Newspaper Page Text
no marked change in any
™ I Ai«« arnclen of trade since our
t! h e««P‘ *> won ‘ Whioh iB deo ‘ io '
log. ______
b„ o w f«H »n Da**oo on Friday the eigh
th and the coldeat weather we here had
11* the winter w.a from Thursday night,
t be 17th, to Tuesday, the 22d.
Fbe*B Garden Seed, crop of 1869,
a t H- R- Thomas’s. 4t
w, refer our readers to the adve.lirement
of Jamra Gerard & Cos., Manufau-nrera of
Oroide Gold Watches." We be
Here these watches to be all that is claimed
for them. Those wanting time pieces of
tbischaricter can be informed of • cheap
flan for securing them by applying at tbia
10 000 lbs. best Tennessee Hay, at
Tis "Kriaiso Lamp."—We welcome thia
excellent paper to our exchange Hat. Aa a
literary and newspaper it hae no superior,
tud few equals. We commend it to the la
dies "• being just the paper they should all
bars. It has no coutloued stories, and is
(lied weekly with tbo purest gems of
thought. Subscription price $2.00 per an
gym. Address, “Keening Lamp,
Chicago, 111.
“I always think the better plan,
And one that stands the test,
In shopping or in marketing,
Always to buy the best.”
If you want the best Cooking Stowe,
»nd the belt Sewing Machine in the
world, come and get them before they
are all gone. I have just received a
flesh lot of “Barley Sheaf” Stoves,
and genuine “Common Sense” Sewing
Machines. John A. Fulton.
In the steady progress of improvement
going on iu our city, tbe real estate owners
•»d bouse builders will please bear in mind
tbe importance of prtseiving the present
widih and straightness of the s'ree’s ; so
that when the city is fiuished, (?) ts it ever is,
ever,thing will present a tasty and uniform
sppearauce. Don’t be too mindful of ibe
point ut which the new railroad will ’jp tbe
citv; we hope when it is built it will run in
■ueb s manner re to add value to all the
property withiu ihe incorporation.
Prof. Bood, ob lost Tuesday evening,
walked ou a whe, one-hall inch in diam
eter, reaching from the tup of M. P. liol
lis' store to the lop of the store bouse occu
pies b» M.Kiuiiey ad Crouch, fiis is an
Went way oi ni.king a living, we a oppose,
but we c luldn’l help thinking when we raw
birn midway the wir--, ‘how foolish it looked
f.r tueu to suspend themselves in the sir ou
wire, and iu balloons, wbeu they could *tiy
ou lr,,a fir mr and make a living by
proper applicoliuu.”
Compiim ular)'.
ffe thank “and." for his fa> able notice of
Diwsou ami some of her popu.. ion, in a
co'umuii'cu ion, which we copy below, to
tbe •‘Telegraph A .l/u-aenger. We regret
that be could not give the names o' ail the
deserting, not ouly ill town, bu in ihe conn
try ir.rmu idmg. We eicusn him, however,
for their number is legion. He speak* cor
rectly when iie arya that the Telegsaph A
Jfessengrr comes here by the bushel, and
oo » pleasant day, just after the arrival ot
thetiaio we are reminded of a school ju-t
called to order, as each one, that can spare
slew mom.Lis bom bis business, seats him
self sod begins the perusal ot his paper.
Wish‘S.’could have gone out in the coun
try sod seen wbatgort of men the n
merchants have to look to tor their pr iron
age ; h» would uot then have been surprise and
tt the business activity ol our town :
Dawson, Tkrrkll Cocntt, Feb. IP, 187 u
Jlditors Telegraph it Jfutesptr; on
is one of ihe go ahead towns in our old
Commonwealth/—“a young ’un" is this same
town—ilatiug uom the time yibis (.ranch of
ib, 8 .nthwestern Railroad struck me site,
•»y about twelve years ago. Now Dawson
numbers probably somewhat under two
thousand people, but sur.ouuded by a fi e
agricultural and limber region, t’h-y »ra
among the most lively people you ev. r saw.
Among tbeir aoiive esubli btueui is the
Dawsou Manufacturing Gompuny, which is
•pirating under O. O. Nelson, aa President,
aod H Atkinsou as Superintendent.
• • • •
Dtwson, too, boasts of lots of first, rets
merchants, who seem to be doing generally
so active trade. Among these I will men
lion Loylees A Griffin, dry goods and fertili •
«rrs; B. 11. Moo J, grocer , J. W. Roberta,
dry goodaaod groceries; (frier h G.unuone,
groceries and hardware J Harper A St-nnim a
warehouse and commission merchants; Wm
"ooten, grocer ; W. M Pecpl -, warehoute
andcomniis.iou merchant, and dealing »l-o
in diy goods and fertilizers ; John A. Ful
(on, warehouse and commission merchant
and grocer, and hardware ue.ler ; W. F.
Hrr, dry goods ; McKinney and Crouch, d-y
goods and giocera; Crim A Tucker, dry
goods and grocers ; H. H. Thomas, groe jr,
sod iiumeroMa
the Damson / ,Hcf, s lively and '-snsi
we hebdomadal, by your litend Major S. R.
rston, is the popular newspaper organ and
Mpinentol this flourishing town, end I am
P eared to learn ie earning money we well <• a
av°r The ‘•Teleg,.-ph A J/essensr.r” cornea
here by the bushel?
Tows, in haste, S.
81 TrooKiig or ti Local. —The editor
io bis office one day, md thought to him'
. , 10 J •ori°o’ way ; be threw down bis j
»nd oiobled bis pen, end appeared qui »
a i ■*' wet b-'i. Eo he ’ovenled 1
Acliine tost turns with s ot-nk—it alwxyi 1
2** h " W' >■> ‘be b. .k. It wide mu- !
did ** t,le open *' r T - ‘l* i but it!
c I “** w »uld not—it rould not write lo- .
—"ben tbets was no news in town. !
As tbe f.llow said who was not enough in*- i
tested in h’s spiritu ' welfare to derote
'We time e;ah evening to piayer, and not J
lc ß able te »«t bis consent »o entirely ig
o°re the tiered duty, be wrote out a prayer
m«t t 0 hi* bed post; and erery night
1 . e ore retiring, ba would point to the
eo prayer and say, “Ob, Loitl, dem’a my ;
atl'Tiept,, g u tay w# j 0 re g. r j t 0 t |, e
° Ve P^ajraph—deni’s our sentiment.
ie "hit* 03t ' o ffl°e at Hannahatch
’ " ewart °°- has been re-established.
&m«nd EiSlA rat ified the fifteenth
This fastens it on the
I Tux Twkntt skcond or Fkbrcamt. —Each
day of the yeai is the anniversary of some
tem.riia’ds ev-*ut, either In the history of
nations or individuals. Aod ee we trudge
along through life we are, ever and anon,
comparing tbe event! of the passing day,
and seeing what analogy thev bear to days
gone by. Time waa when the advent of no
day iu the three bnndred and sixty-five was
hail-d with greater delight than was the
Twenty .second of February. Not so now.
And why is it ? Is it because the memory
of him who the celebration of this day al
ways leiuindcd us, is any the less dear to us ?
Has tbe lapse of time made him any tbe less
the Father of his country ? Let it not be so.
W Idle we do not believe iu ‘'running alter
strnoge gods, or worshiping at a mortal
Shrine,'* s*ill, we think It would be as well
to engage iu a yearly tiibute to the mem
ory of such men as Washington, as some
in which we do eugige. \£e are glad to
know ihore ere those whaßlill pe>p.tuia‘.e his
memory, and although many years hare
come and gone since It .a body waa consigned
to tbe tomb—and the form, of bis follow
ers, like ibe tribes of the R.-d man, are scat
tered liom Erst u> West, still, relics of that
great mao are now in the bauds of the living
aod held as sacred emblems to remind those
who see them of his devotion to bis coun
Duel iu Blew Vork-Eiciliug
Sword Cos in (am t.
A duel with broadswords occurred
in New York city at an early hour
Monday morning, between ISenor
Francisco do Porto, a young Cuban,
and Mr. George Proude, a young En
glishman of some means and good
standing. l)e Porto was severely
wounded last summer in a duel fought
with pistols, by Senor de Couto, editor
ol the Spanish journal El Cronisto.
The origin of the present duel was a
slur thrown by Proude upon the Cu
ban Junta, who, he intimated were
living like cowards on the struggles of
the patriots. The tight was arranged
to take place in a room in a fashiona
ble house in West Nineteenth street,
and thither, at a late hour Sunday
night, the combatant, with their
friends, repaired. By two o’clock a.
m. all preliminaries were completed.
An account contains the following
description of the tight:
A dead silence ensued, while an
ashy paleness seemed to be the prev
alent complexion of every mau iu the
n am. The word was given and the
and aeleets . rossed swords, and, having
taken three paces backwards, the light
commenced. At first a slight timidity
was apparent on both sides—uot so
much timidity, perhaps, as the uer
vuos expectation incident to the open
ing of tile encounter. Finally, alter
some littlo hesitation, l)e Porto ad
vanced, Proude meanwhile on the alert
to receive him. The scene was exci
ting. All at once the lew spectators
were startled by a sudden cut made
by Proude at the head of his oppo
nent, who, however, deftly parried aud
retired a pace or two. Up to the
present both had observed a compara
tively serene domeanor, but it was ev
ident the duel could not be a prolonged
one, each being bent on a deadly
strike. Having again crossed, great
skill was displayed by both, their
eyes flashing with fire and endeavor
ing, as it wore, to penetrate each oth
er s intent.
Admirable swordsmanship was dis
played, the cuts being rapid, well di
rected and parried with precision.
Up to the present, which was about
five minutes from the commencement,
Do Porto had escaped with a slight
scratch on tho chest, Proude being
unharmed, when suddenly 7 De Porto
offering a tempting chance, Proude
advanced upon him and inflicted a di
agonal cut upon the right thigh. It
was a fatal move lor Proude, for no
sooner had he leaned forward to make
the cut than, with lightning rapidity
De i'urto followed up the voiUniJiLo,
gashed his opponent ou the right
shoulder, causing a wound some live
inches in length and about one a-half
inch iu depth. Ills sword arm was
disabled. Proude dropped his blade
exclaiming, “Enough lor to-day ; you
you will give mo my revonge another
time,” to which De Porto replied, “I
am always at your disposition.”
Subsequently the parties shook
hands and the wounds were examined.
That inflicted ou De I’orto, though
some eight inches in length, was
scarcely a quarter of an inch in depth,
while Proude’s was of a serious char
acter, the blo and streaming from it in
profusion, lie was immediately con
veyed to his residence in Brooklyn,
whore the proper assistance was pro
During the late recess of Congress
tbe ttbuicut Seigexul-aiAtius of Seoul,
made tbe fearful discovery that an *g and
Tbouias-cai had p<s e.sed itself of an
air passage under the fl n>r of tbe seen » t
Here was souietbiug to sgi ate tbe gi-
K’autie ititeiieeoo ot ttd odloial. Wba !
have a live cit utder tbe fi >or of t»>e
Sena e duriug executive sesson ? I
was dreadful. Efforts were immedtaie
lj to perruode Tnouias out. But
tbe knowing eld cuss would not be pei
tuaiied. Tiuj tried inuiuidutiou, but
with like efi ct Toornas laughed at
ibiir iutimidation. They tried strategy
Tempting meat* in tbq, shape of ha*u,
f.oui a cheap hoarding bouse, were
placed at the opening. Thomas knew
all about that, and declined. He knew
that if be a>e, a duvn of a bill would be
presented bun imtu diately Then
briuiitone wasfeeuried to. Tu-yburu-
I ed ante qu*u lues at lha opeutug ; but
1 a o< i tout has baeathed tbu air ol 0»u
gross in the galleries laugh-aa briui- ■
it >ne. fijuie-oggested that >be Vice- .
Piesideut SuOuU try aud suule biui out i
others, that the Hon. O-rreit«
at«u and talk bun out. At last, Mr. !
French c nstrujied a di ad full of too- j
gressional Giob s- Door Thomas saw
uoibing tn the Con gressional Gi< bes
Noo.dy ever bii. He emered, and
was killed. The Globe did s line good.
Ltiu b* recorded. It killed » cat. —
[Dm l» tt.
It is said that James Gordon Ben
nett, never made a speech, never vot
ed never was naturalized, and is still
übject to Queen Victoria.
Butler’s Bin for She Removal
of Disabilities.
T t b * < . bill f or ‘He general removal of
diiahriitie* baa at lait been reported lo
the House of Representatives.
Its liberal features must strike the
rfiowt fare I ear observer It provides that
the petitioner for pardon shall appear
b' fire a oourt of tbe Uuited States in
'be Sia eor tenirory in which the of
fence was committed, and theriset forth
that be behevea hi- acta during tbe war
were “wrong, tebellious and “wicked,
and tint bn truly repents nf “ail suob,
aud hnaitily desires m atoce “for tbe
same.” Tbw being sworn to, publication
having been made m a paper published
at tlie capital ot the State, thirty days
thereafter, tbe Oourt uiay, if au Joyal
objects, reinvest tho penitent with polit
ical equally w;tb bis felluw-oit xms
white aud colored,
Ol course, if such a bill should pass, it
will make permanent the dhibilifies of,
all decent people. Nobody but a puppy
would degrade biins* If by lakiog advan
tage of its provisions, aod nobody but a
scoundrel like Butler oouli have been
tba autber of aucb a bill.
Dana on tbe death of Radical*
The New York Sun, whose editor,
Mr. Dana, is on of the sharpest eyed,
shrewdost calculators ever graduated
by tho Radical party*, has been cast
ing the political horoscope of that
party, now that the triumph of tho
XVth Amendment may be taken for
granted, and the nogro taken out of
politics. He sees in this very fact the
seeds of the disease that will kill the
iniquity, and gives his reason as fol
lows :
It is out of the final termination of
the slavery contest that the main peril
of the Republican party arises. At
the last Presidential election more
than half a million of men voted for
Gen. Grant solely because they wanted
to see the pending plan of reconstruc
tion carried through. When this is
accomplished they will feel no special
attachment to him or his party. They
are independent citizens, who never
support a party merely for the good it
lias done. It is to these satisfied Re
publicans that the party may be in
debtod for its early defeat, and oven
its ultimate dissolution.
Then there are the doctrinaries of
the party, who differ with its present
policy on tho tariff, the currency, the
construction of the Constitution, and
the gradual absorption into Congress
of an unwarranted share of the pow
ers of the government. The cord
which has bound all these classes to
the party is broken ; aud though the
bond which united them is not yet
severed, it is seriously weakened, and
may snap at the first severe strain.
Indicted.— Mr. John T. Ford was
firualy indict* and at Charleston on
yesteiilay, for refusing to mix white
and colored people in the dress circle
of the the.itro.
Special JYoticcs,
Rheumatics, Listen and Learn
Prof. Kaytou, the popular aod oelebra
*ed manufacturer of Ksytou’s Oil of
Life, the best and surest linameot for
••beuurcism known, has now di-cootii.-
ueJ his tr v«!s throughout the States to
•ee the l-ttno and the cripple, and those
otherwise affl.ett and by rheumtrisui, or
neuralgia, or pains iu tbe side, &e., f> r
ll argues, aud well too, that the people
can cure themselves writ ut him by u
t-'g bis Oil of L'fe; the virtues of
which a.e universally acknowledged.—
Some people wire fouli-h enough to
'l>lDk Item the swiit ana speedy
made on Ihe spot, before their eyes or
tbeir friends, that the Pr losa- r’s hands
were bewitched, but tve as-tire all that
tlie sterling virtue, lies only iu tbe Oil
o: Life and good rubbing For rheu
matism, neuralgia, pains id thu buck,
joints or sides, or wherever a liniment
may be used that K iyton’s Oil of Life
is acknowleelged as great and without
RU equal, giving the pa'ient almost ic
staDiaueoua relief by one rubbing
For sprains or bruises, it has also been
it■<■<! with ranked success.
K*yt»u’s Dyspeptic Pills, purely veg
etable, are an excellent cathartic. Mc-
Kesson & Bobbins, wholesale agents,
New York. Jacob Ltfpman, Prop’r,
Wholesale Drug House, Havannah.
The AdvrtinfP, having boon restored to berth
in a few week*, by a very nimpe rein "vir, after
having suffererd Severn year* with a severe un»
affection, and that dread diseepe, Conwumpeion—
i* anxious to make known to his feow*sufferer®
the means of cure.
To ull who de -ire it, he wi t end a ropy ol the
prescript ion used (free ofcliagre,) with the direc
tions for preparing and usifi" the same, which
they will tind a sun cure for *'on: umpijon, yfsth
ma, Bronchi! is, etc. The object of tlie advertiser
in sending the Prescript ion is to benelit the afflict
ed, and spread inform (ion which iie conceives to
be iuvaluablc : and he hopes every sufferer will
try his remedy, as it wil cost them nothing, and
nu y prove a blessing.
Parties wishiu*' the prescription, will pleescad*
drc. s Rev. KDWAKpA. WILSON.
je3:ly Williamsburg, A'ings county, N. Y
A Gentleman who suffered forbears from
Nervous Debility, Premature Decay, and all
the effects of youlhlul indiscretion, will, for
the sake of suffering humanitv, send free to
ell who need it, the receipt and directions for
making the simple remedy by which he was
cured. Sufferers wishing to pro?t by tbe ad
vertiser's experience, can uo so by address
ing, in pcrlect confidence,
unc3;ly No. 42 (Jedar street, N.Y
JTE »r* .Ilf ri-’« t'ISEAMEJTTS
1„ Hie Dislrict Court of the
United SMats**, lor Hie Soutli
eru District «f Georgia.
BANKRUPT. ) (5 -cond No'ice)
The said Bankrupt, having petitioned tbe
Court for a discharge irom all his debts
provable under the Bankrupt Aet of i/arch
2nd, 1867, notice is hereby given to all per
sons interested to appe r on the 23d day ol
March, 1870, at 4 o’clock f. u., at Chambers
of uid District Con . before Frank 8. He ei
tine E-q , one ol tbe Registers ol said V-miii-t
in Batrkrupta J at the office of Hood A Kiddco
in Cuthbeit Geo gia, andabnw cau : wby the
ptaver o' the Su'd petition of the Baukrupt,
should uot lie granted.
Dated i Savauuah, Georgia, this !»th day
I° f i,lb ' 18 J4HES McPHERifON, Clerk.
Dissolution of Copartnership.
THE Firm of J. W. ROBERTS A CO., is
this Jay dissolved by mutual consent.
The business will be settled up by J. W.
Roberts, who is authorised to make all settle
ments. J. W. ROBERTS A CO.
Feb. 14th, 1870.
THE undersigned bavin* purchased the
entire iuterest of tho old firm, will continue
business at the old stand on thu corner.
Hoping to be able ta supply the wants of
bis numerous customers, iuvites them to call
and see his stock. J. W. ROBERTS.
Feb. 17th, !l*r.
To All out of Employmet.
*1,500 io*3ooo per pear cao be re
aimed by energetic and intelligent men, in
securing at once an Agency lor the best and
roost popular beeks ever published. This is
a rare opportunity for making money and
doing good. Clergymen, disabled soldiers,
and all others wanting an Agsucy will please
apply, for further particulars, to
Sou'bem Publishing Agency,
Cor. Reynold and Jackson Sts., Augusta, Ga.
fl'OR the present year, my Farm, ten miles
West from Dawson, on rosd from Ward’s
Station to Brookville. Said Farm contains
900 acres—Boo under good fence, with good
residence and other necesearv out buildiugs.
Address, D. A. COCHRAN,
Feb. 10, ts. Dawson, Os,
Gerard Oroide Gold Watch,
sl2, sls, S2O, $25.
We have recently brought sur Improved “Oroide
Gold" to perfection. For appearance, style of and aceuruey of timo-keJpin--, the “Grrarti
Watches” are universally acv-ded to oe the best.
They retain tlieir brllianey and color until worn
I Wff after pure haring and fairly trrlnsr, any
one is not fully satisfied, we will cheerfully re
fund the money.
I They are all Iu Hunting Cases. Gentlemans' amt
Ladies’ sizes. Avery Witch guaranteed for time
| and wear, by epcclul certificate.
•a_A large assortment “fmproved Oroide”
Diains, fit to SB. A lho Gentlemens’ and Ladles’
Jewelry in great Variety.
W/ieware of imitations. Order direct from
Us or our authorized agents. Agents slid others
applying for circulars, will please enclose three
cent stamp for postage.
BA-Goods sent to be pnul for on Mirny, Cun
tomert permitted lo examine what they order be
fore paying bills, ou payment of A’xpress charges
both ways.
AB_When Six IFatches are ordered at once, we
send an extra watch (of same kind free.)
AS-Purchasers residing some distance from ex-!
press offices and desiring to save time and ex
pense, can have the goods sent safely by mail, by
remitting (with tlie order) the amount repaired
by /’. O Money order, registered letter, Draft or
Check, payable to our order, at our risk.
Address plainly,
85, Nassau Street. New York.
Peeler & Dickson Cotton Seed
Common Seed,
LfU’LESs it aitim.r,
Jan 20, 2tn.
Improved Cotton Planter,
Perfect qiiajis hijtribtaf
can be seen at the Store of
W. F. Orr, A*’*., n( Dawson
"l^” O Farmer who wishes to save labor and
It time should be without one It will
scatter Guano and sow Cotton Seed with
more perfection than can be done with hand.
Go at once and sec them and satisfy your
self. Buy and go home arid put your fertil
7.ers ill right, and you wrl no longer waste
so much as you have done. Price, 813 with
plow in (rout, or 812 without, the plow.
Address, J. N. HUTCHINSON,
Jfanulaciuriug Agent,
Feb. 10, if. * Macon, Ga
GEORGIA, Tvrrell Comity :
Whereas, Wright Kenedy applies for
lett-rs of dismission on 'he estate of Elmira
R James sod John A. Kenedy.
These sra therefore to cite and admonish
ail pe-sons concerned, to be and appear at
my office within the time prescribed by law,
and show cause, if any, why said letters
should not be granted. Given under mv
hand and official signature, this November
18th, 1849. T. M. JONES,
nov. 18,3 m. Ord.
To The Travelling Public.
.s.i r.i.r.r.iH, u«t.
This first-clsss Hotel is situated on Brough
ton street, and is convenient to the business
part of the city. Omnibusses and Baggage
Wagous will always be iu attendance at the
various Depots ahd Steamboat Landings, to
convey passengers to the Hotel. The best
Livery Stable accommodations will be found
adjoining tbe house.
The undersigned will spare neither time,
trouble nor expense to make his guests com
fortable, tod render this House, in every sub
stantial particular, equal, at least, to any in
the §tale.
The rate of Board has bceu reduced to
$3.00 a day.
A. B. LUCE, Proprietor.
wm. h. mot. wm. w. oonnoN.
General Commission Merchants,
96 Bay Street, Savannah, Ga.
Bagging and Rope or I on Ties advanced
on crops.
L'beral cash advances made on consign
ments of cotton.
Grateful for liber*! pttionsge in the past,
a continuance of tbe tbe same is respectfully
solicited. sep2;6m
Masonic Notice.
PERSONS holding claims egainst P. T. |
.Schley Lodge will present them to the
Secretary for settlement at once. Unle. !
presented before first Saturday in March will
not be paid. Take due DOtice. Bv order of
the Lodge. JOHN L. GRIFFIN,
Jan. 20, 1 m. Secretary.
Successors to Little, Smith b Cos.,
-•DEALERS lit —
Saddles, Harness, Carriage Material,
shoe EM.rom.rets,
Abbott, Downing It Co's Concord
Buggies and Wagons,
No. 102 Cherry sl., Nlaceu, €>a.
»ep2j6m r
Wes! pide Public Jqlia/e!
In addition to tbe large and attiaetive
stock of
Family Groceries anil Confec
I have jnat receivd a lot of
Heavy Staple Groceries.
consisting in part of BACON, FLOUR, COF
FEE, sugar, sod early Goodrich
POTATOES. Whilo I shall deal in Staple
Family Groceries, do not Intend to allow my
stock of Fancy Fruits and Confectioneries to
run down. Have added, by late arrival, to
this Department, Pig Feet, Naur Crout,
/Vince Meat, Figs, Citrons, Oranges, Ap
ples, *«., Ac.
Also have ox hand
Dim Liquors and Segars.
My intention is to please my customers and
slitter myself that I have met with success.
Give ore a call, and examine for yonrself.
Feb. I 3m.
Family Supplies,
LIQUORS, &.C., &.C.
Next door to Bolotnon’s Saloon, on
East side of Main Street.
Having jast opened a large aid well
I respectfully call the attention of ray
friends and TRADING PUBLIC to
the same, and ask that they
before purchasing. Recollect tbe piacc
and gi?” me a call.
dcc23:6ui M P. JIOLLIS.
jriillijiary bond)) kapey Qoodp,
Yankee Nolionn,
Etc., Etc., Etc
(Next Door to Dr. Cheatham’s,)
THANKFUL for the patronage given me
since I h.ive been in busiiifre, I hope to
meiit a contiun.toce of the s.’tne, by close
application to busine «, and a desire lo pica**
those who may f.'vor me witli a call. My
slock of F. II rod Winter Goods will com
pose r'l aiticles needed by the Ladies in the
M'llinery line, also Fancy Goods and Yankee
Woliou», to Mtit the w-nt'J of L’dic*, Mi-ses
and Children. Mv object is to plc.t e lltoae
Oho call on me, rnd rsk of the ladies of Ter
re It, Calhoun and Wrb-ier counties, and all
who trade at Dawson, to c. II and examine
my stock. *Sept.2B-tf.
cotton factors
Commission Merchants,
JTo. «», Walt St., .Erie Fork.
T. W. Powell, Agent, Dawson, Georgia.
Jan 13, ts.
375 barrels Chesapeake Guano!
*VTPy"ILL keep con-t.-ntly on hand a
W large quantity of the above Fertili
zer ; also, the SEm/t FOlPt and other
Guanos. For prices, Ac., call on me at my
office, at John A. Fulton’a Warehouse.
Da' • n Ga, NV em et 4-4 m
ppfijig ajid {Slipper ipptaiioii.
ninnors. .*i ij.lm'fhti’
.Ls ti S Tll.i »»’ «. OtMOS.
and Jobbets of Bounet
Trimming and Velvet Ribbons, Bonnet
Silks, Salma and Velvet-, Blonds, Netts,
Crapes, Hnche.-, Flowers, Feathers, Orna
ment., Straw Bonnets and Ladies' Hats,
Trimmed and untriinmed, .Shaker Hoods, Ac.
237 and 238 Baltimore Street,
Offer the largest stock to be fouud iu this
Couotry, aud uuequaled iu choice variety,
aud cheapness, comprising the latest Parisiau
Orders solicited, and prompt attenticu
given. Feb. 10, 3L
OYer W. fl. I’eeple?’ jSlofe.
THE undersigned would respectfully in
form the ci;ixena of Dawson, and public
generally, that be has just opened a
M'lrst Class Gallery,
for a brief period, where he is prepared to
produce anv stvle Photograph, from t.he.
smallest Carte de Visits up to Life-Sue
/Vraona desiring good Pictures, that will
compare favorably with those of the best
Galleries in the State, are requested to call
soon, aa we have other engagements to
meet. Pictures taken on cloudy just as well
ss fair days, provided it is not raining. La
dies are requested to let their Drapery be a»
dark as possible, ou calling to sit for tbeir
Doors open from half-past 8 o’clock, a.m.,
until half-past 8, pm. No money taken at
the door, but a small collection taken in tbe
Gallery from .hose ordering picture*.
-J. W. HURT.
Jan 20, ts.
THOS. J. HART, Pro.,
orcrcar ssEscitMTiojr.
Patterns adjusted lo suit the most improved
We keep on hand Northern and Eastern
work which we will sell at lowest cash price.”.
Jan. 20, ly.
Patent K«‘v«*r»«*«t Wooden
A|(r»(fc Bridge
thrnug'iou’, rktsikh the sweelne-.a of the old
woof Bridge, and obtains the solidity of the
Mktai. Agraffe, without its oiijkcti ns.
Patent Compound Wrest
which bolds the Tuuing Pins, in six layers of
Maple, (IRAIN running differently,— this
Patent Fnll Iron Frame
concentrates in front of the Tuning Pins,
that heretofore damaoino Iron (-Inch in other
Pianos hurilully suhrodmis' the Tuninu Pins,)
and “butts” into the tiont edge ol tha Plank
and kffkctuallt resists the twkntt tons
Patent Diagonal Sustaining
part of the Iron Frame, next to and ptralie
with the steel stiings UNDER THE OVKK
The First Strictly Impartial Trial
ever had.
Stein way's, Cliickering’s, and other
*W«, the undersigned make Oath that at
the time *>f tbe last Pair of the American In
etitute held in New York, immediately fol
lowing the French Exposition in Paris, two
Pianos , made by Sleintcay A Sons, one Pi
ano by Wickering d' Sons t one Patent Arion
Piano , made by G. V. Manner, and several
other maker's instruments were tried against
each other, by order and under control ol
the Offieeis ol tbe Institute, to decide which
Piauo on exhibition in competition should
teceive the First Premium “as the best
Square Piano known." To oblaiu an impar
tial trial, twice all of said Pianos were cover
ed with papers, so tlia', one Piano could not
be dtstingtished from another, (dunng the
absence of the Judges,) and twice did they re
lict one of stid Pianos as the best, which,
upon uncovering, both times, proved to he
the said J’atent At ION Piano, awarding it
“The first Premium" “over all others for
beivp the best Square Piano known to them."
'lhis trial was after Chickering et Sons'
Piano had received me Legion of Honor ark'
Medal, and Steinway A Sons, the Medal Irom •
Napoleon ; and tbe Judges olsaid trial were
Musical Director aud Originator of the
New York and Brooklyn Con. crvaloriea
ol Music.
CHARLES FRADEL, the eminent and favor
ite Composer, and Pianist to bis Royal High
ness tbe Due Gustave ofSax Weimar, Eiteu
Music ; Teacher, of the higher school of Mu
sic, Ac., Ac.
A. D. BKSEMaNN, Organist at Cathedral,
Jersey City ; Pianist, Ao.
Jcucs Nkuhirdt, Koiikrt Rieoer,
Hkmry M ii.i.m, Charles Soliiwkdkl,
August Gbuknsbkfo Kqukrt Moknnko,
G. C. Mamnkr, ( Inventor and Patentee of
the Arion Piano Forte.)
Sworu belote me tWa 22d day of July, 186 V
Commissioner of Deeds.
The Arion Piano is the cnKAPitsr, most
curaolic, least couplicatep, requires less
tuning and pubs not get out of Older, it is
THE STel.rU.litJi PIsM.VO.
Write for affidavit., Pamphlet and Circu
lar, and state in what Paper you saw this ad
in every City aud Town where we have not
already appointed them.
COVELL & 00..
Wart-room* aud Office, No. 554
Manufactory, IS7 4k I§9 Bow
cry Hew York.
LtbAL AUi/tn I tSMcNIS.
WILL be sold, before the Oourt House
Door,, in tbe town of Daarson, said
county, on the list Tuesday in J/arch-next,
within the legar hours .1 sale, the following
property, to wit
’ Two lots ot land No. 268—A 260, in tha 3d
District of said county. Levied ou aa the
property of Samuel G ior, to satisfy a tax A
fa, issued by W. E. Session., Tax Collector
ol said county, iu favor ol Huts A County vs.
Samuel Grier.
Also at tbe same time and place, will be
sold—one House and Lot in the village M
Chiekasawhatcbie of said county. Levied oir
as the property ofS .M. Leonard, to satisfy a
tax 8 fa, issued by W, E, .Sessions Tax Col
lector of said county, in favor of -State and
County, vs. L. M. Leonard. Levy mad. and
returned to me by a Constable.
Also, at tba same time and place, will be
»ol<l. Two Lots ot Nos, 113 and 114, ia the
3td District of said comity. Leviad on as tbe
property of J. W. Knott, to satistv a tax fi
i'a, issued by W. E. Sessions Tax Collector
of said county, in favor Sf State aud County,
vs. G. W, Logan.
8. F. LASSETER, Sheriff.
Feb. 3rd, 1879,-tds.
IpLI AYCOOK has applied for exemption
■J af personalty and really and valuation
of Humustrad, and I will pass upon the satna
at 1C o'clock, a.m., on the 25th day of Feb—
rusty las*., at my office in Dawson, Gi.
feb.l7,2w. T. M. JONES, O-ts.
Cl l/ORGI A, TcrrtHl Comity :
I Whereas, B. L. J/oielaud has applied
for letters of Guardianship for Frank and
Lixxie BiiW.
Thesa are therefore to cite and admonish
all pereons concerned, to be and appear at
my office withiu the lime prescribed by law,
and ahow cause, if any, why said letter#
should not be granted. Given under nrr
hand and official sign it me, this February
11th, 1879. T. M. JONES,
F< b. 17 th, 40d. Ord’y,
CV EOKGIA, Terrell C.xuTy:
J Whereas, Cain, and W. B. Wall ap
plies for letteis of dismissiou oo th. estate
of Jesse Wall.
These are therefore to cite and admonish
nil persons concerned, to be and appear at aiv
office within the time prescribed by law, and
-how cause, if anv, why said letters should
not. he granted. Given under uiv hand and
official signature, this Jan. 81st, 1870.
Feb. 3rd,."in. TANARUS, M. JON’ES, Ord.
f] EORCsI A, Terrell Comity »
if Whereas, A. Nasser applies for ie'ters of
di-mission on the estate of S. B. Smith.
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all persons concerned to be and appear at roy
office withiu the time prescribed by law, and
show cause, if any, why said letteis should
not be granted. Given under my hand and
official signature, this January 4'h, 'B7O.
J in. 6 3tn. T. M JONES, Ord.
Cl EORCV I, Terrell County:
X Whereas, W. C. Kendrick applies for
letters of dismission on the estate of Isaao
W Kendrick.
These are therefore to cite and admonish
all pet sons concerned, to be and appear a»
mv office within the time presetibed by law,
and show cause, if sny, whv said letters
should not be granted Given under my*
hand, and official signature, this November
18th, '.8«9 T. M. JONES, Ord.
nov. 1 iq-ftpr.
This medicine is known to lhe> f culty ss be»
ing the concentrated fl tid extract of Sus»p
arilia uuited with other valuable medicinal
heibr, and is guaranteed sa chemically purr*
for thk cttr.x or
Scrofula Hull COKSUVIPTIO.X.
This remedy is compounded expressly for
purifying and cleansing tlie blood of at! in
firmities, going st once to tlie fountain bead
of disease. It extinguishes.
We all know >hat Lite promiscuous vacci
nation indulg.-d in during the late war bred
the most villanous disea-es. Vaccination
pus was taken from the arms of muuy per
sons full ol scrofulous sort s.
Then of course the impurities of the sarof
ulous patient were absoibed in the blood of
men otheiwiae without diseases, and both
became infected *hke. -Wen, women and
ehildreu throughout all the West ere mo”t
wofully diseased from this cause, and knew hot
until a lew months sgo. the oGgin of if.
Henry’s Constitution Renovator
Relieves foe Entire System ol Pains and
aches, enlivens tbs spit its, aud sends new
I imparts •
Sparkling bi iglitne*w lo the Eyes
A Rosy (alow lo Use C'ltetck.
A Kitby Tinge lo (lie* L.ip«*
A LTearucm lo llie; Hetael.
Hrigiitne-ww to the* (Yoiiiplcfcioifiy
Buoyancy lo lltc Spirit**,
Anil Hsippiiietww on all hides.
For all affections of the kindeys it is unsur
/’eople have been rescued, as it were, from
the very jaws of death, by a timely use of
tiiis great remedy.
“Doctor, I was vaccinated in tbe hospital.
Before that i had no skin disease. Until I
had a bottle of your “Constitution Re nova-*
tor," sent me by Dr Roper, of Columbia,
Mo., I suffered tortures with running sores.
Since I have used two bottles I ani all well
except asmallsote on the calf of thy left
leg, and that is getting well fast.”
This from a lady.—“And now my sliin is as
clear end as fair as a babe’s. My Complex
ion, thanks to jrour “Renovator," is beault*
“Ye., ye', 1 may well say such relief wav
unknown to me before. Enclosed find five
dollais for six bottles; two families here
wan* to tn It.”
“I was Very much tronbled with syphilis.
Four remedy seems to be cuting uie fast.
Send 4 bottles per Express.'’
“No more rheumatism. Three bottles of
Constitutiou Renovator have made the anew
man "
“Doctor, enclosed find $5. /"lease send
me a supply. Two families here waut to try
your Constitution Renovator”
We have not spade for more of the above
extracts, bat you can ask your neighbor about
the remedy. Every one has something good
to say, as it cure, every lime.
And for Female' Diseases,
Net Tons Prostration, Weakness, General L »
sitnde and Waut of Appetite, it is uusur-\
V. It’ I O.Y.—ln order'd? <u>r retne-P*
always place the number of uhi Ptist-Offico
Box on your lepers. The- « law i u one-
New York Post Office oomp»'» this.
Address, Dr. VI. E. Ilcuvy 4k Co v
Ditector-Geueral Berlin Hospital, Pitt-aia,
Agenoy of the ITui'ed States.
Laiwatorv, 276 Peiul Street,
Post-Office Box 5272.
per bottle, six bottles for $5. Sent anywhere
on receipt of price. Patients are requested
to correspond conhdentiaily, and reply will
be made by following mail.
Sold by ail respectable Druggists.
S A V t »y-N -