Newspaper Page Text
§)atosoit |nurnal.
S'. It. WL'STOI. I'.ililur.
v .f i»*s o.r, u
Thurselaj, December ii !*><»!>.
US' Jteeretuiff maim ,»4 t-ry por/e.“\ *3B ]
Woi. Will Differ,
The past week We have been encour
•god by friends in our iff ’rts at journal
i tn. True; wo caa’t p’eise every
eae ; in fact, doa’t try to; it we did, we
would not pleas • ourselves. One t-ay-',
“give us ra >re anecdotes, more f'cu and
frolic;" another say s, “diu’t bo so fool
ish,” aHd another says, “give us a little
more politics.”
Now, on this last named sulj-.ct we
would like to please our readers, but in
this, as well as all other eubj :cts, wc
have our peculiar utfions. About all
the polities wc have is to defeat the Rad
icals when we have a chance to d<> so
at the ballot box. We can’t conceive
we could do good by c >titiuu*l
ly abusing theViany in power, u>r can
we expect for our advice or cuuncil to
charge them iu their course. Rot them
have rope, and our word-for it, th--y will
he tied, band and foot, wheu conies the
time to vote for better men. If wo
could have our readers to learn their sit
nation, personally, pecuniarily, and in-
still iuto them a determination to learn
more of. the science of agriculture, to be
more determined to buihl op thuir shat
tered fortunes, to think less ot dress and
more of work, to know that still they
have an inheritag’, the richest on earth,
viz: A coun’ry in which can ;c raised
King Cotton, and then soc to it that we
raise two b iles of this monster where
we now raise only one if we can do
this, wo imagine we wil have done
more good than we would have done by
filling our columns with abusive epithets
of Grant pnd his lesser lights. Let
them severally alone, and when conics
the time to vote, then cry wolf!: wolf I
acd'if every man will fly to the rescue
of his country we can remive th -so iu
power and redeem our loved land. There
aro other interc.ts that should interest
us all. There is uogood sense iu send
ing off our cotton to bo made into the
different fabrics, necessari y making the
consumer pay freight both ways. If we
would determine io cur minds to stop
this wc could do it The avid ;8 of
every practicable man, N>rth and South,
bear u* out in this assertion. Cotton
can be made into tbre id and cloth cheap
•r in the Sjuth than in the Eist.
ns North. Let u«,turn our attention to
manufacturing, thereby reap the profits
now being rnado by a people who bavo
no use for us, only to make money ou'
or our short-sightedness
Again, we wish it were in our power
to control the capital, the shipping, the
business men of our seaports, if we
oould, we would leash them that it is
not absolutely necessary for our cotton
to go to New York before going to L;v
s.-pool. So long as we pay our tithes to
AVall rtreet, just so l >ng wiil wa uo
necessanly yield the difference between
Uia exportation to ]) : verpool diret aud
the suae pniat via New York.
? urprisliiK.
Judge Whitikcr, of the Atlanta In
telligencer, denouuces the Constitution
asi “a eoaterop ihle sheet, witb no fixed
purpose raore than to and
deceive an honest and upright oommr-
C 1. 1- W. Avery, Editor of the
Constitution, requests of the Judge a re
traction of tbe language, and sends the
ooununti ation by afiieid Judge Whit
aker answers that be was not thinking
of Col. Avery editorially or personally
but had reference to the Proprietors.—
Col. Avery accepts the explanation and
Uie matt;r rests.
Now, what surprises us is to know
that editors and proprietors of newspa
pers have,, or take, the privilege of abus
ing eaoh other through their columns.
It is not our plaaie to read Judge Whi -
aker a lecture, but nevertheless think it
would have been better for Lira and the
oountry to have gone to the proprietors
of the Constitution aud told them, in, per
son what he thought of their paper and
settled the matter on the spot.
Away with this practice, and let ns
have chari’y, one for another, and if
nothing will do but a fight, take it fisti
cuff aud not talk about pistols and cof
foe for two, especially if we have a wife
aud little ones
Gkn Butleb AttUESTED—A tele
gram from Washington, uudor date of
the L9th, says :
Gen Butler has been arrested in New
York, charged by Mrs. Florence,of New
Orleans, with having taken three swords
presented to G*'B..Twiggs by tbe United
btatea Congress and (states of Georgia
and Texas, valued at $35,000, and a
box of silver, $2 000. He claimeu that
the sworos bad been deposited ill tbe
'ireasury Department, but inquiry
proved that such was not tbe case. He
was held in $15,000 bail.
Tub Dawson Manufacturing Cos. re
ceived a premium for the best Freight
Railroad Car at the State Fair. Hon
orable mention was mads of Holt’s Cct
ton Chopper and Thomas’ Water
The Revolution Coiiimetived.
In a oouutry like this, where the poo
pie ure free to f- rm their own opinion*
onptib io ass irs and give them < xpte.-si. u
ia the form of law, no ereat error or j
outrage can long exist. Whaiev.r may i
be thr mult of periodical popular ex- j
citemeut, there is always succeeding it
a sober second thought that corrects ev
ery evi*. _ _ |
The result of the recent election in |
the State of New York is most impor- '
taut in its bearings upon- the political
prospects of the whole country. It is
the commeocerusot ol a revolution in
public sentiment that is destitt- and t«
-pread-all l ver the country,leaving pros
trate iu its path nearly ail the roeve
mr-iita of Kidioal u*urpa'ion and
wrong. In a speech delivered by Gov.
H ffman a few days ago, be declared,
as one of the re.-ults of tho victory, the j
repeal of the whole system of legisia- ;
tion euae'ed by the R.'publican party |
during the past eight years, and a re?- i
loratiun ol the people of New N rk to j
all their rights, including sclf-govrrn- |
rneut, of which they bavo been ruth- |
lessly p’undcred by a rcvoltri nary fac
tiou This will do for a beginning.— ,
The impression has long been that the
Republican party wa* iuviootbh —that
their means were so great at.d their
.mode if using them so utterly stand, p
ed and reckless, that it was ut’i r temer
ity to oppose them. They have held the
country iu a so ft of terror, and canoed
things wi;h a high band, ju t because
the people were afraid to oppose them.
Thank G>d they have at last over
reached them-rlves and developed a
weak point, thr ugh whieh the enemy
are rushing and the entire fortress must
fall. The f sample of the great 8 ute
|of New York w’tll exercise a powerful
influence throughout the North, mid
we shall soon seo in every Btato meu
throwing off the chains of party and
s’rikini! for their liberties. Even io
Radical Minnessota, the telegraph in
forms us the vote for Governor i* so
close that it is impossible srhout the
fficul returns to tell who is elected.
The XVth Amendment has gone down
(or “up”) amidst the execrations of the
people, and with it will full the party
•hat dared attempt such an outrage on
a free peop e.— SaciVin'th Republican.
The Eolith in (he Norl’.i.
biumiEux recuberat on
One of the most auspicious circum
stances connected with the Southern
situation is the Lep-interest manifested
by the peopl ■ in their Sate and local
agricultural t xhibitions. Ihe Virgin
m drew together a very large con
course of people Irom all over the
8 ate, /and the di-play surpassed) any at
tending a Northern B'ate K-irf-.r tnany
j Car s. Fur hcftirchiudj ibe r ir
gtnia papers a- voted u u h space to it,
aud tho people were urged day after
day 10 contribute in cvrrv way in their
power to make the exhibition a com
plete success, and such it proved to be
in every respect. The s me may be
s' id . f the G " rgia Sate., thotgh
: the display did not perhaps come q-itt**
■ip to pit hi 0 . xp e at U. "wing doubt
less to the iack of ma’.rial through- u r '
the 8 ate—a lack which wiil (kj made
up by anc her year. Extensive prep
irations ure King made f r the Ala
bama State, wt.ich np ns at M >nt
gom ry Ou Tuesday u.-xt and continues
fur days. The i.’crest manifested in
ihe-e and similar cxbibi tons at the
■South surpasses ar-ything of the Vi and
wc bavo • xperienead here ut the North
in a long time. It indicates the dawn
of an agricultural era at the 8 'u-h, that
the people have at last begun tn apply
th< mseivus to the dcvolopmen’ of their
agricultural rcsuurc s. And in so do
ing they Lave begun to lay the ioumiii
tions of future waaith and greatness.
The South, of all portions of tho ,U.i
ton, ia peculiarly to agriculture
A rich, fertile soil, long seasons, hot
suns, prolific showers, natural drain ige,
genial olimate, together with many other
favoring circumstance', ii.s'J’o thr
Southern husband cnau greater returns
tn his labor and outlay than cm be se
cured elsewhere in the Uuiou -*- t Com
Advertiser. .
The Injunction Dissolved—
'l lie Ceutrul Kailrtiad .tlo*
nol>ol) Altaiii I'uiitMl.
Having never for a moment d'-übted
that the injunction against tbe Bruns
wick & Albany Railroad, obiatued
through sly practice, by tbs groat Cen
tral Railroad, and a sow of their satel
lijet?, would be dissolved by Judge Ses
sions, we do uot feel so jubilant as some
of our weak kneed friends, However,
it is glorious news ! and we give tbe
simple announcement prominence. An
nexed fiud copy of order:
"Ou reading the bill of complaint
and affidavits, aud on bearing the argu
ments ot counsel of the respective par
ties, it is ordered, that the temporary
’I junction, heretofore existing in tbe
above entitled cause, be, aud the same
: is, hereby dissolved.
W. M. Sessions, J. I. C. B. C.
Judge Sessions overruled the demur
er in this cause, witb leave to defeud
ants to answer the bill of complaint.
This actum of Judge Sessions sets at
rest whatever doubts that may have ex
isted m reference to tbe rapid building
and early completion of this grand rail
road enterprise. With this in'rlligenco,
and the glorious news of the Vicksburg
and Brunswick B. 1L published in an
other column, coupled with the fact that
the last iron rail on the Macon & Bruus
wick It. R. will bo laid perhaps to mor
row, and wc feol in a propuc mood to j
olosc our week’s labor with three tim-’s- j
ibroe cue r- for too friends of the ci'y !
at the Ins' s«aport if tbe South, aund
silent contempt for its enemies.—Alba
nj Ancs
Vatbonizk Hoke iNt-minioNs. —
Thisi. the ui"tto by which ill w 11 reg
ulat'd and thriving communities are
guided, and H the one by which all 1 1-
calities should be governed. Thus, by
patron z : ng each other, we sustain and
stimulate all kinds of trade, keep mon
ey and wealth among us, and cause all
to thrive.
The Florida Orange orop is full one
tuiid larger than that of iast year.
The Circus of the Period, j
mss tnum
Cii’diH t
Will Exliiliit iu I>sttv«on
Saturday, Doc. lftli, 18G9
Exhibitions Afternoon and Night,
Commenrinc nt 2 and 7:30 o’clock. Admis
sion (1. Children under ten years of age foe.
This is the only first class Circus that
ici/l visit Daroson this Season.
The Artistes of Stolie Si Murray’s Circus re
ceive more money for their services than th#
united salaties of any four troupes iu Ameri
| ov. This will proti.ihly be the only opportu
nity the lovers of circus amtvsampnts wifi ever
have »f witnessing in one exhibition the mar
' vetoes pprfo;niancoe of so large a number ot
super-eminent f(ji*as»ra*n», gymnasts and ao
| rnbats, as the troupe Stone Si Mutrav now
'■ possess sarpssses Va extent and variety of taf
| ent &«v similar company ever seen in ihia or
l aay other country, and is admitted by the
i proprietors of rival institutions to be uupara
i goned.
Alllf. Emilit Henrietta Cooke.
Premier Rguesti ieune of the wotld,
the most giSled and daring Lady Rider ever
seen in anv ape of country, from the princi
pal Amphitheatres of Europe, and the
Great John Henry Cooke ,
The acknowledged Champion Rider of the
Univirse, (late of Cooke’s Koval Circus, ot
A’nropeou fame) whose extraordinary talents
command the largest salary ever paid to any
artisi engaged in the vocation of amusing the
/. E JE C.YE Hi ll TE ,
T!u Champion Btrf’hwk Hindi* Rider,
Jeanette i blister*
The Graceful and Diphing TighuKope Dad-
The The » ov* 1 4# »»n«i
Mdeiin ol th»’pc ski Mid pprfttrnn*rs
hsvp v.oji sot tl.Hfsisrt »mhJ fuiiie hi cf»
, -rv’r of the j»lohe.
The Snow Jlrof'icrs,
Berj miin, William Alfred the UueqiM|kd
Poatureru ami Eqailibiista.
The Popular Clown and Humorist, who his
tlie happy faculty of blending the umosiug
with tlie ludicrous wiihout approaching
coarseness or vulgarity.
.tilt. CHAU EES lil. ISS,
and his Wonderful Compeer,
-Tin. no it cut joha'so.v,
The two dest Tumblers in the Woilik
The Titllecn Hrothern ,
Paul, Leon and Jerome, the .SViwn t ion a i mid
air Gymnasts, lroni tbe Hippidreme, JAris.
The Superb English Manage Equestrienne.
SIGNOR COLUXBUSj the aimiziog Ital
ian Contortionist.
tic Protean Equestrian.
Champion Someisiiuit Rider.
tesqe Comedian.
MR. HURT LEE, the Champion Leaper
and Vaulter.
BA RRY tfc REEVES, the Comique /’an
ULRIG DAN/.EFF, the Russian Athlete.
MR. LOOK WOOD, the lutrepid Pancra
IIERR I)RENEE, the modern Hercules.
LUDORF Js RENTE/,, tbe Electrifying
" ■==£?£_-.
Th- above artistes will be aided by a large
foree of auxiliary talent, super-added to
II ci toll it i* on'** Acting l>og<,
Murray's Trained Horses,
Den Stone’s Comic Mules, and
the liu-Klux Paiitamorplis.
Amerieus. Monday, December fi ; Albany, Tues
day, December 7 ; Cuthbert, Wednesday, Decem
ber S; Fort Gaines, Thursday, December !); Ku
faula, Friday, December 10; Dawson, Saturday
.December 11. dec l -‘it
Wholesale Blry Goods.
(DIBIPIP# W&S'Zim & ©<o<*
Having We vern the necessity of ao exclusive WHOL-SALE
DRY GOODS H “USE io our City, wc Lave closed out our ro I
tail stock, enlarged our at >re to nearly double its former capacity. Bita.l
coi Soc ourselves exclusively in the
We keep a bsyer continually in tho Eastern Markets, »p<i with our othtr
advantages, think we bavo facilities for tff ring goods as low, aud on equally as
Good Terms as any otlkpr Market.
Our Stock is now complete, being tho
Largest and Best asosrted Stock ever opened in
the South.
We Ice! eci.SJcpt in off jrir g sufficient inducements to return tb» trade ii
Savannah. Solicit orders and examination of our Stock.
Very RespcctfuD'y,
Ocf. TjStn 1 i v *
ii. wQmTmm,
T2l X: G iSIvIT
Me tile a I llectriei an §
WHO HAS VISITED all the principal Cities in tbe Northern; Scir.hern, Ea-steia and Wed>
torn States, and met with such
.In the treatment o£ all diseases, but moee esp- eially those of a Chronic nature, or of Io g
standing, and which has baffled tbe skill .f all other physicians, will (Providence pei mining,)
Occupy a Suite or Rooms at the Hatvson Hotel ,
From Tuesday Moruiugx November 3D, Io Thursday Night, Dec. 2, ISG9.
The following act*. Porter’s appointments for tbe months of November and batejimlwr.
At Macon, Ga., at the Spottswood Hotel, from Thursday morning, November mil, to Tuesday
night, November-Sd.
At Fort Valley, Ga., at the Hotel, from Wednesday morning, November 24th, to 1 riday noon, Xu
'' At "dmericim, Ga., at the Barlow House, from Saturday morning, November 27tli, to Monday night,
°lY [Y a wson, Ga., at the Hotel, from Tuesday morning, November 30th, to Thursday night, Decern
At. Fort Gaines, Ga ,at the Hotel, from Monday morning, December (itlr, to Wednesday night, De-
Mmhpf gth.
aXt kufuuU, Ala.., at the Eufaui* House, from Friday moruiug, December iOtii, to Tuesday noon,
G* ,at tho Kentucky i/ouse, from Wednesday morning:, December 15th, to Monday
noon, December ’Dtlu
At Afontgomery, Ala., at the Hotel, from Tuesday morning, Dec. 2m, to Tuesday night, January
4th, 1870 ' . , , . ...
The Doctor treats all diseases, in their various forms aod stages,, without the use of Cal
omel or Mercury in any form, Strychnine, Quinine or Arsenic, or any poi.sonowe substance
whatever phis remedies being compounded by hiiusrlt; and composed entirely of Ro- is. Herbs
Barks, Seeds, etc., purely vegetable, and highly electrical— remedies that do not weakun or 1
debilitate the system in the least, but siretglben, vitalize and iuvigorate ; ueii her do they j
pri vent the patient from attendk-g to his or her every day business. Canicular aucution
paid to *
! The Doctor has visited many of the cities two, three, and four times over, and has succcsse
j f u ]] y nested more than 1200 peisons in the States ol Georgia and Alabama alone, and morb
than 2500 if we include Kentucky and Teunessee, amt over 3700 including North and Suutd
Oarolina very many of whom were pronouuced incurable by their attending physicians, an
given up’to die, but who, to-day, thank God, are still in tbe laud of the living, and in the en
joyment of perfect bailth, pursuing their usualaTocations.
The Doctor does not make these statements because he considers himself more skillful than
those other physicians, but simply because he sincerely believes that the remedies width he
employs will prove much more efficacious, and are more completely adapted to the treatment
of diseases, especially those of a Chronic nature.
Consider seriously and act immediately. Call at once at his roams, as the
Doctor charges nothing for consultation and advice.
The Doctor furnishes all the necessary remedies at once to remove the complaint thor
oughly and permanently, at a very reasonable price.
The Doctor, il he can cure you, or even benefit you, will tell you so ; if be cannot,, he will
so inform you, and will not take your case in band.
Patients visited at their owu houses from & to C-p. m„ if tbe Doctor is not otherwise en
gaged. Office hours from 7 o’clock in the morning to 9 o’clock in the evening; on Sundays,
from 8 to 12 iD the morning, and from 2 to 5 in the afternoon.
For further information, see Circulars, with a large uumher of recommendations, distribu
ted at tire dwelling houses throughout this city aud vicinity, and which also can be obtained
at bis rooms. ncvemberll—3t
WE take | leusure in r K , 4 ; D t.ffrring thi-'st-nD rA ? rtiljzcr to the pU„_
Rts of Bnut It west 1.1,81)1(1 by u- for the pa.-t three Notwjth
stuixling tho severe ilrutjg Is aid other uii-tcrtuius that iAve kefali 6
f he crops siuoc we hav.c been selling it,
folly su-tirfns its ehurnefer, nu attested t>v hundreds of certificates from lesiiry
plaoK-rs in TtrrLl, Calhoun, Wob-ter aod Raker onuotins,
“ill hi fully ir-ain'ai'c l, nd U guaranteed to every purchaser. N’w one Mid
fear tnat .ny 4>lvaotagi wil be tsk' nos its well and
justly carueii popularity.
HON F M HARI’KIt us.d ’illfklhs Mapo’.> Bupcr-pho*phate p»r scr.. "
year. R suit, as couipaitd with laud ußiaanurid, in Irv'orof the Fbospliat-v
u .'red pci it. ut.
M R R. ,N KEITH u.-rd, this v«-.r, ft' ui IWI to 2.~>ft IV-- of flit Phn.piintf |.r
. ic—this was the .<■ c .rid year he hm tie and i' —it •o id.' sn(f lb more euIDS t*
•i; o !k. i 1 1 likd 11 ir 1. lixpi'cts to us»« it sgnki u< x- y »r.
Mlt E. I vEI. I, KIJ V»V ii I t used it upon e>m and c' t'-tv,. o-n poor, B.u ly land,
' hich dcuilud his crop.
JUPGEW. 0. Pi KltC K, nf Calhoun crunty, .says, he pui abod' a tab.*
pool)lull to the hill o) euro, oc p wr, sandy land, that would not make mortilui
; no bu. bails cod ti par he uucle eight Uushcls p r -cr .
JI xvit «j«<' Ui« of some of flit* PJ.Miter* xvlto hate
u<ed iti.* impiuttc I'urtiliz tr :
r. r KFILEY Terre"l nonn'v. M f. Mf-RTVEY', T-rrell county.
JAR CLARK, T-rrell eountV. () P |IR()\V N. T-rrcll cvjny
II MORELAN D, T irCi county. S R W EST’ffV. 1 crr»ll enonty*
JAR. SIMMONS, Terrell enuuty. W (} PIERGE. Calhoun cjunty.
A II 1 HNDY. T- I rOl county. JOHN COLLEY, Calhoun enuntj.
VV KEN.NEDY, Terrell cu ty. G W COLI.KY. t’alb.oun county.
J KITCHENS, T.-rrell county. W M MURIt.Y Y, Calbnuo oouoty.
W (J PARKS, r r.rreil county. AO VF.AYKR. C»lh'-un C"Uoty.
J HARRELL T well o-uniiy. J MANRFI KI.D, Calhoun countj.
J R JONES, Terrell county. J L G-Rl FFIN> Caiboud county.
J R I'lflM, Terrell county. J 11 GRIFFIN. Calhoun county-
M W MURRAY. Terrell county. A DANTZI ER, Webster county.
T MEA DOWS, Terrell county. M L RINION, VV'rb.ster county.
M DAMAGE, Terrell county. R F SHI ‘ ERS, Webster county.
J W DOZIER, Terrell county. >1 H MA Ii.RH LL, Webster coun'y-
J W KIKTH, Terrell c- unty. A DILLARD, Webster county.
R A KIEI’ll Tarrell county. A MIMS, Raker county.
W G SIMP."ON, Terrell county. A JJJNEB, ld-.kcr county.
J VV KAGAN, Tctrcll county.
TO PLANTERS who expect to uxe this popular Fertilizer, we would
to hand in their orders early, as wc anticipates heavy businosa in it tbe eoBJ"
6eason, and shipping may be difficult. If you would make an investment
would pay you, try this Fertilizer. You who have poor lands, now is yior ti® f -
We will say that this Fertilizer is as good 1 as anv other offered in GLeorgj»i *“
into consideration its cost prr ton-
Iflf P will save any person 115.01); per ton who wish to use Dixon s
TO CL We can sell y.,n the lugredieuts to make it. (Genuine Peruvian
Dissolved bones, Loud Planter aud Salt,) and you eau manipulate yiurse f j^ f
a cost cheaper by sls 00 tbau you can buy it ready prepared. A U-g e P
last year buught this of us, aud has giveu us bis orucr again this
says the cost to pr pare tl is nothing, and he prefers <o manipulate 1*
All these Fertiliz'rs are warranted to be genuine. _ . ,
Call aud see Pamphlets which will be ready for distribution in a few )
0?Don’l forget the place.