Newspaper Page Text
AC»liB4 11/ITUAI,.
I'aUcuiiiS Hog*.
On tbo subject of feeding bogs, the
American Rtuck Journal u-skes the fol
lowing aogge-tiiio:
“The length of time required for fat
tcniDg bog* in from three 10 five mouths,
dependent upon ibe feeder’s means, the
breed be adopts and the at'ention be be
stows upon them, as a'so (he atnouut of
judgement brought to the a«s>»iance of
the woik. When bug* are fitst. t'Ut up
they should be in moderate condition,
not confined until they are so, the food
then should be soaiewbat letter to t'.iat
on which they have already fed, but n t
at once in too great ad 'gree. It should
be improved sup by step, till the dig-s
live powers are adapted for that, of the
nutritious quality with which the fatten
ing is to be completed : over-gorg ng U
sure to cause indigestion, and the only
remedy for this is abstinence. It is*s
sential that pigs be feed at regular in
tervals ; any animal fed regnlat ly ihrivts
better than tb so fed at irregular in'er
vals, and wbere tbe diet is varied and
not administered to satisfy, the proce*
is accompanied with pr• titablo rtsulcs.
’J be best period to fattening 'a in Au
tumn ; ibeu almost every kind of food
is to be bad in | It-n us wt 11 is in pei
fectiou ; the weather is neither too hot
nor too jold ; and the humidity gener
ally prevalent at this season geo rul y
acts bein tonally upon tbe skm and <i -
sues, anti as it were luericates the wb de
animal eoouomy. B-sides, they are
ready to be slaughercd at tbe period
when this can be dons with must advan
tage, when the lowness of tho temper
ature allows more time ar.d cons quen’-
ly enables the owner to turn tbe flesh
to the greatest advantage ; whereas in
warm wea'Ler tbe meat must bs sal e l
or pickled, eaten or disposed of imuie
oiately, err it turns off and is spoiled.—
TLo best kind of food for fat cuing pigs
are patduntg'B on clover or lucerne, or
a run iu the corufi Id immediately after
tbe crcp bad been taken in. Milk or
wbry mixed with corn, oats, bailey, or
in connection with each other or with
boiled and mashed potatoes; peas giv
eo whole or crushed, or in the furta of
soup and either aloDe cr mixed with po
tatoes or meal; potatoes and nee ; po -
tatoes and meal of any of the above
Linds, or mashed potatoes and whole
“A small portion of salt should al
ways be mioglcd in whatever food given,
as it tends to stimulate tbe appetite as
well as the digestive (unctions ; it will
also be found advantageous occasionally
to administer a little sulphur or pow
dered antimony, say about once or twice
a month ; there tend to purify the
blood, as also to facilitate digestion and
maintain tho up;cite. itmali meals
uud many of them ure preferable to few
aud large ones, fur swine are very apt
to overeat and gorge thiiusttltea or, if
any be left iu the trough to return to it
by fiis and starts until it is all g ne ; in
both eases Ibc diges ive functions arc
impaired and the pr-cess is not fu ly
ami beneficially performed. lleguUr
hours of feeding should be strictly ob
served ; pigs soon learn to expect their
meals at certain hours; aud their stom
achs being ready fur it, indigestion fol
lows irregularity and prevents much
benefit btmg derived from the meal
w ben it does come.
“In the opinion of the writer tbe
most econotrical and advantageous foru.
in which grain can be used is that of
meal moisteued with >oui or skim-milk
or water, into a kind of soup or por
ridge. S'me authoii ies recommend
when mixing with water tLe pro; onion
of five Luanda of meal to u hundud
gallons of water, tbe mixture to Lt
stirred several times a day for two or
three weeks, until no impels el fermen
tation takes plaee, and it bee mes as
cescent. In this s.ate its fattening pow
ers are claimed to be greatiy increased.
Says one who has persued this method
in a largo way, 'The difference in prefi
between feeding in this manner and
giving the gri.iu whole, is very great, so
great that whoever tries it ouce, will
not be apt to change it lor the cumin n
method. Hogs put up to fatu n, high
ly fed and taking little exercise, are very
liable to acidity of tbe stomach ; calca
rtous matters remedy this evil and ate
found iu occasional feeds of asbe*, cin
der or earth which the animals champ
and swallow. Too many pigs should
not be fed in the same pen ; three are
sufficient and they should bo near as
possible of the same age.”
A pleasing incident, partaking large
ly of the elements of fiction, has laity
tranepiitd iu Galesburgh, Illinois. A
German, tamed Charles Vcchter, an in
telligent laborer, was surprised when
the postmaster handed him ao env lope,
addressed to “Hon. Carl Von V-chtcr,”
and containing a draft lor $7,000. It
seems that he was, some years ago, an
effietr in the Austrian service —h*J a
duel with bis superior officer, in which
that officer fell—and that he escaped to
this country, where he took up the first
honest emp.oyment, that o! a hod car
rier. The letter informed him that him
he fought with recovered - that a for
tune bad been left him—and that the
money was to defray his expenses borne I
to marry “the girl be left behind him,’’ ;
m the Faderland. He insieied on giy
ing the let er eatrier SSOO for bringing
bun the joyful news.
A St Paul nigger tried to kill a col
ored friend with a brick, but sad o re
late, he tailed in his laudable underiak
ing, and broke a s3do pane <>f g ass.
lie says it would have been n o ey in
his pocket if he bad missed the win
dow and killed half a dozen nigget*.
Chicago ships fresh oyster* to Cali
fornia. after gettiug tu. in from Balti
Those high heeled shoes the ladies
wear are said to be good fertilizer* of
oornstoil. They raiae them by the feet.
§(tv 3\dveviisfmfnt£.
1111 q I q 5) q
prepared to ell clauses wi'h constant
employniei f *i home, die whole ot the time
or for the spare moment*. Business new,-
light Hi 1 prr fitahle. Persons of either Sex
easilr earn from 60c. to $5 per evening, and
a proportional sum by devoting their whole
time to the business. Boy* onJ girl* earn
nearly as mnch as men. That all who see
this notice mar send their addrs-s, and teat
the business, •« m.ko this unparalleled offer:
To such as are not well satisfied, we will send
$1 to pay for the trouble ot wijtinir. Krill
particulars, a valuable sample, which will do
to commence work on, and a copy of The
Peo/de's Literary Companion —one of the
largest and best family newspapers published
—all gent tree bv snsil. Reader if you want
periuamnt, profitable work, address
E C Allis k Cos., Augusta, Maine.
r/i i: #; to niton
We wil s« nd a I a-d*"nie p ospee.
BIBLE to any hook scent frt» of cha'ce
Addiehs National PcuLianilto Cos.. Thila
delph'a, Penn., Ailairta, Ga., or St. Louis, Mo
V GENTS WANTED—For Mow to Make
the Farm Pav. A sure, sa'e and prac
rickl Guide to every Farmer, .Stock Raiser
Gndener and Fruit Culiurist. By this book
teatlv profits mav be doubled, land increas
ed n value, poor nun nrade rich, and honest
labor r-warded. English and German. Ev
erybody buvs it. 6o(j sold in a tew town
ships. Hundreds in a single township. A
gents call fiud no hotter work curing ih» fall
an i wintej Farmers and their non* ran
tarh make sa 100 per month. Send tor Cir
cular. Address Zkiclkk, .VcCisnT k Cos,
Piiiladelphia, Cnicinnatli, 0 , or aft Li ui", Mo
Agcnt*!-Our Sew
M*M C Tit St I-ML Family MIMMIM.M:
The Most Contains more than 1,0110
Popnhtil large and authentic Hlusira-
Hiid lion-*; 50,000 References, Di
|«rofllS«l>l«srections for t)i c profitable
of all reading ot the Scriptures,
15» oki. C’t irnnological & Genealogical
Tables, Table- of Measures, Weights, Coins,
etc ,« beau sful F’armly R cord and Family
Allium, ere. It is pronounced by competent
judges to be sup-rior to all other editices of
the 7/oly Bible, for the lss of families, minis
ters, stud-uts and Jihers. Our agents are
having an ui p ecedent.d F’or Cir
culars and In I pirticrrlara, a iddresa J. E.
PUTTEE A CO., 614 k 111? -S»nami .St., Phil.
FREE I l-M.€l£l2 ! !
The J/ost Popular Magaiine in America.
■%OTIII\CJ fillCTlftlf iL!
Entirely Original unci Firpt-Clnss.
All new pub*eriber!* foi the Little Corporal
for the new year, wlir-pe imiii *s and money
are pent in before the last of November, will
rereive the November atul Dcceceinber Nos.
The Little Corporal ha* a large r circulation
than any olhtr juveuile magazine in the
wald , aud h better worth the price thm
any other mac hine published.
Because ol in* immense circulation, we
are enhbVd to ftirii'ah i» at the \o* price of
One Dcdl ir a Year : S ngle number 12c ;or
tree to miv one who wi.l try to raise a club.
Reoutifu! premiums for clubs. Subscribe now
Biek numbers can always be sent. Address
ALFRED L. & A'WELL A CO., Publisher*,
Chicago, IU.
KloSiduy Journal for I*7o.
('NON f’AININU m Fury Slurv tor Christ-
J m«.«, I*l* v, Pi.xs'o« uud Wonder*. It*
laree pages, illustJMted. Sent free en receipt
of 2 cent F'n'np for posttge ADAMS A Cos,
25 H ooiufi Id St , Ret ton. J/ tHS.
or hew yowkj
1? ft f nr * The U>ider world of the Cr^w*
• The 8l:»< of every 01a 44 of 80
ci* ’ t ip# sed, .4 void the Jiailroad
to ii. Signal* of tbd danger arc
up. More money in it for bre ageoi*
than any other book. Takes three preface
all the time to print fist enough. Oone a<zent
took 178 oidets in ten days. 740 pices, 45
frustrations. Arioe 50. AGENTS
WANTA’D. Address N. Y. COOK Cos., 145
St., N. Y.
<i^Tl UN TER N GUIDA’”—The p al “o.i?
1 L inftl.” 32,000 Bold. Telia how to
hunt, trap and c«i*ch ALL animals from
minx to bear. $lO tannine: secrete. 64
ges well bound. Every boy needs it. lt
will pav. Money refunded if not c»ti«6ed
Utily 25c*. Address HUNTER & CO., Pub ,
Hinsdale N. H.
St) MKT RING in the Star for K veryhodo,
Sar iu the West, 1870. An B'pagr Uni
verse list family Weekly, givinsr current sec
tilai nvwß. Edited bv Rev Dr. Williamson
&- J S. Ortiitwt 11. $2 60 p* r year in advance
Piemiunt to new nihsiTibers. S.*nd for spec
imen. Address \YILLIAA/SON & CANT
WA’LL, Cin., 0.
tA ANTED—AGENTS. $250 fn-r month
to sell tlre ot It GENUINE IMpROTFD C>M
Priee ou $lB. Great iudueement.'' to agents.
7'his is the rrmst popular Sewing A/achine of
the day—makes the famous "Fllasiic Lo.k
Siiteli’’—will do any kind of woik that can
be done or any machine—loo,ooo sold and
,he demand constsutly increa.-iog. Now is
ihe time to take an agenev. Send for circo
l ro. tyßevtre of iuf ingers. Aildres
SECOJ/B k CO , Bolton, M,se , Pittsburgh,
Pa., or St. Louis, Mo.
! Spang etl Rainier.”—l
still v avc-*, be ter than ever. Kioh,
rare, spicy. Leilget iize. 40 cojumns. Wit
I h mor, (tin, humbugs exposed. Elegant $3
steel plate,“Evangeline, M gratis tu every sub
scriber. Only 75 cts. for a whole year—.tee
plate Iree. Specimens 6 cts. Address BAN
NER, Hinsdale, N. 11.
stew siiti 1 c oit stope.
o V M fit 1 O 0,0 O O S N USE.
Will do more work with the same amount of
fuel than any other Store ever made.
Fti'lrr. Wnrren Ac Cos.,
Exclusive Manufacturers, TPOY N Y
AS"Descriptive pamphlets sent tree " ’
Agents wanted everywhere to sell the A
mericao Knitting Machine, the oniv practi
cal Famiiy Knitting Machine ever invented.
Price $25. Will knit 200,000 per minute.—
Address American Knitting Machine Cos.
Boston, J/ass., or St. Louis, Mo.
The Purest, Best and Cheapest
THE MAGIC COMB will Change any co o>ed
hair to t permanent Black or Brswn
One Comb si nt by mail lor sl. For sale by
Werchan’B a: and Druggists generally. Address
J/agic Comb Cos., Springfield, Jlfiza.
f _f A How I made it in six months.—
11 “r' ' iecret and sanipl. mailed bee.—
A. J, Fullam N. Y. j
wissraa or
•eMirartlrtl MMiylttnt Honors,
At Industrial Eihibinoi a in this country,
so that their work is ihe acknowledged aian
daid of excellence in it* department, respect
fully annonnee that, with extended and per.
fectrd facili iea, and by the exclusive me of
recent improvements, they are now produc
ing yet more perfect Otgans thau ever W--
fote, in great variety as to style and price,
adapted to all public and private us->s, for
D-awing Rooms, Libraries, Mu-ic Rooms,
Concert Halls, Lodges, Churches, Schools,
Ac., in plain and elegant cases, all of which
they ate enab'ed by their unequaled facili ies
for manufacture to sell at prices of interior
wo, k.
The reernt improvements in these Organs
hsve so increased their usefulness and popu
larity that they are unqu. stionably the most
desirable instruments obtainable for family
use, ss well as Churches, School", kc , while
the prices at which they can be afforded {sso
to SIOOO each) "and ipt them to the means and
rrquiieinents of all classas. They are equally
adapted t) secular aud sacied music, are ele
gant as furniture, occupy little space, are not
liable to get out of order, (not requiring tun
ingonce, where a pianoforte is tuued twenty
times,) are vety durable, and more easy to
loam to pay upon than the pianoforte.
The M. k II Organ Cos. are now se'ling
Four Octave Organs for SSO each ; Five Oc
tave Organs F re Stops, with two Seta of Vi
brators tor $125 and other styles at propor
tionate rates.
For te-tirm uy to the superiority of their
Organs, the Mason & Hamlin Organ Cos re
specifully refer to the musical pioles-ion gen
erally a m jority of the most prrminenr mu
sici'tisiu theeoun'rv, with many of eminence
in Europe, having given public testimony that
the Mason k Hanil'n Organa excel all others.
A ci'cular containing this testimony in lull
will be sent free to any one desiiing it, alao a
descriptive circular, containing full particu
lars respecting these instruments, with correct
drawiugs of the different styles and lowest
prices, which are fixed and invariable. ,4d
dress Tub Mason k Hamlin Oroam Cos.
6H6 Broadway, NY ; 154 Trement St Boston
Without .Spectacles, Doctor cr Medicine.—
Sent pos'-paid, on receipt of 10 cts. Address
Dr. E. B. Footk, (author of “J/edical Com
moil Sense) No. ’2O Lexington avenue, cor.
Last 28th St., N. Y.
A WAY with uncomfortable Trusses. Cem
lort and cure lor the Ruptured. Sent
post-oaid on receipt of 10 cents. Address
Dr. E. B. Footk, No. 12u avenue,
Xew Y’oik.
OlTr. H COfjl|l»«* r Jfodtli paid to agents, aala-
O 1 •*4 c O—Uv’ry or ooiiiiiiia.iun, to sell our
U.itent Wlioe Wire Clothes Lines. Adurcss
Huds n Rive- Wire Works, 75 Wm. St., N.
Y , Cli c igo, Richmond or Memphis.
4lii«. Good linllt-r—.l/.ide from 1
gnl. of milk, without drugs. Send 25c.
in i stamp and get. recipe with particulars.—
Very valuable. Address N. il. Linton, Wil
mington, Ohio.
tat*B Ti A day.—*ttt n w articles for jirrents. Sam
S? '“’A’ldt-a free. 11. lt. SHAW, Alf ed. Me.
Vsk your Doctor or i>.-jggi-t lor sweet
0 ituine- lt i q tils (oil or) Quinine.
M.»ui.l«cltired by S’tearus, Fair 4; Cos , Chaui
ists, Now Yoik.
Is belter man onr regular shaped Axes for
these reason* : First—li cuts deeper. S'-cmid
lt. don’t stick in the wood. Third—lt docs
not jtr the hand. Fourth—No time is wast
ed in taking the Axe out of the cut. Fifth—
With the same labor you will do one-third
more work lliart with regular Axes. Bel
paint has nothing to do with the good quali
ties of this Axe, for all our Axes are painted
red. II your hardware store does not keep
our goods, we will gladly answer inquiries ot
till your otders direct, or give you the name
of the nearest dealer who keeps our Axe".
la* PPISCOTT Ali 4 KEW til.l.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Sole owners of Colburn’s k Red Jacket pit’s.
Both in quality hu«l quantify «f Good*, afl our
agents will testify, being the Oldest House in
the country, selling each aiticle for One Dol
lar, shippii g all Goods the day the order is
.received, having a large stock to select from
of first-class Goods, bought expressly for fall
trade; and t«» satisfy all that we aie reliable,
we give below (reference by permission,)
./ordan, J/arsh & Cos.; Geo. $. Winslow &i
Cos ; Bostou Silver Cos ; Lee & Shepard.
T\ S.—Send for circular. Address East-,
man & Kkxhall, *25 //awley Street, Boston.
P. O. B.’X E.
r pilS (Jrcnt Original Dollttr
A. t'Hl*! of Dry and Fancy Good., and will
present to any person Sending us a Club, a
Watch, Silk Dress, piece of Sheeting,
Send for catalogue of Goods and sample,—
deltverrd to any address free.
J S. HAWES & CO., 128 & ISO Federal St..
Boston, J/ass., P. 0 Box, C.
X. B.—Samples given ou application for
Ladies Private Circular of S most use-
A Ini and indispensable articles ever indent
ed, address J/.daui Dcval, P. 0. Box 2438,
N. Y. City.
Or. Whittier, 9 Wylie St., riH.burgh, Pa., of
l "nion wide reputation, treat, nl 1 veiicral ill.
eases; also, seminal weaknevs, jlnpoti ;.ey, ete., the
result of self-almse. Send 'i stamps for .cabal
pamphlet,so pages. No matter who failed, state
case. Cousultntion free.
PERFECT MAN HOOD A'-s tva for young
men, on the evils of Seif-Eaoervalion,
with certain help for the erring aud unlortu
ua'.e. <S;nt in sealed letter envelopes, free of
charge. Address Howard Association, Box
P, Philadelphia, Pa.
SocTtnvESTVBN Railroad Cos. Orric*, )
Macon, October 8, 1869. )
ON and after Sunday nigfit, October 10th,
inst., this Company will run a night
Freight and Accommodation Train between
Macou and Eufaula, every night except Sat
urday night, connecting at. Smithvil'e with
Albany, and at Cuthbert with Fort Gaines ac
commodation trains, as follows;
Leave Macon, 8:26, p. m.; arrive at Eufaula,
11, a. m. ; Leave Eufaula, 7:18 p. ra. ; arrive
at Jfacon, 9:10 a. in. Dp train for Afacon
passes Dawson at 11 p. m. Down Train for
Eufaula passes Dawson 6a. m. Regular mail
trains run as heretofore.
octl4;tf Engineer & SupVdent.
•Wir mill rcr I ixi’iii tuts,
Hocker Female College.
TTio ffmt ,MCf»*ion of thin Colic#* will N'#in on
Monday, Hcptemher sntli, 18<W. e4m|)l© accommo
dation «, witli a larffc aua able Faculty, for over
three hundred NchoUra. Term* inoderato.
For particular* appl> to
Robert *>fil!i«di», 1 J as. M. llocker, Propr.
Mo?cs E. Bi*rd >■ OR
Juo W McGarvv, ) R Graliom A M / > rc9!d*i
J 8 Wilke*, Board of Advice
THE ROSS Mill. iiWsi
kindk of inut« riulN. Every one aeml lor circular
to 11. J ACKhON, cou»ult’# en#’r,9 Spruce St. Ni
The Conrae for each year commence* oi. \' * lat
Tucaday of .September and continue* ntu< it it*
The achool In thoroughly organized. It i cc*
the I aiv n* a .Science, and prepare* its Mt.iMf ita
for the common law practice. For circular* ap
ply to ISAAC E DMT ARDS, Albany, N. Y.
*l5O lu *1250 per month guaranteed
Sure Day. SalarieH paid weekly to .-Igeut* every
where Rolling our Patent Everlasting white wire
f lothea Line. Call at, or write for particular* to
the Uirard Wire Mills, 251 North Third St, Dhll.
Postponement of Drawing to
Correepondenrt tehee en tin Proprietor arid
the Comniioioniri.
Hanks andvlhers. Commission rs ap
pointed hi/ act of Kentucky Legislature.
Gwntlemen : I regret that lain compelled toask
at you- liiinils a poitponenient of the drawing of
prize* of the Henderson county, ky.. Land Sale
.tltliougli n great many tickets have Is-en sold,
a sufficient number have not been disposed of to
justify me a sale of my property without Ins* to
me, unless / bold the unsold tickets, which 1 do
not iutend to «10.
If von will give me until the->sth day of IV
eeinlH-r. lN'r.i, 1 feel eoutident of disposing of all
the tickets tiy that time.
1 am, gentlemen, very respectfully,
Henderson, Ky., Aug. 24, ISO 9.
Reply of Hit Commissioners,
Tho undersigned, comnduioueis to man
age tbe Henderson Lund Sale, regret to an
nounce to the piftlic that, a sufficient, num
ber of ticket* have not been disposed of to 1
justify tlie proprietor in allowing a transfer
of the propwty on the Ist of September, and
they have concluded to postpone the drawing
until the 28th day of December, 1869.
A large uumber of tickets have been add.
and we entertain but little doubt that all wil,
be dispssed o( by the time fixed above. We
think we are acting in the interests of ticket
holders in seeking to have none otheis than
those who have purchas'd tickets, shato in
the drawing. Should the drawing lake place
now. the proprietor would he compelled, in
order to save himself from lot*, to take his
chance iu the drawing with the unsold tick -
et*. Thi» he does not desire to do, nor do
we de-ire that he should do it.
The postponement is for a short time only, l
and as the prosecution of the farms cannot'
be SU'reuded —being rented < ut for tin- pres- \
ent 'ear, nor the rent c Heeled until the Ist
of January next, it can make tin" little dif
ference with those who are so fortunate as to;
win » hetlier they succeed on the Ist of Sep
tember or the 28ih day of December, ISO’.!. I
The owner of the property \vi 1 hold no !
tickets, and we trust that those who have
them will wait cheerfully for the lime fixed
by us—for there will positively be no further
The money atising from the fair ofiiolels )»
in tbe balk, to our credit, and the owner of
the properly cannot in any wav use or con
trol it until afier the drawing and the trans
fer of property. The increasing interest in
(he schrinv, a"d the eonfiilei ce manifested
throughout the country in its fairm ss, jnsli
ty us in the opinion that the scheme will be
cert-inly a great sai-ce-".
Wm. 8. U 01. LOW AY,
11'. T. OKAS-*,
W. 6 ELAM,
An opportunity is row offered for those
who wire dis ip pointed in getting tickets be
fore September Ist, to secure them now.—
Tbe Scheme is regularly chartered by the
Kentucky Leghluture, and the interests 0 f
ticket holder" fully protected by lam ft ia also
endorsed by Gov. 8 veusou, and (J. S. Sena
tor* Davis and J/rCrcerv, and over two hun
dred of the leading citizens of Kentucky.—
There are 511 prizes in at l ; capital prize slsl>~
000, and Sn a’lest prize sßo,<io; tickets only
$5,00. Secure them of your nearest club
agent, or of either of the following author
ized financial agents, who will also furnish
circulars. Send money at their risk by
express (prepaid) P, 0. order, registeied le - -
tcr, or bank draft.
L II I.ynr, Otsli’r /•firmer* Rank, Hem
Ky.;K It Alcxawlor, r’ommercial ILmk, •
vill«\ Ky.; .’olin C l.ath.-mi, l*rc*i«li‘nt Bank, iloji
kiiiHvilU*, Ky.j.lL Dallam, CminiM-rcinl Hank,
Paducali, Ky.: H (• 7’lunnuf*, (’as!ih - r, la*\in#t«m
ky. * W B Tyler, ('.tsh’r Deposit Bk., Owens
boro, Ky.
WA M T C H **ll 8 K UVIC E
“I* I C U AFLOAT in tin’ .Sninter* ami
Alabama by .Mnnral Knpliael Semme*. :{o,oUeop
ie* *4*bl dnrinjr the First four month*. It i* a most
graphie and thrilling description of the adven
ture* of this commander ami Ins comrade*, writ
ten by .Veinme* himself, and everybody takes it
without solicitation, no matter what tlieir politic*,
will furnish the name* of over 125 a#ent* who
have made upwards of S:WM> per month net, with
this lM>ok. .Void only by snliseriptiou, and exelu
■ive territory #iveu to #ood agents. Addres*
208 Main .S’t., Louisville, Ky.
WBBigBBBBE fflW wa jm-*^ggy
£>SS. WlfliTTTfft It.
as diplomu at office will show, has been
longer engaged iu the treatment ot Venereal,
Sexual and Private Diseases, than any other
pliisic’an iu St. Louis.
Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Gleet, Stricture, Or
bhilisllernia, and rupture ; all Urinary Die
ear's and Srphililic nr Mercurial Affliction*
of the throat. Skin or Hones, are treaicd with
unparalleled success.
Spermatorijjiea, Scjtal debility and Jmpo..
lency as ihe result of self-abu-e io vouth, sex
ual excess in mature years, or other causes,
and whioh produce some of the following ef
fects, as nocturnal emissions, blotches, debil
ity,, dimness of right, confusion of
ideas, evil forbodinys, aversion if society of
females, idts of memory and sexual power,
and renderiny marriage improper , are p«r
nianentlv cured.
Dr. Whitaker publishes a MEDICAL PAM-
P LET relating to veneral diseases and the
disastrous and varied consequences of self
abuse, that will bo sent to any address in a
sealed envelop for two stamps. Many phy
sicians intioduee patients to the doctor after
reading his medical pamphlet. Communica
tion confidential. A friendly talk will cost
vou nothing. Office central, yet retired
No. 017 St. Charles st., St I.nni«, Mo. Bouts,
9a m to 7 p. m. Sundays 12 to 2 p in.
II stU'filetßiSGsi &. Sparks
IN tendering their services again to their
planting Inenda as Warehou-e and Com
mission Merchan's, deem it wholly unneces
sary to make promises as to their willingness
and ability to oerve them faithfully and ad
Their long expedience and the large pat
ronage which has ever been extended the
house is proof conclusive that they de,-»tve
the confidence of the planting roinuiunii.v
aud ty prompt aud honest attention to their
interest, they intend to nieiit in the futun
the patronage so liberally given them iu the
promptly filled at lowest market prices, and
the usual facilities extended to those who iu
trust their business with us.
sep2;3m T. H Jr.
Go to Solomon’s Saloon for
Fresh Fish and Oysters.
Southern Preparations!
Tubs* Kemediea are the result <tl maiiv
rears ot laborious studr, and a long bedside
experience in tlie Snulh aud West, and fioir
the golden opinions they have won frmi h profe-sion, ih-- p e*s and the public,
and the unprecedented demand aid urnver
tal satisfaction given, they have immediately
been" e the
Being prepared by the tuediral-proies-ton,
and divested of all seciecv, pliysici .ns in all
direc inns are pre'cribiug th in in th ir prac
iice wiih ihe must *a iafaelory results.
The editor of ibe Columbus (Miss.) Senti
nel sa vs :
“We have had occasion to use several of
;he ‘Great Sou 1 hern Preparations,’ in our
family, and in every instance they ga7e eu
lire ratisfaciion.”
The aVempbU Daily Appeal says:
The superiority of tire “Great Southern
Preparations” is acknowledged by all who
haee tested them, and we cheerfully recoin
mend them to our Irieuds throughout the
The Memphis Public Ledger errs :
The “Gteat Southern /’reparatiens are pre
pared and offered by staunch /Tiyslcians of
our city whom we know ; their remedies give
satisfaction, and we cheerlally recommend
them as No 1 Family Medicines.
The Brandon (Miss.) Republican savs :
The "Great Hotnhern Pieparations” are
prepared by eminent physicians aud sell well
in our midst.
is rapidly sinking 10 an early gravo. Iler ■
eyes arc growing dim and her cheeks becom
ing pale ; her p< -sonal charms are fading,
and she is less talkative; her wholr
frame is feeble, emaciated and neivom ; the
least exercise causes sho't bfeathiug and a
palpitating heart ; she has no appetite, her
head aches, her feet and hands are constaut
lv cold, she is restless, nervous and cross and
everything fails to give relief.
Do you know what’s the nialter with yonr
who is thus "fflictvd* Ask her if she is tiub
led with any complaint peculiar to her sex.
Aak her if she is troubled wi'h painful, sup
pressed or irregular .Vonihly Periods ; if she
lias Leucorrl oei, or Whites, Chlorosis, or
Green Sickness, F’tiling of the Womb, Ulcer
ation of tbo Womb, or any of those and s<-a*es
produced bv an irregular action ot the womb
will immediately arouse and restore h«r to
Pliy-icians ail over ‘lie country are delight
ed wi h its effects. We hold hundreds of
letters similar to the followin■> :
[Extract from tie Macon (Mis--.) Beacon :]
From the unprecedents sale and demand
for the “English Female But. rs” here, and
the entire satisfaction given, »e eamesili
ncommend iliem to all of our lady friends-
Mr. F. 0. 2>’incl >ir, of D K ilb, Mis ~ ravs :
Three of our physicians are u.-ing you
remedies'in ' hcirjpract.ioe, one of «hoji
there is no Uterine tonic equal tb y-.u English
F. male Bitters.
Messrs. Carpenter & Cos., of H .z'ehu st,
J/iap., J/irch, IB6S, says :
The sale of'our English Female Eitters is
wonderful. Send 'wo doz>n br expres".
Kison & Neal, of Huntsville, Ala., say :
Plea-e lorwmd fax- express, six dozen En -
gli h Female Bitter a.
Tht s-- Bitters are beautifully put up i.
l.irge bot les, at $2.50 per bottle, or three
bo.lies tor $6.00 ; or.c buttle Lsting two
wetk-. Sent to all parts of the coun'rv on
receipt ot pi ice ; also, tor sale fav druggists.
J. P. Dhomcjcl.f. ,fc Cos , Prop’rs.,
Memphis, Ti-nn.
By cleansing the stomach, arousing th.
liver, carrying off "II ihe bilious m for, anil
acting "H a powt-iful anti-peiindu-, the
KI N G (. F (l fi JLL s ,
at. one dollar per Bottle,'is to-day the l.oast
ed physician-’ cniiibiimtion for the cute <1
all forma ot Chills arid I‘\ ver, Ncralci*, pain
and aching o! the Buies eml Join s,’ Sun
J’ltin, and all those cotnplaima of a malari
ous fig n.
It. never eff cts ihe ».ead, cars, or n rv.-s.
can be administeied to infants, and is supe
rior to quinine for these dis aser.
all over the country are buying the King o!
Chills for family use, and all are f!i
wi Ij if* effects. It you do not wish you
chils to return, this is the remedv. I is pre
pared by physicians who have much e.xpoii
ence iu tha treatment of malarious dis use-,
and, as ibis icmedt n* ver fails in private p>ac*
tice, it is conlidcu ially reconuiK’udtd ms a
a Mtdiidurd prepaMßion.
btxtles SI.OO, or six bottles for $5
Sold by all dru-jgisis.
ISavc Von a
L*e Jmyjfdalin /*ectoral.
Have you any disease of the Limits f
- l'*e Amyodalin Doctoral.
Have you /’leurnsy or Bronchitis <
„ l tio l’ectoral.
Have you ( roup or Hooping fouph >
, I'sc .VniyjMaiin Pectoral.
The prettiest aud Ix’st Cough Syrup
„„ , IVctorul.
Hie mother's cheap Coujfh Syrup
.. .
71ie ( hildren’s Favorite
Por family u«e, a?? a powerful expectoruu<
ea-i: g pain aud er.cour-ging sfaep, it has ho
I’ l ice, *I.OO. Sold by all druggi-ts.
sntf, .f/./.j ;
Y’ou need ri >t grunt anv longer. Y'ou cun
he ented right aw*y. Your Kidneys and
Bladder have been aunoving roil long euougU
K\t. BeaibH-rj & ifiichu
will cure yon of all that euffiriug. It will
relieve you of U. inary d.-posils, frequent d.-
sjte and inabiliiy to Urinate, Gravel, Gout,
Dropsy, pain in tlie Back, effect* ot Habits of
Dissipation or eaily abuse. Adapted to old
or voung, male or female.
Price, $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5.
Sent to all parts of the country on receipt of
price; also, for sale by druggists,
which put ities the Uiood, cures Scrofulu, rskin
Diseases, Gla: duiar swellings, Hvpbtlilio sf
lections, old Ulcers and Sores, Boils, etc.
The MONARCH is composed of Si'tllingia,
Saisnparilia and lodide ol Potash, which ur<'
acknowledged the woild over to be the be.t
Blood Purifiers ever known.
Price, large but les, SI 50.
J. I’. DROMGOOLE k CO., PropVe,
oci7:3in Memphis, Term.
For sale by Janes At Loyless. Dawson (}«.
Manufacturers of
2«0 Elrojtel way, Sew York .
Are nnnufaoturing extensively ev
ery style ts Carriago, Buggy, and
Wagon suitable for the South, fi om the
finest Landau and Phaeton down to the
Mr. W. Woodruff, of Griffi->, Ga..
well known throughout the South as
'he originator of the eel< bruted JJugoy
called “The Wnid tff C itenrd,” t-dd
“The Wool off Plantation Wag in, aud
associated with us in N. Y , where v*e
will always k<ep a good stock of these
Buggies and Wag .is on hand, which !
are said to be superior to almost any I
made in America.
If you want any kind of a Vehicle,!
good warranted work, send your or
ders directly to this House, or through j
bny of cur Agents, s-nd they will have I
prompt attention Illustrated circulars I
will be sent to any person who will
write for them. May 6 ly
Mt Mt KS S 000 MIS, JT.M AT Mi. EM2 JTOTMftjrs,
a have selected for our market a stock of FIRST CLASS G00n«
and while Ido not profess to sell cheaper than any one else, I propc* * U j
infeniMn sell, as cheap as can be afforded, the class of goods I deal in /.
no shoddy stock, but b 1 bo J
:Pl £tock if Copiplete, cal! and ?ee for lolirfellej,
at my new place of business under the IHLL.
s-pt.ut— 3.. w. M. PEEPLES.
sHgrsfti' Kettles,
fa en B‘S IJ ",
r “Tio32s;is W«lea» Wheels,
Nh:>fling[ «62<il 2 3 esi3ejs,
Eron csss?? Ela’cjss €’;»iktisass,
ifISSB Work of t'rcry Uesersptiou,
Dressed LiKnEfci 1 , etc., efe.
O 1 f'tce Lon, D-ass and fVprcr | ureha.sed at. the highest markst prise.
A I orders promptly attend and to.
0, 0. NELSON, Pres't, - - H. ATKINSON, Suof.
Dyw.*.in, (*■•., September o,lf
4.11) AB*3-< WHO WSVII TO 151 V
consists of all good* needed hv the people of Ro*tli«i*
„ :l ) , r? rR '*’ “ n u ~rJ C ,,S " re Ml,-h *’ to P'*' satisfaction. We are d.,-'mined le «!l
" *! , e '[ > . r ' Wr eT,r < * r,np ' tt-i-Ving that *nnll nr "fin an* quick eilen will hi
a; planted by our numerous cuslomcra and friend*. We deal in
WE slitter onr-elves with tho belief that you will save money bv ejitming oar ibwk *•
re puichaaing elsewhere.
S „ l3 o ;3 „. J - W ' ROBERTS & CO.
Eli) Tv U TT’N'IC.R,
«T» W. Johnston & Green 13. Thompson
Tfiß sure you know where we tire, as we have been very particular in
wujjlectinw our goods, stn h as will please the people of Southwest Georg ll
and you buy before calling on us, you will forever regret it.
IS new c tnplofe, ar.d consists of just such goods as is wanted by all
We intend to be able to sell oor customers Staple Goods, Dress Good ,
V hi’e Goods, Fancy finods, Yankee Notions, Ha'S, Boots aed
Shoes, Clothing. Hardware, H <llnw Wire, Woolen
Ware, Family Groceries, &c., Sic.,
JKVV JOHNSON returns his thanks for the extensive patronage
htreiotorc received from a generous public, and asks that his old p* ,roß 1
many new ones call and see what an American JEW c®° 'I O or , (I)e r'i
Our Mr. Thompson is only HALF JEW, stilt he has fallen into
habits of selling cheap goods, aud persists jfl so doing. Com* »l°°g •*. |
do you good. Seyt. l°t 0