Newspaper Page Text
pjfp] FALL!! FALL!!
ti?. >l. Seisel Sc Bro.
This well known firm have apain on
h.n.l u Ne v and Complete Stock of
G o "d* gen*#*Hy f»»“d “■ * fiwt-doßs
n rv Goods and Clothing houae, which
JJev oiler at such low prices as will
ilile everybody to supply themselves
with the necessary goods for the fen-
They have Dry <>ood«, Cloth
in2 Notions, Boots and Sho «, Huts
Gents Furnishing Goods, &c.,
hil . h t p,.y ere determined to sell.
Give tdem a cull
n ni't fail to go to price the goods
\V 11. B irhum, and S. Maas, Sales
* T Prnuc Salic —Valuable plantation in
|h( . 3rd district will be sold Ist Tuesday in
January. S*e advertisement of J. B. <7rim.
Oniofl 9 tts, at
T.inlreth’s Gudau fcCud, crip of
ityia ju t rice red, ; d
810 000 to advance oo Cotton at
91 FULiON’S.
Jeans Ktoueys. Minerva T'vills and
iwißsw lor Men and Boys wear at
nsTiMK -J/e srs. J. w. Robert & Cos.
wi |l sell Brat class ferlili*ts on time, or for
thecab. 8e« Advertisement.
Flannels, I.inseys, Opera FUmneV
,nd all other kinds of Goods l«.r w in -
ter wear at low pm** *t ’ h « f t ", re ‘ ,f
8 M ShlsEL & BRO 8
S5 BIBB..M!.I«IV rox . s _
,1/ P. 11 i.lis is opening * n w gw r
r „re one door from J- ". A 0.,
Hi, stuck ol i ipio s i« Is'B', “'‘d * ‘•i.-id
Sirs bis vvbi'ke) u first rate
s M SF.ISKI, & BUG. k. op the
bmt Bools uuu 8..01-S, nud always nl
tr.ein d.fup.
v, KCU si ts oi ©1 00 nt
ts M oiilSEL* B UO*3.
J ,IN A F . TON has - inaloy and a W tc> -
; M n ,trni« Y«nd i-veiv i» g-> •
niHit to s'R) * b* ' J °
I’a*ents, and. n’t fail to resd :he be.'U'ilu
Puein on mu lirsi pug 1 ', entitled “Christmas
Tins'; and if you have an extra penny in
tl.e wwld, let no' he lit le ium.ccni Lang up
hie other stocking in »»'"•
Ladiks’ Hose, at Is*ct« n pair, are
■old at S M BKIBEL & HKU'O.
Go to Silun ti’» Sa!om foi
Frcsu Fish and (Jy-t> rs
Ali. kinds of at reduced
prices, at
Tk«>i.hon’s Troupe.— hi» Troupe gov
one of ileir popular entertainments at Nel.
hd Hall last Saturday evening. Nolwi h
standing the disadvantages incident to an
extremely cold nigh', and the want of a at t
able Hall, the characters were well sustained,
especially those repieseuted by Alice Van
»ud the little juveni'e, May Templeton.
One car mail ol Fu.ur, one car lea
of Meal, one car load of Salt, 25 barrel'
of Liu e at FULTON'S.
Uo to S M. SKISEL & liKOS
•tare for your Clenched and Crown
home-ties, a.s well as Treking amt
tSTTour Fine Cotton /Tarnations for sale
in Calhoun county. Apply • t
ou > John Robinson. —By reference to nor
•dvertising columns it will be seen that this
favorite will viait Dawson on the 6th ol
•Ltiuarry with his Combination Show, said
to he the laigest in the world. The Press o I
•£mtern and J/iddle Georgia speik in the'
high', st terms of this exhibition. Let » very
body save a dollar and go to this show, a,
» is one ol the few opportunities pre-ented
In a life time for witnessing such a grand
collection of animals.
Lecmms in Cold.—Cull and sec
. e goods t! at have been purcha-ed
she decline in Goid. Now re
coivtng First class Family Groceries
fess Goods, Dry Goods, Clothing, (a
* w ellru fine suits,) and a general as*
•ortnient of goods in try line
Model Parlor Magazine. —The January
number, (1870) of Demoiest’s Monthly Mug
'•ine, is on our table. For beauty of tvpog
r,phy, artistic engravings, high-toned liter
articles, and a large and beautiful display
* 1 * le a< >hiona, this Magazine is unsurpassed.
e ,nu ary number contains a fine steel por.
Pa 't of J/r. and Madame Demorcst, and a
'r.dsome engraving of “The Voyage of
1 e—Manhood.” Terms only $3 per annum.
Jfesß Demorest’s Monthly, 888, Bioadway.
hew York.
ini , ! ADI:LI ' I,, A AND AT
Granite Block, Atlanta, Ga.
nAT is the matter? Why is it that the
of mischief, ar.d violaters of
ish^d*" 8 lre DOt arra 'B ne( fi tried, and pun
yi ' ** ITe w e no Council—no J/arshall y
* ’ Urel 7 have, or to say the least of it, one
pa” 'her® was such, if the taxes we
' *. re t& hen into consideration. We are
1 Posed to find fault, but the good name
o >r r itv, and all lorrrs of law and order,
m . so- the enforcing of ike law
® and provided for the protection of per
end property, in the city limits.
C! 80 Btora ge for Syrup, Salt, &e., at
Prof. Ryan. —VVc witnessed one of ihe
entertainments of Prof. Rvan & Son, Rolls
on A/onday night, and was much pleared.
The Lecture was a literary tiea*, instructive,
uteresting, and calculated to do good. Ti e
perronattng of the diff rent characters by
M ister Rolla, was a success ; so much so, as
to call down the house in burst* of applause.
We came to the conclusion that one or two
years practice, nnd this prodigy will equal
Alf Burnett.
10 tons Baugh’s Jlaw-B'oe Phos
phate, 20 tons Sea Fow’ Guano, 50
ti ds Chesapeake Guano at. Fulton’s.
S. M. SEISEL & BRO.sell Crock
ery cheaper than anybody ; go and see
A Merry Christmas—We wish ail our
readers a merry Christmas, and many returns
of the same; hu', in your feasts of good
things do not forget the poor. Ilive you an
unfortunate neighbor? ITsve you the
widow and little orphan in your midst? if so’
see te it that they, too, have a Christmas dins
ner. Oh ! that we could have hung in our
parlori and places of business* in letters of
gold, ttie words of the good Book : “Pure
religion and undefiled before God, and the
Father, is this: To visit the fatherless and
widow in tieir affliction, and to keep him
self unspotted from the"
Ciif.nS Poplins, Mohairs, Delaines,
Merinoes, and Alpacas can be found
it the old store of
Fun.—To the hoys who love fun, we would
sxy. be particular in wh»t kind of fun you ens
gage, and be sure that you do not disturb
the quiet of any one, nor injure private
pioperty. When you do this it is not fun,
but mischief. If you will but consider one
moment, you will surely come to the conclu
sion, that if your acts and doings are such as
to cause any oue to be discommoded, or in
convenienced in any way whatever—or
,hou!d you injure the property of any one,
knowingly, this surely would not be fun to
on. if so, your conception of fur. is far
fetched, perverted, and will leid you to ruia
and disgrace. Let as have fun, but let t]S
.Is ■ pro'ect and (.hide the laws of our city.
Ir von wish to -npp : y yourself with
u good Hut, it* a tma price to
8. M . i-18KI. k BRO.
• ■
To Hit* ( iti/.ciia of I);:\v«oir.
All who feel an it 'eu s - in the good G .v
eiament of d.e town n it .'ear, 1870, a e
.v.-nf-ty nq l e-ud to m*et at >he Court
11 use at 111 i-'eloi kam, Kid 'r, n xt, tor
he purpose o*' notninst.i ig sii u.bie persons
or Cmincilioen ani St-' shall, for the veir
1 870. Let e\e:y lover of good orde- be
present. MANY VOTERS.
u i:> ut ai- i 1 fi * * a-; :t r.«i;it xs
of the Grand .J eiry, for ! Bi<? A c
veiiiber '*«*rai {jii'J, for 11st
roll t ouuly.
W , th” Grand Jurors eh-sen n■ and sworn,
beg o oiler there our Gciieial 1 ’i e.eti. no- tr
throng 1 ! "to Otvmiin tier. V* e have exni i ed
the hi oks ol ft e diPTerem officers ol ihe com.-
tV ana find, as a g- neru! tiling, that they are
it. a!y kep . We suggest dia> liie I*l Col
I, c or in future haw I is books so ai ranged
that the Jury ■ a ascertain ihe amount col
eettd and liie amount s ill du ; also, (mulsh
th m with aa insolvent li-t, (for reus.>u« not
mentioned,) whi. h our present 0< l'eitoi b.s
failed to do. We tied no Recount kept ol
tine monev, only in one or two instances, and
i'uitheituore 'hat the Treasurer has n*y re
ceivt and, but iu n few i:ißianc« t*, t e iiioim?} co!-
lec ed for license, &o. We tlt-o le»rn t at
the Trea-u ei’s books arc kept by die Ord n i
rv, which we think improper, and r-eo.n
--meud that each officer al'end to h'S own bus
iness. We hud the county Jail in a very bad
condition and entirely unsate. We recom
mend (lie sale of ihe present Jail and Jail lot
and the building ot anew mid site «/a 1 on the
S irl-eait coiner of public squtie.
We hnd ihe roads in some heller cnndiiion
t'- an at this liuie la t year, hu' mn in such
co, and ion as th.-y might a..d stmuid he. We
r commend that tile R aC C'OnmiH ioners tie
more nciiv ■in the disc a>ge of their duties.
The road l> s ling by Kaiiuti Daii’s, we learn,
is in a bad conditio i and needs imiucdi ite at
tetition. The bridge eros-Chickasaw hatchie,
near T. C. Jours and E. P. Beauchamp, we
reotnmebd be repaired and ext. tided, if ni c
cssarv, and to be te, aired in a in .liner as mil
not leave such a rise in the cent's. W e rec
ommend that in a ttlle mote economy
be u-ed in lire l Hil l ng Ofbr dg, s or any pub
lic work for the county. Wh n it becomes
ntcesoiry to do «O'k for ih- county let
it be alveitiS'-d properly sod then nqti-e
contractors to do the > o a according to con
tract and to complete said work at the time |
agte and iijOil and n ver let parlies interested
be appointed as Commissiotieis, as has been
the case in one instance in this county. We
are satisfied tout our suggestions to the par
ties interested is all tint is ueessary to make
them mote particular in the di charge ot their
duties. We nSp.t ttu'Jy recommend the Ots
dtnary to exß •ne the wo 1 k done by J. C.
F. O.atk, Cleik rs the Supettor Court, m
transcribing the old busiues.- of the county
Court to the Supeti >r Court, aud pay him for
’ snob service what he thuiks rgh . To llts
Honor, Judge Harrell, we tend, r out tbauks,
and congtatulate the county in having such
a gentleman to preside as aJi dge—an effi
e r Ib.iiwiil do justice to all pant a, and re-
quire all to respect law and good order, and
especially the way he transacts aud di.patches
To the Solicitor General, we return our
thauks for his courtesies towards this body,
find him always at h.s post, determined to
see that the State is fairly represented, and
offenders of the law properly brought to jus-
We recommend that the above General
Presentments be published in the Dawson
George W. Christie, Foreman.
Milton L. Burney, John J/ay,
Nathan Cook, Jr., William T Campbell,
William IF. Lee, J M McNeal,
B F Commander, J E Luyless,
Martin McLendon, Ualy Johnson
N G Prim e, J L Admundsnn;
James T Hayes, John S«ay,
S V Brown, Thomas C Kendrick,
David B Chambers, John W Glenn.
John Srnders,
Ordered, that these Presentments be pub
lished. as requested by the Grand Jury.
S. W. Parker, Sol. Gen.
A true extract Irotn the Miuutes of the 2>’u
rnrior Court, Terrell county.
v J. C. F. CLARK, Clerk.
//iving been absent from the county when
the General Pieamtuients of Ihe Grand Jury
were read, but happening to see them before
th*y went to the Press, I feel that a word oi
explanation is due from me, relative to tha t
clause of the Presentments that speaks Oi
the Tax Collector. -.
The clause that I speak of, reads as tot
lows ■ “We suggest that the Tax Collector
in f-ture, have his books so arranged that
ihe Jury can ascertain the amount collected,
and the amount die; also furnish them w
a i insolvent list (for reasons not mentioned)
which our present, Collector has tailed to do.”
Now, while I do not think that the Grand
Jury ii t-nded to attach any blame to me for
not doing my duty, but to point out iny duty
lit thefu nre, ve' it seems to me that this
clause detached trom mv report to the coin
m ttee that examined iny books, would at
tach tone blame to me; or at least, leave
the matter veiled in some inys'ery.
Now, the expl,nation that I wish to make
G, simply to state my report to the examins
ing Committee.
The Committee desired me to make known
to them exactly how tln> Tax matters stood,
which I told them 1 coul.l nst do until iny iu
solvent list was allowed mo bv the Ordiuary,
but that 1 was ready to cash the amount
charged up to ine by the county, when my
insolvent list was allowed me, which I thought
ought to be satisfactory to the committee.
1 will say this much to those who desire to
know concerning these matters, that in a
shrrt lime 1 shall have my insolvent list al
lowed me, and then I will publish ihrough the
columns of the Dawson Journal how much
Tax has been collected in this couuty ; how
much helongs to the county ; how much to
the State, and how much was allowed insol
vent upon the grand total of taxable propr
ty, returned ill this county. Wtlk milch re
spect to the Grand Jury of Teirell couuiy, 1
subscr be myself, very respectfully, your obe
dient servant, W. K. SESSIONS.
Capt. Weston :—Allow me to say a few
words in reply to a portion ol the Present
mi nts made by ihe Grand Jury at the last
teuu of the Superior Court. First: Toe
Grand Jury cunnot show that tbe county
money lias in any case been extravagantly
used. Second : I showed to the Juiy that
wheu I had let out bridges by “advertising
properly”! had to pay $4,91) and $5.00 per
loot; and when 1 bad let, ibetn out privately
l paid only $2.60 per loot for similar biides;
and further, that I had riquiied Mr. John
Williams to give bond to laitbfully build tho
bridge near Dover; and showed them lur
thcr the certificate of the Commissioners,
ceitifyiug to me that Mr. Williams had built
the bridge according to the plans and specifi
caiicus. Tlii.d; 1 empha cally deny that
anybody has be u appointed us a Commis
sioner who was interested in any contract lor
tl e county, and the Jury cannot show such
to be the ca6e. I suppose the Jury had ref
erence to Mr. Nwansou iu this portion of the
Presentments, he being a paitner ot Mr.
Williams in tho building of the Dover bridge,
which was not known to me as an officer or
ciLz.-n until alter the bridge was completed.
Mi. Swanson was appointed ,Commissioner
twelve months before the budge was let. u'.
L is die to the o'l er Commissioners to s•/
that although M . Swanson was interested
wi Ii M•. Williams, I believe lhey*did their
duty iu uiiking alter the building and receiv
ing the b id e
While the Jury suggfs s to me my duties,
and espress.-s a beliel that in future 1 will
be ei perloim tliiitt, on account ol these
suggestions, 1 ret pectlull v f ugg. St the pru
i t en ol .-worn Grand Jurors making thetn
sel es better aequtinted with the business of
ihe c.'Uuty before chargi ,g officers with neg
lect oi ilu y.
T. M. JONES, O.dinsry.
;Special Jl'oiiccsi
RiJK'jitiATits, Listen and Lear#
Prut. Kay ton, the popular and eelebr*
.ed of Kajtoo’d Oil of
Life, the best and surest iinament for
riituwßtUiu known, baa now discontin
ued his tr..veis throughout tbe Biafcsto
se- the lan e aud the cripple, and those
• t:ht r-'t-e iffl ettd by rhrutnu iste, or
muruLi.i, hi pains in the side, &c., L r
h . argurs, and will too, that tbe people
can cuie :bcnisclves with, ut Lirn by u -
|. g bin U.l of Life; tbe virtms of
which ar« universally acknowledged
,'Viriio people were foolish enough to
think (torn t)e swift and speedy cures
made in :he tpot, bef"re their eyes or
tbeir friends, that the l’r fesaor’s bands
were bewitched, but we assure ail that
he sterling virtue lies only in tbe Oil
o: Life arid good rubbing For rheu
matism, in tuutgia, pains iu the back,
j nuts or sides, or wherever a liniment
■nay be us‘d that Kay tin’s Oil of Life
is acknowledged as great and without
an c(|nal, giving the j ntient almost in
stantaneous relief by rne rubbiog
F..r sprains or bruises, it has also been
u ed with mark'd success.
Kaytou’s Dyspeptic I’tl’st, purely veg
etable, are an excellent cathartic. Mc-
KesS'n k II dtbins, wholesale agents,
New York. Jacob Lippman, Prop’r,
Wholesale Drug House, Savannah.
T]ie Advrfiscr, having boon restored to honlth
in a lew weeks, by a very simple remedy, after
bavmg miffefevd several years with a severe lung
nffi-ctiou, and that dread disease, Coiitfumpeidw—
is anxious to make known to liis fellow-sufferers
I the menus of cure. . ...
To all who desire it, he will send a copy of the
prescription used (free of ehagre,) with the direc
tions for pieparing apd using the same, wlilcu
they will find a sure eurefor Consumption,
in;', Bronchitis. etc. The object of the adveiTiser
in semlingthe Prescript on is to benefit the afflict
ed, and spread inform on which he conceives to
be invaluable ;■ and he hopes every sufferer will
try his remedy, as it will cost them nothing, amt
may prove a blessing.
Parties wishing the prescription will pleascad
dress Kcv. KDWAKD A. WILSON.
je:t:ly Williamsburg, A'ings county, N. Y
peeler & tickjon Cettcp ?eed.
tV« ofilar for Bile the following first-olxss Fcrt.lizers
Ob Tim© or for Oasb l
Approved acceptance.
Cash. Time.
Peruvian Guano, Per ton $ 105 00
Rocac & Co ’b Soluble Pacific Guano, “ $ 67 50 s<B 00
Baugh’s Raw Bone Phosphate, “ > 62 50 ** 2 50
Whitelock’s Super phosphate, “ ? G< 50 s<B 00
„ VegstaLor, -- “ $67 50 S7B 00
Lorentz & Rittler’a Star Soluble Phosphate, “ $ 62 50 $72 50
«t $ 17 00 S2O 00
L - nd Fiaster, 9 j
„ For Ibl. ? 285 $ 325
Si c\
Rhodes Snpcr- phoephate,
Dawson, Ga., Dec. 23;tf
(f#j if tin t'F.n p % is /;.?/pi.r/.s
A It orii ey at Law,
DdH’SO.V. Gd.
JJT'Office in Court Ilouae.
Dec 2Sr if, ’fiSf. ts.
Family Supplies,
LIQUORS, &.C., &.C.
Nex* door to Solomoit’s Saloon, on
East fide of Main Street.
Having j'l*' opened a_ large and well
I respectfully call the attention of mv
friends and TRADING PUBLIC to
the same, and ask that they
before purchasing. RccolltCt tbe piace
and give me a call.
dec23;6m M P. HOLLIS.
jit hblic Olitcry !
ON the first Tuesday in Jannarv next, will
he sold at public outcry, b. fore the
Couit Hou-e D >or, in ihe town of Dawson,
G.. that d'-i*able nluntation known «« 'he
JUDGE KNOTT PLACE,” and on which Mr.
Thomas St Ye\ n iw lives, being about nine
1(9) miles Diwson, on the main road
I passing 'hrough he town of Chickasawhatch
-1 ie, and containing tio7 1 2 acre*, about one-
I half cleared and producing finely. On the
place i* a good Farm House, plenty of cabin ,
a row Gin II use nnd Screw, &o.
W tli ties place will be sold 500 Bushels
Ciri, 2000 lb.s Fodder. 2 Wagons, all tbe
Plantation Tools, Harness, Ac. A splendid
new 50 Saw Gin, will gin 4 bales Cotton dai
ly, and all the Colton Seed on the place.
A rare chance to secure a good place cheap.
Sile positive. For Ur'her information ap
ply to J. B. Ciint. Dawson, Ga., or to Mr.
J/cMev, on the place.
CfTTerms made known on the day of sale.
Dec. 23,1d5.
1000 Bushe ls
Virginia Black Seed Oa's
JUST received nnd lor sule, Ly
M C'osti 11
WE are now selling our entire stock of
dby goods,
Yankee not ions, &c ,
Supply Your Families
with such Goods as you may need.
Seisel & Sternberg.
aaiit irons!
Oispatcfsy Flame !
BUN&HEEtiQ, &V 9
I will sell these first-class Stoves very low, for cash or on time.
Raw 'lioiEe
desiring thi- excellent Fertiliser had befer put in their orders car
ly, as its populari y is increasing so rapidly thut it will be almost impoMi
b'« to supply the demand during 'bo o season.
Oa 1 u'. my itlici and learn terms and prices.
nrv°s lin Wan house fc o..rr m’seion Merchant. Daw-on. Ga
planters WAREHOUSE!
Y*rf»!TH the coming seasonwe r «sr.ectfullv < ffer our congratulations to cm
friends, aud tender them our servio ej io the
Storing and Marketing their Crops ol Colton & Syrup
W. .h II k.« .~pl« ™«» l" * :l lhe COTroX ,„ d cl s ,„, g ,
BYHUP *nd other ar iolrs sent us-
WK s tall keep
’ and Balt, to furnish the Planters, and tbe
usual Advances made on Cotton Stored with us. . .
Wc spare neitb. r pains nor expenve iu pro ectt. g and promotirg the mtore
Planters"Wavehotise' M"i* « and I,cei,e ,bo P a,ronage of lt ‘
K ' V H - Mons.
(Successors to Ccathatn, Ilsarris Ac Cos.)
T M SIMMONS, one of the old, being a partrer in the Now Firm, and being
famil'ar with all the points (f tho business, and Mr. K. T. Harpers 1 .ngexpen
cnee as a Merchant, vc cordially and cheerfully rccomend tho new b m o
HARPER & SIMMONS ti all our old patrons and planters generally, guaian
tee.D' to them perfect satisfaction. __ . 0 r
° Cheatham, Harris & Cos.
Julvls;tf .-cl.
ttie celebrated
Tlie Great Fertilizer for Cotton, as pre
pared and nsc«l by
Ytl\y E h! ‘ TC 00 hand, and will continue to receive, direct from the Manufac
\f\f tors, in Augusta, tb : s popular and favorite Fertilizer, prepared at
cording to the formula us furnished by David D xtn, and respectfully ask that the
planters call and see us bofore purchasing, aud examine certificates, tesiimo-
Nov. 4, ts.
JW. Foreman htr* applied lor exemp
. tins of cirsiuialtv and I will
pass upon ihe aalfic at 10'o’clock, a. m,on
(lie Rlstdavot D.ceniticr test, nt hit efflee
in Dswaon. Ga. 'I .f/JvJNES,- (Jid’y.
D-c. 28J2 .
rL. Miller has a plied lor etemplion
• of personalty and se'.iing apart and v-1-
uution of Homeatead, to be heard at. It) o’clock
*. m., on the Ist day of Jauuai v, 1870, at
mv office in Dawnon, Ga.
Deo. 23,2 w T. M. JONE. 4, Ord'v.
/ i IIOKUH, Terrell Comity;
\ I Where is, M irtin L. II irn applies for
'otters of Guardian-hip of Julia, Pirisade
ind Penelope Haddock, minors of J. W.
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persona concerned, to be and appear at
mv office within the time pr-scribed bv law,
aud show cause, if auv, wbv said letters
should not be granted. Given tinder mv
band and official signature, this December
23rd, IBk£ T. M. JONES, Ord’y.
Dec. 28 40d.
/ 1 UOIiDI l, Terrell County:
VJI Whereas, W. C. Kendrick applies for
letters of drsirrisaion ou ihe estate of Isaac W
Thf te are therefore tp cite and admonWh
all persons concerned, to be ami appdaf at ttfv
office within the time prescribed by Jaw; anil
-how cause, if any, »Hy Said letters should
not be granted. G ven under my hand, and
official signature, this November 18th, lst>9.
novlSjSin T. At. JONES, Ord’y.
(and I OHGI \, T«*rreil Comity s
J Whereas, Wright Kmdv spplies for
leitp's of dismission on tile estate of Elmira
R. J inies and John A. K nedy.
Th'-«e are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned, 'o be and sppear st
mi office within the time prescribed by law,
and show cause, if any, why said letters
should not he gramed. Given under my
hand and official signature, this November
18th, 1869. T. M. JUNES,
nov!9;3m Ord’y.
f t i;OSit<*l \, 'I t rrt*il Comity t
\jr w uereas, Martha Haddock h s applied
or letieie ol guardianship ot Fannie Florence
Tu.-se arc therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned, io b* and appear at
my office within the time prescribed bv law,
and show cause, if auy, why said letters
should not be granted Given under ray
hand and official oignituie, this N> vember
18th, 1869. T. it. JONES.
uov!8;40d Ord'y.
I \ SAL. 12!
' Wir.t. be sold before the Court Hoti?«
door in Daw«oti, Terrell co , on the Ist
Tuesday in February u xt, during usu
al hours of sale, one small sorrel horse,
wlii'e taco and hind feet, aimut five
years oil, said horse ostrayetj by J hu
11. M rsl all and Rf'prai e ( j st sis y dol
lars. T. M JONEB, U:d’y.
Dec ?;tds
lUSiiiiniitlraloi' Sale !
Will be rold before the 0 urt I* u e
to Dawson, on the l>t Tifteffy iu F i
ruary nex , durint ostial it turs of sale,
lot of laud No 3i!t ill tbe 26 district
if E irly c > , snl't as the property of ilte
es tj of Wiu ('iiambliss for divisioD.
i’erms Cni»h. I) Oil AMBLE'S,
di c 2; ds Adni’r.
THE Spi-inx •f«>s*if)U of 'his Institu
tion Mill oprii mi 'lie lsi Monday in Jan
uaiy next, undpr 'he direciion of the under
igued, assisted by a corps of experienced
slid acomplished iex"h".. The course • f
inarruclioii Mil! be thorough and complete,
and will embrace all Ihe branches ol s udv
iiaiiullv taught in the heat Female ('oilegna.
;Vo pains, or expense, w ill • e spared to make
this school rope success!ally with any in the
country. . trict di-cipline and .homugh
leaching guaranteed. The School Mill be
divided into three depar'meiits : Pieparatory,
Grammar and High School.
The following raiea of tuition will be
charged for the Spiing Session, embracing
34 weeks:
Prcp’tory DepTurnti - §IB.OO
OruiiiMisM* M'lioo!, - • !il GO
S< liool, ----- Stl.bO
Jlllaic & OrilHHKMltill,
Tuition Quarterly in advance. Funds M-il
be chargid fiom titi e ol eutianee until ihe
close of tlie session. No deduction will be
made unless in case of p o'racted sickness.
Board $ I 8.00 p»r nionlh, exclusive ol hg'i'S
and Was ling. Eor full info, muion, »eud for
Circular. S. A. GOODWIN',
A'ov. 2 > h, 'f. Princ’p il.
Dawson Male institute,
D.4\V>«V « t.
J. r. SC.HPi , A. 15.,
Instructor in Languages and Sciences.
lusiiuctor in Mai hi mu tics.
Jf. B. —The Ppring Term »iil open
on ihe 3d Mondiy in Jan
uary, 1870.
Ist Class, . . . . $lB 00
•Aud “ « <n*
3rd “ oo
|^~Tuition bills due at the beginning of
the Term.
This institution is i;i its infancy. Ii is tho
inteutiou ol the Proprietors 10 make it equal
to the best. Tney intend to make it a life
lime enterprise, and for this purpose have
purchased ihe "Hood Acad -iny” property. —
The encouragem -n: aud patronage of the
community are earnestly solijited.
i dccl6;tf
Administrator’s ale of
Isa Terrell County
\\TILL be sold, before the Court Hou
V V door in D iwson,
On the Ist Tuesday in January, 1870,
i Between the Ifgil heirs of sale, the undivi
ded half interest in the following Lota of
land, belonging to the estate of Jfatthew B.
Peers, deceased, to-wii ; la> sos laud No
10J, 1 1 >2, 103 and 128, in tiro fourth distri.
ot Terrell county, containing in all eight hor
dred and eight seres, ai d known as t .
Koibe place.
Also, the undivided half interest in L,
Nos. no, 171, 172, 181, 182 and 183, in tk
third district of Terrell cornitv, containing
ltiivj acues:
These lots arc a por don ol the Plantati p
fo'mcrly owned by John T. Lumpkin, a
known a« he P ti-rs and R iberts place.
I Is here Off -.ed to capitalists or persons wis-.
Sag to inves' in Lands. E F. BEST,
1 Macon, Ga.,'leelfv.'ds Adm’r