Newspaper Page Text
AGitH YI/riflMl,.
ask es our practioal farmers
to oome to our relief in the Agricultural
Department of our paper. We will
gladly publish any communication on
subjcots that will interest and bcnsfi'
our many planter readers.
There are but few who have not, from
experience and observation, stored away
in their storehouse ot knowledge fact*
that would be of great practicable good
to their brother planters, if published i
but, if kept back, the oountry generally
will be nono the wiser on aocount of
these observations.
We are an agricultural people and
should pay more, atteiitioo to the expe
rience of those who are trying to syste
matise the business and make it more
pleasant and profitable The idea of an
Agricultural Club, or Society, iu Ter
iell we give up, unless the planters will
move in the matter We have oalled
their attention to the importance of such
an organization, but all to no effect.—
We ouly wish that a committee of plan
ters would visit old Putnam oouu'y and
see wbat is beiog done there. One of
the oldest counties in the State, and
thought to be worn out years years ago,
yet, by proper culture, fertilizing, and
the benefits arising from an Agricultu
ral Club, she, this year, will make as
good crops as many of the counties of
Southwest Georgia. Give us recipes,
for the cure of different diseases iu
borsts, cows, hogs, &c ; give us your
experience in the use of fertilizers ; how
you applied it, and on what kind of land
It is sometimes the case that a fertilizer
on one plantation will do well, and on
another near by, it proves to be a fail
ure. Ascertain wbat your land needs,
describe your laud, and the feriilizer
that pays on it, thereby enabling your'
brothir planter to te beuefitted by your
Wo again say our columns are open
to our planters and will be glad to pub
lish any communication that will tend
to advance the agricultural interest of
Southwest Georgia.
The 000 tl Time Coming for (lie
Following closely on the heels of the
great National Trade Convention, which
meets in Louisville n< xi week, there will
he a g aiid S'ate Fair lu our city, to
which p< ople wili crowd from a number
cl utighb rtn«r Sta'es. Virgiuia will
bold its State F»r lu the early days ts
the next month, and Georg’a wi l fal
low suit immediately thereafter. The
county lairs iu our own Slate are at
tracting large ciowds, and go a great
way toward nuiiding up the material in
terests of tho people. All these indica
tions of prospi'rity are most encouraging.
Almost eve.ywhere the South seems to
be waking up tc tfco importance ot its
productions, iulaud and external com
merce, manufactures, and large crops of
co.lod, corn, sugar and rice. Tbe jro
duotion ot all these will be very large
this year, and larger next year.
Tho wealth ot the South is in the soil of
tbe South. Cotton here is more of a
King, counting the money value of oot
ton, than in 1861, when $100,000,000
was all the largest crop ever produced
yielded to the growers. Now about half
as much gives about one hundred mil
lionß more. In tbe Providenoe of God
the civil war developed two things—tho
poverty of the Soutn in its toor millions
of slav s, and tbe wealth of the South in
proving that without slaves more money
could be made than with them. '} he
subs iiunou has been necessity, industry,
economy, forecast, thrift, all of which is
tho best kind ts capital for States and
When the Scuth baa completed all
its needed railroads in the seaports, and
has developed even a uioiety of its min
eral wealth, it will prove altogether the
Wealthiest part of the agricultural un
ion. Ju cotton lands it is without a ri
val in the world, and in sugar and rice,
in the production of cattlb aud corn, it
should occupy ihe loremost place on the
comment. F«r the South th'>re are
good times anead, and we are glad to see
so many imely sups taken to exhibit
her weai'h and encourage its increase.
—Nashville Banner.
Railroad from Qujncj to Ciiat- Private le ters received
from Florida, (says the Columbus Siuu
and Times,) states that the work of
building a railroad from Quincy to
Chattaboocbee, a distance of twenty
two miles, has already been oommeooed
and will probably be finished in a few
months. The completion of this Bhort
tome will connect both Jacksonville
aud Savauuah with the h ats on our
river. It will serve as a competing line
to the Central, and thus always tend to
reduce the freights on cotton and mer
chandise. It is said to be asb irter line
than the Atlantic and Gulf, and one
that cannot be bought out.
There is to be a German Musical
Festival, in connection with the State
Fair at Macon, to which all the German
Binging societies of the South are invited.
Avery good feature.
The Atlanta Constitution, the Au
gusta Chronicle, Amerious Republican,
and the Cuthbert Appeal have been en
larged. Success to them.
all the Georgians who
emigrated to Brazil immediately after
the war, are returning to their old homes.
tjVmalt; Coll«|«S Bordtnlo* «, N. .)
Board and tuition #2i>B pr. year. For
catalogues address J. U. Bbakki.icy, Prea’t.
STE II Vi Hi’ CUV Mi. sT«r#..
OVER 10 0,0 O O IN USE.
Will do more work with the same amount of
luel than auy other Stove ever made.
Fnlli-r. W arren A. To.,
Exclusive Manufacturers, TROY. H. Y.
*Sr Descriptive pamphlets sent tree
JLI./. W. Masurv. Cl., 48 p . 40e. Free
by mail for price. Mascrrv ii Whbttoh.N Y
New York Observer
The oldest and best family newspaper, are offer
ing it to new subscribers on very favorable terms.
Sample copies with circulars, sent ircc to any
address. $3.50 per annum. 8. K. Moisc A Cos.
37 Park Hop, New \ork.
THE BEST snd I AUCtRT W'cekly
per, with t h e LMIIHt O I circulation in the
Protestant Episcopal Church. Sent free for one
mouth lor examination, and till a/un. 1, 1870, to
new subscribers (or that year. $3 a year, iu ad
vance. II 11 Mallory & Cos, Hartford, Ct.
| (’larky ihrlet'i Me
“More convenient than Ink.”—Am. Agrieult’t.
“/nvaluable to housekeepers”—Godey a Mag.
“A useful article”— Am. Institute Deport, 1800.
Sole agent, K FA BEtt, 133 Win. St, N Y Sold
by stationers and dealers everywhere
Grand Gold Metal and Cross of the legion of
Honor at the Exhibition in Paris, 1867.
A. VV. Faber’s New Pencils of Siberian Leac
in 10 grades are superior to sny pencils made
A. W, Faber's Stenographic, being hard and
durable, writing smooth, black and clean, is
tbe l est pencil for Architects. Engineers, Ac.
E. Faber, 133 Wm-st, N. Y. Soje Agent of
all A. W. Faber’s Penoils, Crayons. Slates,Ac.
Sold by stationers and dealers everywhere.
“HOW Shall We F it Our Hons>s.” By
J. W. d/asurry. ffl. 220 p. #1.50. Free by
mail lor price. Mascrrt& Whiton, N. Y.
With Irou Erame, Overstrung Bras* and A
graffe Bridge, J/elodeons and Cabinet, Or
gans. The b-st manfactured. Warranted 6
years. Piauos, Melodeons and Organs. Pri
ces grea'ly reduced for cash. New 7-octave
pianos #275 aud upward. New Cabinet Or
gans #45 and upward. Second hand instru
ments S4O and upward. Monthly instalments
received. Warerooms, 481 Broadway, N. Y.
Horace Waters.
The Best Type, Ciibitielt,
Presses Hurt Printers* iUiiieristl*,
J/ide and tarnished by
Vanderburgh, Wells A Cos., New York.
Good Second Hand Cylinders for Sale.
Water Wheels.—Over 8,000 in op
eration, Address the m’f'rs, Sullivan Ma
chine Cos , Claremont N. U., for reduced price
t« reat Atlantic anal Pacific
TEit c r,
No. 8 Church Street,
P. 0. Box 5506. New York City.
An organization of capitalists for the pur
pose of importing Teas and distributing them
to Merchants throughout the country at Im
porter’s prices. Established 1869, Send for
Price List.
The Purest, Best and Cheapest
r PHE MAGIC COMB Will change any colored
J. hair to a permanent Black or Brown.—
One Comb sent by mail for sl. For sale by
Merchants and Druggists generally. Address
J/agic Couth Cos., Springfield, J/ass.
If’tt n ted — E eery tv he re.
Good Agents for our new work,
“ Book of Wonders,”
Also, the “foliage Bible.”
Containing Notes. Indexes, Maps, Engravings,
Dictionary, &c. Best terms given. Over 300,
000 copies sold in United Slates and Canadas,
and Agents reporting from 10 to 50 names
per week. For circulars and terms, address
A. BRAINARD, //artford, Conn.
Drain, Pipe and Tile of the best
quality for Street <Sewers, House snd
Stable drains, Chimnev and Green House
Flues; for conveying Water from Springs; for
supply of Houses, Stables or Fish Ponds ; for
thorough unde'd ai ing of Land. Can besent
safely anv distance. Send for circular to
C. W. BOYNTON & CO., Woodbridge, N. J.
/- ,UKAP PAIWTINO. Comcast’.
C f 100 11- »1’2.6<1) will
- ( Coiosxv M 250 lb»- of
] psint as ”>“<*“ y,, r psrticulars,
/a -8 L<\ near No i SO
SnTSaMiwT*”*, N.
Attention ! Attention ! Every man
Who hits a House lo Paint. f-.w.ii//: cueuhs.
Known as “Railroad” Colors. Guaranteed to
be mote economical, more durable and more
convenient than any Paint ever before offered
A book entitled “P ain Talk with Practical
Painters,” with samples, sent, free by nail on
application MASURY AW HI YON,
Globe White Lead aud Color works,
111 Fulton St., New Yjrk.
Beware of Imitations. Established 1835.
5 | 1 | A Ho* I made it in six months.—
tjpl l^TUSecret aud sample mailed free.—
A. J. Fullam, N. V.
d.nA day.—.l3 new articles for agents. Sam-
SP '•"plea free. H. B. SHAW, Alfred, Me.
Ask your Doctor or Z). uggist for sweet
Quiuine' It equals (bitter) Qtiiuine.
Manufactured by /Stearns, Farr & Cos , Chem
ists, New York.
•in turrs: ntut it Tins ;
Wi will pay Agents a salary of S3O per
week and expenses, or allow a large commis
sion, to sell our new and wonderful inven
tions. Address M. Wagner & Cos., Marshall,
$13600 a year guaranteed to Agents. Ad
dress J. Auiarn, P. O. Avenue, Baltimore.
Agents wanted.—s7s to sjoo per
month to sell the original and improved
Common Sense Family Sewing Machine. All
complete for sls. It will hem, fell, stitch,
bind, braid and embroider in a most superior
manner, making the celebrated ‘Lock Stitch.’
Caution.—Do not buy 3/achines under the
same name as ours lrom any one except those
having certificate of Agency, signed by us
as they are worthless cast iron Machines.—
For circulars and terms, addtess or apply 'o
C. Bowers & Cos., 436 Spruce Street, Phila
delphia, Pa.
t\’ORDS us Wisdom for Young Men on
’ y the Ruling Passion in Youth & Early
A/.nhood with Se f help for the erring and
unfortunate. Sent in retied letter envelopes
free of charge. Address Howard Associa
tion, Box P, Pbila, Pa.
•Yetv cMitcertistitiett is,
Hocker Female College.
The Amt Minion of this College will begin on
Monday, September 2>th. IMH). Jmple arcoinmo*
(IntioiiH, witli h large hiiu able Faculty, for over
three hundred echolura. Term# moderate.
For particular!# apj»l> to
Robert J/illigan, ) Jaa. M. Huckor, Propr.
Mopes E. Sard >• or
Jno W McOarvy, ) R Graham A M Presid’i
J 8 Wilke*, Hoard of Advice
to $260 per month, male and female, to lntr<>'
duoe the Genuine Improved commmon Kenae
Family Sewing Maenino, underfeed and o
verfeed atylea. /'rice only $lB. These machines
will Htlch, hem, fell, tuck, bind, braid, bord, gath
er and embroider. The cloth cannot be pulled a
part even after every other atitch is cut. Every
machine warrantee! live years. We will pay
above aalary or a eommiaaion from which twice
the amoumtean be made. Jfldros* for tornm to
Agents, Ac. G. McA’athron A Cos, Nashville Tenn.
CA t/TION.— Do not i»e impoaed upon by other
parties palming off worthless east-lion machines,
under the same name or otherwise. Ours is the
ouly genuine and practical machine manufactured
TUC DOvC I Improved and remod-
I nC nUOO fVIILLi eled for grinding all
kinds of materials. Every one send for circular
to 11. JACKBoN,consult’geng’r,9SpruceSt. N Y
The Coarse for each year commences on the 1 st
Tuesday of September and continues nine mouths
The school is thoroughly organized. It teaches
the l aw as a .Science, and prepares its students
for the common law practice. For circulars ap
ply to iBA AO KI)WAR/>B, Albany, N. Y.
#l5O to #250 per month guaranteed |
Hure Pay. Salaries paid weekly to Agents every
where selling our Patent Everlasting white wire
Clothes Line. Call at, or write for particulars to
the Girard Wire Mills, 261 North Third St, Phil.
Postponement of Drawing to Dee. 28.
Correspondence between ths Proprietor and
the Commissioners.
Messrs Banks and others, Commission rsap
pointed bg act of Kentucky Legislature.
Gentlemen: I regret that I nrncompelled to ask
at you- hands a postponement of the drawing of
prizes of the Henderson county, ky., Land Sale
Although a great many tickets have been sold,
a sufficient number have not been disposed of to
justify me a sale of my prop erty without loss to
me, unless / hold the unsold tickets, which 1 do
not intend to do.
If you will giveme until the 2Sth day of De
cember, 1869, I feel confident of disposing of all
the tickets by that time.
1 am, gentlemen, very respectfully,
_ . „ WM. McCLAIN,
Henderson, Ky., Aug. 24, 1869.
Reply of the Commissioners ,
The undersigned, commissioners to man
age the Henderson Land Sale, regret to »n
--nonnee to the public that a sufficient, num
ber of tickets have not been disposed of to
justify the proprietor in allowing a transfer
of the property on the latot September, and
they have concluded to postpone the drawing
until the 28th day of December, 1869.
A large number of tickets have been sold,
and we entertain but little doubt that all wil[
be disposed ot bv the time fixed above. We
think we are acting in the interests of ticket
holders in seeking to have none others than
those who have purchased tickets, sharo in
the drawing. Should the drawing take place
now. the proprietor would be compelled, in
Older to save himself from loss, to take his
chance in the drawing with the unsold tick
ets. This he doesvnot desire to do, nor do
we desire that he should do it.
The postponement is for a short time only,
and as the prosecution of the farms cannot
be surrended—being rented out for the pres*
eut tear, nor the rent collected until the Ist
of January next, it can make bn", little dif
ference vflth those who are so fortunate as to
win whether they succeed on the Ist of Sep
tember or the 28th day of December, 1869.
The owner of the property will hold no
tickets, and we trust that those who have
them will wait cbcetfnlly for the time fixed
by u»—for there will positivelv be no further
The money arising from the sale oftiekels is
in the bank, to our credit, and the owner of
the properly cannot in any wav use or con
trol it until after the drawing and the trans
fer oi property. The increasing interest in
the scheme, and the confidence manifested
throughout the country in its fairness, jns'i
ty us in the opinion that the scheme will be
certainly a great success.
Commission “rs.
An opportunity is now offered for those
who were disappointed in getting tickers be
fore September Ist, to secure them now.—
The Scheme is regularly chartered bj the
Kentucky Legislature, and the inlerests of
ticket holders fully protected by law. It is dso
endorsed by Gov. Stevenson, and U. S. Sena
tors Davis and J/eCreerv, and over two hun
dred of the leading citizens of Kemuckv.—
There are 611 prizes in all; capiral prize #l5O
-and smallest prize #80,00; tickets onlv
$5,00; Secure them of your nearest club
agent, or of either of the following author
ized financial agents, who will also furnish
circulars. Send money at their risk onlv by
express (prepaid) P. O. order, registered let
ter, or bank draft,
L H I.yne, Casli’r .Farmersßank, Henderson,
Ky.; R It Alexander, Commercial Bank, Louis
ville, Ky.; John C Latham, President Bank, Hop
kinsville, Ky.; J I, Itallum, Commercial Bank,
Paducah, Ky.; B G Thomas, Cashier, Lexington
ky.; W B Tyler, Casli’r Deposit Bk., Owens
boro, Ky.
WA MT E FI Airents to sell SERVICE
” li I C U AFLOAT in the Sumter aud
Alabama by .Tdmlral Raphael Semmes. 30,00eop
ies sold during the first four months. It is a most
graphic aud thrilling description of the adven
tures of this commander aud his comrades, writ
ten by Semmes himself, and everybody takes it
without solicitation, no matter what their polities
ire will furnish the names of over 125 agents who
nave made upwards of *3OO per month net, with
this book. Sold only by subscription, and exelu
aive territory given to pood agents. Address
208 Main St., Louisville, Ky,
wTwSITI!! i*.
as diploma at office will show, has been
longer engaged in the treatment ol Venereal,
Sexual and Private Diseases, than any other
phvsiciau in St. Louis.
Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Gleet , Stricture, Or
bhitisHernia, and rupture ; all Urinary Dis
eases and Srphililic or Mercurial Afflictions
of the throat, Skin or Doties, are treated with
unparalleled success.
Spermatorrhea, Sexal debility and Impo
tency as the result of self-abuse in youth, sex
ual excess in mature years, or other causes,
and which produce some of the following ef
fects, as nocturnal emissions, blotches, debil
ity, diziness, dimness of sight, confusion of
ideas, evil forbodiugs, aversion of society of
females, loss of memory and sexual power,
and rendering marriage improper , are per
manently cured.
Dr. Whitaker publishes a MEDICAL PAM
PHLET relating to veneral diseases and the
disastrous and varied consequences of self
abuse, that will be sent to any address in a
sealed envelop for two stamps. Many phy
sicians introduce patients to the doctor after
readiog his medical pamphlet. Communica
tion confidential. A friendly talk will cost
you nothing. Office central, yet retired—
No. 617 St. Charles st., St. Louis, Mo. Hours,
9a m to 7 p. m. Sundays 12 to 2 p m.
r PHE Great Original Dollar
* Sale of Dry and Fancy Goods, and will
present to any person sending us a Club, a
Watch, Silk Dress, piece of Sheeting,
Send for catalogue of Goods and sample,
deliverrd to any address free.
J. S. HAWES & CO., 128 & 130 Federal St.,
Boston, 3/ass., P. 0. Box, C,
N. B.—Samples given on application for
llft*:i> .1 iCKDT AXE
[j better '»»»i» «*u» shaped Ax**» so
these reasons: First it. cu -d ep r 8 couo
--It don’t. B’ick in In wo<*d. TANARUS» id —ls and
not jar th hand Fourth —No lime ie wait
ed iu taking the Axe out ot the cu\ Fifth—
With the *aine labor )OU will do one-'hiro
more wo'k than with egular Axes. R-d
paint has nothing to do with the good qu 1*»
ties of »h and Axe, for all our Axe* are painted
red. It tour hardware store does not ke**p
our goodM, we will gl*dlv answer inquiries oi
fill your ord -ra direct, or give you the nadit
ot the nearest d<*>*ler who keens our Axes.
Pi tsburgh, Pa.
S. le owners of Colburn’* & Jacket pat’*.
Or. Whittier. 9 Wylie .St., Pittsburgh, Pa., of
f/niou wide reputation, treats all veneral dis
eases; also, seminal weakness, impoteucy, etc., the
result of self-abuse. Send 2 stamps for sealed
pamphlet, 50 pages. No matter who failed, state
case. Consultation free,
Lasting & Permanent Cure.
However Obstinate
Can renat its Health-giving Properties
Creates an Appetite, Brings Color to
Cheeks of the Emaciated and
Strength to the Feeble.
Every Bottle Sold is Accompa
nied by sx Gii;ir;intce of
The Proprietor of the PYRAFUGR chal
lenges evjry case, no matter of how lone
standing, to try thi- GREAT CHILL AND
FEVER CUKE, and then deuy ils wonderful
amative properties.
\T iserahlc 'O’s^rt^e,
For pale, at Wholesale, by the Sole MaDu
facurer for the United States, by
Lippmau’s Mbulesale Drug lluose
Savannah, Ga.
Pains and Ache s,
Great R heura at i c Remedy.
Headache and all Riiious Disorders.
May 20 ly.
With Iron Frame, Overstrung Bass, and
Agraffe Bridge.
Melodeons ami-cabinet Organs.
The best Plaint far In red; War
ranted for Nix fears.
FIFTY New and Nccond-hand Pianos, Me
lodeons and Organs of first-claae maker?,
at low prices for cash; or one third cash and
the balance in Monthly Instalments. Second
hand Instruments at great bargains. Illustra
ted Catalogue mailed. Wurerooms, 481
Broadway, N. Y. HORACE WATERS.
The Waters' Pianos are known as among
the very best.— N Y. Evangelist.
We San speak of the merits of the Waters*
Piano? from pers nal knowledge a? being of
the verv best quality. Christian Intel.
The Watters’ Piare hml: of the best
and most thoroughly seasoned matetial.
Advocate <fc Journal.
Our friends will hud at Mr. Waters’ store
the very best assortment of Pianos, Melo*
deODS and Organs to he found in the United
States. Grahams Magazine.
MUSICAL DOINGS.—Since Mr, Water? gave
up publishing aheet music, he ha? devoted hi?
whole capital aud at/ention to the manufacture
aud *ale of Pianos and MelodooUs- He has just
issued a catalogue of his new instruments, giving
anew scale of prices, which shows a marked re
duction from former rates, and hi? Pianos have
recently been awarded the First Premium at sev
eral Fair?. Many people of the present day, who
are attracted, if not confused, with the flaming ad
vertisements ol rival piano houses, probably over
look the modest manufacturer like Mr. Waters ;
but we happen to know that his instruments
earned him a good reputation long before Expo
sitions and “hohors” connected therewith were
ever thought of; indeed, we have one of Mr. Wa
ters’ Pianofortes now in our residence (where it
has stood for years,) of which any manufacturer
iu the world might well be proud. We have al
ways Deen delighted with it as a sweet toned and
powerful instrument, and there is no doubt of its
durability ; more than this, some of the best ama
tour players in the city, as well as several celebra
ted pianists, have performed on the same piano,
and all pronounce it a superior and first-class in
strument. Stronger endorsement we could not
give.— Home Journal.
A specimen of the above Piano? can be
seen at my residence. W. M. Peeples,
jan?l;lyw Agent.
Southern Preparations 1
The-e Remedies are tbe result of many
years ot laborious study, and a long o-daide
experience in the Sourh and West, and fror
'be golden ooinioss they have won fr in he
med cal prole so' , th p e-s ,i,d t e n'.nii- .
■od the nnpieo deiTte demand . and univer
al aaris action given, they jv mo,
Being prepared nv the on do >1 pro a o
nd divested of ull seoieov, phvsici na >n ot
direc ions are prescribing th. m in th tr ptac
tice with the meat sa isfaetnrv results
The editor of the Columbus (Miss.) Sen'l
nel savs :
“We have had occasion to use several of
he ‘O'eat Sou hern i’rep.rations,’ in our
family, and in every instance they gave en
tire satisfac'ion."
The Afemphis Daily Appeal savs:
The superiority of tfi “Great Southern
Preparations” is acknowledg'd by all who
uaee test, and them, a: and we cheerfully recoin
mend them to our friends throughout the
The Memphis Public L“dser eras :
The “Ur, at Southern are pre
pared and offered bv staunch /hiysiciana of
our city whom we know ; - heir remedies give
satisfaction, a"d we cheerfully recommend
them as No 1 Familv Medicines.
The Brandon (Miss.) Republican savs :
The “Great Southern Preparations” are
prepared by en.inout physicians and sell well
iu our midst.
is rapidly sinking to an early grave. Her
eyes are growntg dim and her cheeks broom
ing pale ; her pe-aonal charms are fading,
and she is less talkative ; her whole
frame is feeble, emaciated and nervous; the
least exercise causes sltoi t bfeathiug and a
palpitating heart ; she has no appetite, her
head aches, her feet and hands are constant
ly cold, she is restless, nervous and cross and
everything fails to give relief.
Do you know what’s the matter with your
who is thus afflicted? Ask her if she is trub
led with any complaint peculiar to her aex.
Ask her if she is troubled with painful, sup
pressed or irregular A/outbly Periods ; if she
has Leucorrhcea, or Whites, Chlorosis, nr
Green Sickness, Falling of the Womb, Ulcer
attou of the Womb, or a#y of those diseases
produced by an irregul trMtciion of the womb
will immediately arouse and restore her to
Physicians all over the country are delight
ed wi,h its effects. We hold hundreds of
letters similar to the following :
[Extract from the Macon (Miss.) Beacon :]
From the unprecedente sale and demand
for the “English Female Bitters” here, and
the entire satisfaction given, we earnestly
recommend them to all of our lady friends’
Mr. F. C. Sinclair, of D,-Kalb, Mis-,., says :
Three of our physicians are using your
remedies in their|practice, ooc of whom savs
there is no Uterine tonic equal to you English
F, m tie Bitters.
Messrs. Carpenter & Cos., of Hazleburst,
A/iss., A/jrch, 1868, says :
The sale of your English Female Bitters is
wonderful. Send ivo dozen bv express.
RisoD A Neal, of Huntsville, Ala., say :
Please forward by express, six dozen En
gli-h Female Bitters.
Thes-' Bitters are beautifully put up in
large bottles, at $2.50 per bottle, or three
bottles for $6.00 ; one bottle lasting two
weeks. Sent to all parts of the country on
receipt of ptice ; also, for sale bv druggists.
J. P. DuomoooLk & Cos , Pt-op’rs.,
• Memphis, Tenn.
By cleansing the stomach, arousing the
liver, carrying off all the bilious matter, and
acting as a powerful anti-period'c, the
K I ' « ( K CHILLS
at nac and >ll*r tier bni'l-, is to d,v the hnast
c,l phis ctan-’ combination for the cure of
ail tornis ol Chills and F ver. Neuralgia, pair,
and at-hiiifc o : t’,e B 1 n-'S and Joints, Bun
/ > *m, and ,11 , b,,g,i complain aof a malari
ous <■' ig u.
It never ell cts the i-e-td, ca*s, or n rves,
can be admim-toed to infants, aud is supe
rior to quini ,« to, thes.- dig asev.
all over the enuutry are buying th • King of
Chills for family use, and all are delighted
with its effects. It you do not wish vour
chils to return, this is the remedy. Ir is pre
pared by physicians who have much expeti
ence in the treatment of malarious diseases,
and, as this temedy never fails in private prac
tice, it is cotjfiden'ially recommended as a
a standard prepa'ation.
Latge buttles #I.OO, or six bottles for $5
Sold by all druggiSts.
Have You a Couglt !
Use efmygdalin /’ectoral.
Have you any disease of the Lungs t • •
T ANARUS, , Use Amygdalln Pectoral.
Have you Pleurisy or Bronchitis 7 .
Use -dinygdalin Pectoral.
Have you Croup or Hooping Cough V
. Use Amygdaliu Pectoral.
The prettiest and best Cough Syrup
la -dmygdalin Pectoral.
The mother s cheap Cough Syrup
... _ Is -dmygdalin Pectoral.
The Children’s X avonte
Is Amygdalln /’ectoral.
For famt'y use, as a powertui expecioiau'.,
easing pain aud encouraging sleep, it has no
Price, SI.OO. Sold byr all druggists.
STOP, OEM > .W./.V !
You need not grunt anv longer. You can
be cuted right aw.y. Your Kidneys and
Bladder have been a„fioving von loug enough
Dli OMGO OLE & CO ’ 8
Ext. Bearberry & Bucku
will cure you of all that suffering It will
relieve vou of Urinary deposits, frequent de
siie and inability to Urinate, Gravel, Gout,
Dropsy, paiu in the Back, effects ot Habits of
Dissipaiion or early sbuse. Adapted to old
or voung, male or female.
Price, $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5.
Sent to all parts of the country on receipt of
price; also, for sale by druggists.
use or ob*
which puiifiesthe Blood, cures Scrofula, Skio
Diseases, Glandular eweilings, Syphilitic af>
lections, old Ulcers and Sores, Boils, etc.
The MONARCH is composed of Stillingia,
Sarsaparilla and lodide ol Potash, which are
acknowledged the world over to be ike best
Blood Purifiers ever known.
Price, large bot'les, $1,50.
J. P. DROMtiOOLE & CO., Prop’rs,
oct7;3m Memphis, Tenn.
For sale by Janes & Loyless, Dawson Ga.
Manufacturers of
260 Broadway, New loik.
Are manufacturing extensively ev
ery style of Carriage, Buggy, and
Wagon suitable for tbe South, from the
finest Landau and Pbaeton down to tbo
Mr. VV. Woodruff, of Griffin, Ga.,
well known throughout tbe South as
tbe originator of tbe cel brated Buggy
called “The Word'tiff C oeord,” isdd
“The Wooruff Plantation Wag m, aud
associated with us in N. Y , where we
will always krep a good stock of these
Buggies and Wag n,s on hand, which
are said to be superior to almost any
made iu Amerioa.
If you want any bind of a Vehicle,
GOOD wahranted W kk, send your or
ders directly to this Bouse, or through
any of our Agents, and they will have
prompt attention Illustrated circulars
will be sent to any person who will
write for them. May 6 ly
Eall& Winter Goods!
Bought for the Lash and at Low Prices!
WE ht« ' roue v and our largo a-d attractive stock «f G -d-, b niglt’ by i nr
M- M Kimi yin New Y rk, when GOLD w»a «Ing ui |nw r,.te- a„j
ff rih t«i r’-u public at uoh pr'ce« as will üßtm i«h every ”'ie
Our ■ nek e fpr 0- s Variety ol
And all goo 's needed in tbe family, or on the platt’a 'on. Oome and see
vmirst Ivea, it store formerly occupied by \Y. M P uplea, corner Luy' , .
B! ook.
McKinney sc crouch.
P S — We have ne< ured the services of Messrs JVli. JONES
and J. K HOOD. who wiii be plensed to have ibeir old friends
aud customeis cull on them before j urchasing goods. M. & C
WITH the coniing seasoDwc respectfully i ffer our congratulalion* te eir
fiiends, and tender thorn our services in the
Storing and Marketing their Crops of Cotton & Syrup
We shall have ample room to shelter all the
COTTON and Close Storage lot
SYRUP and other articles sent us.
WE shall keep
and Balt, to furnish the Planters, and tha
usual Advances made on Cotton Stored with us.
We spare ncith<r pains nor expense in projecting and promoting the interett
i f onr patr"Ds, and shall continue to use our utmost endeavors to make tbe
Planters Warelicmse Merit and receive the patronage »f tki
Plauting public. We respectfully solicit y ur patronage.
(Successors loUicuflium, UarrisA Cos.)
J. M. SIMMONS, one of tbe old, being » pa r tnnr in the New Firm, and being
familiar with all the points of the business, and Mr. R. T. Harper’s loDgexperi
ence as a Merchant, we cordially and cheerfully recomend tbe new firm of
HARPER & SIMMONS t.<• all our old pairous aud plautcre generally, guaiu
teeing to them perfect satisfaction.
Cheatham, Harris & Cos.
July 15:'f
Tli.oSs, J® HABT, Fa*®.,
And Manufacturer of
Carriages & Bu^gic§
Patcrns a<ljustcd so suit flic Latest and niosl
Improved Style.
HAVING been in the Carriage business for a number of yearn, we flatter ourssW** willl
the ussurance that we can give entire satisfaction. Repairing of all kinds neatly •*•*
Wood-work, Smithing, Trimming and Painting,
will be attended to with such precision as to make our repairing rival new vehicle* ia ap
pearance. We intend keepiDg on hand a well selected etock ol tbe moat approved
Manufacturers Patent Leather,
Japanned Curtain Cloth,
Warranted Steel Springs, (Patent and half Pal® 11 *'
Plain Axles,
Bolts Os superior quality,
Hubs, Spokes,
Bent Rims,
Shaf s, Poles, &e., &c.,
in fact, everything connected writ Carriage making. Anew supply of the above 1
ttcles has just been teceivrd, with many other thing- belonging to our establishment
To secure a liberal patronage,we intend keeping a corpse of experienced workmen m * „
branch, and will guarantee that our woik, both new and repaired, shall not be m> erl
»ny, either North or South.
Shop on U esi side Main st., opposile “Journal” Piloting Office.
Refikercss— Col. 0. 0. Nelson, W. M. Thompson, Reuben Guice, Dawson, Gear* 1 * 1
Dawson, Ga., June 3rd, 1869—ts