea ly'makmg a last
j ij; and permanent cure — Rnplican.
hundred years ugo the now ccle
br.iiiil / s i.antation l',irrii!>s were m well
known in tie We-n I die- ns they ure now
known in ’he United S i’es. Ii is true they
were not known bv Hint nnme, but their com
ponents and manner of mannf.ictnring were
the same—eve that there has bean add and
Calisnya or Peruvian Lark, celebrated the
world over for its wonderful tonic properties.
Even to this day these Bitters are popular as
ever, and their stale end use on these Islands
is constantly increasing, and there can hard
ly a family be found', ric.n or poor, who i
wilkout. them. We do not wish to impute
anv wrong to ihe Ameiiean proprietors ol
these Bitters, but that they are the ortgina
to's, we most stoutly deny, and they must
take such umbrage at it as they please. At
the same time we take this occasion to cay
that a more valuable ionic Biiteis cannot be
found in all the wotld. We consider them
just the thing for weak ajid delicate .'enialo-,
and all those requiting a aiild and geuile
,%•§: n - rt’fi vms *:.ur.ri s
Johnson, Campbell it Cos.,
Corner Fourth and -Poplar streets,
Macon, Georgia.
OUR Mr. Johnson has just returned from
New York and the West, where he has
made he»vv purchases of Sugar Coff-a. Mo- :
BigsieK, Ties, T»i»e. Bacon, Lard,
Whiskev, Floor, Fi-h of all Finds, Cheese,
Crackers, Sardines, Pickles. Ham-, Tobacco,
Candles, ifandv. Nails. Soipa, Potash, Soda,
Will e -Veit, Salt, and lu fact everything lhat
is kept in a
First - Class Grocery House,
of .hieh they offer to the cMsenaaf Daw
son aud surrouudms co4nties, at
Very Low Figures.
Gymnasium it Menagerie!
—o —
PaiOF. KIAA'OI.ON will give two
of bis popular exhibitions at
b/kjiOjl, JhMay, the 28th ijijrt.
We strive to give an entertainment that will
be instructive, interesting and
published at Bainbridge, says of our troope.
Doors Open at 2 and 7i o’clock P.M.
Admission, • - • 75 cts.
Children under 10 years, Half Price.
I WILL be at the Uourt Bouse every day,
for the purpose of colleeting the State and
county Tax of !Bf<9, ujiil 16th of November,
when my books w*'! be closed.
ot-21;3t W. SESSIONS. T. C.
Sale and Feed Stable.
Wk expect to keep on hand, ail the season,
first class Dorses and Mule ' for sale. In our
purchases we look to what is needed .n this
section, and trust to merit a liberal patrooage
from those who may need stock. Call on us
before purchasing.
oe2lif FARNT7M & SBARPE.
A SMALL, dark Sorrell mole, supposed to
be 18 years old, was found in my yard
cn the morning of the 18tu The owner
i* requested to prove pioperty, psv charges,
and take him away. J, A. ZLLIS,
oc2lpl Near Ch&kasawhatchee.
W ILL pay cash for Rags, Rope, Bagging
« ♦ and old pipers. Orders solicited for
Wrapping, iftnilla and Print Paper.
New if- 11, Turn Water, Live Men.
Prices low. Terms Cash.
All inquiries promptly answered. Address
Pres. Cos., “College Temple,”
oc'2l;3m Newnan. Ga.
DAY MURE, to Male and Fe
tyrjv./ mile, Salary or commission, to sell
toe Household Sewing Machine. Guaranteed
for five years. Address Logan, Mack & Cos.,
Pitisburg, Pa.
r |''UE subscriber off.-rs for sale, until the Ist
1. day of December, 5,000 acres of good
cotton land. Four different farms in the
same neighborhood, well improved and in a
high state of cultivation ; lying in the 4t t dis
trict of Calhoun county, 20 utiles south of
C’ithbert., Ga., aDd 25 miles Southwest of
Dawson. F.A. PEPPER,
op.tMjt Morgan, Ga.
jryAmericas Republican copy.
CorNCir. C'iianekk, )
Dawson, Ga., October 11, 186a. f
It is ordered by th'* Council that J. E.
Loyless, Councilman, wfth the assistance of
the J/ .rsbal, proceed at once to collect the
Tuxes tor this year—lß69.
By order of Council.
W. J. ADAMS, Clerk.
P. S. —l am instructed by the Council to
collect by the 15th of November next, and res
turn all who fail to pav by that time as de
faulters. You can call at my store and settle.
0c14;4t J. E. LOYLESS, Collector.
Will be sold before the Court House door
ih jforgan, Calhoun couuty, Ga., on the
Tuesday in December next, lot ol land No.
•25ii, in the 3d district of Calhoun county.—
Sold as the property of John Pace, dec’d for
the benefit of the heirs.
V(. M. PACE, )Ex’r? of the estate
N. W. PACE, ) of Jehu Pace.
Atimiulstrairix >alp.
Will be sold before the Court House dooi,
in the city of Dawson, on
December next, all ihe Lauds belonging to
the eat. to of James W. Haddock, late of Ter
rell couuty, deceased.
0ct.21 ,’69-Cw. Administratrix.
Administrator's bale.
x X ILL be sold ou the first Tuesday in De-
W ceinher next, within the legal horns of, before the Court House door, in the
town of Dawson, by virtue of an order of the
Court of Ordinary ol Terrell county, the fol
lowing lots of iana belonging to the estate of
William Herrington, dec’d, all situated, lying
and being in the 3rd district of Terrell coun
ty, to-wit: Nos. 1)9, 100, 101, 125. Sold for
the benefit cf the heirs aud creditors of said
estate. Terms cash. Purchasers paying for
stamps aud title papers.
octf4;hadt Adm’r.
Administrator's Sale.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in De
cember next, within ,• 1 ■ Vvl hours of snie,
before the Court 110-. in the town of
Dawson, by virtue of si order of the Court
of Ordinary of Terrell county, 13$ acres of
land in the 4th district of Terrell county,
known a„ the place whereon Dr. R M. Carter
formerly icsiiled. Sold as the property of
the estate ol R. M. Car er, dec’d, for the ben
efit of the heirs aud creditors. Terms cash.
octl4;tds Adm’r.
/ v EORGIA, Terra'll County :
Vj Whereas, D. Chambliss, administrator
o! Wm. Chambliss, appfies tor leave to sell
lot of land No. 340 in the 26th district of
Early county, belonging to said estate. _
These are therefore to cite and admonish all
persons concerned, to be and appear at mv
ofli -e within the time prescribed by law, aud
show cause, if any, why said letters should
not be granted. Given under mv hand and
official signature, this October 14th, 1869.
T. M. ./ONES,
Octl4;4t Ordinary.
GEORGIA, Tyrrell County :
Whereas, W. J. Paiker, Executor of
George Powe'l, applies to me for leave to sell
the land of said estate.
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned, to be and appear at my
office wilhiu the time prescribed by law, and
show cause, if any, why said lettera should
not l.e granted. Given under my hand, and
official signature, this Odober 14ih, 1869.
octW;4t T. if. JONES, Ord’y.
GEORGIA, Terrell County:—
Whereas, Geo. A. Lofton applies for
letters of dismission on the estate of D B Ra
'"These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned, to be and appear at my
office within the time prescribed by law, and
show cause, it any, why said lettera should
no' be granted. Given under my hand, and
official signature, this September 9th, 1869.
sepr.;oam3in T. M. JONES, Ord’y.
Johnson has applied for exemption
L of personalty and setting apart and val
uation of Uomestead, to be heard st 1
o’clock, p. m., on the 29th dav of October
mat, at my office in Dawson, Ga.
oot2l ;2«v T. M. JONES, Ord’y,
LB. Causey has applied for exemption of
. personuity and iralty and valuation of
Homeutead, and I will pass upon the same
at 4 o’clock, p. m., on the 80th day of Oc
tober ! nst., at my ofllae in Dawson, Ga.
OCt2l;2w TM JONES, Ord’y.
Jas. £. Edwards has applied for exemption
of personally and realty and setting
apart and valuation of Homestead, anj I
will pass upon Ihe same at 1 o’clock, p. m.,ou
the 23d day of October inat, at my office in
Dawson, Ga. T M JONES, Ord’y.
A Sasser, next friend ol minor children of
jl\.» S. B. Smith,dec’d,applies for exemption
of personalty and selling apart and valuation
cf Uomestead, to be heard at 1 o’clock p. m.,
on the 21st day of October iust, at my office,
in Dawson, Ga.
oelll;2w T. M. JONES, Ord’y.
Terrell Mortgage Sheriff Sale,
WILL be sold before the Court Boose
door in the town of Dawson, said
county, on the Ist Tuesday in December
next, wilbin tbe legal hours of sale tbe fol
lownig property, to-wit; 1 lot of land, No.
269, in the 3d district of Terrell county.—
Levied on as the property of W. C. Thornton
deo’d, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued from
Terrell Superior Court in favor of Patten,
Lane, J/eriain & Cos, vs. J. C. F. Clark, as ad
ministrator, Wm. C. Thornton;
*epSo;tds .Sheriff.
Notice to Debtors aud Creditors.
ALL persons indebted to the estate
of J. W. Haddock, ltte of Terrell
(jouuty, decstsed, are hereby requested
to make immediate payment, and those
having demfinds are requested to pre
sent them, propirly authenticated, with
in the time pre-orihed by law.
sep23;6t Martha M. Haddock.
\7kGLL be sold before tbe Court House
T V door in the town of Dawson, said coun
ty, on the Ist Tuesday in November next,
within the legal hours of sale, the following
property, to-wit; J'wo lots of land, Nos. 188
and 189, in the lltb district of Terrell co.—
Levied ou as the property of Daniel J/iller to
satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court
cf Webster county, in favor of Mrs. M Miller
vs. Daniel Miller.
Also, at the same time and place, one lot of
laud, No. 117, in 12th districtof Terrell co.—
Levied upon by a Decree of the Supcriorcourt
of said county to satisfy Attorney lees and
cost, in the case of Samuel Denton, who
sues fur the use of minors, vs. Louisa Kelly
and Benjamin White.
Also, at tbe same time and place, B. B
Herrington's interest in the following lots of
land, to-wit: Nos. 99, 100, 101, 126, in the 3d
district of Terrell county. The same being
ihe undivided one-fifth of said lo*s of land;
the whole subject to the dower ofthe widow
of the late Win. Herrington. Levied on as
the property of H. B. Herrington co satisfy a
fi fa issued from Superior Court iu fa
vor of Mrs. L. Vinson vs. H. B. Herrington,
and Other fi fa’s in my hands. Sold at risk of
R. W. Davis, former purchaser.
Also, at the same time and place, one lot
ol land, No. 230, iu 18tb D.strict, of origi
nally Lee, now Terrell county. Levied on
as the property of William E Bozeman, to
satisfy a h la issued from the Suporior Court
of Terrell county in favor of Mason H.
Bush, Administrator of Silara Wiuzer vs
Wm. E. Bozeman.
Also, at the same time and place, one store
hou3e in the town ol Dawson, in Terrell coun
tv, situated on the west side of the street lead
ing to the depot aud know n as the store house
iu which Rosa & Harden did buaiueaa. L ivied
on as the property of D. M Harden to satisfy
a fi fa issued from the Terrell Supeiior Court
in favor ol Sharp k Brown va. Daniel M. Har
Also, at the same lime and place, hou a e and
lot iu Dawson, Terrell county; known as the
Baily lot and now occupied by E. Kuttner.—
Levied on as the property of Wm. W. Blair,
as Administrator of Jffitthew E. Williams to
satisfy a fi fa issued from the Superior Court
of said county, in favor of Wm. B. Parker vs.
Wm. W. Blair, Administrator of Matthew E.
Abo, at the same time and place, 10 ac es
off of No 269, in the 4th district of Terrell
county, and known as ihe Cogan Mill. Lev
ied ou as the property ol Nathan G. Christie,
to satisfy a fi la issued from the Terrell Supe
rior Court, in favor of Seaborn J. Thomas vs.
Nathan G. Christie.
Also, at the hs me time and place, 1300
acres of land consisting of the following lots :
Nos. 125, 126, 127, 139, 140, 141,62. Levied
on as the property of James Edmondson to
satisfy a ti fa issued liotu Muri&y Superior
Court, in favor of Lme, Boyce & Cos, vs.
Wm. Luff'man, James Edmuudson and Daniel
Nix, partners doing business under the firm
name ol Wm. Luffuiati A Cos.
oc7;tdß Slier riff.
Coots, Shoes, Hats and Caps,
Groceries & Tobacco,
Hardware ami Iron Ties,
it.iaai.rG, rope tii’/.w,
and indeed everything kept in a First-class
These goods have all been specially sc-s
lected to meet the wants of the Trad*, aud
will be sold at pi ices that will prove highly
sat jsfactoiy. Our stock is
In Every Department,
and comprises everything needed 'u« tvho’e
sale buyers, and such as will best suit their
customers. If you want Goods in which there
isaEaigc JtlßGn lor Profits,
Sand your orders to, Or call on
J. 11. KOSS & SOU,
Wholesale Dealfrsin Dry Goods & Groceries
Corner Second aud Cherry Streets,
.n.ico.r, o.i.
Wholesale Dpj Croods*
©IBINFb & ©(Du
HAVING lonu seen the necessity of an exclusive WHOLESALE
DRY GOODS HOUSE in our City, we have closed out our re
tail stock, enlarged our store to nearly double its former capacity. Shal
confine ourselves exclusively in tho
Wo keep a buyer continually in the Eastern Markets, and with our other
advantages, think we have facilities for offering goods as low, and on equally as
Good Terms as any other IVTarket.
Our Stoek is now oomplete, being the
Largest and Best assorted Slock ever opened in
the South.
We (col confident in offering sufficient inducements to retain the trade in
Savannah. Solicit order* and examination of our Stoek.
Very Hsspectfully,
00 , 7i3b . ORFF* WATKINS & CO.
1869. COTTON CROP. 1869.
(Successor to LOVLESS A GRIFEMf,)
friends stid the public, that they will find him at this well known staud,
Prepared to Receive, Store, Ship, Sell, or
Advance °P 00 their Cotton, at the rate of seven per ciut. per annum.
He will keep thorouglby posted, daily, by Telegraphic dispatches of all change#,
tn the Markets in New York and Liverpo 1. His Warehouse is
The Largest and most Centrally Located,
and situated in the most business portion cf the city, and his facilities for hand
ling Cotton are
He promises himself to work for, and PROTECT THE PLANTER io
every way in bis power. He flatters himself he is
Competent for the Successful Prosecution of the
Warehouse Business.
0?AII Cotion stored with me, Insured.^
NOTE. —JOYLESS & GRIFFIN return their thatiks for the verv/ibora!
patronage heretofore bestowed upon them, aud solicit for their trieod, "\Y • At.
PEEPLES. ‘ continuance of the same, wwrtag .them JjJ
promises to do will he done. <x
Sept. 30, 3m.