Newspaper Page Text
==- l ocal column.
g, >l. Seinel At Hi*o*
This well known firm have ngain on
hnnd n Ne’v and Clomplete Stock of
floods generally found in a first-elans
j) r y Goods and Clothing house, which
thev offer at such low prices as will
eca'hle everybody to supply themselves
with the necessary goods lor the rea
son. They have Dry Goods, Cloth
ing, Notions, Boots und 8ho"s, Hats,
Gents Furnishing Goods, Ac, &c»,
which they are determined to sell.
Give t-letn u call.
Don't fail to go to price the goods
\\. 11. Barham, and 8. Maas, Sales"
Ktj.ioious Notice.— The Stewards
„{ the Terrell Circuit, pud bnihren
hiving mosey for the Missionary and
Coofereoee collections, are earnestly re.
qaeitei to meet at New Hope Church
do (Saturday, tbc 27tb iu*t. The J’re
•idiog Klder respectfully ‘olicif* a u I
aiuu'lsiee ml final lenlcmont from
if'yukmtrk. J. H McGeus*.
uovld'lt. _
R>v Mr. Breedlove, Pastor of the
M K. Church, will preach in the Meth
njiit church »t (Iliieka*awhatchie, on
teat Sibbaih at 11 o’clock
See Advertisement of T. K. High
lower, who offira to rent « fine plants
tjoa, well improved, on Chickasaw
J«»W, Koraey*. Minerva Tnil's nnd
Casiunero lor Men nod Bovs' wont- at
ritrsll arrival of extra fine oranges,
niiinr, outs, «t SOLOMON S
Fuvsfl*, l.iusey*, Opera FlunnuL
and all other lunii* of <CJundn In'- win
ter wait at low prices ;it th« stnr« of
HJ'Kour F ne Oot'on DUnt Aon* for rale
it CalUiß comdiv. Apply '
Mil J SmaiiT. of tiro 6-m of Far
ntim & Shorpe, has gone to T nns*>e
far another lot of horseg and mu’o«
H. M. SEISEL & WHO. well Crock
wry cheaper thnn uttyliody 5 go rind M-e
W. T. Law s, IS f| , was elected, on
ll»t Thursday, President of Board ol
Councilman, In fi' 1 the unexpiiel term
of \V. 11, 0. Coker, whr baa removed
fr ai the ci' v.
Chen/. P rierts, Moluiirs, De’uines,
Mennoi's, tin J cun be found
ai the old store 1 I
R.ts Ml tu turuhts in this vicinity
on tot Tuesday evening »<.d night,
witch made many giad hearts on ac-
C'.aot ot removing the dust, replenisb
i-hing the almost 1 iliaus od supply if
watcc in trulls* mao of which had to
t.feiy ftitaL
K. Mi Rose a Uv —VS bob saL Ded
cm in pare Vt iuea and Liquors, A'lan
ta.dda. NuV 4-3 t
At, 1, kin(lls td Clothing, at reduced
fwcea, «t
I'HILAOULFIin and at
■‘‘Via UlAb AAU l.tqi uilt
Gmtme Hlock, Atlanta, Ua.
dtJttoss aud 01 Inrs attending Court,
** B K* 1 * first-rate meal at any hour,
<hy or night, at Sdomm’s. Dont think
t> ' “dug a odd “snack” when you can
for «uch a small amount if mouey, par—
'»k» of such delicacies as fried mullet
°y»ier», & c ., with extra Java c iffce for
* itimulant.
If you wj„h to ru|<|'iy yourself with
* gW'd Hat, at a mimli price, *n to
Our talented ycung friend, Mr. R.
<»., recently admitted to tbe bar,
*xpcct« to leave our city about tbc mid
dle of December, to begin th« practice
of til profe.aton at Mootmma, Ga.
Uienti who commit their cause to bis
management will find him an able
P**xcu Cornet* lor $1 00 nt
Solomon keeps always on band a
,u pplj of Pish, Oysters, Hama, Ac.,and
11 prepared to serve them in any style
desired. He is not only polite and ac
'Ommodsting himself, but bis waiters
* fly around” as though they had
je*t ootnploted their tutorage in a d*n
c'Bg academy. Give him a call.
.„n ADIK8 ’ Bt 15 cts n pair, are
d#t 8 M SEISEL & BUD'S.
ARTs Buggies. —Thera is no lon-
1 4 necessity for those in this vicinity
Uuggies, to go to Macon, or
n y*liere else, outside of Dawson, to
E et them. Asa proof of the fact, call
n Hart, and let him show you
. IBe 'I I6 t>oe he shipped to Macon
e other day—rho buyer preferring his
J e, nt»k? and fiuisb to those of Ma
11 experienced workmen, A
material an j j Q domi*able energy,
art * las ea, ablished a reputatioa
' b *t defies oompetittca.
In a Tight.— Those of our subscri
bers, who are in arrears, will please re
member ms during Court week. Per
sonal “dunning” is unpleasant both to
debtor and amount duo
by each is small, but if "lumped” to
gether, and in our possession* We think
we cotild trade sot the calioo drehs of
which we spoke some time since.
. Go to 8. M. BEIBEL A B«O S
store for your Bleached and Brown
Domestics, as well as Ticking and
Our Merchants seem to be doing a
more lively business at present than at
time since tbc fall season set in. The
streets are crowded daily with wagons
buggies, &j., nod, as we kuowjthat peo
ple generally do not love to*be tow act
ive without remuneration, wo oonoludc
that Greenbacks are afloat—bcnce the
8 H SEISEL & JJftO. keep the
best Hoots and Shoes, and always sell
them cheap.
Accident.— George Browrt, son of
Cjl. Milton Brown* of our oity, while
>.n bis way to Macon on the flight of
the 10th, to attend the Fair, dismounted
from the cars at Amcrlcus, and in at
tempting to get ab aril after the tars
were in motioa, fell, the wheels passing
tmr both legs, and we lesrft that
t rre i-t no hopes of bis recovery.
Another warning to the traveling pub
ic, showing the evil of not being care
lul when about a moving train of cars
The following li-a of Grand and
Pc:it Jurors have been drawD for the
next terra of Terrell Superior Court, to
be held on tho fourth M mday in No
vember, inst, and it is ordered that they
n« and appear at tbe Court House by
10 >’cl kl, m., in that «' y :
G it and-jithors.
G ‘urge \V Chrs'ie, R C Mir in. Na
than C*-k,Jr., J II C-iilier. M L Bur
ney. B F Commander, 8 H Lee, Sam
u-l V Brown. Martin McLendon, B. F
Culli a. J T fi .y*, John B Vanover,
J- hn W Glenn, E Taylor, D'Vtd P.
Ohumh-rs, N G Piioce, Jis. MoNea l ,
W W L°e. J hn Bai ders, J .me* E.
i/>)le«s, John Moreland, VV. !. Camp
bell, J hn M y.
Pat Ward, (J M Powell, W BChristie.
W \V Cook, Kitiian D il , T M Mauod<
U B Strcns, W M Gres
ham. D L Wooten, T J Daniel, Geo
VV V*rner, lfulus Mims, J II Cannon,
VViu Wooten, L M Lrmard, Jr, A M
M>und, G o Chapman, II L M -relaod,
J P Sharp, J. sse U gets, Hiram Gar
rett, 1) Chaoibli-e, (Loorgc N K lly, F.
P Walker, Wil iam (’hatr.bliss, A J
L-e, i) A Cochran. W li C> ctrt. N V
Divtf, I'h- rna« KTayl 1, It F Ch m -
blis , (i 15 Tt-ompaop, Reuben Goiee,
B-rj. tiihson, D VV Osfi-rd.
Winces tho HoooraH-t
J. C F. Clark, Conk .•[ said Court.
Another Fine.—Eo y after nightfall
on last Thursday the altrtn of
fire W!8 0 it-ded on the streets, and on
r pairing to the spot, discovered that the
bui.ding, foroier’y occupiicd by R ss &
Harib-n, Gioecr ll , was fast being covrl
-ped in ff.m s However, by tie
prompt action if our citizen*, the fl»mes
were extinguished without much darn
-g- being douc. Tbe attempted burn
ing was tbe work of a hungry rat, wh", it
is supposed, being in seatoh 0! some
thing to eat, ran carelessly over some
matches, causing them to fall and ig
nite. A ter the smoke bad cleared
away an examination was made to as
certain the extent of damages, and we
sre glad to note they were but slight.
Dur ng the confusion the perpetrator
made good bis escape. We would ad
vise our citizens to be careful abou
laying matohea about loosely, and in
eriase the number of ‘mousers’on their
respective premise*. It would, perhaps,
lessen the necessity of a Fire Engine )
and the frequent hurried search for In
surance Agents would be douo away
.11A It It I ED.
F.VAN3—COCHRAN—Married at t»-* res
idence of the bride’s father, Kli Cochran, by
the Rev. G. A. Lofton, Cupt. S. G. Evas* and
Vlias Eliza CoCHRak, all of Terrell county.
FLETCHER —WEST—Jfarried on the 1 lh
inst., bv the Rev. G. A. /s!ton, David 0. j
Fnrca*a and Miss Talcla B. Wist.
Dawsok, -Nov. 17.—Cotfon 18»21J.
Bicon side* 21 i
Macon, Not. 16 —Evening—Cotton,
at ok iigbij demand good. Middlings
22}. I
Special JYolice*.
errors of youth
A Gentleman who suffered for years from
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, snd all
the effects of youthlul indiscretion, will, for
the sake of suffering humanity, send free to
all who need it, the receipt and direction* fov
making the simple remedy by which he was
cured. Suffereis wishing to profit by the ad
vertiser's experience, cau ilo »o by address
ing. in periect confidence,
tinrS; ly No. 42 Cedar street, N.Y.
TO rA’ft.
The AdvrtUer, having been restored twhealth
in a Itew week*, by m very simple seiwdy, after
havinir euffereril »everal years with a severe luug
affection, and that dread disease, Coosumpcion—
is anxious to make known so libs fellow-sufferers
who desire it, he w»l send a copy of the
prescription used (free ofehagre,) with the direc
tions for preparing and using the same, which
thi-v will find asurt cure for *’onsumption, Asth
ma Bronchitis, etc. 3Tic object of tbe advertiser
in seuding the Prescription is to benetit the affiict
ed anil spread information which he conceives to
Is-'invaluable : aud he hopes every sufferer win
try Ilia remedy, as it will cost them nothing, aud
je3:ly Williamsburg, Aings couuty, ». •
Rhe'jmatics, Listen and Learn
I rof. Kayton, tbe popular and celebra
ted manufacturer of Kayton's Oil of
Dtfe, tbe best and surest linament for
rheumatism known, has now discontin
ued his travels throughout the States to
*cß the Ume and the cripple, aDd those
otherwise afflicted by rheumatism, or
neuralgia, or pains in the side, &c., f r
be argues* and well too, that tbe people
oan oure themselves without him by us
ing bib Oil of Life; tho virtues of
which are universally acknowledged
people were foolish enough to
think flora the switt auu speedy oures
made on tbe spot, before their eyes or
their friends, that the Profesaor’s hands
were bewitched, but we assure all that
tbe starling virtue lies only in tbe Oil
of Life and good rubbing. For rheu
matism, neuralgia, pains in tbe back,
joints or sidee, or wherever a liniment
maj'bc used that Kayton’s Oil of Life
is acknowledged as great and without
au equal, giving the patient altroit in
stantaneous relief by me rubbiDg
For 'prains or brnises, it has also been
used with marked success.
Kayton’s Dyspeptic Ptl’s, purely veg
etable, are an excellent cathartic. Mc-
Kesson & Robbing, wholesale agents,
New York. Jacob Litpman, Prop’r,
Wholesale Drug House, Savannah.
Cowjh —Cuugh all day, cough all
night, cough at tbe side for two months;
cau’t get a long breath without an “oh
my side;” complain because you are los
ing flesh and your strength fails. Now
you cun easily remedy all this. You can
cure the cotigb, the pain and all dis
eases of the throat aud lußgs, for which
an expectorant is required.
Dromgool A CD ’» “ Atnygdalin Pect
oral, ’is a beautiful expectorant, pre
pared by regular physicians, and recom
mended if) confidence for Coughs, colds,
bronchitis, paiu in tbe Side, etc. It i»
no secret, nos Is it a patent, but is a j
bappy combination of reeogn’z-al reme- '
di«i for these diseases, Far sale b£ :
hundred years ago the how cele
lira eil /’LaKTaxtos RttrxßS were as well
hiio-11 in the Weil t idies as they are now
known in the United &iates. It is Irde they
were not known by that name, blit ifteir com
ponents aud manner of mmnfacturing were
the same—‘are that there has been add- and
Calirttya or Peruvian Bark, celebrated the
world over for its wonderful tonic properties.
Even to this d"V these Bitters are popular a$
ever, and their sale aud use on these Islands
is constantly increasing, and there can hard
ly a family be found, rich or poor, who Is
without them. We do not wish to impute
any wrong to the Ame;ican proprietors of
these Bitters, but that they are the origins
to'S, we most stoutly deny, and they must
take such umbrage at it as they please. At
the same time wc take Ibis occasion to sav
that a more valuable tonic Bitters cannot be
fottud in alt the wot Id. We consider them
just the thing for weak and delicate females
and all thoea requiring a mild and genlJ,
J /.' (»’ f’f.7l V'ISEJtIKJTTS
T X T'ILL be rented on the first Tuesday in
V V D,cernber next, within th» legal hoirs
of rent, (or «alr,) before the Court Bouse
door, in the town of Dawson, tbe Plautalion
known as the
situated 3 miles from Chickasawhatchie, in
Terrell county, Ga., (or the year 1870. The
plantation contains 810 acres in the bod? and
about 360 acres cleared—good framed dwtll
ling. six good cabins, and good out houses.—
Teima Cash. T. E. HIGHTOWER,
uovlß;3t for Mis. E. F. Herrington.
A TEACHER of several years experience,
who is a graduate of one of the best coL
leges in the S’* te, desires a situation in South
western Ga. A school in a village or neigh
borhood convenient to the rail oad preferred.
Testimonials given ns to success sod charac
ter. Address the undersigned at Thonipeon,
6’oltimbia county, Gj.
Tho Kink
at the
Largest Velocipede Rink
In America is nc- b< !rg comp!*'cl at tl e
Fair Grounds, near the city, and the prop.ii
tor, Mr. W. A. BUFF, offers the following
Prrmiums to be contested for by those wbo
may participate in tbe exercises to come off
there during Fair week :
|lO In Gold or Silver Plate (as preferred) to
the man or boy who shall appear iu the
most elegant and tasty coSimne.
$lO In Gold or
the men or boy appearing in the most
gro'esque co»tutne.
$lO In Gold or Alvei Plats (a* preferred) to
the youngest rider wbo (bail appear on
the track.
$lO In G' Id or Silver Plate to :h» man or boy
whs shall be adjudged as tbe most grace
ful and easy rider.
$lO Iu Gold or /fiver Plate (as prefetred) to
tbe rider making a quarter of a rniTe in
the shortest time.
$lO In Gold or Silver Plate to the rider mak
ing a b»ff mile in the shortest time.
$lO Io Gold cr Silver Plate, (as preferred) to
to tbe rider making a mile iu tbe short
est time.
$250 In Gold to nnv Clmngpioil Rider
ill tbe World who shall coine here
and mu a mile in less time than any Ma
eon boy shall do it. In case this chal
lenge is accepted, and tbe champion of
New Yoik, or any other Sta'e, shall
come and be beaten by one or more J/a-
con riders, this amount shall be given to
the rider or riders who may beat him.
In addition to the above, the proprietor of
-1 sere to all and every man or bov in Macon,
who will attend and ride at the Fa ; » Ground
and City Riuk one hour e * cl ' <1| *. T and'Dight
during the Fair—a free ticket to the Fair
Ground, and free transportation to and from
the Fair Grouud aa loDg a* the exhibition
shall last.
Any man or noy wmniog. any one of the
above premiums will not be allowed to con
)end tor any other— thereby giving all a.
Chance according to bis skill at riding,
oovl 1-toot
By the subscribe! a small sorrel horse,
6ve vears old, both hind feet white, a small
blase in ferehead, and lean in flesh. Come
forward, p J expense, and take himi awav.
Jt As Jl A Ivoll A Wijs
DR. FDlfll*
Tin: cushat
Me <1 it* a 1 i: la e tart© ian»
WFIO HAS VISIT A’D nil the principal Cities in the Northern; Southern, Eastern ami Wess
tern States, uud met with such
unparalleled success
In the treatment of all diseases, but more especially those of a Chronic nature, or of long
standing, aud which has Rallied the skill of all other physicians, a ill (Providence permitting,)
Occupy a Suite of Itooms at the IPatcnon itoiii,
Fron Tuesday Morniug, November 39, so Thursday Nighty Dec. i, I*B3.
The following ae b. Porter'* appointments for the monlhs of Xorember and ntctnnhry.
At Macoft, Ga,, at the Hotel, from Thursday morning, November 18th, to Tuesday
night, Novt»inber Ji«l,
At Fort Valley, Ga,, at the Hotel, from Wednesday inoruing, November 24th, to Friday noon, No
vember 26tli.
At w4mericun, Ga., at tlie Barlow House, from Saturday morning, November 27th, to Monday night,
November IftJth.
At Haw sou, Ga., at tlr# Hotel, from Tuesday morning, November 30th, to Thursday night, Dccem- !
ber 2d.
At Cutlibert, Ga., at the Hotel, from Friday morning, December lid, to Sunday night, December stli.
At Fort Gaiues, Ga , at the Hotel, from Mouday morning, December Glh, to IFedueiiduy night, De
cember Kth.
At Eufaula.ylla., at the Eufaul t House, from Friday ntornmg, December 10th, to Tuesday noon,
Decern b**r 14th. •
At Columbus, G\ ,at the Kentucky 7/cmse, from Wcdncaday morniug, December 15th, to Monday
noon, December awth.
At Jfontgomery, Ala., at the ./fotcl, from Tuesday mwruiagf, Dec. 21st, to Tiresday night, January
4th, 1870
The Doctor treats all diseases, in their various forms and stage®, without the u*e of Cah
onel or Mercury in any form, Strycbuine, Quinine or Arsenic, or any poisonous fiubatarce j
whatever; his remedies being compounded by himself,and composed entirely ol Ko' tapUerbs
lUrks, Seeds, etc., purely vegetable, ami highly electrical— remedies that do not weaken or
debdi-atc tue ayvem in the haft, hut strengthen, vi'al z*» and invigorate ; neither do they
pr« vent the patuiillKtn atundii g to his or her every day lutincsg. Parucukr attention
paid tb
The Doctor has visited frnint of the citir.s fro, three, nnd four titn« e over, and haft Pucceeflj
fblfy ttca«ed n’o»e than 12<»b peisoi s in the S'aies ol Georgia and Alabama alone, and moili
thaii 2600 il we include KcPtut ky ar.d Tenneftste, and ovei 3700 including North and
Carolina, very many of wbr ih were phoUpftneed incunble by their attending physicians, «n %
given Up to die, but afrho, thank G »and, arc aiill in the land ut the living, aud in the en
joymenr of perfect I tMlfh, pursuing their iHiial aVocntions.
The Doctor do- s not make these statements because he considers himself oiorjekiliful than
those other physicians, but simply because lie *iucer«dy b-liev.a that, flic remedies winch be
tfWplori w'll prove much more fifi mcio»h, mid are more tfmnpleudy adapted to the trewtmeui
of diseased, especially tliote of a Ch ouic natuie.
Confilvr nnJ uiiprf judicial'v.anrl «i t immediately. Call at once at kb rotrms, as ihe
JJoeior cliarppj atftrdop for (•oiisul'aiinn and advice.
The Dccirr tiirnishcs a*l the necessary remedies at once to remove the complaint t! ov
ouj-bly r.nd peimariPtiily, at a very reasonable price.
tn.. J) icier, it he Cif! c tre yon, or ovlmi benefit you, will tell yon so ; if he cannot, he will
go into, n jetl, ard will not take yrinr case m hand.
Patiems vi ited at, ih.ii own houses from 6 to li p rr\, if the I) ctor is no’ otherwia- en
eaßed. 0.1; te I oitrs from 7 o'clock in the morning to !t o'clock in llic evening ;on tsuudays,
frimi 8 to 11 id the mornit g, ant! lih'nt 2 to 6 in the alternoott.
For further information, see Oiretiiari, with a large number t;f reconimendatioiis, distribu
ted at tl e dwelling bouses tinoughout ihia ciiy and licinitj, and which nlso can be t-b.aiueii
at his rooms. nevombei f 1-ot
.slist Ilecclved I
the best, oversell in this market; warranted to kb'ep sound and
good six months. Will remit at lowest maiket prices. Will ftßuish tbe trade
nt a considerable discount.
x)k /X BARRELS FLOUR, (of different grade*,) made from choice Ten
ii i! Amber Wheat, and choice Kentucky White IVheat ; all new
and warranted to be rqiiul to any Flour ever offered in this or any other ra-rket.
Now is the time for Farmers and othirs to lay in thoir year’r supply, as 'he price
of this article will certainly increase as the soatou advances. Will Bell very low
bv the qnanti' y.
•| WI Sacks Liverpool and Virginia Salt.
anti every thine else in the Grocery hue Also,
13agging, Ties, Cooking Stoves, Heating
Stoves, Shoes, Feathers, <fco.
Will make Liberal Cush advances on Cotton.
ocl2S,lm Warehouse & Commission Merchant, Dawson, Ga.
Hmm roiifuiiii!
Tkc Great Fertilizer for Colton, a« pre
pared and used by
WE bave on hand, and will continue (e receive, direct from tbc Manillas
tors, iu Augusta, G«., this-popular and favorite Fertilizer, prepared ac
cording to tbe formula as furnit-bed by David D son, and respectfully ask that the
planters call and see us before purchasing, aud examine certificates, testimo
| oials, &o.
\ Nov. 4, ts..
Jishsk II UitmiN. J J. Bm,
| Attorney .it Law
Ileal tytate /gejit? for fr. Qa.
ITKtkrgrsui, ('ailioiiii Cos., Lit.
I) ARTICULAR attention given to sale or
purchase of lands in any of the Counties
of Southwest Georgia.
Examination cf Titles a Speciality.
A number of fine Colton J’iaiHatiou* lor
snle on good terms.
1730 acres, I (lou cleared, on Notchawav creek
8000 “ 1100 « “ PaehitL “
5100 “ fl(K) “ ** Spring “
isno “ 700 “ “ Pachida “
800 “ 400 “ “ Sonthw’rn R. 11.
Besides a number of other fine plantations
and farms iu Calhoun, Terrell, and other
Hales and other stock for sale with places,
if desired. novll-tf
800 of the most improved patterns of
Among the hitter we have two patterns, to
w liioh we invite special attention—
The Greal Benefactor.
grates. Hollow ware,
Locks, e focKet&taree
Every description of—
STEAM i»i r»i:s,
with good workmen to fit them.
lielise (jooil^
13L AKTER9 and nr* iv quested to
call and see our Hioefc before purchuftipg.
We don’t propose to every
but will give burgains so those that tvnp.t
Good* in lofi*. G. V. & 11. E. OLIVER,
novl 1 Irn
Slain street, West of tbe Court lloupc.
IfIAVE j ist opened my stock of Good.,
cnnsMfng in nart, of best grad"* of Fim
ily Flour, Beef slams, Tennessee Hams. Bn
h'em St us i ep, Cheese, Ooff e. Teas, Sugars
White and Blue Fivh, Mackerel, Bme-, Lard,
Jellies. R eserves, C min’d Fruits. Vege’nMes,
Nuts, R.isina, /’runes, Dates, & a, oisn, a fine
article of B andy and Wh saey, in tmilles.
Cigars end Toft men. Will be receiving al!
(tie season choice Appl s, Oranges, (’ahbige,
Fresh Fish and Oysters, and everything goon ordiink.
an, wi h propriety, come to my fto-e and
m.ike tluir seioctiou“.
shall, also, teeeive attention, and iheir vj trite
will be att’iided to. .!/? motto is “quick
sales and sin dl profits.” Terms : strictly cash.
Respec fullv a-k the citizen* of Dawson, and
all who Tide hero to call and examine mv
stock of Goods. 11. R. THOMAS.
Oct.’s, m
(South side Public Square,)
Davt'soii, ..... Genigin.
just roturneil from the
aiJCJL Norm with a large srol well se
lccteii S Ock of floods, constating in - pan
of Bonnets, Ladies’, Ghrhircb’it and
Misses lists, Ribbons, Flowers,’Hose,
Gloves, Cora ks, Hoop-kirts, TANARUS) rs-
Triinrnisg, Pcriuuory, and many oth’r
thing:* tu suit the tantc aud please the
Thankful for tho liberal pa'ionage
given u e last season, I respectfully so
licit a continuance of the same. The
ladi'B of Terrell and ailydnirg cnuctios
aro respectfully invited to call and ex
amine block before purchasing else
(rlf te-pkijig bepaftpicpt
will be supplied with all the latest styles
and designs of the seasoD. Have made
arrangements to get patterns direct,
saoctbly, in order to give tbe ladies full
advantage of every change in style.
All work vverranted, and satislhction
guarant-ed, at reasonable charges. A
fair trial is all 1 ask.
Sept. 23;tf.
Sale and Feed Stable.
W* expect to keep on hand, all the season |
first class Horses and Mules for sale. In our:
purchases we look to what is needed m this
section, and trust to merit a liberal patronage
from those wdio may need stock. Call on us
before purchasing.
Will be sold before the Court House door
in A/orgm, Calhoun county, Ga., on the fi at
Tuegdajfin December next, lot of land No.
i 2150, in the Sd d'strict of Calhoun county.—
i Sold as the property of John Pace, dee’d for
I the benefit of the bt-irs.
w. M. P ACE. J F.x’n of the c«tate
n. w. pace, sos Ebu r a c.
I ortCl.tds
SUSAN I. SIOKKS has applied for
exemption of personalty and setting
apart and valuation of Homestead, to be
heard at 1 o’clock, p m., on the 25th day of
November, inst, at mv office in Daw-ott, Ga.
ho»18 8w T. M. JONES, Otd’y.
Cl F. DaVIS has npplied loF cremption
T• of perao.ialty and sett'ng andrt and ♦ '*-
uatiou of Homestead, to be heard at I o'clock
p. in., on the 25th day of November inst., at
my office iu Dawson, Ga.
novlß;2w TANARUS, M. JONES, Ord’v.
/ 1 BOBQIA, Terrell Cmitly:—
V I Whereas, W. c. Kendrick applies for
letters of dismission on tbe estate of Isaac VV
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned, to be and appear al my
office with’n the time p'reSctlbcd by law, ami
show can e, if any, why said letter* slionW,
not lie granted. Given under mv hand, and
official signature, ibis November, i«C9.
novU;3in T. M. JONES, Oid’y.
t ' UOKQJA, T«*ri’cli Cniiuty :
V*, Wright Kenerjv apfiltea for
letters of diaini-eion on the estate ot Elmira
If. J • til■ sand John A. Kenedy.
I hose are thereloro to cito übd adtfiouixh
all persons concerned,’ to be and' appear at
mv office within the tiftre prescribed bv law,
and show aause, if any, why said (otters
shoe Id not hi granted. Given under my
In.nd and official signature, this Nevember
Jbtli, 1869. T. M. JONES,
novlß;3oti Ord'y.
/ ' BOKOIi, Terrell CbHfjr i'
vi VV herein, fUjrtha iiadcock (us applied
so letters ol guardiat ship ol Fannie Florence
T te»e are therefore to ci o aid admonish
all poraons concerned, to bo and appear at
my office within the tune prescribed by law,
aud show cause, if any, why raid iettera
sbotill not be granted. Given under my
hand irtid official tigtiitu e, this Nevember
IB.b, 18f>9 T. >l. JONES,
novib;iriri Ord'y.
f TN nER and bv virtue of a Decree bt the
v J Honorable Superior Conn of Terrell
coijntv, in 'lie case of Rowena Echols snd
James ff. J.ities, Executors of Josephus Ech
ols vs I hotnas Garrett, I will sell before the
Court Ilou-e door iu said county oil the first
Tuesday in December next, between the usu
al hours es sole, Lot of laud No. (IS) eighteen
in the (3.1) third ui t irt of asij county, in
compliunae wiih Mid decree, and for the pur
pose of disposing of the proceeds of sol sile
as therein directed.
Also, at the same time arid place, ! lot of
I«iiid, No. 199, in the f:!ih district of Terrell
county. Levied mi as the property of Jes 9«
Darden to satisfy a fi fa ie-uod from Terrell
Supetiur Court i.o favor of Jane F. Powell,
adifi’x of J. W. Powell, dec’d, vs. Jesse Dar
den, and other li fa’s in mv hands.
nivl,tds Sheriff.
Ijj'RANKAIN MULKEY bn applied for
I 1 emp'ion of personalty and I «
pa*, upon the s imo at 1 0 o’clock, a. m,i
the 19'h div of Nov. inst., at mv office i
Dawson, Gi. T .!/ JONES, Ord’y.
lid ' 9|2c
:n oncic.
personalty and realty and valuation of
Hororftt.end, and I will paaa upon the game
at 0 o’clock, a. m., on the 2o h day o r No
vsmher : n«L, at rny olh-<* i« l>aw«on, Gt.
novl' ;2\v T i/ JONES, Ord’y.
(sSiimHan Male.
I pursuant to an order of the Court of Or
dinary if Terrell c unity, will bo roM f*<
fire tho Cou t House in Diwsoar,. on the First
Tuesday iii December iru, during the legal
hou-« of sale, (1-6, j one sixth interest iu tot.
of land Dmnbet one hundred nnd twenty one,
(121,) in the litli district of Terrell county,
sold a* the prop- rtv ol L. C. Stewart, a mi
nor, for the benefit of said minor. Tetnts
Ca-di. J. G. CHAPMAN,
<X-'.23 It,fit. Guardian.
Excxutor’s Sale.
rursiwut so an order of the Ordinary of
Terrell coiioty, will be sold on the First Tues
d.rv in R'cember m-xt, before the Court
House hi D.uvaon, Terrel! county, during le
gal sale hours, the F. tst half of lot of land l
number two hundred and’ twenty, (-290,) in
tHe 12th district of Terrell county. Sold af
the property of estate of George Powell for
divis on Terns cash. W. J. PARKER,
Out. 27;h, 69 Ut. Ex.
A«Ss2iiißii*loa‘\«» Smlc*
VUILL bo sold on the first Tuesday in- tic-’
\y c-mber next, withiu the legal hoitrs of
sale, before the Court House door, id the
'own of Dawson, by virtue of an order of
the Court of Ordinary of Houston countv,
One-Store House and lot on North side ot
the Public Square, adjoining J. W. Aoberts
A Cos. Alsu, the TLuuge nnd land attached 1
Ucie’.o, ebu. t thirty-eight ncres, mote or
Ic.ift. known .os the Adams place. All situated
L dig and being in the town of Dawson, Trr
r.-ll county. Ga , belonging to t.hd estate of
E. W. Gaddey, deo’d. Sot# for the benefit
ol the hei'H und creditors of said estate.
Terms cash- MBS. dK R. G ADDEY,
Oct. 23,fit. Administratrix.
Administratrix Sale,
Wit s be sold before the Court House door,
in the oity of Dawson, on the Ist Tuesday in
December next, all the Lunds belonging to
the estate of James W. Haddock, late of Ter-'
reil cuunlv, deceased.
0et.51,'69-.B'iv. A dminietratrix.
* Affiuiuistralor's SaS«,
\\J ILL be sold on tho first TuesJav in De-
V V cernber next, within t'«e legal hours of
sale, before the Court Honsa door, iu tho
town of Dawson, by virtue of an order of the
Court of Ordinary ot Tegre’! county, the fol
lowing lots es farm belonging to the estate of
VVilliem Herrington; dec’d, all situated, lying
aDd being in the Srd district of Terrell coun
ty, toswit; Nos. S9, )00, 161, 12-5. Sold for
the benefit of the heirs and creditors of said 1
estate. Terms cash. Purchasers paying for
a'ampe-and title papers.
octHjbadt Adin’r;
Adininistrator's Sale.
Will be sold on the first Tuesday in De
cember next, within the legal Honrs of sale,
before the Court House door iu the town of
Dawson, by vi tae of an order ~f the Court
of Oi diuary of Terrel) county, 13| acres of
land in the 4th district of Terrell conpfd,
known as the place whereon T)r. K M. Ca"fer
formetly resided. Fo and as the property" of
the estate of K. M. Car er, dec’d, fer thb ben
efit of the heirs sod creditors. Terms oash.
W.y CAR-TtR,
oct!4;tds Adm'r.
Terrell Mortgage Nberiff
Tl 'ILL be rod before th© Conrt Honr*,
Vv door in the town of Dawson, said
county, on the Ist Tuesday in December
.next, within the legal hoot* of sale thefolw
lownig proper'?, to-wit: 1 lot of land. No.
269, in the 8d district of Terrell county.—
.Levied od as tbe property ot W. C. Thornton '
dec’d, to satisfy a mortgage fi fa issued from
Terrell Superior Court in favor ot Patten,
Lane, Jferiam A Cos, vs. J. C. F. Clark, as ad
ministrator, Win. C. Ihornton:
sep3o;tds Sheriff-