Newspaper Page Text
iTlaiiiifarluriiis Interests of Itie
* until.
Demonstrations made by the people
of the 8 uih sinoa the close 'f the «af,
have produced no littlo on easiness with
our New England br tbrnn. all of which
in apparent notwithstanding the ll*reu
lean efforts made by them lo conceal it.
It cannot be denied that, as a people,
we have more to learn, and at tbe B>m<-
time, more interests, wht se importance
demands immedia e attention than any
Other people on tho broad face of th
globe. It is difficult indeed to charge
tbo waters of a vast river from the chan
nel through which they have been ac
customed to ft w, and it, is no less diffi •
cu t to divert the public wind from av
enues through which it has been atcu--
tomed to wander from time immetnoria .
In addition to all this, the erippled con
dilion in which peace (so-called) found
u«, mi itated to no litte exsent against
the development of the true and abiding
interes's of ihe S mth.
So far as tbe Manufacturing interests
o; our country « ore c mcerned, Flib ix- |
like springing from tbe ashes in vvnicb
we were entombed and are gathering i j
the hard earned millirna of which w- ,
had been was necessary before j
it could be ad-quately represeated. At- j
though such recuoeration bas not been j
est cted in tbe few yeart which have j
elapsed, sinoe“red ba tie statu; t her 6- j
ery fool” in our midst, as w»u and enabl '
us to put forth our former s'reogth, still 1
such truths have come to light, and
such facts have revealed themselves as
should teach us duty as unmistakably |
as if tho finger of the E ornal had writ- j
ten it in blazing characters acto-s our j
S' Utbctn sky. There arc ram ways j
in which our general, and o >nerqien'lj
private interes's may Oe promoted, wi’b
ou‘. any ou'lays of capital, but in ivh c‘t •
capital will be saved to us. As tbe mer |
chant must stop the little leaks throng 1
which Lis fortune might gradual 1 )- oz ,
so we as a people woo-e Soil destiny
must be great, must attend to the*e ap
parently little interests, in passing to
tho.e of gr ater magnitude. Oar s il
and climate are adapted to all the wan's
of tbe perple, let such adapredness be j
appreciated ard brought ou‘, and the
rniuor ioteres s which 1-ad uu vit-biy to :
tbe greater will bes rvtd
The people of the (•■ tton ? a os, i* i
to be h jpco, arc entirely redev and of I at
iofatua’ion which taught them that they
must confine themselves stric'lv tj ugrt
culture and nothing more They tip—
predate the advantages wi h which a
kind providence has surrouui'e I them,
aud now we ask them to look into 'be
economy of u-ing them in tbe taee of
all the adverse influences that nay and
will be brought to bear, Tt e oral) a for
Cot on mills is spreading; wc hope it
may bee one a eomsgi >n that cannot be
cheeked. It. is true ma’ heretofore our
population lyts been suoh, as tak -n iti
connec ion with rh' ir ins umpetenev and
prejudice, were illy fi led f>r the I o.n
and spindle, but all these thing- may
hr removed by such fl od i of emm'gra
tiou as it is our privilege to influence,
aoi notwithstanding the fact, that the
Lnited States and Eogland are said to
pr dues already more goods than can
well be disposed of, yet with the staple
growing immediately around us, and -ill
the material at hand ncee-aary for run
ning ihe machines, the. cheap rates a:
which we can turn out cotton fabrics
will enable us to force it on the uiaiket
of tbe “Hub of tbe Universe” itself.—
Oar people are waking up to n knowl
edge of these facts, and we bail it a
pointing to a most happy future. —hr
/aula News.
Farm no. — Fur a man who is th* r
rugbly in earne-t, farming tiffer* a gru: and
fi-ld for est rt; but the man who is on
ly half ic earnest, who thinks that cost
ly barns, imported stock, and a n ; e: iy
rolled lawn are the great objects nf at
tainment, but they will bo t-cnttll one
So the dilettante farater, who has a •--•,1,1.
tering of science, whose head is fill and
with nostrums, who thinks his salts will
do it all, who doses his crops now to
feebleness and now to an unnatural cs
bbersnee, who dawdles over his fermen
tations while the niighbors’ oxen are
breaking into his rye fi Id, with no man
aging capacity, no breadth of vision,
who se-ds two men to accomplish tbe
work ot one—let such a utau up
all bor-e of making firming a lucra*tv-:
pursuit. Hut if a man, a* we 6;t and, l 1
thoroughly in earnest, if he ba* the sa
gacity to see all over bis farm, to tys
tema’ixe bis labor, to carry nut his p-Uo*
punctually and thoroughly, if he is no*
above economies, nor heedless of tbe
teaahings of science, nor unobstrvant of
progret-s elsewhere,Bor neg’ec fui us suoh
opportunities as were tbe Yale Agii
coltural Lectures—let him work, for be
will have his reward But even suoh
»o one will never c une to bis ‘lour-in-
except they be colts of bis own
raising ; or to private concerts in h[s
own grounds, exaept what birds make.—
D. G. Mitchell
‘Come, Bill, it’s ten o’clock ; I think
we had better be g-'iag, for it’s time
honest folks were at home.’ ‘Well, yes,’
was the reply ; ‘I must be off, but you
needn’t go on that aocount.’
I Wait?r,’ H-ii.f a fa-’idions gentleman
exhibiting a stttgu’ar-» king ot je .t t n
toe - us -Ijdle, W titer, and y*u know
what that is, sir ?' Th» ,«*r, ~nk- lik.
a in u-f, -ir. We son ti , 1 them in
toup, sir. Ao ex ra charge, sir.’
‘I never go to chntoh,’ said one : ‘I
sp*rtd Sunday in settlißg accounts.’
‘*l he day of judgment wiil ho spent
in the same way,’ was tbe reply.
Fun —Fuu is worth more than pby*.
ic, and whoever invents or discovers a
new sttpp'y deserves the Dame of a pub
lic benefactor.
iUir gutoartlywttrtf.
q si
prepaied to lurnish all classes with constant
employment at home, the whole ot the lime
or lor the spare moments. Business new,
light and profitable. Persona of either sex
easily earn from 60c. to |5 per evening, and
a proportional sunt by devoting their whole
time to the business. Boys and girls earn
nearly as much as men. That all who see
this notice may send their address, and test
the business, we make this unparalleled offer:
To such as are not well satisfied, we will send
$1 to pay for the trouble of writing. Full
particulars, a valuable sample, which will do
to commence work on, and a copy of The
People'* Literary Companion —one of the
largest and best tainily newspapers published
—all sent tree bv mail. Reader if you want
permanent, profitable work, address
E C Allkn & Cos., Augusta, Maine.
We will send s tandeome ptospee
tua of our NEW ILLI'.STRATF-D Ka.l/IY
BIBLE to anv book aeent frte of charge
Add-ehs Nation*!. PcnusHiso Cos., /’hlla
delph-a, Penn., Atlanta, (it., or St. Louis, Mo
V GENTS WANTED—For How to Make
tbe Farm Pav. A sure, sa f e and prac
-1 Guide to every Far.uer, >'tock Raiser
J rdener and Fruit Cul'uiist. By this book
veurlv profits may be doubled, land inercas
! ed in value, poor mm made rich, mid honest
j labor ywaided. English and German. Ev.
| ervbody buvs ir. duo sold iu a tew town
ships. ilundteda in a tingle township. A
gents can find no better work curing the fall
ant winter Ffl'mer* and their man* can
each make fc 100 ;>er month. Send lor cir
j eular. Address Ztiiaucß, J/eCututY &Cos ,
1 Pniladelphia, Omciiinatti, O , or Si Louts, Vfo
•Agents !—Our lew Family ISM OFF
'IT lie 71 oat Contains mote than I,t >OO !
Puptllna large and authentic Illustra
itiiil tion*; 50,000 Reference*, Di j
pr«»f|tublereetiuus for the profitable j
of all reading of the Scriptures,!
B O O ka . Chronological A Genealogical,
Tables, Table- of Measures, Weights, Coins, j
etc , a beau Bfill Family R cnrtl and Faintly ]
Album, etc. It is pronounced try competent I
judges to be sup-tior to all other editiees of
rite II dy B.blc, sot the nse ol families, minis
ters, students and atlters. Onr agents ere I
having an ip p ecadented Inrv-st or Cir
••ulars and in I pirticnlars, adddress J. K.
POTTEP. & 00.. 614 & ti!7 Sansmn .ST., Phil.
FI 11 :IS ! I II E E I !
The Jfost Popular Mag zinc in America.
AOl imG httlAltlAS!
Entirely Original and First-Cla^s.
All new subscribers foi tbe I.ittle Cbrporal
lor the new rear, wh<p*e names mid inonrv
I nre pent in before ihe last ot November, will
; receive the November and Dececeinber Nos.
of 18ti0 FREE.
The Little (’ornotal ha* a larger circulation
■huri av g other juvenile magazine in the
. worlds and h be t r worth the pi ice than
anv other muguzine published.
; B 'Citu-e ol its immense circulation, we I
i *re enebled to furn : ali i» at ihe low pnee ot
One I). liar a V *ar : S ugle number 12c ;or
j free to anv oil** who will try to raise a club.
I Beautiful premiums lor clubs, Subset ihe now
j B»ck nufnbeißc»n alway* he sect. Addles?
ALFRED L. &£WKLL & C 0., Publishers,
Chicago, 1.1.
j llolMiiy Journsil lor INTO.
("'ONTa INIa Fury Storv lor Christ
i in;**, Pluv**, Pnzz es and Wonders, lb
i large p-iprn, ill*is»»iat.e«l. Sent fr e on rc<;« i|)t
•of *2 cent H'amp for nonage ADAMS A’k Cos,
I 25 H oomti Id St , B- .l/isa.
or, The Under world of the (»r» at
Ci»y. The situ of every clasp of no
cicty fxprsed, void the Kiilroad
to ruin. Nigiiald of thd danger are
up. More money in it tor l«ve agents
than anv other book. T«kt 8 thiee presses
*ll the tinie to f riot fast enough. Oon** age»»t,
I took 178 O'dem in ten davs. 74<) pages, 45
* illU'tjHtions. Arioe fio. A (i KXTS
WaNTAU Addnsa N. V. BOOK Cos. 145
j A'assau St., X V.
Us 1 UN mi\S (illD A ” —Tnc real “oiig
£ 1 innl.* 1 Vi .ooo sold. Tells how to
hunt, trap and catch ALL animals from
minx to bear. $lO tanning secrets. 64 pa*
jre« well hound. Every boy needs it. It
will pay. Money refunded if nor, satisfied.—
Duly ‘2sc. Address UL’FTER k CC., Pub.,
Hinsdale N. 11.
SOMETHING iu Ihe Star for Ererybodo.
Sar in the Wear, 1870. An Uni
versalist family Weekly, eivitig current sec
nlar n?ws ? Editvri bv Rev. Dr. Williamson
Y J S. Cantwell. $2.50 and« t year in advance,
i Premium tu new risers. S*»mi for f^pec
imen. Aiidreas WILLIAA/lUX & CAXT-
Cin., O.
“common sen's6 T\T
wanted—agents. *£*2so pot- month
to st- 11 the 01 lv GENUINE IMpHOIFD C>M
Price on flB. Great indticeineiite to agents.
7’ttis is the most popular Sewing J/achine of
the day—makes the famous “Elastic Lo.k
Stitch''—will do any kind of wot k that
be done or any machiue—lOu.Oui) sold and
he demand constantly increaeittg. Now is
l he time to take an agency. Send for circu
-1 rn. tSTBe war« of infringers. Address
SECOJ/b &CO , Bonbon, A/osa., Pittsburgh,
P**., or St. Mo.
Spang ctl Banner.”-1
O still * aves, be'tcr than evee. Rich,
rare, spiey. Ledger tiz*‘. 40 cojumns. Wit
humor, fun, humbug* exposed. Elegant $3
steel plate,“Evangeline,” gratis tu everv rub
*criber. Only 75 cts. for a whole vear—steel
plate tree. iSpt cimens 6 cts. Address BAN
NKR, HinsdaV, N. H.
«=no.-.-J HE ..9EI-EBRATED
STE li .l i* T t ut/K STO I 'E.
OVER 1 O 0,0 O O ■ m USE.
Will do more work with the same amount of
fuel than aitv other Stove ever made.
Fii?l«*p. Watren & to.,
Exclusive Manufacturers, TROY. N. Y.
pamphlets sent free ’
Agents wanted everywhere to sell the A
merican Knitting Machine, the on'y practi
cal Famiiy Knitting Machine ever invented.
Price ?25. Will knit 200,000 per minute.—
Address Xmerican Knitting Machiue Cos.,
Boa ton, J/dSa., or St. Louis, Mo.
Tha Purest. Best and Cheapest
r ¥ ''HE MsGIC COMB will change any colored I
JL hair to a permanent Black or Brawn.
One Comb sent by mail for Jl. For sale by
Merchants and Druggists generally. Address
M igic Comb Cos., Springfield, J/ass.
<SHt I A H° w I made it m six months
VY 1 xl/Secret and sample mailed ftee.
A. J. Fullam, N. Y. •
tea re! tt! IMtylunl Honors,
At Industrial Exhibitions iu this country,
so that their work is the acknowledged stan
ds! and of excellence in it* department, respect’
fully announce that, with extended and per
fected facilities, and by the exclusive use of
recent improvements, they are now produce
ing yet more perfect Organs than ever be
fore, in great variety as to stvle and price,
adapted to alt public and private uses, for
Drawing Room*, Libraries, Mu*ic Room*,
Conceit Halls, Lodges, Churches, p.fsnola,
Ac., in plain and elegant cases, all of i/hich
tbev are enabled by their unequaled faciU'ies
for manufacture to sell at prices of interior
The reernt improvements in these Organs
have so increased their usefulness ami popu
larity that they arc unqu stiotiahlv the most
desirable instruments obtainable for fnmilv
use, as well as Churches, Schools, Ac , while
the prices at which they can be afforded (S-On
to SIOOO each) adapt, them to the means m and
requirements of all classas. 1 hey are equally
adaptt and t.i s> eular and sacred niu.-ie, are ele
gant as furniture, occupy liule space, are not
liable to get out of order, (not requiring tun
ing once, where a pianoforte is tuucd twenty
times,) are very durable, and mote easy to
learn to pai upon than the pianoforte.
The M. k II Organ t’-o. are now selling
Four Octave Organs for ssl) each ; Five Oc
tave Organs F ve S'ops, with two sets ol Vi
brators lor sl'Js and other styles at propor
tionate rates.
For testimony to the superiority of their
Organs, the Mason k Hamlin Organ Cos re
spectfully refer to the musical proh-s-iun gen
erallv a in jori t y of the most prontiinn' mil.
sicims i 1 the coun'ry, with many of eminence
in Eiirn| e, having given public testimony that
the Mason k II tinliu Organs excel nil others.
A circular containing this testimony in full
will be sent free to any one desiiing it, also a
desciiptive circular, containing lull particu
lars respecting these instruments, with correct
drawings of the different styles and lowp-t
prices, which a?e fixed and invariable. A I
dress The Mason k Okoan Cos.
<l»ti Broadway, NY ; 154 TrementSt Boston
V\ iibout A'pectaelps, If, ctor or Medicine.—
Seht post-paid, on receipt of lit cts. Address
Dr, E. B. Foote, (author of “Jfedical Coin
mou Sense) No. 120 Lexington avenue, cor.
East 28th St., N. Y.
VWAY wiih uncomfortable Trusses. Cem
fort and cure for the Ruptured. Sent
p>-t-pdd on receipt of In cents. Address
Dr. E. B. Foote, No. 12(J Lcxiugson avenue,
New Yoik.
0|""t r- O')! || |l>‘' r .Votltli paid to agent*, sala-
Olid c O— ' 'ry or ronunisslou, to sell our
Riieut Wliue \Vne Clothes Lutes. Address
Hudson Rive r Wire Works, 7a Win. St., N.
Y , Chicago, Richmond or Memphis.
4 lbs. Btlller —J/ade fiom 1
gal. of milk, without drugs. Send 25c.
an 1 stamp and get recipe with par>icuiars.—
V. ry valuable. Address N. M. Linton, Wil
ming'on, Oliio.
fcivb T A day.— l3 ll av artii les for agents. Sam
| aP#«Wpfca free. 11. It. S//AW. Alfrtsl. Me.
Vsk your Doctor or I) ruggi>t lor sweet
Q litiiuc- I' equals (otUcr) Quinine.
Manuficiured by Stcurus, Fair & Cos., Chsm
ists, New York.
Is belter man our regular shaped Aves for
these reasons: First—lt eu’s deeper .S' cond
—lt don't stick iu the wood. Third—lt does |
not jtr tho hand. Foutlh—No time is w ast
ed in taking the Axe out of the cut. Filth—
With the same labor you will do one-third
inote work than with tegular Axes. Red
paint has nothing to do with the good qua! -
ties of iliis Axe, for all our Axes are painted
red. II your hardware store does not keep
onr goods, we will gladly answer inquiries or
fill your orders direct, or give you the name
of the nearest dealer who keeps our Axe*.
LH'PI ACOTT aV 1! * liLU HI.I.
Pittsburgh, Pa.
Sole owners of Colburn’s & Red Jacket pat's.
Belli in quality aud quan'i y es Goods, as our
agents will testify, being the Oldest House in
ti e country, selling each article for One Dol
lar, ..hipping all Goods the day the order is
teeeived, having a large stock 10 select from
of first-class Good.*, bought expressly for fall
trade; and to satisfy all that we ate reliable,
we give below (rtfetence by permission,)
./urdait, Jfuish k Cos.; Geo. S. Winslow &
Cos ; Boston Silver Cos ; Lee & Shepard.
P. S.—.-end lor circular. Address East,
man & Kendall, 25 //iwley Street, Boston.
P. O. Box K.
WIJ Alt F COifllNO !
r rnS Great Original Dollar
A Sale of Dry and Fancy Goods, and will
present to any person Bi nding us a Club, a
Watch, Silk Dress, piece of Sheetiug,
Send for catalogue of Goods and sample,—
dehverrd to any addtess free,
j J S. HAWES k CO., 128 k 180 Federal St.,
J Boston, M ass., P. O Bax, 0.
N. B.—Samples given on applicition for
Ladies Private Circular of 8 most use
ful and indispensable articles ever invent
ed, address J/adarn Dcval, P. 0. Box 2138,
N. Y. City.
Dr. Whittier, (I Wylie St., Pittsburgh, Pit., of
f/nion wide reputation, treats all veneral dia
eases; also, seminal weakness, impoteney, ete., the
result of si-lf-abttse. Send U stamps ft>r sealed
pamphlet, 50 pages. No matter who failed, state
case. Consultation free.
PERFECT MAN HOOD.— A'-says for youug
men, on tho evils ol Self-Ennervation,
with certain help for the erring and unfortu.
nate. Sent in sealed letter envelopes, free of
charge. Address Howard Association, Box
P, Philadelphia, Pa.
Southwestern Railroad Cos. Orricx, 1
Macon, October 8, 1869. f
ON and after Suuday night, October 10th,
inst., this Company will run a night
Freight and Accommodation Truin between
Macon and Eufaula, every night except Sat
urday night, connecting at Smithvil'e with
Albany, and at Cutbbert with FortGaioes ac
commodation trains, as follows :
Leave Macen, 8:26, p. ni. ; arrive at Eufaula,
11, a. m. ; Leave F.ufaula, 7:18 p. m. ; arrive
at J/acon, 9:10 a. to. Up train for J/acon
passes Dawson at 11 p. m. Down Train lor
Eufaula passes Dawson fl a. m. Regular mail
traius run as heretofore.
octl4;tf Engineer k Sup’t’dent.
,C3C. Go to Solomon’s Saloon for
Fresh Fish and Oysters,
fPAKES pleasure in announcing to the cl I-
I sens of Dawgon and surrounding coun
try, that he haa determined to relieve tbe
wants of the people by the permanent estab
lishment of a first class
Bakery & Cnfectionery,
in this place, on Depot street, next door to
J. W. Roberta A Cos., where he is ready, at
all time*, to lurnish families with
And will, at (he shortest notice, furnish all
kinds of delicacies lor
IN addi’ion to the above, I am fining up,
and will have open, by the Fitsl of Octo
ber, a
Where I will be prepared to cater to the
wants of the inner man, iu tbe way of
oi'srFits, it’ll.o sc.
served to suit every variety of taste.
We would say to our customers that no
Liquns will be kept, and ladies can, without
dithdence visit our house, with the assurance
that we will do everything in our power to
Writ their paUoi.Hge. Give me a call.
Don’t lorget. Il e place. Depot street next
door to J. W. Roberts & Cos.
sept 23,'69, ly.
NEW scale
With lion Frame, Overstrung Bass, and j
Agraffe Blidge.
Melodeons and Cabinet Organs, j
The best IHiiiiiifiirtiirvd; War
ranted tor sii Yeats.
I'M FTY Now ami sccond-hand Pianos, M*.'«
j lodt'oi'B and Organs of firsi-class inakor**,
m loir price* for cash, or one third cish and \
the balance in Monthly Ins’almemfl. Second
hand Instrument* at great bargains. Illustra
ted Catalogue mailed. Wnerooms, 4SI
Broadway, N. Y. HORACE WATERS.
Tbe Waters’ Pianos ar*» known as among
the very best.—A r Y. Ena age list.
We can speak of tbe merits ot the Waters’»
Pianos from pe*sonal knowledge being of,
the very bn?! quality.— Christian Intel .
The WaU-rs* Pianos arc bud' of the best 1
and most thoroughly seasoned—
Advocate d* Journal.
Our friends will tind at Mr. Waters’ store
the very best assortment of Pianos, Melo
deons and Organs to be found iu tbe United
Sr* tpg (irahom'* Maqaziue.
MI'SK’A!, noiNGS.-.STimv Mr. Waters grays
up publi*»liiiig sheet music, lie has devoted hie
whole capital and attention to the manufacture
and sale of Pianos and Melocleous* lie liuk just
issued a catalogue of his new instruments, giving
anew scale of price a, which shows a marked re
duction from former rates, aud his Pianos have
recently l>ecii awarded the First Premium at sev
eral Fairs. Many people of the present day, who
are attracted, if not confused, with the flaming ad
vertisements ol rival piano houses, probably Over
look the modest manufacturer like Mr. Waters ;
but we happen to know that his instruments
earned him a good reputation long before Kxpo
sithms and “hohurs” connected there wit h were
ever thought of; indeed, we have one of Mr. Wa- ,
j tors’ Pianofortes now iu our residence (where it j
lias stood for years,) of which any manufacturer
in the world "might well he proud. We have al-;
ways neon delighted with it as a sweet toned and
| powerful instrument, and there is no doubt of its
dural ility ; more than this, some of the best anm
! t-eur players iu the city, as well as several celebra
! tedidanists, have performed on the same piano,
| a tidal 1 pronounce It a superior and first-class tn
, strament. Stronger endorsement we could not
| give. —Home Journal.
1 A specimen ot the above Piajios can be
seen at mv resideuce. W. M. Pkepi.ks,
Jan2l;lyw Agent
J. B. BOSS & SQrJ,
Boots, Nhoes, Hats aud Caps,
Groceries & Tobacco,
Ilariltt ittcjiiid Iron Tics,
end indeed everything kept in a First-class
Thc«e goods have all been spe tally se
leited I' meet the wants of the Trads, aid
will be sold at prices that will prove bigblv
satisfactory. Our stock is
In Every Department,
and comprises everything needed by wholer
sale buyers, and such as will best suit, theie
customers. If you want Goods in which ther
s a Large M \KGII for Profit!*,
LJjTSaud your orders to, or call on
J. 11. BOSS &l SON,
Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods 4 Groceries
Corner Second and Cherry Streets,
AI.ICO.V, a ml.
oct.l4;3iu m
Agents wanted, agents want
ed, $75 to S2OO ;x»r month, male and
female to sell the celebrated and original
Common Sense Family Sewing Machine, im
proved and perfected ; it will hem, fell, stitch
tuck, bind, braid and embroider in a moat su
perior manner, /’rice only sls For aim
plicity and durability, it has no rival. Do
not buy from any parties selling machines
under the same name, unless haring a Cer
tificate of agency signed by us, as they are
worthless cast iron machines.
For circulars and terms, apply or address
By the subscribes a small sorrel horse,
fire years old, both hind feet white, a small
blase in forehead, and lean in flesh. Come
forward, psy expanses, and take him away
Southern Preparations!
Tlcss Remedies are tbe result ol many
years ol laborious studr, and a long bedside
experience in the South and West, aud from
the golden opinions they have won from the
medical profession, the piess and the public,
aud the unprecedented demand and univer
sal satisfaction given, they have immediately
become the
Being prepared by the ntediral proleasion,
and divested of all aectecy, physicians iu all
directions are prescribing them in th-ir prac
tice with the most, satisfactory results.
The editor of the Columbus (Miss.) Senti
nel says :
“We have had occasion to use several of
the ‘Great Southern Preparations,’ in our
family, and iu every instance they gave en
tire satisfaction."
The iUemphis Daily Appeal savs :
The superioiitv of the “Great Southern
Preparations” is acknowledged by all who
haee tested them, and we cheerfully recom
mend them to our Irieuds throughout the
The Memphis Public Lodger srys :
The “Great Southern /’reparations are pre
pared and offered by staunch /’ltysii-ians of
our city whom we know ; their remedies give
satisfaction, and we checrloily lecoininend
them as No 1 Family Medicine*.
The Brandon (Miss.) Republican flats:
The “Great Southern Pieparations” are
p r cpared by etniueut physicians and sell wilt
in our midst.
is rapidly sinking to an earlv grave. Hi-rj
eyes are growing dim and her cheek* b*eum
ing pale ; her pe-sonul charms are tiding,!
and she is less talkative; hi r whole
frame is feeble, emaciated and netvoti* ; 'be j
least exercise causes shoi t bfeutbiug alula;
palpitating heart ; she has no appetite, bet j
head aches, her teet and hands are cunatatit
ly cold, she i* restless, nervous and cross and ;
everything fails to give relief.
Do von know what’s the matter with votir I
who is thus afflicted? Ask her if she is ttub- !
led with any complaint peculiar to her vex. !
Ask her if she is troubled w iih painful, snp- j
pressed or irregular .l/onthlj Periods ; if she :
has Leuoorrl on, or Whites, Chlorosis, 01
Green Sickness, Filling ot the Womb, Ulcer-]
aiioti of the Womb, or anv of those disease*
produced by an irregular action of the womb i
will immediately arouse and rea'.ore her to'
Physicians all over 'lie country are delight
ed wi h its effects. We hold huudttds ot
letters similar 10 the following :
[Extract bom ti e Macon (Miss.) B -acon :]
From the iinprecedent" sale and demand
for tha “English Female Bitters” here, and
the entire satisfaction givrn, wo cainesih
1 recommend them to all of onr ladv friends*
Mr. F. 0. iS'incl iir, of DeK.ilb, Mis .. r-av* :
7'liree of our physicians are 11 in- con
remedies in 'heirlpractice, one ol wh-.
theie i* no Uterine tonic equ il to y u E gli-l
j F. male Bitters,
Messrs. Carpenter k Cos., of II z'eburst,
.1/i-H., J/irch, 1868, says :
The rale of your English Female Bitters i,
i wonderful. Send two dozen bv expres*.
Bison k Neal, of Huntsville, Ala., sac :
l’lea.-e forward by express, six di z n En
glish Female Billari.
Tbi se Bitters are beautifully pot up i.
j large bottles, at $2.50 per bottle, nr threi
! bottles lor £O.OO ; one bottle lasting iu -
week-. Sent to all parts ot the c-tin rv on
receipt ot p iee ; also, for sale bv ilniggi-ts.
J. P. DuoMtiut lk A Cos , Prop’ra.,
Memphis, Ti no.
By cleansing the stomach, arousing the
liver, carrying off all the biliou* in 1 Ir, an 1
acting an a powerful anli-pet iod’C, tlie
K I \ G ( F € lIILI.',
at- one dollar nor bottle, is to day the*-
ed physicians’ combination for the elite of
all forms of Chills and Fever, Neuralgia, pair
and aehing of the Bents ntnl Join s, Sun
/’ain, ami all those complaints of a malari
ous oiigiu.
It never effrets the head, ears, or nerves,
can be adininisteted to infants, audhs supe
rior to quinine for these dis- ases.
all over the country are buying tile King ot
Chilis for family u*e, and all are delighted
with its effects. It you do not wish vour
chils to return, this is the remedy. It is pre
pared by physicians who have much experi
ence iu tho treatment of malaiious diseases,
and, as this letnedy never fails ill private prac
tice, it is confidentially recommended as a
a standard prepatation.
Large bottles SI.OO, or six bottles for $5.
Sold by all druggists.
Have You a Cough !
Use -Jmygilalin /’ectoral.
Have you any disease of the l.uiigs t
.. Use Ainyjrilalin Pectoral.
Have you /’leurisy.or bronchitis ; .
Use -fmygtla/ili Pectoral.
Have you t roup or Hooping Cough t
.. Use Antygdaliii Pectoral.
I fie prettiest anil best Cough Syrup
, la vtlnygdalin Pectoral.
1 tic mother’s cheap Cough Syrup
Is -fm/gdaliii Pectoral.
71 ut ( Ulltlrcu’s Favorite
Is Aiuygdalin f*eetoral.
for family use, as a powerful expecno ~ n
easing pain and encouraging sleep, it has no
Piice, SI.OO. Sold by all diuggistfl.
You need nit grunt unv longer. You can
he cured tight away. Your Kidm y* and
Bladder have been annoying von ImigVuough
Exf. Beiirborry & liiicim
will cure yon of all that fuff, ring It will
relieve you of Urinary deposits, frequent de
site and inability to Urinate, Gravel, Gout,
Dropsy, pain in the Back, effects of Habits of
Dissipation or early abuse. Adapted to old
or young, male or female.
Price, $1 per bottle, or six bottles for $5
Sent to all parts of the country on receipt o
price; also, for sale by druggists.
which purities the Blood, cures Sciotula, Skin
Diseases, Glandular swellings, Siphiliiic af
fections, old Ulcers and Sores, Bnils, etc.
The MONARCH is composed of Stillingia,
Sarsaparilla and lodide ol Potash, which ar<-
acknowledged the world over to be the best
Blood Purifiers ever kt o-vn.
Price, large bottles, $1.50.
J. P. DKOMGOOLE A CO., Pmp'r,,
oct7;Hm Memphis, Tenn.
For sale by Janes A I.oylesx, .Dawson Ga.
Manufacturers of
360 Broadway, New York.
Are manufacturing extensively ev
ery style of Carriage, Buggy, and
Wagon suitable for the South, from the
finest Landau and Phaeton down to the
Mr. W. Woodruff, of Griffin, Ga.,
well known throughout the Sou* as
the orig nator of the celebrated Buggy
called “The Woodruff Concord,” istld
‘‘The Wooruff Plantation Wagon, and
associated with us in N. Y., where we
will always keep a good stock of these
Buggies and Wagons on hand, which
sro said to be superior to almost any
made in America.
If yon want any kind of a Vehicle,
good warranted work, send your or
ders directly to this Bouse, or through
any of our Agents, aod they will have
prompt attention. Illustrated circulars
will be sent to any person who will I
write for them. May 6 ly
1860. FILL TRUE. 1809.
dealer in
T> have s.lec’rd for on r market a gfrek of FIRST C' I ACe rsr.-,
U and While Ido not p„,f,,*e wU D 8
...retd to sell, av cheap av can be afforded, the class of Zmi.s I deal
no shoddj stock, but ’ L m * I bu.
■Hi i? Complete, call ajid pee for Yolifpelvep,
at tuy nev place of bu-inesv under the SUJ/,
s.,MW,. w * M. PEEPLES,
, ft,
J S S’t <*!S 51 SB I*fl If ISBJkIcJSL 0181.Mj
‘■ii!i*!* Mills,
Nssjrsas* Kellies,
TEioiftia* Walei* WiiocSs,
;sis< j
Er’osi ssiml ESvstss € l ;t*aan&s,
MiU Work of i very Bcseripfion,
Drrsitii E.ntnlter, <l,-.
"1 '2:, 'ziX’j&zr r*. 1
0. 0. NELSON, Pres’t, - - H. ATKINSON, Slid
Davvsnn, Gi., Sep’ember
Al*Bt WHO WlSfia TO Esß;v
k)^r^ , ; ii r T<!rK 0f ”"S nniU "--•t-d »•» 'hr people of Pastil
i enoda chc m-r ‘h we . T ‘ ’V"’"- **««■“">'"'■ Wo *,/dets,mined -a
appreciated by our nnn,e"ous cuslom^’Jn^X^: 3 Z' deal iu " <,UiCl ‘
I’ 1 AMIL Y OR O C 2*l R I ES,
\\ E fl.rti r mu "elves with tho belief that you will save money by extmittg our stock lw
c purcha.-itig elsewhere. 3 6
J * W * ROBERTS &. CO.
ED KUTTNER, Eroprietor
inißiiDm •
W. Jolmston & Green _B. Thomps° n l
*1 sure you know where we are, os we have been very particular ir lf
4JE>lecting our goods smh as will jMease the people of .Southwest GeorJ
anti if you buy before calling on us. you will forever regret it.
OTJIR, stoc^
IS now complete, and con&ists of just such goods as is warned by *ll c ‘*’
We intend to be able to sell our sustomers Staple Goods, Dress
V\ bite Goods, Fancy Goods, Yankwe Notions, Ha's, Bools aud
Shoes, Clothing, Hardware, llollow Ware, Woo Icij
Ware, Family Uroocries, &c., &e.,
JKW JOHNSON returns his thanks for the extensive patronage b
heretofore received from a generous public, and asks that his old p slro 1
many new ones call and see what an American J£W caD d° r
Our Mr. Thompson is only HALF JEW, still he has fallen in lo j #l k
baDits of selling cheap goods, and persists in so doing. Come along 8 “ „
do you good. Besh 1D t