Newspaper Page Text
LOCAL column.
g, IVI. Seidel Sc lix*o.
Thi* well known firm have Spain on
h»nd a New und Complete Stock of
Goods generally found in a firat-clsaa
nrv Goods and Clothing house, which
thev ofler at such low prices as Will
" ble everybody to supply themselves
with the necessary goods for the sea-
They have Dry tioods, Cloth
ing’ Notions, Boots and Bho s, Hats,
Gents Furnishing Goods, &c., &c,,
which they are determined to Bell.
Give t.lem a cull
Don’t foil to «" t- price the goods
tV. H. and 8. Maas, Sales
Qi It \ |t It 1.1 -t*
8> “ at FULTON’S.
Joans Kosjevs. Minerva T’rills and
('aseiiners for Men and Boys' wear at
Dicli*®**’® Cotton Seed.
oqo bushels Dickson s Colton Seed
foreale. Apply a^ Hlg oFF;CE>
O(JH SUPPLKMKNT. — Duli’l fail to
readt e adverisenuents and article on
o ur supplemeot : ‘ The Plow and the
JDnd.” It is significant of the times in
which we live, and as sure as the sun
chines the peo- le will throw off this gall.
yoke, sooner or later. There is no
tenu, right, or justice, in the farmer pay
ing taxes and bondholders paying none.
Make good use of your time, ye Rid
icals-your days are numbered.
Flannuls, Linseys, Opera f'ianuels
B nd all other kinds of Goods lor win •
ter wear at low prices at the store of
F ue Button .plantations for sale
in Calhoun county. AppK t
Mri.ns.— Messrs. Farnum A Sharp’s
s !e- lav( he'll heavy, hut bey bare a
ft* of li e raroe sort left.
Pkclini in Gold.—Call and see
ffe goods 11 at have been J'nrchn ed
since tlie deedne in Gold Now >c
(•oiving First class Family Groceries,
press Goods, 1) y Goods, ( loth ng, (a
lew extra fine suits.) and a general as
sortment oi goods in tnv line
The Bio Ciucus 0o»r«». -A new
pict rial advertisement in uur paper wi 1
e nvey He inteLig nee that, the great
Circus vs Btone & Mm ray wilt ■ ibihit
in Daws'id, Saturday December 11 b.—
T' is Circus Las a< quired 'he n puUtioD
of b iug 'ho besi in America, and every
*li. re it has csidbktd 'his sea-on, the
papers praise the performance of the
lares troupe of artists* and prnn>'iinoe
then superior io anything hitherto emu
in the S-uWi.
Second W eefc of Court.
On Monday last the State do> ket
was taken up, and tne case of Win
Brewer, charged with murder, was
called, the Jury impannelled same
day, hut owing to absence of one of
the witnesses, has not been decided.
Judge Harrell, in his (pilot, fi m and
determined wav, is doing all in Ids
power to clear the dockets. Hereaf
ter parties wouid do well to have
their witnesses oil baud, saving the
county much expense, and avo : d thv
inconvenience imposed by delay, on
jurors It the witness is on top side
<d earth, and cun be found, the J udgo
will have him.
«t»ro for your Bleached and Brown
Ih rncetics, as well as 'i’lckwig und
8- M. SEIijJEL & HUG. sell Crock
cty cheaper than anybody ; go and see
Cuene Pori,ins, Mohairs, Delaines,
-ltriuoes, and Alpacas can. be found
al the old store cl
I’ebsonai.e. We had tbe pleasure
of bhakiug the hands of our old friends.
H. D. Moore, ILesideut of LoVert
College, end iiev. T. T. Ckris
fiao, both en route for the South Geor
gia Conference.
Ibe LeVert, we are pleased to learo,
18 prospering beyond the expectation of
iri-ndo l Undtr the guidance of Bro.
Moore assisted by a corps of teachers
•econito none, end located in as healthy
8 6 Pot as Georgia affords, we see do
rtdson why this should not be the
fl hool for all those in our section who
tuteud to send their daughters away
■tom home.
brother Tom was looking finely—iu
“ c > be looked well enough to be an
ltul ; Lilt, pshaw (?) he is nothing but
Preacher, gmug down to
Gilbert to have a home assigned him
r auothtr year. We wish him, and
oth rs lik Q him, good lu.k; a
£ home, and money enough all the
*! e pocket to buy the wife and
Hie oncs food and raiment.
,3 M ' Rose & Co.— Wholesale Deal
ta a Ure * nea and Liquors, Atlau
' Nov 4-3 t
U?ri\? ELl>,, * A AN® AT-
W n ,N E AND Ll((UOK
’ Granite Block, Atlanta, Ga.
price* 1, at UC * 8 CJlothinjs;, at reduced
Dawson, Dec. 2.—Cotton in good
demand, with upward teudoDov. Ex
tremes 20 to 21 io.
Macon, Nov. 30—Cotton steady
at22Jc for middlings
Savannah, Nov. 30.—Cotton quiet
at 2H}o for middliugs. •
Nkw York. Dec. Ist, 3 p m.—Cot
ton middlings 201 o , gold 121 7 8.
• Special Notices.
A Gentleman who guttered for years from
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all
the effects of youthlul indiscretion, will, tor
the sake of suffering hiinianitv, send free to
all who need it, the reqeipt and directions for
making the Ample remedy by which he whs
'•ured. Sufferers wishing to profit by the ad
vestiser's experience, cau do so by address
ing, in perfect confidence,
John b ogden,
une3;ly No. -12 Cedar street, N.Y.
Rheumatics, Listen and Learn
Prof. KaytriD, the popular and celebra
ted manufacturer of Kaytou’n Oil of
Lifo, the best and surest linameot for
rhiumalism known, has now discontin
ued his travels throughout th 3'atcs to
see the lame and the oripple, and those
otberwt-e ifflood by rbt uin.rism, or
neuralgia, or pains iu the side, Ac., f. r
h- argues, and well too, that ilo people
can cure themselves wiih. ut Lint by uv
ieg his Od of Life j the virtues of
which are universally aeku- wlcdged
Some people were foolish enough to
think from the swilt and speedy cures
made nu the epot, befnr" their eyes or
'heir friends, that the Pr -less r’s bands
were bewitched, but we assure all that
Hie sterling virtue lies only in the Oil
of Life and good rubbsog For rheu
matism, neuralgia, pains in the back,
joints or sides, or wherever a liniment
may be used that Kaytou’s Oil of Life
is acknowledged as great and wi'bout
an equal, giving the pa'ient almost in
stantaneous relief by rne rubbing
For sprains or bruises, it has also beeu
us'd with mark'd success.
Kay'oti’s Dyspeptic PH's, pnrely vog
"table, are an excellent cathartic. Me-
Iv'ssi n & 11 bbins, wholesale agents,
New York. Jacob Lippmak, Pmp’r, j
Wholesale Drug House, Bavannah.
. !
.1 PROVL.t.n.tTIO.Y.
By Rufus 11. Bullock, Gov. of said State.
Whereas, Official info mation has born r» - t
eeived at (his Drparime t ilia' a murder w 8 (
commit ed iu the Coun'y i.f Chattooga, o
'he 28th day ot July. 1.809, upon 'he body ol
Geo'ge Lawrence, tiv T ylor Hinton, ami
ho Slid Hinton ha- fl and re-n»> jusue- :
1 have thought proper, the • t re, to iwm
my pioclamaiion, her by ts ling a reward of
One 1 h nis.ind Dollars lor il e appreh "U.-ion
and delivery of the sail liny on to the Nier
ff of said county and Stale.
And I do moreover eSsa'ge and r quire id
Olfi si9 in this State, Gull and .If burr, in
be vigilant in indeavuiing to apprehend the
said IJniton, iu order that, he may b hi agin
to trial sot the uttvDse with which In'- a. ds
Given 1 nder my b mi and the Great Seal of
the Nae, at the Uapi’ol iu Atlania, 111 is
24 h day of November, n the year of our
Lo'd Eighteen Hundreil and Suiv Nine.and
of the ludep' n fence of tbs U itsrdStales of
Amcnu, the Nme'v Fouith.
Bv ihe Governor :
David G. Curr no, Secretiry of State.
The said Hint m is abou' l<i or 27 years of
age, 5 test 7 or 8 inches high, weighs about
I ftO pounds, black, with luge white eyes
an i test h, ralhei quick aiokeu.
Dec 2, 3i.
a phoclu uanoA'.
CEORCIA : , „ , 0
n, itutuj li. Bullock, Gov of said htate.
Whereas, Offnial information has been
received at this Department that a muri'er
was committed in the county of Walker, in
this State, upon the body oi John J. Woot
en, on tbe Bih day of March, 1866, by one
Nathan B. Hop-'o i, and that said liopson has
tied from justice:
I have thought proper, therefore, to issue
this; my Proclamation, hereby off ting a re
ward of Two hundred Dollars for the appro
lension and delivery of the said Nathan B.
Hopson, with evidence suScient to convic,
to the Sheriff of said G’buaity ot Walker.
And l do tnoteover charge and require all
Officers iu this State, Civil and Military, to
be vigilant in endeavoring to iipp'ehemf the |
said Nathan B, Hopson, in order that he may
he brought ta trial for the offense with
which he stands charged.
Given under my haaal and the Great Seal of
the Sate; at ths* Capitokin Atlanta, this 27th
day of November, in the yeir of our Lord
Eighteen Hundred and S xty-Nine, and ot
the /idepence of the United States of Amer
ioa the Niuetr-Fouitli
By the Governor;
David G. C'oirpNU, Saorctary of State.
Dec. 2,8 b
a rßocL.i.natioa\
By Rufus B. Bullock, Gov. of said State.
To the People of Georgia ;
The recent reuewal of active hostilities
against tbe person and pr operty of colored
citizens and white Republicans by the organ
ized bauds of secret assassins in certain por
tions of the State, seems to indicate a concert
of action and a purpose oil the part ol said
organizations to persist in detyiug lire civil
it therefore behooves the good people of
this Sute to see to it that the commonwealth
he not farther inured and defamed by the
acts of persons who it is believed, are whol
ly without interest iu, or regaid. for, the wel
fare of the State.
It is tbe duty of every county, town, or
municipal corporate authority to ensure per
fect protection for life and property to every
resident within their borders; and whereas,
in many oases tbe local officials fail to exer
cise efficient means to secure this result, the
good citizens within ruch limits—those-hav
ing a material interest at sflfike, or the best
iuiereet of the State at heart— ®ould see to
it that prompt measures are at once trkeu
under the civil law to arrest and bring to
punishment the members of these organiza
tions of secret robbers and assassins. Under
the statutes at present in force the Ezecutive
is prtWnled Iron) raking active measures for
the suppression of civil disorders, and it is
therefore all tlie more important that every
good citizen should feel it bis individual duty
to become a peace officer, and to aid in eecu
ring to every inhabitant that perfect protec
tion guaranteed by the Constilutiou, and
without which we can never enjoy, either civ
il liberty or material prosperity.
Outrages such as have heretofore and art
now again d-sgraciug our S'ate cannot be tol
traied or excused without involving the
whole community, °
lt'o time has arrived when these outrages
must cease, or the good people of the whole
biate will be held responsible for their con
in tile end that no motive may be wanting
to stimulate the people to aciion in bringing
to punishment the violators of the law, I
heirby offer a reward of Five Thousand Dol
lars each for the arrest, wiih evidence to con
vict,, of the person or persons engaged in ihe
mu' iter of Hon. Joseph Adkins, white, a Re
public m Senator ol the I»ih District.
Aud ot the person or prisons engaged in
ihe murder of Dr. Benjamin Ayer, white, a
Republican Repicseuialive irom the county
of yeffersou.
And ol rbe person or persons engaged in
tbo ( unage committed upoo the person ot
William Hardeman, white, of the county of
Oglethorpe, when, on or übmu the Hist day
ol October last, he was tied to a tree and
brutally whipped, the outrage having b*en
committed hy a hohy of disgpsed men, for
no oilier reason, it is alleged, than that Hrr
denntn was charged with being a Radical.
Ami of the person or prisons eugrged in
'he outrßge committed npan the person of
Hon. Abraham Colby, colored Reprrseniaiire
Irom ine county ol Greeue, who, on or about
«he SlKh day ol Oeiober last, was taken Irom
his bed at night aud cruelly beaten, the out
rage having beeu committed by a body of
twenty-five or thirty disguised men tor ihe
reason, as i, alleged, that he the said Coloy
vi-it, and Atlanta and requested of the military
authorities protection (or the freedmen’s
school, located in the town of Greensboro’,
iu the county of Greene.
Ami of ihe person or persons engaged in
he depredaiiou upon the office of the Asses w
or ot Internal Keveuue lor the United States
Government in the town of Washington,
county of Wilkes, on or about the night of
ihe )3ih ulr,, when, as is alleged, tiro office
was brokeu open and books, papers, iic.,
scattered and destroyed, and notices left
warning the Assessor to leave the District.
And ot the person or persons engaged in
the assault upon the house of th« non. Eli
Barnes, colored, Republ can Representative
f cm tiie county of H tticock, when, as is al
leged, a body of masked men at or about the
hoar of I o'clock on the night of the loth
ult., surrounded his le-idence and by threats
ol persoual Violence forced him to leuve the
And of the person or persons, who, at or
near (he hour of 111 o’clock on the night of
the 15th ult., fired ten or twelve gmishoigi- •
to a camp of colored laborers, on tire line of
Die Macon and Brui'»»iek Railroad, in the
county of Telfair, whereby one man waa
killed and another severely wounded.
And of Ihe person or persons, who, on
Thursday night of Cou t week, October term,
about midnight, said to be a body of sixty
men in di-guise, surrounded the residence of
the She ill of ihe county of Hancock, de
mamleuaud obta ned from him the ki-ys of
tiie j iil and released f o«n the jail one James
Oxford, while, a nctorions on'law awaking
his t lal for the murder of John Taylor, a re
s ectablo cit’zm of said county.
G ven to d> t inv hai and and ihe great seal.of
the State, at the Capitol, in Atlanta, this
tin' 2lt'll day of N"Vembe», in the year of
our Icrd, Eighteen Hundred and Sixtr
nine, and ot the Independence of the Uuited
Slates ot America the Ninety-Fourth.
By the Governer: Governor.
Davio G. Cutting, Secretary ot Slate.
il cc-JTt
A7J It' .IO 1 7 It I 'IS i:.XI it.VTS
S~E e D OAt s 7
1000 Bushels
Virginia Black Seed Oa's
JO ST received and for sale, l>y
AH [i-rsons are cautioned against
trading for four pnmissory notes given
by the undersigned to J. W. Prewott
of Calhoun cu., Ga., three §SO each,
one for 825, daft* I about 27'h Novem
ber, ISG7, due 12 months thereafter.—
Con.-ideratinns for which said notes
were given having failed, we will not
tay soiid notes unless peifeot titles to
I t of land No. 265 in 5 district of Ilm
dolpb co is executed to John W. Viu
ton aud E. F. Holt, according to con
Nov. 25;1m J. W. VINSON.
Win he sold before the (Hurt House
door in Dawon, T"rrcll co , on the Ist
Tuesday in February noxt, during usu
al hours of sale, one small sorrel horse,
whi'e face and hind feet, about five
years old, said horse estrayed by John
R Marshall and appraised at fifty dol
lars. T. M. JONES, Ord’y.
D cc 2;tds
A<li»ii»i§tr;itoi* Sale !
Will he sold before the Court House
in Dawson, on the Ist Tuesday in Feb
ruary ilex', during usual hours of sale,
lot nf land No. 3-19- iu the 2£ district
of Eirly c>, solrl as the property of the
c-t t) of Wtu Cbamhless for division.
Terms Cash. D. Oil AMBLED,
doc 2;'ds Adm’r.
graded high school
fUHF. Spring Session of this Institu-
I lieu will open on the 1m Monday iu Jan
uary next, under the direction of the niider
sigjwsd, assisted by a corps of experienced
arid acorn [dished teachers.. The courye of
instruction wHI be thorough and complete,
and will embrace all the branches ot-study
usually taught in the best Female Colleges.
No pains, or expense, will he spared to make
this school cope successfully with any in the
country. strict discipline and thorough
teaching guaranteed. The School will be
plivide i into three departments : Preparatory,
Grammar and High School.
The following rates of tuition will be
charged for tbe Spring Session, embracing
24 weeks:
Frcp’lory - *l*l.oo
Gruminnr Nvliool, - - 24 OO
HijSli School, ----- 30.00
Music <V Ornamental,
Tuition Quarterly in advance. Pupils will
be charged from time of entrance until the
close of the session. No deduction will be
made unless in case of protracted sickness.
Board £IB.OO per month, exclusive ot lights
and washing. For full information, send for
Circular. S. A. GOODWIN,
jV'ov. 25tb, ts. Principal.
DispatcSs? Elaine l
I will sell thege first- class Stoves very low, for cash or on time.
Vo Arrive next Week.
b e to so. ply the demand '-urine »h. o mi"g
Ca 1 at uiy office and learn e ms and prices.
nov2s ltn War-liou-v & Comimshi- n Merchant, Dawsou, Ua
fiiiilijiary 5001!$, tapey qoodf,
Yankee Notions,
Etc-, Etc., Etc
(N x* Door to Dr. Cheatham’",)
mill ST. - - D.UVSO.I, GA.
epHANKFUb for the patronage given me
1 since I lieeu iu business, I hope to
merit a continuance ol the same, by close
application to business, and a desire to plea»e
ll ose who nay favor me wi'h a call. My
stock ol F ill and Winter Goods will eorn
piise all articles needed by the Ladies >n the
Millinery line, also Fancy Goods and Yankee
to anil iSm wants of Ladles, Misses
and Children. Mv object is to please those
who call os) me, aßd ask of the ladies of Ttr
re'.l, Calhoun and Webster counties, and all
who trade at Dawson, to call and examine
rpy stock. Sept.23-tf.
\A T II.L bo rented on the first Tuesday iu
, v V December next, within th* legal houis
of rent, (or sale,)' before- the. Court House
door, in the town of DsiwsdP, the Plantation
known an the
situated 3 miles from Chickasawhatehie, in
Terrell county, Ga., lor the rear 1870. The
plantation contains 810 acres in the bodr and
about 350 acres cleared —good framed dwel
ling, six good cabins, and good out houses.—
Terms Cash. T. E. HIGHTOWER.
t.ovlfc;3t for M:s. E. F- Uenington.
Cotton Taken in Exchange
Valuable Plantation!
I OFFER bit farm, fi miles below Dawso-,
containing 1417$ acres fur live dollars per
acre, in cotton, at 2tJ cents per pound lor ui d
dlings, deliverable at Dawson.* Terms: 5
,bales delivered December next, the balance in
two iaotaUmenls —half payable December,
*187.0, the other half December, 187 l, without
-iuterest. Li the eveiu payments are nor
promptly met, iute esefrom date. Here is a
chance for parties wanting a home and a
(heap ami Good luveslmeaL
Apply to W. F. Orr, at Dawson, or to th.
subscriber at Charleston, b. C.
novll-if W. T. BURGE.
WH. Mangham has applied for exemp
• tion of Homestead and 1 will
pass upon the sarno at 10 o’clock, a. m,ou
the 6th day of December next, at mv office
iu Dawson, Ga. T J/ JUNES, Drd’y.
8 M SEIBEL & 880. keep the
best Boots aod Shoes, and always toll
them cbeap.
UK rani
I’atented Ib6*>.
Where tbe Machine can be seen and
its qualities tested. This M .chine is
the be-t ever used, claiming ninny nd
vnotag’s over any other Washing M -
chine ever patented. W'il gurirat tee
'he Machine t» do all that is claimed for
it The eitiz'-ns of Websi«r,Trialhn-un
anl lYrre'l are respectfully a-ked to call
and eximinc for thcm-civcs. Anycbild
12 years of age cau and > the washing o? a
largo family in a few hours with |» rfect
. by the use wf the Universal Wring
er, whicu is attached to th** MactTic.—
•‘iitue saved is money made.”
Price for Machine sl ; _<
Machine with Wringer .25
Johnson, Campbell it Cos.,
Corner Fourth and /’oplar streets,
Macon, Georgia.
OUR Mr. Johnson has just returned from
New York and the West, where he has
made heavy purchases of .Sugar, C"ffee, M-i
--las-es, Digging, Ties, Twine, Bacon, Ltrd,
Whi-kev, Flour, Fish r f all kinds, Cheese,
Crackers, Strdines, Pickh*s, Ham®. Tobiceo,
•Candles, Candy, Nulls, .ffoip**, Potash,-Sjda,
Whi e Aftat, 3klt r »nd iu ffict everything that
.is kept iu a
fift-ta Crccerj House,
A’l of which they offer to the citizens of Daw
son and surrouuding coantiev, at
Very Low Figures*.
ootul ;Um
Insure IVtir JLifc
18 THE
2E\ T -A.
Jkssk H. Gkifkin. I J. J. Bkck,
f Attornsv at
Ileal tjtale jipjitj for fi. 'J. (ja.
IVni'gaii, Cullii.mi Cos., Gil.
PARTIOCLAR attention given to sale or
purchase of lands iu any of the counties
o' jSwmhwest Georgia.
Examination of Titles a Speciality.
A number of th e Cotton i’iaoiationa lor
sale ou good terms.
17.70 acres, loam cleared, on Nolchawuj creek
Sfsto “ I 100 •* “ Pachilla “
! 100 “ tliH) “ “ S|iriiig “
15UII “ 7'HI “ “ PachirU “
gun “ 4uo “ “ B’oiuhw'rn R. It.
Be«ide* a number of other fine plantations
and farms iu Ualhouu, Terrell, and other
Males and other stock for sale with places,
If desired. novll-tf
800 of the most improved patterns of
Among the latter we have two patterns, to
which we invite special attention—
The Great Benefactor.
Every desciplion of—
with good workmen to fit them.
Holipß hfjlijihijijj (|ooi)?.
OLAHTERS an<l Dt“ftl“ra are t«>
I call TtTTti see our stock before purchasing.
We don’t propose to OJiderseU « «erv house,
l»ut will gire bargains to those that war.*
Goods iu lot*. G. F. & U. E. OLIVER,
nov Him
Main street, West of the Court House.
TITAVE just opened niy stork of Goods,
consisting in part, of be-u grul- 1 ’ of Fun*
il? Floor, B*»rf Tenn**«sep ITinn, Bo'-'
White and Blue Fuh, Mack«>'«*l, BoMer, f,srd,
.Jrllit’S, / > r«*?<jrvpß, Fruits, V“«’ffe aMes,
Nuts, R-refns, /’'runes, B'tesf&*.. filso, ;» fine
article of Brandy and Whiskey, in hoitl.-«,
Linars and Tobicco. Will he receiving :»l!
the season choice Apples, Granges,
Fresh Fish and Oysters, aud everything good
o eat or chink.
n, with propriety, conic to my store and
make their selection-".
shall, also, receive attention, and their wants
w:l) be atl4fc! -d to. J/y motto is “rjjiii k
a lies and sill'll profits.” Term-: strictly e.*sh.
Respectfully «"k the r ,f Dawson, ami
all wli(T tmde here to cal* and examine in\
stuck of Goods. H. R. THOMAS.
(South side Public Scpiare,)
Dawvon, ----- Georgia.
TlTf AS j.u9t rcfumcA from tht
North with ala gc and well se
lected Sock of (/**nda, coosiating in part
of Bonnets, Ladies’, Children’s ant)
Mis-es Ifsais, Ribbons, Flower*, Hose,
t Gloves, Core ts, Hoop>kirts, 1) es.-
rriintnibg, Forfuucry, and many oth.o
things to suit the taste and please (hi
Thankful for rhe liberal patronage
given n.c last seasou, I respectfully so
licit a continuation of the same. The
ladi.s of Terrell and adj iaiit g countic*
are resp*'c:fully invited to cal! and ex
amine mySiock before purchasing else
jNy tlepaftfuejit
will be supplied with all the latest styles
and design 4of the season. Have crude
arrangements to get patterns direct,
monthly, in order to give the ladies full
advantage of every e-haoge in style.
All work wrrraoted, and satisfaction
guaratit- ed, at rea-ouubie charges. A
fair trial is all I ask.
Sept 23;if.
Sale and Feed Stable.
• Wk » xpeqt to keep on hand, all the sea=on
first eliss Horses and Mules lor sale. Iu our
purchases we look to »hat is needed in this!
necriim, and trust ta merit a liberal patronage
from those who may need stock. Call on us
before purchasing.
V TEACHER of several years experience,
who is a graduate ofone es the best col
leges in the S ate, -desires in South
western G\i. Ai school* in a- village or neigh
borhood convenien* to the ra-hoad preferred.
Testimonials given a# to success and charac
ter. Address the undersigued at Thompson,
Columbia county, Ga.
novll;lm G. W. UARDAWA Y.
SJ. FOVV EL L has applied f. r
• tn mption of per onalty and sett ’ g
Idpait and vnhration of Homestead, to bt
h atJ it 10 o\ lock, a in., on tbs JO:h -In of
X/tn ember, Insf, at office in Dvwjom, f*t.
dec2 4w T M. JON EH, O dy.
( >TXO JO.
JM GRIFFIN, applies for excmpilon of
* personally and selling apart and va!u<-
»ion of Homestead, to lie heard at * o'clock
p in , on the 2d day of December licit, ut
tny office, in Dawson, Ga.
uov. 25th, 2.v. T. M. JONES, Ord’y.
i I llOilGI A, T«'rr«(l! Coiinf]':
V I Whereas, W. C. Kendrick applies
letters of dismission on the estate of Isaac
Ka'tid; ick.
These are therofore to cite and admoni-h
all persons concerned, to he stud appearat mr
office the time prescribed by law, and
show cause, if any, why said letters should
not be grant 'd. Given under my hand, and
official signature, this November IBth, IBti9.
novlK;!«m T. M. JONES, Ord’y.
/ 3 LOUGIA, Temdl Count)' :
vX Whereas, Wright Kenedy applies for
letters of dismission on the estate ol K mira
R. J im.'S and John A. Kenedy.
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned, to be and appear at
mv office within the- time prescribed by law,
and st.ow eiuse, if anv, why said h-t.era
should not be granlod. Given under mv
hand arid official siguatu'e, this November
lfith, I8«t>. T. M. JONES,
novlSjnm ' Ord'y.
/ t IIORGI 1, Tcncll County:
\ X Whereas, Martha Haddock has applied
r nr letters ot guardianship of Fannie Florence
II iddeck.
Tl.cse are therefore to okc and admonbdi'
all persons concerned, to be und appear at
my office within the time prescribed bv law,
and show cause, if any, why said l-tters
■•hoi.ld not be granted. Given under my
hand and official signiture, this November
18th, 18. H). T. It. JONES,
novlb;4od Ord'v.
TICK K Eli la Slllitin Ml.lih.
UN DEit ui.d by virtue of a D cree ot the
Honorable /Superior Court of Trfrell
countv, ill ih» case of Rowena Echols tmf
James R. .l ines, Execo’o.sof Jos-'phus Ech
ols vs 7'homas Garret', I will sell before tiie
Court. House door in said comity on the first
Tuesday in December next, between the u-u
--al hours of sale, Lot of land No-(lß»'
in the (3d) third di-tiict of said county, fn
cnmplimiae with said decree, and for i.hc pur
pose of disposing of the proceeds of » dd sale
as therein directed.
Also, at the same time and place, ! lot of
j land, No. 199, in ihe 12th district of Terrell
county. Levied on as the property of Jesse
Darden to satisfy a Ir fa is-ned from Tcrrelf
Superior Ootin in favor of Jane F. Powell,-
idm’x of J. W. Powell, dec’d, vs. Jesse Dar
den, and other ti la's in rnv hands.
novtjtds Sheriff.
I)nrsnant to an order of the Cocrt of
tlinurv i.f Terrell ciunty, will be sold bo
hue the Cou t House iu Diwson, on the First
ro 'sdav in D'ember next, during the legal
hoii'sof sale, (1-0.) one sixth interest in lot
of land number one hundred and twerliy one,
(121.) in ihe 12th district cf Terreli Counts.
Sol 4 h» th* property of L- C. Sibwart, a mi
nor, for tbu beuefr of said minor. Teiios
0 i-h. J. G. CHAPMAN,
0c'.28 Guardian.
Lxexistor’s Sale.
Fur uaut to an order of the Oid’niirv of
Terr ’!! county, will he sold on the Fust Tues
day iti I) ’cember n before the CourH-
H »usc in D 'W.'On, Terrell 'S>»unty, dming le—
j»j»J Balc hours, the li-xst. h«if of Fot of find*
• Diimhcr uyti hundred and iwei.-Cy, (220.) iu
r.ho 12ih and a ritrt of Terr 11 comity. S >id u 9
• lie pri»pr#»rfv of estate of G-nree P'»weli (j r
and vis on Ter«nn <v»gh. W. J F.iBKEU,
AdiiiKiiitilAi Sale,
\\T ILL be sold on the first Tiie.-d ly in De-
W cetuber next, within *he legal hours of
sale, before the Court House door, in ihe
'own of Dawson, by virtue of ati order of
lie Court of Oidinaiy of Hkois'en soatitr,
One Store Hon e and lot on North side or
*he .Public Square, adjoining J. W. /Jobetts
i Sc Cos. Al.-o, the House and land attached
tl cieto, about thirty-eight acres, more or
•ess. known r.s the Adams place. Ail sitnatrd*
lrirgand being in the town of Dawson, Ter
rell county Ga , belonging to the estate of
iE. W. GaMoy, dec’d'. Sold for the benefit
of the lieits uud credi'ors of said *s'u:e..
Terms cash* V RS. M. R. GADBEY,
Oet. 2)4 Hr. Admirist, a'rix.
Adiuibi'trairi.x Sale.
Wii.l he sold before the Court [fouve door',-
in the city of Dawson, on thy I t Tuesday in
D* comber ni x', all the Lands belonging io
ihn *-st. ite of James W. II .and iocl:, late of Ter
rell county, deceased.
0et.21 ,'6'.l'liw. A dininiatratrix.
A(luiiiiis*tT.tlor'h dale,
! \ Y T ILL he sold on the first Tuostiu/ iu De
v Y ceinber next, within the 1 0 * — l l houfsof
sale, before the Court Douse door, in the
to** u of Daw son, by vir’ue of an order of tl.o
| Court, of Ordinary ot Terre’l county, the lol—
;lowing lots of laru: belonging to the estate of
; W’il inn HerriugSon, dec’ll, all situated, lying
and being in the 3*d district of Terrell coun—
*y, to-»,it: Nos. Ull, 100, Ibl, 125. Sold for
the beiuilit of the lieira md ereditorj of said
••state. Terms cash. Purchasers payiug fo*
stamps and ti’Jc papers.
octl4;hadt Adtu’r.
Aclininl't isvlim’* Sale.
Will he s .id on the firstTuesilay in De -
cember next, wiikiiu th*e fpgaj hoa-rs of- sale?
before the Court House door ifi the terwn of
Dawsou, bv vi-tue of an order of tbe Court
of Ordinary of Terrell county, 13Jr acres of
laud in the 4th disoiet of Tentll county
known as the place * hereon Di. R M. Carter
formerly icsided. Sold as the ptopupiy 0 f
ihe estate ot li. M. Car er, dec’d, tor the ben
efit of the heirs aud qreditors. Term* cash.-
octlljtds Adm’r.
Trrrpll Mffrlgaj?* sheriff Sale.
be soM before the Court Hou'e
\ Y door in »)ie town of Dawson, said
county, on’ tbe 1.-B in Dtc.*niber
ne»&, with hi ‘be legal boners of sate the foU
lo** o ? ptoperty, to-»i : I lot of Fiud, No.
’269,-1(1 the 31 district Tyrrell coumy.—
:Levied ou ai the proj/erry ol W. C. Thornton
dec’d, to Bt‘i*-iy a mortgage fi ft issued from
Ter;ell Superior Court in favor of Patten,
L»ue, J/eriam & Cos, v*. J. 0. F. Clark, as ad
ministrator, Wui. C. Thorn*ou;
Will tie sold b lorq the Court House door
in Jf rgm, Calhoun cotfo'y, Ga., on the first
Tuesday in Bejnmber nex', ’ot ol land No.
250, in the 3d dDtriet of Calhoun county. —
Sold ns the property of John Pace, dec’d for
the bunefit of the heir.-.
W. M. PACE, ) Ex’r of theestrt..
N. W. PACE, j of John. Pace.
O ct'-M ltd s
French Corsets for SI 00 at
8 M BEIBEL & BiiO’3.
Lauies’ llose, at 15 eta. a pair, ar#
sold ai 8 M SEISE L & BRO’S,